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19396080 No.19396080 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to collapse or cripple a country, stage a revolution or a coup d'etat?

>> No.19396086

what is to be done

>> No.19396116
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one imbecile may say 1984. I'll say it before.

>> No.19396335
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Fourth years of this will fuck up any country

>> No.19396339


>> No.19396341
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>how to collapse or cripple a country
literally just wait lol. empires collapse on their own. do nothing and America will crumble.

>> No.19396362
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>> No.19396393

Critique of the Gotha Programme. Dgart

>> No.19396418
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>> No.19396433
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>> No.19396464
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"How to Destabilize LatAm nations: CIA style"

>> No.19396489

First, get all the top generals in their military on your side.

The fatsos in big pharma are already hooking people in the US on opioids

>> No.19396514

The Dogs of War by Frederick Forsyth. It's entire plot is staging and executing a coup. One thing I really like about the novel was that 3/4 of it was about logistics and preparation. The actual coup was the smallest part of the book.

>> No.19396517

Orwell was an optimist, giving us human faces to be stepped on.

>> No.19396567

There’s multiple fairly good books on waging coups, internet search will find them for you. Revolution on the other hand requires both warfare understanding along with Guerilla tactics. “Mao Tse Tung on Guerilla warfare”writes an excellent book, along with Giaps work on Guerilla warfare. I would also read Infantry Attacks by Rommel to show case excellent leadership ability in the face of constant battlefield changes. Napoleons maxims for general understandings of old military code, very relevant to Guerilla warfare. Oh man there are so many, start with this though. There’s the classic Chinese military literature as well, oh almost forgot, “unrestricted warfare” is pretty slick. Definitely shows the US weakness. So so many books on this topic. I’m glad you are interested :)

>> No.19396577



>> No.19396578

There's also Luttwak's book of the same name, good instructions, but as he says they are only applicable to primitive Third World societies.

>> No.19396588

Most coups are, it would probably be the least effective, currently, in the west. Given time, it may be a different story.

>> No.19396598

But I think a western coup wouldn’t be so much the taking over the government as it would be just completely fracturing and causing destabilization that would pave the way for revolution.

>> No.19396669
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C-c-coup bros?

>> No.19396681

The US government would be impossible to overthrow in a coup because there are some many layers on redundant control woven throughout the system. The federal government has been making contingency plans against anything Russia or China could throw at it for decades. There are chains of command and succession all the way down to second lieutenant.

>> No.19396726

unload unwanted immigrants into said country

>> No.19396730

Like when Autonomia Operaia successfully mobilised to counter the coup in the offering and the means and tools of production in what was Italy are now workers controlled.


I think by "revolution" you mean change of government, not transformation of the relations of production.

>> No.19396951

Ignore the pseuds who haven't staged a single successful revolution in their life.
Read Lenin.

>> No.19396958

That was a coup.
He was literally a counterrevolutionary

>> No.19396984
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It's what the pros read but you have to kinda flip the assumptions around and use these tools offensively.


>> No.19397009

I doubt Trump will ever write such a book on his own. Maybe he will hire some flunky to ghost write it.

>> No.19397027

Still relevant to OP's request

>> No.19397064
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Some more context, Gene Sharp was a theorist of non-violent political change who also worked for the CIA and developed methods for resisting the Soviets in case Western Europe fell during the Cold War either by invasion or coup. Idea being you might not be able to defeat the Soviets militarily, but you can do it by generating protest movements: hence "post-military weapons system." But this was flipped around and turned into an offensive weapon in the post-Cold War period and is the template for color revolutions.

The video is a critique of this, also to the extent that Sharp's theories have influenced the left -- particularly the environmental movement. The techniques used by the environmental group Extinction Rebellion is straight out of Sharp's methods.

One problem is that the template doesn't actually provide any tools to take power. Because that was never the idea. It was just a method for destabilizing and collapsing state structures so *other people* could take power, namely, Washington-aligned cronies who'd then privatize everything. So it's neoliberal. It also posits that it only takes 3% of a population to actively participate in the destabilization effort, which has a resemblance to the "three percenter" mantra on the American right, although I don't know if they take direct inspiration from Sharp. They may have taken inspiration from him, unknowingly, which is also what happened to various left-wing movements and groups.

Also, provoke the state into cracking down on the protests in a violent, panicky, reactive way -- that can cause events to spiral out of control and, eventually, lead to the collapsing of the state.

But I'm not sure these tools are as effective as they used to be, as states have figured out countermeasures. In Hong Kong, the CPC just waited the protesters out until they purity-spiraled themselves into storming the parliament and doing other things that alienated them from the mainland population, then the party made their move -- while going after the protest leaders in particular. Also the Cubans seem to have taken a different tact recently when they had some protests, namely, arresting the leaders while allowing the initial "spark" marches to proceed without immediate repression, and immediately locking down the area around the legislature to prevent a campout.

>> No.19397149


Heinlein gave insurgency advice to would-be activists but cushioned it in science fiction for plausible deniability.

The book itself is pretty okay.

>> No.19397161

start assassinating high profile bankers
block off/cripple major infrastructure such as highways, overhead power lines, gas and oil pipelines, etc.
spread as much selective information and disinfo as possible