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19393691 No.19393691 [Reply] [Original]

abyss edition

>> No.19393713

the only requirement one needs to be happy, is to believe they are already happy

>> No.19393715
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prev >>19385627

>> No.19393720
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>look at porn
>feel horny and stiff
>pull my dick out
>horniness gone

>> No.19393726

The only thing that can bring transformative change to the US at this point is going to war with China and losing decisively

>> No.19393731


>> No.19393733

what does losing decisively look like

>> No.19393734
File: 38 KB, 708x708, 1632148495562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys wipe/rub the inside of your pp when your done peeing/cooming?
Related question; do you guys wait for the last drops of coom to come out of your pp-hole before putting your dick back into your pants? There's always something eating to come out after a load and I hate the idea of it getting out in pants or staying in there idk.
I personally like to stay dry down there or else I don't feel clean.

>> No.19393741

I’d like if social media use was restricted in some form since it’s been tearing public discourse at the seams here, but that’ll never happen (and even jf it did would only be a temporary change while the media giants are still at play)

>> No.19393751

I just imagine how different life could have been would everyone have taken their notions of grandiose humanism into something other than shallow mental prostration. I don’t have any enthusiasm to try any harder than this.

>> No.19393755

The pacific fleet being blown up and China placing Taiwan under a transitional administration, the formal end of the Republic of China

>> No.19393766
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Delusional, nothing can change the direction the US is heading. It was meant so from the very beginning.
>Do you guys wipe/rub the inside of your pp when your done peeing/cooming?
No, I let the yellowy water soak my boxers and the sticky stuff I shower off right away when I wake up from wet dreams. Instead of spraying water into the canal I push my semi-flaccid penis like a tube of mayonnaise.

>> No.19393778
File: 30 KB, 805x479, 1636628340125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick and tired of conventional life, the normie milieu is just plain disgusting to me at this point. Can't stand office enviroment, can't stand the Netflix small talk, can't stand the whorish and entitled women. Hate my apartment too, every single waking hour I wish I had stayed NEET.

Seriously considering a drug habit and delving deep into occult study, like necromancy or something.

>> No.19393785

This one mosquito is out for my blood. She wants it badly. I shake my body when she comes near me. I get irritated like an incel who is told to just be himself. But what will do when she is killed by me and i have posted this? I have never done a single thing in my life competently and i have never really had a purpose to it. I suppose i will go on another jack-a-thon..

>> No.19393819

Just took my dogs on a long walk through a harvested corn field. Took some DSLR photos of some quality fall trees. Now I'm inside getting high and writing while the wife and kid take a nap. Life is...chill today.

>> No.19393843

Had to make the hardest choice of my life yesterday. My cat was dying because of a kidney disease she had been fighting for years, and had stopped eating and drinking. I had to choose whether to have her put down yesterday or Monday. She was happy yesterday but I knew that by Monday she would be in pain. That morning she was pouncing on leaves and asking me to pet her, but she was so thin she shivered as soon as she got outside, and when I pet her I felt only bones and skin. On the car ride to the veterinarian she was so damn happy, looking out the windows to see the birds. I wish I could have given her one more day, but I couldn't bear to see her in pain.
I've heard many people complain that they couldn't stand living forever, but I think a cat could do it easily. This is why I think it a great tragedy that they get only fifteen years when we get eighty.

>> No.19393926

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BitAZb9JIgQ

>> No.19393927
File: 185 KB, 1600x1159, alexandra-whittingham-898596_1600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good book that covers the whole of music theory?
It isn't that much theory for it not to fit into one book, is it?
Doubt /mu/ is a better place to ask, or a better place for anything, really.

>> No.19393935
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>another two hour talk with mom about my problems

>> No.19393938

This was painful to read. I'm so sorry, anon. I'm sure you gave her a great life.


>> No.19393949

At least she cares.

>> No.19393982

That is true but our "discussion" is literally going around circles.
>just be less anxious about your life
>just do random activities and maybe you'll get the insight

>> No.19394015

I'm hesitant to post this because I don't want to introduce any doubt that you did the right thing. I am only posting this in case any other anons have experiences with renal failure or cats not eating or drinking suddenly since I think it genuinely gets misdiagnosed a lot. A lot of the time the problem is either dehydration or constipation, and one can cause the other. Renal failure causes both symptomatically and causes toxin buildup too because the kidneys aren't getting rid of bad stuff fast enough.

If your cat seems to be doing really poorly, check if he or she isn't constipated. If your cat chronically does weird things like vomiting up nothing until there's only bile, THAT IS PROBABLY CHRONIC CONSTIPATION AND THE VOMITING IS COMING FROM REPEATED STRAINING TO POOP AND FAILING.

The repeated vomiting then causes dehydration (which is why the vomit becomes frothier and eventually has yellowish bile), and then the cat of course will seem like he or she is at death's door.

Because this becomes a chronic condition, it can shorten a cat's life by ten years by making them have painful constipation/dehydration crises every few weeks. But it can all be solved by a cheap laxative like lactulose. One drop of lactulose on my cat's food every feeding added ten years to her life. Sometimes renal failure just stabilizes for some reason too.

I can't recommend Tanya's CRF website enough. She's an angel.

God bless you and your cat anon. I don't think life is so simple as these arbitrary-seeming lifespans we get down here, sometimes being born into unwinnable or cruel conditions. I think your cat knows and feels your love even now, and these things matter, and we're only seeing a sliver of the significance of it all for now. But maybe that's too kooky and doesn't help to hear right now, sorry.

>> No.19394027

I forgot to mention, subcutaneous fluids can also be a lifesaver if your cat is generally unresponsive. Ask your vet.

Always get second and third and fourth opinions with vets. Don't take what they say as gospel. Get online and talk to other people with more experience about chronic illnesses.

>> No.19394107

Thank you, I hope I did, I really tried.
It's alright, my cat's kidneys had been severely weakened by a bad kidney infection. She was stable on low-protein food for five years, but in the end it wasn't enough.

>> No.19394111

I also did the subcutaneous fluids. They probably extended her life by about a month.

>> No.19394119
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I feel that my generation thinks that all there is to life is an unconfessed search for pleasure and the escape from what would make you miserable. i don't think everybody should just be sad because life's shit (which everybody knows) but no one (myself included) is proactive enough to make something good out of their lifes, and those who do are so goddamn autistic and fixated on themselves that don't recognize other human's emotions.

The only thing that makes me happy is helping others feel good and do the right thing, but then again i'm not sure i'm doing the right thing for myself.

It's like i'm missing out on something that everyone who has lived a fulfilled life recognizes instantly and drives them to work upon their actions in order to be succesful.

>> No.19394154

>It's like i'm missing out on something that everyone who has lived a fulfilled life recognizes instantly and drives them to work upon their actions in order to be succesful.
iktf. I also have this feeling that other people seem to intuitively to pick up the vision of their life even if it's periodic. I just cant seem to merge smaller details into bigger picture.

>> No.19394166
File: 29 KB, 452x678, 679AF299-7DAB-49C6-B717-0D6DBFBDD11E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day I was watching porn in a pirate web site. I have a lot of links with my favorite videos, but sometimes when I click the link, the video I wanted to see is down, so they put a random video in exchange. That happened the about a week ago, the replace video was a JAV featuring an Asian girl with one of the most beautiful tits I’ve seen. When I finished I was a little sad that I probably will never see that actress again, since the title of the video was the name of the original video of that link. So I took a screenshot of the Japanese characters to see if I could figurate out them, I used the function of google translate that can translate images but since the image had a poor resolution the app was only capable of getting right the two last letters. It was almost impossible that I could find her only with that so I decided to search for JAV actresses with big tits, but since Asians look almost the same it was hard to find her, I couldn’t identified faces so week but none of that actress had the tits as perfect as I remembered. In my last attempt I had to search her by translating the two last characters “rara”, that’s how I could finally find her. I was very proud

>> No.19394188

damn she is hot

>> No.19394308
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I'm extremely tired and stressed, last year of college
Still have a shit ton of boring assignments I have to write before I can finally start writing my Masters, something ill enjoy doing
But also I feel slight dread since its my last year
Im mentaly broken, I powered through it before but everybody has their limits. I reached my breaking point

>> No.19394321

Make up a vision for where you want to be in 10 years & strive for it.

>> No.19394327

Well what's her name?

>> No.19394339

My brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19394353

More and more I'm hearing from young women that they don't want to have children -- ostensibly because they believe the future is hopeless (climate change and capitalism are the usual hobbyhorses) and it would be immoral to bring a child into it. The actual unconscious motivations probably vary. But taking the surface level explanation -- which is clearly the product of the last decade's successful propaganda efforts -- I'd say we've got big problems coming someday soon.

>> No.19394359

I cant make up a vision because I doubt myself too much.

>> No.19394379


took like two listens for it to click but this goes hard af

>satan looking for members, but
>god can't be outnumbered
individualists btfo
>you think everything is random
>you fool, you fool, you fool
taleb btfo

>> No.19394472

Climate change is the big one. Civilization is going to collapse, billions will die, and the very landscape is going to drown. I can't blame people for not wanting to have kids.

>> No.19394480

>Civilization is going to collapse, billions will die, and the very landscape is going to drown
This is the wrong thread for pitching your dystopian sci-fi novel.

>> No.19394489

I wouldn't want to bring up a kid in these libtard school curriculums.

>> No.19394497

This is the big one. The world is literally too stupid. I'd have to bridge the costs of expatriating and find somewhere worth expatriating to before I have a kid.

>> No.19394503

You're hysterical.

>> No.19394511

get a fucking grip, lmao

>> No.19394515

Your mom is right anon. There is no cure for anxiety and life confusion, there is only new experience and readaptation.

>> No.19394533

Go to a therapist

>> No.19394539

i'm addicted to computer games. my fingers are hurting but i am still playing

>> No.19394541
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>> No.19394566


>> No.19394570

Rara anzai

>> No.19394582

I wish it was just a scary scenario, but it is the inevitable future at this point, unless something drastic is done.

>> No.19394604

Sure, theres no 100% guaranteed cure for anxiety and confusion, and people do feel this on everyday basis but for me its a very deep thing where when I start believe in myself or something, the tsunami of doubting just destroys the foundation of it and I'm again in a pitch black room.
I did visit a couple of them on small intervals, usually lasting from one to three months on several occassions. We didnt really get to the root of the problem. I also tried atleast 5 different SSRI brands but it didnt help in any way.

>> No.19394679

>>/lit/thread/S19381700 jannies bein sus

>> No.19394697 [DELETED] 

maybe his marketing agency didn't pay their 4channel bill this month.

>> No.19394699

I just cried for the first time in 4 years.

One day, I will be super rich, like more than Bezos or Musk. I will be so rich that no one will ever hurt me again. I will be so rich that my father will be forced to shut his mouth and he will never call me lazy or unambitious ever again. I will be so rich that he will drown in my wealth. I will be so rich that I will be unable to feel pain, or misery, or grief. My life will be perfect. My children will be born into a household where they will never have to feel how I have been made to feel, where money will never be something they feel is all that matters.

I love my father, I do. But he has damaged my life greatly. I feel like a puppet, his puppet. I was never allowed to have a will of my own. I am trapped. But I will free myself. And when I win, when I am free, I will teach him a very valuable lesson.

>> No.19394709 [DELETED] 

finally dropped the trip eh xi? we can smell the failson on u from a mile away

>> No.19394735

amazon has a 3 for 2 sale on books rn and there are actually some good ones u might want

>> No.19394765

When I decided I would drop out of uni like a month ago, I stopped attending all my classes, stopped doing work, and stopped going outside (except to eat). I thought it would feel at least a little good, since I'm finally free from all burdens, but it didn't even feel a little good. My stomach hurts all the time and I'm just perennially bored. The depression is so bad that there really is nothing left I can do except just wait for death. I mean, I've been improving my diet lately, I fixed my sleep schedule just a week ago, but it's not like this shit will help anything, I'm only doing it so people can't say "why didn't you just do X?". When you know something's not gonna help, you can feel it inside. And I feel like nothing can help anymore, so I'm just kinda lost.

>> No.19394803

I truly despise the way I look. I think I am hideously ugly.

>> No.19394807

>Doubt /mu/ is a better place to ask
The production general is the right bunch to ask.
/prod/, I think .

>> No.19394812

it's not as if i don't have ambitions or as if i don't know what i should do with myself, it's just that i don't see how one way of living could entirely satisfy me. plus each day something new comes up that makes me believe that i'm not supposed to do what i'm currently doing.

i'll keep fighting for what i like nonetheless, and this will never stop. not until i die. i would just like to have the certainty that i will end up somewhere stable and not be just a leaf in the wind.

>> No.19394813

>Is there a good book that covers the whole of music theory

>> No.19394839
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I cried today but it was because I watched Tenshi ni Fureta yo!

>> No.19394847
File: 87 KB, 876x802, lutherapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late do I realize I am a bad person in a bad world. I've been wrong this entire time.

>> No.19394856

morning time coffee drinking might be giving me really fucking up sleep

>> No.19394858

Thanks pal, I'll dedicate this coom to you and your research talents.

>> No.19394866
File: 38 KB, 540x540, IMG_20211006_071715_108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely feel like I have it together while my friends are slowing falling apart. American Society is slowly falling apart. It feels harder every day to keep pushing forward, but I must.

>> No.19394893

>Civilization is going to collapse
>billions will die
>and the very landscape is going to drown
Maybe if you are a dumb lowlander — the increasing desertification and the Germanic migration tier disaster it will cause is going to be the primary threat.

>> No.19394903

>>Civilization is going to collapse
>>billions will die
Do you see why people don't want to have kids right now?

>> No.19394912

Is there any honor to be found in serving in a modern Army?

>> No.19394947

I've been having this feeling that I'm something in the way of people who crave more power. And with this predicament, I have had others around me manipulate my perceptions and situational occurances to encourage certain outcomes. Sometimes I wonder if I should let them know that I'm..fuck it,
queentay-cardigan(cabin by candlelight cover)

>> No.19394948

I quit sugar ~10 days ago but my stomach still feels like shit, so I think I'm just going to call it here and say, nah, I'm not eating for pleasure anymore, I'm eating just because I have to. No more pizza, no more fattening shit, none of that. I am really tired of feeling awful all the time. Sugar was a really big obstacle for me, but I feel like it's behind me now so I might as well go all the way. I don't care about food really. I just want to feel normal again

>> No.19394992

Sometimes I start to have philisopical wanders in my mind. Should I write them down?

>> No.19395021
File: 567 KB, 640x494, 57e5d74a4a51a414f1dc8460962e33791c3ad6e04e507441722978d6944fc3_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, usually I collect my blurby in two sheets of folded toilet paper. But that’s only when I know I’m going to commit to the act. Usually, though, the urge comes unexpectedly. Morning wood or showering tends to do the trick. Probably cause my own nakedness arouses me. I think this naturally tends to develop once you’ve had some partners. As opposed to masturbation, sex is usually butt naked. Like Pavlov’s dog, your mind will make a connection once your nakedness will turn you on. Thanks to this, I never watch porn, I just think of this lady I once saw in a dream where I was at a friend’s house and got the key to his shed. I ran into his mother who was just going to the basement. She was glad she bumped into me, cause she needed the same key to open the basement door. I went with her and opened it for her, in my dream I somehow instinctually knew she was going there to masturbate, so I asked her, ever so nervously yet with sly confidence, if she needed some help. She obliged and I melted into her on the coutch, each kiss filling more real than the last. I’ve been using this fantasy ever since.
After I’ve filled the nappy I push the last little blubby out by pinching the base and squeezing upwards like an almost empty toothpaste tube. Because — it is such a small amount, I’m too lazy to clean it with the already filled toilet paper, it tends to drip on the floor during my trip to the bathroom. — I eat it.
This hardly has sexual connotation, rather a practical one. I do it all the time as well; like picking my nose, eating my fingernails and the dirt underneath it, my scabs, my bed-crumbs, my earwax and these little, weird, loose skins inside of my ear-shell. You must think by reading this that I’m some lazy, nasty neet. I just want you to know, your neighbour, teacher, dad, maybe even grandpa might be doing it as well. By all standards, I’m a clean person. I just do it in private, like everyone. I just see it as stuff from my own body, and apart from the fingernail dirt, nothing on this list is inherently filthy or potentially sickening unlike other bodily excrementations.
Once I’ve finished barfing the worm, though. When the woody subsides, there’s always a little pinchy whinchy left. I don’t have to tell you what happens with that as well, given that by this point I’m far away from any hygienical luxuries. The way I do it, is that I stick my finger underneath the foreskin of my flaccid dick and start swishing it around, making circles around my fore-skin, cum soiled, vacuumed gland. I do this several times, then like Winnie the Pooh, pluming into his honey put and I stick that finger in my mouth; then, wipe my finger off on some nearby fabric, use a new finger, as to not introduce any fabric bacteria or dust on my gland, and repeat the process until spit has replaced coomies. After which, according to my standards, I’m sufficiently cleansed.

>> No.19395027

How did you do it? i have serious eating disorders, sometimes i go on eating "rampages" (don't know how to call them) where i eat way more than should be possible. they usually last a couple of days then they stop, at least partially, but they always come back.
I think that if i manage to avoid certain trigger foods it might get better

>> No.19395147

Appreciate it

>> No.19395193

Same as ever.

Honor comes from the future perspective, not from the present.

>> No.19395215

This is going to be hard to explain so bear with me a moment. I think most humans, like 99% of us, fundamentally misunderstand how the human will works. Because of this, there are many in situations in life where we might say "Yeah I technically do have a choice, but realistically there's only one option". No, you have a choice, the power is always in your hands to do whatever you want, although succeeding at a specific goal is not always possible (e.g. just because you want to break the furthest golf drive world record doesn't mean you're able to do it right now). However, if your goal is to just stop eating x food, it's fully within your power to do this at all times. The reason you can't stop is due to a false belief that your impulses have the final say on things, so there's no use fighting them because you don't -really- have a choice even though it looks like you do.

To put this another way, every time you go on an eating rampage, you do so because you believe there is no actual choice involved here, you don't have a say in this since you know you're going to do it eventually. But if you understand that every time you go on an eating rampage, you're making the decision to do so every time, consciously or unconsciously, you'll realize you have the power to just stop and deny yourself of that immediately. Seriously, think about what goes through your head when you know you're about to go on an eating rampage, and you know it's bad for you, but you do it anyways. Isn't that irrational?

That's how I quit sugar. Every time I walked by some sweets, I knew I wanted them, but my mind shot back with "You are not going to have the sweets so stop thinking about it". And that's how I quit.

>> No.19395221


>> No.19395287

post lyrical miracle kino

>> No.19395329

>I did visit a couple of them on small intervals, usually lasting from one to three months on several occassions. We didnt really get to the root of the problem.
Try a "psychodynamic" aka psychoanalytic therapist. Getting to the root of the problem is the goal. Be prepared for it to take a long time.

>> No.19395460

where is this frog from? Is this something that was referenced in Chainsaw Man? That frog always seemed a bit random to me...

>> No.19395482
File: 25 KB, 590x350, antarctic-ice-1198657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antarctica. During the nights, the darkest, grimmest skies of pitch-black blindness conceivable. During the day, the white alabaster assaults the eyes from all directions. And in the mean time, the all encompassing bone chewing, castigating cold crushes all. The mother of all inexistences, the void itself. Comparable only to the Devil's heart in how cold and dark it is. Darkness, the absence of light. White, the absence of color. Coldness the absence of heat. The mother of all inexistences, the void itself, a place untouched by God, as it exists solely as a testament of the physical manifestations of all that doesn't exist. That which isn't there. It is not even the place where man's hubris takes him to die, for few even dare brave its colorless, lightless heart. It is merely the home, birthplace, monument in celebration of the concrete presence of nothing.

>> No.19395508
File: 74 KB, 800x1224, the_pitcher_of_dorian_gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my grandparent's, I went yesterday.
As did my mum, aunt, sis, and cous to play.
They did bring their little chihuahua dog,
And I, my edition of Ethnologue.

Mijn Opa en siesta, there's naught to do.
So why not devour the chihuahua too?
For an hour, I tried to overpower;
Our flower gave me a goldern shower.

With my grandpa up, 'tis time for TV.
Condotierri, Titanic; the movies:
Both of them are older than him and I.
The chihuahua looks delicious. Oh my!

>> No.19395510

if u like Antarctica you should watch that Herzog documentary on it

>> No.19395526

You know what, I may just. I saw a trailer for it and seemed pretty Kino. I just wrote this because I saw an episode of Archer that opens with a little poetic description of Antarctica.

>> No.19395532

You should also read The Worst Journey in the World. It's the single greatest piece of Antarctic literature.

>> No.19395537

>The mother of all inexistences, the void itself
But it exists and isn’t a void

>> No.19395541

its a pretty good doc because the focus of it is people. what kind of people decide to move to Antarctica, what drives people to go work there, etc etc.

>> No.19395556
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This reminds me that I have this, and you can see that book included there. Too bad I never check the charts I have.

>> No.19395559

Absolutely not.

The modern US Military (which I assume you to be referencing) is not an arm of the civil body. It has been completely privatized and turned into a mercenary free company. The absolute peak of its members are performing as soldiers of fortune with no social or civic ties to America or Americanism, and are seemingly selected on that exact basis; its multitudes are performative members of the modern great public work project and have sublimated any notion of valor or honor in names of purely materialistic gain. The military is a tool for subsidizing higher learning, a public institution it is rapidly replacing. Children - undisciplined, foreign, niggers, niggardly - with guns.
t. Actual Has Served.

>> No.19395565

I'm surprised At The Mountains of Madness isn't on there

>> No.19395574

No you faggot. Honor does not come from doing things in the name of some unknowable future generation. That would reduce the raison d'être of all humans to that of ants in their colonies. We do things for the inimitable here and now, because we cannot be anything other than the products of what we do today and what has happened before. Read Mishima, and not his faggy novels.

>> No.19395584

I think it's only non-fiction.

>> No.19395703
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A thought came to me while I had some idle time during pissing, and I decided to dig a bit deeper. English is not my first language, and even though I can use it rather freely, some more complex aspects of semantics still elude me, so I'd like to ask you guys for some help. Who knows, maybe something interesting will come out of it.

What would be the difference between concepts of: sentience, sapience, self awareness and lucidity? You may be as laconic or verbose as you want, any input is welcome.

>> No.19395717

Does all that matter? There was a time where the condottiere was a noble profession. Whether or not the army is part of the civil body seems to me of secondary importance.

>> No.19395721

sometimes i feel like none of you guys care about me :(

>> No.19395726
File: 162 KB, 369x342, fascinating football.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is alive and has a mind to some extent.

Considered "intelligent" or "intelligent life".

>Self awareness
Is alive and capable to understand the concept of "being alive".

Being sane, having a "clear" and cohesive state of mind.

>> No.19395746
File: 465 KB, 923x681, 1627095121051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be able to assign some sort of hierarchy, or order to those concepts?

>> No.19395755

In ascending order of capacity

Sentience to self-awareness to sapience to lucidity

>> No.19395762

is there a single aspect of the human experience that hasnt been thoroughly covered by literature already? is it even possible to write original literature? it seems like humans have basically figured everything out but we are too trapped in our ways to do anything with the information

>> No.19395777
File: 710 KB, 1553x2366, 1635872459385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep remembering this cover art for a book, but of course I can't remember the name of the fucking thing.

It was a boy and girl traveling with a pack of dogs and a wolf lady, in a field under the stars.

The actual story was of a sister and brother that ran from a guy keeping them as child slaves on his farm, meet some wanderer fellow, join a circus, and then they get separated and the boy ends up joining this group of kids in some city where the kids start dropping like flies from the poor water quality.

There's also a bunch of shit that happens, like the girl can kind of communicate with the dead, one of the kids in the gang ends up gettig killed by some mobster, and somehow the boy ends up ushering in the age of free speech through the use of newspapers.

Was a good story, but it's that damn cover art that has been on my mind for the last week.

>> No.19395788
File: 526 KB, 887x842, 1635647252258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say dreams, but we don't fully realize their potential yet, although they are more understood than experiencing death. Don't let the false assumption of originality being something 'brand new' or 'never seen before' take a hold of your creativity. Best works are made by combination of experiences and information from distinct alleys of knowledge, ultimately reaching something nobody tried before.

Completely unrelated, this is one of many visualisations of various sorting algorithms. Does this piece fall into the definition of 'original'?

>> No.19395844
File: 28 KB, 768x558, 1626391829114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Want me to answer some question of yours in response?

>> No.19395859
File: 49 KB, 346x512, solondz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this movie should be necessary viewing for anybody interested in taking up the art of telling stories. it's pretty damn incisive.

>> No.19395863

seriously, is it possible to avoid being overly self absorbed while making art? how?

>> No.19395895
File: 45 KB, 500x373, F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I question what the hell I'm doing with this long distance relationship.

>> No.19395986

What do you mean? If neither of you are cheating, then you both obviously want to be in a relationship. The distance shouldn't matter if you're being considerate of what the both of you need and are trying to fulfill it if you can.

>> No.19395990 [DELETED] 

i have chest pain all the time since i took the vax but i don't want to say anything because i live in a liberal area and i don't want to be attacked. it's my lived experience ok? i got jabbed, now a couple months later i have daily chest pain for the first time in my life. why did the democrats have to politicize this shit, damn.

>> No.19395995

suffering in the now for beauty in the future

>> No.19396004

by being ironic. that's why people do it, to defuse the self-seriousness. i didn't get it until i had to write an artist statement for a project i did in school, i wrote a deadpan ironic thing because i couldn't bring myself to write a serious one.


>> No.19396047

It's just needless worrying, I'm sure. An anxious string of "what-ifs". What if I'm not attracted to them in-person. What if I'm not intimate enough. Etc, etc. I wonder how this gap would even be closed.
Thank you, anon. That's a nice quote.

>> No.19396059
File: 24 KB, 309x499, fed911ef7e3355f672376923f10f1d2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have read the Bhagavad Gita sooner. This shit is incredible.

>> No.19396115
File: 434 KB, 690x564, 1635348586339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I shot up a school. Two teachers died.

>> No.19396150

Shit edition done wrong.
And I even gave you a damn template to work with.
Jump into the frying pan frogs

>> No.19396187

Carefully placed voices from the permanent state whisper in your ears to look in absurd places for fulfillment and ineffectual ways to fix what’s wrong.
The terms used to describe the resistance to them have also been twisted. Democracy, socialism, communism, anarchism, libertarianism, have all been altered well enough that the casual man on the street doesn’t understand them to be viable alternatives to this collapsing horror show.

>> No.19396272

that's the conundrum. this climate has moved past irony. is full sincerity in art impossible to achieve without having your head up your ass? or that's what art is, and the irony is just to laugh about it, therefore confirming that it's all utterly pointless.
fuck's sake.

>> No.19396277

Have you felt any remorse or disgust with yourself after you woke up?

>> No.19396320

As a kid I used to view living in New York City as a dream come true. I've come to the conclusion I was crazy. It smells like shit, everything is expensive, and the Covid restrictions are beyond insane.

>> No.19396321
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1636774740162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egg shells sticking to egg whites, tearing the egg apart when I try to peel it
I could be compelled to murder after a very short period of having to do this

>> No.19396347

I don’t really feel like my life matters at all, or as though it could really amount to anything. I wish I did. I really wish I did. I just don’t.

>> No.19396357

Yeah. Actually even in my dream I did. So much so that, I don't know from what logic in my dream, I either reversed time or went to an alternate dimension where those teachers didn't die.

>> No.19396386

It matters primarily to you, secondarily to loved ones. If you lack loved one and lack self love, you play at the edge of nothingness. But, anon. You just came from there. Why rush off so fast, imagining you’ve lost some game?
You’ll get back to that all too quickly as it is.

I was just thinking about humanity as a whole, here we are seemingly about to commit collective suicide, just like some aimless drifter slob. We don’t have to rush off like this just yet, but we let this crisis time develop even though most of us would rather continue on. Amount to something.

>> No.19396564

Getting rich isn't going to get you a perfect life. You'll still feel pain, misery, and grief, and if you think rich people don't obsess about money you don't know the first thing about rich people. Actually by getting rich you would have done what your dad wanted all along, so just forget about that for now. If you really want to become free, there are far better ways to do it than spending your life slaving after money.

Your situation sounds very similar to mine. My dad and I used to get in arguments, often, about what seemed like the most trivial things. Just like you I was called 'lazy', 'unambitious', 'a failure', etc. Eventually it stopped hurting me. After all, what did I care about what this money-obsessed boomer thought how I lived my life. As long as I still had a roof over my head it didn't mean anything at all. The insults didn't even really mean anything anyway other than just being a way of verbally expressing disapproval. If that disproval was warranted than I'd consider it, but it rarely was. And the books I started reading around that time exposed me to a world far richer than what he saw it for anyway. Once I realized all that his insults stopped meaning anything at all to me. They never meant anything in the first place, but I didn't know enough to realize it back then. I still love my dad, I just recognize that our experiences and values are so drastically different we'll probably never see eye to eye. The only way you can become free is to recognize this.

>> No.19396574
File: 32 KB, 1174x454, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fucked

>> No.19396599

Yes. Putting complex ideas into words is like mental exercise, and you'll get a chance to develop them further once they're on paper.

>> No.19396605

the jannies are out of line on /x/ to an alarming degree. they just deleted a batch of genuinely interesting threads with good topics that are not foreign to the board's rules (false dissidents that were on glowie payroll, semen retention & vigor, cult characters that are red herrings), just to keep the disgustingly devoid of value nonsense generals and other juvenile threads made by high schoolers. it's messed up. i'd argue that /x/ is the board which has suffered the most from incompetent moderation. whether its purposeful or not remains open for debate.

>> No.19396616

not that anon but i have this problem where i make ''great'' breakthroughs in my thinking and general mental explorations when i'm not recording any of them, but whenever i try to write them down and mold them into a legible, sensible structure they become painfully, in a literal and figurative sense, thin and almost adolescent. this immediately freezes any attempt of writing. does this issue testify that the ideas that are swimming in my head are indeed laughably thin or the problem lies in an abysmal writing capacity? what do i do? i don't want anything to go to waste.
i should point out that in pure speech those said ideas have received a generally positive response from other people.

>> No.19396652

Wedding. Old friend’s wedding. Surrounded by beauty and joy. They are dancing and are happy, and seeing them happy makes me happy. I can’t drink. If I drink, they’ll hate me. I want them to be happy, I don’t want to be hated. I want to dance too, but I’m tired. At least they are happy. This makes me happy. Tired, but happy.

>> No.19396655

the apparent truthfulness of thoughts are based mostly on self-confidence and self-esteem, which is usually the thing people respond to in conversations...

if you've ever done creative work you know that the only way to judge something you've created is the day after it's been created, once the joy from the process of creation has worn off and you're left with the reality of things

>> No.19396671

Being a good thinker and being a good writer are two very different things. You'll have to get better at the latter if you want any hope of spreading your ideas, but you can focus on that later. If you just want to record your thoughts, try recording audio of yourself speaking them. Monologuing into a microphone is really easy, and you don't have to worry about long pauses because you can just edit those out later. At least you'll have some hard record of your ideas, which you can then focus on translating into written English. Or you can try writing your ideas into dialogues between characters, like Plato and other ancient philosophers did. Good luck anon!

An entire board, / q a /, got basically shut down by the jannies last week for offending trannies. The board is still up of course, but you can't make any new threads or even posts. A single drawing caused them to shut down an entire board. Of course I won't post it here cause I don't want to get banned again, but just goes to show the raw power of ideas.

>> No.19396680

Still afraid of eternal damnation and yet cannot go to Church

>> No.19396687
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I have a lot of vivid and strange dreams, which sometimes have me dying a violent death in them, but they do not even come close to the fear and shame i feel after I dream about murdering someone. I reached the conclusion those dreams serve as some sort of warning, or a way to invoke caution, so I'll never try some dumb shit in waking world. Come to think of it, I grew up from my dumb edgy phase around the time I started having them. Helped me learn some respect towards the value of human life.

>> No.19396695

Oh Sweaty. Oh deary or dreary. Or learful or fearful or cheerful or careful, come into my arms akimbo, these two parallel at parallax with you askance, come!

Please be warned of future bought: if you don't reply to this post, your mother will die in her sleep tonight!

>> No.19396697

>An entire board, / q a /, got basically shut down by the jannies last week for offending trannies.
Raiding another board (/lgbt/ in this case) has gotten boards nuked before

>> No.19396703 [DELETED] 

i hear sirens going off all around and some dudes walking by in the street go "that n**** the most gangsta motha fucka alive! ALIVE!" and the other dude goes "stupid! stupid!" i think i might have to tune into the police scanner for this one

>> No.19396714

i recommend reading simone weil, anon

>> No.19396715
File: 51 KB, 692x503, chrome_Vw1e3xjuEi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/6th of current earthly population is going to be eternally damned as well, according to christian agenda. Now, ask yourself if there are virtuous or genuinely good people among other cultures, and you'll find that a lot of christian dogmas don't really stick together for the purpose other than invoking primal fear. Seek the faith among people and your actions, instead of books and buildings.

>> No.19396745

As long as your a good person you go to heaven or if you still have lessons to learn you get reincarnated, that's what I think.

>> No.19396754
File: 29 KB, 345x400, 1636855705289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep asking me if I want to be a priest but holy fuck do I want to feel a woman and start a family. Jesus Christ I wish I could be good at theo and be able to have kids.

>> No.19396779

Get married and begome an Orthodox priest then

>> No.19396791
File: 17 KB, 383x383, FEAXwVhUUAI7GVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this human?

>> No.19396815

i think one of the true dangers of using the internet is letting oneself become too engrossed in a mixture between ironic humor, criticism, and self-hatred. the amount of time people spend joking about others pays back around, people are also too quick to be self-deprecative. i hear people a lot preface their hobbies with "yeah i know i am a nerd..." or something similar. "yeah i know this is garbage but i like it..." and so on

>> No.19396885

I have thought about suicide sometimes in the past but then I remember that this would mean depriving the world of my genius.

>> No.19396895

So, the Greco-Roman view of the afterlife? Elysium for the worthy, reincarnation for the rest.

>> No.19396906

More Christian/Buddhist. There is Heaven and Hell in buddhism and reincarnation in the Bible.

>> No.19396972
File: 557 KB, 1024x966, Animalistic guardian spirits of midnight and morning wearing Chinese robes, Han dynasty (202 BCE – 220 CE) on ceramic tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sseeing things again. rat and squirel carcasses in the street. they aren't really there though

>> No.19397045

>During the nights, the darkest, grimmest skies of pitch-black blindness conceivable.
Except it's full of stars.
And it probably used to be a lush land filled with life, and maybe it will be again one day

>> No.19397082

sounds like bowie. i recognize the cover from somewhere

>> No.19397085

I had this dream where I was walking with my brother somewhere in the hills and suddenly complete darkness grabbed me from behind my back and I woke up. Very unsettling.

>> No.19397111

facts don't care about your feelings, and the fact is that we DO care about you

>> No.19397139

One of the things that makes me upset with this world is that the things I love to do and I am actually good at do not pay enough to be good careers, and the things I stuck at and struggle with are the ones which make money.

>> No.19397267

I think I did a few months of that therapy. What about gestalt or depth ones?

>> No.19397412

/qa/ got deleted because the board was literally the worst fucking board on 4chan and was so ridiculously off-topic

It was a Question & Answer board and it became a Wojak board, why wouldn't raiding get it shut down

>> No.19397478

do you not fug?

>> No.19397479
File: 235 KB, 917x1300, bdd80cd2a40e0f0f5c2b62957d690faf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is honest. they always put up a false façade. I am scared of people . I am scared of myself . i want power and I want to be left alone. I want friends but hate everyone. I have wasted my life yet there is no point in trying . Every thing i loved has been taken from me or left. i am a loser and the chosen one , i create my life yet I am not god. everyone hates me yet they do not know me. I want to fuck every attractive women but women who fuck random people are whores. I am ugly . I am beautiful . I

>> No.19397482

My blood sugar levels aren't fine. Because of my parents I had to go through with it and am getting medication for it. But still every now and then I am not feeling fine. And yet I keep it to myself.

>> No.19397498

i live only for some form of stimulation. it all seems so fake and meaningless. everyone lies . i thought there would be a point or i would find god or some great truth that liberated me from the emptiness but have found nothing . i live to eat sleep stimulate then die. that is pointless .

>> No.19397503

i should sleep but what's the point in continuing this pointless life . I will never have a true home or family . everyone leaves no one cares .

>> No.19397511
File: 367 KB, 1858x2379, f7f9bd68852ce8517d9bbd0838abafdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with this cat!

>> No.19397518

How sad is that!

>> No.19397524

I also feel this way. All my life I've lived for somebody else. It used to be my best friend from my neighborhood when I was a child, then it used to be one girl I accidentally met online and then finally it was my ex-girlfriend in recent years. It has always been like that too, if I am left alone I just exist and pass through time but if I ever found somebody to focus on, I try to be my best self. In time I realized that the problem is I do not really love myself and because of it am unable to do anything about myself but I am content with it.

>> No.19397641

could you elaborate?
also i love the way you write

>> No.19397660

Whats the solution?

>> No.19397684

i get it. thank you

>> No.19397811

I want a racist, unvaccinated twink bf.

>> No.19397874

i don't agree. it's easy to put the blame on "society" or "the permanent state", but the problem i think is existentially within ourselves.
i've been reading a lot of Camus lately, and for example the ideological and existential crysis that he talks about in the myth of Sisyphus or in Caligula is not one that comes from outside, but from within.
no one will ever be exempt from suffering because of its own aspirations, if they have many.

one has to struggle with oneself and deal with what is moving in its insides. you could say that it is effected by the outside society, but how can you be so sure? i have found the same themes in Camus, who lived in disillusioned times in need of moral and spiritual help, while never fully recognizing the need of such help, but rather problematizing the idea of needing help together with its opposite

>> No.19397899

can you even overcome an existential crisis on your own without relying to anything? if I remember correctly, camus says that one must ascribe the lifes meaning by himself but I cant seem to do it.

>> No.19397967

from what i understand (but anyone could prove me wrong) Camus thought it was possible but impossible at the same time. the protagonist of the Stranger has trascended meaning in life, but he is completely worthless, and looked down upon (at best pitied) by everyone around him, that end up condamning him. the same with Caligula. he has given a meaning to life that trascends meaning (he "programmatically" is cruel in every possible way with everyone once he loses faith in a truly honest and good world, where ideals mean something and nothing is controlled by self interest), but at the end everyone is conspiring against him.

A man who creates a vision for himself is the only one who can be free, but just like Sisyphus has to move the boulder over and over again without any meaning to it, the "free" man has to reaffirm constantly and in a meaningless way what he is striving for.

this is why i don't think to live a bearable life you can just rely on yourself, and i think Camus thought that too. if you want to make something out of yourself you must confront with others and take your place the community. this won't (philosophically) give meaning to what you do, but it gives you the power to make your reality (i.e. how everyone else sees you, that is more powerful and "truer" than how you see yourself) finally your own.

>> No.19397985

What happens when you dont find a community where you belong?

>> No.19397992

That feels more like a prison than liberating. I want to do something with my life, be something. I just don’t think I have that in-born or built in to my world.

>> No.19398068
File: 754 KB, 1526x2341, 91aLlM9Do2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either you isolate or you choose to become part of it nonetheless. each way is meaningless in any case, sou you should just do what you feel is right for you at that moment.

i highly recommend to you The Plague by him, which i think it talks about this theme, especially with the character who wants to escape from the city (read it and you'll understand).
i'm not the same since i've read it.

another place where i've found this type of thought is Dave Chappelle, in its interview with David Letterman in the netflix special.

it's not about finding somewhere in which you belong, no one belongs anywhere, it's about creating someplace where you feel fullfilled. once you give to yourself the duty to make the world a better place with your actions (and you do so for no reason at all other than the alternative would be making it a worse place) it all (slowly) begins to shine.
there is no family in which you are born in, it's the nice experiences that you make together that create the "family" you percieve. the lack of such family (that can in some sense extended to the whole world, but it can be as small as you like) is what brings pain on one's soul, because everything that is outside of your reach can and will cause you harm, while if you accept to be a meaningless subproduct of life and society you become part of it and can start acting upon and shaping it, which means shaping yourself.

in summary, just be nice and never expecting others to be nice to you; read without expecting to be respected by anyone because of it; never try to prove your self worth, because you don't have any in the sense that nobody has any. work because the alternative is boredom, study because the alternative is ignorance and live because the alternative is death.

i am young coming from a nice living in a beautiful city of Europe, so i'm sorry if this doesn't relate and it isn't of any help.
maybe my interpretation of Camus is completely wrong, but i'll let you decide.

>> No.19398093

No, we've yet to meet.

>> No.19398129
File: 189 KB, 626x853, 1491511000305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe darkness just wanted to give you a surprise hug? Try to return the affection next time instead of panicking.

>> No.19398135

I know that you're semi-joking but I cant seem to face my darkness in straightforward fashion. I need visual environment. Maybe I should learn lucid dreaming.

>> No.19398146

>I’d like if social media use was restricted in some form

That's what they want you to want? Media giants desperately want excused to 'self censor' content on their platforms so that they can dictate what is allowed to be said, encouraging fake 'hitpieces' to be written letting them delete anything they want to be thought of as FAKE.

>> No.19398147
File: 703 KB, 666x887, 4327562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not joking at all. And yes, lucid dreaming is the way to go.

>> No.19398159

I remember trying to induce lucid dreams but I cant get past sleep paralysis. Maybe I just dont know how to relax.

>> No.19398168
File: 83 KB, 806x776, 1512948348275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can approach it from the other way. Start meticulously recording every memorable fragment from your usual dreams. Do so as soon as you wake up. You should start seeing some progress after a month or two.

>> No.19398182

I don't think you understand what 'music theory' is. There's nothing like some unified body of knowledge called music theory that you can 'go through' and then come out understanding music. We barely understand anything like "why musics sound good" or "what should I play to cause this emotion", all we can generally do is identify patterns in sounds that seem to do useful similar things and describe them and recommend you try to use them in particular ways if you want to create in a certain style of music. The 'basics' of western music theory are actually way simpler than most people seem to realize, learning the patterns of the pentatonic, major and minor scales (really, there are just two or three basic things to learn here, you just need to then learn how to use them with whatever instrument/style you want, which is largely based on intuition and will take way longer to develop) and how to make chords, and then learning a bunch of other scales that happen to 'work' will be enough.

But then you can get into whatever crazy and esoteric shit you might want to learn, which most people, even most pro musicians, might just have no clue about. Tuning you will want to get to, but this can range from 'simple' equal temperament (which took people ages to work out, but is easy now because of computers) to weird shit you'd rarely want to use in actual music. You can learn counterpoint based music if you want, but you don't need to if you want to make 'modern' sounding pop/rock/electronica.

>> No.19398330

I can't stand the idea of people not having a good image of me. Anytime I talk in front of people or I'm examined in any way, I'm anxious. This includes medical check ups.
It's cucked, really, but drives me forward in some way.

>> No.19398342

Thanks. What I had in mind was just scales, chord development and some knowledge on rhythm.
Scales are not a problem, but when I ie. play a tone on my guitar, I'm not able to figure out what the right way of turning it into a chord is.

>> No.19398343
File: 276 KB, 810x1080, vKLP9EjuIA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's terrible
Nothing is genuine and sincere anymore, everyone is entrenched in self-aware irony sarcasm deconstruction self-deprecation tongue in cheek TRIPE
and i hate it
I want to be immersed into things, take them seriously

>> No.19398686

How do coomers coomerize everything so effortlessly

>> No.19398813
File: 1.10 MB, 929x676, 1513886439116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19398894

Just experienced my first willingness to play a negro in a video game

Not that I hate them I was just never able to identify with a negro. But playing Mutapa has made me think I could be a negro if negros were like this. I think now I realize, it's not that I don't want to be a negro, it's that I don't want to be an American negro. If there were a fine negro civilization like Mutapa in this new Origins expansion I would be proud to be a negro.

>> No.19398913

> Just experienced my first willingness to play a negro in a video game


>> No.19398939

Years ago I met a person who was easy to talk to and I was able to share absolutely anything I wanted with them. It was nice talking about music, random movies, tv series even animes and games and be somewhat understood. But with time they lost interest with me and found other people that were more fascinating to them.

I miss being able to talk about things that interests me. I have people in my life that are more or less my "friends" but they will never bother even feigning interest.

>> No.19399076

its a shame that he's not doing more creative works. mr. pregnant and the .living series were genuinely compelling and stimulating. rambling on twitch isn't. but hey at least he seems happy now. i wonder what andrew ruse is up to.
mde's ideas man will always be the most valuable thing they've ever done. too bad the show didn't continue in that half-abstract chaotic tunnel.

>> No.19399091

How do I cope with having a fat gf bros?

>> No.19399107

Commit to 40 years of being her personal physical therapist, and her constantly relapsing and ruining months of progress, then crying about how she's hideous.

Fat girls really need a reality check about how they're wasting the best parts of female existence by being fat. They specifically need a reality check about how crying doesn't mean anything, nobody cares if you cry, you're the only one who can decide whether you want to waste your best years of feeling physically validated on being fat. But women respond to everything with more crying and self-pity.

>> No.19399109

Most would kill for the chance.
Exercise and eat healthy with her. No reason to believe they aren’t cooking up covid24 twice the potency.

>> No.19399112

the logic falls flat on its face
doesnt matter how things bad get
general antinatalism is never justifies

>> No.19399115

>But playing Mutapa has made me think I could be a negro if negros were like this
I don't know what game this is but you know that negros are not like that.

>> No.19399118

Faggot posting

>> No.19399142

You're not just a simp, you're a simp for fat bitches. That's low.

>> No.19399165

You’re the low T here for snap judging.
There’s curvy, there’s fat and there’s obese. We don’t know what this anon is talking about, and you don’t even like women, so butt out

>> No.19399174

Nothing wrong with a woman with curves, but 98% of women calling themselves curvy are simply fat, and we both know you're a BBW fetishist trying to push his fetishes on others. I'm just sharing experiences of dating women who gained weight and never lost it because they're too childish to take responsibility for themselves.

>> No.19399188

And I am telling you there is no cure for your anxiety except to consistently expose yourself to the sources of your anxiety until your brain adapts to the burnout of being in situations that make you think you're going to die. Exposure is the only therapy. Try getting a job or undertaking some other responsibility that will make you feel just as anxious about not showing up as you do when you get there; weaponize your anxiety against itself.

>> No.19399197
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As far back as I remember I’ve lay in bed, falling asleep, imagining I was dying or dead. When I was a child my fantasy was that I had been killed in battle and left to rot. I thought of my blood spilling out into the soil, and the season passing with leaves and snow accumulating on top of me, and finally my corpse being covered by dirt, and my bones being ground into dust. The fantasy emerges I think from an earlier desire to be covered in something so completely that I could never be removed.

It’s not and was never a suicidal thing. I’ve never desired my own death in actuality, depression and what not just seems impossible for me - not that I love life to any great degree. I’ve never been unable to fall asleep more than one night in a row, as when I think of being dead and buried I am so comforted I immediately fall asleep.

Currently I imagine being at the bottom of a deep lake during winter. Knowing the slimy sediment at the bottom is nestling and sucking at my flesh, seeing the dim evening sky through the ice above me, small fish picking away at my skin. I sleep soundly for twelve hours a night and do little when I wake.

>> No.19399260

i have a similar fascination with non-lethal injuries, particularly those that involve bleeding. i get you.

>> No.19399275
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>>19397440 (OP)
No you've heard it wrong. Waifus exist as platonic forms.

My waifu exists as an Idea. She really exists somewhere in the realm of forms. The meaning of life is to contemplate this form. This is why I get up every morning. This is why I don't blow my face off with a shotgun.

Make a tulpa instead. It’s healthier. And realize they’re just a part of your own mind. A natural split personality you already have internal dialogue with

>> No.19399278

I'm from the countryside, and for the first time I'm at a big city. Huge buildings covering the sky, all the cars and people, the possibility of doing anything at any time. I feel small, but in a different way from the vast fields of nothing. It's like life is happening and at any turn something can happen. I'm happy by just getting an Uber and going from one place to another. I'm going to a Rammstein cover tonight and I'm nervous. In my mid twenties and for the first time I feel like a teenager.
I guess you can't be a great author in the countryside anymore.

>> No.19399279

Did you enjoy pulling out your teeth as a child? Or nosebleeds? I always loved these. The feeling of being reduced or more like the air around me, seeing the blood my body produced going down the drain, myself as liquid going down the drain. Wonderful.

>> No.19399363

I often consider joining a monastery, but I think deep down I know the life of a monk isn’t for me.

>> No.19399376

I been thinking about try meditation. Is there a technique which induces visions/lets subconscious material manifest in visual form? Not looking for drugs option.

>> No.19399454

Dreams. That’s all they ever are anyway.

>> No.19399457

i think these dollar store burritos are killing me luckily i only have two left

>> No.19399467

Yeah but dreams are rare.

>> No.19399490

Dear Luke
I still dream of you, I know its over though. It wasnt your fault... there's a fire within me that burns passionately, but it would never work. Please forgive me, I said I love you no longer but that wasn't the truth. You are the only man I could ever truly love.

Yours sincerely, X.

>> No.19399495

gay af lol

>> No.19399497

Nonsense. You dream consistently while asleep. You just have to practice sleeping lightly enough to wake and recall, but not so awake that you start to forget.
I think Jung goes into this.

>> No.19399505

shut mouth slut

>> No.19399508
File: 5 KB, 229x221, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wel-l i just started reading anna kerinina last night and im hooked now, and it just started snowing and will continue for 3 days and i think its going to be staying for the season

feeling pretty comfy right now but I get to any reading and breakfast and tea today I have to crawl under my trailer and fix something for the winter, which is a fucking nightmare for a thousand reasons, more so now that im more out of shape now.

>> No.19399525

Tomorrow I return to my job.
10 more months of physical labor (which I like) and interacting with blue collar coworkers (which I hate).
Someone release me from this hell before I strangle one of those brainlets. The absolute scum of the earth who pride themselves on not reading, on doing petty crime, on abuse of their spouses and kids, on listening only to nigger "money, crime, bitches" music. Shitty banter, lame sexual innuendos in every other sentence. I cannot properly express my hate for those low quality people.
Fuck you Lenin, ALL proletariat is lumpenproletariat. The best argument against caring for the welfare of the masses is a 5-minute conversation with the average member of the masses.
The fucking things I do to get money for the publisher, I swear.
>t. intelligentsia Pole working abroad with rural Poles
Educated Poles are like any other European person, but blue collar Poles truly are the niggers of Europe. Can't wait to return to my academic family and friends back home.
>inb4 snob faggot
You haven't been there, dude.

>> No.19399535

*before i get

>> No.19399536

/qa/ raided /a/, /v/ and /po/ multiple times before without getting cleaned but somehow /lgbt/ was the trigger to get mods finally do their fucking jobs
It's really strange

>> No.19399540

using the word "comfy"... what are you, 12? no wonder you enjoy tolstoy, faggot

>> No.19399552

Not a very comfy post

>> No.19399553

Last night I couldn’t sleep, though I almost didn’t mind—it was nice to hold K****, and she was so affectionate, pulling my arm around her and kissing my hands or cheek, that I felt cared for in a way I haven’t felt since I was with M***. But, just like with M***, the physical affection was counterbalanced by verbal tension—sobriety and daylight made her a stranger again, and we spent the remainder of the morning making strained conversation over coffee. By the time she left I admittedly felt pretty good about everything, but more than anything I was reminded of my incapacity to reach even a basic level of social intimacy. On top of this fundamental failure was the length at which she talked about other guys she’d slept with or her willingness to start an OnlyFans. The jealously was slight given how casual—and, for that matter, nonexistent—our relationship is, but its juxtaposition with what I’d almost taken for love disturbed me.
She left at noon, after which point I bought a latte and “went” to therapy; after that I slept until about 7 and met up at a coffeeshop with the other girl (E****). About 10 minutes into the date, K**** came in and saw us—glancing at her I got a vague impression of jealousy, but was probably projecting my own. Either way it was amusing. E**** and I got along well enough, though I didn’t like her as much as I’d hoped. We slept together but I didn’t really enjoy hanging out with her beyond that.
Driving home I realized that, in either case, it came down to the impossibility of love: K**** because, however much I like her, I can’t trust her, and E**** because however trustworthy she might be I don’t like her. Not that I really have anything to complain about. If anything, this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for to enjoy my suffering.
Writing this entry made me deeply suicidal because I’m painfully exhausted and feel incapable of writing competent prose. This isn’t to mention that journaling in detail about these things undermines their value and is innately somewhat pathetic. Mostly I think I just need to sleep.

>> No.19399562

I already wake up from the slightest noise. Are you talking about lucid dreaming?

>> No.19399573

Are you in the UK, Mr TFW to intelligent Pole?

>> No.19399580

My mind is on my hindquarters. Robotnik doesn't drop sick rhymes but drop kicks Sonic's punk ass & dick til hedgehog smegma smears his jackboots.

>> No.19399583

No, Norway. Norwegians are cool and I've had some nice convos even with their blue collars. It's the "fellow" Poles I can't stand. You can't even discuss movies with them, much less have some sort of conversation in which you have to move your brain.

>> No.19399591

Noticed some new nigger at my place of employment, observed it ducking work at every opportunity throughout the day, probably spent over 45 minutes in the bathroom, once it walked directly from the restroom where it had been loitering for 20 minutes to into the break room for a 30 minute break. I hate these creatures and long to experience a society that's homogeneous. How long will thus bigger draw a paycheck here until it becomes impossible to continue its employment? Alas, only to be replaced by another negro diversity hire.
A deep and deliberate sigh.

>> No.19399596

>could you elaborate?
>also i love the way you write
Damn! Serious?

>Whats the solution?
I kind of tip the hat to them in the post. The actual definition of democracy, socialism, anarchism etc.

It’s debatable who is more “existentially” responsible for the the controller class’ successes in keeping the majority as passive livestock. It just happens we are where we are. Now what?
>No one will ever be exempt from suffering
Can we at least throw off false idols of state-capitalism? Leave us in peace to struggle with these internal ghosts? Utopia is impossible. I get it.
This is what I meant by ineffectual fixes. Get your chakras in line, eat vegan, doesn’t matter. You’re healthy worker drone generating “cash” for a pharaoh class that’s leading us to certain extinction.
Sorry if this comes off terse.

>> No.19399606

Democracy, socialism etc are not opposed to the permanent regime, they are literally the tricks it deploys

>> No.19399609

>That feels more like a prison than liberating. I want to do something with my life
It is a prison we’re in.
Break out. Help organize the prison break of the millennium.

>> No.19399615

I get you, the polish nation truly is retarded, Bismarck's quote comes to mind.
There's very little hope for a better future for this country, it's best to move out as soon as possible, before god knows what happens with it. I guess that's what so many years of foreign occupation without the ability to truly develop does to a nation - lack of culture, lack of societal conscience and constantly living in the past.

>> No.19399626

State socialism isn’t socialism.
Western democracy isn’t democracy.
This is what I’m talking about. You see them as failures because they use the words. It’s literally the meme line, but unironically, “it wasn’t real _______”

>> No.19399631

you sound like they made fun of you

>> No.19399643

Transcendental meditation. The org is a scam but the technique works.

Your brain is just used to discarding them. Focus on trying to remember them after waking every morning. Try to translate them into words or pictures, and write them down when possible. It's important to do this before being distracted by any thought of the day ahead. If you get into the habit, you will start to do it automatically even during dreams or semi-conscious states.

>> No.19399650
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That description pretty well fits UK proles, too. I grew up poor and with a chip on my shoulder about having had nowhere near the level of educational opportunities as rich kids. Unsurprisingly, I became resentful. Since I've gotten older I'm lately beginning to feel that the prejudices of the upper/middle classes are much more justified than I would've liked to admit as a yute. Half the population of my town might as well have a forehead tattoo which reads "65 IQ"

>> No.19399652

>Can we at least throw off false idols of state-capitalism? Leave us in peace to struggle with these internal ghosts? Utopia is impossible. I get it.
>This is what I meant by ineffectual fixes. Get your chakras in line, eat vegan, doesn’t matter. You’re healthy worker drone generating “cash” for a pharaoh class that’s leading us to certain extinction.
This is just depressing. Yeah, we are part of a system which is destroying us. Yeah, our elite are going to destroy us. Yes, the state and capitalism are toxic to humanity. But there is nothing that can be done about it. We are all trapped in this system, and the system will crush anything which tries to dismantle it. We are Cassandras, doomed to know what misery will befall us and powerless to stop it. I hate this.

>> No.19399654

Well the real kinds haven't ever existed at scale but this is never a fruitful conversation is it. I think you might consider the fact however that these sorts of ideologies started making a lot of noise just as the current permanent regime ousted the old one. They like using them as pretexts for their own power.

>> No.19399656

I'm a patriot but I agree. Still, I wanna return home. Moving abroad permanently would be giving up. I wanna build a better Poland, one virtuous day at a time. Such is the lot of man, I believe.
>tfw engaged and expecting a baby with fiancée
Gonna raise it to be the best Pole in history or die trying.

>> No.19399657

No, as a fellow Pole I can confirm that living with the people they described isn't particularly easy. They lack self-conscience to such a degree that they're actively ruining the country by supporting idiotic policies and just making life unbearable for the average pole.

>> No.19399665

No, not really. I'm just naturally allergic to this kind of person and I'm tired of faking smiles and laughs to fit in.

>> No.19399671

>But there is nothing that can be done about it

>> No.19399673

Similair case here, I still want to believe in this country and try not to abandon it. It's really hard though, the future is looking anything but bright.
Good luck with your parenthood anon!

>> No.19399687

Lots of things existing now didn’t used to exist.
It is just lazy thinking to give up so easily

>> No.19399689

Many thanks, anon. WAGMI.

>> No.19399696

yeah, you seem like the overly sensitive self-hating brown-nose type

>> No.19399707
File: 72 KB, 1277x719, 43c000b9484f1d30dda91af705be0cd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree but if that's your opinion then that's your opinion.
I'm like 1/16th Prussian so maybe it's genetic autism speaking.

>> No.19399720

Yes but I cant help but feel that societies with no hierarchy are impossible in a way similar to buildings with no foundations. Have you ever actually thought about the logistics of it?

>> No.19399755

you sound like you haven't worked in a warehouse

>> No.19399762

your loss

>> No.19399781

At the moment I'm thinking about the concept of truth and how it is ascertained. More specifically whether truth is demonstrable and how some truth is just a series of beliefs

>> No.19399790

waahhhh my co-workers aren't the exact species of neurotic that i am waaahhhhh im so misunderstood and suffered waahhhhhhhhhh

>> No.19399792

its all just a matter of counterpoint, anon.

>> No.19399809

very unwomfy vibes coming from this anon...

>> No.19399814
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Life is good.

>> No.19399815

what a faggot

>> No.19399849

>ostensibly because they believe the future is hopeless (climate change and capitalism are the usual hobbyhorses) and it would be immoral to bring a child into it.

That's what they say but let's be honest, that's bullshit. They don't want to have children because they are now part of the workforce and they value freedom, following a career and material comfort more than having children. That's it.

>> No.19399882

I'm not neurotic, the managers and the older guys hate each other and are resentful and passive aggressive. I stand up for myself without any fear and they don't even have the courage to look me in the eyes. What the other anon said is true. You shouldn't comment on reality if you have no experience of it.

>> No.19399898

This nigga be pontificating to gopniks

>> No.19399899

Yeah. Anarchists who don’t read the theory are unaware we’re not about no hierarchies but justified hierarchies. Apparent and natural hierarchies are fine. And those that don’t want even that, can just bugger off to the woods. As long as they don’t start stalking people and being general menaces. Getting ahead of myself, but just trying to describe what it can be like.

>> No.19399933

There is an entire class of political thought that views feudalism as "apparent and natural hierarchies" or at least the result of such hierarchies as they evolved. The concept of natural hierarchy and natural rights was retread very thoroughly in the 19th century by the counter revolutionaries and they have the edge on anarchists since they societies they describe actually existed and therefore have higher claim to being natural.

>> No.19399996





>> No.19400002

Naw. It isn’t natural to demand obedience at the edge of a blade/barrel of a gun. These elections they hold, where we pick between two people they choose, to be the leaders? They’re not natural either.
By natural I mean the hierarchies of parents to children, teachers to students, and experts to novices. If a situation needs a hierarchal structure, film set, sailing ships, combat situation, by all means use them. But most life need not be multi tiered nonsense with ultra rich, extremely rich, very rich, upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, upper prole, proletariat, and lumpen proletariat littering the street in order to keep wages stagnant. Lets get real.

>> No.19400017

>. If a situation needs a hierarchal structure, film set, sailing ships, combat situation, by all means use them.
The argument is that it is situations just like these which produced feudalism. I'm not saying they're necessarily right, but the concept of natural hierarchy is very ambiguous in practice.

>> No.19400053

The people that allow a band of pointy swords push them around leads us to feudalism. We’re still there. A “warrior” class should be discouraged from making, or even thinking they should ever make, decisions for the community.

>> No.19400054




>> No.19400055

What do you mean, no? Capitalism and the state are simply too powerful to be resisted. It makes me sad to say that, but it is true. The only escape would be if everyone "laid flat" and let the structures collapse, but that will never happen, and if people attempt it they will be forced to work due to financial incentives or state violence. We are trapped. Hell, we trap ourselves.

Soon, AI and automation will replace vast swathes of the working class, and then we are truly finished. Whether we end up dependent on the state via UBI, or just killed off, we are doomed. The only hope is a civilization collapse, and even with global warming that's no sure thing (nor is the idea that what comes after will be better).

>Anon, you're just blackpilled
Show me some light then, because I can't see any.
>Anon, YOU need to be the light
I am a loser who spends his time working half-heartedly, eating, and browsing the web or jacking off to porn to forget how much his life sucks. I don't deserve to be in any political movement. My fantasy is that some hero arises somewhere and fixes this, and I can't see it happening.

>> No.19400058



>> No.19400060



>> No.19400064

> “warrior” class should be discouraged
Surely you already see the issue

>> No.19400066



>> No.19400067





>> No.19400071



>> No.19400081



>> No.19400094

>laying flat will save us!
Automation will nullify that.
Please, stop. You’ve given up. No need to convince others to do the ruling classes bidding to sit and die. You’re in full company already.

We collapse their “civilization” and replace their notions of wealth and civility.
>show me some light
Turn off the electric light in front of you.
>I am a loser
You’re alright. Mass movements can inspire heroes as much as the other way around

I get ahead of myself there again.

>> No.19400103

t. warrior class

>> No.19400274

>We collapse their “civilization” and replace their notions of wealth and civility.

>> No.19400334


>> No.19400356

Perhaps it was contrary-wise. Or as another anon said, sit back and watch it tumble. Or both.

How about a rebranding to something more transitional? Braves know when to fight and when to flee for fear of damaging their spirits with vengeance and sadism.

>> No.19400417

I don't want to go to work

>> No.19400427


>> No.19400492

>why do i feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied by transitory and masturbatory sexual relationships with women i do not know and do not respect


>> No.19400556

That's part of what makes anonymous spaces like 4c feel so safe.

>> No.19400607

Snorting cocaine off 120lb twink pelvic bones.

>> No.19400611




>> No.19400633

Humans are too resilient there's no such thing as rock bottom since we just keep adapting.

>> No.19401158

is it possible to put sth in food to make ppl horny? a student gave me a homemade cake and whenever i have a piece i get super horny and have to fap.

>> No.19401165
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>> No.19401171

>never heard of sth

>> No.19401193

Twitter was a mistake

>> No.19401217

it's used in a lot of sth to english dictionaries to save space, first time i heard it was from a singaporean dude on irc like five years before twitter existed

>> No.19401233
File: 6 KB, 241x209, 79DFE872-0304-4565-8AC1-FCEAE9E9694C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m convinced Shoe is of holy origin, one of the light bringers in this dark universe.

>> No.19401252

>calling boxxy shoe on head
fucking newguys man

>> No.19401254

I think the term art is a very strong word. You can produce artifacts or sounds that have a beautiful aspect to them but they might not evoke such vivid emotion as to be considered to be "art" and I think that many people use the term art very lightly to refer to things that aren't really, it gets thrown lightly as a term used in marketing campaigns for popstar tours, video games, sports skills.

I'm not devaluing the merit of anyone, if you like what you like and it moves you then good for you but there are objective standards for these things. I've noticed people online like to attribute to their favourite writers or musicians these abilities that they perceive subjectively but aren't really there. There are websites where the people will go on and on about how death metal is the same as Wagner which is just not true, or how a vastly popular author is literary. The talent required to write something that achieves massive popularity might very well possess literary traits and I'd say it's even likely that the things we call literature tomorrow are extremely popular right now. I just don't know what.

Long ago I saw a video proclaiming the death of the artist as a genius in favour of the 'creative entrepreneur' who is basically an influencer. Will it be the righteous pedants of tomorrow that overlook some starving songwriter in favour of Travis Scott because he reflected the "spirit of the moment?" have I just no brains to tell?

>> No.19401272

Wig0nHead is a degenerate fence sitter. Even her BDSM boyfriend left her.

>> No.19401288
File: 127 KB, 960x1280, 57A7C164-0FA8-4EF6-BA36-29E2E30579FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why’s that?

That ain’t Boxxy

>> No.19401335

>That ain’t Boxxy

>> No.19401365
File: 564 KB, 761x714, 45C6236E-2ACB-47FB-9C45-C4E2B499FB4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe is quite different. She’s not even Greek
Named Lapine
Boxxy is named Wayne. Don’t be ridiculous

>> No.19401366

i'm sick of every single god damned book having to be "feminist". so fucking thick you could choke on it. whores already have equal rights, or more than. now shut the fuck up. every book has to be about wammenz standing around jabbering to each other and whinging bout how awful their life is. shut the fuck up oh my god shut the fuck up EVERY SINGLE BOOK PUBLISHED IN THE LAST 10 YEARS


>> No.19401376
File: 62 KB, 700x700, none.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to know things anymore. I literally do not want to know all the so called erudite or smart thing rolling around in my head. It either makes me frustrated or unhappy. I feel like I don't know enough about any topic enough so if I start a conversation it end up with some fractured nonsense and no one learns anything and we all go home feeling like plebs. And if I know a little more then I just feel depressed that I cannot have a conversation at all.

Outside of conversation I feel terrible knowing certain things like philosophy. It has just made me despair. It makes me look at ordinary things and feel like I know some dirty secret about how it is a lie or a sham. I see through much and have not enough wisdom about how to actually go about handling the thing I am seeing. I wish I just spent my time at the gym and playing video games and going to the pub and have fewer thoughts.

I sometimes catch myself mumbling my thoughts and taking to myself under my breath in public then I have to pretend that I am chewing gum so I don't look weird. I am like a bookish Lovecraft protagonist that isn't actually smart enough to be an academic (I got mediocre grades as school despite being smart) and have already gone a little bit mad from seeing an Italian or something.

I have a manic desire to get rid of all my possessions and even get sick knowing I have any sentimental things that would hurt to throw out. I wish I had newer had to acquire them in the first place. I think this all has gone on long enough and feel I have seen it all now and much has lost its lustre. I am only 30. It is going to get worse.

>> No.19401389

We need only imagine that Sisyphus is happy... While we get busy fucking his wife

>> No.19401391
File: 96 KB, 2339x2048, Attention_Sign.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the WWOYM thread war was pretty tame this week I'm sensing its about to start again after this one.
Remember to stay as calm and civil as possible.
There are no rules. May the best thread win.

>> No.19401415

ducc thread

>> No.19401421

animeposter has been silent...they usually come back when we least expect it

>> No.19401427

I forgot how schizo this place can be.

>> No.19401440

I only care because I am trying to work on a non-fiction book documenting the WWOYM thread wars and the various things that go on in these threads.
I have no biases.

>> No.19401447

the fall of rome 2

>> No.19401461

Melt, meninist.

>> No.19401675

wages arent rising alongside cost of living so unskilled workers are all fucked

beyond that becoming a skilled worker costs way too much

>> No.19401683

>Philip K Dick can't write elegantly and gracefully not even one fucking sentence or scene. stiffed as fuck. he would be a master of scripts to twilight zone or something.
>reading tristam shandy remember me some kind of 4chanish spirit in it.
>reading ulysses remembers me to tristam shandy in some way. like joyce its not actually serious at all. or have some levity in it that is lost because the masterpice people think it is.
I remember it, and the only think i can bring up is that every documentary director and literature professor are just scammers sooner or later.

>> No.19401688

That will be the end result of this? UBI or doom?

>> No.19401704

right now it's doom, the inevitable result will have to be some sort of assistance, ubi, free housing, training programs.

cities and states are all in debt so they cant actually afford to run these programs by themselves, a lot of it will have to happen at the federal level but everyone there is too busy grandstanding about nothing while waiting on their next pay day

>> No.19401709

New thread

>> No.19401720

Stop documenting us you faggot

>> No.19401726 [DELETED] 
File: 913 KB, 1350x1552, 90F5F3CE-17E6-4448-8056-47BB0FEE6BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper new thread


>> No.19401730

Butters, get a life.

>> No.19401736

Proper new thread

>> No.19401826

she has a nice bum, thats for sure

>> No.19401836

I’ve only seen one nude. Where’s her bum?

>> No.19401838


>> No.19401845


>> No.19402316
File: 198 KB, 600x840, 5CF46542-A8AA-4C9B-9849-9DB999A5E6D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check what?