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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-i-write-because-i-hate-a-lot-hard-william-h-gass-38-97-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19395040 No.19395040 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you write anon?

>> No.19395043

daylight saving

>> No.19395060

>I write because I hate. A lot. Hard. And if someone asks me the inevitable next dumb question, “Why do you write the way you do?” I must answer that I wish to make my hatred acceptable because my hatred is much of me, if not the best part. Writing is a way of making the writer acceptable to the world—every cheap, dumb, nasty thought, every despicable desire, every noble sentiment, every expensive taste. There isn’t very much satisfaction in getting the world to accept and praise you for things that the world is prepared to praise. The world is prepared to praise only shit. One wants to make sure that the complete self, with all its qualities, is not just accepted but approved . . . not just approved—whoopeed.
Literally me

>> No.19395077
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to get a gf
and because I don't want to be an hero

>> No.19395242
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To satiate the brain's hunger for philosophy and the heart's hunger for adventure!

>> No.19395284
File: 389 KB, 1258x1600, G.K.-Chesterton-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“There again," said Syme irritably, "what is there poetical about being in revolt? You might as well say that it is poetical to be sea-sick. Being sick is a revolt. Both being sick and being rebellious may be the wholesome thing on certain desperate occasions; but I'm hanged if I can see why they are poetical. Revolt in the abstract is – revolting. It's mere vomiting.”

― G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday

"The person who is really in revolt is the optimist, who generally lives and dies in a desperate and suicidal effort to persuade all the other people how good they are.“ — G. K. Chesterton, The Defendant

>> No.19395301

To contrast crushingly hopeless and grim scenarios with the small pieces of warmth that make it all matter. To dive into that aspect of the psyche that drives it to keep going no matter what

>> No.19395306

t. Dostoyevsky

>> No.19395331

To breathe life into the worlds of my imagination and thereby ease the pain of knowing I may never visit them.

Based. My highest aspiration is to get normies interested in my fetish without realising it.

>> No.19395333 [DELETED] 

to explore the word whirled

>> No.19395379
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Because I'm better than literally everyone else, and it's my job to spoonfeed the helpless, ignorant masses my divine nuggets of wisdom through fictional constructions so barebones they hardly resemble stories, that are more like vehicles crafted with the express purpose of shoveling my opinions and all-important little hot takes down the throats of the mouth-drooling idiots who wouldn't otherwise be capable of comprehending my genius.

>> No.19395397

I write because nobody makes the erotica I like to read

>> No.19395401

Ayn, I thought you were dead...

>> No.19395405

Movies are too expensive

>> No.19395415

t. twitter guy with in depth, complex, and likely genius internal feed logic that’s completely unrecognized by anybody else

>> No.19395425
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It gives me joy

>> No.19395450

Because I have to. Even the few times over the last 15 years when I convinced myself that my novel projects weren't worthwhile or important enough and very consciously set them aside, intending to simply keep the drafts as time capsules of my youth, I always came crawling back to the craft because I think my life has to be expressed.

>> No.19395495

They aren't. Do you know how to torrent or are you a retard?

>> No.19395505

As good a writer as he was, this fatass was beyond naive, to the point where he just sounds stupid most of the time

>> No.19395513

Nice anon! How long did it take you to get to that level?

>> No.19395558

Dead for 40 years and still making people seethe I see

>> No.19395590
File: 88 KB, 629x850, Magna Cum Laude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>positive = dumb

>> No.19395607


>> No.19395774

>woman walks up to GK on the street and taps him on the back
>”why are you not at the front?” She said
>”if you’d come around here you’ll find that I am” he replied over his shoulder

>> No.19395791

Gass is smart as fuck. This quote means a lot to me. I'm going to write more instead of just waiting for my thoughts to explode in a psychosis every few years where I try to redpill everyone on the Jews

who are in fact evil but one must chill about it

>> No.19395822

To make, stupid fucking faggot retard

>> No.19396113

Your meds.

>> No.19396124

I write cause I got a lot of free time. My asian mail order bride is turning tricks down with the local johns and my father is on death's doorstep.

>> No.19396138

Oh, you're not the family with the milfs? Then why am I even talking to you, dude.

>> No.19396374

To make them human again

>> No.19397549

Does anyone knows where can I find Habitation of the Word by William Gass?

>> No.19397580

>to get a gf

>> No.19398505
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Part of their evil is their intelligence. There is very little left we can do that will not further their goals one way or the other. That is how the tracks have been layed. For now we must focus on our own sphere of influence. They will keep corrupting society and we will keep seeking for ourselves new silent loyalities. Their shit will always crumble because it is not based on true strength. The darker the room, the more powerful a tiny speck of light.
Keep a warm heart and a cool head.

>> No.19398514

Based beyond belief

>> No.19398581


>> No.19398586

I don't write because I'm unhappy
I'm unhappy because I don't write

>> No.19398611

to fill the time until I kill myself

>> No.19398831

He's literally me, but I don't write anything.

>> No.19398838

As a difficult and mentally involving task, it distracts me from depression.

>> No.19399133

anger is a poison. It slowly kills you until the only other thing you can feel is grief.

>> No.19399550

Anger is great. Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.19400367

I'm bored.

>> No.19401159

>guys, I'm such an amazing writer
>yes, I just use insane amount of very rarely used adjectives to make my shit look like I'm special

It's always interest to see people bragging about what awesome writers they are. Every fucking time a retard says "MUH I'M THE BEST WRITER EVER!!!!", they just do the same rare adjective stacking and think this is special.

There are secrets that show a good writer from a bad writer, but stacking adjective is just a sign of a retard who struggles with the language and thinks that the quantity of different words (especially adjectives because they are very easy to stack) means quality.

It's the exact opposite. Adjectives are a sign of incompetence and using adjectives is a sign that the writer is retarded or at least the book was written for retards.

And no, "nuggets of wisdom" don't exist if you are an adjective "writer". Especially if you think using adjectives makes you better than "literally" everyone else, you are the prime example of why ready is dead. Books like your adjective book are not only retarded to read, adjective heavy book have also the disadvantage that they are worthless for literally everything and just a waste of time.

>> No.19401218

Did you mean to reply to OP?

>> No.19401243
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only thing i've ever been told that i'm good at

>> No.19401342
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>> No.19401404

I think the term art is a very strong word. You can produce artifacts or sounds that have a beautiful aspect to them but they might not evoke such vivid emotion as to be considered to be "art" and I think that many people use the term art very lightly to refer to things that aren't really, it gets thrown lightly as a term used in marketing campaigns for popstar tours, video games, sports skills.

I'm not devaluing the merit of anyone, if you like what you like and it moves you then good for you but there are objective standards for these things. I've noticed people online like to attribute to their favourite writers or musicians these abilities that they perceive subjectively but aren't really there. There are websites where the people will go on and on about how death metal is the same as Wagner which is just not true, or how a vastly popular author is literary. The talent required to write something that achieves massive popularity might very well possess literary traits and I'd say it's even likely that the things we call literature tomorrow are extremely popular right now. I just don't know what.

Long ago I saw a video proclaiming the death of the artist as a genius in favour of the 'creative entrepreneur' who is basically an influencer. Will it be the righteous pedants of tomorrow that overlook some starving songwriter in favour of Travis Scott because he reflected the "spirit of the moment?" have I just no brains to tell?

>> No.19401407

unfathomably based. I will read every novel this man has written.

>> No.19401420

Powerful stuff, anon.

>> No.19401426

>vehicles crafted with the express purpose of shoveling
I have some bad news for you.

>> No.19402137
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for money

>> No.19402149

I have images running through my mind constantly and writing about them is a good way to pass the time

>> No.19402194

how does that work

>> No.19402215

My primary motivation to write my first novel was so I could have a power fantasy about saving the world and getting together with a tsundere girl.
I think the biggest influences on my writing are Star Wars and superhero movies. The good ones, anyway

>> No.19402256

the only reason is because it parses out my thoughts somewhere that actually has to be slighty regulated.
Once in a long while ill write something less then banal and decide not to delete it. Then it graduates to something beyond me and sits among my clutter as its own person.

>> No.19403424

mfw no asian mail order bride

>> No.19404378

i don't know but i can't stop.

>> No.19404427

>Homer was a retard

>> No.19404436

hurr durr pls read my book

>> No.19404500

pretty well

>> No.19404574

his writing is like the slothy expression of his face and his decaying body. not hatred at all in his novels, just a mass of dull, timid, layered contempt. fucking coward.

>> No.19404581

Gass's reason is unironically part of it. I write to destroy false idols. To dispel ignorance and to understand and set what is crooked straight.

>> No.19404594
