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19390276 No.19390276 [Reply] [Original]

Fukuyama was right. Complain all you want about his thesis but no one has thought of an alternative to Liberalism in 30 years. You're stuck no matter how much you want to escape.

>> No.19390281

he already changed his opinion about this, retard.

>> No.19390295

No he hasn't. Everyone says this without watching any of his recent lectures or reading his recent works. He conceded that Liberalism is less durable than he thought but still believes there's no point of development after it. Even if Liberalism fails or gets replaced it will still return and be desired by the masses. Half the world became communist or fascist in the 20th century and look where we are now.

>> No.19390317
File: 10 KB, 263x192, C21FE003-BF8E-48DA-AE4B-2BB138DB57A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.19390326

Fukuyama is a man of his time.
Most people are really.
The men who are ahead of their time are few and far between, and their contributions are usually only recognized in hindsight.
It’s pretty arrogant to say you know the future, we might regress to fascism but then not “progress” towards liberalism and instead take an alternate route.

>> No.19390364

State capitalism a la world economic forum / china

>> No.19390368

Caesarism is coming.

>> No.19390659

>no one has thought of an alternative to Liberalism in 30 years.
the fuck are you even talking about? The alternative is right in front of your nose; it's called Fascism aka state owned capitalism = CHINA. American won't last another 10 years and China is on the rise, literally a year or two from overtaking America.

>> No.19390669

Islamic theocracy and Chinese communism are already winning and the people in charge do nothing about it

>> No.19390676

How can this niggga concede that we have arrived at the last man and yet think it's good? Like nigga, last man is a pejorative

>> No.19390679

>Islamic theocracy

>Chinese communism
Chinese fascism* fixed that for you

>> No.19391523

God I hope so

>> No.19391921

I wouldn't call what china is doing fascism. I scoff at the concept of third positionism in general but I think they would be more third positionist than fascist. Which yes, fascism is third positionist but not all third positionism is fascist.

>> No.19391936

China awaits it's downfall due to internal conflicts in economic policies

>> No.19391955

>our current society is somehow the best we're gonna get

i feel like this is a strong argument in favor of just jumping off a tall building right now.

>> No.19391966

>America is the only culture and society that exists

>> No.19391975

This guy's grandchildren will be martian refugees fleeing interplanetary religious wars. The future will laugh at liberalism as it returns to feudalism but in space.

>> No.19392048

everything has its time

>> No.19392429

as usual, a lot of criticism of liberalism and examples of regression in this thread. yet, no one is able to grapple with the actual thesis of the book - that liberal democracy is the last development and end of human history. By end here, we do not mean that there won't be regressions, or liberalism is perfect.

What is meant by end is the same as if I were to say "the indoor toilet is the end of shitting technology." Yes, some people may not have indoor plumbing. Yes, some people may revert back to outhouses. Yes, people in China may squat over a hole in the ground. But there have not been any developments in shitting technology beyond the indoor toilet. Such a technology is not even envisioned. There is no tube in the works that you will stick up your ass and it sucks the shit out of you. And yes, the toilet is not perfect, there are some design flaws that cause issues with unnatural shitting form. Despite this, the toilet is clearly the end, the final development of human shitting technology. Just as liberal democracy is the end, the final form of governance for human civilization.

>> No.19392973

two more weeks: geopolitics edition

>> No.19392978
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>be desired by the masses

>> No.19393010

What happens when liberal democracies literally die out because they in every case fail to convince a majority of the population to forgo potential earnings in order to have children? Once there are no more Africans or Indians or Arabs or Latinos to make up for the demographic shortfall, what are the mutt mandarins going to do but slowly evaporate?

>> No.19393018

Life extension, artificial wombs, AI

>> No.19393049

So literally deus ex machina

>> No.19393802

20 million people protested for BLM last year. The world’s youth is vehemently progressive. The biggest conversations in the world about about inclusivity, diversity and representation within globalized liberal democracy. The people want Liberalism, not less. You’re utterly delusional if you think otherwise and the only people who are rejecting liberalism are older, so it doesn’t even matter since they’ll soon be replaced with blue-haired LGBT zoomers across the world

>> No.19393847

Oh please, take it to reddit

>> No.19393911

>china is fascist
you do not understand anything.

>> No.19393933

>0.5% of the USA population protested for BLM, therefore liberalism is clearly the desired end state
stop having retarded opinions that cannot be reasonably backed up under the slightest scrutiny. Trump got 75 million votes last year, the most of any sitting president in history, the most of any republican in history, and that was still an incredibly low turnout compared to the eligible voter base. Im no trump supporter but those numbers alone dwarf the protestors supposedly in favour of liberalism

>> No.19393934

The world's youth is completely inept, and I wouldn't want them in power if I were a progressive. Either way, none of them want or even consider having children, so the religious few who do will inherit the world.

>> No.19393983
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1465, AK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.19394194

>Chinese fascism
Way to immediately out yourself as a pseud

>> No.19394199


>> No.19394218
File: 981 KB, 1377x884, Fertility.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully, fertility continues to decline.

>> No.19394290

the empire never fell

>> No.19394297

trump is a liberal fucking mutt american

>> No.19394345

Voting for Trump is also participating in liberalism so this means nothing

>> No.19394454

Actually, it was Hegel who first predicted in his own words "the end of history". Fukuyama simply phased Hegal.

>> No.19394767

And then 9/11 happens. History never ends!

>> No.19394822

Is this going to go to extinction, or will we see what is happening in Israel, where what was once a fringe sect with a high birthrate becomes a big enough share of the population and the overall birth rate rises?

>> No.19395186

It stabilizes, dude. If there were a mass die-off birthrates would go up again.

>> No.19395205

Do you have a patent on that tube. I just stole your idea if you don’t.

>> No.19395239

It's even more based than fascism now. It's Xi dynasty these days simple as. Very based and full of "Chinese characters" I'll say.