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19389824 No.19389824 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read and learn more about the experience of hallucination and the power of the mind
Can anyone reccomend good books to read on the subject

>> No.19389833

also general LSD/DMT experiences would be interesting aswell

>> No.19389834

just do the drugs lmao why the fuck would you want to read about them

>> No.19390060

unironically, you might enjoy Tao Lin's Trip

Read timothy leary

>> No.19390097

Don't read McKenna, listen to his lectures.

>> No.19390262

i have been, wanted more concise information

>> No.19390329

You're living the dream then, anon. I don't mean to dissuade you from his books, they're good too. But lectures are where he really shines.

>> No.19390354
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none of this anglophile nonsense

>> No.19390393

Carl Jung had this method called active imagination where you induce a hallucination or dream(?) in a waking state. His Red Book was pretty much a journal of his experiences using that method. Interesting stuff but I personally wouldn’t do it without a Jungian analyst who has experience doing it.

>> No.19390399

>just think about stuff on your own lmao why the fuck would you read philosophy

>> No.19390889

cringe. terrence mckenna was just a drug addicted faggot. anything he says about drugs is hyperbole and romanticization. Fear and Loathing is more digestible than anything that nigga Mckenna wrote

>> No.19391403

just keep in mind that this guy was on glowie payroll

>> No.19391779

I love Terence but hate Tao Lin. That guy is a horrible writer and midwit retard.

>> No.19392715

I was part of the schizo crew who transcribed his lectures. Here's the search engine


>> No.19392762

Also, Rupert Sheldrake is still going strong and his a very good YT channel.

>> No.19392772
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Read Joyous Cosmology. Watts actually tries to make a joyous attempt at describing the psychedelic experience and its implications. Avoid Doors of Perception, it's just Huxley pontificating about "dude what if biblical angels were just desert trips" and five pages of a reddit-tier trip report.

>> No.19393169
File: 695 KB, 991x1535, The_Triumph_Of_Christianity_Over_Paganism.Gustave_Doré.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question might not belong ITT but I don't think it qualifies for its own thread and I need some insight.

Two years ago I did MDMA during a party at a friend's house. This was my second time doing M. After taking it I waited an hour and didn't feel anything so at the recommendation of a friend who I thought was experienced I took a booster dose. This was too much, and when it finally kicked it it felt good for about two minutes before I started to feel like I was overdosing. My vision was a rupturing earthquake, my body high felt more than intense and I believed I was dying. In that moment I decided I didn't want to call for help or let anybody know and said to myself "I'll let God decide". Immediately then I heard a voice in my head that said "Drink." and to my left there was a tall glass of water. I grabbed it and chugged and five seconds later I vomited in the trash can next to me and my high came down to a level that was tolerable and safe. A few seconds later, a portal like entity which looked identical to the top half of pic related appeared before me, except Christ wasn't standing in the middle and it was made of light instead of angels. I was intuitively aware that this was God. I could feel the touch of angels. I never told anybody and the entity stayed with me for the rest of the night until about noon the next day.

I have Christian faith but I have no idea what to do with this experience. Am I supposed to accept that I saw God or is that blasphemous?

>> No.19393182

who cares

>> No.19393191

That's the attitude I'd like to have but every once in a while I look back and contemplate whether its in better Christian faith to decide I couldn't have seen God or if the most blasphemous thing to is to decide what I experienced wasn't real after the Lord manifested.

>> No.19393203

What good is being a christian if it leads to the negation of one's own experience?

>> No.19393206

Perhaps. The experience felt Christian.

>> No.19393209

Read Jung's Red Book.
It will help you to understand what happened.

>> No.19393217

I was gonna put that off until I had read more Jung. I've read Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious and some of Aion, and right now I'm reading Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Perhaps I'm better off taking a look.

>> No.19393219

Idk just live a virtuous life anon and never take a second dose !!!

>> No.19393226

is there anyone who enjoys mckenna who doesn't also have an interest in drugs? I have never been interested in reading or listening to him, as well as other writer/speaker types who fall into the category of new-age spirituality because it seems like they always descend into gobbledy-gook or magical nonsense, stuff derived from a lot of altered experiences, but just curious if there are people who found value in it besides that aspect

>> No.19393229

That's why I posted the lecture; it will help.
If you have even tried with Aion, you'll be fine.

>> No.19393230
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I've always been of the opinion that God does not appear to people or personally send them visions. And drug induced vision aren't any more 'unnatural' than anything else spiritual that might come to you otherwise. When you go on a 'vision quest' you aren't being 'sent' messages, your sorting yourself out.

Or as Yoda instructed Luke before he went into the cave "only what you take with you".


Red Book has absolutely no instructional value. It's was a personal log of Jung's experiences traveling inward. Though studying symbol analysis may help.

>> No.19393242


His talks on the culture-machine are interesting. It's a little unfortunate that McKenna immediate conjures associations with hippies but those are just the people who latched onto his messages.

>> No.19393245

Last year I had a psychotic break and the main delusion was that the entire world could see everything in my mind. I've had sever intrusive thoughts ever since until last night when I had a critical epiphany that almost completely cured them. I was already aware that the delusion that everybody saw into my mind was a necessary experience for me to discipline and moralize my internal state of affairs (before this I only conducted myself externally and internally I allowed somewhat of an anarchy of thoughts for the sake of being able to think as critically as possible) and the intrusive thoughts were literally an aversive stimulus conditioning my behavior to alight with Christ.

>> No.19393252

>Red Book has absolutely no instructional value. It's was a personal log of Jung's experiences traveling inward. Though studying symbol analysis may help.
So, maybe, you didn't even need to respond.
Understanding that there are even symbols to analyze is a giant step forward for most people.

>> No.19393255

Psychedelic users are either new-agers or materialists. So no, users don't always descend into magical nonsense.

>but just curious if there are people who found value in it besides that aspect

>> No.19393384
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Let me be clear then. Red Book is not going to help anyone learn Jungian symbolism. Proper analysis is supposed to be an entirely personal affair - Red Book might even be a detriment in that regard.

>> No.19393389
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>Psychedelic users are materialists

You're funny, anon.

>> No.19393442

>yo [...] f[...]anon
what does fanon have anything to do with psychedelics?

>> No.19393565

I torrented Jung's entire works and it has two the original Red Book and the "reader's edition" which does not contain any of the illustrations but it's written in English. Skimming through the reader's edition it doesn't seem like any of it is Jung's writing. Do people who don't speak swiss simply look through the Red Book's pictures or is there some translation of the text somewhere?

>> No.19393600
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Im unsure about readers editions or pdfs but my physical copy comes with illustrations, and translations in the back

>> No.19393629

Man if I knew this I would've read it when I saw it in the library at my school like two years ago. Thankfully they're in the back of my pdf.

>> No.19395154

Nice trip report, i cant tell you how to interperate it thats up to (you)

>> No.19395177

McKenna become terrified of doing mushrooms but had to keep fronting that he thought they were great.