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19382586 No.19382586 [Reply] [Original]

ITT kino fantasy books (i.e. no Tolkien)

>> No.19382632
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>No Tolkien

>> No.19382648

What do you guys think of John Crowley?

>> No.19382722

> not seen since the 60s or 70s
Fantasy was still awful in the 60s or 70s. Tolkien is actually like an oasis in a desert of a genre that is otherwise garbage and even the truly mediocre-at-best contemporary historical fiction authors like Bernard Cornwell make the best contemporary fantasy authors look like idiots because they do all of it better.

>> No.19382803

"Long Wall of text"
--A literal who

>> No.19382871

this is the type of shit 17 year olds write on twitter and make video essays about. a grown man should not have these opinions

>> No.19382922

>Tolkien is bad because... it just is, okay?
I expected the wall of text to have a better point but holy shit

>> No.19382944
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The Lord of Light by Zelazny will always be my favorite, which is crazy because I've found most of his other work only okay.

>> No.19382973

Hilarious the guy basically wants people to abandon fantasy for modern novels but doesnt realise it.

>> No.19383009

This guy has an overly broad definition of fantasy

>> No.19383095

Queer hacks like this one should be forbidden from talking.

>> No.19383283

He's a known SJW. I'm surprised he didn't go on about "dead white men". The insolent tone always gives it away, these people all talk like brats, and rigorously against dead people, of course, since they know they'd be destroyed if any of them were alive. Tolkien wouldn't even get worked up, he'd just demolish him in a minute between puffs.
This two-bit hack is yet another bootleg Gaiman - also a hack - who wrote one shitty fantasy book, yet calls a dead man whose body of work has left an impact so huge that by his own admission is impossible to ignore, a "wen on the arse of fantasy". He can't even punch straight against a dead man.

>> No.19383311
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>> No.19383314

grow up

>> No.19383315

>grow up
>t. sjw

>> No.19383324

It's a very sad thing that you haven't changed at all since 2014. You haven't grown up for 7 years. How does it feel to be a manchild?

>> No.19383371
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Why doesn't this mention Conan the Cimmerian? What about fantasy that's totally obsessed with race?

Pic unfortunately not fantasy.

>> No.19383376

>since 2014
you think that sjws are no longer a problem? if anything it's worse now than it was in 2014

and the label's fine. we both know what it means; you're just triggered by it. would you feel more comfortable if we used synonyms?

>> No.19383380

Anon I couldn't make it past the beginning. When will I start liking it?

>> No.19383410
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childhood is prefering LotR
adolescence is turning on LotR and preferring random literally who novels like Gormenghast with worse prose and where nothing happens for 400 pages purely to be contrarian
adulthood is realizing LotR and the entire middle earth series is the greatest fantasy novel of all time and is popular for a reason

>> No.19383411

>you think that sjws are no longer a problem?
They were never a problem. Grow up.

>> No.19383420

AutoZone would like a word with you.

>> No.19383426

I agree that China is often really cringe and antisocial, but I read his fantasy/sci-fi book Perdido Street Station and it was pretty fascinating. I think he definitely has his talents.

>> No.19383453
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>> No.19383457
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>incel tolkien haters are getting uppity again

>'Why, O people of the Noldor,' he cried, 'why should we longer serve the jealous Valar, who cannot keep us nor even their own realm secure from their Enemy? And though he be now their foe, are not they and he of one kin?'
>'Vengeance calls me hence, but even were it otherwise I would not dwell longer in the same land with the kin of my father's slayer and of the thief of my treasure."
>'Yet I am not the only valiant in this valiant people. And have ye not all lost your King? And what else have ye not lost, cooped here in a narrow land between the mountains and the sea?"
>Long he spoke, and ever he urged the Noldor to follow him and by their own prowess to win freedom and great realms in the lands of the East, before it was too late; for he echoed the lies of Melkor, that the Valar had cozened them and would hold them captive so that Men might rule in Middle-earth.
>Many of the Eldar heard then for the first time of the Aftercomers. 'Fair shall the end be,' he cried, though long and hard shall be the road! Say farewell to bondage! But say farewell also to ease! Say farewell to the weak! Say farewell to your treasures! More still shall we make."
>'Journey light: but bring with you your swords! For we will go further than Oromë, endure longer than Tulkas: we will never turn back from pursuit. After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth!'
>'War shall he have and hatred undying. But when we have conquered and have regained the Silmarils, then we and we alone shall be lords of the unsullied Light, and masters of the bliss and beauty of Arda. No other race shall oust us!'

Cope. Seethe. and Dilate.

>> No.19383473
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>AutoZone would like a word with you.
What the fuck are you talking about? What does autozone have to do with ‘sjws’? Is your mind so broken by internet hysteria that you have an encyclopedic knowledge of whenever a group of twitter users got mad at some company for whatever dumb reason? Who gives a fuck?

>> No.19383783

>SJWs were never a problem
They're not a problem as long as you live in total isolation and have no desire to experience modern media or art. If you care about the current and future quality of society and of the arts then SJWs have been, and are, an ongoing problem

>> No.19383810

>no desire to experience modern media or art.
the past is being attacked too, and he who controls the past, controls the future...

>> No.19383815

Lol this guy writes like a pretentious douchebag, and his opinions are vapid

>> No.19383816

They literally burned it down. It was a bit more than Twitter rage.

>> No.19383835

I loved that book

>> No.19383849
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What if the beliefs of cults were real and then a holy war broke out after one cult stole another cult's God?

>> No.19383921
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>> No.19384431

oh so youre even more mentally challenged than you previously revealed yourself to be. permanently stuck in 2014 and unable to view politics in anyway other than as an analog for 2014 gamer war drama?

>> No.19384601

They are not a problem as long as you have grown up. I'm sorry you are an incel manchild loser.

>> No.19384621

>Tolkien is bad because it makes me look intelligent and well-versed if I dislike an influential author from the past!
t. real life wojack

>> No.19384644

Not what he said

>> No.19384713
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>> No.19384742
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>China Mieville, author of New Weird fiction
>Hard left socialist

Why tf would anyone care about this guy’s opinion on Fantasy? He is pic rel.

>> No.19384760
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Nice projection. He would beat you up.

>> No.19384768

>t. Paganized Tolkien

>> No.19384770

What? With those tiny ass arms?

>> No.19384773

You're talking to more than one anon. I hadn't even touched a titty in 2014. I certainly didn't know the political situation. It's not about 2014.

>> No.19384794

post body

>> No.19384878

I feel
Bad for these people. Their souls are so small they can only see the tropes.

>> No.19384892

but Tolkien is kino

>> No.19384901

Yes, keep chanting, maybe then he'll do what you say.

>> No.19385012

Just because you use a lot of words doesn’t mean you say anything of value anon.

>> No.19385156

People like that are already lost causes. The only hope of fixing them is treating them like the manchildren they are

>> No.19385168

>kino fantasy books
OP meant no trash

>> No.19385298

lmao who is this faggot

>> No.19385303

this is nice.
i have all the original Conan stories but in three books. some of them are kino as fuck.

>> No.19385314

>tugs braid

>> No.19385325
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>> No.19385338

Holy shit what a faggot lmao

>> No.19385343

I really loved this book it was a nice romp. The female cop character was unnecessary but overall a fun read

>> No.19385799

Yeah you would get beat up

>> No.19385840

Hot take: not everything has to be some postmodern deconstruction of society, and if some story even dares abide by an iota of conservative gender norms you don't have to throw it in the trash. I just don't get these dumb fuck standards.

>> No.19385853 [DELETED] 

>Things are gritty and tricky, just as in real life
>This is fantasy not as comfort-food, but as challenge
Once again someone hasn't actually read the books in question, but rather made an assumption on them based on their successors and pop culture notoriety.
I most certainly remember The Rings Trilogy and even the Hobbit being pretty blunt about the nature of war.

>> No.19385901

Really can't say I overly enjoyed Gormenghast.
Maybe it filtered me and I should stick to Black Company like fantasy

>> No.19385906

Seems I bit into the bait a little too quickly.
After all he's changed his view on Tolkien quite a bit over years what with There and Back Again: Five Reasons Tolkien Rocks which he wrote

>> No.19387188

>adolescence is turning on LotR and preferring random literally who novels like Gormenghast with worse prose and where nothing happens for 400 pages purely to be contrarian
Should have just left it at this:
>adolescence is turning on LotR
Gormenghast has incredible prose, and quite rightly has a cult following. I'd even say the prose is better than Tolkien. But they are hard to compare because they aren't in the same fantasy tradition and have completely different influences. That's actually what's so great about classic fantasy before Tolkien... you get the Earthseas and the Gormenghasts, instead of the Wheel of Times and the Eragons and the Name of the Winds.

>be me
>be little known genius producing fantasy novels that are gonna change the world for the better
>notice a more influential text that isn't beating the drum for my run-of-the-mill political beliefs
>"REEEEEEEEEEEE, it's not RaDIcAL enough !!!!!!!!!"
Why are they like this?

>> No.19387211

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GREAT JOB ANON WHO IS NOT ME! My sis has bigger arms than you!

Ain’t me, ya cunt.

>> No.19387224

I don't think she was unnecessary, but I didn't like her either, but that's okay.

>> No.19387312

Disregard this post, I have dissociative identity disorder and can sometimes go weeks without taking my medication.

>> No.19387461

When you remove your head from your rectum.

>> No.19387474


Oh let me guess? Herp Derp Black Company Derp...

You Fucking Marks.

>> No.19387683
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So hostile. I'm trying to like your book why are you being a dick?

>> No.19387788

Are the books better than the movies. Tried reading LOTR as a child but it bored me to tears.

>> No.19388373
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>> No.19388381

Tolkien. The rest is genre fiction trash. I use them for toilet paper.

>> No.19388503

>communist named China

>> No.19388542

kingkiller chronicles by Rothfuss is one of my favourites. Agree with Conan. Very well written. Jonathan strange by Susanna Clarke is good too.

>> No.19388900

>kingkiller chronicles by Rothfuss is one of my favourites
Please kill yourself, you have abysmal taste.

>> No.19389108


>> No.19389144

I pride myself in giving the benefit of the doubt to most ideas
But what the fuck was the point of all that. I gained nothing from that

>> No.19389473
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