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/lit/ - Literature

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19384772 No.19384772 [Reply] [Original]

What are you writing? Why aren't you?

>> No.19384780

my diary

>> No.19384819

I want to write this sweeping somewhat magical realist epic of a real, once thriving Armenian American community on the outskirts of Fresno, a tiny little settlement called Yetem. Sometimes I get flashes of inspiration but they don’t last.

>> No.19384834

My suicide letter

>> No.19384880

A novel.
I've been rotating between reading, writing, and 4chan for the last two days. I read until something inspires me to write, I write until the idea peters out and stops flowing, then I browse for an hr before I get bored. It's been surprisingly productive.

>> No.19384884


>> No.19384918

Everything great has been written, the market is dominated by mediocre works.

>> No.19385208


I bet that guy is a jew.

>> No.19385226

A cover letter

>> No.19385238

A novel about a guy who in his early 20's found an alien and makes a lot of money by streaming with it. One night while binge drinking on stream he accidentally kills it by giving it henny and causing it to have a seizure. He sells the corpse to the US government for an undisclosed amount of money. Now in his early thirties he goes through a crisis combined of increasing paranoia of retribution from the alien race, general emptiness from being materialistic and hated and living for nothing, and is plagued by strange shit going on including visual phenomena and being tracked by a government agent. Also his friends keep disappearing into a VR retirement program that lets young people pay 20k or so to simulate retirement in deep dive VR pods and be on life support until they're 65. Eventually the UFO comes for him and he's going to get on it without knowing his fate.

>> No.19385619
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he's italian

>> No.19385644

Trying to write some pulpy short stories but I have no idea if they're good or not.
Sounds neat anons.
Kek, that's my writing process except I'm not productive at all.

>> No.19385666

Why would any society willingly allow their prime aged citizens to opt out of working?

>> No.19385682

Interesting, but the glowies would’ve been at his house within minutes of finding his stream.

>> No.19385725

>Why aren't you
I'm too embarrassed. I'm worried I will make something horrible and mistake it for a masterpiece. The last thing I wrote creatively was gay one piece fanfiction when I was 13 and I still haven't recovered from re-reading it a decade later

>> No.19385731

I dont know and i wont elaborate.
No alien law yet. Alien law gets passed after this all happens, its why the main character doesnt get prosecuted for murder.

>> No.19385747

In my experience, the reading portion has to be the type of book you are trying to write at the moment. Yesterday and today, I was rereading two novels I've read before.

>> No.19385753

Why don't you get someone to read it and give you some honest feedback. When I started sharing my writing for the first time in 2019, the feedback was 10X more valuable than the criticism was embarrassing. Get feedback from a fellow writer.

>> No.19385793

If I overcome this fear I will post some writing on lit one day. For the moment I'm flustered just thinking about it

>> No.19385814

A novel about a Mughal Prince and his brother.
It would be about the distinct personalities both of them have, the jealousy the younger brother has because his older brother the crown prince betrayed him or so he thinks, the dialectical nature of their worldview in total extremities, the universal love the crown prince has while the younger brother is a fundamentalist ... A Ghazi.
Like Cain and Abel but set in Mughal India.

>> No.19385858

I can only write parables in the vein if Borges or kafka. They start as poems but always end up as parables.

>> No.19386242

The Chaldeans are basically doing that in east county San Diego.

>> No.19386282

Confidence is not knowing that your writing is good, it’s knowing you will survive if it’s bad. Most creative people think their artworks are bad, but one needs to take a chance and show people.

>> No.19386364

@peter_nimitz on twitter? Is that you?

>> No.19386455
File: 63 KB, 799x533, by_Laurence-Norah-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its about the Podestà in a 18th century city state trying to deal with the decline of his city and trade. Political autonomy is mostly a meme, its existence is based on the good will of the newly large and centralized states. Traditions and expectations of wealth are not met with reality, so people look to internal exploitation in order to satiate their desires. Buildings are crumbling, and formally vibrant and genuine sentiments and rituals just feel like a disconnected larp. His son in young and eager, hopped up on fantasies that do not exist anymore while his wife indulges in shallow luxuries to cope with a declining marriage.
It ends with a mob killing him after fucking up one little war over some inconsequential territorial dispute. Son becomes a lawyer and then sells the family town house after the mom dies from liver failure

>> No.19387686
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