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/lit/ - Literature

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19380458 No.19380458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is totally infested with christcucks. If you aren't going to ban them, at least make a /rel/ board already, useless fucking jannies.

>> No.19380473
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Cry more r/eddit. Christ is king

>> No.19380490

>atheists are dick cutting degenerates

>> No.19380497
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>> No.19380505

Christianity is nihilistic. The world is only a glorified airport terminal for heaven.

>> No.19380580

>end of many cultures
uhh you mean like the Jewish mind-virus?

>> No.19380592
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>> No.19380602
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unironically coming around to the Greg Johnson position. gay is based and Yahweh took it from us. also want a trap gf. this website might not be great for me

>> No.19380605

Make me a mod!
I will:
>deport all fascists and commies to /pol/
>deport all religious posts to /his/
>Encourage animeposts
>Encourage sffg posters
>Encourage erotica posters

>> No.19380606
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>> No.19380610


Got more of him?

>> No.19380611

The consequences of christian universal love ... damn.

>> No.19380616

Consequence of being a faggot

>> No.19380620

Sayuri Mattar bro

now you know. I've given you the disease. You will never get off this lil nigga

>> No.19380626
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The christian ailment...

>> No.19380632

Your ailment fruit

>> No.19380641
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My ailment. No sir, you are mistaken. You see, I am not a christian.

>> No.19380649
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No you're not a Christian, you're a faggot

>> No.19380653
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How can I be a faggot if I am not a christian?

>> No.19380655

You have AIDs homo

>> No.19380657

>God is male
Is this the Christian belief? In my faith, God is described as being too vast and complex for labels such as gender to make sense.

>> No.19380676
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AIDs is a symptom of homosexuality, which in turn is a symptom of christianity. As you can see, I cannot have aids, because I am not a christian.

>> No.19380682


>> No.19380700

This demon sure is triggered over people accepting Jesus Christ as lord.

>> No.19380702
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I accept your concession.

>> No.19380703

The Christian God is sexless (since he created sex) but consistently refers to himself with male pronouns and metaphors (e.g, God the Father, God the Son). There are some passages of scripture in which God uses maternal imagery instead, but those are less common. Explanations for the heavy male imagery range from Hebrew having only two grammatical genders and defaulting to the masculine for gender-neutral entities, to purposely calling attention to God not having a goddess consort.
Like you, I also am curious why a God who is above gender would so consistently refer to himself with male pronouns and fatherhood metaphors, but hey, that's his prerogative.

>> No.19380716

They won't because the fucking jannies are also christlarpers

>> No.19380795

This last decade has shown that atheists are neither more intelligent or enlightened than christcucks. In fact, I would say it has been established that they are worse.

>> No.19380800
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>Protestantism is bad!
Yeah I agree. Post an Orthodox Priest doing that, oh wait, you can't. Tough luck fag.

>> No.19380814
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>> No.19380817

>Owning a Byzantine cross makes you Orthodox
lmao the absolute cope. That's an Anglican faggot. Try again.

>> No.19380835
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Birds of a feather flock togethor

>> No.19380861

>Gay Russian Priest
>Wearing a white collar
Not Orthodox. You're shit out of luck aren't you? You've got nothing. Christs Church wins yet again.

>> No.19380880
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>moving goalposts this hard
I can't imagine being this desperate

>> No.19380894

tbqh most religion threads would be fine if it was just discussing holy texts/theology and not "DEBOONK X DENOMINATION" shit that's basically just /pol/-tier content but with slightly higher-IQ combatants.

Oh and we need to get people to stop replying to Butterfly every time he comes in and autistically derails Christian/Catholic threads.

>> No.19380927

Fuck off to >>>/a/ to filthy weeb.

>> No.19380993

>Christian is Nihilistic

We got a Neetch reader here, folks.

>> No.19381014

Queensland fag?

>> No.19381046


>> No.19381283


>> No.19381400

Yeah turns out that many of the greatest artists in world history were Christians, strange

>> No.19381407

Go back to your containment board fag

>> No.19381441

For God's sake, READ. This world is GOOD. History is GOOD. That is why God comes into it to SAVE it, and bring it into an eternally increasing and limitless perfection. We do not evacuate this world to go to Heaven, Heaven and Earth are wed and made one, their marriage bed the fertile ground for the eternal progress of man.

Every time I eat food, I thank God. It is good, it sustains us, and is made sacramental in the Lord's Supper and in eating with friends. Every time I have sex with my wife, I thank God. It is the liturgy of the body which invites the divine presence in the creation of new life. Every time I stub my toe I thank God, because every particural evil participates in the universal good by negation. I embrace all of it as beautiful. Every last thing has beauty, beauty which is only heightened by the death of Christ, the dramatic center of created existence. Jesus died for it all in the paradox of the Cross because this world is meant to be.

>> No.19381448
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they were trolls originally. but the real christfags came and thought they were in good company

>> No.19381449

>We do not evacuate this world to go to Heaven, Heaven and Earth are wed and made one, their marriage bed the fertile ground for the eternal progress of man.
So Jesus lied?

>> No.19381451

Read the Bible. This is the historic faith of the Christian church.

>> No.19381459
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A /rel/ board would be nice if only because religious zealots almost never refer to any text/author in their posts but chimp about how based and redpilled they are for not being atheists, or members of a different religion, etc.

>> No.19381462

I thought Spinozism was a heresy

>> No.19381469

Nothing I said suggests Spinozism. The marriage of Heaven and Earth, and the genesis of the New Jerusalem is Biblical.

>> No.19381476

Sounds very much like pantheism. I guess you are allowed to have that interpretation now that secularization has triumphed and there are no clergy capable of enforcing orthodox belief with state support

>> No.19381479

You don't know what pantheism is. I never suggested and identity between God and creation. This is a very poor 'gotcha'. I don't know why you're so desperate to 'own the Christcucks'.

>> No.19381482
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>> No.19381485

it's from the bible...

>> No.19381493

>heaven doesn't really exist as a separate reality
>god is everywhere in everything, even the stuff that is bad relative to me
>noooo it's not pantheism
Ok so you are going to backtrack and cut god off from the stuff you just said he was immanent to. You're not authorized to interpret your scriptures anyway

>> No.19381498

Panentheism =/= pantheism. Participation and imaging, not identity. I don't really think you're knowledgeable enough about what I or Christians generally believe to speak with such authority.

>> No.19381505

That labelling is just a transparent attempt to avoid being slandered as a de facto atheist by more robustly devotional Christians

>> No.19381512

No it isn't. I explicitly do not affirm an identity between God and the world. The label is uncommon but captures basic Biblical truths. In Him we live, move, and have our being. In eternity our distancing will end, and we will eternally move deeper into divinity.

>> No.19381515

Thank you for confirming the world must be evacuated after all for us to be brought closer to go. Nietzsche was right about christers

>> No.19381520

...??? Creation will no longer be marred by sin and will be able to perfect itself by grace eternally. Its distance from God will be bridged by the blood of Christ. It isn't going to be evacuated.

>> No.19381526

Bridges are used to cross from one place to another!

>> No.19381527

Okay...? We also speak of bridges as metaphors for the conceptual connection between people.

>> No.19381535

King of fags
>That is why God comes into it to SAVE it
But is he also omniscent and omnipotent?

>> No.19381541

Yes, he is. God chose the method of salvation which most suited his divine artistic purpose. The beauty of the Crucifixion is its dramatic and paradoxical display of all the divine attributes in one salvific act. God is the highest beauty, our highest good, and the Cross is where beauty is most perfectly captured in history.

>> No.19381556

Some typos in this but you'll get what I mean.

>> No.19381560

If he was truly omniecent,omnipotent and belevolent then there would be no humans damned to hell.
>inb4 free will
Then god is not omniscent

>> No.19381562

God damns people to Hell because that act is the eternal expression of his wrath, and creation's end is to be a divine self-portrait or Icon. It is meaningful, as all suffering or evil is. Read Calvin!

>> No.19381578

If he trully omnipotent then he is ultimatly responcible for all choices of all humans and, given that some humans "choose" damnation then he is not benevolent

>> No.19381582

He is, because his will is perfectly good and everything he does is oriented towards the right. He isn't morally responsible for the choices of men, whom he judges by the contents of their hearts, but does sustain them as a secondary cause.

>> No.19381596

>create and sustain other entities
>place them in an enclosure also of your design specifications
>punish them for violating your laws
Sounds like god likes to do experiments with lab rats. Can the rodent love the scientist who plans to kill him to increase his knowledge?

>> No.19381605

>He isn't morally responsible for the choices of men
He is. If he is omnipontent then he can influence those choices, and if he is also benevolent, then he should.

>> No.19381608

Poor metaphor, and I'm not going to do this apologetics 101 rationalist wrangling with you. God is the author of history, and we are the characters in that drama. The saved are able to engage in contemplation of that drama.

>> No.19381619

He doesn't for good reason, as I've already explained. He is not a utilitarian who thinks in terms of pleasure and pain. His end is beauty/holiness.

>> No.19381624
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>we are just fictional works by the real author
npc/10... try harder world-denial denier

>> No.19381626


>> No.19381642

>His end is beauty/holiness
This isn't an argument. Then he would create world with maximum hollyness, or even better, personal worlds that would achieve best for results for every individual.
>author of history
doesn't make him benvolent.

>> No.19381643

I never said just.
I said that the world has artistic direction and merit, and that everything has function within that whole.

>> No.19381646

And if the christcuck says they are merely defending their retarded beliefs, know that they are being slimy slippery fucks trying to hide their evangelism. That's what all christcucks do. They can't shut the fuck up and be by themselves. They NEED to impose their beliefs on others.

>> No.19381649

No he wouldn't. This world is the highest conceivable precisely because there is evil to be overcome. God is able to manifest his holiness in negation of evil. It's a rich kind of artistic expression.

>> No.19381657

Atheistcucks are so full of themselves and their soulless opinions are beyond rational thought, especially on the subject of belief, since they have non except their own pleasure and narcisicm. Engaging in debates with them is literally a waste of time. Their own meanlessness will either rot their souls or turn them to Christ eventually in times of crisis, with or without our religious preaching. Let God do his work. Turn to Him and ignore the heathens

>> No.19381664

As soon as you will fuck off with your unprovable archaisms and actually stop influencing politics.

>> No.19381667

not him but surely if the world fits our aesthetic tastes, its because the world made our aesthetic tastes, no?

>> No.19381674

I suppose that's a plausible explanation you could offer from a naturalist perspective, but that's not my perspective. I believe it's because all things come from one original font of objective Beauty.

>> No.19381678

>their own pleasure and narcisicm
reminds of a deity i once knew :///

>> No.19381680

they serve as a nice counter balance to all the commies

>> No.19381683


>> No.19381696

what I meant by "world" includes that. im actually mystified by our perception and appreciation of music, but whatever causes our appreaciation is also ultimately what we are appreciating here. all im saying is god made beautiful things, but he made beauty too, which is almost unimpressive and takes the meaning out of the whole ordeal.

>> No.19381703

I don't believe that God created beauty, but that God IS beauty. When we appreciate something beautiful we are appreciating something that is imaging the eternal harmonious perfection of the Trinity.

>> No.19381722


>> No.19381724

doesnt the same circularity apply?

>> No.19381727

That's a somewhat different claim. Now instead of god being the author of a story we just bleat along in he is instead giving everything order and purpose as parts of a whole? And that whole is what? The fiction he created to amuse himself? We've already been over him being separate from the product. So now he is picking his favorite parts and letting them triumph over the others? All those poor little bottom feeders who exist only to enhance the glorious potency of those who consume them!

>> No.19381739

No. You clearly aren't paying any attention to what I've said and I don't intend to reply to you any further. All I wanted to do was help you see that Christianity has its own logic, but you just intend to keep pressing until we've explored every possible avenue of attack to 'own the libs' because you aren't interested in understanding but in an online ego boost.
I'm not sure what circularity you mean, friend. Are you asking if the world's beauty being an imaging makes it pointless or empty in itself? I don't think so, if that's your question. We don't doubt the artistic value of a portrait because it is an imaging of something else, or as inferior to a photograph.

>> No.19381764

>Christianity has its own logic,
Every thing has its own logic or it wouldn't be available for discourse. Tells us very little to just cry "logic"
>but you just intend to keep pressing until we've explored every possible avenue of attack
Yes because I disagree with you and your god and the worsing quality of discussion when it's allowed to repeat unchecked
>to 'own the libs'
Fuck off tourist. Worship the great maw of the volcano if that's what you like but don't pretend you're above having an agenda