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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.95 MB, 3600x4800, IMG_20211110_165500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19376033 No.19376033 [Reply] [Original]

Show us your handwriting and post tips to improve

I personally hate mine, thats the reason I made this thread.
Tried writing in both English & mother tongue, Greek. I think my English writing is better than my Greek. Tried different pens too and the experience varied.
By order of appearance:
>Pierre Cardin something something
Top heavy, all the weight is towards the top half ie the part visible in the photo. Despite that, it is my favorite one and I think it give me my best looking writing.
>GoldenEye Jotter owned by gramps
Second favorite, but am scared of losing it so it stays on my desk. Good experience tho
>Parker Core Laque GT
Awful, really fat tip, feels sluggish to write with. Worst looking writing came out imo. Like the look tho and it was a gift so I want to fix it. I guess you can change the cartridges and I hope that will help
>Bic crystal
Ok writing but it hurts my hand after a while. Second worst handwriting

>> No.19376094

Your handwriting is decent OP. Not too bad, not too good. It's alright. You can try writing bigger to improve legibility if you want

>> No.19376099
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20211110_232357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my leftovers from one of my dead projects. Would probably never use these, but maybe it'll help someone

>> No.19376107
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And here's one from my current project

>> No.19376130
File: 1.80 MB, 1835x2586, 8DD37FE7-C048-45C6-9D3C-99AF3F587C79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my recent page when I was writing down War and Peace characters for my 3rd reread. Pen is Montblanc 149 calligraphy nib with Montblanc Permanent blue ink. The paper is Rhodia premium ivory.
Go to a pen store and try to find a pen that fits your grip well. If your grip isn't proper start with Lamy Safari - it's cheap, light, and makes you grip the pen correctly because of the grip section.

>> No.19376182


>> No.19376191

Do you guys think it's worthy trying to improve my handwriting as an adult? A number of years ago I did calligraphy for a while, and it seemed to help, but I kind of wonder whether it's possible to more than marginally improve.

>> No.19376205
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>> No.19376207

Sorry I don't speak Zoomer. Can you try acting like a human?

>> No.19376216

>being this new

>> No.19376236

>the retarded red fox jumped over the gay dog

>> No.19376247

stuck up bitch

>> No.19376250
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Being doing it since the start of this month. Slowly improving.

>> No.19376256

I just don't frequent retard central, /fit/. Also, I'm 194 cm and 125 kg, male, sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.19376286

>125 kg

>> No.19376299

Well yeah, I'm into books and calligraphy. Not exactly physically demanding is it

>> No.19376761

It's just a workbook?

>> No.19376790
File: 433 KB, 490x800, mydiarydesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said my handwriting is gay but I hope I get points for the drawings.
I post small because it's personal stuff.

>> No.19377039

I wouldn't mind a bigger res of the page with the birb qt anon

>> No.19377169
File: 1.54 MB, 2340x4160, 1110211219a~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays notes

>> No.19377316

I made myself write all my notes in college in cursive. After four years I was still not great at it and it wasn't aesthetic at all.

>> No.19377606

Absolutely impenetrable; looks terrific

>> No.19377620

3rd re read of fiction? son you are wasting your life

>> No.19377636

>Absolutely impenetrable
haha thanks

>> No.19377852
File: 1.00 MB, 2312x1752, my_handwriting_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my practical handwriting at the normal speed I write. I can handwrite better than this, but it takes far too long for real life circumstances like taking notes for my college classes (before I just typed my notes with my laptop). It's not the usual curly cursive everyone's familiar with, and I'll leave it up to you guys to guess what kind of "cursive" it is exactly.

>> No.19377871

It's very clean, if you like ligatures you should use a fountain pen, even a cheap one in fine or extrafine.

>> No.19377950

Thank you. I've tried fountain pens before, but I couldn't really get into them when I first tried them. I liked the nice, wet feeling, but the maintenance/cleaning and the nice paper required put me off. Also, I got looks in class every-time I used one.
I respect people who use fountain pens though. For me, handwriting is a more practical matter instead of a hobby, but I can see why people spend money on fountain pens.

>> No.19378079

Apologies in advance for being retarded, but why should I spend hours learning how to write in a way that is so “refined” that I can’t even comprehend what letters I am looking at? It looks way nicer of course but it is 1. Less readable and 2. Slower to write (unless you are a pro, I guess)

>> No.19378207

Maybe you're just not used to cursive because >>19376250 is perfectly easy to understand, and >>19377169 isn't only because he writes way too tight, but that's his problem and not that of cursive. It's also much faster than writing in caps as soon as you get competent because you're not lifting the pen from the sheet with every stroke.

>> No.19378286

Childish or not it's subjective. But you are the first person I've seen writing e's like that. why don't you just use the loop shaped e like most people? Yours can be mistaken as a c

>> No.19378300

Pencils are superior to pen. The common #2/HB is perfect

>> No.19378305

>he said, on 4chan

>> No.19378306

Pencils are for cowards.

>> No.19378309

Pretty cool.
If I was searching a dusty attic and came across that diary, I would probably hold onto it.

>> No.19378329

Graphite is superior to ink

>> No.19378364
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It's supposed to be a sphinx. Out of context the drawings look pretty bad desu.
>holding onto the weird old diary you found in your attic
that's a good way to get spooked, anon

>> No.19378382

I meant that for >>19378309
I like both graphite and ink, and definitely ink more than graphite for writing. Graphite is GOAT for drawing though, only second to charcoal.

>> No.19378393
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My handwriting gets better the more I journal, but I haven’t done that in a few months now.

>> No.19378411
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>> No.19378423

i bet I could beat you up easily.

>> No.19378428

Your printing is similar to mine. Kinda bubbly, some might say girly, but its easy for my coworkers to read so whatever.

>> No.19378447

Your descenders are long.

>> No.19378460

yeah my coworkers always have me label stuff or write stuff because they all have chicken scratch.

>> No.19378470

My handwriting is so poor I will not even share with this thread I'm sorry.

>> No.19378486

You can’t erase shit smeared in prison walls

>> No.19378609

Pretty sure you can with a pressure washer. But then, as we all know, the poo becomes aerosolized and gets sucked into the air ducts and eventually deposits everywhere in the prison complex. This is why you always want to cap your toothbrush.

>> No.19379230

I'm lefthanded and not a doctor
i'll never make it

>> No.19379354

who the fuck gives a shit about handwriting lmao
as long as its legible
also anyone writing notes in cursive are idiots. cursive is difficult to scan quickly, the words look too samey. use print.
also if you have a diary i hope you are a woman. if you are male and have a diary please drop your age and location. don't worry, i'm average size.

>> No.19379635

Maybe you should go to a gay club if you want to get your average sized asshole stretched out. No idea though, I'm not a faggot like you.

>> No.19379645


>> No.19379654
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Yes, my dude. Also bought some Spencerian workbooks, haven’t started them yet.

>> No.19379875
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>browses /lit/
>doesn't have homoerotic tendencies
is the bible the only book you ever read?

>> No.19379903

I taught myself cursive as an adult (early 20s). If you have good dexterity, it might actually be easier then.

>> No.19379926

>so “refined” that I can’t even comprehend what letters I am looking at?
You get more familiar with the letters when you're writing them.
>Slower to write (unless you are a pro, I guess)
Unless you have really fast print handwriting, that's not true, and cursive survives being written quickly better than print does.

>> No.19379968
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browses literature board while being scared of hand writing

>> No.19380071
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actually yes

>> No.19380446
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Here's a picture I took last month from a journal I had 10 years ago.

>> No.19380567
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My handwriting was better while I was in school (left) but then it got completely fucked (right) in uni because of how fast I had to take notes.

>> No.19380890
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20211111_034750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine. I based it off a 14-15th century Portuguese chancery hand because I'm an insufferable pseud. It's still not very good.

Top is with my daily pen, a Pilot Precise V5, bottom is with a Montblanc Meisterstück.

>> No.19380944

hello zodiac

>> No.19381652
File: 608 KB, 678x659, faun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're trying to update your journal but your house was built on an Indian burial ground
happens to the best of us
I like the flourishes, it doesn't look pretentious

>> No.19381733

Do you take notes between chapters or do you prefer to take it after having seen something worth of being written down now?

>> No.19381953

>literally everything about that pic
do you work at the based department?

>> No.19382183
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, spookyaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that's beautiful.

I wrote it while I was tripping on mushrooms. In my mind, I was trying to draw a map for the universe, kek. And then the "zeros" in -0+0 were supposed to be circles, and I was trying to use circles to represent "consciousness", and trying to see if I could find what the lack of consciousness co-existing with consciousness was, and suddenly realized it just looked like 0+0=zero, and the next thing I knew words were pouring out of my hands onto the paper. Even sober, my handwriting isn't much less manic looking; just "tighter".
>pic related, napkin I snuck into my girlfriend's lunch one day

>> No.19382242

That's cute anon

>> No.19382609

I have to know what those frags are to reach a final conclusion, but for know you are cool in my eyes anon

>> No.19382808

Terre d’Hermes, my dude. Comfiest perfume.

>> No.19382946
File: 348 KB, 1280x958, A457E156-B7C5-4142-8A3C-13A79B30653F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.19383114

Half of the book isn't fiction. The good part. Besides, enjoying yourself isn't time wasted, anon.
I like to write down quotes that I enjoy.

>> No.19383191

this is cool