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/lit/ - Literature

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19379812 No.19379812 [Reply] [Original]

Rate, ask questions, call people pseuds, whatever; just post your stacks and what you’re reading now.

>> No.19379819

stacking these dubs! hahaa check em

>> No.19379835
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>> No.19379883

Why not read the autobiography?

>> No.19379892
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>> No.19379913

The book is really more about the last couple months of Malcom X’s life and his feud with the Muslim leaders he had been close with rather than a full biography

>> No.19379957
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Just got finished with East of Eden and really liked it so I bought another by Steinbeck, might read it after Normal people though so I don't get burnt out reading the same author, EoE was longer than I expected.

Boring and cringe. I hope you have an exciting social life that makes up for having such dull taste in books desu.

>> No.19379982

Stack, not shelf.

>> No.19379989

This is what someone reads while their girlfriend is busy fucking tyrone.

>> No.19380020

>Stack thread
>2 books

>> No.19380033

They're not even stacked, either. what a fucking gay.

>> No.19380058
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Funny, why do you say that? I hope you are not taking advantage of something personal I posted in another thread anon.

My mom gave me her credit card and told me not to go too crazy, and I already bought coffee and a a bagel so I didn't want to push it with a third book.

>> No.19380065

East of Eden is really good, I liked how they discussed the implications of the story of cane and Abel. The setting was cozy too.

As for my taste in books, that’s just your (gay) opinion. It’s a literature board and most books aren’t that exciting.

>> No.19380082

>buys a fucking sally rooney book
>attempts to critique ANYONE else's taste
hearty laugh

>> No.19380084

What’s the point of a stack? Just an aesthetic curation?

>> No.19380099


>> No.19380139
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Just picked up from the the thriftstore for a grand total of $10

>> No.19380215

If I want to fit in with normies I need to read normiecore, I don't like it either anon, but you never know it might be good.

>> No.19380224

nice. I should pick up that penguin classics edition of W&P. 10 bucks is crazy good, the war and peace alone at even my best used bookstore would be 7.50$.

>> No.19380242

>want to fit in with normies
Why would anyone want that? Besides it's easy to fake. Just repeat old memes from 4chan after they've gone to die on other websites.

>> No.19380265

I have the previous Penguin edition of War and Peace translated by Rosemary Edmonds (new one is Anthony Briggs). Got it for $2. Used books stores and thrift stores are goldmines.

>> No.19380269

I'm lonely and I want friends ;((

>> No.19380285

I concur

don't do this

>> No.19380287

We're your friends, and you can call us anything you want. We'll never leave you. Faggot.

>> No.19380288

They have the newer penguin Anna Karenina for $3, should I go back and get it??

>> No.19380296

ty nigger <3

>> No.19380304

If you want to read it. I haven't and don't really care to. Reading W&P right now because I loved the 1960's Soviet film adaptation.

>> No.19380310


>> No.19380358

>Calls (mostly) nonfiction boring
>reading Sally Rooney
>2 books in a stack thread
Gotta be a troll lol

>> No.19380425

Don't care, non-fiction is boring. And I don't care what you say about Sally Rooney because I have not read her yet so I don't have an opinion, and I bet you haven't either so you should shut up about her.

>> No.19380507

>hur dur you should read bad books in their entirety before calling them bad
Sally Rooney is a self-absorbed cunt, you can tell by her face. If you can't, you'll find out after one or two pages of her book

>> No.19380511

Maybe I will but you're still a faggot.

>> No.19380965
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>> No.19381854

How many of those will you actually read?

>> No.19381889
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I just got into reading
>Something about contemporary italian theatre
>The Plague
>Ecce homo
>Young Holden
>The picture of dorian gray

>> No.19381922

Is that Bible good? And can it be used without a cathecism?

>> No.19381933

based mutt

>> No.19381934
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>> No.19381938

>Something about contemporary italian theatre
?elaborate anon

>> No.19382022

Talks about the italian theatre scene from after ww2 til the 70's.
Talks a lot about Pirandello.

>> No.19382323
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>> No.19382454

Just had to get the knife in shot didn't you

>> No.19382507

Too lazy for a shot so
>Basically all of Kierkegaard
>Divina Commedia

>> No.19382514

Did you know that the Divina commedia, wasnt supposed to be called like this;
it was only supposed to be called Commedia.

>> No.19382545

Interesting. Why was the prefix added?

>> No.19382634

Boccaccio added it.
From the late renaissance they started to use it as the official title

>> No.19382776
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Halfway through American Psycho. Pretty enjoyable so far.


>> No.19383181

Hägglunds book is excellent

>> No.19383269
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2022 reading

>> No.19383287


>> No.19383292
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>il giovane holden
>not il catchero della ryeo

>> No.19383302
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i know...

>> No.19383596

All of them (already finished orthodoxy)

>> No.19383620

Yes. Its both thorough and concise would recommend

>> No.19383791

Has anyone actually read evola?

>> No.19383882
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Buy pick related

>> No.19383910

I mean, it does sound better.

>> No.19383933

Damn. I bet her genitals smell amazing

>> No.19383939

Based Barthelme, I picked up Sixty Stories a few months back. Was pleased to see the reprint. Keep an eye out for Forty Stories if you don't already have it.

>> No.19383970

Too lazy to take a pic so I’ll just list my recent purchases/borrows/reads from the past few months or so:
>Entire Sea of Fertility Tetralogy
>Dance, Dance, Dance
>Chekhov selected stories
>Revolutionary Road
>Sputnik Sweetheart
>Norwegian Wood (Spanish)
>Men Without Women (Murakami)
>Some poetry collection
>Madame Bovary
>Of Human Bondage

Yes I read too much Murakami, I’m aware of this.

>> No.19383981

>Can get Jung's collected works right now translated
>Could take the long wait and get them in the original
choices, choices, choices.

>> No.19383993
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Ty anon, I have an old copy of Of Mice and Men that I read for school and I wanted to get a clean copy for my bookshelf but I might just buy that one instead.

Nice try retard, but I'm not schizophrenic though :\

>> No.19384004

of course not, we don't read here

>> No.19384062
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>> No.19384228
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Jünger and Pound.

>> No.19384340
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Finished those with blue dots, 2/3ds through Nicomachean Ethics Metaphysics only started.

>> No.19384375
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>> No.19384388

perusing this nice thread, do you reckon i can understand Kant's Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right on its own, or do i need previous reading? It seemed so when i gave it a few page skim

>> No.19384552
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How much Miller have you read, anon? I have him as one of the authors I need to read next year.

Are talking PUP or somewhere else? Just finished Answer to Job (sensing a theme?) alongside Modern Man in Search of a Soul + Undiscovered Self.

The most surprising thing is the Tim Allen book. What's the story with that book?

Thanks for introducing me to Giertz, added him to my list

>> No.19384578

What does PUP stand for?

>> No.19384582

The Tim Allen book is apparently a surprisingly good intro to metaphysics.

>> No.19384591

Oh, kinda less psyched about reading him now that i saw what he discusses in answer to job

>> No.19384631

>Henry Miller
I’ve only read Tropic Of Cancer and I really enjoyed it. It is a bit uneven though. When Miller hits his stride, he’s among the best. Other times he’s a pretentious windbag. I still think it’s worthwhile. There is a passage in the first ~10 pages that is among the most memorable I’ve ever read. The paragraph may be the raunchiest thing I’ve read but poetic at the same time. Colossus of Maroussi is the first travelogue I’ve read. I’m ambivalent on it. The writing is top notch, better than ToC, but I might just not be a travelogue kinda guy

>> No.19384635

Princeton University Press


Oh jeez, sorry anon :( In what way does it ruin things?

>> No.19384651

I tried reading TOC in college when I was really big on the beats (was just getting back into reading at the time) but that set up a bad expectation because I thought it was gonna be like Bukowski. Glad to hear about Colossus of Maroussi since I ended up getting a copy of it and The Air-Conditioned Nightmare from a library sale.

>> No.19384655

I'm a christian and if it isnt just a wikipedia editor saying he "said Job was more moral and conscious than God" it doesnt seem very pleasant.

>> No.19384702
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I'm a Christian too (if my stack didn't give off such an idea already) and the way the editor described it feel is a bit off. Jung talks about how one of man's greatest gifts is consciousness and how God's omnipresence can be seen as a form of unconscious (relating back to Jung's spiritual understanding of the Universal Unconscious). Through the story of Job, Jung talks about God confronting such consciousness and understanding that in order to answer to his persuaded actions against Job he must put himself into man ei Christ.

It's still a controversial book because it gets into talks of Lilith and Sophia and stuff -- but I think there's a lot to take away with regards to our bond with God and the inherent dualities we must face.

>> No.19384709

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t like Henry Miller as a person. He had a bit of that Nabokov smugness and his “I’m an American in Europe who hates America and it’s people. Let me patronize European culture” made me roll my eyes often. I do think he is an underrated writer and a charismatic person though. I’m surprised he isn’t more popular as I can see him being popular with the art hoe crowd

>> No.19384732

The only person I hear talk about him these days is Mark Kozelek -- which is ok by me.

>> No.19384802
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Currently what I’m reading, and recently bought

>> No.19384813

Being more open, that seems like some slightly if at all veiled gnosticism.
Is that just something, and the rest of his work is sounder, or hwo does it go?
Just read the quote, that's much less than the "black and white" shot the editor gave.

>> No.19384860

I'm still working my way through his catalog, but Jung can tow the line between psychology and spirituality. Sticking with more of the heavy hitters shouldn't get so deep (Answer to Job is his only main biblical commentary), but a major point of conversation with the more wilder material is the concept and practice of Alchemy.

Everyone takes to him differently, but I personally came back to the faith thanks to (among other things) a combination of Augustine's Confessions and Jung's Red Book.

>> No.19384873

Well, i might as well dive in head first. Gonna wait to get it in the original for the best experience.

>> No.19384890

On another note, quite interesting path. I came truly into it now after dabbling in some nonsense before realizing my error.

>> No.19384902

Where did you get that edition of the Oera Linda Book? Is that the one that came out recently that's like $50 USD and almost as much in shipping

>> No.19384904
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That's great anon, I hope you have a good time :)

If you want something to hold you over in the meantime -- I really enjoyed Robert A. Johnson's He & She. Very short but very impactful books about masculine and feminine psychology through the lens of Greek myth. Johnson was a student of Jung so they are great primers.

>> No.19384906

"light of my life, fire of my loins."
what a way to start a book. one of the funniest starts i've seen

>> No.19384909

The Oera Linda Book: From a Manuscript of the Thirteenth Century, With the Permission of the Proprietor C. Over De Linden, of the Helder; The Original ... by an English Version of Dr. Ottema's Dutch T https://www.amazon.com/dp/1527940020/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_00WZPT99MH546ZD7DHFF

>> No.19384924

thanks anon, ill give it a look

>> No.19385228
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Aspiring judeologist

>> No.19385235
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Why the fuck would it flip???

>> No.19385422
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I got Rene Guenon from eBay and the other four from thrift stores. Reading Machiavelli atm

>> No.19385441

Did you see Scott Howard's new book? It's coming out at the end of the month I believe.

>> No.19385480

About the open society foundation.
Tomorrow they release the opioid industry exposé.

>> No.19385758

Yes, it's good. It's the Ignatius RSV-2CE but with better, more detailed footnotes than the regular RSV-2CE Ignatius Press sells and several doctrinal essays throughout as well as introductions for every book. And you can get the most of it without a physical copy of the catechism, because the catechism citations are fairly well summarized in the footnotes themselves; however you can look up the catechism online, so not having a physical copy shouldn't be much of a hurdle. Have a watch of this if you're interested.

>> No.19386042


>> No.19386137
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>> No.19386214
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After a 3 year reading slump spanning my high school years I’ve started reading again..
Recs welcome

>> No.19386283

can you post a picture of the text inside that mini Poe? it looks awesome, I want to buy it.

>> No.19386649

You're welcome anon! I would recommend his novels The hammer of God and Faith alone.

>> No.19386658

I like little books, they're the best.

>> No.19386723

>I just really like cans

>> No.19386738
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looking forward to reading Henry James the most.

>> No.19386983

They feel nice but they look weird in the shelf

>> No.19386998

postman is based

>> No.19387794

Don't get too excited, he's overrated af.

>> No.19387822

Fuck off, spiderman.

>> No.19387827
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I bought it from a store in the mall called chapters

It’s actually kind of hard to keep open when I’m reading it lol, my fingers cover the text. and you’re right I don’t know where to put it on my shelf

>> No.19387855
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Is the text that large throughout?

>> No.19387893
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I'm not twisting my neck.
Wrong thread.
I'm not twisting my neck.
I'm not into that but good for you.
I'm not twisting my neck, anyhow, you didn't/won't understand The Magus (I didn't).

I'm currently reading these two.

>> No.19387912

not twisting my neck faggot

>> No.19387921
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>I'm not twisting my neck.
>posts his books vertical
>has them facing opposite ways

>> No.19387922

You will.

>> No.19387942

Are you one of them fancy Greek and LAtin readers? Are you working on something interesting?

>> No.19388247

I've always seen it as being the stack of books you are currently and/or on the cusp of reading.

>> No.19388252

Like, ALL of the books you're going to read in 2022?
Man people weren't joking when they said people here don't read.

>> No.19388363

Quick I have to write one small paragraph about Job, I better just get down the simple basics of the book's theological implications!
>God wants to become man
>God fills us with evil as well as good
>prattle on about atom bombs and chemical weaponry
Based, I think?

>> No.19388491

The Turn of the Screw is the greatest novella AND work of horror ever to be written

>> No.19388544
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>> No.19388611

Yeah it’s the same size as regular books, looks like 12 times new roman to me

>> No.19388668

I don't get it

>> No.19389016
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>> No.19389130

Nice feminine fingers anon they are very cute

>> No.19389196

I think that too.
I would lick them and enjoy to have them on my face

>> No.19389234

Are you italiano? Amore mio

>> No.19389279

Aspiring anti-semite based on what you're reading.

>> No.19389337

Have that same war and peace, cost me 20$

>> No.19389453

How is La Peste? I've tried reading it on my pc but quit because my neck kept hurting. I just ordered it with The Kingdom and I'm gonna read them next week tops.

>> No.19389932

Thank you - I've already seen the video btw

>> No.19390091

>malcom x
supporting antisemites anon you are going on the list

>> No.19390300
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>> No.19390343

Nice Hemingway. What's the front look like? Normally Folio looks gaudy.

>> No.19390373
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This is the folio. I didn’t want to open it too much and bend the spine so sorry for a half ass pic. I’ve found Folio Society to be totally hit or miss. The Hemingway ones are pretty nice and not too expensive

>> No.19390453

>Zecharia Stitchin

Do you watch Ancient Aliens, bud? My grandpa who was really into that kind of stuff owned books by Stitchin.

>> No.19390535
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>> No.19390560
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>> No.19390642

reading portrait right now, definitely not for everyone but if youre a young intellectual man that contemplates issues of sexuality and loneliness, youll like it. Also, the way joyce approaches the father son relationship is astounding. Big plus if youre of irish descent too

>> No.19390657

steinbeck is my favorite author. none of his books are my favorites but his ouevre is remarkable. he is one of the best male writers for female characters, and his use of environment and climate to establish the mood of his stories is genius. read his short story "the chrysanthemums" a beautiful tale

>> No.19390683

I'm Argentina, but I have italian citizenship.

>> No.19391005

1.) It's my base goal. I am getting out of a reading slump from school and balancing it with work. I am not you, do not expect me to be you. Don't project lol
2.) I don't use /lit/, let alone 4chan, too often.

>> No.19391812

Where and how did you get those editions of William Faulker and Ernest Hemingway?

>> No.19391847
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I'm house sitting for my parents and these are the books I brought with me. I've finished god emperor and manservant and maidservant,

>> No.19392253

They are fake first editions. I think the publisher is First Edition Library. You can find them on Abebooks. You can search “Hemingway collector reprint”

>> No.19392524

I'm really enjoying it.
Its obviously harder than The Stranger.
I recommend it

>> No.19392527

Basato e italianpillato

>> No.19392652
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>> No.19392657

based cat

>> No.19392763

damn I also just bought man and his symbols and civilization and its discontents

>> No.19392774

Does it actually contain the Didache, a book excluded from the NT canon?

>> No.19393485

Didn't expect to see this here.

>> No.19393594


>> No.19393602
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Top three on the left are what I'm working through right now.

>> No.19393655
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the top two are for classes, the bottom three are what I've been reading lately
good lord, what a steal. do they have writing in them or are they completely clean?
>Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus
nice, what dialogue in Plato are you on?
>Aristotle, Jung, Freud, Nag Hammadi, Kybalion, Uncle Ted
based beyond belief, read much of Nag Hammadi yet?
>Jordan Peterson, 48 Laws of Power
why are you reading that?
>Appian, Caesar, Plutarch, Res Gestae
also based beyond belief, are you learning/do you know Latin or Greek?

>> No.19394886

Is Neuromancer actually worth reading?