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19371787 No.19371787 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19371792

prev thread: >>19359910

>> No.19371837

Take me somewhere we can be alone
Make me somewhere I can call a home
Cause lately I've been losing on my own

>> No.19371842

I dont want to go to work tomorrow.

>> No.19371843
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Life is suffering and then you die.

>> No.19371858

I prefer the ducks

>> No.19371861

you guys are PATHETIC.. get a grip

>> No.19371867

You're pathetic

>> No.19371883

Wrong. There's more to that, you just gotta find it

>> No.19371895

Am I the only one who liked Xen? It was so trippy and cosmic horrory.

>> No.19371926

Nope, feels strangely nightmarish in a dreamlike sense. Very peculiar.

>> No.19371927

>just find it by randomly walking in the complete darkness

>> No.19371929

the black mesa version is fucking beautiful. all those levels took me so long though.

>> No.19371930

I read Zapffe, now I want to puke and cry

So fucking brutal

>> No.19371933

To me, the current trends in Europe are the end result of a clash of civilizations. On one hand you have the aging, weak, and self-hating West which even if left to its own devices was going to die out via low birthrates anyway. On the other you have the young, violent and prideful Islamic civilization. Is it really a surprise Europe is being conquered? It was over for Europe the second WWI happened.

>> No.19371939


>> No.19371941

Just apply what you learned bro. Don't take it like some tragic insight into human existence, take it as a guideline on how not to feel bad about the tragic nature of human existence.

>> No.19371942

Yesterday Erika called me out of the blue. I thought she hated me. She wanted to go for a walk with her dogs. And we did. It was okay, she canned her standard female complaining after I signalled that its getting on my nerves.
Back home she started kissing me and I simply stood up and pulled my dick out. She eagerly started to suck it, not forgetting to look me deep in the eyes every now and again. I taught her well.
We hadnt seen each other since may, or something. Back then, she was pissed that I didnt want a relationship and she couldnt get over it. She was too old for my taste and her brain was confused by feminism and over the years I grew tired of explaining things to people. If you are a woman and dont have eyes to see and a brain to think and cant follow a mans lead, I will not invest time in trying to de-fragment your mind into something whole again. Especially if you are not youthful anymore.

Now she pushed me onto my bed and slapped my dick in between sucking it, showing her motivation to be a good little slut for me. Once she had me hard enough she pushed me inside her, riding me. No condom. She used one hand to rub her clit and the other to choke me and she climaxed after about 3 minutes.
I pulled out before I came all over my stomach.
My body kept twitching intensely every time she touched me after I came. She got dressed and was out the door not ten minutes after. It seemed like she had somewhere to be.

>> No.19371944

When you actually take an objective look at it you’ll realize anime really isn’t that good. Those big eyes really bamboozle you into think otherwise doe.

>> No.19371948

southside fo life nigga fuck da opps

>> No.19371950

What do you mean, anon?

How can I have a family and children after reading this? The only solution he can offer is roping.

>> No.19371954
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1963 rue saint germain saint lairent>>19359910
I think I am not helping myself. I got this cute girl in chemistry that is always bringing the right equipment for me before expirements/laboratories she goes next to me in the laboratory class. Always laughts at my jokes even tought I am not talking to her. She looks at me and smiles from time to time. She talks to her friends about being single and that she is looking for someone. I happened to be right next to her when she said that. All the flags and cues are there.
I just don't do anything. To be honest I don't even know her name. Its Melina or Melissa or something. I am so demoralised. I am defeatist I think. I think to myself that she probably talks to 30 guys every nights on her single app and she might be fucking every night. I don't see myself conquering her. I alway think that I am not good enough.

I know I should not be a loser like that and keep on fighting. I have been a chad a couple of years ago. I just don't give a shit anymore.

What should I do? Also whats a quick way to kill yourself without making a mess?

>> No.19371960

Read kirkegaard

Don't ruin your life over a depressed norwegian's brain worms

>> No.19371965
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I want to climb mountains and keep improving at fooball. I think we will reach top 6 in the league. I don't like to work or study, it's boring.

>> No.19371974

Thank you

I actually have some of his work around and am planning to start a study of him. Have you read Zapffe yourself? You seem rather confident that he can be dismissed.

>> No.19371975

so what have you guys been reading?

>> No.19371979

lovecraft and hesse, I'm thinking of reading the trilogy of Foundation

>> No.19371984

He gives 4 remedies for existential dread which basically are covering your ears and going LALALA until the bad feel goes away, distracting yourself with media and consooming, arts, and taking something greater than yourself and using it as an anchor to keep yourself sane. Having a family sounds like a nice anchoring mechanism and something wholesome enough. If you want to be a family man, you should try and do it, what else are you going to do anyway?

>> No.19371985

Stop being a creepy incel everyone hates and you'll find happiness.

>> No.19371989

I picked up a used copy of Siddhartha for a dollar a few weeks ago. never read any Hesse. not sure when ill read it

>> No.19371991

How is Kierkegaard better?
He sounds very depressing, as far as I can tell his only remedy for bad feels is a leap of faith.

>> No.19371994

Wouldn't it be evil to have children, though?

>> No.19371997

>never read any Hesse
why? I started Der Steppenwolf some days ago

>> No.19372006

Booba. Nothing else. That is all.

>> No.19372009

>as far as I can tell his only remedy for bad feels is a leap of faith

Kierkegaard wrote like a madman. Is this all I'll learn from reading all his work?

>> No.19372014

I like ASS

>> No.19372018

I'm on the fence on that one. But I also think that you should do whatever the fuck you want to because this is the only life you have.
Life is really unpredictable.

>> No.19372019


>> No.19372023

Me too, maybe a tad too much.
I am obsessed with it, positively obsessed with glutes and anuses, only of women of course, but still.
Why do I like it so much? That's where shit comes from, and yet I just feel so god damn attracted to it.
I hate braps, but I sure love brappers.

>> No.19372034

I am boiling with rage. Whenever I speak about woman's vile and detestable nature, flocks of men who have fallen under the lethal spell of the female raise their voices, exclaiming: "But surely not all women. I pray that you one day experience how delightful they really are.", as if the bitterness of woman's soul is not clear light illuminating the morning sky.

Women are beings to be avoided and despised, they lack warmth and sensitivity. They lack emotional depth. They are cold, calculating, ruthless, merciless and cruel. Not for a moment would I desire their company, yet their pawns of men rush to declare that my revulsion stems from lack of companionship. Nothing could be further from the truth. Desiring woman's body is venerating them I have no desire to venerate demons. Verily, I say unto thee, remove women from your hearts and minds. Let the false memories they infected your minds with dissolve, for they are deceptions intended for you to view them in a positve light.

Women ought to be exterminated. The word "Woman" spells "Doom". I long for the day when women are a thing of the past. The female form is the great Satan.

>> No.19372035
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I have a family. Sometimes I’m happy to have them. Other times I feel I’ve cursed my children and myself. I get to watch them and myself get older. I get to lose everyone around me slowly until I die. Then they will do the same. Today the scale says life is more of a curse. Hopefully that changes tomorrow.

>> No.19372038

Read Zapffe and you'll understand

>> No.19372042

i have been eating chili and farting up my room for 3 days now. for 3 days i have lived in an atmosphere of my own shit particles. cant complain though.

>> No.19372048

Do you ever feel like life has meaning?

>> No.19372063

I'm so tired. I just want out of this clown economy. I haven't had the drive to read or work on an projects, people are being retarded consoomers and /fit/ is getting raided again.
The Lord is good though, and it's a sunny, November day, so that's nice.

>> No.19372069

What really fucks me up about having a family is how easily the tide turns and again how unpredictable life can be. I live in a third world shit hole, and it has given me an extremely bleak and tragic perception of life.
If I have children, will I get to see them cut up in pieces? Will they go missing, never to be seen again? Will I see them slowly wither away in a hospital bed? Crushed inside of a car after an accident? Maybe just trip on the stairs and hit their heads really hard?
I hate my way of thinking, it feels like I can't enjoy things anymore. Do you have worries like these?

>> No.19372078

Just come to America, anon. Our boarder is wide open

>> No.19372084

Recently I’ve been fantasizing about fucking Greta Thunberg. We're at a climate summit, the most important one of her young life. I'm somewhere in the crowd. Greta begins giving her dipshit speech and I start heckling her, so much so that she loses her train of thought and I have to be escorted out of the auditorium. I watch her from the CCTV just outside, grinning; she clearly can't regain her composure and just autistically mumbles for the next ten minutes.
That night I lurk outside the door of her ostentatius hotel suite. The elevator chimes and she arrives, still shaken by her botched performance. When she sees me, she stops cold for a moment, then procedes to her room, pretending to ignore me. "You had a rough day, Greta," I tell her, as she fiddles with the key. "Why don't you let me pour you a drink?"
Greta opens the door, but doesn't close it behind her. Before long, we're sipping Courvoisier on opposite ends of the bed. She says she’d never be despoiled by a chud polluter like me. As I advance she presses up against the backboard, hands dug into the lavish sheets, her protests sharp at first, but waning with each step, from a shout, to a plea, to a pathetic whimper. I tear off her sustainable skirt and start fucking her doggy-style, one hand firmly squeezing her nubile Nordic ass, the other yanking her ponytail. Her knees buckle, then collapse, my body landing on top of hers such that my torso makes full contact with her back, thrusting away. I cum deep inside of her, she mutters a subdued “how dare you….” Classic Greta. After a minute or so, I let off of her, and she rolls over. As she gets up, her bra catches on the ornate night stand, tearing off in an almost comically humiliating fashion. She faces me as I drink in her body. “Impressive, very nice,” I remark. “Let’s see Paul Owen’s card.”

>> No.19372086

idk i just never checked him out.

>> No.19372088

That’s such a difficult question to answer. One I think about a lot. Can life have meaning? I think it can though, I don’t know if I’m there yet. I think having children has given me more meaning, but does that mean life is worth it? Is all of this worth it somehow? Is the bad worth the good? Watching myself and my wife slowly wilt, is that price worth paying to have a son look at me and smile? Fuck. It’s so heavy. If life is supposed to have meaning I like to think I’m close.

>> No.19372096

So how was everyone's day today?

>> No.19372097

it's Paul Allen

>> No.19372098

Same, anon

It's just such a heavy question to dwell on. I don't even have children and think about this all the time

>> No.19372099

I live in America and aside from the violent crime deaths I have the same fears. He could be playing and dead within five minutes. In fact the whole first 2 years of his life was trying to keep him from accidentally killing himself haha. But I have decided that the opportunity to watch my child be born and grow into their own person outweighs the risk of them dying before me. Though, if that does happen, I probably won’t stick around much longer.

>> No.19372104

awful, a day like every other day

>> No.19372105

Yea I decided that I want to experience all I can before turning to dust. Children is on that list. So let’s see how weird this ride can get.

>> No.19372106

Lol, this is a good idea for LatAm people. While the Democrats are in power at least. On the other hand, life in America is still hard for an immigrant. The real strategy is to move to Europe.

>Go to Libya
>Take an NGO boat to Europe
>Make your way to Germany or Sweden
>Enjoy the welfare
If America collapses, that is my plan.

>> No.19372109

I had some coffee and listened to '90s emo and ate a Reece's cup

Having some tea and going to read and watch a kino, maybe. Solid day, I guess

>> No.19372112

what emo were you listening to and what will you be reading and watching

>> No.19372121

that could work for some
meditation and being in nature is more what does it for me

>> No.19372129

Mineral, Piebald

I'm reading a Bernardo Kastrup book on idealism and I want to watch a Ghibli film with my girlfriend (The Wind Rises, Howl's Moving Castle)

>> No.19372142

mineral is based.
watch Grave of the Fireflies if you havent already.

>> No.19372161

What I find is that when men who are apprehensive about accepting women's true nature find it hard out of an inability to see the structural roles played by the sexes.They can't seem to discern the differences (as well as the necessity) and thus any allegation against the opposite gender is seen as an attack (much like your blatant emotional attack.) You aren't to be blamed of course because the business of loving a women is truly a horrific emotional catastrophe. Just accept their nature fully, know no matter how it may seem they will never be like men and although you are enraged at the moment you will look back on this with some fondness for the emotional peaks and valleys that these wonderfully catastrophic creatures gifted you.

>> No.19372167

For sure, dude. I'll check it out. Thanks!

>> No.19372182

A lot of his concerns would still exist in America, and many here also feel a similar bleak worldview (though not I)

>> No.19372187

What is your world view?

>> No.19372223
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I'm trying to cope and it's not working

>> No.19372227

its very sad though. you might cry and then have sad sex with your gf

>> No.19372243

whats your guys' beverage of choice?

>> No.19372279

What is your cope of choice?


>> No.19372302

old poetry from another country
have sex, incel
>. I just want out of this clown economy.
iktf. just remember money has no value and books are free.

>> No.19372318 [DELETED] 

>have sex, incel
see: Not for a moment would I desire their company, yet their pawns of men rush to declare that my revulsion stems from lack of companionship. Nothing could be further from the truth. Desiring woman's body is venerating them I have no desire to venerate demons.

>> No.19372319
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I'm a millenial and I can feel my descent into becoming a boomer with each passing year. A clear warning sign is that I'm constantly ragging on zoomers, those damn youngsters, just as Boomers did with my generation. Most of my kvetching is ironic but there's an element of sincerity to it.

The case can certainly be made that zoomers have ruined some things like various music genres, fashion, etc, but it's also a sign of my growing ancientness that I am so attuned to it.

>> No.19372328

My dad unironically pronounces stoic as stoik and I don’t want to make him feel stupid

>> No.19372334

>have sex, incel
see: Not for a moment would I desire their company, yet their pawns of men rush to declare that my revulsion stems from lack of companionship. Nothing could be further from the truth. Desiring woman's body is venerating them I have no desire to venerate demons.

>> No.19372347

I'll give you Brothers Karamazov quotes since they'd do better to articulate my ideas than I could in my own words (It's my favorite book of all time, though I'll confess to not being well-read)
>Why count the days, when even one day is enough for a man to know all happiness
>Paradise is hidden in each one of us, it is concealed within me, too, right now, and if I wish it, it will come for me in reality, tomorrow even, and for the rest of my life.
>You must know that there is nothing higher and stronger and more wholesome and good for life in the future than some good memory, especially a memory of childhood, of home. People talk to you a great deal about your education, but some good, sacred memory, preserved from childhood, is perhaps the best education. If a man carries many such memories with him into life, he is safe to the end of his days, and if one has only one good memory left in one's heart, even that may sometime be the means of saving us

>I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened

>Remember particularly that you cannot be a judge of anyone. For no one can judge a criminal until he recognizes that he is just such a criminal as the man standing before him, and that he perhaps is more than all men to blame for that crime. When he understands that, he will be able to be a judge. Though that sounds absurd, it is true. If I had been righteous myself, perhaps there would have been no criminal standing before me. If you can take upon yourself the crime of the criminal your heart is judging, take it at once, suffer for him yourself, and let him go without reproach. And even if the law itself makes you his judge, act in the same spirit so far as possible, for he will go away and condemn himself more bitterly than you have done. If, after your kiss, he goes away untouched, mocking at you, do not let that be a stumbling-block to you. It shows his time has not yet come, but it will come in due course. And if it come not, no matter; if not he, then another in his place will understand and suffer, and judge and condemn himself, and the truth will be fulfilled. Believe that, believe it without doubt; for in that lies all the hope and faith of the saints

I recognize that this philosophy is not entirely realistic to follow at all times, but I find it to be the best way to a happy life.

>> No.19372358

PKDs short stories. Gotta retrain my brain to sit through longer works. Gonna read The Forest Passage by Junger when I do. If I like it I'll go on a Junger binge

>> No.19372437

how are his short stories? i only ever read ubik in highschool

>> No.19372453

Very good. Dick is a great writer. He can make an entire world with just a few pages.

>> No.19372459

damn, what are his best short stories? ill check them out

>> No.19372476

The Turning Wheel

>> No.19372481
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I haven’t showered in at least a week or two now, and my skin is itchy and hot all the time. At least it saves me on heating bills.

>> No.19372487
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So far everything in here is great. This particular collection boosted Dick to fame

>> No.19372488

>to get rid of existential dread, let me make more beings that will experience it for decades on end
Breeders are evil cowards.

>> No.19372499

This is just a cope so you don’t have to take the real blackpill that all beings are pure evil. To think it’s only one sex of one species is delusionally optimistic.

>> No.19372508

It's about doing your routines, not meeting schedules.

>> No.19372509

If I stopped being horny who knows what I'd accomplish. Probably invent a time machine.

>> No.19372519

Genuinely curious, and none of this is meant in a meanspirited way—
Did you think about these things before you had kids? We’re you young when you had them? Or did you know and were just desperate for any meaning?
I think if the stars had aligned I could have had them without really thinking about it. Now my life would have to either get a lot better or a lot worse very quickly.

>> No.19372525

Maybe it’s a Freudian anal-expulsion thing but there’s something enjoyable about being very gassy as long as you’re not sick.

>> No.19372527

>/fit/ is getting raided again.
By who?

>> No.19372548

>went almost a week without using porn
>relapsed and started beating off to anime girls' armpits
I need help.

>> No.19372583

Colonization was a mistake. Decolonization was an even bigger mistake.

>> No.19372600

... and probably keep suffering.
You really think we're getting off the hook that easily?

>> No.19372641

…how are you supposed to pronounce it?

>> No.19372646

Death is redemption

There's nothing after death because consciousness is a product of the brain, which will rot when you're dead.

>> No.19372657

Can you believe in evil if you're a nihilist?

>> No.19372695 [DELETED] 

what is the most memorable encounter with a stranger you've had?

>> No.19372696
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Finished reading Norwegian Wood in Spanish today. More of a struggle than I expected, but got easier more along I got into it. I have 'heritage' knowledge of Spanish (American, family, usual story), so I know it instinctively, just not too well or refined. Wanted to try reading in it to improve my ability, first with a parallel text short story collection, which went well, then with an easy novel I read before in English (NW). I know for a fact my vocab has expanded and my reading comp is faster, but I definitely need to start listening to Spanish materials for pronunciation and speaking, as mine is uneasy.

Next time I'll probably try and go for a parallel text novel, though I'm not sure where exactly I'll find them or what books are available that way.

>> No.19372705

Your hate harms yourself more than them
>Women are beings to be avoided and despised, they lack warmth and sensitivity. They lack emotional depth
Did your mother not love you?

>> No.19372721

no, and neither did yours. no one had a mother that loved them. women can't love

>> No.19372724

Based terrible truth poster

>> No.19372725

Wrong. You don't know my mother, nor any other anon's.
>I long for the day when women are a thing of the past
Just say you want humanity extinct then, dumbass and/or homosexual

>> No.19372731

I’m not a nihilist I’m a pessimist, so yes I can.

>> No.19372736

Begone, anti-natalist pig

>> No.19372738

How desperately do you crave cock? And more importantly, why isn't mine in your mouth right now?

>> No.19372742

Tell me what you believe in?

>> No.19372743

I don't hate women, I don't have any beef with the fair gender.
I am frustrated that I can't have sex with every single hot/cute girl I see, that's the problem.

>> No.19372748

The world will break you in time

>> No.19372753

I genuinely do respect the honesty. I occasionally see pics of my oneitis on instagram and feel a small twinge of remorse, but it passes quickly. Don't tend to feel that way towards randos on the street though

>> No.19372755

i was standing on a street corner with a friend in high school. we were talking about something funny and laughing. we both had black hair and wore full beards and we also had black jackets on.
now this was in germany, but suddenly this woman walks up to us and looked at us with a sense of surprise. at first, i thought she knew my friend, and afterwards he told me he thought she knew me. she looks at us, we're both a little perplexed, and then, keep in mind we're in germany, she loudly says, in english, "you people look jewish" gives a short burst of laugh, and walks off. we're caught completely off guard and after a few seconds burst out laughing. none of our friends believed us when we told that story. as a result he and i started greeting each other with shalom. haven't seen him since 2018 because after my dad died i broke off contact with everyone i knew.

>> No.19372756

Only so that I can be rebuilt into a better, more empathetic man.

>> No.19372762

Are there any good books about big booty thots?

>> No.19372766

You seen ping pong the animation?

>> No.19372775

William Irwin Thomson. I’m really enjoying it.

>> No.19372821

Same. I have no trouble getting or keeping a relationship, the problem is that I don't want "pussy," I want endless variety and novelty of pussy.

I even sort of prefer average looking girls, I would take ten 6/10s over five 10/10s.

I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not a conquest thing or an ego thing. I just really, really like different bitches.

>> No.19372836

You'll grow out of it, hopefully
What you should be looking for isn't pussy nor a large variety of pussy, but someone to care about and grow alongside

>> No.19372871

Here are a list of health benefits from taking cold showers:
>cold water brings a revitalizing shock to the nervous system
>an easy way to break free from our overbearing modern comforts that encourage passivity
>typically are quicker showers
>uses less energy, will save you money
>better for your skin than hot steamy water
>studies show it can boost testosterone

Cold showers every couple of days actually was a factor in getting me out a depressed lump phase I was in last year. Haven’t had a hot shower since!

>> No.19372878

>moved out of parents house
>new place has only slightly cold water and not the freezing temps from before
life is truly a cruel mistress

>> No.19372890

Being horny is ok, redirecting your sexual energy and using it for productive means is key. Your body works hard to produce sperm, you deplete immense energy every time you ejaculate and this will leave you feeling drained and empty, no pun intended. Retain your life my coom brother

>> No.19372907

When I cum without porn I don't feel as debilitated as when I do with porn, in fact, I feel powerful knowing I didn't submit. I cum without being someone or something's slave.

>> No.19372918

You should try jerking off to yourself in the mirror. Very powerful.

>> No.19372921

Souls do not rot anon they live on. Up until I was 22 I believed exactly your materialistic attitude towards death. You will have a mystical experience one day.

>> No.19372922

I'm going to try it tonight

I hope I don't pussy out

>> No.19372925

Tell me about your mystical experience

>> No.19372981

The trouble with porn is that it takes your attention and awareness away from your own sexuality and places on a virtual siren. You go into a dark den with artificial machines and race to shoot your load, that is a terrible distortion of male sexuality and eludes the natural supreme power of sexual energy. Ancient yogis believed by retaining ejaculation one could will the spermicidal fluid up the spine and nourish the brain. Truly this is the power of the cumbrain

>> No.19372991

Good luck anon it won’t be easy but remember that’s part of the point

>> No.19372996

Walton should have fucked Victor

>> No.19373115
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So you're telling me it's totally normal for girls to act friendly or forward with guys because they find them attractive? Is that really something that happens to people? I dunno man, I think you're pulling my leg.

>> No.19373126

Praying the rosary with my older brother before his wedding. A lot accumulated to that precious moment. I didn’t think much of religion at the time, I thought it was a cope for people who weren’t as smart as me and that there was nothing beyond the material world. During that group prayer with my brother and his other groomsmen who all were as pious as him I slowly felt like I was high on something. In my mind I thought of how the happiest most successful people in my life had faith in their life. These new guys I met and my sister in law’s family are some of the most sincere people I know. And I thought of all of the conversations I’ve had with my brother in the past about how he feels with all the evils in the world and how a proud loving confidence and complete trust in something good and to lead as an example is all one can do to fight those evils. I saw images of nature and clouds and time didn’t feel real and we kept reciting Hail Mary and I was the only one crying and truth and beauty blended into a feeling and I knew there was something greater, beyond our comprehension, beyond scientific analysis and beyond our senses. Since then I’ve been more calm and at peace and generally more passionate about life. I love my brother.

>> No.19373134

Losing weight is hard

>> No.19373160

I managed to do it.

It made me like I was going to black out but I have almost high now that I'm out and comfortable.

>> No.19373188

now wait till you do it in the morning tired as fuck. then you'll experience the true torture and true high of cold showers.

>> No.19373193

bicycle specs and listings

>> No.19373203
File: 39 KB, 940x676, nodoka3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe shit me out of nothingness once.
It could do it again.
I don't think we get a say in the matter.

>> No.19373204

even in extreme winters? are you supposed to get in front of a heat source after that or just let your body warm up by itself?

>> No.19373208

>t. broken person

>> No.19373236


>> No.19373252


This is physically impossible

>> No.19373255

>he doesn't know

>> No.19373258

Beautiful post

>> No.19373263

I don't, enlighten me

>> No.19373271

Why? What natural law prevents a configuration that resembles my mind in the subjectively accessible state right now from forming again?

>> No.19373317

What natural law would support such an idea?

>> No.19373322
File: 31 KB, 660x330, 1632883834393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this is the first time he's typed this to that anon
>he thinks this is the first cycle

>> No.19373325

But it's psychically possible

>> No.19373331

No I did not think about these things before having children. We were the average age for having them so not particularly young. After I started reading more philosophy and it got me thinking about life, it’s meaning, and dreaded end. Had I know what I know now I might have second guessed myself or at least thought it through more. Don’t get me wrong, at this stage of life I am very happy to have children. Each day watching them grow is so surreal. But as I get older, my view might change especially at the end. If I’m unlucky enough to see it coming.

>> No.19373332

>an eternity posting on 4channel
What a nightmare. How do I escape?

>> No.19373339

I'm here, aren't I?
Out of chaos, matter, time, came I at least once.
I have no evidence it could happen again, just that it happens at all.

What makes me so special that this is the only time this subjective experience, in all of infinity, can incarnate?

>> No.19373355

This is dreadful to postulate

>> No.19373363

>he still thinks time is linear or circular
>he hasn't had a schizo-mystic experience outside of time already

>> No.19373382

i need to stop following elections caring about what the average american thinks about issues. the average american is a 38 year old woman that works as a cashier at walmart. they dont care about me and i dont care about them. the average amaerican is getting more and more obese too.
In general i have no real nationalistic attraction to the US at this point other than when a european makes a snarky generalizing comment about americans.

>> No.19373387


>> No.19373390

I was thinking about this today. I was taking a walk on my local walking trail and noticed how fat everyone was. I decided a food shortage would probably be a good thing

>> No.19373395

The beauty of the US is that you should be able to free associate with the like-minded and make changes.
I don't think its working right.

>> No.19373396

For me, it’s Dugin’s theory of time

>> No.19373402

It'll be a fresh food shortage.
Rest assured there will still be ten types of Dorito and nineteen types of cupcake on the shelves.

>> No.19373420

ill just blame the internet, theres been a sort of homogenization of thought that has occurred throughout the decade.

>> No.19373438

It doesn’t get below 30 degrees where I live. But when it is cold, I get soaked for under a minute then turn off the water. I breath deep and try to focus on being warm as I lather up. Then I rinse off a few minutes and dry off. It’s like simulating jumping into a freezing lake

>> No.19373473

based. I check out of society. None of these people are my volk, none of these people are my fellows.

>> No.19373490
File: 489 KB, 500x297, 93A3CE62-BDBA-4BEE-9DE4-0C6E8B2EC0EE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>properly. I let it grow organically and then I engaged with the posters which prompted more conversation. This is why people flocked to it,

>new thread

>fuck you

>> No.19373500

I feel despair. I am 25 years old and my life is empty. I can no longer conceive of any concrete future, any realistic prospects. I don't know how long I will be able to keep going. I've longed for death since I was 9 years old, when I had my first suicidal thoughts. All these years I wanted to kill myself but never went through with it. Why, I don't know. Since last year the idea of suicide is becoming even more frequent than it has been the past decade and a half. I have no joy anymore. What I have is discontent and apathy. I could handle a lifetime of apathy but discontent is taking over. Once it has overtaken the majority of my life, I'm quite certain I won't continue my life.
At that point, not even my biggest reason for staying alive, that being concern for my family, will be enough to keep me here. I'm deeply and utterly dissatisfied with life. I am a nobody with no accomplishments. My life has been 25 years of arrant failure. Nothing I ever wanted will ever materialize. I'm tired of clinging to hope for better days.

>> No.19373507 [DELETED] 

welcome to my thread butters, its nice of you to have finally shown up.
whats your favorite pixies song and whats your favorite sonic youth song?

>> No.19373517 [DELETED] 

>whats your favorite pixies song and whats your favorite sonic youth song?
I'm not that tranny but something against you and she's in a bad mood

>> No.19373522

I really, truly, honestly want to kill myself

>> No.19373527


>> No.19373531

I gained 40lbs in the past year (which isn't terrible since I was rather underweight before)
In the interest of getting back closer to my old weight I've cut beer out entirely. Didn't realize how many calories I was racking up with that

>> No.19373542

Beer is basically drinking bread. Switch to gin. And you can work out more if you save time by drinking on the drive home.

>> No.19373545


>> No.19373554

I can't do hard alcohols like I used to, so instead I've opted to drink less and only drink spiked seltzer when I do. A decent enough compromise
I need to get on more bike rides as well. Last one was 2 weeks ago and I did plenty over the summer; they're a great way to enjoy nature.
Plus I have a favorite coffee shop in biking distance that I used to get a lot of reading done in

>> No.19373559

Careful with those too. They usually have a lot of sugar

>> No.19373583
File: 3.06 MB, 3054x3814, Gerard_van_Honthorst_-_King_David_Playing_the_Harp_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 Lord, when thou dost reprove me, let it not be in anger; when thou dost chastise me, let it not be in displeasure.
3 Lord, pity me; I have no strength left; Lord, heal me; my limbs tremble;
4 my spirits are altogether broken; Lord, wilt thou never be content?
5 Lord, turn back, and grant a wretched soul relief; as thou art ever merciful, save me.
6 When death comes, there is no more remembering thee; none can praise thee in the tomb.
7 I am spent with sighing; every night I lie weeping on my bed, till the tears drench my pillow.
8 Grief has dimmed my eyes, faded their lustre now, so many are the adversaries that surround me.
9 Depart from me, all you that traffic in iniquity; the Lord has heard my cry of distress.
10 Here was a prayer divinely heard, a boon divinely granted.
11 All my enemies will be abashed and terrified; taken aback, all in a moment, and put to shame.

Psalm 6

>> No.19373585

My go-to seltzer is San Juan, which has zero sugar and 85 calories (though also has a low ABV, so in the event I want to get drunk I need more than 1).
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've had any alcohol in the past week and a half. Good thing since I was concerned about my summer drinking habits

>> No.19373593

Oh I’m gonna check that one out then thanks for the rec

>> No.19373610
File: 1.54 MB, 3326x2069, Mt_Thielsen_US162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if they sell it outside the PNW in America, but best of luck

>> No.19373650

>I thought of how the happiest most successful people in my life had faith in their life
>I because religious because the cool kids were doing it
One of the stupidest things I’ve ever read on this site.

>> No.19373674

There’s a kind of young intelectual that really gets on my nerve. I lack the words to properly define them, but identifying one is easy. They read Houellebecq, DFW and Pynchon. Always the three of them, never just one or two. God knows why.
You anglos created these people, but they asexually reproduce and now even my third world country is full of them.

>> No.19373695

I think you misunderstand what I mean by “successful” people
By successful people I meant intelligent, friendly, open, healthy, confident people. Successful at being good folks. Who wouldn’t want to emulate that? Most people I know are insecure, passive and unhappy, as you too sound to be. Who are your role models?

>> No.19373716

convince me to quit my job right now, i'm sick of this shit, i'm about to great resignation it up

>> No.19373722

holy shit they are really coping in the other thread. dont even understand why they are so bothered that this thread succeeded. its a shame the mods allow this

>> No.19373731

r u dudes still fighting over cartoons in the op? anime is cringe but who gives a shit

>> No.19373740

no its just butters being angry that one thread beat another. for no real reason either. the other thread isnt even his this time

>> No.19373771
File: 1.59 MB, 1668x2252, 50A6719F-31BA-4BCC-89B2-58A17024BFA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not angry. (You people keep accusing me of being the maker of it. It isn’t my thread)
>I don’t understand!!
And you can’t read? It came first. It’s really weird how the college kids who don’t read ganged on the vidya game thread. Just odd is all. I don’t actually care.

>> No.19373788

>My go-to seltzer is San Juan,
I just had one of these the other day. What up WA bro?

>> No.19373846

I didn’t. I correctly identified that you are an easily-swayed and gullible social lemming.

>> No.19373924

my farts smell so fucking bad holy shit i dont wanna be in a room with myself right now

>> No.19373941

I am trying to download two Disney television movies, but there are no seeds from anywhere I checked. Also, one of them only has a VHS tape available and the other has an expensive DVD.

>> No.19373952

don't lie we know it's that ewoks made for tv movie from the 80s

>> No.19373960

It's Little Dog Lost and Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery. I want to see some movies with corgis.

>> No.19373966

lollll fuck it thug life

>> No.19373969


>> No.19373977

>I don’t actually care
100 posts later...

>> No.19373978

Everyone talks about lost media as murder videos, but no one talks about anything that was shown on TV once at most basically ceasing to exist afterwards.

>> No.19374010
File: 687 KB, 832x1000, 1632583740509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothin much, hoping the weather (and my cold) improves this week for a bike ride

>> No.19374067

>be writing
>"god this is fucking aweful"
>two semi-good sentences later
>"oh hell ya this is great again"

Anyone else?

>> No.19374164

first draft?

>> No.19374170

yes it is

>> No.19374182

this chekhov dude is pretty epic

>> No.19374252
File: 332 KB, 1436x643, Screenshot 2021-11-08 08.17.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else at least a bit incensed by the globohomo-ification of a real person? I feel like there are dark times ahead.

>> No.19374300

Does /lit/ hate on Taleb (based on threads I've seen here it mostly does) for his actual works or his insufferable personality?
Just started reading Antifragile and it's brilliant

>> No.19374304

he says dumb stuff on twitter like literally everyone who uses twitter, but apparently his books are decent

>> No.19374308

eternal recurrence

>> No.19374343

How bad is it? I haven't left my house in two years.

>> No.19374347

I can't wait for my chinaman pancakes about to be delivered.

>> No.19374355

Woolf :>

>> No.19374365

I can't often go to sleep without fapping. What should I do in this case?

>> No.19374372

100 mg of Magnesium L-Threonate
2 mg of Melotonin
No exposure to blue or electronic light for 45 minutes

>> No.19374376

Note, 2.5 mg of Melatonin is fine too.
5 mg is too much imo unless you have insomnia.
>for 45 minutes
for 45 minutes before bed*

>> No.19374377

Cut back to to just six nights a week. Next year cut back to five nights a week, the following year cut back to four nights in a week. Results may vary depending on your age.

>> No.19374401

take melatonin and drink alcohol. you'll pass out every night instead of jerking off

>> No.19374579

QRD on L-Threonate? I take L-Theanine/Melatonin gummies most nights.

>> No.19374595

melatonin, magnesium, b-complex, and zinc all have synergistic effect for sleep. You can Google for more info:

>> No.19374828

Possessed by the ghost of Lovecraft? Say "Fuck off Lovecraft" three times and drink a glass of boiling water

>> No.19374832

The first one. It was a letdown.

>> No.19374917

Do women actually hit on men or show attraction in every day settings?
The only time this has happened to me is from gay men. Just yesterday the barista at a starbucks was obviously looking at me weird and then directly walked over to me table to hand me the drink. Not the first time. I get catcalled by men sometimes too. Never women,
I'm not a twink and I'm not some hairy hunk either. I think I'm normal looking
Does gay attraction signify female attraction?

>> No.19375061

Girls play with their hair to show attraction

>> No.19375158

no women are betas who have to be told what to do
just tell them to be attracted to you

>> No.19375171
File: 263 KB, 571x448, frog who is me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of months ago I was a courageous 'essential worker' and couldn't quit my job and get paid by the government for nothing like all of my friends as reward for my sacrifice.

Today I've been fired for refusing to get the vaccine because I'm endangering the customers. I'm sitting here genuinely wondering if some god is playing a joke on me.

>> No.19375211

Bruce, you're a stupid fucken cunt.

>> No.19375355
File: 44 KB, 1080x1080, austin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol did u dudes see the founding of university of austin?

>> No.19375373

I masturbate to myself in the mirror all the time but I am a woman so it's natural

>> No.19375399

more like university of autism

>> No.19375407


>> No.19375422

My name is Leonard.

>> No.19375443

Half Life 2's innovation can be seen in the fact that the game is so boring to play nowadays compared to Half Life.

>> No.19375481 [DELETED] 

wow wsj is reporting inflation is at a 30 years high!

it's kinda too bad 4channel doesn't have a business board to discuss econ and finance. i guess i could try that crypto board but my post would just get slid into oblivion

>> No.19375531

>meester anderson

>> No.19375615

Day 10 of NNN and still going strong.
We’re already 1/3 of the way there lads, keep it going!

>> No.19375727

I’ll nut an extra time today, just for you.

>> No.19375751

kind of thinking of doing it for 90 days

>> No.19375896

OP here, I actually take 5mg of melatonin

>> No.19375961
File: 223 KB, 480x480, 1575816014010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever taken cold shower after crying? The cold won't even phase you anymore. It's oddly refreshing.

>> No.19376007

but i like to shave my legs in shower

>> No.19376009

Yes women do it to me all the time. Usually it manifests itself in them loitering around you, looking at you and then immediately looking away because women are cowards. Really only whores, women with problems at home that have made them aggressive or women above the age of 28(whores) will operate differently. Unless you talk to them first they'll never do anything outside of giving you the odd compliment.

>> No.19376026

Don Quixote — I actually find it extremely funny, it feels like I am reading a 400 year old 4chan elaborate shitpost

>> No.19376037

>This is physically impossible
Literally how do you prove this? Why do Materialists once again take for granted our very existence as no big deal?

>> No.19376043

Same. I am outright avoiding Americans now, and if I see someone claim to be an American online I will automatically dismiss their opinion then immediately exit the browser I am on.

>> No.19376053

I want to read blood meridian but it might be too hard for an esl like me and a lot of subtle meaning will fly over my head.

>> No.19376069

"Motherfucking niggers"

>> No.19376129
File: 98 KB, 612x491, vw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shoes smell really bad. I've only had them for 2 weeks. I shower every day. I always wear clean socks. Meanwhile my girlfriend wears the same stockings and her old boots for 12 hours two days in a row for and they smell fine.

Am I diseased or are men really this disgusting? How did I stink up new shoes? Should I light them on fire?

>> No.19376132

Read works of love by him. Kierkegaard is a life affirming author.

>> No.19376176

it just means your gf is cheating on you

>> No.19376537

Just found out one of my trashy roommates has fucking scabies - it's official, I am living in a poorly isolated garret, poor as fuck, trying to put together a shitty living off of precarious university teaching positions, I am not respected, and now, I am also about to suffer fucking 19th century prostitute diseases, my life is a fucking Dostoevsky novella, and I assure you, the literary lifestyle SUCKS ASS.

>> No.19376550

I cant stop thinking of sex and cant concentrate on Augustine's Confessions, which I'm never going to get through

>> No.19376555

>Meanwhile my girlfriend wears the same stockings and her old boots for 12 hours two days in a row
Hot. Jealous.

>> No.19376562

I read it when I was 18, you can do it! The ending is easy to get and impactful. You have a lot of resources at your disposal to make reading it possible

>> No.19376573

Texted my ex LDR girlfriend last night, she even went out of the way to read it only to not reply.
Yeah I get the message, fuck you! I just wanted a simple conversation

>> No.19376661

I tried reading it as my first McCarthy and got filtered. Heard from other anons that it's better to save that as a later/last McCarthy, since the prose is a bit odd

>> No.19376667

I want to learn many languages, but will only learn one realistically. Which would you focus on out of:
>Old Norse/Icelandic

>> No.19376676

What would you plan to do/read in that language?

>> No.19376699

I don’t have any particular plans, but those are all my reading interests. I just want to read works in their original. I would say Spanish and Italian are of lesser interest. Old Norse is of the most interest, but has the lowest number of works, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19376702

Avoiding politics from 2018 onwards was a wise move on my part.
Doesn't matter who you vote for anymore, the goyim will win regardless

>> No.19376707

I took german because it has the best mixture of literature, poetry and philosophy that is untranslated and worth reading. French is a very close second, and honestly, it might be a toss-up. As for myself, I'm just very interested in phenomenology, and that's mainly in german.

I see zero point in spending the considerable amount of time it would take to learn Old Norse unless you have a very, very strong interest in their niche and limited (but wonderful nonetheless) literature.

>> No.19376728

French, Spanish, or German are the only three options for literature. German would likely be easiest, french most rewarding, spanish more useful in contemporary america.

>> No.19376742

See, I’m not as interested in philosophy so German for me almost feels a bit shallow. There’s many great German novels, but they’re not well known in English, at least not in America. So it’s like there’s von Eschenbach, Goethe, and who else? E.T.A. Hoffmann? It’s a bit niche. Meanwhile, French has so many novels. Many of them are not as great as Goethe’s Faust in German, in my opinion, but the sheer breadth of French novels is much greater than those in German. As for Old Norse, the Icelandic Sagas and Snorri’s Edda are probably of the greatest interest in all of literature to me personally.

>> No.19376750

Most Americans who know Spanish will tell you they never use it.

>> No.19376752

scotty does not know

>> No.19376773

I’m finding dieting very difficult.

>> No.19376780

there are so many places i wish to go and things to do, but i'm so inept determination wise, intelligence wise and experience wise that i think just being stable will be enough for me

>> No.19376781

Me too. I hated dieting. And now I do intermittent fasting. Which I guess still counts, but I can do that easier. That and light exercise I’ve already lost 40 pounds.

>> No.19376782


>> No.19376786

i didnt know you were into interracial that much anon, but please do keep it down, will you?

>> No.19376794
File: 84 KB, 450x640, 7612634-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would like to say what i'm reading but i doubt manga really counts on here

>> No.19376818
File: 56 KB, 720x716, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an account on a penpal website and now cute Russian and German women are sending me virtual smiles that imply they would like to speak with me.
It will be unfortunate when they realize that my personality is a facade and that my existence revolves almost entirely around my love for smoking weed and passing out in drunken stupors.

>> No.19376823

I find IF pretty difficult as well. I get very hungry, to the point of stomach pain, around early afternoon and late evening. I know I’m not actually hungry, but the pain just instinctively drives me to the kitchen.

>> No.19376827

>cute Russian and German women are sending me virtual smiles that imply they would like to speak with me.
Behind the screen is an Arabic man running automated scams on fifteen different devices.

>> No.19376831

I'm getting into vintage JAV from the 80s and early 90s.

>> No.19376858

I'm on the see food diet

>> No.19376874


>> No.19376956 [DELETED] 

just saw evergrande missed a 148 million dollar coupon payment on 300 billion in debt, ya, you definitely live up the loser name in your trip

>> No.19376979

There was a "Students for Socialism" table at the student union building at my uni this morning. One thing that caught my eye when I walked by was the fact that their poster had "free palestine" on it. I thought about stopping to ask what palestine had to do with socialism, but I was simply too lazy and went on to get my breakfast burrito and go to class.

>> No.19376985

>Doesn't matter who you vote for anymore, the goyim will win regardless

Anon, I don't think goyim means what you think it does...

>> No.19376995

looks nice anon.
We Shall Now Begin Ethics.

>> No.19376997
File: 124 KB, 584x827, proxy-image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with devil vagina magic is our great betrayal to the Holy Supreme Gentlemen of Divine Intellect of world renunciation and final analysis.
Yes Master Roger this is the dhamma.
This board is the Sangha.
Our seething and humorous and misogynous (You) and repeating digits posts are the Thata Gata. He who has gone and shit posted with the Asuras. He who is a comedian to Anons and Devas. He who is mimicked both by poor taste Globohomo and Twitter Divas.
Here an old Anon is pictured recieving the printed out repeating digits of a misogynist green text sutta.
Peace and Enlightenment be upon you Anons this No Nut November. May you subdue mother nature and big brother globohomo.

>> No.19377007

I've been really down lately, thinking that if you really want to succeed in something you have to do it for a really long time. Most great musicians, painters, and even mathematicians and so on started doing what they're doing at very young ages. I'm thinking it's too late to start anything at some point, fuck.

>> No.19377020

you, in x amount of years, "If I had just started x years ago I could've at least have been good at something."

>> No.19377031

why does my poop always have to smear around the entire bowl and make a disgusting smelly mess

>> No.19377044

German because I want to read.
Spanish for work (thats how you make money in Los Estados "Unidos" De America)

>> No.19377052

Alright who took my goddamn trips?

>> No.19377060

Is it morally wrong to continue to accept paychecks and create more problems for a company by being there? I’m planning to quit in a few months anyway but just wondering if I should move up my timeline.

Part of me says yes I should quit ASAP especially since the company has never directly done me wrong, the other part says who the hell cares what happens to this corporate entity it’ll be fine if I wait my original plan and quit in a few months.

>> No.19377066

I used to have a fiance whose entire identity revolved around smoking weed.
My entire identity revolved around fucking her titties.

>> No.19377068
File: 57 KB, 500x400, 1633396894822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon looking it up, you are right
my midwittery has been exposed

>> No.19377069

yup you're right, I forget to stop being a whiny fuck sometimes

>> No.19377150

Bad diet

>> No.19377229

I have been reading Stillness is the Key. I really love stoicism and enjoy reading about ways to implement and what others have done

>> No.19377322

My brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19377522

You from Jersey anon?

>> No.19377540

I am NOT Peruvian.

>> No.19377544

Hey guys, did any of ypur relatives died of heart attack after vaccines? If so, whith what they were vacinated?

>> No.19377697

Nope, my 76 year old grandma has had 3 shots and is doing great

>> No.19377724

Ive been on krautchan and 4chan for years and now see everyone using family friendly and gay leftist versions of memes developed there.
I feel like i should do something with it.

>> No.19378166


>> No.19378188

If i play along maybe it will be alright after all

>> No.19378199

It astounds me how deranged that tranny butterfly actually is.

>> No.19378211

Not me, but Joe Rogan said his friend had a heart attack from the vaxx. I got vaxxed and I got sore painful arm when I try to exercise, on the arm that's vaxxed. Apparently the antibodies don't even last long. These vaccines suck.

>> No.19378221

she has refused to post in this thread because it was made 19 seconds after the other one and because shes enraged that this one was more popular.
it really is astounding

>> No.19378238

What should i read?
>t. empty man with aspirations of knowledge

>> No.19378262


>Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year

>By the numbers, during the first week of school that ran from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2 of this academic year, Cornell reported 322 positive COVID-19 cases.

>In comparison, during the first week of school last year, which ran from Sept. 3 through Sept. 9 of 2020, Cornell reported 59 positive COVID-19 cases.

>That is 263 more cases, or more than five times the amount of positive cases, when comparing the first week of school.

Very leaky vaccine, just making the virus stronger and deadlier.

>> No.19378263

I haven't played Black Mesa but the Nihilanth fight looks fucking rad.

>> No.19378275

>just making the virus stronger and deadlier.
If you think that's bad, the UK had earlier vaccination with AZ, and just approved molnupiravir for home use.

>> No.19378281

It made the other thread. Not only that but it keeps bumping the other thread even though its dead as fuck. Maybe that animefag was right, its nothing but psychotic.

>> No.19378283

You should play it. Very nice remodel of the game. Those Xen levels are so stunning that it was hard for me to navigate them because there was so much to see.

>> No.19378292

someone pitch me something nice.

>> No.19378379
File: 13 KB, 480x360, time to choose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're nearing the end of this thread I would like to thank you all for attending my addition of WWOYM, its been a pleasure hosting you guys and I hope you've enjoyed yourselves.
I was going to say lets hope the next host treats us well but unfortunately its looking like we're going to have to migrate to the deranged thread that couldn't accept the fact that this one was chosen by you, the people.


>> No.19378380

I don’t know how I expect to write. Often times I feel too tired to even read. I’m lacking in energy and vitality generally. I am unhealthy. This is the primary source of my problems.

>> No.19378396

It was a cozy time, anon. I enjoyed myself

>> No.19378399

Why do I feel so empty and unfulfilled?
I either have or had all these things that are supposed to make me feel good (girlfriends, good job, money in the bank, family that loves me) but for some reason I feel nothing. I want to do something crazy, I want to walk along the razors edge, I was to discover something, I want to put my life in danger, and I think it about it all day everyday for years now.
Am I alone? What do?

>> No.19378482

Why do I let myself get dragged into political discussions with family? They're not heated, , yet I always regret everything I say. I don't believe a word I say. And everytime in hindsight I'm struck by just how irrational and tribalistic I was. My words just end used as an instrument to put down some other group. But it's all ultimately arbitrary. Just different groups and their random, historically determined resentments. If I present one line of dialogue from one political side as stupid, my remarks just become useful weapons for the other. It's pointless.

>> No.19378484

Go buy a .308 bolt-action, a good scope, and some good ammo, and read Long Range Shooting by Cleckner. You'll learn a great deal and all of it will be practical and useful.

>> No.19378492
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What is your long-term goal? What makes a 50-60 hour work week worth it? What can you buy that makes you happy? What experience isn't just a fleeting novelty? The only worthwhile goal I can think of is raising a family, but if my children are just going to have to go through the same lifelong struggle, probably and even worse struggle, why condemn them to that fate?

>> No.19378493

Guess it depends on where you place your values.
Do you exercise? A long bike ride lets you take in a lot of nature (more than you could by running) and is helpful with listlessness in my experience

>> No.19378509

New thread when this one hits the bump limit in a few more replies

Might as well finish off the duck one too

>> No.19378515

the duck thread should have been pruned

>> No.19378520

>What is your long-term goal?
To feel all the happiness of the world in one instant, and let that carry me for the rest of my life.
>What makes a 50-60 hour work week worth it?
Nothing unless the work itself is something you find inherently fulfilling
>What can you buy that makes you happy?
Nothing except maybe further security in your finances, which can be reassuring
>What experience isn't just a fleeting novelty?
Typically ones held in childhood are ones that you can carry with you even in dark times to help light the way, but I believe any experience has the potential for that same effect.
>why condemn them to that fate?
The value of life comes in deciding for yourself the value of your existence, as well as the suffering and joy that comes along with it. Even if they come to a conclusion that makes them depressed, I'd still find that better than them never getting the chance to make a decision at all (though I will clarify that one should only have children if they are physically and emotionally able to care for them and give them a decent chance at finding a way to live happily)

>> No.19378536

>since the company has never directly done me wrong
that you know of. milk them for all you can.

>> No.19378813

I hate it when family texts me. I hate when anyone texts me. I hate my life circumstances. I hate my personality. I hate the way I behave.

>> No.19378879

Then change.

>> No.19378922

I’ve been trying.

>> No.19378959

Keep doing that then; you're on the first step
Once the seed of change (or wanting to change) has been planted, it can't be removed

>> No.19378970
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I know fren, we've all been trying. I need to change 500 things about myself too.

>> No.19379029

I wish I had sex with real humans instead of wasting my time with a bunch of degenerate cumbrains in the internet

>> No.19379118

I exercise but not in nature due to the fact is live in a big city. I think the city might be a source of my problems. I hate it here, I hate shoulder to shoulder with people all the time.
I think thats my problem. I need to move away from the city, maybe take some time off work too to kinda reset and find myself