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19372558 No.19372558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>God is all powerful
>God is all knowing
>God is everywhere

>the universe contains all matter therefore contains all power
>the universe contains all knowledge
>the universe is everything so it is everwhere

Is God just a convoluted synonym for the universe?

>> No.19372571

>God is outside the universe
>The universe is everything that exists
>God doesn't exist
Christcucks BTFO

>> No.19372572

The universe is finite so you fucked your argument at point 4.

>> No.19372575

no, take acid and ponder the divine

>> No.19372580

God is the universe, read spinoza and >>19372575

>> No.19372581
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The universe isn't real

>> No.19372586
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God is rational jizz that's on fire.

>> No.19372615
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You forgot one layer. None of that can be true the way it is without a human mind. Everything is filtered into words, and those words come out of mouths and pens, and those pens whisper into the future, and future men search in frenzy for a source. Tell them, not that god or nature speaks, but that men like you and I dared speak, and our voices vanished into the wind, but returned unbidden somewhere, to be regaled as knowledge of a higher plane.

>> No.19372623

pantheism is just atheism with extra steps

>> No.19372642

>regaled as knowledge of a higher plane
There is no higher plane. The universe contains all.

>> No.19372643

God is both immanent and infinitely transcendent.

>> No.19372654

God is the Omni god who is and is beyond the Universe, time, space, etc. The universe is everything that exists in our dimension. The Universe has a start and will have an end.

>> No.19372655

NO SHIT RETARD god I hate this board. That was my point.

>> No.19372661
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>If I can imagine God then its real

>> No.19372668

this is how it actually works

With something that big, and invisible, representation and reality are the same. That's why religions need dogma, or else people are liable to imagine god into whatever they want.

>> No.19372674
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>the universe contains all matter therefore contains all power
>the universe contains all knowledge
>the universe is everything so it is everwhere

>> No.19372683

Without experience the universe doesn't exist the same way, existence is defined by our experience of it. From a different point of view, nothing exists.

>> No.19372685

theism however, is pure, unadulterated retardation

>> No.19372706

Truth is truth whether there is someone to observe it being true or not.
Always will be.

>> No.19372728
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Imagine you live in an n-dimensional hyperplane of a vector space, for example. Imagine you live on a 2-dimensional plane. All your buddies are 2 dimensional vectors as you are. Your plane however, is just a plane in 3-dimensional space. Now you exclaim nooooo there cant be more, everything around me are elements of the universal vector space, noooo there cant be more, what I can't see is not, and what isn't i cant see

>> No.19372767

Which is how people justify saying that God and dragons and nephilim exist, just outside of observable time. You're referring to things believed entirely on faith.

>> No.19372803

awful thread

matter without form is a big pile of nothing

>> No.19372868

how do you know

>> No.19372889

Prove his wrong

>> No.19372900


>> No.19372901

>child says 2+2=5
>pwoove him wong!

>> No.19372919

If God is all-knowing does he know how it feels like to get his toes sucked by a black guy?

>> No.19372935

this "black people" meme is hurting you poor things. I imagine it's how Europeans felt when america started to get good in the 18c, like they were in every discussion. I say enjoy it while it lasts, American blacks are a historically anomalous race themselves, and their ascent is occurring against a backdrop of their not-too-distant disappearance into legend.

>> No.19372941

Not an argument

>> No.19372951

God is the first source of energy or matter when the universe was a matterless void. So not only is he the universe, he was before the universe as well. If there are infinite universes, he is all of them.

>> No.19372968

universe doesn't contain all the matter/energy
knowledge is meaningless
universe is everything but everything isnt the universe, e.g. my dick is not the universe. God is also not the universe. He is bigger than you but He clearly acts like a human and needs the word to carry out His plan. He does not act in any manner of speaking similar to a material universe of mostly empty space following a big bang.

>> No.19372975

I don't have to. It is.

>> No.19372999

Truth being truth is based on faith? Does math require faith to be proofed?

>> No.19373009

If you mean libtard god, just ditch the term altogether and say universe. I came into this thread thinking you meant what you said about God being a SYNONYM, a word for something real, an abstract entity in our minds that we connect with the universe. To that I reply, He is a synonym for the works of man in addition to nature. However, I think you are working with a different premise. By synonym you meant . . . poetic retelling of a real God that is both an entity and one with the universe. Is that correct?

>> No.19373017

The fundamental axioms are taken on faith. Or more like everyone can agree on them. You can also perform empirical tests that confirm some parts of math

>> No.19373030

The truth is what I tell you it is. If tomorrow I write an article saying the universe is roughly disc shaped, you will see it that way in your mind. In your mind, it becomes infinitely more real and "true" than it ever was out there in space, like God. This is why people connect God with human beings, not big bangs 15 billion ya.

>> No.19373035

Checked. Math is explicitly designed to be self-referential, but even I (acting like a child) can say one one is different from another one, and three ones make four.

>> No.19373101

You only think that because someone told you to believe it and you did. The truth is true whether you want it to be or not.

>> No.19373146

And yet you believe it now too... You're down to the simplest abstraction possible, truth=truth because it's in the name. Tautology. Nothing is actually signified or known by that name. What you're really saying is, you're sure something exists, QED. I agree with that. However, it's more rigorous to say that you exist. Everything else could be a hallucination or lie.

>> No.19373374

OP here. I make these vague threads because I like generating open discussions. Collectively you usually bring up interesting points and insight. Even though you guys can be pompous humorless twats I still enjoy witnessing your interesting perspectives on various topics (except butterfly). Love you all.

p.s. I'll never read Infinite Jest but I'll still talk shit about it and you can't stop me.

>> No.19373419

Baby's first spinoza

>> No.19373421

You believe my version of truth is true because you think there is a truth and that truth is true whether someone believes it or not.
I knew /lit/ was full of pseuds but you take the retard cake kek

>> No.19373424

pathetic if true, imagine pretending to be retarded because you can't stand behind your opinions
captcha: GAYS4

>> No.19373426

>You believe my version of truth is true because you think there is a truth and that truth is true whether someone believes it or not.
This was supposed to be greentext

>> No.19373431

Was there something confusing about my post? It's a little early for you to say "too many words"

>> No.19373436

Looks like an eye breh

>> No.19373442

Nothing confusing about hedonists like yourself. There's a reason why you aren't happy. Chasing it won't bring it back.

>> No.19373446

I thought I was the pseud and you were the hedonist