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19371710 No.19371710 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't like The Big Bang Theory and I don't have a Netflix account.
>You think you're better than me because you like Shakespeare?

How does one express disinterest in common, banal media without being condescending? Especially if one is surrounded by working class people?

>> No.19371720

One doesn’t. “Oh I haven’t seen that show. I rarely watch TV actually, I’m more of a reader”

>> No.19371721

you are right to be condescending. working class people are stupid and inferior, who cares what they think

>> No.19371733

>You think you're better than me because you don't watch tv?

At some point it's unavoidable.

>> No.19371739

Although to be fair, I once knew a working class guy, possibly with hints of narcissistic rage and autism say this: “I can’t understand these complex ideas, since I am from the working class”

>> No.19371744

Build rapport by bringing up the "big game" on the weekend. Feign an erotic interest in the female sex.

>> No.19371748

How about “you think you’re better than me because you don’t read literature?”

>> No.19371753

Fuck them. They're plebian trash and they're not worth your time. They are unironically beneath you. Enjoy your status as an elitist and never let yourself be persuaded otherwise.

>> No.19371770

in what situation would you ever have to say something like that? someone asks if you like a show? nah haven't seen it. you seen the new netflix series? nah, doesn't look like my kinda thing
it's so easy if you're not autistic

>> No.19371788

But I have seen it and I didn't like it. I didn't ask for ways to avoid expressing disinterest, I want to discuss how to express disinterest without being condescending.

>> No.19371804

>But I have seen it and I didn't like it.
Then, how about you actually participate in dialogue and try to elaborate your viewpoint in a comprehensible manner?

>> No.19371824

How hard is it to just say "I tried it, couldn't really get into it though."

>> No.19371857

Because I have a condescending viewpoint and demeanor that needs tempering.

They don't buy it because they think The Dark Knight is super awesome.

>> No.19371866

Dude, literally no one would give a shit if you didn't like some TV series.

>> No.19371882

Not if we're talking about The Big Bang Theory, if you don't think that show is funny then you're some kind of weirdo fag to them.

>> No.19371889

>Because I have a condescending viewpoint and demeanor that needs tempering.
Victory has defeated you

>> No.19371891


Just tell them that you got offended because there's an entire main character whose entire personality is weaponized autism and thinking they're the smartest person in the room, and it's unrealistic that they have friends because you act exactly the same way and can't connect to another human being

>> No.19372236

Yeah, people are giving OP shit, but this tension IMO is actually unavoidable in a lot of situations. Whether it be a question of why you don't have a TV, or why/what you're reading in public, there genuinely is a lot of weird inferiority-complex feelings around class, education, et c. with these topics of conversation. OP can use some social graces to avoid being construed as condescending, but it is true that for more people than you would expect, the immediate response is, "So you think you're better than me?!" to a lot of situations like this.

>> No.19372268

>yeah nah mate I enjoy Shakespeare. Doesn’t make me better. Want to watch this dank film version of Richard III

>> No.19372295

>Want to watch this dank film version of Richard III
If it's the one with Ian mckellen as British hitler count me in

>> No.19372338

Mos def. the tank scene at the start is a beautiful theme and setting. Also I love the soliloquy as part Private part public.

>> No.19372979

going full out with it. just kill the NPC-brain by overloading it and they will not be able to reply.
>i don't watch tv or movies
>i dont play video games
>i dont use social media
>i dont have any subscription services
>i dont go to concerts, movie theaters, bars, clubs, eat out, or buy delivery food
>i dont update any of my software, ever
>i use the oldest phone version that still has network service
>i don't eat processed food
>i don't use western medicine
>i don't take pharmaceuticals
>i don't have health insurance
>i don't own a car
>i don't use a 401k or other retirement planning
>i don't listen to popular music
>i dont know who any celebrities are
>i don't follow sports
>i dont look at the news
>i don't take selfies or photos of anything

Not even joking either. Other than rent, utilities, and food, I have zero expenses. The government HATES me.

>> No.19373002

My friends got mad at me because I kept shitting on King Arthur: Legend of the Sword when they showed it to me. They baited me with a subject they knew I might enjoy but it was like a typical Marvel motion sickness inducing ADHD CGI-fest.

>> No.19373031

what is your purpose?

>> No.19373068

I had some of the most interesting conversations when I was wagecucking desu, mostly about politics and life in general. In my experience it's the milquetoast middle class that only cares about the hottest netflix shows and whatnot.

>> No.19373079 [DELETED] 

is that from a bingo.jpg?

>> No.19373180

Just say you don't watch much TV. Then ask the other person to describe the show, and feign vague interest like "oh, that sounds interesting. I'll have to watch it sometime then."

>> No.19373261

I live to terrorize normalfaggots.

>> No.19373537

"haha, no. believe me, a shitty book is just as bad as a shitty sitcom."

>> No.19373902


>> No.19373914


>> No.19373979

Mention it at the right time obviously, don't just blurt it out whenever they mention their 'banal media' because then you are or at least look like a condescending ass.

Also being overly condescending to the point of sarcasm about it also helps. You're acknowledging it, but you're also making light of yourself.

>> No.19374029

you must no interact with normie faggots much. you tell some people "haven't seen it" a couple times too much and they'll fucking ask you what's your deal. that's when i tell them i have severe nigger fatigue and can only find solace in entertainment that's as opposite to nigger culture as you can get a.k.a books.

>> No.19374042

Be even more off putting by having your problem with the show be that a cast of autistics is played exclusively by non-autistics and making fun of them.

>> No.19374047

You're not reading very closely if you misunderstand human nature this thoroughly

>> No.19374048

>the rare reaaaaaaader

>> No.19374052

Depends how well you want to be liked. I killed all of social media and gave up on banal pursuits and five years later was definitely of patrician taste but had zero friends which actually sucked. I still don't really have social media or watch marvel movies and such but I have made friends by simply feigning ignorance or interest without actually doing whatever banal shit they're talking about. For example

Oh hey, anon, did you go see the new Spiderman movie
>Haha what, I didn't even know there was a new one, is it still Toby Maguire?
Lol wtf anon, you're so behind the times, no it's [random nigga 3000]
>Lol sure am, anyway what do you make of (insert activity where I actually interact with them in real time)

And the rest of the conversation follows fairly well, maybe this only works for me because the few friends I do have are part of the same sports as me so we do have common shit to connect over without resorting to pop culture but I think in general acting hostile towards normie shit will make you look weird at best and actively a cunt at worst. So just pretend you don't quite know what they're saying and be good natured, most people don't actually want to talk about shitty movies and shows, it's just an easy way to start conversation.

>> No.19374076
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All of those apply to me. Except I have an $1800 camper van I am fixing up, but that’s fun because I can park it in the woods and read on leather seats and smoke my pipe inside. I don’t have car insurance or a license either.

>> No.19374082

You care? If I'm asked (and that's a big if) whether I like some retarded gay show I'll always say I think it's either garbage, gay, or retarded.

>> No.19374240

This. Peasant rebellions always get crushed in the end, their opinions literally do not matter.

>> No.19374274

My ex really enjoyed the BBT, and I never liked it and avoided it. We broke up 5 years ago and I started watching it, realised I didnt like it because I was actually too much like the characters, it's actually a great show very funny and well written, have watched over 100 episodes now, they are only 20 minutes each, good for a break with tea.. you sound just like Sheldon by the way, there is a main character whose main trait is being arrogant about his intellect and condescending to everyone else, the fact that you are struggling with the social situation you bring up also puts you right in there with the group of characters so I could see why youd find it "too close to the bone" like I used to, if anything you might learn a lot from it that will help you.

>> No.19374287

Ironically theres a few Sheldons in this thread ..

>> No.19374319

The show is alright for what it is, but it's too much with the obnoxious laughter track

>> No.19374338

Why do you need to express that?

>> No.19374341

How? What's your job?

>> No.19374345
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>> No.19374351

Same, but I do enjoy some footy match from time to time.

>> No.19374361

well first correct them and say (or lie if you do think so), "i never said I thought i was better than you", just say you like books nothing more or less, then find healtheir peers.

>> No.19374385

Idk dude. Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Maybe you are more of a pseud than you realize OP.

>> No.19374406
File: 79 KB, 257x232, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef House is the best sitcom I've ever seen. I highly recommend it. I'm a lot like Tennessee Luke in that one.

>> No.19374440

Think? No I don't

>> No.19374450

Based post.

>> No.19374454

Alpha based.

>> No.19374459

If that happens, you're not interacting with normies - you're interacting with someone just as obnoxiously autistic as you are. Just because someone has shit taste and preference for mainstream doesn't automatically make that person mentally sound.

>> No.19375023

If anyone actually responds to you with this level of animosity just because you can't make a shared connection through a television show, they're likely as or even more autistic than OP. I've been a tradesman for 20 years, and from what I've seen being working class doesn't make people distrustful of others who don't have a television or read books with something important to say. They may mostly prefer shit like Tom Clancy or John Grisham novels, but they don't think books are the devil or however you think they act.

>> No.19375035

>I don't know; I sold my TV to buy meth

>> No.19375091

are you implying you can't have a purpose if you don't have those uselss things?