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/lit/ - Literature

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19371790 No.19371790 [Reply] [Original]

prev: >>19359910

>> No.19371823


>> No.19371876

Life is worth living, worth fighting for.

>> No.19371887
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>> No.19371894

Kek, this General has gone to shit.

>> No.19371904

you guys are PATHETIC.. get a grip

>> No.19371912

banana :)

>> No.19371917

ooga booga WAP

>> No.19371956

for me, it's the duck thread.

>> No.19371966

i hate reading

>> No.19372073

>the first and properly made general has gone to..

They’re banding themselves to the US’s coattails, mind reader.

Nation-states need to dissolve!

>> No.19372081

i only eat banana skins

>> No.19372091

I am boiling with rage. Whenever I speak about woman's vile and detestable nature, flocks of men who have fallen under the lethal spell of the female raise their voices, exclaiming: "But surely not all women. I pray that you one day experience how delightful they really are.", as if the bitterness of woman's soul is not as clear as the light illuminating the morning sky.

Women are beings to be avoided and despised, they lack warmth and sensitivity. They lack emotional depth. They are cold, calculating, ruthless, merciless and cruel. Not for a moment would I desire their company, yet their pawns of men rush to declare that my revulsion stems from lack of companionship. Nothing could be further from the truth. Desiring woman's body is venerating them. I have no desire to venerate demons. Verily, I say unto thee, remove women from your hearts and minds. Let the false memories they infected your minds with dissolve, for they are deceptions intended for you to view them in a positve light.

Women ought to be exterminated. The word "Woman" spells "Doom". I long for the day when women are a thing of the past. The female form is the great Satan.

>> No.19372124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19372194

I have the urge to watch anime and read manga again. I thought I was over this…

>> No.19372207
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I head this was the duck thread?

>> No.19372221

/lit/ is reachin /tv/ levels of shitposting and traffic, why is it that every board I go to turns to shit?
maybe I'm the culprit

>> No.19372225

my teacher has a unique talent of making very simple topics sound complicated and make them impossible to understand

>> No.19372235

There's already a WWOYM thread dickhead.

>> No.19372237

this is the cope thread

>> No.19372286

>previously had a job
>was getting worked up that i wasn't advancing, and after taking several jobs over several years was still "entry level", felt like a failure, embarrassed, disgraced
>worked self up so much i had a nervous breakdown and quit with no notice
>getting recruiters hitting me up for similar positions, still this same entry level role
>would have gotten bitter and resentful in the past
>now dont care, dont even mind it, my financial needs are few and i'd rather focus on literature than career progress
>feel chill and content
this world is a dream, anons. i have grass for a pillow and pine needles for tea.
pigeon, you aren't a duck. get out of the water. you dumb pigeon.

>> No.19372369
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>> No.19372401

Literally as I started reading this - my mother is currently explaining to me about some guy at her work who isn't allowed to see his son, because of the lies his ex has told the courts and stuff. She has tried to turn the son against the father because she is annoyed he has a new girlfriend, and now he hasn't seen his son in 2 years.
But my mother is raving about this woman in the most hypocritical manner, as if she isn't a scheming piece of shit herself, as if she isn't as pathetic as this woman, totally worthless, who wanted in the exact same way to turn her family against each other, she has lied to the police herself, lies about all her relatives, she's stolen tons of money from her family, she absolute scum to the core of her bone marrow, the purest breed of mutant to ever walk the face of the earth.

But she pretends to be annoyed by this other woman.

>> No.19372417

>Let the false memories they infected your minds with dissolve, for they are deceptions intended for you to view them in a positve light.
Yes, the modern opinion of women comes from pure fiction.
Characters from TV and movies, not real life.
Characters written by male writers, so that they have the intelligence and humour and honour of men, when of course in real life they have none of this.

>> No.19372492

tell her what a wretched and despicable being she is. don't cower i beneath her n fear. you see the truth, tell her what she needs to hear. no doubt she will react with pretend outrage, but be aware that women don't feel emotions, including outrage. it will be nothing but a scheme to try and manipulate you into submission. be steadfast and show her that you are impervious to her curses. let her know about your understanding of her nature
very true anon. it fills me with joy to know that i am not alone in realizing how worthy of disdain women are

>> No.19372552

This is why my wife is fictional, gentlemen, there is more of me and man in her than she ever was.

>> No.19372562

you're still under the spell. once you see what women are, you won't even be able to imagine a woman that isn't worthy of hate

>> No.19372622
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who /lying flat/? is this our generation's philosophical movement?

>> No.19372656
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>> No.19372689

Homeless people homeless people camp near my home. I see there camps lined up in rows but what happens in there no one knows. Why can they set up camp where ever they care while I watch them contently in my cars chair. I pull up my car close to them so, then step on the gas and watch them explode. Homeless people homeless people heed my advice, camp away from my home or i'll make you think twice.

>> No.19372734
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>> No.19372829

Oh I am aware anon, I am aware of how strong the enchantments are. Even so the mind has ways around it, and if there is no around it then I will at some point be forced to dispense with the feminine form altogether, though not all the principles that bind me. And if this proves too much, then our paths must diverge there, and nothing more can be done.

>> No.19372830
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>> No.19372894

I’d like to move abroad but I have a “good” public sector job and I don’t know if I should leave it.

>> No.19373061
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They shot at the same time. This one actually won. Dickwad lover

It also linked back to the old thread, as is proper. Cope louder.

>> No.19373065
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exploiters can't be egoists
they're constantly thinking about the collective interests of their exploiting class, and they have no sense of self beyond membership in it

>> No.19373136

This is the thread that tranny tripfag made. Just let it die.

>> No.19373348


>> No.19373373

so does my thread.
jesus christ butters does this really bother you that much?
this thread is filled with absolutely nothing of substance while mine is thriving with actual conversation.
the people chose my thread fair and square, grow up

>> No.19373377

I didn’t.

It’s something you have to find.
I try to guide people here out of their funk. I was there once when younger too.

>> No.19373397

I got nothing against your thread. Not into vidya, just kinda odd how people flocked to it. Not bothered much at all.
What’s on your mind threads are all always filled with nothing of substance.

>> No.19373406

>I didn’t.
then why are you continuously bumping this one while posting nothing in the other one lmao

kys schizo tranny

>> No.19373439

Butters at a certain point you have to back up and realize how you are acting from a 3rd person perspective. You are being a huge baby. Its very evident that you are refusing to post in my thread because you don't like it. Why you don't like it is beyond me, but that doesn't matter.
My thread was made properly. I let it grow organically and then I engaged with the posters which prompted more conversation. This is why people flocked to it, because I know how to be a good host.

Feel free to come and join whenever you are ready to. And maybe study the art of WWOYM threads while your at it.

>> No.19373471
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Why you mad though?

>> No.19373483

>where is graeber marxist

>> No.19373557

Oh thanks. Didn’t know about this one.

>> No.19373562

butters thread sucks ass

>> No.19373586

science of computers, more like science of cockshitters

assembly language more like assfucking gaynguage

fuck fuck fuck i hate this shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.19373600

It isn’t my thread

the other one is

>> No.19373609
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i made this thread lel, if u noticed the IPs when i first replied with my trip, u'd have noticed

>> No.19373644

Well, congratulations. You won. Really odd how the off boarders went with the second thread.

>> No.19373670

i just went into it, saw a bunch of christian schizo spam and incel vents. feel like it could be useful as a run-off containment thread idk

>> No.19373715
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>> No.19373748

oh shit that goes comfy

>> No.19373781

>video isn't duccs

>> No.19373801

ok here

>> No.19373809

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m_YfWZMcD0 i found this cool vid

>> No.19373866

why the FUCK am i still in this shitty mid-sized city full of upper middle class apes

>> No.19373869

Does this type of thing really matter to you?

>> No.19373878

i can feel my selfhood under attack with every single interaction, even informal. either living in the countryside or a big city must be better than this

>> No.19373879

is there really a difference between a midsized city and a big city? my only life experience is new england college town and megalopolis, but when i see these so-called midsized cities they don't see that different.

>> No.19373896

mid-sized cities are more desperate and willing to foot the costs for well-salaried white collar and high-skilled jobs and the like, so they attract those types like crazy

>> No.19373918

also they're pretty much just oversized small towns at the end of the day

>> No.19373944

this dude at my gym worked for deutsche bank and they wanted to give him a promotion to move to salt lake city or some shit, he was like dude i didn't bust my ass to end up in salt like city, not doin' it.

>> No.19373962
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Preach it, brother.

>> No.19373964
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ducc thread is superior thread

>> No.19374006
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>> No.19374072

blown away by the discontinuity we live in. not only due to tech but just propaganda exposure, extreme novelty, etc. there is no possible way we can truly know ourselves in this environment. the solution is extreme. impossible for the pragmatic.

>> No.19374093

>be writing
>"god this is fucking aweful"
>two semi-good sentences later
>"oh hell ya this is great again"

Anyone else?

>> No.19374111

my college gf sucked a bunch of dicks and that's why I'm gay now

>> No.19374150

I want to get with a chick and have her make a feet only OF account. Have her post a bunch of content. She gets semi-OF famous. Then I want to hit it big writing or some shit, become famous and have paparazzi take pictures of me and my wife. She doesnt post pics anymore since, we rich now. So the feet community develops a theory that my wife used to be this semi-popular foot OF chick. I want this all, so I can log onto 4chan some time, and see a post where anons are comparing freckles from my wifes OF feet photos, to photos of us on the beach from People's magazine. With arguments and all. So I may have a slight chuckle and think back to the days of being a poorfag.

>> No.19374160
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>> No.19374179

>Life is worth living, worth fighting for.
genuinely curious about your personal philosophy that leads you to thinking this.

>> No.19374277
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In all likelihood life is an all too brief period of experiential wonderment. The good the bad and all the in betweens are like the colour spectrum.
When first entering into this world we’re open to all the wildness, but are soon indoctrinated into what older generations have made of things, and so we get it into our heads that there was a purpose in life once. People lived better with this one way, but can no longer get it back. This depresses a lot of people. But many others have figured out that the wild world is just full of different purposes, a cornucopia’s worth of different ways. Some ways of life many of us would call evil even. As dangerous as the wild world always promises, we must deal with the evil how we see fit.
You have one life, as far as we can tell, why sit and wait for an afterlife, that is likely fantasy. Make the most of this. Recapture that childlike sense of wonderment. When’s the last time you saw a toddler laughing at play?

Epicureanism saved me from my existential crisis

Not how that works

>> No.19374396
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Haha. Surprised I hadn’t seen this posted today

>> No.19374412

wow so Candid

>> No.19374592

A murder occurs every week here. Men are robbed, women are raped, the homeless yell and cry and blister in the desert sun. The police are underfunded, undertrained, and hated, and everyone carries. And at night people die and blister and rape, and when the sun rises, the mountains imitate slices of watermelon like a mocking nigger god opening his fridge. Dirty insects in a dirty celestial fridge, we are scurried and pointlessly violent

>> No.19374959

Jesus. Calm down, go outside. Take a fresh breath. Go drink some tea. Walk for few miles.
(Don't forget your coat, it's cold outside)

>> No.19375028

I have just gotten done with cardio, and ran so hard that it is very likely I could throw up here in recovery
I feel amazing

>> No.19375036

fighting for things which will have an end anyways?

>> No.19375038

Today I learned about Huey Long and Father Coughlin, and feel like shit because man, an American system of Fascist thought was almost within reach
Imagine all of the writing and intellectual information that could've come about from such a thing. Pound's Cantos would've been like Baltic soil for how fertile it'd be to plant in

>> No.19375680

>When’s the last time you saw a toddler laughing at play?
Thank you for your input. I have a child actually. I watch and make him laugh everyday. It is one of life’s greatest “gifts” if It can even be considered that. But the clock monotonously tics in the background. He will grow, need me less and less, until he moves on with his life and his mother and I are alone. Having completed our task. I think for now being a parent is a gift. But someday, it will be a curse. I’ll only have fuzzy memories to play back as I age, and slowly lose everyone and everything I’ve known. The end is dark and scary. And I don’t know if the good offsets that enough for any of this to be worth it.

>> No.19376167

Raise them right and stick close. The separation is real, but shouldn’t be as severe as the modern world makes it. Retirement homes are rotten inventions.
We all have to adjust to the stages in life. The uncertainty of when we check out gets a little scary, but it’s a challenge we can face

>> No.19376561
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>> No.19376852

You in the high desert?

>> No.19376876

Police are not there to prevent crime. They’re there to protect properties and to mop up crime scenes

>The mountains look like melon rinds
No they don’t. What a clumsy stupid simile.

>> No.19377153

Attacks on property is a crime

>> No.19377163

Except yours.

>> No.19377167

Some (a lot actually) property is high thievery. Ever hear of BlackRock?

>> No.19377295

>bending over to lolbertarian bait
goddamn u are pathetic

>> No.19377300


>> No.19377308 [DELETED] 

It’s a commonly held belief, anon. Responding as failure is the silliest notion. “Drr make you blink!”

>> No.19377333

It’s a commonly held belief, anon. Responding as failure is the silliest notion. “Drr made you blink!”

>> No.19377356
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true i guess
btw all property is theft
we ultra-ultra-communist

>> No.19377402

I'm 22 as of now but I won't be financially ready for marriage until at least 30. But by then most of my youth would be spent grinding, so I'm not sure if it would be even worth it.

>> No.19377434

you realize the earlier you get married the more money you BOTH save since you can split rent and other expenses... what a retarded post. by 30 all the good women will be taken and you can pick between single mothers and obeasts.

>> No.19377446

And freedom.
Personal property, that which we can hold to, that which doesn’t chafe the community to allow us to have, is good, even if considered a theft.

Best course is to find a partner who sees the potential and can contribute to the financial stability.

This in a vacuum though. Though times are coming. Good luck.

>> No.19377453

I have a mindset of self-hatred that leads to material improvement but spiritual decay. This self-hatred pushes me to improve myself through exercise, reading, schoolwork and earning money, but the smallest failures and errors cause endless waves of self-hatred. I would not call myself a perfectionist because I am not great at anything and I suppress my hatred and sadness with drugs and distractions. I am curious as to whether eliminating these distractions would lead to an unescapable abyss or it would allow me to push past this self-constructed threshold on my abilities.

>> No.19377459

>Tough times
Friggin Gaelic

>> No.19377474

"community" is a pre-communist cope. no one will be forced through the charade of self-sacrifice under communism. in fact, liberals/libertarians who support austerity are more likely to force those spooks on you

>> No.19377487

This isn't how it works where I'm from (middle east). You have to have everything set to get married here. On the plus side, I could marry a woman five or so years younger than myself without it being weird so that's not what I'm worried about.

>> No.19377510

>a pre-communist
Which means community
Are you a Star Trek replicator communist?

Ah well, sucks. Down with state capitalism

>> No.19377530

you mean like post-scarcity? maybe

>> No.19377992
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>> No.19378042


>> No.19378056
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oh this grooovy

>> No.19378127


>> No.19378136
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I used to think Sneed was a stupid forced meme back in 2017. Now i sneedpost constantly. I smile whenever i think of Sneed. All my Path of Exile characters have some variation of Sneed in their name.
I no longer recognize what i have become.

>> No.19378529
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Meeting my (previously ex) gf tonight. She plans on moving back to my area beginning of next year, hope it works out
felt the same way about apu posting

>> No.19378558
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>reposting because bump limit

What is your long-term goal? What makes a 50-60 hour work week worth it? What can you buy that makes you happy? What experience isn't just a fleeting novelty? The only worthwhile goal I can think of is raising a family, but if my children are just going to have to go through the same lifelong struggle, probably an even worse struggle, why condemn them to that fate?

>> No.19378564
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I ate 4000 calories today. At least 2000 of those were from Oreos

>> No.19378565

I hated sneed and thought it was an unworthy successor to bane so I resisted it for years and now I say and think sneed like a tourette's syndrome psychotic

This place is an egregore

>> No.19378611


>> No.19378623

Sneed sneed sneed. I loved the formely chuck short story that was posted here in /lit/. Uncanny kino field. Sneeded.

>> No.19378681


>> No.19378686

Thread theme

>> No.19378739

The mountains where I live are named after how they appear in the light of dawn, i.e, as slices of watermelon.
>clumsy, stupid simile
This city is clumsy and stupid. Let it be described and felt in the clumsiest and stupidest language possible. I am not in Byronian woe over this city of the damned.


>> No.19378766

i posted my answer last thread >>19378520
though I acknowledge it's not an entirely realistic philosophy, i think it's worth pursuing

>> No.19378794
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i'm gonna go to the motherfucking museum tomorrow

>> No.19378808

I want to touch you. There is nothing more that I covet. I want to touch your hair and feel its fineness between the tips of my fingers, catching each ridge I can not view with my own eyes.

I want to touch you, to feel the warmth of your cheeks warm my digits. Every pore and scar and blemish on your face, I want to feel everything you have to offer me, no matter the imperfection.

The lids of your eyes, the curve of your jaw, and your lips are all taunting me. I want to feel the stubble of your beard scratch at my palms as I pull you in close.

And your lips. They're so soft and inviting, red and open and I want to devour you whole looking at them. I want to feel your sweet flesh quiver under my hand, yearning for the chance to feel more than a subtle sweep of my thumb.

Such a shame, you aren't real.

>> No.19378869

I'm 23 and I'm experiencing the same. My girlfriend's family moved cross country last year and we just couldn't stay together because there was no way we could afford to live together. Broke my fucking heart.

>> No.19378880

>To feel all the happiness of the world in one instant
What does this mean? Drugs? Creating a life? Saving a life?
>one should only have children if they are physically and emotionally able to care for them and give them a decent chance at finding a way to live happily
I want to have kids but I feel so incapable of this.

>> No.19378898

Did you know arabs invented liquor
But now arabs don't drink liquor?
Wtf??? How does that work???
It's like if jews invented salami
I respectfully disagree

>> No.19378903

>What is your long-term goal?

I want to raise a family and grow old with my eternal wife. I want to be faithful, I want to love, I want to be all of the good a man can be to the people in his life.

>> No.19378937

>What does this mean?
Coming to a point where you can love every single thing in existence, from a grain of sand on the beach, to a leaf, to the most vile human being imaginable. To feel such elation and universal love, even if only for an instant, could help to mend any past or future pain.
>I want to have kids but I feel so incapable of this.
Best to avoid having kids until your mental state is in a good enough place to truly love another. In my opinion, having a child is only a path towards fulfillment if you're already in a good place mentally; most who try to "fix" their lives by having kids quickly realize they aren't cut out for the constant work required (especially in the first few years)

>> No.19379021

Thoughts on "The Creation" by james weldon johnson?
And God stepped out on space,
And he looked around and said:
I'm lonely—
I'll make me a world.
And far as the eye of God could see
Darkness covered everything,
Blacker than a hundred midnights
Down in a cypress swamp.
Then God smiled,
And the light broke,
And the darkness rolled up on one side,
And the light stood shining on the other,
And God said: That's good!

Personally I'm a huge fan and I wish I knew how to channel this type of energy into my own writing

>> No.19379134

Yeah man the high desert is some shit hole. Whenever I start feeling shitty about living in the city I think about my time in Victorville

>> No.19379227

shit thread. ill wait till the next

>> No.19379251
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>Cashiers at clothing store complimenting me on my hair

>> No.19379276

Not bad

>> No.19379280

They look red and green? Are there pictures you can share? Finding it hard to imagine.

>> No.19379289

Poor anon.
He could have scored.

>> No.19379331

God, the CGI of the 1990's is so horrid in comparison to now, yet it's so much more charming.

>> No.19379370
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I am empty. I was made from emptiness and to emptiness will I return. The world I am in is also empty, and offers only the illusion of substance. All pursuits of it are empty. The world hides its own emptiness in order to draw the unknowing further into its illusions, at the end of which lies only the same emptiness from which all came. There are four ways to respond to the call of the emptiness: to flee from it, deny its existence, and believe that the things of the world, which remain utterly empty, are in fact capable of filling the emptiness when they themselves are still empty. To worship the emptiness, glory in it, revel in how empty and devoid of substance it is, and make all ones' acts a reflection of that emptiness, which really is just the first way turned around, trying to deny the existence of emptiness by claiming the worship of that emptiness is fulfilling when it too is just as empty. To become empty, reach towards the emptiness, accept ones' nature as ultimately empty as all things of the world are empty, to lose all passions and interests, to throw everything into the emptiness and eventually fall into it yourself, believing that there is absolutely nothing that is not empty and pretending otherwise is a waste of time. To stop being a goofy retard and go "hey, wait a minute, if everything is empty and nothing that is not empty exists, why is there anything here in the first place?" and realize that your own substance on its own is empty as everything that exists is empty of its own, but the mere fact that it exists proves that an existence without its source in emptiness, from which the ability to exist at all flows like an overflowing cup to all else that exists, must exist, or rather, that even the word 'exist' describes a function of something whose substance is emptiness but which has received, like a drop of water from an overflowing cup, something wholly other, the ability to be, which, truthfully, is eternally replenished and rained down on all that exists in an endless act of self-giving, supratemporally, as even time is empty and without substance without the gift of existence that occurs at all moments and at none, realizing that though you as real as an imaginary character, the one who imagines you is the ground of real-ness and the eternal source of both the empty, substance-less world and the being it eternally enjoys like a flower enjoying the sunlight. This exercise in writing whatever pops into my head is over because I think my writing style is cringeworthy and the ideas I'm trying to communicate are half-baked at best and full of logical flaws I haven't seen yet.

>> No.19379396
File: 95 KB, 1008x435, xiandschwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was rigged from the start, wasn't it?
I just want to know who's actually in charge.

>> No.19379533

Aren't you a communist? Why are you pro-"lying flat" when the CPC disapproves of it?

>> No.19379573

the quality of this thread is significantly worse than the previous ones. there is literally nothing interesting going on in here

>> No.19379607

No. It’s no different.
Go on. Make another shitty post to fulfill your gripe

Money printers, lawmakers. They’re nothing more than organized criminals

>> No.19379617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19379634
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>> No.19379698

I think the idea of a grown woman wearing a diaper and using it casually is very erotic. Just as a matter of routine while she's out and about. Imagine her shopping at the store and casually urinating while she's in the produce section. Or sitting in her car to pick up her kids and emptying her bowels. The mixture of the taboo with the mundane is very arousing to me. Not to mention the sense of laziness, the easy surrender of control by the woman. It's very erotic and actually feels very feminine.

>> No.19379738
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 2g25yHs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lowtax passed away
Man that hits hard. I hate what SA became and I always hated him for letting it happen, but he was a crazy guy and a good guy deep down, and he didn't deserve to be buried in trannies and misery for 20 years.

RIP Lowtax. Thanks for ruining my life aka making me the man I am today.

>> No.19379749

>Money printers, lawmakers. They’re nothing more than organized criminals
I've actually been thinking about the following, more than I should but whatever:

Most people are not evil or cruel. Sure, you have your Hitlers or Ted Bundys every so often, but those are a tiny fraction of the population. Most people try to be nice and good, and at worst are apathetic to others, not malicious. How is it then that these people working together end up creating structures (governments, companies, political organizations, etc) which are often cruel and inhumane? I think evil an emergent property of apathy on a mass scale.

>> No.19379766

being nice and good is a mask for the more petty malicious people

>> No.19379779

Have you noticed that all of 4chan's rivals have a tendecy to self-destruct? First it was SA, then it was Gaia, then it was Tumblr, then it was Reddit. Now I guess it's Twitter. One by one, all of them basically destroyed themselves, and 4chan's still here.

>> No.19379801

Other sites have something to lose, be it money or reputation or whatnot. 4chan is at the bottom of the barrel. If we have not fallen it is because we have nowhere lower to go.

>> No.19379810
File: 52 KB, 720x629, 346343653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to date my former high school teacher but in my defense she was flirty with me back then, I'm not making it up, you don't actually do the shit she did without it being you know, an invitation
What do? And yes we still talk.

>> No.19379814

You’re right, most people want to just get along, but it is this cruel system and slavish obedience to unjustifiable hierarchies. It’s extremely difficult to deprogram, but it is possible.

There are some hidden scumbags, but by and large, most people are merely capable of maliciousness. This is normal and actually healthy in some cases.

>> No.19379825

I’ve just noticed the intense jealousy. I guess people are self conscious about being at this “bottom”

>And yes we still talk.

>> No.19379826
File: 69 KB, 827x815, E-EiBHCVIAECZ8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready to write a novel?

>> No.19379831

Fuck, I'm scared. I just, I was peak twink core back then, I look a bit different now. The long hair really didn't do me any favors.

>> No.19379845
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>> No.19379874

Thank you. I don’t see it.

Be up front or try flirting again, but get it over with. Don’t let crushes go on smoldering.

>> No.19379877

I think what happened is just that the NEET/incel/goon demographic went from early 2000s camaraderie, as everybody discovered that they enjoyed living on an internet forum, to a collective "so where do we go from here?" moment when it became self-conscious, which then branched off into various internet cancers we take for granted today: redditors, trannies, internet commies, internet libertarians, internet atheists, 4chan/altright niggersayers, "weird twitter" hipsters who want to be cool internet people but are really just unfunny normalfags, etc. All the autism of the early 2000s superfluous men began channeling into these subcultures. What was charmingly ingenuous about goon e-autism in 2005 somehow morphed into the puritanical internet culture war mentality of today.

SA was the gestation chamber of the initial undifferentiated autism phase, and then when the second phase started, it simply got crushed under trannies, commies, and proto-redditors, while the altright/libertarian contingents were increasingly banned by cat ladies.

SA was really weirdly ahead of the curve on everything. It is basically responsible for internet tranny communism and its alliance with weird twitter tryhard lowercase-typing normies. SA "i'm not good with computers help" lowercasespeak somehow got exported to 14 year old girls on tumblr and now forms the personalities of millions of genderqueer college whores, who don't even know what SA is.

So its precocity and creativity is why it got crushed. SA invented modern internet culture, and then invented its main branches, and for whatever reason, it sided with the tranny-commie-catlady-perpetually aggrieved normie complex and banished all the proto-altright elements to 4chan, which inherited them by default. Reddit simply became what late SA had already prototyped and already was, a sanitized faggot forum run by bitter cat ladies. Twitter is also just a sanitized "moderated" environment to be zany in without having to worry about seeing nigger words.

The moral of the story is, don't ever put women in leadership positions, and trannies are subhuman culture wreckers.

>> No.19379891

You will never be Bulgarian.

>> No.19379906

i can't help being a doomer. I have tried very hard to turn the ship around but it's not happening

>> No.19379907
File: 445 KB, 600x765, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares
didn't read any of that

>> No.19379922

зaщo дa живeя¿


>> No.19380041
File: 909 KB, 500x352, 1616350801156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve just noticed the intense jealousy. I guess people are self conscious about being at this “bottom”

I love 4chan and have never regretted spending time on here. Maybe the problem is YOU, Butters. But then, anyone who cultivates a personal brand on an anonymous message board is never going to truly fit in.

>> No.19380068

You got some foggy goggles on there, kid.
I’m just relaying my observations. The base has always felt inadequate about the mere existence of these other sites.

>> No.19380091
File: 38 KB, 328x153, 1619707533490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what causes this type of behavior?

>> No.19380115


>> No.19380136


>> No.19380161

who the hell is rich low tax kyanka? and is this related to why there is no moderation?

>> No.19380169

Founder of Something Awful. Yeah. I had to search it

>> No.19380598

The Great Cataclysm approaches.
Global warming cannot be solved by simple means, and no one in power has the desire to do what it will take.
Is this how civilization, and perhaps humanity, ends?
How strange it is to live in the End Times!

>> No.19380677

Dumb sissy faggot I hate you

>> No.19380971

which one?

>> No.19381039

Chocolate milk out of a mug makes me think it is hot chocolate gone cold. This messes with my sense of taste and leads to the question whether our sensory organs are truly in control of what we sense.

>> No.19381188

me too, anon. it's supposed to be a cringe meme from 2018 but I still check every single box

>> No.19381233

My first thought is that this is beyond vile, and I can't imagine people like this exist, but then I realized it's probably more well-written than many of my effort posts. I read this post over three times and it's oddly enjoyable. Goes to show decent prose can make the most utter depravities appealing enough to capture anyone.

>> No.19381252

>global warming
Climate change (formerly known as global warming) is going to be used as the next covid, I hope this post is unironic. If not, consider reading:
>Apocalypse Never
>False Alarm
And look up the CFR's new book on using covid measures to fight climate change. Or how the media is connecting the two in stories these days now that people are getting over covid. Or how Youtube implemented a "climate change" tag linking to "approved information" under all videos associated with the topic last month, just as they've done with covid. I could go on but please, PLEASE stop buying the disaster porn. Naomi Klein was more right than I ever imagined.

>> No.19381360

Lowtax dying made me think about moot and that made me think about how I watched all 8 hours of his farewell stream and how long ago that was now. tears in rain..

>> No.19381422

I haven't played videogames since a few years ago. I'm thinking of getting seriously into a game again just to cope with life. Modern life is barely worth living (if at all).

>> No.19381433

think I might be on the hypomanic come up

>> No.19381597

Why are you procastinating anon?

>> No.19381620




>> No.19381769

so are blue boards nsfw now or sth?

>> No.19381779

I feel despair. I am 25 years old and my life is empty. I can no longer conceive of any concrete future, any realistic prospects. I don't know how long I will be able to keep going. I've longed for death since I was 9 years old, when I had my first suicidal thoughts. All these years I wanted to kill myself but never went through with it. Why, I don't know. Since last year the idea of suicide is becoming even more frequent than it has been the past decade and a half. I have no joy anymore. What I have is discontent and apathy. I could handle a lifetime of apathy but discontent is taking over. Once it has overtaken the majority of my life, I'm quite certain I won't continue my life.
At that point, not even my biggest reason for staying alive, that being concern for my family, will be enough to keep me here. I'm deeply and utterly dissatisfied with life. I am a nobody with no accomplishments. My life has been 25 years of arrant failure. Nothing I ever wanted will ever materialize. I'm tired of clinging to hope for better days.

>> No.19381808

Literally what do you have to lose by staying alive?

>> No.19381821

the little moments of apathy i cherish so much

>> No.19381923

Started Atomized again. I'm suffering more now that I'm older. He talks about death being like white noise for normal people while for me it's something that has always been in my mind. My mother says I tried to kill myself when I was 7 by drowning in the pool. I don't know why... Now I'm irreversibly bitter and neither god nor children can take the dread away. What cope one has when there's no hope for after life?
Hopefully I'll kill myself in two or three years.

>> No.19381928

Same age and feeling. We should organize a suicide club and do it together.

>> No.19381979
File: 29 KB, 456x620, jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a wizard and I walk past a girl and she looks at me, I realize that I'm just a person who forgot that today is Show and Tell day, and came empty handed. I wouldnt even know what to say to her and keep sinking into myself like a deflated balloon. I missed my chance at being a normal human being.

>> No.19382080

Crossing state lines is not a crime

>> No.19382096



>> No.19382231

I never understand the 'fucking' metaphors employed by people making statements about domination/submission. If for example as BAP points out 'we are getting fucked in the head constantly' and having our attention drained than how can you explain that the things on offer present themselves as 'holes'? You read a book, you enter a hole. You listen to piece of music, you enter a hole. There is also a term used in internet marketing called 'click holes'. I guess the point is that certain malicious characters (like women with holes) can create such engaging, tempting holes that one forgets who is fucked and who is doing the fucking.

>> No.19382253

in midnight mirage mingle I my mind,
with briars of desires of blithe I bind,
transvoke I the phantasmagoria
great delirium of theoria.

cry the psalm!
eye on palm!

magnify i demon dementia
of kadmon adam adamantia,
bled from stones of hexecontalic kind,
behold the obelisk of my design!

vault of night!
bolt of light!

square on square the cube of typhonius,
the leper Leap of Leo Nemeaeus,
mouths like horeb mount but made to utter
the songs of foreign name and many color.

death in strife!
breath of life!

damaru and kangling melodious
above and below the skulls odious,
bhairava Sunyata the twofold wrath,
I am the nameless one whose name is ATh.

>> No.19382278
File: 368 KB, 1410x817, 81F67533-7CBE-4887-958B-ECF962CDE40B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the meaning of this absolute failure, mods?
Experimenting with a porn containment general? Wtf?

>> No.19382293

that's what you get for reading wack shit like baurdrillard.

>> No.19382326
File: 149 KB, 477x438, 4AD70677-D89F-4CA3-BB67-F403A28EAF49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that stage in life.
Make this one better.

>> No.19382350

Those are some beautiful ducks OP

>> No.19382366

Different anon. My capacity for happiness and fulfillment is already diminished. The maximum potential happiness I could posess is at a lower point now than it used to be. Even if by some miracle I manage to achieve my maximum, I will never come close to what could have been had I not made a dumb decision at 18. Everything from that point on is just coping with lack.

>> No.19382396

It's even worse now with the covid shit too. Right when I was getting my life back together covid hit. Had a total change in lifestyle, halted my education, and threw me into a whole new industry which I'm basically set in for life now. And of course it put me into an isolation I had nearly broken out of too. Looking at my life i see circumstances beyond my control fucking me over at every step of the way. It's pretty gay man. No matter how hard i try life just punches me square in the face and I go back to the beginning. I feel defeated

>> No.19382420
File: 17 KB, 720x384, C4DB18DC-4F10-49DE-946A-8544C11E32D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re living with some personal expectations.
Maybe some meditation or whatever can help.
Just get rid of that baggage and learn to love the simple pleasures in life. You are still quite capable of bringing ataraxia and agape up through you.

>> No.19382438

Covid snagged me too. But I’m not waiting five to ten years for it to blow over. I’m bustin out


>> No.19382450

>Make this one better.
I'm tired of pretending to be a normal person. Sadly, I have to deal with them on everyday basis.

>> No.19382476
File: 401 KB, 128x330, 76E2C1EE-229E-4EF5-90CB-32E4BE37EC02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal is routine, median. Everyone is unique in their own way.

>> No.19382479


>> No.19382559
File: 120 KB, 640x477, sailor-moon-640x477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sailor Moon so much.

>> No.19382575

Have you checked out revolutionary girl yet? It’s similar but much better imo, it’s probably the most intellectual anime I know of that doesn’t tell you that it is, and it’s just plain fun in the way something like sailor moon is.

>> No.19382599

Utena is my top favorite anime of all time. It's aesthetically, narratively, and intellectually rich beyond compare. Best anime easily.

>> No.19382626

I haven't had a job in four years

>> No.19382636

Hierarchical societies have to develop an ideology that tells men that their value as humans is in one part, their achievements. That their achievements can only be understood as achievements insofar as their relation to profit. This and the oedipal triangle create a neuroses in us, that tells us our sex drive is an immutable part of us. That women and children are achievements. It’s one of the major flaws of the oedipal triangle as a concept, because hierarchical societies come to presuppose this dynamic as inherent to our development as functional members of society, but it just makes us neurotics with perpetual castration anxiety. It’s why men have higher rates of successful suicide than women. We’ve been traumatized through negative reinforcement to accept the terms of a social contract that limits our potential for development in order to use our bodies to create profit, and offers us the concept of women as achievements to sweeten the deal. Meanwhile the whole concept of economic profit is predicated on ecocide. So, we’re basically beasts of burden driving the wagon off the edge of a cliff.

>> No.19382654


>> No.19382663

Incredibly based, have you tried Haibane Renmei? It’s not as good but I have a soft spot for it.

>> No.19382677

I was like you but then became a wagie month ago.

>> No.19382696

I’ve been taking care of my dad and he always has the television so loud that I can’t focus on reading or writing.

>> No.19382697

I haven't, but it's been on my to-watch list... for a few years. To be fair though, I haven't watched any anime at all since 2018, I've been on an exclusive /lit/ roll ever since. But I'll eventually run out of gas on that front and take a break with more anime. Have you watched any anthology films by the way? I highly recommend Robot Carnival, Neo-Tokyo, and Memories.

>> No.19382760

I have had a job for four years.

>> No.19382833 [DELETED] 

i love this drew h. hernandez guy

>> No.19382843

One of my biggest problems is my family. They are the source of a lot of my problems. A lot of the things I had no control over were caused by them. I was at least partially estranged from them for a good few years. They would internmently reintroduce themselves just to suck what ever life out of me they could before fucking off again. The past two years they've firmly established themselves into my life and a lot of free time now goes to them. It stresses me the fuck out everytime. My oldest brother is full blown schizophrenic, my mom has had multiple diagnoses like schizotypal and bpd. My other brother has been a life long addict. My schizo brother has attempted suicide twice in about a year and a half. Everytime I see them I feel like I'm being sucked into the insanity. We were all together for the first time in three years just this past weekend. I ended up getting wasted drunk and exploding on someone the next day. They are my baggage and they just wont let me go. I'm tempted to do what my dad did and just cut them all off. But I know it would devastate them if I did. I dont like seeing them. I dont like them as people. But I'm stuck with the burden of it.

>> No.19382889 [DELETED] 

don't feel bad i did a life ruiner at 18 too, but 20 years later i have an ok life, but i've had to hold much lower expectations given that one youthful fuckup.

>> No.19382902

How do you deal with loneliness?

>> No.19382917

God loves you. /thread

>> No.19382927

>shit out a paper in 12 hours of ADD-riddled procrastination, disjointedly tying together sentence fragments drawn from the void with no consideration as to the actual content or argument being made
>alright, this is the time I fail and get called out
>get feedback
>no elaboration as to why it's good
Is this going to end?

>> No.19382928

>you will have no expectations and you will be happy.

>> No.19382929 [DELETED] 

oh ya covid fucked me bad. i was getting interviews to switch from higher ed to tech industry work, but then when the lockdowns hit that all ended. i couldn't concentrate on shit, i got rusty, and now i haven't had any interest from recruiters or interviews since then, and i'm cramming trying to get my skills sharp again, but i think trying to lecture through a mask and constantly having my lungs full of carbon dioxide is giving me low level hypercapnia because i just can't think well anymore.

>> No.19382936 [DELETED] 

you guys who always rant about "globalists" all claim you want to live a simple life. what is a simple life but lowered expectations? you dudes don't even know what you want, you're just mad and don't have the emotional intelligence to figure out about what.

>> No.19383007
File: 20 KB, 211x203, lazy dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is such a parochialist cesspit

>> No.19383024

by brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19383051

anyone remember the quote about overly mechanization of sports and how it has taken away from the artistic aspect
where was it from

>> No.19383061
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>> No.19383081

I’m not a Muslim but the Night Journey 100% happened.

>> No.19383087

Only click the link if you are going to play AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19383088

Guys literally asking for recs on a field he doesn’t like/know yet in order to get into it. How is that bad.

>> No.19383140
File: 36 KB, 851x678, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys literally asking for recs on a field he doesn’t like/know yet in order to get into it. How is that bad.

>> No.19383156

>I will never be Peruvian

>> No.19383274
File: 998 KB, 250x251, 12833049d189be1407123cf8ee0f42c6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become a hermit, I check virtually nothing, I know virtually nothing. However I feel I should know if the economy is finally in collapse. Has it begun? The reason I should know is I should have some responsibility over my finances. So I come to you, the greatest, the boldest, the vilest. How is it, are we going under?

>> No.19383329

>are we going under?
Not yet but inflation is worrying. The fact that liberal outlets have been slowly introducing the idea that inflation is good is very worrying, it means the government isn’t going to be trying to stop it. In other news, China seems to have prevented an Evergrande collapse so luckily 2008 round 2 is off the table.

>> No.19383350

I can't believe I wasn't born Bulgarian. I wake up every day and try to wrap my head around what I did to be cursed like this.

>> No.19383439

But surely not all women. I pray that you one day experience how delightful they really are.

>> No.19383484

>just finished reading Clan of the Cave Bear

>> No.19383499

ngl, this makes me feel pretty dope.

>> No.19383501

i dropped that one, it bored me to tears. did anything actually happen?

>> No.19383525
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, nearly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever the ugly side of my self takes the better part of my judgement i immediately get an intense urge to commit suicide. i've been a NEET for almost a year now, and being alone, confronting the rotting abomination that is my true being, the one that haunts my every thought, has been terrifying. i understand that running towards the hypothetical escape of suicide, fleeing from the responsability of wrestling against the evil that is within each and every one of us, is out of a severe laziness and cowardliness, but i've been losing the battle for so long, and i don't believe i have any chance of redemption. there's people that genuinely see me as someone good, some even used the term ''pure''..if only they knew how despicable i really am. but i suppose this is the moral of life.

i don't know anymore. i keep becoming more and more repugnant. what can i do to save whatever little is left? how do you get away from yourself permanently?

>> No.19383531
File: 149 KB, 500x594, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Suplexed An Old Man To Death Breaking His Neck Outside A Hotel In Minneapolis After He Dry Humped Me Like A Terrier In Response To A Kindly Gesture Of Holding The Door Open For Him (My Dad Called The Cops On Me And I'm Awaiting Trial Only God Can Judge One Zero Zero One Zero Zero)

>> No.19383538


>> No.19383542

I'd buy that book.

>> No.19383547

we get it jpegmafia, you're revolutionary

>> No.19383592
File: 32 KB, 350x462, 00bukharinND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19383688
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1920, 1573882193346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so tired sometimes anons, i just want to leave or run , when i see a highway after a bad day, i just want to drive without end and goal, will this feeling ever disappear?

>> No.19383728

dishonest picture

>> No.19383789

my roommate's girlfriend is here and i know he wants me to leave but fuck him i'm not moving an icnh i hear them laugh from the other room im so o=lonelhy

>> No.19383821

new $uicideBoy$ album?

>> No.19383837

Car has been warning me that my brakes and some other parts are at risk of malfunctioning. This has been going on for about a week and a half now. I don't care much so I'll probably only get it fixed when something happens. I wonder what will happen.

>> No.19383842

I just got a warning for a post I didn't make on a board I don't even visit. wtf was that

>> No.19383888

I've gotten that before and it was saying i violated US Law.
Not even American lol. Also stop talking to Butters.

>> No.19383982
File: 125 KB, 1200x1029, gremblo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't spoken to my girlfriend in a month or so because of an issue. today i got to talk to her, and once she told me that she just got her first paycheck for her first job a flow of tears started going down my face. i felt genuinely happy to see her doing well now. i haven't felt this human in a long time. i was having another fit of self loathing until i got her message, and seeing her sincere happiness really got me. i don't know. it just felt like a rare good experience from all sides and i wanted to share it.

>> No.19383983

Are you on a mobile network

>> No.19384042

nope. i was on my home wifi. thank god it was just a warning because it was a 30day ban and like i said it violated US law. They wouldnt even show what the post was so i am extra curious

>> No.19384233

they're not that big a deal, those are handed out whenever a post is too spicy. mods dont want the next elliot rodgers making edgeposts here before shooting up a shopping mall and getting the entire site in trouble.

>> No.19384244

I think most, if not all, of my problems are caused by something like a general lack of vitality, or youthfulness. I’m just unhealthy over somehow without being unhealthy in any one particular way.

>> No.19384257

Trust me, I really wish you were right and climate change was fake. But it’s not, and we are all so very screwed.

>> No.19384283

My man you're destroying your life over a psyop.

>> No.19384297

I have the house to myself until Sunday, got off work early today and have a three day weekend. I was really excited. I got home and immediately started jacking off loudly, in fetish gear, with porn on full blast. Half an hour later I came. Now I'm realizing I have nothing to do for the next three days.

>> No.19384302

no, I'm guessing the person who posted it was using a vpn but I could see what the post was. seems like mods don't like the british broadcasting corporation, so yeah don't go posting about that

>> No.19384382

Yea, I feel you. I don't really care about much anymore. I just want to make enough money to retire and be left alone. Don't care about having a family, it seems too bothersome. Mainstream society is not for me, I don't want to get involved. This is the way it was meant to be, but I can still take refuge in solitude, my only goal now.

>> No.19384472

>tfw want to be chucked
>tfw no gf to cuck me
I suffer

>> No.19384517

love is when someone else's happiness becomes essential to your own :)

>> No.19384577 [DELETED] 

i love homer but i never read the homeric hymns yet recommend me a version to buy

>> No.19384626
File: 35 KB, 600x600, a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad? more like jhad

>> No.19384641


No it isn't, roastie. Love has a very specific meaning related to trust. Happiness is a function of mere convenience.

>> No.19384642

I am cooking Karahi Gosht. I wish i could share it with you guys

>> No.19384689


>> No.19384698

How do you afford that without a job

>> No.19384700
File: 64 KB, 300x579, 1598162103881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up Mormon. The community is full of genuinely kind and warm people who still hold to a system of values that most of modern society considers antiquated, and I think that if the United States collapsed a State of Deseret would quickly take its place in the western part of the country.
For me, though, it's not enough. I can't continue to believe in the reverse-Gnosticism that the LDS faith is based on, no matter how nice it can be, no matter that my family will be disappointed at least if I leave the church. At the end of it all, I'm not after things that are nice, or the approval of my family, or a strong community based on good values, but the truth about God, Christ, and the world and man's place in it, and I can't ignore the philosophical issues that LDS doctrine has any longer.

>> No.19384711

Desu I really wish mormons werent heretics. I would join in a heartbeat. A Southwest Mormon federated theocracy sounds so kino

>> No.19384828

Financially, I am unwise.

>> No.19384858
File: 199 KB, 1024x1000, 1F5F5328-CAC3-4E6F-8134-8938914F1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19384869


it seems like you should probably kill yourself

>> No.19384964

I figured out the best way to meet new people
You guys should just start smoking and go out at night asking people for cigarettes

>> No.19384969

dude this has been know for a long time.
anyways congrats on discovering it. I've had some great adventures that started with smoking cigarettes outside bars

>> No.19385169


>> No.19385177

Yea had many a good conversations in smoking areas. I used to smoke regularly but now only on social occasions with some alcohol.

>> No.19385221

How do you post shit on here without getting your identity exposed by someone you know, or am I just being too paranoid. Have any anons here been discovered on 4chan from something you guys posted.

>> No.19385227

/lit/bros can one of you please help me on this:
I need answers quickly but nobody has so far replied yet.

>> No.19385229

I don't know anybody

>> No.19385233

sorry here's the thread:

>> No.19385253

I pose as different races and genders and political opinions in different threads for this very reason.

It's something avatar-users and tripcoders need to watch out for though. There's one avatarfag I would love to have a friendly chat with irl, so whenever he/she lets something slip about their personal life I jot it down.

>> No.19385276

no but when i was 17 and new to 4chan i saw a photo of a chick i knew on one of those instagram/vsco threads on /b/ where people share photos of women they know.
the photo had been taken at a house party i had been at, so the person who shared it had to be someone i know because it really wasn't accessible to many people.

i still think about it from time to time despite it happening years ago because whoever shared the photo has to be someone i knew quite well at the time

>> No.19385328
File: 270 KB, 720x540, audrey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after being a neet for almost a decade and working a bit I can honestly say it is better to be a wagie. The time spent suffering genuinely100% does give new meaning to the rest of your life. i spent years chasing pleasure, hobbies passions, whatever, it all amounted to nothing at best, self destruction at worst. everything becomes grey and blurred, you lose appreciation for everything and become like a junkie and destroy yourself. but working and suffering, you hate it and its unpleasant to say the least, but then it feels like a breath of fresh air breathed into your life. suddenly the setting sun and your cozy bed mean something, the passage of time means something, your time spent with your hobbies and loved ones means something, everything just feels more fresh and vibrant, things stop blurring together and feeling meaningless and boring, the moments feel so much more distinct and important, everything feels so much better. you come to appreciate it all so much more. I hope to god i can find strength to keep on the good path and endure the suffering so i can actually live instead of exist like I have for most of my life

>> No.19385337

Little Timmy was just so frustrated. He had a car and found these nifty little things called in-channel vent visors, which gave him peace of mind. He knew that not only did they not damage the paint on the car, but they were super secure in the window and he could reuse them if the car gave up. Well, the car gave up, and after giving them to his younger brother, Timmy decided he wanted to try a different car. It was a variation of a popular car called a hatchback. Timmy really liked those visors and searched high and low for them. Despite being a popular brand of car, he simply COULD NOT FIND ANY GODDAMN IN-CHANNEL VENT VISORS MEANT FOR THE HATCHBACK VARIATION.

>> No.19385346

giga cope jeezus

>> No.19385350

t. has never lived a decade as a NEET loser

>> No.19385352
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 600px-Africa_satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been to Africa. I have no family in Africa. But I am 100% sure that one day I will step foot onto Africa and I will never leave the continent. It will be where I will live out the rest of my life and it will be where I will die. I cannot escape this fate, I know that much, but I have no idea how or why it will happen.

>> No.19385358

I feel so silly after we flirted so much and he told me he was only pretending to be gay and thought I was too.

>> No.19385359

t. projection
im a neet loser par excellence dumb cagie

>> No.19385376

damn this sounds like the setup to a programming interview problem like "timmy decides to drive around to every car accessory store in the bay area until one of them receives a shipment from the oakland port. timmy can move only to adjacent stores. each store receives a new shipment every 7 moves, and it sells out in 4. get timmy to a store with vents in stock using the least amount of gas."

>> No.19385383

I have similar intuition about South-America.
One day ill make it there...i swear....

>> No.19385391 [DELETED] 

the same thing happened to me one night as i was taking a train to philly from new england and passing through nyc. i looked down at some neighborhoods in queens or maybe the bronx made of low two and three story buildings and thought "i will live there" not like a goal or a boast but just fate. been here 20 years now. it's fucking weird.

>> No.19385392

if you can neet for a decade and still feel like you are living a life worth living then you must be some kind of manchild of blessed ignorance who still has fun playing his bing bing wahoos or whatever, because in my experience it becomes hell on earth once the moments start blurring together and every experience and sensation and feeling loses their significance

>> No.19385398

You sound like you’d feel guilty if you left them. Not only is that decent but normal. Though you could arrange for some kind of social worker to look after them.
If it’s too much, you can give yourself permission to leave. But again, if that would weigh on your conscience too much, you can find peace and happiness right where you are.

I’m not alone.

I must love you all on some level

>> No.19385412

Many American communists seem to operate under the delusion that America culture is one that lends itself to Marxist-Leninist-style collectivization and the like. Mark my words, if communism ever succeeds in this country, it will be in the form of anarcho-communism.

>> No.19385413

I don't know anyone except Elsa over on /pol/. I've only ever posted myself once on /fit/ and made sure it was a generic place with no identifiable markers like my gym bag or water bottle and my face was shopped over.

>> No.19385421
File: 110 KB, 600x724, 9O9IXnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming up on the last year of my military contract, and I need to decide if I want to get out or not.
I just got into a specialized section in my unit, and for the first time since I've entered the service, I'm actually passionate about what I'm doing and want to do it well, and I think there might soon come a time when the skills and capabilities of my section will be needed, so I feel a kind of moral responsibility to do the best job I can and to learn as much as I'm able in order to pass it on to the people under me.
On the other hand, that time might never come, or come only to a few people in my country's armed forces, or come in a decade or longer. I have tinnitus, have trouble understanding speech, experience constant back pain, and can make all kinds of weird cracking noises with every bone and joint in my body. Benefits aside, I make about as much money as I did flipping burgers in high school, and serve in an organization characterized by fraud, waste, and abuse on a massive scale, one that seems to pride itself on treating grown men like children at times. I may not be the brightest guy around, but I could comfortably go to school and find work that pays better and demands far less.
But even after considering all of that, I keep getting the irrational feeling that I still have some kind of purpose to fulfill in the military, and that if I leave now I won't be there at some critical moment which I could influence.
Wonder what I'll do.

>> No.19385428

my friends sometimes recognize my effortposts

>> No.19385452

you sound like someone who doesn't know a fucking thing about communism and its history lol

>> No.19385461

>living a life worth living
lol my life's already over

>> No.19385474

You'll just have to wait and see. If I'm proven right, I expect a mea culpa post in the WWOYM thread.

>> No.19385496

you can still get out into the world and turn things around for yourself

>> No.19385500
File: 202 KB, 1080x1080, 20211111_195713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did a big ol' coom and now I'm listening to Stevie Nicks and browsing /lit/ before I get down to reading. It's mid-evening, I've had a lot of coffee with cocoa to boot, and I don't plan on sleeping anytime soon. It's pouring rain outside and I've got some dope to smoke in the dark on my doorstep because my front door light is broke and I'm looking forward to getting on with my book...right after I'm done on 4chan hah.
>picrel is my main book rn

>> No.19385562

>The uncertainty of when we check out gets a little scary, but it’s a challenge we can face

Psalm 23:4
Knowing God exists removed this fear for me. Ascetism and fear of God, curiously enough, saved me from existential dread.

>> No.19385573

>It's pouring rain outside
Man i wish I livedsomewhere with seasonal weather. it was 90 degrees, blue skies, and I sun burned today

>> No.19385583
File: 349 KB, 1600x1400, 1618238545703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you giving people advice about kids, you are a lonely 50 year old cool wine aunt whos life consists of work and 4chan

>> No.19385597

Nah no social workers available. It's all fucked. I'm in probably these mosmost progressive and high taxed states and there's no fucking social programs for schizos. I'm fucked either way.

>> No.19385611
File: 96 KB, 2339x2048, Attention_Sign.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WWOYM Thread War will begin again soon, please try to stay as calm and civil as possible.

>> No.19385612

Check a junkyard

>> No.19385617

I was not buying it pretty early I suppose. The agnostic period brought the existential dread. Letting it go and accepting mortality freed me. A little sadness, but no more than a child accepting Santa isn’t real

>> No.19385622

death to weebs and weeb sympathizers

>> No.19385630

New thread is up


>> No.19385641

I would also like to add that Butters is a confirmed instigator and opportunist, she takes no sides, she just wants to ruin your 4chan experience and escalate things. Please refrain from engaging with her as she is becoming increasingly erratic these days.

Aside from that lets have a good battle brothers. There is only one rule, the winning thread is the more popular one. May the best thread win.

>> No.19385652

she is truly the worst

>> No.19385659

I’m beginning to think AOC is a genuine progressive, and it’s just that all the people going around wanting European style social-democracy are really just socialists and aren’t aware of it.

Anyway. Without knowing the situation fully, I don’t know what else to say. You can leave them to their fates if you like, if you find you need the freedom more

How about we pick someone and audition pictures?

>> No.19385664
File: 49 KB, 500x500, B01F39E5-9556-4D46-B1DB-BC2F30925ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Next time maybe

>> No.19385668

this isnt your general, butters

>> No.19385674
File: 36 KB, 240x279, 6053F1B3-1AD7-48AD-8677-174741478ECF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an ass.
You don’t even read

>> No.19385681

/lit/ is mine. But I was just suggesting how you could proceed with it in a semi orderly fashion.

>> No.19385683

someone make a different one to make the war more interesting and to make the jannies work

>> No.19385690

If you're still in this thread, do pushups corresponding to the last two digits of your most recent post.

>> No.19385696

Jannies left a porn thread up till 300+
They’re not working

>> No.19385704

>You don’t even read
holy projection. you shit up every other thread on this board and clearly haven't read a single book you try to comment on, the only reason you post at all is for attention

>> No.19385733

>read a single book
In in the middle of several. You ever do that?
Ever read Mary Renault?
Also going over a book on fairy tales for middle aged people. Others.

>> No.19385757

i genuinely have no doubt that you really do read genre fiction written by women, the whole thing feeds perfectly into your weird monomaniacal persona

>> No.19385816

Yeah. Shit sucks.
t. from there

>> No.19385821

why do you guys do it :(
t. not lithuanian, dont know anything about lithuania

>> No.19385857
File: 29 KB, 608x374, 068C0B18-63EB-44A1-B79E-8A41DE8B6FD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t read
Thought so

>> No.19385880

im not even going to defend myself from your accusation, you giving us all another glimpse into your weird monomaniacal nature is all the validation I need. yes
I concede, i do believe you obsessively read women genre fiction and fairy tales in between going on to 4chan and putting on a trip code for some reason to post in every thread about how much of a total woman lesbian who likes girls you are to compensate for a childhood marred by those pesky adults who just not understanding you

>> No.19385942

i make her pussy feel luxurious

>> No.19386052
File: 26 KB, 497x497, 1635553994832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only way I can meet new people, but I'm sick of smoking and I want to quit.

>> No.19386059
File: 114 KB, 675x1024, 1635368160351m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy is overrated, pop out some kids and then start smoking meth and reading the bible obsessively instead of having sex.

>> No.19387565

If I’m obsessive about any of my reading it’s in the sociopolitical and history department.
Diminish them as genre all you like, snob. This just proves you’ll hate me no matter what I contribute

Stop smoking. Live with the nic fits