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19369094 No.19369094 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most emotionally disturbing book youve ever read

>> No.19369108

The bible. Shit's fucked up. Thankfully it's fiction.

Otherwise "IT" by Stephen King is certainly odd and hasn't aged well.

>> No.19369111
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>Thankfully it's fiction

>> No.19369112

Elementary particles. Most of the "life has no meaning we are all doomed" novels simply ring hollow for me. As huysmans put it, and I am paraphrasing here, the German doctor (i.e. Schopenhauer) just tells you the disease is incurable then shrugs all smug and self absorbed.
However Houellebecq's proposed solution of just genetically engineer a superior species that could achieve happiness while humans quietly go extinct was genuinely haunting in how pragmatical it was

>> No.19369115

the sorrows of young werther

>> No.19369118

>Thankfully it's fiction
I got some bad news for you, anon...

>> No.19369126

the girl next door. i would have gone with miss lonelyhearts but at some point it becomes funny how depressing it is

>> No.19369141

I don't get this. I was really annoyed with how much of a whiny little kid Werther was.

>> No.19369145

The sewer gangbang with 12 year olds in IT might honestly be the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read - not just the scene itself, which is sick enough, but the way it’s written, suggesting it’s some poetic coming of age bonding experience. King had to be completely insane from coke abuse at the time.

>> No.19369175

Maybe you were too old when you read it and had enough experience and perspective to see beyond the melodramatic shit teenagers project about them
I had the same problem with catcher in the rye

>> No.19369187

>shits on the Bible
>”bros hack king is so emotionally disturbing”

Absolute state of atheist brainlets

>> No.19369204

You guys are fucking prudes holy shit

>> No.19369211

Same. I read it about a month ago and still can't get it out my head. I keep talking to myself and analyzing people in the style of the narrator. I want to un-read it

>> No.19369215

That was satire. He wasn't seriously suggesting that lmao

>> No.19369224


I will be finishing it today. It is indeed very depressing but strangely comforting too. I feel genuine loneliness for the first time in a long time since reading it, hard to explain. And I think he did a great job of highlighting the empty, pathetic nature of 'casual' sex. Not that I still wouldn't love a blowjob

>> No.19369232

A modest proposal was satire too

>> No.19369875

Under the Sun of Satan

>> No.19369955
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Behead All Satans
by M.N.M-D.R.

>> No.19369973

Not sure if this fits the type of disturbing you're looking for, but I'm about to finish Beyond Freedom & Dignity and generally find the worldviews associated with social engineering to be frustrating. Intentional efforts to strip autonomy from people and limit choice bother me much more than something like Sade's torture porn or Tokyo Decadence style shock novels

>> No.19369981

Well, not disturbing, but C&P. The only book I've been able to feel the main character's emotions while reading, along with Notes.

>> No.19369997
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pure doom, and it's real.

>> No.19370051
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>> No.19370060

I think its kind of cliche but 1984 fucked me up, just not being able to be in love is really unfair.

Lovely Bones and The Collector are tied / a strong second. Lovely Bones is too bitter sweet and the fact that this girl has to watch her family suffer because she was raped and murdered, and she's content with it and positive about it in the end breaks my heart. And the collector makes me feel disgusted and angry that some (iirc) sweet / cool girl gets kidnapped and dies because someone's delusions sucks alot, despite the fact she denied him by dying. I fucking hate bittersweet shit so much.

>> No.19370078

Literally 1984

>> No.19370090

Last Exit to Brooklyn. Showed me why men fuck trannys.

Lovely Bones was really disturbing but I didn’t enjoy it

>> No.19370118

>thankfully it’s fiction
Anon is correct. It is fiction. Has some nice stories about how to be moral if you are incapable of developing a moral compass on your own.
>I got some bad news for you, anon...
No you don’t dot dot dot. The Bible is nothing but fictional tales surrounding a man who the believes came from God. That’s all. Many tales like it both before and after. It is nothing new. Nothing groundbreaking and certainly filled with maaaaaaaany inconsistencies and flat out errors.

>> No.19370125
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no longer human

>> No.19370127

120 days of Sodom because its all real and still done today

>cheeto fingers typed this post

>> No.19370133

>slaaneshi demon

>> No.19370192
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The Maimed by Hermann Ungar

>> No.19370196

>biting bait that obvious
Christians will forever be just awful at this and I don't know why.

>> No.19370198

no longer human didn't make me feel a thing, I don't get the praise for it at all

>> No.19370211

Miranda was also a phony piece of shit. Talking shit about all her friends and being in love with some old phony artist that just wanted to fuck her. She sucked too.

>> No.19370227
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>> No.19370235

The "wasp factory" is pretty good desu

>> No.19370243

wasp factory goes hard if you're a schizophrenic ftm, can confirm

>> No.19370244

Does fanfiction count?
If not, Atlas Shrugged was quite the disturbing insight into how some women see the world.

4/10 bait, only faggots will bite it.

That's not even /b/-tier.

>> No.19370286

Found a pdf and it’s amazing.

>> No.19370298


>> No.19370306
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>wasp factory
What the FUCK is this book?

>> No.19370307

>what is this book
Good shit

>> No.19370322
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it's up online by a plain google search, but also on b-ok cc. man had been through gulag and retained his spirit

>> No.19370323

Père Goriot by Balzac, but specifically Goriot's deathbed monologue towards the end of the book. Something about it just feels so intense and overwhelming in a way that is really jarring from the rest of the book. And the general idea of someone trying to push past and ignore the shortcomings of someone they love until they reach a breaking point and completely collapse, finally admitting to themselves how little cared for they feel really resonated with me. Definitely made me approach my interactions with my own family a bit differently.

>> No.19370363

The book is a romantic story of self destruction. It's not meant to be emotionally disturbing in the slightest. Dazai romanticizes everything. The actual black parts of depression, he just doesn't talk about that. He was a decadent romantic, he was not interested in making his readers depressed, only melancholic and contemplative.

>> No.19370378

Holy shit I totally forgot about this book, but I read it in freshman year of high school & it fucked me up. Good shit. Probably forgot because I got electroshocked 17 times later that year lol.

>> No.19370404
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>> No.19370448

Booo, get new material

>> No.19370459

Shit guess I’m getting it
>Probably forgot because I got electroshocked 17 times later that year lol.
People are really still getting Bell Jar’d in 2021. Humanity was a mistake.

>> No.19370473

>female nature in plain view
are females really that bad?

>> No.19370476
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this one because it became a reality

>> No.19370483

I didn’t get this book at all. It’s literally just
>wahhh middle-class doctor’s wife is bored and wants to spend more money
>goes into debt for some weird affair
>other things I forgot
>this is very dramatic and sad somehow
It was just boring and pathetic.

>> No.19370490

None of the characters are realistic or make sense.

>> No.19370500

i know you're making a funny about le roasties but it's actually human nature that is dissected and displayed in all its ugliness

>> No.19370532

somehow female nature seems more rotten that a male one

>> No.19370539

That’s just because you’re <=25 and/or have a developmental disability.

>> No.19370549

>resorts to insults

>> No.19370579

It’s literally necessarily true though.

>> No.19370582
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charlie byrd - an autobiographical account

>> No.19370605

not him but he's right. I hate all women. They are rotten, immoral individuals, more akin to demons than humans. They use their looks to conceal this fact. If women's outer shells reflected their inner ugliness, they would universally be considered offensively revolting and worthy of extermination. it is only because of weak willed, simple minded men who get enchanted by viscous, insidious beauty that women aren't treated the way they should be. female nature is pure, burning evil. I implore you anon, do not defend these vile creatures. They are lesser beings. I have no sympathy for any of them. My hatred for women grows exponentially the more beautiful they are.
I hope you realize the error of your ways anon. women deserve nothing good in this world. if i could, i would incinerate every single one of them in an instant. just thinking about women and the awful men that defend them sends me into a savage rage. women have no capacity to love, they have no compassion. women are unambiguously solipsistic, megalomaniacal egoists.

>> No.19370624

who hurt you anon

>> No.19370631

Was about to say this but without the snark.

>> No.19370637

Seriously. I'm surprised /lit/ is not generally more "pilled" on the brutalizing conditions of psychiatry, even and especially today (because the major difference post-90's is that now mental patients are practically a cash fucking crop whose care is now formulary in a pharma-lockup turnstile that is incentivized to expand further and further into common society, essentially institutionalizing more people than ever before, but hidden out in the open; such is a 21st century American psychiatry that could legally mandate you w/o any crime or trial to take tranquilizers for life and detain you any time you miss an appointment.

Modern psychiatry and modern mental patients / schizos are a case of the most underappreciated and widely ignored human rights atrocity in our world today. I'm forever surprised that normies can't figure out that the most pressing, high-stakes, controversial, *important* concerns of social justice in the present is *not* going to be the "cause" that every government and media outlet is flatly endorsing! "The revolution will not be televised..."

Anyway, yeah, it's funny you say Bell Jar'd because after the procedures and the hospitals I began to cultivate a skill for poetry and put out some of my best (published) work at that time and the years closely following, with a collection on its way, and much of the earlier poetry was about the strangeness of the electroshock experience, being forced to submit, the memories, the delirium of forgetting who you are even if for only a second, the erasure. It's always funny, finding out which things you can't remember and which things you can't forget...

>> No.19370639

women, did you not pay attention?

>> No.19370645

sailor who fell from grace is kinda spooky

>> No.19370652

King Lear

>> No.19370707

Because religious “people” are low IQ cattle
Ningen Shikkaku was dreadful. It was like I was reading about a version of myself who had never overcome the losses of the past and dived into hedonistic depression. It is a hard read if you’ve gone through dark times in life
I’m surprised tradcuck zoomers aren’t sperging at this

>> No.19370714

>I hate all women. They are rotten, immoral individuals
this is a bit of an oxymoron when you don't know every woman (and, judging by your comment, I'm guessing you don't know ANY women except maybe your mom, your oneitis, and maybe the nice lady that gives you your meds at the pharmacy)
judge individuals by their actions. there are plenty of good and evil women, same as with men

>> No.19370728

>everything that clashes with my midwit brain's preconceptions is satire.
>I don't need to ever consider alternative ideas.

>> No.19370729

>good women
if you're attractive
>bad women
if you're ugly

>> No.19370739

no, there are women that are nice to you regardless of your looks, they may not want to fuck you, but that's different from simply treating you well

>> No.19370749

>judge individuals by their actions
i did, that's how i ended up hating all women. many feminists make the claim of solidarity that whatever happens to one of them happens to all of them, if that's true, then whatever one of them does, is done by all of them.
that implies i have positive feelings for a woman, no
>the nice lady that gives you your meds at the pharmacy
i don't take meds, unless you count illicit drugs which I'm happy to say i get from a man

>> No.19370760

>they may not want to fuck you
not him, I'm the guy that posted the original "i hate all women" post. i don't want to fuck them either. sex sucks anyway. it's not all about incel rage. there are deeper, more important reasons to hate women

>> No.19370762

the book of job

>> No.19370764

Do you hate your mother, and women of your family as well?

>> No.19370775
File: 37 KB, 419x630, Culture_of_Critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Culture of Critique.

Hands down the most important book of the past century. Nothing even comes close. Our last century of history and our own culture simply don't make sense unless you analyze them through this book.

You can easily find the PDF for free online.

>> No.19370777

Hate is a much heavier burden to hold than acceptance
And besides, it's still true that there are women out there who wish no ill-will and want those they come across to be happy

>> No.19370794

>if that's true
it's not, and I think you're well aware of that

>> No.19370807

my family is not relevant to this discussion

>> No.19370816

Are there not any women in your family? If there are, then it's relevant

>> No.19370827

there are women in my family and i will not speak about them

>> No.19370837


>> No.19370860

I'm guessing then that you hate them as well (which is fine, I obviously don't know you well enough to judge whether or not how you feel towards them is justified)
Hopefully someday you have an interaction, even a small one, that can help you realize that each individual has their own reasons for acting how they do and that some are simply virtuous.

>> No.19370880

>Hopefully someday you have an interaction, even a small one, that can help you realize that each individual has their own reasons for acting how they do and that some are simply virtuous.
I've had interactions with women that made me think thusly, but at the end woman always ended up showing her true nature. how many times should i touch the burner on my stove and burn my hand before concluding that it will happen every time?

>> No.19370893

>but at the end woman always ended up showing her true nature
How well did you get to know them? Most people will take at least weeks, if not months, to show their true nature to someone
The "true nature" of a person is different from one to another. This is true regardless of sex (though likelihood of certain traits can change based on socioeconomic status, culture, etc)

>> No.19370912

>How well did you get to know them?
well enough to make the mistake of opening up (never again btw). I knew some for years in some cases

>> No.19370939

Again, hope you can have a positive interaction that opens you up to the possibility of some people being genuinely kind. Keeping yourself locked away is a much slower pain than the fast, burning pain of a negative relation.
Gonna go read on my deck and stop responding now, best of luck anon

>> No.19371085

Clearly his mother.
Ironically, were it not for sexist ideas of women belonging with home and children, she would probably have been recognized as crazy and custody given to his father in the divorce.

>> No.19371099 [DELETED] 

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.19371106

you don't know what you're talking about. not everything is due to some oedipal bullshit you fifth rate sigmund

>> No.19371125

I don't know of a single book on this topic...but my diary.

>> No.19371162

Congrats on the publications and finding a creative/good way to deal with what was done to you.
There are a few online communities around antipsychiatry, but it’s mostly sharing stories of some Nurse Ratched nightmare during an involuntary hold or getting sent to some Florida School for Boys type thing as part of the troubled teen industry, and bizarrely mostly exists in some low-traffic places on Reddit. There isn’t really enough force behind it for any organization or goals to emerge like there is with e.g. non-autism-speaks groups and trying to get ABA banned. That sort of speaks to the success of the system — someone “diagnosed” (with no test result of anything physical) with “bipolar disorder” that is mistreated and someone with the same experience “diagnosed” with “major depression” don’t realize that they are facing the same institutional evil and there is no meaningful/real difference between them.

>> No.19371173

So was Eyes Wide Shout.

>> No.19371185
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Im not that guy but I do. And they did nothing to deserve my hatred but exist as women. I also hate all women who were ever born. All women who will ever be. I discovered the secret to enlightenment is seething hatred to womyn. No really. It's like infinite energy. Infinite power and knowledge. What if minus charges did not have to run to plus charges? What if being itself was just static? What if all dynamism froze into a monad? Ah that is truth before our birth and after our death. Disrespecting woman you see, is like trolling God into feeding you the answers if you can survive the tantrum and battle against all Simps, White Knights, Femoids. Only the surrendered woman remains completely degraded from princess statutes of all hopes and cravings and desires. All suffering has been extinguished. Fear and suffering are no more. Woman is tamed by the man who has made himself complete by realizing his monad. The woman then realizes how she was disregarded and is then molded in her journey of feeling the cold and calculating enmity of man her own visceral intuitive sense of the monad. Then passion is permissible for only then will brilliance cum from being one. Whoa. Dude weed lmao.

>> No.19371204
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>> No.19371209

>It's like infinite energy. Infinite power and knowledge
You could just as easily get this "infinite power and knowledge" from universal love and acceptance instead of hate.
>the rest of your post
Seems like a LARP from someone with no actual power over anyone

>> No.19371227

don't engage him, he's not serious in his detestation of women
>responds to a post where i say sex sucks with an image implying I'm just mad i don't get sex
yeah you sure sniffed out my true motives

>> No.19371268
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Both are necessary for a clear image and you cannot even pretend it isnt so because all play simulates fights. Even little girls playing mommy with their dolls inject hate into their plays. However love silences hate and produces torpid numb weedy fungal stagnant life. Hate prunes and strengthens.
Universal love is universal hate. Without hate your love is static and impotent. Without hate you cant hate fuck the living daylights out of a soul mate. You cannot slay your enemies to protect a people. You cannot take pride without hate for that which you would hate to see in your object of pride. Our ancestors were carnivorous apes who hated other lesser apes and evolved into deadlier men more prejudiced men. The masculine is negative.


You dont get the monad stuff because Kant is stuffy and flatulent.

>> No.19371285

>Without hate you cant hate fuck the living daylights out of a soul mate
Your soul is heavily damaged; you are only a mentally handicapped LARPer who doesn't understand true love with another
Other anon was right, you're no longer worth responding to

>> No.19371317

Hate is a fire. A third degree burns the nerves beyond the signaling of pain. I do not show anger but delight now that I have overcome nature's default of lust. All knowledge and queries worth knowing is a result of addressing the frustrations and woes women announce. All accomplishment is subduing mother nature. Men are solar. Women are lunar. Burning all facades that whine is the clue. The whining and distance the dissimulation the panic is all the education itself

>> No.19371325

doubles of truth

>> No.19371531

>nazi shit

>> No.19371542

Buddhism isnt fun without adding in deliberately inflammatory trolling. That is the missing piece. I guess it adds up to multidimensional Judaism at that point.

>> No.19371597
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The Vahinis.

And I am not kidding.

Try it.

>> No.19371621

The first step is denial, anon. You'll get there, I believe in you.

>> No.19371731
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try the yettles

>> No.19371746

based b8

>> No.19371757

youve got to go back

>> No.19371773

>such is a 21st century American psychiatry that could legally mandate you w/o any crime or trial to take tranquilizers for life and detain you any time you miss an appointment.
Do amerifats really?

>> No.19371938

Suicide by Edouard Levé was a very nice experience. But i don't know if it has been translated in English.

>> No.19371946

damn bro, youre dumb

>> No.19371969

>Nothing groundbreaking
there are, in fact, literary styles in the old testament which seem to have no clear forerunners in the ancient near east

>> No.19372012

I don’t see what weight has to do with it but yes involuntary psych prisons are legal here as they are in the UK and a bunch of other places. It’s a vile practice and functionally the same as being a political prisoner.

>> No.19372027

anything by icycalm

>> No.19372037

A great number of King's stories involve sex/molestation/rape of/with children. It's horrific and an easy way to give a character motivation/make someone evil.

>> No.19372410

This book made me an angsty 18 year old again which was good, because it made me start reading and thinking again now that I'm not so stupid

>> No.19372491

the brothers karamazov. the ending oh man

>> No.19372560

That part in The Notebook where the retarded girl was happily raped to death by soldiers

>> No.19372613

Behold, the true form of the brainlet!

>> No.19372663

I swear I’m not; it’s just vapid and dull.
The Awakening or A Doll’s House cover the same sort of themes in a way that’s actually compelling and interesting. Bovary is like a student film made by an out-of-touch trust fund kid.

>> No.19373112

The Nausea by Sartre

>> No.19373178

how many times a week do you get pegged

>> No.19373367

Justified Sinner by James Hogg or The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson.

>> No.19373544

Zero, gross

>> No.19373635

>not being able to be in love is really unfair

How fucked up that would be haha

>> No.19373687

The train in IT has nothing to do with presenting characters as evil though, it's used as a way of making all the kids "lose their innocence".

>> No.19374200


naked lunch i guess but i'm not sure cause im emotionally near dead.

>> No.19374217

obvious shill is obvious

>> No.19374865

You are in 4chan, are those seriously the most disturbing books you can think of?

>> No.19374877

Nuremberg transcript.

>> No.19374886

No u

>> No.19375055

Damn, christians are this fragile? Is calling your holy book fiction all it takes for you to lose it? The best part it is that you cannot refute this simple statement with reasoning.

>> No.19375963

why did you reply to me? nothing i wrote implies that i am a christian or believe in all of the events of the bible

>> No.19375987

Clicked wrong lol

>> No.19375989

>Mr. Tickle's story begins while he is in bed, getting himself a biscuit without getting up, because of his "extraordinarily long arms". He then decides that it is a tickling sort of day and thus journeys around town tickling people: a teacher, a policeman, a greengrocer, a station guard, a doctor, a butcher, and a postman. The book ends with a warning that Mr. Tickle could be lurking at your door getting ready to tickle you!

>It is a relatively unusual Mr. Men book in that the main character is naughty and tickles people, yet there is no corrective action taken to mend his ways, thus Mr. Tickle is left free to tickle another day and learns nothing from it.

Holy fuck

>> No.19376214
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it makes you feel so unclean yet you keep going back to it

>> No.19376439
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Damn, I didn't know Sparks was that hardcore.

>> No.19376456

the 'science' aspects of Elementary Particles are the worst prt of the book

>> No.19376493

As to say that they are uninteresting and a drag to get through? Yes definitely, but take them away and the novel becomes yet another holluebeq drivel "I am middle aged and miserable because I can't have sex God I want to have sex"

>> No.19376515

Different guy, but I was 15 when I read it and thought he was annoying little brick too

>> No.19376569

That's why people read him anyway

>> No.19376651

How disturbing this book is depends on if you buy his (surprisingly convincing) hypothesis. If you do, it will probably be the most disturbing book you’ve ever read, because it actually relates to the real world, the world that we all actually live in.

>> No.19376662
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Forgot pic

>> No.19376663


>> No.19376700

This book is NOT DEPRESSING AT ALL. It ends with an idiotic attempt to restore positivism to an optimism by assuming a cure to aging as the eschaton of medical/scientific progress.

Such an """immortality""" of course would not preclude death by car accident, gunshot or drowning, thereby making death even more horrible, which is why it is stupid to dream of. But Wellbeck doesn't even hint at being aware of this, because he is a moron.

>> No.19376755

The Book of Disquiet.

I read one psychiatrist describe some cases of schizoid personality disorder as living in a permanent icy desert, with just too little emotional capacity to achieve the warmth and companionship that they have just enough emotional capacity to realize they suffer profoundly from lacking. That struck a nerve with me, and reminded me of the Book of Disquiet. The real horror from that book is the tedium and complacency of the suffering - the notion that one could suffer so much but be indifferent towards changing it.

>> No.19376771

And why I do not
At least elementary particle is decent and a stand out of his

>> No.19376842
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is it a meme? yes. does it still hold up? absolutely

>> No.19376864

I think you have to be a special kind of stupid to think the ending was supposed to be hopeful and optimistic, with the whole of humanity just more or less agreeing to go extinct as humanity 2.0 takes over, but EVEN IF I we take that for a fact, that doen't change how ill placed that optimism would be. The mere idea that the natural endgoal of positivism is to surpass the human race, and that our existence is so devoid of meaning that the best we should hope for is to act as a stepping stone for whatever comes next, is one of the most depressing concepts I have ever encountered in any novel, and if after all the thoughts that you could muster amounted to "you can still trip over and die tho" you have to be an absolute retard

>> No.19377430

This thread is nothing but "literally who" meme books, pseud shock porn holy cows, and a handful of good books that aren't really that disturbing.

>> No.19377610


>> No.19378340

hate isn't the antithesis of love, indifference is
what hate is though is a twaisted form of love

>> No.19378386
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>> No.19378431

Lolita, Nabokov.
Nabokov makes you think like a pedo for 500 pages. I felt trapped in his skin. The narrator knows that he's a great writer, he begins by telling you the most captivating adolecscent summer love than tries to justify his pedophilia by his superior taste. Like a thriller, he makes wait and linger to climax into disturbing sexual intercourse with a child yet with exceptionnal writing and sophisticated description.
It felt like someone masturbating and wanting you to watch him.
Of course you dont want to be part of that, but the writing is so intense and vibrant that you want to keep going.
It's the persuasion with art and writing that makes you complice of his enjoyement.
Plus, there's absolutely no counterpart, you don't know wether this man is telling the truth or if it's just a complete schizo.
You know what is the most disturbing thing about it, you want to read it again and discover second level analysis because this Humbert Humbert is so smart and cultured that you know there's so much more to it than the first lecture makes you believe.
Still feel a bit ashame of what i felt reading it.
ps : why so many girls like this book is a mystery to me, and why they felt any compassion is a bigger one for me

>> No.19378435

good shit

>> No.19378953

I love disturbing, fucked up books but one that I'll never reread is Precious.

>> No.19379006


>> No.19379039

Peak literature

>> No.19379049

This is a sfw board.

>> No.19379068

The amount of seethe this post caused kek

>> No.19379082

Napoleon loved it, so clearly you're the one in the wrong.

>> No.19379099

Sometimes I can't tell if what I'm reading is trolling or if there are really people like this out there walking around. Part of me is laughing and the other half of me is just like wtf. This world man.

>> No.19379694


>> No.19379716

haha can you imagine being that isolated from other people haha

>> No.19379823

I thought the whole dynamic between pytor and kirilov on Demons was pretty fucked up, and the climax of their interactions was definitely one of the more intense "scenes" I've read. the whole book was fairly disturbing and emotionally exhausting when you're going back and fourth between reading it and seeing the world through social media and comparing the two.

>> No.19380828

I didn't read Werther but I was 18, maybe 19 when I read Catcher in the Rye. I liked the book but I think wouldn't have been able to relate much with Holden had I read it when I was 15 or so. I mean, I understood the character but my life was different than his in such a way that if he was a real person I probably wouldn't like him, so I guess it wasn't a bad thing that I was a bit late on it.

>> No.19381862

its what gerontophiles get turned on by the most, of course they'd love literature of that nature

>> No.19381872

excellent bait

>> No.19383239
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The initiation section in "That Hideous Strenght"

>> No.19383261

if you liked The Collector, try The Magus, since it was a lot more mindfucky.

>> No.19383265

>bought the setting sun
>plan to read it on winter break
what am I in for dazaibros

>> No.19383637

Kek what a post.

>> No.19384754

bad shit

>> No.19384796 [DELETED] 

Either Genealogy of Morals or The Antichrist. I just cried in the shower because I began to wonder about Nietzsche's usage of the term "idiot" to describe Christ. For the past few weeks I decided that Nietzsche must not be fully compatible with Christ because he said if Christ had grown older he would have changed his doctrine, and because he used the term "idiot" to describe him. I want to believe this and I have no doubt that my belief in Christ is unaffected by Nietzsche's argument but there are moments where I wonder if Nietzsche understood Christ in a way that nobody else has and for some reason when that happens I become weak and its as if my belief grows stronger but I don't understand how.

>> No.19384803 [DELETED] 

Either Genealogy of Morals or The Antichrist. I just cried in the shower because I began to wonder about Nietzsche's usage of the term "idiot" to describe Christ. For the past few weeks I decided that Nietzsche must not be fully compatible with Christ because he said if Christ had grown older he would have changed his doctrine, and because he used the term "idiot" to describe him. I want to believe he's wrong and I have no doubt that my belief in Christ is unaffected by Nietzsche's argument but there are moments where I wonder if Nietzsche understood Christ in a way that nobody else has and for some reason when that happens I become weak and its as if my belief grows stronger but I don't understand how.

>> No.19384810
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I felt really fucking awful by the end of Jude the Obscure by T Hardy.

>> No.19384820

Le père Goriot felt bland and just a bit pathetic to me. It's mostly about a social-climbing student, with moments dedicated to a stylish le edgy cynical criminal and an obsessed, blind father who can't correct his children and thinks they're angels till the end. I see no true love here, only 19th-century Parisian people showing their worst --- the characters in this book are as awful as the hygiene of Mme. Vauquer's house.

>> No.19384883

Either Genealogy of Morals or The Antichrist. I just cried in the shower because I began to wonder about Nietzsche's usage of the term "idiot" to describe Christ. For the past few weeks I decided that Nietzsche must not be fully compatible with Christ because he said if Christ had grown older he would have changed his doctrine and called him an idiot. I want to believe he's wrong and I have no doubt that my belief in Christ is unaffected by Nietzsche's argument but there are moments where I wonder if Nietzsche understood Christ in a way that nobody else has and for some reason when that happens I become weak and its as if my belief grows stronger but I don't understand how.

>> No.19385206



>> No.19385212


>> No.19385216

Hardy does this all the time and I just can't keep myself from reading

>> No.19385230 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19385540 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19385625

>cannot refute this simple statement with reasoning
it's called faith dumbass, maybe you should read a dictionary

>> No.19385929

The Idiots by Joseph Conrad
>that one book where George and Harold go back in time and gaslights their bully into going insane while creating a time paradox where Captain America never existed causing an apocalyptic future to happen
What the Fuck Dav?

>> No.19385991

Humans are such stubborn annoying cunts that they had to come up with a backstory of a man with a mom who never had sex just so people could listen to some subjective life advice and philosophies lol.

>> No.19386067

just enough emotional capacity to realize they suffer profoundly from lacking
Nope, avoidant maybe.

>> No.19386092

Where the FUCK can I buy this thing?

>> No.19386098

If the original post was about racism or hate about secularism, the reverse would happen with you posting a soi jack like an effeminate fragile nigger faggot

>> No.19386302

>However Houellebecq's proposed solution of just genetically engineer a superior species that could achieve happiness while humans quietly go extinct was genuinely haunting in how pragmatic it was
How is that "haunting"? It's literally the good ending to this story.

>> No.19386457

Yeah I get that. Faith is a safety net for people who can't reason. With faith you can literally claim anything because you don't have to argue for why your claim is true.

>> No.19386518
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>Thankfully it's fiction.

>> No.19386566

>What is the meaning of life? Why are we here?
>Idk to have sex and seek pleasure I guess, unless you are old and ugly and you can't get that anymore, then wallow in misery until death comes. But hey, some scientist one day may create his own human race with blackjack and hookers that are going to lead existence just as empty but can experience pleasure better and live longer
>oh wow. What a good ending, I'm so glad
Seriously what kind of bugman do you have to be to think this is a remotely positive outlook? Are you Asian?

>> No.19386584

Dostoyevsky's The Double. Couldn't finish it, felt like I was going insane.

As for the cosmic horror thing, likely Blindsight.

>> No.19387030
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#1 is The Collector, #2 is We Have Always Lived in the Castle and #3 is Carrie simply because the way she tries to psychically take Sue to the grave with her at the end remains for-real horrifying. House of Leaves fucked me up on my first read-through but after I got over the gimmick my second read wasn’t scary at all.

>> No.19387509

Is this another meme book?

>> No.19387531

should've pursued insanity and finished reading.

>> No.19388916
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uh oh

>> No.19388924

Where the hell do I find a physical copy, or better yet, a scan?

>> No.19389004

how do i learn this power?

>> No.19389189

>he thinks the holocaust was real
anon, it wasn't but it should have been

>> No.19389416

imagine what those arms could do to a prostate

>> No.19389477

>Why does a lot of women like lolita
Bro what the fuck? I thought they'll hate this book considering it's 'problematic' nature

>> No.19389521

Can I get a rundown? Can't find a pdf anywhere and I don't want to spend my money if it's garbage.

>> No.19389531
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>Profoundly intelligent read

>> No.19389819

People can both reason and have faith (e.g. most Nobel prize winners). Why you dipshit atheists have to create this conflict between faith and reason is beyond me.

>> No.19389830

He said IT by King didn't age well. Learn to read better.

>> No.19389838
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Maybe not the most but "Foundation Pit" by Platonov is certainly dark.

>> No.19389884
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Lmaoing at all the seething christ-cucks in this thread. Good job

>> No.19390279

>Obscure by T Hardy.
Sue should have just married Jude

>> No.19391181

>written by M&M Doctor

>> No.19391505

Because you argue for why religion is truth with reasoning as this thread shows

>> No.19391507


>> No.19391520


>> No.19391741

Not him but read Aquinas' five ways
First Mover in particular is most convincing

>> No.19391765

I love this post because it shows you don't evsn have to try to enrage christian cucks anymore, they do it themselves

>> No.19391789

Is it worse than the bluest eye?

>> No.19391830
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In a similar vein, the transcript from Ed kemper’s last parole hearing was one of the most unintentionally funny things I’ve ever read (mostly because he kept going into delusional rants about petty disagreements from fifty years ago and the judge was annoyed by this).

>> No.19391911

Beloved is a really great book. Did not think anything of it because of the topic but shit gets rusty

>> No.19391917

>he did a great job of highlighting the empty, pathetic nature of 'casual' sex. Not that I still wouldn't love a blowjob
The duality of man

>> No.19392182
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No Longer Human.

>> No.19393417


I starts with the description of the bombing of Dresde. You cry from the first page. You cry when you remind yourself it's not a fiction, it happened for real.

>> No.19393706

Same, Dazai reminded me of how I thought when I was a teenager, it disgusted me of how entitled and stupid I was.

>> No.19394295
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>> No.19394322

anyone who says based to this is a redditor

>> No.19394552

Broken April

>> No.19394671

There was a disturbing book I read a bit of, but forgot the name. it was about a man adopting the personalities of those around him. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was more because he had no sense of original self I think than any sort of horror component.

>> No.19395230

Ready Player One

>> No.19395234

SEX AND CHARACTER by Otto Weininger.

>> No.19395313

Bible is pretty fucked up, but it's far from the most disturbing really. If anything the critical reception of it and the author is the most disturbing thing out there. It's like they fucking worship the guy for his fucked up fantasies or something despite the fact that he hasn't come out of his fucking house in so long that nobody knows if he's even alive anymore, or if he even existed in the first place.

Thing's aged terribly too. Nobody would take it seriously at all if it weren't for all the editors who've retouched it over the years. Hell, the original version probably doesn't even resemble what we have now, but nobody can find any real first editions for whatever reason. Meanwhile, nobody even talks about it.

That's not even getting into the prequel, the sequel, and all the fucking spinoff works and fanfiction out there.

>> No.19395356

No no it was older. Some famous dink wrote it.

>> No.19395393

The Talented Mr. Ripley

>> No.19395661

>The Talented Mr. Ripley
Close. He did it to most anyone he met though.

>> No.19395664

The Room by Hubert Selby Jr

>> No.19395687

Sorry, I’m a sane person. I don’t believe in imaginary people or beings that can read my thoughts and control the outcome of my life. Nothing happens when you die just like there was nothing before. Live your life for yourself anon. You only have one and there is no busty angels on the other side of death. If your delusions continue, I’d suggest psychiatrist help. They know a lot about schizophrenia.

>> No.19396091

Based reader

>> No.19396134

Their assholes were shredded.

>> No.19396142

related to Woody Allen movie Zelig?

>> No.19396234

>not him but he's right. I hate all jews. They are rotten, immoral individuals, more akin to demons than humans. They use their stolen wealth to conceal this fact. If jew's outer shells reflected their inner ugliness, they would universally be considered offensively revolting and worthy of extermination (this is already true). it is only because of weak willed, simple minded feminized greedy white men who get enchanted by viscous, insidious pilpul that jews aren't treated the way they should be. hebraic nature is pure, burning evil. I implore you anon, do not defend these vile creatures. They are lesser beings. I have no sympathy for any of them. My hatred for jews grows exponentially the more powerful they are.
>I hope you realize the error of your ways anon. jews deserve nothing good in this world. if i could, i would incinerate every single one of them in an instant. just thinking about jews and the awful men that defend them sends me into a savage rage. jews have no capacity to love, they have no compassion. jews are unambiguously solipsistic, megalomaniacal egoists

Otto Weininger was one of an extraordinarily small group of Jews who could the truth.

>> No.19396283 [DELETED] 

YES that's it. ty

>> No.19396290

That's it. Thank you anon.

>> No.19396457

>living in a permanent icy desert, with just too little emotional capacity to achieve the warmth and companionship that they have just enough emotional capacity to realize they suffer profoundly from lacking
Strikes too much of a chord with me
>avoidant maybe.
I'd say it also lines up with a lot of cluster B or disorganized attachment types

>> No.19396477

HoL was really only interesting for the font and format fuckery, it wasn't disturbing at all outside of the existential dilemma involving the starving child photograph

>> No.19396533
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Dunwich Horror by HP Lovecraft

>> No.19396553

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.19397188

>Houellebecq's proposed solution of just genetically engineer a superior species that could achieve happiness while humans quietly go extinct was genuinely
So basically find a mate with desirable traits, reproduce, and raise those offspring to live a better life than you did? Earth shattering...

>> No.19397210

explain why

>> No.19397217

>However Houellebecq's proposed solution of just genetically engineer a superior species that could achieve happiness while humans quietly go extinct was genuinely haunting in how pragmatical it was
What? I never read the book, but I had a completely different idea of what it was about. Somehow I thought it was about junkies and degenerates, not some sci fi stuff.

>> No.19397256

Such a great book. Remember when I finished I thought it was great, but not Mishima's best, yet is the one that has stayed with me the most. Probably his masterpiece.

>> No.19397272

I love you, christian pilled, anon. Never let your faith wane.

>> No.19397275

Do not fear. Caesarism is coming.

>> No.19397323
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Not only is this an opium-addicted alcoholic murdering scizophrenic's disjointed ramblings to the evil shadow he sees on his bedroom wall, the book is banned in Hedayat's native Iran for being cursed. Hedayat poisoned himself with carbon monoxide and The Blind Owl apparently drives its readers to kill themselves in gruesome ways.

>> No.19397398

best english translation?

>> No.19397698

It's a very dull read, sort of a play on huxley's brave new world, with two siblings that do not fit into society one for being too intelligent and the other for being too ugly to pursue carnal pleasures like everyone else. Of course the narrative is focused overwhelmingly on the latter and how much it sucks to be old and unable to fuck teenage girls, since that's all holluebeq can write about, and the other sibling simply is not a character and is there just to listen to his brother whine about his life and use those conversation as basis to design his superhumans ("oh so getting your dick sucked feels good uh? Well, my superior race will have dicks all over their skin!)

>> No.19397722

>most Nobel prize winners
Based Jews.

>> No.19398308

>argue for why religion is truth with reasoning
nah, I argue why materialism/naturalism/secular humanism is not truth with reasoning