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19365297 No.19365297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other full time authors here?

My most recent book topped out at 1,492 in the Amazon store.

>> No.19365301

Quit bragging nigger, no one cares.

>> No.19365309
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>> No.19365315

how much have you spent on advertising the book and how much have you made from the book

>> No.19365320

I hate you and I sincerely wish you were dead. Kill yourself you stupid nigger.

>> No.19365324

Advertising is $500 so far and I've made $4,158 as of today

Geez nigger, it's not that hard. If you want to make money self-publishing literally all the top books are pulp fiction.

>> No.19365328

What do you write? Do you have to work hard to get and maintain an audience?

Do you enjoy what you write, or is this a more cynical job-like thing?

>> No.19365331
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I'm banned from Facebook and all my local BC / Vancouver / Kelowna subreddits ban me from posting, so...

Having a hard time marketing. Masculine, anti-establishment straight white men are excluded from society and the majority of the books I sell are in-person.

>> No.19365334
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Post book so we can see what you write?

I gotta go pick up my sharpened blade so I can cut some more books!

>> No.19365348

lol I wasn't asking for advice faggot, I can tell you're a shitty person from this thread and I wish you were dead.

>> No.19365351

>What do you write?
Epic fantasy with harem elements. Basically your average sword and sorcery quest novel, but the hero is banging a bunch of hot elves along the way

>Do you have to work hard to get and maintain an audience?

Yes and no. Most authors seem to spend a lot of time doing promotional work. I do rapid releases (a book a month) and spend a little more than I strictly should on advertising/cover art.

I started this pen name earlier this year and I'm hoping to be a big name in my niche by next year.

>Do you enjoy what you write, or is this a more cynical job-like thing?

I enjoy the fantasy elements, but since I switched to full time I'm averaging 5,000 words a day and it gets tiring. I'm not a huge fan of the sex scenes. They're repetitive and not that fun to write.

I'm looking to add a clean epic fantasy pen name to my roster once I'm slightly more established in this niche.

The books feel rushed and I know I could do a better job if I took 6 months to a year to fully flesh things out, revise more, etc.

But, my current strategy is successful from a financial pov which is what I need right now.

>> No.19365355

>Advertising is $500 so far and I've made $4,158 as of today
At least you're not in the negatives like this retard >>19365334
What do you write? Please don't say smut or YA

>> No.19365362

I'd love to, but the last thing I need is a bunch of one star trolls tanking my 4.5 star (100+ ratings) book

>> No.19365369

>Epic fantasy with harem elements
So it's just smut, thanks for wasting everyone's time.
Take a power drill with a large spade bit to your eyes you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.19365372

It seems you can only make it with genre fiction and by pumping things out very regularly. A literary author who only releases once every 2 years I imagine would starve to death.

>> No.19365380

Smut is maybe 10% of the book. The other 90% is a traditional high fantasy novel. I'm not going to apologize for following the market.

Get fucked nigger.

>> No.19365389

>I'm not going to apologize for following the market.
Why don't you just fuck off to /soc/ and join the camsluts then? kys

>> No.19365391

Bragging? The guy would have to write over 10 books a year to make 50k. If he lives in any major city in the western world he's broke or he's being supported by someone else.

>> No.19365394

Yup, although tbf a lot of the "literary" fiction that's being pumped out is hardly worth reading.

If you're going to pursue that strategy, you better have a day job. English teacher/professor is a solid pairing for that type of writing strategy. I might go back into that line of work in a year or two. I miss being around other people. Staring at my laptop screen all day can be a little isolating. Plus, teaching is fun.

>> No.19365397

Post excerpt or type up something now, since you write 5,000 words a day whats a couple hundred more? I want everyone to see the soulless trash you shit out. Also kill yourself.

>> No.19365405

As I said elsewhere in this thread, I release a book a month. If my books continue to do as well in the future as they have in the past, I should reach $10k a month within a year's time.

Regardless, I saved up $70k before moving into this full time (and I live cheaply)

Maybe if you were kinder.

I don't like mean ppl desu :/

>> No.19365412

Well done anon. I suspect when all the real-life agents and publishers have finished laughing at my Dante translation and I self-publish, I will make four sales, but your success has nonetheless emboldened me.

We're all gonna make it!


>> No.19365421

>a book a month
That's really turning them out. How many words per book? You said 5000 words per day. Let's say 15 productive days per month allowing for rewrites and stuff. So the books are 75000 words?

>> No.19365435

That's a good guess. My most recent book is just a touch over 75k and the book before that was around 74k~

>> No.19365489

>book a month
>barely cracking $4k and that's before amazonian fees and taxes
>sales will only dwindle over time as more people realize you are just pumping out cheap pulp

geez, is this the fate of the modern author?

>> No.19365497

>modern author
He writes shitty genre fiction, he can barely call himself an author

>> No.19365503

Holy fuck seethe harder.

>> No.19365505

listen nigger, /biz/ and /g/ and other midwit boards are just advertisement now, don't try and do the same for /lit/

>> No.19365519
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Yes, but as you can see, I've made slightly more money than you therefore am a better author.

>> No.19365526

Anon are you under the impression you are creating art or something? have some self-awareness at least, if you shitting out a book every month it shouldn't be a shock to you when someone says your 'work' is low value trash.

>> No.19365530

If I can pick your brains further, have you acquired a feel for what really sells? Like novels set in the Star Trek universe? Novels set in the Conan universe? In the Blade Runner universe?

Of course one is not likely to make big bucks doing this, but small bucks + working from your room beats big bucks + working in an office surrounded by PEOPLE.

>> No.19365532

name of book and age?

>> No.19365550

I'm not the OP, I'm just impressed at the amount of asshurt this guys is causing you.
What's the problem anon? Jealous that his harem fantasy novel is getting more recognition than whatever the fuck you are writing? Are you writing anything at all?

>> No.19365555

>Are you writing anything at all?
No, I'm in a bad mood and OP's post irritated me.

>> No.19365573
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>> No.19365575

>painting club full of people who like to paint and draw
>they call him a retard and tell him to fuck off
you're a cheap whore and your shameless samefagging is pathetic

>> No.19365586

>>painting club full of people who like to paint and draw
>Implying most people that come here write or read at all
Post work.
Post last 5 books you read this year.

>> No.19365600

fuck off and kys I'm not here to have a conversation

>> No.19365607

boli nas kurac

>> No.19365611
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If your book is so good why are you worried about a couple bad ratings? If a book sinks or swims because it has a couple bad ratings, it goes to show how gamed and how bullshit Amazon actually is. Like, think about it, if books live or die based on rankings, then why would an author focus on a good story and good plot when you could hire Filipinos to write schlock erotica and romance and instead focus your efforts on building a network of 100+ accounts to rate books with and develop networks to rank up your books? That would be MUCH more profitable than actually putting effort into writing really good books.

I would certainly never give a spammy 1-star rating to people just because I dislike them.
Happened to my 1st book:


Amazon is a pretty gross company, no way would I use them again. Literal ground-zero for globohomo and publishing on their platform is just supporting more globohomo and more death of local business. There has been a ton written on the spammy 5-star rank farms that others have built...


The entire business model is so fake and so toxic, I can see how you'd love it once you get to a decent income per month, but the entire model almost seems to demand that you play games to rank up your shit.

>> No.19365771

how did you get the first couple of sales?

>> No.19365782
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Fellow author here.
This is my book in a public library.

>> No.19365792

Nice work!

Let's see the back side?

>> No.19365816

Amazon keywords+ a solid cover can still net you organic sales. If you're serious about this, buy publisher rocket and do your homework

So much of it comes down to knowing the market/how Amazon works


Never used one of those services, seems risky.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if some of my competitors did. They'll literally get hundreds of five star reviews within a day or two of their book going live

Seethe more

>> No.19365822

Ya that's why I dislike Amazon. It seems like a place where shit is so gamed that even if you're writing gold, you'll get lost among the shit that ranks up from bots and establishment sources of fans that I can't access.

Really need to find where all the anti-establishment readers go to find good shit to read?

>> No.19365826

kek, pathetic. You're top 1% of humanity just by being born as part of the majority and not a foid in a developed country and still you blame others.

>> No.19365838

Fuck off nigger apologist

>> No.19365864
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Dude... look at the people I live around in Canada.

Listen to the fucking insane Prime Minister Turdho:


How can anyone with a shred of masculinity and balls not be a complete sperg in this society? I can't socialize among "the people" in my country when the country is populated with these types. Everyone is so fucking soft, everyone is so fucking conformist that institutionalized exclusionary practices are 100% normal.

I think and act different, and in Canada, that is not allowed.

>> No.19365934

lmao half of the answers in this thread are filtered and I don't even want to know why
Is it possible to make some money through KDP without advertising your book? I only want to write

>> No.19366072

Why not write shit that they will eat up and be richfag?

>> No.19366086
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I've already made 10k a month for like 15 years selling porn.

It feels 100 times better to make $20 selling a copy of The Shitkickers, a book that came directly from my heart and soul, than to make $10,000 a month selling porn that comes from a place of exploitation.

I do not compromise my morals, and for that, I am starving.

>> No.19366162

>selling porn
What format?

>> No.19366195


>> No.19366211
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>> No.19366229

First I did MGP galleries
Then I filmed a porn site in Costa Rica
Then I sold watermarked tube clips
I think I have some photos of myself at some of the Internext shows, I still have my "xxx church" Jesus Loves Porn Stars book here somewhere.

After 2016 and the insanity of the Trump election year, I got so burnt out from a combination of:
>selling porn
>the extreme conformity of canadians
I had to quit the online business, go from 10k to 1k a month, and have some hard times to re-forge my character.

Now in 2021, I have clear vision again, but life is completely and totally fucked and insane. The boomers wear the blue diapers on their faces ironically with a fucking poppy on their shirts. Unreal to witness this incredible psychosis that has taken hold of people.

>> No.19366273

>I have clear vision again
What is it?

>> No.19366281

You're talking marketing not writing /biz/ is right over there

>> No.19366304

Before COVID I had been questioning whether or not I was over-reacting to globohomo, and perhaps harshly judging my fellow Canadian for their RABID hatred of Trump.

Like, okay, I get it, politics gets people upset, but the degree to which Canadians would be frothing-at-the-mouth angry about Trump, and just how Trump became this lightning rod of triggering for Canadians, I was wondering if Trump perhaps was going to pull some things that would justify the outrage all around me.

I mean, I doubted it since I've been on /b/ since 2004 and figured that we were accelerating towards a satanic, backwards society, but I had no idea it would happen SO FAST once COVID hysteria hit.

Now, boomers are wearing the diaper face walking alone outdoors. People are masking up their toddlers, we have people on social media calling for COVID ZERO and for unvaccinated to be put in quarantine camps.

Hell, over half the jobs, if I need one, are all asking for the vaccine, which I am never, ever, EVER taking.

>> No.19366305

Nah nigga

I made this thread for real author niggers to talk shop. If others want to talk craft, they can. Besides, half this board is shitposting and the other half is sophomoric-tier takes on philosophical treatises only a fraction of this board has actually read

>> No.19366308

you're nothing, you're just a prostitute

>> No.19366317

Without Facebook, Amazon, or BadReads, where can I market?

>> No.19366328

>writes book
>sells book
>makes money
>”you’re just a prostitute”
Wow anon. You really got him there.

>> No.19366330

Hey Frank. Gonna start a new shill campaign?

>> No.19366334

None of this speaks to your vision and how clear it is.

>> No.19366338

I'm not your mom faggot

>> No.19366359

>I've already made 10k a month for like 15 years selling porn
>porn... comes from a place of exploitation
>I do not compromise my morals


>> No.19366365

Let's see Paul Allen's book

>> No.19366416

good for you op. fuck the bucket crabs itt

>> No.19366423

so you're a normal boomer then. i see you shill that book of yours in every fucking thread but the longer i look the more you seem like a complete nothing of a person. how is reheated facebook anger at covid masks a "vision"? i wish we had proper schizo authors posting here and not just someone's 90iq uncle.

>> No.19366432

Your book looks like it sucks but I respect you for sharing it here unlike OP

>> No.19366440

"Complete nothing of a person"

I wrote my 1st book in 2013 predicting the complete death of dating
>was right

I wrote my 2nd book in 2021 a book that predicts a more violent and more corrupt future
>will be right

>> No.19366447

>predicting the complete death of dating

what are you even on about, u nonce

>> No.19366486

why everyone so mad?

i always considered doing something like this but i assumed the erotic fiction market was only women

>> No.19366521

I think there's a lot of room for a good male author to write erotic fiction

>> No.19366559

>Now in 2021, I have clear vision again,
so you had cataract and just got operation this year? congratulations old man!

>> No.19366570
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Transcendent levels of seething in this thread

>> No.19366573
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At least they are consistent

>> No.19366577

nobody cares. nobody is reading anything you write because you're an extremely commonplace boring idiot. have you noticed how you never get any feedback other than complaints about bad grammar? it's because there's nothing else to talk about. please stop smearing your nothingness over every thread you see because the sheer misery of it is making the board unusable for me

>> No.19366606

>nobody cares.
Apart from you
>nobody is reading anything you write
Apart from you
>have you noticed how you never get any feedback other than complaints about bad grammar?
Also absolutely enormous amounts of turbo seethe
> it's because there's nothing else to talk about.
So you made all of those posts because there is nothing else to talk about?
>please stop smearing your nothingness over every thread you see because the sheer misery of it is making the board unusable for me
I would have asked the OP a few questions about self publishing, but I've been distracted by your CHRONIC SEETHING that has lasted from

>> No.19366621

>I release a book a month.
there is nothing worth reading that was written in 1 month. you're pumping out cheap genrefiction for a cash grab. congratulations, you are a prostitute.

>> No.19366622
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fix your website

>> No.19366654

now I remember why I stopped coming here

>> No.19366665
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>Anonymous 11/08/21(Mon)21:41:06 No.19366606▶
>>nobody cares.
>Apart from you
>>>19365301 (You)
>>nobody is reading anything you write
>Apart from you
>>have you noticed how you never get any feedback other than complaints about bad grammar?
>Also absolutely enormous amounts of turbo seethe
>> it's because there's nothing else to talk about.
>So you made all of those posts because there is nothing else to talk about?
>>please stop smearing your nothingness over every thread you see because the sheer misery of it is making the board unusable for me
>I would have asked the OP a few questions about self publishing, but I've been distracted by your CHRONIC SEETHING that has lasted from
>>>19365301 (You)

>> No.19366668

Way too clunky

>> No.19366683


last time we tooi a trip down shitkickers lane


>> No.19366689

I went on a date last week brah.

>> No.19366722

>death of dating
>was right
>violent and more corrupt future
>will be right
Ok wtf. Just because you can’t date or have difficulty doesn’t mean that it is dead and certainly hasn’t proven anything. And how do you use an incorrect prediction from the past to prove your prediction about the future are correct?
>I predict the sun will explode someday and I will be right so I know what the fuck I’m taking about
>inb4 schizo response

>> No.19366728
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>> No.19366734

>there is nothing worth reading that was written in 1 month.

The readers who've given me tens of thousands of dollars for my work would beg to differ~

Think about that for a minute. Money represents time. Each time someone buys a book of mine, they're saying my book is worth X amount of their time laboring. If I sell my book for $5 and they make $20 an hour, then my book is worth fifteen minutes of their labor. Multiply that by all of the people who've bought my book and my collective work is worth years of fruitful labor.

How many books have you sold? Are you even capable of giving away your work for free?

>> No.19366758

you're almost as insane as schizo bot

>> No.19366766

jesus christ you're so stupid it's exhausting. i made two posts in this thread, both in the last hour. this random post from hours ago is not only not me, it's not even TO YOU. it's from before you came in the thread, it's shitting on op. i have nothing against op.

you, on the other hand, present yourself like some kind of visionary that has all society figured out when you're in fact too stupid to work out which posts are meant for you on a website that literally puts (you) next to them. after using that website for 17 years! it's just too sad to bear

>> No.19366769

What would you say the rough cost was of getting your first book ready and out there? That initial transition from one type of work to another.

You said you had like $70k saved up, so I'm guessing you put some of that into it.

Once that book was rolling, how much easier was it to get to book number 2 and 3?

>> No.19366778

Talk to young men sometime and see what they think about modern dating. It is a hellscape for many.

Dating when I was young was easy, no smartphones, so everyone needed social skills and being able to be witty and unique mattered. Being able to dance, mix drinks, be a social butterfly counted.

Even the ugly, short dudes could get laid as long as they were funny or had a good group of friends. There was more general happiness and ease of socializing.

>> No.19366782
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I'm writing and surviving demon world and all you do is hate?

>> No.19366787

What are you loading it on?

>> No.19366793

City of Singles was about how EASY dating was for me and how EASY getting laid was for me, while so many other guys were dropping out of dating permanently in 2013...

Just look at the Tinder VS Doomer YouTubes and the countless guys complaining now... NOBODY complained in 2001 because dating was 1000 times easier.

>> No.19366800

You really expect me to read all of that seethe? Seethe written by a nincompoop such as yourself?

>> No.19366809

>City of Singles was about how EASY dating was for me and how EASY getting laid was for me


>> No.19366816

So you're a smut writer? How do you feel about that?

>> No.19366824
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Just checked the ebook preview...

>Complains about the Globohomo
>Writes this

Typical schizo bant.

>> No.19366837

Holy shit schizo reply carpet bomb jfc
Fiction writing is proof of absolutely nothing. In fact dating has boomed in the last decade.

>> No.19366842

McDonalds sells a whole damn lot of hamburgers, and it doesn't mean they're good. Twilight sells a whole damn lot of copies and it's utter trash. You're a prostitute.
I have a dayjob so I don't have to corrupt my craft. I do not envy you, and I do not want to immitate you. Go be a purveyor of mass produced garbage. I'll write what I want.

>> No.19366844

My first full length book?

$250 for the cover. I didn't pay for advertising or an editor. I made about $750 on it, got some valuable feedback and incorporated that into my next book.

My next book also had a $250 cover, but I also spent about a grand on advertising. I've made about $5k on that so far and still make $5-$20 a day off of it.

As time has gone on, I've begun to spend more money, but I've also made more money. A $600 cover will sell many more copies than a $250 cover. Advertising is a necessity. Etc.

I commissioned a map for my most recent novel. Only cost about $50ish.

>> No.19366852

The $70k is mostly money I saved up/invested from my day job (I was an English teacher before this). Maybe $10-15k of that came from my writing.

At this stage, I'm comfortable rolling a lot of my revenue back into the business. I'm still in my first year with this pen name, and I'm looking to be firmly established in my niche by year 2.

>> No.19366853

>A pinch on my arm lit up my face,
saying grace should be done
before anyone eats, I'm reminded.
What in the actual fuck.

>> No.19366861


why don't you ask your mom?

>> No.19366868

It sounds like you get your view of modern dating from what people post on the internet. Your perception is warped

>> No.19366869
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>McDonalds sells a whole damn lot of hamburgers, and it doesn't mean they're good. Twilight sells a whole damn lot of copies and it's utter trash. You're a prostitute.
>I have a dayjob so I don't have to corrupt my craft. I do not envy you, and I do not want to immitate you. Go be a purveyor of mass produced garbage. I'll write what I want.

>> No.19366873

Don't laugh, anon. His bad ratings are not because the book is terrible. It's actually the Globohomo negative rating squads

>> No.19366900

you are the one who came here trying to brag about how many sales you got, and are angry that no one is impressed. stop fagging the thread up.

>> No.19366939
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Coming to this thread is actually making me depressed and it shows the current state of things.

There people are not writing for the sake of exposing deep thoughts, or beauty, or truth. These people are writing in order to be read by pathetic lone consoomers that will read about anything and earn some easy cash through it.

I feel good about myself because at least my writing tries to deliver a message. (I plan to be self-published soon), but feels bad that literature had become an empty business that produces pathetic stories.

>> No.19366946

I didn't come here to brag you faggot. I don't even make that much money. I came here to talk shop with other authors.

I should've known this being four chan that the only people who'd bother to reply are pathetic NEET faggots who are vastly overestimating the importance and quality of their own nonexistent/nonperforming writing.

Get fucked nigger

You idiot. It's never been different.

>> No.19366966

>Epic fantasy with harem elements. Basically your average sword and sorcery quest novel, but the hero is banging a bunch of hot elves along the way
I 100% knew that was what you were writing before even opening the thread.
I bet the covers are some dragons and the title of the series is something like "The Sword of Fire"

>> No.19366974

>The Emerald Shield

>> No.19366978

How long has the book been out? Is it YA or some other pulp? Is it diverse? Are you a woman or diverse?

Bonus: How many times do you say the n-word?

>> No.19366981

>You idiot. It's never been different.
Which also shows that everyone who tried to enlighten humanity by delivering a message failed, and therefore everyone still trying to do so is a retard

>> No.19366986

Books been out for about a month now.

I'm a straight white male and I write under a straight white pen name.

I hate niggers, kikes and trannies. I mostly have sex with nonwhites (my current gf is a high caste Indian) as a means of punishing their menfolk for daring to set foot in America.

I say nigger frequently in my day to day life, both to my friends and my girlfriend. However, I refrain from writing it into my books as niggers do not exist in my fantasy world (I don't write horror).

>> No.19366988

Ask someone else to do that shit for you, send free copies to lit YouTubers.

>> No.19366997

Oh, and also white women are filthy race traitors. I'd never fuck a nigger-loving white woman (which is what all white women are now).

>> No.19367001

Chris Dw I on YouTube has a copy coming to him!

Loved his COTC series reviews!


>> No.19367010

You asshole, The Shitkickers is a tale of our times. It is a deep work and not some schlock because I want money.

If I wanted money, I would do something as part of the fucking establishment.

>> No.19367012

I am a gregarious and outgoing guy, every day I talk to new people when I'm out and about.

So few are optimistic, if any.

>> No.19367017

What are you as a man who only has sex with colored women? How different are you from the nigger-lover? Maybe, you aren't the same, but how different are you really?
Since you say you hate Jews, you should create Ferengi for your fantasy world.
Do you intend on writing something beyond harem fantasy or fantasy in general? If you are already bored with sex scenes, it sounds like you won't last long in that niche.

>> No.19367019

"dating has boomed"

Online, gatekeeper dating...

>> No.19367022

A womanizing nihilist buries his desire for traditional romance under an avalanche of liquor, drugs, and hookup sex

>> No.19367028

Last time I posted a ton of photos of my exes I was just called a narcissist...

>> No.19367034

>his desire for traditional romance
>constantly brags about how many women he's slept with to prove he's winning a game nobody else is playing

"my debilitating insecurity is complex!"

>> No.19367039

>Last time I posted a ton of photos of my exes



>lie bot, what is the saddest thing

>> No.19367044

When calling someone an "incel" is supposed to be an insult, it feels like an accomplishment to have slept with 100+ women without having to pay a single time

>> No.19367056

All I am looking for from 4Chan is to find like-minded guys who think for themselves and who have lived interesting, adventurous lives.

I sold porn for 15 years and worked like 1 hour a day, during this time, I had so many adventures and gained so much life experience. I even filmed a porn site in Costa Rica after living there for a year.

All of my time has been spent observing the insanity unfolding before us, and that insanity was poured into The Shitkickers and once people actually read it, I'm sure /lit/ will actually think it is based as fuck and enjoy it. It is also much more polished than City of Single as well, since I learned so much in 8 years about the nuances of artistic expression.

Life in 2021 is astronomically worse than 2011 and a completely different world than the paradise of 2001. The Shitkickers is the result of my ruminations of what went wrong and where things are going next.

>> No.19367063

>When calling someone an "incel" is supposed to be an insult, it feels like an accomplishment to have slept with 100+ women without having to pay a single time

aaaahhhaha! Post their pictures on 4chan in the remote hope that some stranger somewhere on the internet thinks you are cool!

You understand that people mock you not because they are jealous of you, but because of your complete lack of self awareness.

You brag about your body count to strangers because you think that will impress them. You post pictures of your exes (without their permission) to 4chan because you think that's fucking cool, and someone will applaud you.

If you had any real self confidence at all, these desperate acts for attention would be beneath you.

You are pathetic, and your only real value to this site is as a persistent lolcow.

>> No.19367068
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, 1635394239925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitkickers guy here, I want to say I APPRECIATE YOU, please come back and post more. The pseuds here hate on anyone who sells $5 or $5000 in books. Thank you for your post bro and good luck in the future!

>> No.19367095

"desperate acts for attention"

You do realize that being a tranny or being a black who uplifts the status quo results in tons of media attention, retweets, Facebook posts, Instagram stories, TikToks

Meanwhile, being a middle aged white guy with no tribe and no identity, everything you do is an uphill battle since you are in competition with everyone else and everyone else's group ID?

Can you see a way to stick out? I'm really good at socializing in-person, but, due to masks and vaccine passport bullshit, my socializing ability has been completely murdered.

Not only does the online space discriminate because of my anti-establishment politics and pale, male, and stale identity, but now I am also forbidden from socializing in real life, something that I'm very, very good at.

>> No.19367113

>Can you see a way to stick out? I'm really good at socializing in-person, but, due to masks and vaccine passport bullshit, my socializing ability has been completely murdered.

Translation: I am desperate for attention and have no friends to constantly remind of my long gone halcyon days.

So you go an anonymous gluten-free seafood recipe forum seeking the acclaim of strangers over shit nobody cares about but you. Get it through your thick head: nobody cares how many girls you banged, NOBODY.

Perhaps there's a reason you have no friends?

>> No.19367129

Maybe because I am excluded from society and cannot even go into a pub?

The masks are extremely dehumanizing. Without the COVID nightmare we are living through, it would be far easier to make connections with like-minded people. As it sits, being anti-establishment, banned from Facebook, banned from Goodreads, banned from socializing in person... I think I'm correct in stating that I'm being oppressed over here.

>> No.19367137

It's the jews anon

>> No.19367141


So plan B is brag about adolescent shit on 4chan and hope when covid lifts you can find a real life friend who will never get tired of the same 4 things you talk about.

until then, gl on your cringeposting

>> No.19367148

I worked only like an hour-a-day for 15 years and have a ton of life experience.

Once people on /lit/ actually read The Shitkickers, I think it will get a positive reception.

>> No.19367209

You are the absolute retard.
This is a literature board, quit whining

>> No.19367214

Tell that to the "lit doesn't write" guy you absolute nitwit.

>> No.19367236

incel detected

>> No.19367240

Very impressive, OP. Nothing wrong with churning out pulp to make a living. How did you decide what to write? Did you study the market for a long time? Was it something related to the kind of thing you enjoy reading yourself? Just took a random chance on a given niche and lucky enough it paid off?

>> No.19367294

I started off writing short erotica. I wanted to get away from pure sex and I'd always been a fan of epic fantasy.

Once I learned about the harem genre, I did some market research (read Chris Fox's write to market as well as a bunch of top performing books in the haremlit field) and went from there.

Like I said earlier in the thread, I would like to spin off a third pen name under which I'd write clean epic fantasy. I'm looking at the books I'm writing now as practice for this.

My last two books only had about three sex scenes each, and they've been fairly successful.