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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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19361167 No.19361167 [Reply] [Original]

what happened on April 19, 2019 that caused /lit/ to get hit with the highest traffic of all time?

>> No.19361172


>> No.19361180

it was 2019 retard

>> No.19361193

that was when The Learned Disguise was released

>> No.19361209

The Peterson Zizek debate

>> No.19361232

Ah right

>> No.19361266

Hitler’s birthday
Also the 20th anniversary of the Columbine massacre

>> No.19361285

No no, it was when we -planned- Covid.
Had a good get together, threw some ideas around.
Alas, we fucked the whole thing up. Typical /lit/.

>> No.19361362

Are you going to post this on every board?

>> No.19361367
File: 16 KB, 348x362, arizona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, stop reminding me. This was the day of the Zizek/Peterson debate (two people who are not /lit/) and retards flooded the board. What an embarassment.

>> No.19361403

Conversely, what happens on the dates of lowest traffic of all time? The three sudden lows on 2018 and the one in 2019.

>> No.19361424

It's hilarious though, a guy that admitted to never reading Marx until the night before doing a high-school presentation vs a slobbering Hegelian ignoring the topic completely to talk about whatever he wants.

>> No.19362528

Debate ends, everyone races to make a "now that the dust has settled..." thread. That day sucked.

End of Christmas vacation, end of school, start of school.

>> No.19363075

That was the eve of the 130th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth. We were preparing to celebrate.

>> No.19363761

>End of Christmas vacation, end of school, start of school.
fucking zoomers

>> No.19365150

thank god the 2020 spike is over
there is a notable improvement in content

>> No.19365516

>notable improvement
>dune threads came back in full force

t. dune enjoyer