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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.26 MB, 2400x2864, plate-102-blue-jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19359910 No.19359910 [Reply] [Original]

Audubon edition

Old thread >>19351078

>> No.19359918
File: 114 KB, 1015x787, 564134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is aight.

>> No.19359923

Wonder how long these early threads will last until we see another schizo meltdown.

>> No.19359926

If you don't reply to this post your mother will never become an accomplished writer in her sleep.

>> No.19359931


>> No.19359932

I thought we were already having a schizophrenic meltdown? Isn’t that why the threads are being made early?

>> No.19359933

>watch/read something
>end up pickint up the mannerism and tone of the characters

>> No.19359957
File: 120 KB, 900x900, deader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I
got out of bed at all

>> No.19359960

Dragonball/It is the (likely) autistic 16 year old that has meltdowns. He calls any thread maker besides him a schizophrenic

>> No.19359966

Aren’t you the schizo since you always make second threads?

>> No.19359977
File: 399 KB, 764x1902, anime OP maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to this

>> No.19359986

>reading some hentai on the downlow
>suddenly get a fucking ad on my browser from the isp about my account details needing to be checked
>then modem gets LOS
Dunno why but that shit got me spooked.

>> No.19359993

Dearest anons,

I have decided to refrain from posting in political threads on this board going forward. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I dislike politics. To be frank, I rather enjoy the rush of posting about it, if that makes sense. No matter your political position, someone will get angry at you and start an argument. It is fun to argue, and often I have taken up political positions I don't agree with irl simply to argue with anons. Overall though, it lowers the quality of the board, makes the userbase as a whole angrier, and is not the healthiest way I have of getting a dopamine fix. As a result, I think it's best to stop. I am tired of being a soldier in the culture war, which will probably go on as the most pointless phenomenon in recent history.

From now on, I will stick to threads about literary fiction, genre fiction, and the like. I hope that my shift will have a small but measurable impact on the state of the board as a whole.

Your friend,


>> No.19360002

Making a new thread before the bump limit is cancerous not to mention spam. I don’t want to see three or four threads just because faggots like you are fighting over something so meaningless just because you want to feel special over your empty existence

>> No.19360031

I can’t stop thinking about my future wife--even though I do not yet know her.

>> No.19360044

Same, I live my life in service of a woman I've not yet met.

>> No.19360053

I don't like John James Audubon because he hunted and preserved the birds. During his time, many people did not see birds as sentient beings with rich inner lives. They saw them as beautiful moving objects without a complex self.
I don't consider Audubon a great ornithologist.

>> No.19360087
File: 44 KB, 640x361, vsgeow7392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to sell books?

I have a couple of them that I do not need, and they're in perfect condition (unused).

Don't want to sign up for anything, just want to get rid of those books as soon as possible.

>> No.19360129

crowdsurfing corpses

>> No.19360135

I was skinny for a good part of my life, I've gained 25kg of muscle and looking at the mirror doesn't make me feel like the body I'm seeing is mine.

Please help, all I want to do is read and fuck bitches. So much exercise to get fit and now this shit.

>> No.19360137

I'm not sure how to do it exactly but I think you can list them for sale on Amazon and maybe other sites, even as an individual seller, and then just wait until someone buys it. Then all you do is mail it to them.

Someone told me they did this with all their old college books. They said sometimes it might take a year for the book to get purchased but if it's a reasonably commonly used/read one it will eventually.

If you go to a used bookstore they will probably give you $5 for something you paid $50 for.

>> No.19360138

I started a book club with my friends. They only want to read YA.

>> No.19360178

It's a very sad situation. I feel bad for the people who went there to have fun and died in a very painful way.

>> No.19360179

Im writing a non-fiction book on The Great WWOYM Thread War of /lit/

>> No.19360214


>> No.19360275 [DELETED] 
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i swear ten years ago this would have been a leftwing cartoon

>> No.19360285

My brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19360314

My brain does that automatically and it wears off in an hour.

>> No.19360390
File: 28 KB, 567x622, 1567440430243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this place become reddit 2.0? Was it really after the us ellections? I mean it, this site used to be better, now i honestly can't tell the difference between any other social media site. And it seems too late to turn it back.

>> No.19360398
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A overheard a dude's wife whisper to him that I was cute. What did she mean by this?

>> No.19360422 [DELETED] 


>> No.19360434

Im wasting my life.

>> No.19360531

Even when my life is going good I just can't bring the energy and striving to care about things. I am still wasting all my time. I don't know anymore. Learning new things or being productive is simply impossible.

>> No.19360532

sexual anxiety

>> No.19360679

>When did this place become reddit 2.0?
2016 and some time before that. The influx of normies and r*dditors around the election ruined this website.

>> No.19360688
File: 49 KB, 842x628, NG.M.00387_PUBLISERING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can have sex. I can seduce girls. I'm decent enough at it. They enjoy it. I get physical pleasure from it. And yet it feels so degrading, so stupid. Even when I'm with a girl I really like, respect, find hot. When we talk it sounds so ridiculous to me, it's like I'm floating away from it. I really feel a sick feeling about physical pleasures, like they're dragging me away somewhere from something real. Is something wrong with me anons?

>> No.19360701

She thought you were cute and told her husband. You'll find that love and marriage don't suddenly make you stop finding people attractive and it's a lot healthier to be able to joke about it with your husband than bottle up.

So no, you are not about to have a MMF threesome.

>> No.19360714

Sex without love IS degrading, engaging with these women with such an intent IS stupid. Sounds to me like you've come to that conclusion and don't know how to correct course or come to terms with things you've done that you dislike.

>> No.19360752

>a lot healthier to be able to joke about it with your husband than bottle up

>> No.19360761

You end up as a cuckold when you get to keeping secrets from each other and being dishonest.

>> No.19360770

whatever helps you and your wife's boyfriend sleep at night buddy

>> No.19360810

I'm fat

>> No.19360823

my condolences
now lose weight

>> No.19360827

Same. Sugar is my final boss. Im too weak.

>> No.19360832

Switch to sucralose (splenda). My idiot bitch wife makes keto everything with sucralose. Watch some Lustig and Taubes videos on how insanely psychotically evil sugar is. It's basically as bad as meth.

>> No.19360848

so then workout more. i used to chug mountain dew all day in college like at least a 2 liter a day, but i was always ripped af cuz i spent like 2 hours a day in the gym and ran 15 miles a week.

>> No.19360852

holy shit i just discovered my coffee cup it still half full hell ya

>> No.19360859 [DELETED] 

hmm I don't have a problem with sugar myself, I only drink water and have a piece of chocolate after dinner, but I can't stop eating fucking potato chips.

>> No.19360865

It's not that, it's even with women I really like and feel attached to. It's the whole apparatus of sex. I don't know if maybe I just don't enjoy it. I kind of feel the same about eating good food. I'm not depressed I don't think, but something about the pleasure feels provisional, or like a trick. I'm struggling to express myself as you can tell, but I don't feel shame. Or at least, I don't feel ashamed before other people. Maybe before God or something I don't know, but I've not a religious upbringing at all

>> No.19360872

Those energy drinks and soda. Nothing hits the spot as that. Coffee is ok but i dont crave it as much.

>> No.19360878

How do I go back to NEETing? I'm a yuro btw

>> No.19360951
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I just realized 4chan, nor the mighty 4channel, has any board suitable to talk about candles.

>> No.19360959
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i still haven't gotten around to trying one of these.

>> No.19360966

you should try making your own. paraffin wax is pretty cheap.
its a nice thing to gift a woman too

>> No.19360973

Now, you see, there is a board for that, /diy/, so technically this is off-topic. Please delete

>> No.19360976

I think /lit/ is a rush light kind of board: cheap, brief, dim, and not one for getting through a book

>> No.19360980

Paraffin wax and shellac are allowed on /lit/ or else we can't talk manuscripts and letters until electrification

>> No.19360982

you replied to the wrong guy asshole. i did nothing wrong

>> No.19360998
File: 188 KB, 720x480, 1622145631736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just tell a guy to go make a candle and not expect him to get super pissed off.

>> No.19361000

If you only get rid of paraffin wax and shellac it only takes out the latter part of modernism. I'm okay with it.
t. Beeswax medieval supremacist

>> No.19361005
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 0012352_strawberry-exotic-incense-bundle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, how do we all feel about incense?
What about incest?

>> No.19361011
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, pocky-choc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, my new incense won't light.

>> No.19361017

Stick incense a shit. Frankincense resin a best.

>> No.19361065
File: 180 KB, 620x348, chandlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candle making was an incredibly important job in Medieval times and was historically a male profession.
Candle making is based.

>> No.19361097

>incredibly important job in Medieval times and was historically a male profession.
Yeah except you usually got banned from producing in the city if you main client wasn't the church. Which, if you think about it, makes chandlers very gay

>> No.19361108

i used to live near the original yankee candle factory, dude who started it made mad loot, fucking candle startup n' shit, wtf.

>> No.19361116

A few years ago, someone mailed me without prior notice a framed copy of the Pileated Woodpeckers. I have it in sight right now, as well as the mailer.

>> No.19361126

Lucky servants used get to keep the candle stubs at the end of rich people's balls if their employer was nice. Imagine getting a couple hours of beeswax lighting when the other option was darkness or tallow burning. Some would sell the stubs they were so valuable.

>> No.19361337

I have decided to abandon my book on Marxism-Leninism and Maoism. I cannot write fairly or objectively about an ideology I have come to despise. The anarchists were right all along, and I encourage anyone here with an interest in leftist politics to pursue that line of thought.

>> No.19361340

its ok, we knew you were never going to finish it anyways.

>> No.19361370

I feel bad for them too but it's so surreal, I still can't believe it happened. They transport a corpse while the guy is auto-tune singing him into the afterlife.

>> No.19361420

When you see how bestial the crowd was acting when they were trying to get in:

It's not hard to understand why things turned for the worst. It's insane. It's just crappy rap at the end of the day, not worth killing or dying for.

>> No.19361554

2 things:
1. tfw no gf has swelled to an awful crescendo. Trying to make changes and all that. Even with all the goodwill and hard work in the world it's hard not to feel like I'll be an unlovable autist freak 4lyfe. I'm fit, dress well, can be amiable and funny. But there's something missing in my basic capacity to form connections with people that makes me feel basically like an alien or a ghost or something entirely not of this world at all. People often tell me I'm one of, if not the smartest, person they know. I'd happily half my IQ (although I doubt it's even terribly high-- the bar for being considered smart is kind of low) for just a little more love.

2. PDEs. If I can't cop a gf is it gay to basically marry a family of mathematical objects?

>> No.19361784

I was terrified to get vaccinated because I have really bad health anxiety and knew people who had bad reaction; also I'm young and healthy so I figured it'd be ok.

Now I have COVID and it's probably mild but the shortness of breath is triggering my health anxiety horrifically and I almost had multiple panic attacks, thinking of death, etc.

Go ahead and point and laugh at me. God why I can't I just be normal and have a normal job and not live at home with a useless college degree. I've been going to therapy and I had a plan to get a certificate to teach English but I'm not sure my mental health is resilient enough to go abroad. What if I am really sick with severe COVID? I'm terrified of death, especially suffering, ironic isn't it. The only person I'm close to is my mother and I don't want to leave her behind.

I'm a 23 year old man who has worked dead end jobs and can't get hired. I can't seem to make the right career or lifestyle choices. I know this is negative self-talk but the health fear is really overwhelming me again. How am I ever going to be able to manage living alone or getting a girlfriend or going back to school? I am trying to remain positive but sometimes I feel utterly hopeless. It's like you are damned if you do, damned if you don't in this world. My life is defined by fear. I pray to God but I don't believe in him. I feel utter all consuming terror.

>> No.19361806

I'm addicted to the internet. Every week schoolwork mounts & I'll plan a day out studying yet when the day rolls around somehow I find myself spending the entire day reloading pages on /lit/ I don't even enjoy it. There's zero satisfaction but it's like I get stuck in a loop. Then from there I spiral and find myself compulsively turning to even more morbid corners of the web. Watching people get their throats cut out just to feel something and to remain in the same feeling of detachment I like to crawl in..

>> No.19361877

I’ve never managed to find an author I really and truly like a lot.

>> No.19362054

Now that you have it, assuming you survive, the vaccine will likely give you the best protection currently available and limit your chances of long covid too. You retarded your way into the best case scenario. Once you're not fat, you're fine. If you are fat, you should stop that because that will actually kill you painfully.

>> No.19362058

I can never reintegrate with society. I'm stuck with you losers

>> No.19362131

>i will never be a German electronic musician living in the 80s
I cant go on living like this...

>> No.19362132

how many books have you read?

>> No.19362152

I hate that song 99 luftbaloons

>> No.19362158


this is sick, normally i hate rappers who fake the deepness of their voice, something about his breathy delivery is nice

>> No.19362287

i was accidently on /adv/ for 15 minutes instead of /lit/ and i didn't notice the difference

>> No.19362296

/adv/ posters are probably dumbest on the site

that or it just reveals the brain of the average poster

>> No.19362297

I started reading a book recently and every epub I can find is filled with the same obvious OCR errors. It's a relatively well-known book, too. I don't know how publishers usually handle creating ebooks from books that were published before ereaders, but in this case it seems like they just scanned in an old copy and never bothered to proofread it. Tomorrow I'm going to the library and getting a copy there, ereaders aren't worth it.

>> No.19362301

I really want to try ordering a bunch of coffee scented incense off amazon but i cant justify the cost of shipping

>> No.19362328

same bro, I let myself go big time. I have a plan worked out though. I got a freezer full of chicken and fish, and a big can of meal replacement, and im going to eat nothing but 3 meal replacement shakes a day for a total of 900 calories for 3 days straight to help hone my will (worked for me before), then go back to counting calories and eating regular meals. I think ill also aim to have no solid food on days im not working to continue keeping my willpower in check

>> No.19362341

does that say coated with chocolate flavour confectionary? it's not chocolate?

>> No.19362349

nothing you eat is real these days

>> No.19362360


>> No.19362368

wtf?! not even the apples?!

>> No.19362386


>> No.19362490

I don't know if I should get vaxxed but I know it'll be mandated at my job

>> No.19362608

I have 5 or 6 memories that are so embarrassing that when I recall them I want to kill myself and stop remembering

>> No.19362622

>I can seduce girls. I'm decent enough at it
You definitely sound like you're consciously trying to make it happen or do it a certain way as opposed to truly letting go and allowing it to happen organically and instinctually.
It feels degrading because you're essentially doing what a prostitute does. By putting on a show, her intimacy is directed at the character you're playing, not at you, so of course it's meaningless.

>> No.19362677

I find it pretty easy to lose weight once I really want to . It's just a problem because I feel like I live in a world that wants me to be fat. If I could I would make it impossible for me to eat tasty unhealthy food and toss myself in a bootcamp Unfortunately I will eat anything you put in front of me if I'm hungry and I have to sit at a desk for 40 hours a week for work.

I don't make excuses though, I've been on both sides of the fence, fat and fit, and being fitter is just better and worth the sacrifices.

>> No.19362715
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>> No.19362743

If you fucking faggot mods delete off topic threads before anyone was able to reply, then you wouldn't have to "warn" me.

>> No.19362756
File: 288 KB, 2048x1152, 49068634038_31d19cd6a6_k-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna off myself but I don't wanna do it before my parents die.

>> No.19362761 [DELETED] 

lol is that why there's no page ten right now?

>> No.19362769

Best wait till you’re 65. And reconsider

>> No.19362775

cool final post

>> No.19362790
File: 29 KB, 202x428, Alan_seeger_foreign_legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade,
When Spring comes back with rustling shade
And apple-blossoms fill the air—
I have a rendezvous with Death
When Spring brings back blue days and fair.

It may be he shall take my hand
And lead me into his dark land
And close my eyes and quench my breath—
It may be I shall pass him still.
I have a rendezvous with Death
On some scarred slope of battered hill,
When Spring comes round again this year
And the first meadow-flowers appear.

God knows 'twere better to be deep
Pillowed in silk and scented down,
Where Love throbs out in blissful sleep,
Pulse nigh to pulse, and breath to breath,
Where hushed awakenings are dear ...
But I've a rendezvous with Death
At midnight in some flaming town,
When Spring trips north again this year,
And I to my pledged word am true,
I shall not fail that rendezvous.

>> No.19362949

I hate this cringe shit. Every time I hear it I think of the 16 yr old edglord neighbor I had that said this. Now he's 34 and works at Carl's Jr. If he truly wanted to kill himself then, then he would even more so now. I don't buy it. It's even more pathetic than actually killing yourself.

>> No.19362960

I wish I had downloaded Grindr in college and gotten dicked down

>> No.19363217

I want a fat wife so bad, bros. I want a great, big, fat wife, 300 pounds or more, that I can cuddle with in bed. Also fuck her fat folds, but that goes without saying.

>> No.19363319
File: 52 KB, 665x399, 7DB3DDF6-EA78-430B-A53A-56FCF5A9D74F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that attitude you won't.

>> No.19363330

Try different study techniques and see which one works. What worked for me was blocking out my schedule on a calendar app and sticking to it.

>> No.19363336

do low carb and intermittent fasting

i'd rather eat one big meal at the end of the day than 3 unsatisfying shit ones. i'm a man, i only want to eat a lot of something.

>> No.19363898

is there anything more ridiculous than the term "significant other"? I understand homos using "partner" but come on now...

>> No.19364167

I read Plato's Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Symposium and Lysis. Is there anything else I should read before reading The Republic?

>> No.19364185

intermittent fasting is the one

>> No.19364203

>i'm a man, i only want to eat a lot of something.
And what the fuck does this have to do with being a man, I like to eat several times a day so I'm not a man? Lmao faggot

>> No.19364205

I never get used to the level of mental retardation in this thread

>> No.19364208

i really like the word partner though. maybe most people use it casually, but to me the word has weighty implications. partnership through life. playing life as a team game

>> No.19364211

I need a radical change in my life or I'm going to kill myself, and I don't know which kind of radical change I need.
I feel like I'm reaching the end of it, it's probably the case.

>> No.19364215

well, what a brilliant contribution you've just shat out there. really elevating the standard

>> No.19364408
File: 172 KB, 328x392, dcaef31e727ed717be2b14fedc83341f45bee168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I'll get fired tomorrow.
Furthermore, all my dreams are dead.

>> No.19364409

Yeah I know right? Bitch

>> No.19364413

Daily wwoym suicidal post

>> No.19364452
File: 511 KB, 840x488, pepe-gets-excited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read an entire, albeit small, book in one day.

>> No.19364527

Is it weird to avoid relationships even when the chick is interested in pursuing a relationship because of how the partner in a long term relationship also becomes a part of your own identity? Couple of girls that were interested in me and they were pretty lame personality wise but fuckable. As they wanted or rather deserved to be in some kind of proper relationship in order for the relationship to progress Ive kept flaking off before it gets too committed. So I'm a virgin despite girls asking me to be their boyfriend but I think I'm getting to a point where a relationship is necessary. Do I really need to just keep working at the relationship just to have sex and companionship even though I don't really love them I suppose? I think the issue is I'm too passive and let the girls choose me. I need to pursue the women I want to love.

>> No.19364608

I had a bunch of decently used books I wanted to get rid of, realized they weren't worth anything, so I went and spread them across various little free library box things in my town

>> No.19364612

>I think the issue is I'm too passive and let the girls choose me. I need to pursue the women I want to love.
Yes this is the issue and yes you need to

>> No.19364643

Drink carbonated water. I'm a former soda junky and the carbonation does the trick

>> No.19364685

Yeah im trying to switch into carbonated water or mineral one. I sinned today. I bought cold pink Monster can.

>> No.19364689

audubon is patrician.

i come to these threads sometimes, type out a dairy entry, and delete them because it doesn't matter.

>> No.19364690

was it any good

>> No.19364694

s pellegrino is the best one, perrier is the fizziest.

>> No.19364842

if you must get energy drinks get reign energy or rockstar xdurance which is equivalent, if you pour them in a glass it's crystal clear no unnecessary dyes and shit and little to no calories

>> No.19364923
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>> No.19365036

ebay. i sell all my unwanted shit on there to achieve a more minimalist lifestyle. protip: ship in one of those padded yellow envelop shippers. otherwise some local shop might buy/sell used books.
candles are nice, bro. i also like essential oils as perfume. plus if you dab peppermint oil around your doors and windows it keeps pests out of your apartment. i dont buy candles that often though because theyre a waste of money.

>> No.19365046

That's a perfectly fine reason to avoid a relationship. You also need to pursue the women but that is way harder.

>> No.19365049

>be me
>get books for free from piracy
>they have errors
>dont care, doesn't significantly impact anything
>beggars, choosers
>free is free
youre a cunt m8. i read 100 books a year. if i payfagged them and they were $20 each that would be $2,000 on books. That's almost 75 oz of silver.

>> No.19365050

Anyone can merely exist. But it takes courage to live.

>> No.19365056
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1329584659590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched the first episodes of Arcane. It's really good, but it's been making me think about how the fantasy story I've been working on since I was 14 is still just a bunch of disorganized notes, a few pages of "practice prose" and thoughts in my head for the last 13 years despite it being pretty on my mind pretty much every day. I think I need to just write an outline for the first part of the story and start writing. I have point A's and B's but I don't know how I'll get the characters to them yet.

>> No.19365099
File: 121 KB, 564x365, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodreads is a good website and worth my time.

>> No.19365147

>Do I really need to just keep working at the relationship just to have sex and companionship even though I don't really love them I suppose?

What do you think love is? Because it's something that grows slowly and only when you allow yourself to be truly vulnerable with another person. That initial happy feeling or headrush of infatuation and excitement a pretty girl gives you is not love but a result of subconscious systems pushing you towards reproduction. An evaluation has to be made of all relationships, and there are perfectly good reasons to end a relationship. It's just that to me this line really betrayed your inexperience.

Find a woman you enjoy being around and spend some time with her, go for a fucking walk it doesn't matter. All you're trying to do is find someone you enjoy enough to spend the rest of your life with, who you are willing to live your life in service to and who is willing to do the same.

>> No.19365191

this anon is possibly the only anon on /lit/ who isn't an incel.

>> No.19365200

Pretty uch my thought entirely. My experiences have always led me to find that I and potential partners value this and think in this way. I suppose this means I'll continue to try to find a woman that I can do as you've described so well and not think with my dick

>> No.19365601

I just write and write to diary but nothing insightful happens.

>> No.19365617

Round of applause

>> No.19365666

Roastie cunt mentallity, letting people use your blownout cunt isn't love.

>> No.19365707

Nice one, Satan.

>> No.19365932

>what i read
>what i do
>what i think
>what i feel
>my life

>> No.19365966

Does anyone know how to find contemporary translation projects? Do I just have to hunt down random authors and ask them?

>> No.19366192

I met a girl at an Arby's last night and got her number. She's very sweet from what little we've interacted, but I'm excited nonetheless.
I got her phone number and she's 18, I'm 22. Very lithe, blonde, blue-eyed. While trying not to get my hopes up on an upcoming date I can't help but be excited for wondering what kind've person she is.
I wish it were Spring so I could pick wildflowers for her

>> No.19366315
File: 613 KB, 2400x1314, 1631815074804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a mega link to philosophy, textbooks, non-fiction, right-wing literature... anything. I'm done with anime and ready to read. I know about the gentooman library from /g/ but I'm going to need more.

>> No.19366362

Why would you want that? Read good fiction books instead.

>> No.19366377

>your post

>my reply

>> No.19366463

I've spent my entire life reading fiction, I read a ton of fiction when I was younger. It was fun, but now its less fun, and I want to expand my knowledge of the real world.

>> No.19366469

they exist if you go out and look, or just get the titles one by one.

>> No.19366485

Learn to write in English, nigger ESL rat scum

>> No.19366492

What's wrong with that sentence?

>> No.19366496

Cringe vocabulary

>> No.19366501

I don't think I said anything about sex. I am of the opinion that you should only have sex with your beloved who you intend to and will marry. Love demands that you submit. Love demands that you give over all of yourself to another and to your union. You cannot give away those parts of you that you have given to another.

>> No.19366535

Not to mention it sounds awkward to say "blown out cunt". Just say LOOSE
Now go back to the hut and eat shit you fucking African

>> No.19366544
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Ok, alternative question. Is there an online archive of /lit/? I haven't seen one last time I checked. Open to magnet links, but I'm looking for a clear net site.

>> No.19366564


>> No.19366568

You will never be Bulgarian.

>> No.19366575

That poster is schizophrenic, don't bother anon

>> No.19366589
File: 1.08 MB, 3700x2730, Restaurant_Näsinneula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An better reply would tell me off for not googling it, as I just did and found the answer immediately. I've been here longer than you but it hasn't cured my laziness or tardation.

>> No.19366681

I have realized that due to differences in gender roles a man with no social skills is like a fat woman. Then what is the female equivalent of perversion in men? Serious question btw.

>> No.19366693

I should write something.

>> No.19366781

Right, lads. I'm going to write 5 pages tonight, read a short book, make a cup of tea. Probably not in that order, but fuck it.

>> No.19366799

I feel as though I’ve lost my creativity and imagination.

>> No.19366875

Women can be sexual deviants too. There doesnt need to be an analog because its the same thing

>> No.19366890

Had dream I was in hell, Demons were around me. I made the sign of the Cross and said Glory be and Hail Marys and it seemed to keep the demons away. But I will still in hell surrounded by demons in the shadows; then I started to call the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Suddenly I was on the surface of the earth and I saw a shooting star and then two more flying perpendicular. The three bright shooting stars formed a perfect circle 3 circles inside of each other. I realized the shooting stars were the the thee archangels I called on and the thee circles they made represented eternal life and the Trinity. What a dream.

>> No.19366911


>> No.19366943

I hate my job so fucking much.

>> No.19366982
File: 11 KB, 221x180, 1611937533433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah orgasms are cool but what about when you solve something really complicated on your first try?

>> No.19366999

I'm trying to solve the problem of how to have a good orgasm without foreskin

>> No.19367085

Pursuing the women you love is great because of the inevitable deaths you will undergo. I just had an awful time after having fallen in love with a women with a boyfriend (whom she's been dating for nearly a year.) I was probably the most active I've been in my life during this pursuit which has, from how it appears, failed. I still have hope she will change her mind. Anyway I did go through a death and re-learned to submit to forces which attached me to her.

>> No.19367134

I like the word lithe. You mind sharing the interaction you had with this girl?

>> No.19367143

I would really like to make some Mongolian friends.

>> No.19367292

it's a legitimate reason that keeps people alive. Just because your neighbor is pathetic doesn't mean that extends to >>19362756

>> No.19367359

>post insane/mean thing on 4chan
>feel bad about it and resolve not to anymore
>make it a while sometimes
I'm sorry tbqh

>> No.19367409

How does one find the right balance between political concerns versus personal . aesthetic enjoyment? I look at my family & they're completely absorbed into politics. They channel all of their personal frustrations and resentments into political concerns, while avoiding any kind of personal/emotional conversation. It's not healthy and they all, myself included, seem very repressed. I don't want to be like my family cause I see how reactive and obnoxious it makes them. Yet I think detaching completely from politics is also the wrong path. I'm in this world and can't avoid engaging to some extent in the issues of today . But I see so many today that end up super ideological and annoying about it, or they just get absorbed into retarded online cliques. I don't want to end up like that, or allow it to destroy my sensitivity towards more abstract concerns. Yet I don't want to merely devolve into escapism either. Advice anons?

>> No.19367474

I mean you cant really do anything about politics unless you're some powerful person. It just doesnt matter that much if you agree with friends and family about everything politically, it matters more just being good to each other. You can think about politics if you like to but I think reminding yourself that it's not as important as other stuff helps make people not seethe so much.

My personal view of the phenomenon is that politics hijacks the part of our brain which was responsible for local, tribal politics where your opinions and behavior actually matter politically. But this is simply not the case for most of us now. Maybe getting involved in your local municipal political scene and then like partitioning that part off is a good compromise if you are someone who feels like a duty to do something.

Being agitated about like the DNC though is just sort of shaking your fist at a cloud.

>> No.19367488

Good post.

My problem is whenever I get close, I start making excuses to NOT continue pursuing a girl. It's like once I think I might get somewhere with a girl, I start becoming giga picky. Perhaps I have a subconscious fear of entering a relationship. And then there's times where I think "dang that girl's cute, but we're at the gym, I can't hit on girls at the gym." or whatever excuse I give myself to not talk to a girl because of cowardice.

What happened, did you think you could win her over? I had an experience with a girl trying to cheat with me.

I was lonely and horny in the middle of the pandemic and I visited this chick I knew. Arab grad student, lives in the same apartment complex as me. I go in there. I'm the most aggressive I've ever been around a girl. We're sitting on the couch, within 30 seconds my hands are on her thighs. I start to tickle her. I put my hand on her breast. Next thing she says, "Anon, have you met my boyfriend?" and her phone rings at that very moment. It's her bf and she answers. This gives me a second to clear my head, and I get weirded out by the whole circumstance. I apologize, and ask if I overstepped her boundaries. She responds, "Why not at all, it was only tickling," she giggled. At that point I realize this girl wants to cheat with me. I even find out her bf is some dude twice her age, obviously a sugar daddy. But my morals tell me I can't do that, even this weirdo is fucking 50. It also changed my view of her, despite how attractive she was. This was the one time in my life I knew for absolute certain that I wasn't making up an excuse to not talk to a girl.

>> No.19367692

Probably someone who gossips a lot, or spends a lot of time curating their social media presence. Perversion in males is a means of getting what they are biologically wired to want but are starved of. In the case of women, they are biologically wired to want the company of others and have good relationships with them, but this goes into overdrive on social media and when gossiping about others.

>> No.19367726

The fact that you can recognize that this fear exists means that you can move past it. You can come to understand it, meditate on it.

>> No.19367848

I want to be elsewhere. We'll be meeting up soon, and I can't help but think I'll be put off by them in-person. It won't work out. I probably have intimacy issues and/or relationship anxiety. Whatever it is, I want to push them away.

>> No.19367879

Genuinely a whitepill, I am happy that the American government is finally taking action to protect the country from China, economically. We may yet survive this.

>> No.19367935

Isn't weird how you can go into a doctor's office and ask him/her that you want to cut your cock into a vagina? Modern times for you.

>> No.19367990

>What happened, did you think you could win her over?
Basically. The condensed version is that last spring I entered a new cities 'art scene' which this women is apart of. Upon seeing her I had the most devastating 'fall' since probably high school (though this could be a false memory since much time has past since that moment). Anyway we meet and continue to see each other at events. Sometimes she arrives with a friend, sometimes with her boyfriend but each time our similarities are revealed to one another. I get her number and try to schedule a 'date' but each time it falls through since she knows what's up.Sadly I become more eager to get her alone after this and at the last event I was bold enough to lead her by the hand (after some subtle attempts) and she refused outrightly. Afterwards I walked home in a numb sadness because I knew thst this could not be blamed on cowardice or a lack of action but was the cause of dumb misfortune.

>> No.19367992

meanwhile i go in to the doctors and tell them i need antibiotics for an ear infection and they dont believe me and have to perform a 2 hour examination before they write the fucking script.

>> No.19368011

You can get over the counter antibiotics for your ear. But maybe the doctor was just racking up the bill.

>> No.19368190

this board is bleeding out faster and faster every day. it will be dead soon.

>> No.19368216


>> No.19368224

I was able to get antibiotics and ear drops over a zoom call.

>> No.19368237
File: 256 KB, 326x326, thinking_squish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading the Book of Pook and I realised I more or less know most of what is being said already.
I'd make a thread about it but I warrant it doesn't really need one.

>> No.19368242

PUA is a tragedy

>> No.19368259

Not like I'm fully taking his word but "Pook" insisted his advices aren't PUA. But these things he says are things I've also heard from some men who are in their 30s.

>> No.19368327

The only time I've ever had a woman on top of me was when I went to a dominatrix. She would pretend to lean in to kiss me, then slap me across the face. I was leaking precum but I couldn't get hard because I was too nervous. She left the company shortly after that because of Covid and I doubt I'll ever see her again.

>> No.19368347

>dont care, doesn't significantly impact anything
Maybe if you read shit books with shit prose.

>> No.19368457

the masculine urge to probe into another person and see how much of the underworld they've been able to handle or understand.

>> No.19368458

What is love?

>> No.19368466

What do you mean by underworld, crime?

>> No.19368474

I just love messing with her, I just can't help it

>> No.19368491

sure crime is a part of it. I just use the the term generally to describe a worldview that sees and understands Power.

>> No.19368509

I'm sorry if it hurts you sometimes but I just love you.

>> No.19368531

i often check my email during my off hours. i don't do so with dread, but glee. i hope for a problem i can fix, a dramatic morsel to chew on while i dream...it makes my heart race. yet, i realize i've lost myself to it. i've fallen in love with my captor, and now i live to serve - nothing else.

>> No.19368562
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The word "chandala" pronounced in English has a bizarre euphony to it. It sounds absolute funny regardless of its original denotation of a corpsebearer.

It evokes a dangling micropenis, flipping back and forth. It also evokes a chime, a "chingling". It just sounds fucking ridiculous. Other things it evokes - a rhyme for mandala, resulting in such silly wordplay as "chandala mandala", a circle of corpsebearers. "Chistian chandala", a seeming non-sense phrase that nonetheless evokes the mad American Christian Christian mob. Chandal, an invective to spit at someone. Chandala, chandala, chandala.

>> No.19368633

>It just doesnt matter that much if you agree with friends and family about everything politically, it matters more just being good to each other. You can think about politics if you like to but I think reminding yourself that it's not as important as other stuff helps make people not seethe so much.
No it's not like that. My family only talks about politics ..... nothing else. I don't judge them or am bothered about them having different opinions, their beliefs aren't even super different than mine, but I'm forced to engage in debate with them because it's all they want to do or talk about. We are not a normal family. It's like it's all they can ever think or talk about, and so much of their personal identity gets caught up in it. Idk while I have political beliefs, I'm much more detached from it all & wish we could relate to each other on other grounds.

>> No.19368746
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20211108-213014_YouTube Vanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this chick have autism or what

>> No.19368752

Unless you're a materialist, it's not really that great. It was Crisis of the Modern World.

>> No.19368817

Yes but she also has huge tits.

>> No.19368838

It's the best word I can think of to describe her physically. Skinny would be too inaccurate as she's not a rail, waifish would be a misuse because she's too tall. She is thin, but pleasantly so and with some connotations of physical fitness. Hence, lithe
Of course. I work nightshifts so we would see each other while I went in to get dinner on my way from school to work. I got the notion she was into me when she asked my name and remembered it. An older friend advised me that it's a good idea to make a move sooner rather than later, and I did.
Much to my surprise she said yes, and we've talked a little but are both busy. She's about to graduate highschool and I both work and study full time, but we have a date this Thursday. She likes hiking, which is nice because I have a local spot from another friend.
Some mention of taking medication for mood stabilization as well as controlling seizures, but I haven't had much time to ask after that.
On the surface she seems a fine young woman, and I am glad for my fortune if all goes well.

>> No.19368892

I wish there was a way to filter avatarfags

>> No.19368899

The Book of Pook is really just a sex-focused version of how "How to Make Friends and Influence People"

>> No.19368949

AHHH IM SO FUCKING LONELY I NEED PEOPLE TO TALK TO,,, DO SOME OF YOU SERiously live without the warmth of human connection in your life with no problems at all? That seems impossible to me.

>> No.19368962

I have my family whom I live with and my coworkers. I have irl friends but I haven’t met them irl in months. My friends are mostly from high school with 2 from college. I feel alone, and my social life died with COVID quarantine. I use 4chan and Omegle and Discord as a way to feed my need for interaction. It’s not enough. I wish I had developed a social life back in college. Hell I wish I lost my virginity back in college too. But what can you do?

>> No.19368976

That's cool, I hope it works out anon!

>I got the notion she was into me when she asked my name and remembered it
I think that's true in general, or that at least they have some kind of fondness towards you. There's a chick I thought was extremely attractive that I met at the gym, but I found out she has(or at least had) a bf. 9 months after covid lockdown I see her again at the uni gym, she remembered my name and I had forgotten hers lol.

Humans are social creatures anon, only in really extreme cases are people fine with being isolated for long periods of time. I go to club events and church stuff to maintain some kind of social life.

>> No.19368982

Thank you very much
Also she was generally just warm whenever I came around, it was nice to finally pick up on something I'm pretty I've missed alot in the past, I hope you get the same deal at some point as well

>> No.19368984
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I'm smoking weed and drinking beer. I wasn't supposed to tonight but oh well, couldn't help myself I guess. Doesn't even matter anyways. Ill wake up feeling like garbage either way. I might start smoking every night again. I've put so much work into not smoking on weekdays and yet I've gained nothing but extra misery from it. If it start smoking every night again ill at least ill have something to look forward to throughout the day. Anyways. I have to stop typing this now as I am beginning to see things. I wish this was a joke.

>> No.19368989

I live with my family and I've got 2 brothers and 2 sisters. What a fucking blessing.

>> No.19369010

Im sinking. I dont know why but I keep making attempts at isolation. Solitude is what Im seeking I suppose. Im relatively social, relatively fit, relatively good looking. People, even women, come to talk to me and chat me up. Out of some odd compulsion Ill even talk to them. I have always been told I have some sort of "gift of the orator". People seem to like me. I dont really like them so much, but theyre people I suppose. I have begun development of a language in which to speak so that I can think entirely separate from everyone else. Im basing it on the American Crows call. Crows and birds, a subject that even when I speak of them, falls on deaf ears because the minute you go past pop culture or gossip nobody cares at all about you or what you have to say. Such fakers. Even I am guilty. Crows and these birds are the subject of the book I am working on. My manifesto made fiction. When the book is complete I will be ready more or less to, go. Pass on. Or at least thats just what I have told myself. I think God will take me. He told me the other night when he came over me. I ask for guidance and to know if it is true. I felt the same. I dont feel like going further.

>> No.19369133


>> No.19369157


>> No.19369161

I stopped caring about human interaction a while ago, I have good friends but I don't even feel like seeing them; I have nothing against them I just prefer solitude. My dream now is to make enough money to buy a house in the woods and live of dividend income so I wouldn't have to to work. The place would be near a town so I could get supplies, but finally I would be at peace.

>> No.19369182

oh nononononononononononononononono

>> No.19369191

is smoking everyday a big deal? sometimes i'll do coke every other day

>> No.19369198

Theological dreams are the best. Had one where I left my air conditioning on so my room got too cold (which probably triggered memories when it snowed for the first time in my childhood town and I woke up really really cold)---anyways I dreamed I was in the middle of a snowstorm and a dinner-plate sized, ornate snowflake slowly descended in front of my face, it emitted a blue aura and then solidified into a communion host and I took and ate of it. That was around the same time I started researching to what "Logos" mean't in John. Comfy dream. I think it describes God in nature idk

>> No.19369244

Is this in response to the mention of medication?

>> No.19369248

I am about to drink a pint of milk
It is very close to expiration, and I do not want to waste it so I am finishing it now
I will report back here if it makes me sick

>> No.19369282

just bin it mate

>> No.19369303

I've drank the milk and there doesn't seem to be any effects so far.
I need to get protein powder to go with it if I'm going to keep getting full gallons

>> No.19369319

a gallon of milk? americans are insane

>> No.19369321

pebis bebis

>> No.19369324

It's good to have if you lift, taking care of some family matters just took me away from the regular milk schedule so that one nearly hit the deadline

>> No.19369341

o i c. thought too much was bad for you

>> No.19369348

better half

>> No.19369353

From the xenoestrogens associated with drinking cows milk? Yeah, somewhat, but if you hit a good balance like half a gallon every week or so and lift regularly then you're good. Supposing you're not lactose intolerant to begin with, of course, but as a supplementary source of protein/necessary fats to meat dairy products are hard to beat

>> No.19369400

I'm not a physicist or a mathematician so this is probably just some crackpot idea, but I need to put my thoughts down, if only so someone can tell me I'm crazy. I've been thinking about the unsolved problems in physics, namely the expansion of the universe and dark matter/energy. So, here goes. Hear me out.

Imagine a circle on a graph with two dimensions. What happens when you exert a force on it and push it downwards? It splays outwards, eventually becoming a one-dimensional line with height 0. Now, imagine the same action on a sphere. It becomes a two-dimensional circle of height zero. Now, expand spatial dimensions outwards again. Imagine (or conceptualize in abstract) a 4d sphere of normal Euclidean dimensions x, y, and z, and spatial dimension i.

This is where my lack of education is going to lead me to make some inductive leaps. When taking an n-dimensional object and applying a force such that it compresses into an object of n-minus-1 dimensions, the volume WITH RESPECT TO n should remain constant. Granted, it seems to me that the hard-coded Planck length must extend "outwards" in all extant dimensions, so a physical, 2d sphere compressed down into a 1d line must still have a Planck length of 1 on both 2d and 3d axes.

Considering the above, imagine you are some entity capable of observing space in four spatial dimensions. What would it look like to you were you to apply a compressing force along axis i? Could a flattening to you, as you observe space from dimension i, appear to be an expansion along the three lower dimensions? Could dark energy be kinetic energy applied from a spatial dimension we're simply incapable of otherwise detecting? Could this be the force driving the physical expansion of our observable universe?

Someone please tell me I'm fucking crazy and ignorant... but also please tell me why I'm wrong and what basic physics I'm misunderstanding.

>> No.19369412

>height 0
I guess that for my theory to hold true, we'd need to redefine the concept of zero, at least as it applies to physics... or maybe a reimagining of zero to represent an abstraction from Planck length 1, which would be the closest to zero the universe could actually get.

I'm probably a gigantic crackpot.

>> No.19369498

is hard as fuck to quit alcohol when you are a doomer

>> No.19369501

Quit being a doomer first then.

>> No.19369522
File: 45 KB, 550x485, 1563052555990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever lose something, and you just KNOW about where it is, or at least should be, but you just cannot fucking find it? that's how i feel right now looking for an old 4chan post in an archive. i am going fucking NUTS looking for this shit right now.

>> No.19369529
File: 171 KB, 1242x1238, 6o84labw5d131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quit being a doomer first then.
how? by going outside?

>> No.19369538

>when you are a doomer
You are not "a doomer." You're a human being who's using a literal internet meme to justify your burgeoning alcoholism. It's much easier to say "haha im a doomer... woe is me..." than it is to admit that you're depressed or anxious or whatever issue it is you’re trying to escape by drinking alcohol. You're taking the easy way out while whining about how hard it is to strangers on the internet. Reconsider your life.

>> No.19369563
File: 377 KB, 528x536, 1620744478227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried using a different archive and found it in 2 seconds

>> No.19369586
File: 102 KB, 524x212, ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's much easier to say "haha im a doomer... woe is me..." than it is to admit that you're depressed or anxious or whatever issue it is you’re trying to escape by drinking alcohol
this is precisely why he should continue to be a doomer. people don't take the easy way cos they don't know any better, but because they know best

>> No.19369610

If you're in a dark cave, will light come to you if you sit around? No, you have to find it. Only then will you get out. Not saying you need to pull a 180 and become a bloomer, but if you wish to get out of your own predicament, you need to take active steps. No matter how small.

>> No.19369612

That an action is comparatively easy for a human being to execute versus another, harder action is of no consequence. If you're a doomer, you have a pessimistic outlook. If you're both a doomer and have an alcohol problem you want to address, the pessimistic attitude implied by identifying yourself as a doomer is preventing you from taking the action you'd like to take. Drinking is an easy, immediate solution to feeling bad, but it has a high probability of creating even worse outcomes down the line. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is no cosmic significance to any of it. It's just a question of what's going to make you happier in the long run, if that's what you want.

>> No.19369623
File: 37 KB, 282x430, 9789510452639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to bookdepository
>see category "books in finnish"
>this is the first book that pops up
Finland never disappoints

>> No.19369629
File: 164 KB, 858x161, ow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scorpion & the frog isn't it. either way
>Reconsider your life
is something no one should say to anyone

>> No.19369633
File: 33 KB, 282x430, 9789510338711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnish lit is based af
This author's protagonists are always either secret CIA agents or at one point meet a secret CIA agent that becomes their friend

>> No.19369807
File: 36 KB, 836x355, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i piss all over the cosmic pulse


>> No.19369832

help me complete 90 days no fap

>> No.19370123 [DELETED] 

i'm thinking about not submitting proof of vaccination and let my job fire me. i got vaxxed months ago, but i just think they're full of shit for having a mandate. all the upper management does is prattle on about diversity and inclusion, but the only openly anti-vax people at this place are pocs. if my t-poc coworker gets fired for not getting the jab i won't submit my vax passport out of solidarity. well, i probably will but i will literally wait until that obnoxious lady from hr has to personally track me down.

>> No.19370155

Jesus Christ, Son of God, my Savior, deliver me from the English department.

>> No.19370161

I hope I can find what I’m looking for in the military

>> No.19370170

What am I doing wrong with introspection? It doesnt give me any answers or insight.

>> No.19370187
File: 1.01 MB, 1971x2922, MV5BYTM0ZWNmZTUtOTVkZS00MTZiLTg3M2QtZjA0Y2RmOWM1NWEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hippies should've just waited until the 90s, that's when new age and fake-sincere shit really kicked off among the booj/middle class

>> No.19370218
File: 43 KB, 564x564, 1619845596604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so in love with my bf it's becoming sad

>> No.19370251


>> No.19370283
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 1 sturdy ol thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outside my window is a whole town that i could choose to explore; there are country fields beyond that.

>> No.19370481
File: 23 KB, 512x468, neutral_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to wear a mask everywhere I go, but I don't.

>> No.19370570

smoking everyday for 5 years has ruined me.

>> No.19370615

lots of people do that

>> No.19370617

i'm a little drunk right now so pardon my rambling;
i don't think i can ever deal with death. the one's i've lost despite the year being gone feels like yesterday. and i wish it wasn't the case. some say suffering builds character yet i feel stagnant. stuck even. weak and powerless. part of me is hopeful. hopeful that one day i'll look back at this moment and realize this just a passing moment in one's life. that i can and am capable of having the strength to keep on going. yet, there's another part of me. hopeless. that i'm stuck like this., a status quo of suffering and misery. that if i try to climb out i'll be kicked down. yet despite it all, i still want to try. maybe i'm just stubborn.
one day. i'll look back to this day.

>> No.19370635

bit worried myself about a few people in my life who could leave me in a state of total disrepair if something were to happen to them.

>> No.19370649

i've mostly accepted i'm gonna be alone in my life figuratively. i have a gut feeling i'm gonna die alone anyway.

>> No.19370885

Nah man. You get to a point of isolation where human contact becomes undesirable.

>> No.19370892

Get a job

>> No.19370901


>> No.19370910

You cant drink a gallon of milk?

>> No.19370929

get a job

>> No.19370986
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>> No.19371062

I want to read book. I know which one. I cant concentrate. I'm too tired.

>> No.19371127

Why everyone is so hurry to publish? To write for publishing ruins the writing. Why not write for writing? If it’s good, (it always is if done this way) then publish if it’s good for publishing (it always never isn’t if done this way)

>> No.19371145

Thirst for money. The pursuit of unsatisfactory desires. Samsara

>> No.19371153

most ppl see writing as a specialized, "high-skilled" job nowadays

>> No.19371195

most people. but not me (i say as i write my kpop fanfiction)

>> No.19371216

The Poland-Belarus situation is very interesting. I have no doubts that the refugees will enter the EU when all is said and done. This is becoming a strategy the nations which ring the EU have figured out to force the EU to obey them. Turkey, Morocco, Belarus, etc. all realize that refugees are an excellent weapon. Unless the EU begins enforcing a much harsher refugee policy, I think it’s days are numbered.

>> No.19371223

you cant buy a gallon of milk in uk

>> No.19371229


>> No.19371232

Doesnt it come in liters or something

>> No.19371369

yeah but the biggest is 2l (about 1/2 gallon)

>> No.19371381

Shut the fuck up. I didn't even read your post you stupid fucking greasy slimeball.

>> No.19371382

>few hundred migrants coming into a country of nearly 40 million people
it's over. evrope has fallen

>> No.19371393

Well I’m sure Belarus would like the sanctions lifted. EU ought to band together and shake off the US at some point. It is squarely their fault for all these refugees in the first place.

>> No.19371404
File: 43 KB, 720x720, FA3EF93A-F09C-4A0E-A2AB-4004CC156101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was two days ago, bitch. Stfu

>> No.19371415

>EU ought to band together
you love to see american takes on european politics

>> No.19371424
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pewpew ;3

>> No.19371432

As in split apart? FedEx-it? Hehe
I would, under certain circumstances.

>> No.19371451

beg pardon ?

>> No.19371483

I took the post as a question. What did you/it mean?

>> No.19371503
File: 89 KB, 676x1024, buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u read buk?

>> No.19371541

Thats really weird. Arent you situated next to one of the biggest dairy producers in the world? I would think you were drowning in milk

>> No.19371552

I like going to the woods behind my college to go see my fren squirrel. I always give him pieces of my sandwhich. I also pick up the trashes punks are leaving behind. I also feel sad that there is no board about the Pope who gives his name to the park. A famous and really good Pope. No mention at all.
Anyway I like muh little frens. I walk and call them and they come. Good little folks they are.

>> No.19371561


>> No.19371568

just that it was a stupid take. and that americans love doing this.

>> No.19371578

You’re a stupid take.
You seriously don’t know why there’s an immigration crisis?

>> No.19371579
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>> No.19371599


>> No.19371604

Not him. But there is an immigration problem :
1 those scums reproduce like rats. 2 they are quitters and do not want to fix their shithole. 3 jews are shilling them to invade Europe.

Simple as that trannieboy

>> No.19371620


>> No.19371645

the take that anon is talking about is >EU ought to band together

>> No.19371655

I'll wait for someone to open a new thread.

>> No.19371675

Don't? Don't what? Jews wish to replace europeans. To genocide them. And we have traitors that are rejoicing to harm their own group. Truly clownesque.

>> No.19371678

The WWOYM Thread War will resume again shortly. Remember to choose who you side with wisely and try to remain as calm and civil as possible.
Lets pray for a clean battle. Good luck brothers.

>> No.19371680

Squirrels are vermin

>> No.19371694

Not only to replace Europeans but also they wish to destroy their culture, their religion and their race.

>> No.19371705

i fucking love garlic so much.

>> No.19371709

10 more replies...
The war is starting...

>> No.19371742

study with me on youtube is so good. who /comfy/ study time?
there are a bunch of these. that asmr stuff was cringe but all these playlists are great for either reading or writng. finally zoomers have contributed to society.

>> No.19371749

>EU ought to band together
The EU needs to be broken up.

>> No.19371760

I caught a few day ban for trying to make a wwoym thread.

>> No.19371764

Its getting crazy.

>> No.19371774

you've gotta wait until it's bump limited and at least halfway down the catalog first

>> No.19371776

its a war. there are no rules.

>> No.19371782

Who against who ?

>> No.19371783

All I do is wake up, go to work, read during lunch, go home, get high, and write. Rinse, repeat.

>> No.19371785

you know thats never going to happen

>> No.19371791

why not?

>> No.19371818
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>> No.19371825

new thread

fuck you

>> No.19371910

you guys are PATHETIC.. get a grip

>> No.19372065

They’re banding themselves to the US’s coattails, mind reader.

Nation-states need to dissolve!

>> No.19373168

>tfw she will never shoot all my terrorist mates then trample me with those boots