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19358320 No.19358320 [Reply] [Original]

Battle City Arena edition

Previous Thread:

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19358331
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Threadly reminder to read The Second Apocalypse by R. Scott Bakker. Start with the Darkness that Comes Before.

>> No.19358333

Any good gladiator fantasy? I’m legitimately surprised there hasn’t been a market for it. Given that shit series like hunger games and it’s knock-offs are popular.

>> No.19358334
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>> No.19358340

Is Bakker ever getting back to writing?

>> No.19358360

>Start with the first book
as opposed to what?

>> No.19358363

just finished book of the new sun and I can't decide where to go from here. It was such a well written, dense book and I'm still digesting

suggestions where to go from fans of the series? Should I go for the next installment in the solar cycle? Urth of the new sun? or a palate cleanser before moving on with Long Sun

I have valis by PKD but I'm thinking of doing something less dense if it's not more Wolfe

>> No.19358368

Urth of the New Sun is direct continuation to Book of the New Sun and the story doesn't properly wrap up without it, so absolutely read Urth.

>> No.19358374

Reading a better series.

>> No.19358479

I've only read Triplanetary. Decent novel, but the protagonist was kind of a Gary Stu as it tended to be the case back in the day.

>> No.19358518

crash space, disciple of the dog etc

>> No.19358571

>>Start with the first book
>as opposed to what?
The darkness that comes before

>> No.19358603

you're becoming like the harry potter girls who only have one book to reference
Midnight Falcon by Gemmell, Twelve Kings in Sharakhai is gladiator protag but it doesn't focus on ring fighting.
There really isn't a lot probably because it's hard to tie to overall plots, even in scifi arena fighting plots always end in either sabotage or some reason to lose the final fight because telling a story of someone straight up winning a load isn't interesting

>> No.19358616

>sequel to the sabriel/abhorsen series just came out
really not sure if I want to return to YA I read like 15 years ago even if it was really good

>> No.19358674

is there any fantasy book with the following elements?
>a white male protagonist
>no social justice bullshit
>no bullshit romance
>a lot of killing and brutal fights
>not white/dark-good/evil-bullshit

>> No.19358686


>> No.19358690

prince of nothing

>> No.19358696

>because telling a story of someone straight up winning a load isn't interesting
Not him, but that’s wrong. I wouldn’t mind reading a fantasy story of a gladiator rising to the top in the arena.

>> No.19358738

is any romance bullshit romance or are some romances acceptable?
if you can stomach a bit of romance, the witcher and codex alera will work for you.
prince of nothing which that anon suggested fits your bill perfectly but it's incredibly cringe. it's more cringe than a hamfisted romance. i'm someone who never drops books but i dropped that one within 50 pages because it read like shadow the hedgehog.

>> No.19358751

>prince of nothing which that anon suggested fits your bill perfectly but it's incredibly cringe. it's more cringe than a hamfisted romance. i'm someone who never drops books but i dropped that one within 50 pages because it read like shadow the hedgehog.
wait ignore this, i had it wrong. i was thinking of the broken empire.
yeah prince of nothing is good, but it's sadly unfinished and will never be. bakker shill will tell you it's finished but it's really not.

>> No.19358770

how do i find that?
ok i will check it out.
thank you
>codex alera
read that also
>broken empire
yeah read that also
first book was amazing but the compunctions later on ruined it for me

>> No.19358772

Malice by John Gwynne.

>> No.19358774

Prince of Nothing is full of SJW shit: gay sex, cuckery, race mixing etc.

>> No.19358803

did you like codex alera? most people here shit on it and to be honest it's with good reason but i can't help but find it a fun and charming read

>> No.19358846

all 4 dying earth books by jack vance

>> No.19358847

i read all the books so you can say i enjoyed
but even so the plot with the bad evil as a kind of "daughter" is retarded
thank you

>> No.19358873
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>> No.19358879
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>> No.19358882

Malice is dogshit. Don't listen do this guy.

>> No.19358893

I finished the Prince of Nothing yesterday and none of that is true.
Why do you intentionally shit up the thread and keep spamming lies? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.19358895

He got fileted by Bakker.

Many such cases.

>> No.19358903

Its an excellent book and fits the description he mentioned pefectly as it hasnt good any SJW crap, grey flawed characters and the hero is a blonde white male. There isnt a single strong woman or non-white human character in the book.
If you want books with sex, minorities and strong females go read books by GRRM or Sanderson, Malice isnt for you.

>> No.19358907

Sanderson is unironically better than Gwynne.

>> No.19358913

now i have to jerk off and shower afterwards
i just wanted to read a book in peace

>> No.19358918
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>> No.19359004

definitely read Urth. Then cleanse your palate with something simpler (The Fractal Prince).

Then read The Long Sun books. Take a break, then The Short Sun.

I'm in the middle of In Green's Jungles and it is such a wonderful series!

>> No.19359011

This image is deeply disturbing. Why the pad? Why the shit-prose book. Why the awesome album?

>> No.19359058

Not my problem you got filtered.

>> No.19359070

You know those chapters in A Song of Ice and Fire from Sam or Danny's perspective? The ones that are way too long, where nothing happens, and where you don't care about any of the characters in it? Yeah. That's Malice.

>> No.19359090

Read them all. Deeply regretted the waste of time.

>> No.19359145

Why are Bakker fans hiding the fact that Prince of Nothing has gay sex and blacked influences?

>> No.19359150
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Weak bait mate.

>> No.19359160

He's right, though.

>> No.19359170

Read Malice if you like cheap and predictable Game of Thrones knock offs.

>> No.19359176
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Holy fucking shit. Bloodline has to be the most pointlessly stretched out book in the cradle series. I've been enjoying every single book right up until now. Everyone kept saying uncrowned was horrible but bloodline is way worse than that.

>> No.19359242

Literal WHO

>> No.19359255

Are you 12 or what?

>> No.19359264

Yes. The Second Apocalypse Series by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.19359265
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Of the 40ish books I've read so far this year, pic is the best one I've read. You should probably read it, too.

>zero magic setting that's basically the fall of the Roman empire with a few changes
>racial stuff but actively subverted from "fuck whitey" - the Romans are all racist blacks who enforce second class citizenship on "milk faces"
>narrative style is first person from a lovablish rogue that isn't insufferable to read
>limited use of tropes, usually cleverly subverted where you see them
>actually surprising twists without being rug-pulls

It's legitimately the first book published in the last 5 years I've really enjoyed, and I highly recommend it to anyone. It's not even terribly long - 375 pages, +/-.

>> No.19359277

Garth Nix is a giant basedboy, isn't he? I also enjoyed those books 15 years ago but don't know that I'd touch anything modern he puts out, too likely to ruin the memories.

I'm not even sure they were actually good books, just that I enjoyed them as a teen. I also liked the star wars prequels and the league of extraordinary gentlemen movie around that time, so my tastes were shit.

>> No.19359304

Thanks I might check it out...Any SJW agenda in it?

>> No.19359310

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19359314

this SCREAMS "le quirky britbong pophistory factoid sense of humor XDDD". i imagine it reads like garth ennis's crecy which can't possibly be entertaining for anyone outside of their teenage years.
tell me i'm wrong.

>> No.19359369

Because they don’t read the books.

>> No.19359423

why the fuck are you desperately trying to find ways to shit on stuff you don't know anything about
what a sad way to engage with books

>> No.19359434
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Simple as.

>> No.19359435

I find his greasy hair and skin problems relatable.

>> No.19359460

So he can find an excuse not to read it. Are you really that shock by this?

>> No.19359468

do you uncritically decide to read every single book you find out about? retards? or do you have some sort of way to determine whether you want to read a book or not?

>> No.19359525

You didn’t have to be a bitch about it though

>> No.19359541

i left you an opening to tell me i'm wrong about it, what more do you want

>> No.19359559

you to stop shitting up the thread entirely would be nice

>> No.19359563

do you think i'm some specific poster you have a vendetta against?

>> No.19359728

Do you think only one poster is annoyed by you

>> No.19359790

of course not, when i made my post i got two replies so that's more than one poster right there.
but i still haven't seen one response that's actually about the book though, just this gay feminine catty shit. did either of you actually read the book in question? i'm starting to have my doubts

>> No.19359871

i get that you've got a fetish, but man, take it somewhere else. the rest of us don't want to live in your delusional world.

as someone else has mentioned, you're becoming the harry potter fans of grimdark

>> No.19359884


>> No.19359936

what about his next series Of Blood and Bone? is it any good?

>> No.19359978

What the fuck is E William Brown doing?
We ain't seeing shit from him.
Fucking pay piggies is letting him live the good life without publishing shit.

>> No.19359980

Then stop paying his patreon and shitting up the thread already.

>> No.19359987

I am not one of the pay piggies. I just want his books, not a chapter a month at 5 bucks a months.

>> No.19360005

That's even more pathetic.

>> No.19360008

Havent read it mate, ive only read the Faithful and the Fallen series.

>> No.19360022

Writing is labor. Complaining about a writer getting paid to work at their own pace especially when they’re consistently creating is real stupid. Get a life.

>> No.19360069
File: 185 KB, 620x769, FC3A0E80-3A68-4FC6-978B-A2BF4A77CCF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is modern equivalent of Wheel of Time in 2021? No Sanderson please

>> No.19360075

One Piece.

>> No.19360076

i will not read books with sj(w), a poltiical agenda, gay romance or with a typical good-bad story.
every book that has these elements in it are a waste of time
thank you will check it out

>> No.19360079

fun is not allowed in 2021

>> No.19360081

Some self-publish book you won't ever read since its not traditionally publish.

>> No.19360083

I will. Name it.

>> No.19360092

Not that I noticed.

Well it's not actually history for one, and also doesn't ever reference real events, it's just loosely a setting that can be described as "fall of Rome with the names crossed out". It's not particularly funny so much as clever and written in a manner that makes the narrator feel like a plausible, cynical real person.

I read it and The Buried Giant back to back and enjoyed this one more. Maybe I'm a midwit, but it's a book I liked for the reasons originally stated, and one I haven't seen discussed before, so wanted to share it with an audience I suspected would largely enjoy it. Go read Moby Dick again and fuck off.

>> No.19360095

why are you not reading chinese material arts novels?

>> No.19360110

because it's poorly written wish fulfillment schlock

>> No.19360122

>Wheel of Time
is this actually good?

>> No.19360124

Because I'm reading a Chinese sci-fi novel (Death's End)

>> No.19360128

It's 10,000 pages long, which should answer you question (no).

>> No.19360136

Anyone else read pic related?

Absolutely the weirdest book I've ever read. It has everything: good vs evil, subverted tropes, military humor, vivid cannibalism, public bdsm, Flight of the Valkyries, LOTR references, graphic sex scenes, aliens, 40k style orks, Tolkien orcs, multidimensional war, and communism.

It was just entertaining enough I never quit reading but at the end all I can say is, what the fuck did I read.


>> No.19360139
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Forgot the pic like a retard.

>> No.19360145

No, but it is comfy

And it is last series before "edge" era (like GOT)

>> No.19360154
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>protagonist gets cucked
>instead of just moving on he just continues to cry and beg the whore princess to be with him even after she continues to mock him over the fact that she fucked the villain
Man that's pathetic.

>> No.19360157

>No, but it is comfy
seconding this. if you have plenty of time to read, are under 30 and not jaded and cynical you just might like it.
i miss reading the series a lot but i probably won't ever read it again if that makes any sense.

>> No.19360160

>>protagonist gets cucked
Glad to know this so that I never read these books. Much appreciated.

>> No.19360165

what do you mean with "edge"?
also how is the social justice/political agenda-level in this series?
is it like in the new amazon show?
but long doesn't mean bad or?
actually i am almost 30 and pretty much jaded and cynical

>> No.19360194

it's a bit childish and good-spirited and it does meander for a long time down the middle but manages to recover well enough with some exceptions. i don't know if you're not too old to enjoy it already though. i guess if you have a lot of time to read.
there's no social justice crap, but you do have women being annoying. a lot of the time they'll think they know better and be proven wrong though

>> No.19360196

To be fair she was manipulated into fucking the guy albeit in a very retarded way but at the end of the day she was retarded enough to go along with it. After that even she wanted the protagonist to move on hence why she kept bringing it and rubbing it in his face up in hopes that he'd finally have enough and move on. But he doesn't and white knights her entire existence until they end up together. This is on top of the fact that she's an already insufferable character even before this stuff. It's genuinely pathetic and even makes Kvothe's massive simping of Denna in Kingkiller look tame in comparison.

>> No.19360198

>but long doesn't mean bad or?
It does. No story that long is worth reading. It means the author has no restraint or ability to control his craft. Even in Search of Lost Time is only 4,000 pages, and Jordan is no fucking Proust.

>> No.19360202

So that's a definite yes to being underage. Literally afraid of book cooties.

>> No.19360209

I didn't even reach that part because Simon was such a fucking retard that his antics alone killed my interest in continuing this series. I'm genuinely not surprised he got cucked.

>> No.19360211

will read the prince of nothing-trilogy first and after that i give this series a try
you have a point i guess

>> No.19360241

It's horrible, unironically.

>> No.19360244

Are there any western isekai worth reading?

>> No.19360249


>> No.19360261

>western isekai
You mean LitRPGs? Because that what the genre is. Though the LitRPG fad died as quickly as it came.

>> No.19360267

Yeah, I meant them

>> No.19360322

how do you guys find the time to read?
i can't stop lurking

>> No.19360329

Does Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court count?

>> No.19360337

Stop lurking start reading. Literally just flip from your browser to a reader app.

Also, just do some here and there. If you've got downtime at your job (you do work a desk job, right anon?), or on the shitter, or riding the train, or before going to bed, read a bit.

>> No.19360338

just read on the can and before going to bed

>> No.19360339
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If you do not cease and desist forthwith and post-haste, you are rapidly going to become the subject of the "No!" copypasta.

>> No.19360346

>(you do work a desk job, right anon?
no actually i am a production helper
i really have to establish a routine

>> No.19360350

That is nowhere near the worst part of that series, in fact it is literally the last thing on my list of complaints. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is possibly the worst case of missed potential in a fantasy "epic" ever.

>> No.19360360

Ignore him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

>> No.19360377

Read when you can I also listen to audio books on my commute.

>> No.19360394

There is, in order of my perceived quality thereof, from best to least good:
>Three Hearts and Three Lions - Poul Anderson
>The Song of Albion trilogy (I haven't finished this trilogy yet, I just started this week) - Stephen R. Lawhead
>John Carter of Mars (first three books) - Edgar Rice Burroughs
>Minerva Wakes - Holly Lisle
>Magic Kingdom for Sale / Sold! - Terry Brooks
>The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum
>The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
There are also several others that I have on my reading list that I haven't gotten around to, like Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight duet, The Dragon Knight series by Gordon R. Dickson (this had a Rankin-Bass animated movie made out of it called Flight of Dragons) and the Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Of course it does, but it's shit (not that guy btw)

>> No.19360408

Bloodline makes sense. It's a logical conclusion to what would happen if someone like Lindon went home and tried to help the people of his homeland, who were already established as being complete irremediable shits and only knew him when he was a shitty guy bucking their rules and beating up eight year olds to prove a point. It's not a fun read, though.

>> No.19360430

I have been reading approximately 1 hour every night before bed since February. In that span of time I have read the rough equivalent of 12 King James Bibles' worth of literature (of which I have thrown away about 1/3 for being trash), and for that matter I need to get my hands on a Wycliffe or Douay-Rheims bible to see how long it takes me to get through the real deal.

>> No.19360481

prince of nothing
the first law series
gay rape isn't portrayed as a good thing(in universe) unlike in todays zeitgeist
is it anything like his house of swords books because those were the worse thing i've ever read. every fucking character that the same quippy personality that can't take anything seriously and just has to get the last word in. cunt writes like someone who's the archetype redditor mcu fanboy, makes sanderson look like tolkien
just finished the 2nd book, very good
>this SCREAMS "le quirky britbong pophistory factoid sense of humor XDDD"
this is accurate, still good in spite of it

>> No.19360508

The Belgariad isn't modern but it has the same comfy feel

>> No.19360564

i've read all theses, cant remember a single thing about them
>is it like in the new amazon show?
lol fuck no, the show runner is a retard and they've changed a ton of stuff that fucks the entire world up. retards thing its somehow pro-feminist because the magic system is gendered but the whole point of the series is women have fucked everything up and must work together with men
same, 1hr commute each way and doing stuff around the house i get about 3hr a day at x1.1 speed, 71 books this year so far

>> No.19360572

Mutts law

>> No.19360582

ALLEN STEELE • Sanctuary
CAITLÍN R. KIERNAN • Vile Affections
CAT RAMBO • You Sexy Thing
CHARLIE JANE ANDERS • Even Greater Mistakes
DARCIE LITTLE BADGER • A Snake Falls to Earth
DAVID FARLAND, ED. • L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 37
DIANA GABALDON • Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone
ELLEN DATLOW, ED. • The Best Horror of the Year • Volume Thirteen
ERIC BROWN • Enigma (with Keith Brooke)
EUGEN BACON • Danged Black Thing
FONDA LEE • Jade Legacy
GARTH NIX • Terciel and Elinor
GREG KEYES • Realms of the Deathless
IAN DOUGLAS • Alien Hostiles
IAN McDONALD • Mars Stories
IAN McDONALD • The Locomotives’ Graveyard
IAN WHATES, ed. • Burning Brightly: Celebrating 50 Years of Novacon
JAMES S.A. COREY • Leviathan Falls
JANE YOLEN • Arch of Bone
JOE R. LANSDALE • Radiant Apples
JOHN LANGAN • Corpsemouth and Other Autobiographies
KEN LIU • The Veiled Throne
KEN MacLEOD • Beyond the Hallowed Sky
KIM NEWMAN • Something More Than Night
MARSHALL RYAN MARESCA • A Constabulary of One
MICHAEL BISHOP • A Few Last Words for the Late Immortals
NEAL STEPHENSON • Termination Shock
NICK MAMATAS • The Second Shooter
STEVE RASNIC TEM • Thanatrauma
STEVEN ERIKSON • The God Is Not Willing
TAD WILLIAMS • Brothers of the Wind
TOBIAS S. BUCKELL • Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories
XUETING CHRISTINE NI • Sinopticon: New Chinese Science Fiction

>> No.19360592

Any more backstory to why chorae just salt mages ?
>Tfw read bakker
>And all of Malazan


>> No.19360623

What are the other complaints? I always see this series recommended. I don't care for spoilers since I'm not planning to read it.

>> No.19360652

Don't be that guy. Just say "isn't that cuckshit?" and move on. No reason to pretend you read bad genre fiction to strangers on the Internet.

>> No.19360755

Conqueror on conquered and alien rape aren't really the same thing though. That and its a blond gnostic gigachad that does all the cucking of the swarthy browoid.

>> No.19360893
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>writes a fantasy where the big twist is that it was all black people all along
>realize she hates black men and spends the entire last book emasculating them

>> No.19360899

I don't read racist writers.

>> No.19360934

>the first law series
>no sjw
Ehh debatable. Still miles better than any subversion XD fuck whitey books, tho

>> No.19360944

It's funny, aside the more I read from her and her interviews the more of a horrible piece of shit I think she was.
Like really the primordial twitter type.

>> No.19360957

It's a good saga. Start with the first 3 and if it's not floating your boat drop it

>> No.19360962

What is this?

>> No.19360963

Pretty much everything from the pulps through fritz leiber & jack vance.

>> No.19360986

The writer has a habit of not actually telling you the motivations for anybody, or indeed, what exactly they're trying to accomplish. The entire series is over and done with, the villain "defeated", without you ever learning the reason they wanted to plunge the world into eternal darkness and destruction and rule over ashes for.
Any time somebody tries to talk about it, they're killed off by the author before they can spill the beans and actually tell you what the plot is about.
The level of sadism borders on Game of Thrones but not quite as explicit.
The heroes don't actually accomplish anything, all of the antagonists basically just self-destruct for no reason, a lot like Bois-Guilbert in Ivanhoe but even more anticlimactically, and none of it is ever explained.
The author also seems to try very hard to go out of his way to subvert various tropes but doesn't actually make use out of any of the subversions, it's just a "hey look at this, I'm so quirky and different!" and then pretty much forgets about it, excepting the very 10 pages of the 4000 page series that reveals the hero Simon was actually the long lost descendant of the greatest king in history and therefore becomes king because he happened to be present at the defeat of the bad guys, but didn't actually participate in the defeat of the bad guys (because, indeed, none of the heroes actually compassed the death of the bad guys, who, as I said previously, got rid of themselves).

It is unspeakably disappointing.

>> No.19360992
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>doesn't like Mark Twain

>> No.19360993

Le Guin's Earthsea.
It's a generic and honestly not that good fantasy series, she made a big deal of how the protag is secretly more like a red-indian/black in skintone than us evil whiteys who ought to be demographically replaced. (and that's more or less how she phrased it when she talked about it in her interviews)
Except later she became even more of a feminazi than she already was (realize this is a woman who was bitching about "white male privilege" back in the 70s and hardly ever stepped out of the whitest areas of Portland) and made a followup book called Tehanu where she made the old male mc lose all his powers, whine a whole bunch and get stomped all over by the new feminist caricature heroine.
It's like something contextualized out of one of Tariq Nasheed's fever dreams.

>> No.19361013
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>> No.19361015

the second trilogy is redpilled on commie revolutionaries

>> No.19361022

Mark Twain is the George Carlin of the 19th century, a salty egotistical cynical prick who hates fun and enjoyment and tries to subvert everything good with his American Evangelical progressivist "end-of-history" brand of misanthropy. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court was written as a scathing satire of historical and genre fiction like Ivanhoe, which he despised, as "backwards", along with everything before the Italian Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation. To read Mark Twain is to despise history and fantasy. He is the prototypical subversive twitter SJW who turns Star Wars into edgy post-modernist garbage.

Fuck Mark Twain. He died alone and unhappy and good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

>> No.19361051
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Pic related is good.

>> No.19361056

Why don't you literally go read some sjw gay sex novels that you're so defensive about. Literally.

>> No.19361067
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Are the other Ender books worth the read? Or is it a Dune situation where the first one is great, the rest of Frank's stuff is of varying quality, and everything after him is trash?

>> No.19361070

Speaker for the Dead is supposedly better than the first one. I've never heard a word breathed about any of the other books, though.

>> No.19361074

No it isn't. The Prince and the Pauper is, however.

>> No.19361104

I disliked the first book (partially because it has little going for it outside of the twist and i've seen latecomers do it better) but Speaker was pretty decent.
Didn't bother with the rest of the series though.

>> No.19361107

Iron Prince is Cradle meets Ender's Game and That's A Good Thing.

>> No.19361123

yes. even the 2nd formic war books that aren't written by osc are good(they're about asteroid mining families and chinks getting liquidised by bugs), i've read them all and they're all pretty good

>> No.19361144

never read any of her books but since she's the only female sci Fi author I know, ofc it's Ursula le guin.

>> No.19361147

Thanks, I'll at least give the first two a chance, in that case.

>> No.19361148

How is this racist? It's opposite.

>> No.19361149
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, jrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any western books that have JRPG feeling? Please no Sanderson

>> No.19361182


>> No.19361183

Aside from the fact that she was genuinely racist against whites in that "I'm totally much better than other whites who are actually evil and ought to be destroyed as a people but I also would never in a million years move out of my demographically white area" twitter way, Tehanu wouldn't fly under modern prog standards.
She effectively wrote an entire book about emasculating the heroic minority.

>> No.19361198

Belgarion I guess?

>> No.19361203

>"I'm totally much better than other whites who are actually evil and ought to be destroyed as a people but I also would never in a million years move out of my demographically white area"
Where did she say that?

>> No.19361205

>it has little going for it outside of the twist
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ender's Game. The science is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the concepts will go over a typical reader's head.

most people have been conditioned to believe instantaneous communication and ftl is ubiquitous to scifi so the plot twist that it actually is, is completely missed. its akin to placing a red herring that the butler did it and then revealing that he actually did! just not how it was foreshadowed.

>> No.19361243

Pretty much everytime she opened her mouth about Earthsea it was to whine about "honkys", how whites wouldn't even exist in the future and that it was sickening that north european whites would write about their own people as if they would.
A completely mind-addled american in every sense of the word and living proof that the twitter crowd's beliefs didn't just start yesterday.

As for where she lived, she and her husband settled in Portland when it was 98% white and it was 92% white throughout most of her lifetime.
She couldn't have been more of as stereotypical shittalker if she had moved to Portland Maine instead of Portland Oregon.

>> No.19361281

What are the standards for "JRPG feeling"? The only JRPGs I've ever played are Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon Red/Blue and I don't think those are particularly good examples of the genre as a whole, let alone of literature.

>> No.19361325

wheel of time
The Licanius Trilogy
prince of nothing (unironically kind of)
group of adventures fighting against a big bad evil that usually turns out to be some kind of god? characters that aren't just randomners but have a personal connection to the plot i.e fate

>> No.19361344

>group of adventures fighting against a big bad evil that usually turns out to be some kind of god? characters that aren't just randomners but have a personal connection to the plot i.e fate
So basically any epic fantasy that's played straight? That covers everything from Tolkien to Prydain to the Iliad

>> No.19361395

Not quoted but i'd characterize it as:
Straight fantasy & worldbuilding, no real subversion intent.
There are LIKEABLE companions who end up joining up with the Hero.
They travel all over the place, see exotic lands, fight monsters, deal with local (often supernatural evil) problems in the vignettes, generally leave places better off than when they entered them.
Usually crowned off with some evil wizard/demon lord/alien entity/tokusatsu bad guy/big bad they fight off.
There may be minor twists like one companion being a traitor or organizations being in the thrall of the big bad but overall it's not conducive to bleakness and nihilistic horseshit. (one example is the meme of a stand-in Catholic Church being evil but the most iconic JRPG series Dragon Quest practically universally portrays it as Good and always portrays God as supremely Good with a capital G)

Obviously there are gaps in there where character arcs and depth of problems dealt with come in (DQ7 notably deals with traditions corrupted and gone overboard -> complete abandonment of traditions in favor of crass moneychasing above all else -> a return to a more balanced moderate life),and so on but that's the most base requirements of the JRPG feel in my mind.
A Hero, a Likeable Heroic Party, World Travel, Vignettes, Improving the State of Things with your actions and ultimately a satisfying climax against a Universal Foe.

>> No.19361405

frodo wasn't destined to destroy the ring unlike say rand al thor who is the reincarnation of the dragon
>the Iliad
that was sacking a city not fighting against the embodiment of evil

>> No.19361406


>> No.19361418

JRPGs are a derivation of proper RPGs which are a derivation of fantasy. So literally any book that belongs here fits your request.

>> No.19361423

>paraphrasing greentext of what he claims are her views
>nowt a real quote!!1
What are you a jpfag?

>> No.19361441

Nice explanation
So can anybody recommend me books like that?

>> No.19361443

But Gollum and Frodo were both destined to fall to the power of the Ring at the last moment
Also, are you seriously arguing that a war caused by the Greek gods, between the Greek gods, doesn't fulfil your previous criteria? If so, you need to readjust your requirements.

Literally anything by Tolkien, Lewis, or Eddings fulfil those requirements. There's Urshurak, if you can somehow get a hold of a copy. As I said before, Chronicles of Prydain is apt as well. I haven't read them (yet) but the Dragonlance and Shannara series seem to be this, and of course there's Wheel of Time which everyone keeps repeating. A lot of the Star Wars novels fit the criteria too, or at least the better ones do, but that's within a science fiction framing, I don't know if the original poster who wanted "JRPG" style settings was including scifi in his purview or just medieval fantasy.

>> No.19361451

I want to add that there is rarely pure medieval setting in JRPGs - there are always machines in some sort. So it is really technofantasy.

>> No.19361458

Not really. JRPGs are generally in the vein of Basic D&D Fantasy and the zeitgeist of that era.
Heavily influenced by pulp but still influenced by children's lit, unhindered by Tolkien puritanism and yet devoid of the western fascination with unbearable snark as a stand-in for personality, retarded stronk womyn caricatures and the recent addition of modern edgefagging and unthinking nihilism to the mix.
I'd say it's actually fairly hard to find something apporpriate outside of the japanese's own books like Lodoss and Guin Saga.
It's more reminiscent of what kids who grew up playing D&D in the 70s and 80s were into without all of the "Real Literature™" cruft.

>> No.19361469

Where do you faggets get your ear books from?
IRC? That book bay place don't have the books I'm looking for. Nor do the privates.

>> No.19361490

The Belgariad and to a lesser extent The Malloreon.
Cliches, some weak parts aside and a bit of snarky women aside it fits it decently.

>> No.19361539
File: 105 KB, 1000x834, Jabba-the-Hutt-Fan-Art-Bounty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books with this aesthetic?

>> No.19361543

jpgs degenerated into their own thing entirely, they are not close to the dnd of yore at all.

>> No.19361545

Libgen mainly. I also don't read much new releases outside of webnovels since modern english stuff makes me sick.

>> No.19361551

I was on /co/ the other day and someone posted an excerpt from Tales From Jabba's Palace where Boba Fett says that sex before marriage is immoral.

>> No.19361553

Dragon Quest is practically the same as the day it released.
Most of the shitty stuff doesn't really touch the games themselves and just end up as LitRPG light novels.

>> No.19361566

ASOIAF if you consider Ned/Jon/Tyrion to be the protagonists

>> No.19361577

It's really not positive at all or about Rand's effects on his surroundings for like 9 out of 11 novels though.

>> No.19361590

Thats Wheel of Time YOU DOLT. ASOIAF is A Song of Ice and Fire aka Game of Thrones

>> No.19361599

Ah fuck a bit tired and both read it wrong and though the quote context was different. nvm.

>> No.19361611

All good, its not often I can use the word dolt

>> No.19361629

Libgen doesn't do eardrum books, friend. Just text.

>> No.19361634

An interesting topic when fantasy from pulp adventures of heroes turned into a pretentious genre for women. And is it because of toklien, because he wrote books in the middle of the last century

>> No.19361650

I'd say the shift started in the 80s/90s but wasn't really fully taken over until the last 10-15 years or so.

>> No.19361662

>why are you not reading chinese material arts novels?
I'm interested, recommend some.

>> No.19361675

Unironically? Interesting. I heard it had some pretty bad le feminist takes in it but still bought the first book

>> No.19361708

Epic fantasy with the JRPG aesthetic, which is just 80s & 90s fantasy.

>> No.19361794

Nayrt but I could drop a ton of recommends there.
They have a few favored genres like Wuxia (powerful martial mortals and relatively down to earth fantasy), Xianxia (from mortals to powerful martial wizards/gods with varied fantasy), what they call the Infinity genre (literally just one of the aforementioned travelling through multiple worlds every few chapters, often rightout ripping off other IPs like Resident Evil or the Pirates of the Carribean or stuff like that), bunch of typical WN stuff like VRMMO that are not really MMO isekais, mixes of the aforementioned genres with offbeat genres and powers (for example one is not-victorian london with lovecraftian entities), and a bunch of subgenres like "runs an overpowered store in a fantasy world selling modern stuff with hidden martial benefits" (examples include cooking, videogames among others), down to rightout trashy but fun system novels where the protag has somehow gotten an X system that will reward him with powers of some kind for fulfilling misisons (which might be comedic or serious).
What's mildly interesting is that while you get a ton of copycat novels (because some of these are written for a living and to cash-in on trends) some of them are actually good despite starting out as copies.

Wuxia and Xianxia are obviously the most standard genres but I definitely read more of the later than the former. For Wuxia there's even properly published stuff like Jin Yong's releases. (well arguably the same with Xianxia considering the Fengshen Bang and Journey to the West)
I'd recommend looking up authors like Er Gen, Fang Xiang, IEatTomates, Wang Yu, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, Kinoshita Nakui, Cold Glamor, Legend of the Paladin, Gu Zhen Ren, The Leaf That Goes Against Water, Goose Five, Chen Dong, Pig Nerd, The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow, Qi Peijia, Huangfu Qi.
That's just a few. There's honestly hundreds of others and some are obviously more likely to cater to your tastes in terms of the protags, the worldbuilding, the level of power wanking etc.

>> No.19361823

I tried Ze Tian Ji aka Way of Choices and enjoyed it a lot. Not a power wank fantasy at all and way better prose than I expected from a web novel, let a lone a fan translated one. Anything with a similar feel that's not from the same author?

>> No.19361863

Ze Tian Ji is probably on the lowest end of powerwanking you'll find since it actively avoids a lot of genre staples. One of his other books Nightfall is a bit more close to what you'd expect of the rest.
I guess you could get something approaching that out of Grandmaster Strategist, A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality, World of Cultivation or I Shall Seal the Heavens depending on your tastes. None are quite as literary in tone (though Er Gen does love to quote actual daoist stuff every now and then) but they're definitely not bad.

>> No.19361898

Minus the pad.. fuckin based. I listened to The Ruins of Beverast throughout while reading Bakker.

>> No.19361913

I'm pretty sure she only posted the pad because someone asked her if she was a tranny.

>> No.19361977

If anything that makes me more likely to think it's a troon.

>> No.19362067

Conan the Barbarian

>> No.19362078

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.19362140

I've literally given up on writing my fantasy novel magnum opus series and switched to devving a solo RPG instead. It's actually coming along well given it's my first game. Feels good bros, knowing millions of people could potentially play my game, compared to the literal three digit numbers that might read my books.

>> No.19362144

Mistakenly Saving the Villain

>> No.19362147

back to >>>/v/

>> No.19362370

>Feels good bros, knowing millions of people could potentially play my game,
Is this some sort of cope?

>> No.19362416

Priest of Bones

>> No.19362473

Malice by John Gwynne.

>> No.19362484

I went back and found myself enjoying the original trilogy again.
Clariel was fun, if just for the extended world building, but it had some very low points.
I found Goldenhand forgettable.
My mother just gifted me the new one, so I'm sure I'll read it at some point. I don't have high hopes.

>> No.19362582

>My mother just gifted me the new one,
Your mother gifts you books?

>> No.19362595

Yeah, she did it a lot when I was young.
Sabriel was one of the first series I really enjoyed, she did too, I think that's why she keeps sending me the new ones. It is probably the only reason I've read them.

>> No.19362611

Neat, which more mothers do that.

>> No.19362617

Is this really good? Why is it suddenly being shilled here so often? Looks like generic vikings fanfic tier

>> No.19362670

A single dedicated poster can do a lot here.

>> No.19362682

>Is this really good?
Yeah, you should give it a try, you won't regret it.

>> No.19362683


>> No.19362724

I"m finishing up the Assassin's Apprentice trilogy currently on chapter 38 of Assassin's Quest and am wondering why the author is such a sadist against Fitz Chivalry he exists to suffer.

>> No.19362777

wait a few months, reread the series then immediately read Urth

>> No.19362801

book 3
>wizard uses spirit bomb to stop the rich jews in the american government
>'this is going to destroy my magic powers though'
book 4
>wizard has no magic powers

Tehanu is an annoying, self-indulgent book, but le Guin was no feminist and you're one of the two categories of retard it was intended to trigger.

>> No.19362808

Describe what you like about your favorite book, while also trying to conceal what book is it.

>> No.19362846

Why would we do that?

>> No.19362901

Adversity builds character.

>> No.19362921

I just started book 9 and got to the kidnapping arc in Wheel of Time. Please tell me it ends soon. I can't tell if I'm more pissed that it's fucking irrelevant or that Faile gets so many POVs while Aviendha has had one (1) so far in all the books. Please tell me it doesn't stretch to book 10.

>> No.19362930

The Slog... it begins.

>> No.19362945


>> No.19363016

Why are you reading if you hate to read?

>> No.19363047

>prefering to read some things more than others means you hate to read
/sffg/ making high IQ posts as usual

>> No.19363066

Answer the question, anon.

>> No.19363088

>Assassin's Apprentice trilogy
Surprised people here read it, considering how often they use any and all excuse to not read.

>> No.19363095
File: 21 KB, 700x700, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the Farseer trilogy.

>> No.19363100

name fifteen excuses I've used to not read a book, other than female author, gay or minority characters, or they as a singular personal pronoun

>> No.19363117

>other than female author, gay or minority characters, or they as a singular personal pronoun
Just say you don't read, I'll respect your honesty.

>> No.19363137

Why do people hate Robin Hobb again?

>> No.19363138

> Looks like generic vikings fanfic tier
I thought so too from the cover, however I was pleasantly surprised that its not after reading the whole series over a month. Its a solid 8.5/10 series that feels like it was written 20 years ago (before woke culture and SJW etc.). Id recommend it if youre a fan of fantasy.

>> No.19363141

Shes a woman and is obsessed with cuckery.

>> No.19363144

Fitz gets cucked by the guy who raised him

>> No.19363148

People here don't read her and just believe all the bullshit other anons say.

>> No.19363151

Excessively depressing suffering porn, that refuses to have any highs to offset it.

>> No.19363174

So are some other authors, what makes Hobb unique?

>> No.19363180

Don't read them either

>> No.19363192

That's fair.

>> No.19363209
File: 2.64 MB, 3500x3500, :sffg: approved books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to update this chart. It’s outdated.

>> No.19363223

How many of these have been written by anons of /sffg/?

>> No.19363225

People here don't write.

>> No.19363227

I only read fantasy scifi and make philfags seeth anons

>> No.19363231

only the good ones

>> No.19363286

Literally none.

>> No.19363293

Orconomics seems neat, has anyone read that?

>> No.19363305

Read it awhile back. I thought it was pretty bad but remember very little of it.

>> No.19363309

What about all system red?

>> No.19363317

Never read it. But I've been meaning to.

>> No.19363321

It's alright but not self-published.

>> No.19363344

Otherlife seems good same with that Super sales.

>> No.19363350

Just buy the coomer books. It’s what many people here do.

>> No.19363351

Do any of these authors even ear a profit from this?

>> No.19363369

This is your brain on anti-white "woke" ideology.

>> No.19363376

The first 6 books in WOT are a fun read, the last book is suprisingly better than books 7 to 13, despite Sanderon doing the writing here. I think Jordan left enough material for Sanderson to work on in that final extremely long last chapter in book 14. If youre on book 9 id continue, youve almost passed the low-point of the series.

>> No.19363377

As I open a PKD novel, I ask:
>”what the fuck is Phenmatrzine Hydrochloride?”

>> No.19363389

It's a stimulant drug that was previously used as an appetite suppressant

>> No.19363390

it's like a sitcom that has too many seasons, it was just a way for him to write and make money, the actual content of the book doesn't matter because all the current readers have stockholm syndrome and lure in other readers like crack addicts.

>> No.19363404

Ah thanks. I did look it up but just thought it was a funny occurrence. I like the paranoia already in the work about high IQ men rigging everything. I’ll read on.

>> No.19363441

There's a lot of Arand on here. I bet he made this image

>> No.19363455

I've heard the same before and I had no plans to drop it despite the slog. I enjoyed it all up to this point and still like the characters and interactions, even if wolf and falcon are my least favorite. Glad to hear I'm approaching an upswing though

>> No.19363479

Nah, someone else did.

>> No.19363513

>Kellhus let Leweth behind
What an ass

>> No.19363517

Tales From Jabba's Palace

>> No.19363524

Is Redwall a good series for children? Trying to gift my nephew something to read.

>> No.19363531

Redwall is timeless classic that you should get for him.

>> No.19363546

>le guin was no feminist
Her entire raison d'être for writing Tehanu was shitting on how she wrote women in the earlier books. She wasn't shy about this and outright said as much.

>> No.19363550

Full of fujo-tier faggotry, misery porn and has no wortwhile story to offset it.

>> No.19363553

But how does that make her a feminist?

>> No.19363555

Yes! Redwall is excellent for boys between 10-15.

>> No.19363562
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> defending a woman writer.

>> No.19363568

>disavowing her earlier work in order to write feminist tirades
>how does this make her a feminist

>> No.19363599

>No argument

>> No.19363617

Any fantasy novel of science fiction novel that has a psychological leaning to it?

>> No.19363632

You ain't seen nothing yet.
I completely disagree. The last battle was boring as hell. It went on for WAY too long and I'm not a fan of Sanderson's battles.

>> No.19363639

book full of sociopaths or what?

>> No.19363641

Edgy teenage shit. So, yes.

>> No.19363658

God, I wish more books were psychological. Been reading a few, and I like it a lot.

>> No.19363689
File: 970 KB, 786x1152, Catcher in the Rye Japanese version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do like psychological novels, its an anathema to fantasy and science fiction novels. Since it emphasizes interior characterization and motivation to explore the spiritual, emotional, and mental lives of the characters.

>> No.19363707

I wouldn’t go that far and say it’s incompatible with one another. That’s something that can be done in fantasy and in science fiction novels, the problem, however, is that the readers won’t have any interest in reading it. Especially when you face classics like the brother karamazov, crime and punishment, etc.

>> No.19363718

Recommend me a coomer book.

>> No.19363719

Redwall is way too violent. Why not recommend him something more tamer?

>> No.19363727
File: 39 KB, 302x500, M.A.G.I Hunters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M.A.G.I Hunters 1: A Bounty Hunter Fantasy Series (M.A.G.I. Hunters)

>> No.19363740

Do these type of books sell well?

>> No.19363749

Try the worship series by Frank Herbert.

>> No.19363768

>Frank Herbert.
Tried reading Dune and I found it horrible.

>> No.19363779

Must be since M.A.G.I Hunters is #41 in Magic Games, #59 in Mage Gaming, #95 in Alternative History.

>> No.19363806

Jesus, all within the top 100.

>> No.19363814
File: 895 KB, 822x1080, 1635065255649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redwall is [...] violent

>> No.19363821

It's an extremely lucrative business.

>> No.19363822

Harry Potter.

>> No.19363832

I can see why self-publishing took off. It cuts off the middle man.

>> No.19363844

It removes the gate keeping aspect which is good the problem is filtering through all the trash.

>> No.19363863
File: 52 KB, 353x500, War God for Hire Mercenary A Reincarnation, Cultivation, Litrpg Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buy coomer shit. It's enjoyable.

>> No.19363870

> cartoonish animals killing each other
> too violent
Lemme guess..You grew up without a dad to take you hunting and fishing?

>> No.19363872

You should make a chart

>> No.19363889
File: 33 KB, 312x500, The Alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think people here would want a male power fantasy chart.

>> No.19363910

I can see why this is profitable. It just appeals to the male ego.

>> No.19363915
File: 36 KB, 313x500, Demon's Throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly beats what published today, besides, if given a choice, I'll rather buy these type of books.

>> No.19363923

Has anyone on /sffg/ self-publish anything?

>> No.19363930

As if the majority of books published today aren't written to appeal to the female ego?

>> No.19363933

Those books at least have standards.

>> No.19363935

Don't make me laugh, hole.

>> No.19363936


>> No.19363956

My web novel:

>> No.19363962


>> No.19363986

What’s funny? Has no anon here ever tried to set-publish something before?

>> No.19363992

>Has no anon here ever tried to set-publish something before?
No, several people are too proud to ever resort to that.

>> No.19363993

You forgot to add that no one here writes.

>> No.19364017

It's that no one writes, its that their writing is shit to begin with.

>> No.19364019

You would be surprised look at the self published chartsin the mega

>> No.19364023

Has it been updated?

>> No.19364043

This is its most updated version >>19363209

>> No.19364050

That’s a shame. Was wondering if people here were keeping up with the new releases.

>> No.19364053

>problem is filtering through all the trash.
Just focus on the authors instead, so you have a small but reliable books for the future.

>> No.19364059

I’ll read this when I have the chance.

>> No.19364073

new thread

>> No.19364267

I'll give it a try anon, is it finished?

>> No.19365025

The Black Company

>> No.19365158
