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/lit/ - Literature

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19356437 No.19356437 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 5 books and get a recommendation for 5 more

Gulag archipelago
Slaughterhouse 5
Fahrenheit 451
Roadside Picnic
Animal Farm

>> No.19356469

embarrassing list OP

>> No.19356487

Cancer ward
First circle
Accidental death of an anarchist
The measures taken.

>> No.19356495

Moby D
Blood Meridian
The Illiad

>> No.19356513

Mill On The Floss - George Eliot
Turn Of The Screw - Henry James
Dubliners - James Joyce
Growth Of The Soil - Hamsun

>> No.19356514

Death of Ivan Illyich
Blood Meridian
Don Quixote
Sartor Resartus

>> No.19356518

>Moby D
Recomend you to KYS

>> No.19356537

I'm far beyond that kid

>> No.19356547

>"just suck this cock and you will achieve
the growth mindset:
>you know what, I WILL suck the cock!
>I didn't make it when I refused to suck the cock, but this time I will! No integrity will stand in my path!
>All those whores who sucked so many cocks to succeed must have become really good at it!
>you are right, I was stupid for not sucking the cock! I should have done it a long time ago!
>I think the success story of this talentless whore who sucked a lot of cock is inspiring in its own way! here I gobble!
The fixed mindset:
>I'm not going to suck a cock.

>> No.19356560


KSY faggot

>> No.19356563


>> No.19356582

Darkness at Noon
Walden Two
Breakfast of Champions
Catch 22
Tree of Smoke

>> No.19356595

Look homeward, angel
Hero of our times

>> No.19356598

There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. And there is a Catskill eagle in some souls that can alike dive down into the blackest gorges, and soar out of them again and become invisible in the sunny spaces. And even if he for ever flies within the gorge, that gorge is in the mountains; so that even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plain, even though they soar.

>> No.19356600

Master and Margarita

>> No.19356607

damn this looks sick thank you.
>Salammbô is a historical novel by Gustave Flaubert. It is set in Carthage immediately before and during the Mercenary Revolt. Flaubert's principal source was Book I of Polybius's Histories.

>> No.19356608

Tough to only choose only five but

>The Sound And The Fury by Faulkner
>The Trial by Kafka
>The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway
>Sentimental Education by Flaubert
>Buddenbrooks by Mann

>> No.19356624

Death of Virgil
Yeah I think you will like it based on your choices. Very kino book, probably my favorite of Flaubert's

>> No.19356647

>Death of Virgil
I really wanted to like The Sleepwalkers but it just seems so forgettable to me. That has made me hesitant to try more Broch. I do need to reread it though as it’s been a few years and some of my favorites today were originally hated by me until I came back with a different perspective and a fresh set of eyes

>> No.19356652

read more

>> No.19356662

Honestly it's not as good as the books you chose. It's interesting though.

>> No.19356669

>The Floating Opera
>The Pale King
>Great Jones Street
>The Black Tulip

>> No.19356672

Divina Commedia
Crime and Punishment
Notes from the Underground
Count of Monte Cristo
Fischer's M60MG

>> No.19356677 [DELETED] 

actually swap the last two for the top 5. Count is kinda filling the fifth slot. Nice, but not extremely so.

>> No.19356692

actually swap Count for The Idiot.
kindly suggest a second thing if your first one is russian.

>> No.19356749

Paradise Lost
The Iliad
The Aeneid
The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.19356757

Paradise Regain'd

>> No.19356767

War & Peace
The Unconsoled
The Red & The Black
Of Human Bondage
The Tree of Man

>> No.19356783

On the off chance you haven't read Charterhouse definitely do so

>> No.19356789

Kill self your?

>> No.19356791

didnt read your pseudolit, faggot
your favorite book y Moby D, JUST KYS goddamint, dont respond me

>> No.19356797

Call him Ishmael.

>> No.19356801

To the laugh I mock thee; from comedy's heart I point at thee; for jest’s sake I roar my laughter at thee.

>> No.19356829

Against the Day.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
The Quiet American.
The Judgement of Paris.
Journey to the End of the Night.

>> No.19356848

You might enjoy Cakes and Ale, also by Maugham. Maybe also pick up something by Gore Vidal.

>> No.19356854

I've read most of Maugham (including that one) but Gore Vidal is someone I have been thinking of reading for a long time. I'll give him a go.

I have and enjoyed it immensely.

>> No.19356856

Homage to Catalonia.I'm pretty sure you'll want to take a look at that one.

>> No.19356895

>I've read most of Maugham
The Summing Up? Also strongly recommended.

>Gore Vidal is someone I have been thinking of reading
Your list didn't give me a strong feeling for what to recommend. You might want to take A Judgement of Paris for a spin, but Vidal is all over the place. Both in that specific work's philosophy and the as to the subject matter of his many other works. You can probably figure out what appeals by yourself. Don't overlook his essays though.

>> No.19356900
File: 911 KB, 948x736, in a perfect world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Savage Detectives
The Third Policeman
Gravity's Rainbow
Doctor Faustus (Thomas Mann's)
Moby Dick

Brave New World, Heart of a Dog, Master and Margarita

Goethe's Faust
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Against Nature, The Idiot, Candide

A Scanner Darkly, Slaughterhouse 5

The Third Policeman, City of Thieves

Infinite Jest, V., The Name of the Rose

Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

The Screwtape Letters

Goethe's Faust

Doctor Faustus

Blood Meridian

The Rum Diary, Tropic of Cancer, On the Road, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Tunnel

Did my best for you guise, probably some shit reccs tho

>> No.19356908

trying sooo hard to sound intellectual, yet your fav book is MOBY D

just KYS scumbbag, you dont belong here nor anywhere

>> No.19356912

recommend you "Lord of the Flies"

>> No.19356916

Moby Dick literally wins the /lit/ poll year after year. Like a quarter of the board appears to have it as their favorite novel

>> No.19356923

>Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
sounds pretty based

>> No.19356927

Moby Dick is god-tier literature, and for very good reasons is held in high regard not only by the collective consciousness but by anyone who braves it to verify its value.

>> No.19356928

thats very telling, isnt it?
is because this place is infested with pseudo-lit faggots

>> No.19356938

It is really good and really underrated.

>> No.19356942

>The Rum Diary,
Very much yes and spot on, but already read.
>Tropic of Cancer, On the Road, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Tunnel
Will do.

>some shit reccs tho
I doubt that. Your suggestions to me sound pretty solid and appealing, aside from the one preapproved home run which I also recommend for any Thompson fans. Thank you.

>> No.19356943

As someone who hasn't read Moby Dick, why is it bad?

>> No.19356944

another faggot detected
im sure you did read Moby D at highschool and NEVER TOUCH AHOTHER BOOK AGAIN
kys plis

>> No.19356950

Wilhelm Meister
The Magic Mountain
The Man Without Qualities
Don Quixote

>> No.19356954

quite interesting ones. Most are on my reading list, the first one sounded nice in name, but doesn't seem all that appealing.
I liked Dosto because it was one of the few authors who really got me in there. C&P was just tense and amazing. Notes was gut-wrenching, and i loved the main character.

>> No.19356969

it isnt. It is just OVERqualified
is like saying The Beatles is the BEST BAND EVER

>> No.19356972

it isn't

>> No.19356973

You're welcome, anon.

Private Memoirs... is like a Scottish Faust, a great but very underrated novel, the synopsis that you can find online sets the tone decently and lets you know what you're in for. But for Dosto readers, his best are obviously Brothers K and The Demons, in my opinion.

>> No.19356974

>The Third Policeman
I actually think this is one of the funniest books I’ve read. I’ll have to check out City Of Thieves.

>> No.19356975

Thank you. I approve of you recommendation although "done lookied dere; read dat", as it were.

>> No.19356979

Seriously pondering the long haul to learn and read the ones i've already read and the rest in the original.

>> No.19356986

Dead Souls-Gogol
The Red and the Black-Stendhal
A Sportsman’s Notebook-Turgenev
Nine Stories-Salinger
The Trial-Kafka

>> No.19357072

meant to say "overrated"

>> No.19357097

This is your favorite books, not the best. Books are very personal

>> No.19357106

Going to post only French books in hopes of French recs

Les faux-monnayeurs - Andre Gide
Le chant du monde - Jean Giono
Le rivage des Syrtes - Julien Gracq
L'amant - Marguerite Duras
Thomas l'obscur - Maurice Blanchot

These are not my favorite novels but I'd greatly appreciate recs for similar types of novels

>> No.19357109

you got a point.
Its just that looks like every /lit/ user fav book is Moby D and that got annoying over time

>> No.19357134

It might be overrated for you, but those that have it as a fav probably really liked it and got some bandwagon feelings going. It's not a bad book either.
I'd be annoyed if it was some other trash instead.

>> No.19357143

I agree. It used to be worse though. Lit tends to go in cycles with flavor of month books. I would bet there were a lot more Pedro Paramo and Moby Dick threads 1-2 years ago. It’s sad to think about, but actual book threads are becoming much more scarce. A lot of new readers find their way to this site, so we get the same 10-20 authors always discussed, though a lot of them are flame wars. Faulkner threads are usually good

>> No.19357166

Moby Dick is actually that good though. It is by far the most "exciting" reading experience I've ever had. I mean reading a book should not qualify as exciting but it somehow did. It is just such a delirious, beautiful, intense book. Yes I am soifacing over it, I don't care.