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19353127 No.19353127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some upper highbrow philosophers /lit/?

>> No.19353131


>> No.19353156


>> No.19353181

He’s the only one you’re saying then?

>> No.19353188

I'm not that anon but unironically yes

>> No.19353357

But… Heidegger

>> No.19353365


>> No.19353410

Absolutely not, not once you've read the Tractatus

>> No.19353413

But…. Kant

>> No.19353429

Saying that learning how to read philosophical texts because of the way they tended to be written is highbrow is like saying a game is hard just because it takes a long time.
It's all the difference between reading/being told/learning about something, or that thing showing itself to you.

>> No.19353454

So in that case who would you consider to fall in the category of “highbrow”? Aside of Wittgenstein

>> No.19353565

Hegel, Mainlander, Deleuze, Leibniz unironically Plato and Aristotle, Diogenes and Parminedes

>> No.19353567

i heard that niche liked to get fucked in the ass by other philosophers

>> No.19353568

is this true?

>> No.19353572

Figuratively yes

>> No.19353580


>> No.19353622

World-historical Geniuses : Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Parmenides

Revolutionaries : Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Hegel

Good shoulders to stand on : Schelling, Fichte, Husserl, Brentano, Schopenhauer, Hume, Descartes, Kierkegaard

Dogshit : Everybody else

>> No.19353644

Kant was not a revolutionary, anon? Really?

>> No.19353692
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>> No.19354046

Replace Kant with Hegel then you’ve got it spot on

>> No.19354495

>Absolutely not, not once you've taken up the Anus

>> No.19354500

Imagine finding oneself privy to Deleuze intimations.... how unbearable a reality that must be


>> No.19354509

Somebody bussin' rn I can hear it

>> No.19354516


The rest of them are utter dogshit that just couldn't accept that life is in flux and that nothing will stop that

>> No.19354584

>It’s all just like language games bro
Absolute midwit philosophy that was already suggested by both Nietzsche and the Greeks

>> No.19354591

pic very unrelated. He's about the most normalfaggot philosopher out there.

>> No.19354748

>no A*glos

>> No.19354768

Are there any well-regarded esotericists? I know Evola is memed on but that's probably because of his politics, or at least they cast a shadow over the intentions of his critics. Any other esotericists that are studied in univerisities or anything though?

>> No.19354789

If that's your takeaway from Wittgenstein, then you're almost, but there's something preventing you from taking the last leap to true understanding
It'll be all the difference between seeing him as a midwit and a genius

>> No.19354807

Universities are the bastion of liberalism, positivism, materialism etc. you won't find esotericism as a discipline studied there. Best you will get is people studying esotericism historically but these people don't really understand the subject matter, it's like those guys who parrot Guenon and Evola for purely polemical reasons without actually understanding the material - it's the same sort of materialistic approach.
Traditionalists are very well regarded within the field of Traditionalism. Bourgeois materialist researchers won't be as fond of them. Perhaps you might be interested in Mircea Eliade, who is not exactly an esotericist but he was extremely close to the Traditionalists - he is the main pillar of the field of comparative religion, but even then tons of comparative religion scholars seethe at his very existence because Traditional perspectives are extremely disagreeable to them.

>> No.19354870

More midwit cope. What’s so special about him then?

>> No.19355065

Wolfgang Smith isn't necessarily an esotericist but he is heavily involved in the traditionalist school, and he writes, or did write, a lot regarding math and physics.
You won't find real esoteric knowledge being excalimed at universities, as it generally contradicts what they espouse, as >>19354807 said.

>> No.19355156

Wasn’t using him as an example, I was using him as bait since he’s all you utter plebeians discuss on this dreaded board

>> No.19355357

He took it up the shithole. Which turned him into a schizo

>> No.19355383


>> No.19355495

Is he? I thought he was commonly taught. Although I've met philosophers who have no clue who is.

>> No.19356353

OP said highbrow, not obscure. Shakespeare is highbrow and he’s taught in middle school

>> No.19356472

I guess.

>> No.19356578
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>this is the typical level of reading comprehension on /lit/
I should have abandoned this place long ago

>> No.19357673

Lmfao no

>> No.19357940
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His antisemitism saves him from being read by the masses, unlike Nietzsche.

>> No.19357948

Imagine having such a babby-tier understanding of Heraclitus.

You want your English translation anon?

>> No.19358079

>No Aquinas
I will add him, from best to worse in that list:

Plato >>> Aristotle > Kant > Aquinas > Wittgenstein > Hume > Schopenhauer > Nietzsche > Husserl > Hegel > Fichte > Heidegger > Schelling > Kierkegaard > Brentano > Descartes

Parmenides only have a single surviving work which its a poem, we don't much about him, that's why I don't put him in the list, but he can be considered the first philosopher.

From the list only Plato, Aristotle and Kant are true philosophers. And yes, Plato is the best, and the heir of Parmenides, Heraclitus and Pythagoras.

>> No.19358090

>His writings covered a wide range of topics, including autobiography, politics, philosophy, and detailed analyses of his own operas.
cringe as fuck, only insecure fags overexplain their own art instead of letting it speak for itself.

>> No.19358119

It has nothing to do with any translations. Aristotle spoke fluent Attic Greek, and he had full access to Heraclitus's teachings, and that's how he interpreted him as well. In Aristotle's Metaphysics, he devotes the section which refutes the "Protagorean Theory" also as a refutation of Heraclitus's denial of the law of contradiction. So, if Aristotle understood Heraclitus in such a way, that is likely what he actually meant.

>> No.19358146

The republic is the truest work of philosophy ive ever read, but not the most enlightening

>> No.19358281

Except Plato understood Heraclitus differently to Aristotle. He doesn't believe Heraclitus' denied the law of contradiction. You can read this in the Symposium and the Cratylus, and arguably some of Plato's later dialogues like the Parmenides were incorporating Heraclitus' ideas.

It's well accepted Aristotle had a rather shallow interpretation of Heraclitus.

>> No.19358516

>Fichte amongst those men
filtered violently

>> No.19358525

His analyses of his own works is relatively small, but it makes sense if you consider that his artworks were for him his greatest philosophical achievement.

>> No.19358544
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After having read Nietzsche i came to find that he is your average Science™ and Onions™ enthusiast, just a hundred years before it was cool.

>> No.19358550

He had me till the end.

>> No.19358562

He wasn't the first to invent plagiarism tho

>> No.19358750

Literally just Plato, Aristotle, Kant & Hegel, thats literally it

>> No.19359006

He was the next step in philosophy after Husserl tho

>> No.19359421

He’s not even implying he was filtered by Fichte

>> No.19359464

Plato was wrong.

>> No.19359585

The Symposium, Timaeus, Parmenides and Phaedo are waaay better than The Republic

>> No.19359604

High brow died in the 1800s

>> No.19359609

Klages too.

>> No.19359967

He wasn’t less popular than Nietzsche at all