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File: 415 KB, 564x796, Søren_Kierkegaard_(1813-1855)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19348885 No.19348885 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of reading Kierkegaard's Either/Or but I know he comes quite late in the chronology of philosophy. So who and what is good to read before Kierkegaard? Like Hegel for instance? Or Kant?
I've read Fear and Trembling Schopenhauer's essays and aprophisms. I read Kenny's New History of Philosophy as a reference book.

>> No.19348936

Kierkegaard is one of those philosophers who require virtually no background. He sometimes mentions Hegel, but his references are usually quite abstract, and can be reduced to "rationalism bad" (by rationalism here Im specifically talking about philosophies like the ones of Hegel, which aim at explaining literally everything in rational terms). It is not even clear wether Kierkegaard understood Hegel in the first place, so do not sweat it too much. Unironically, the Bible is thr most important text to understand Kierkegaard.
That said, imho Fear and Trembling is a better starting point (and a literary masterpiece). Either/Or is by far one of his hardest texts.

>> No.19349176

Thanks man

>> No.19349457

i recommend "keirkegaard" by michael watts. it was assigned reading in college and i actually enjoyed it. it takes excepts from his books and events from his life and breaks it down in layman. i've not read any of his books because the language seems so verbose and burdensome.

>> No.19350078

Fear and Trembling requires no background except being literate. Either/Or is a harder text, particularly because Kierkegaard is hiding behind multiple fictional people, making it hard to tell at first what exactly his opinions are (hint: The aesthete, the seducer, and the ethicist are all wrong). The Sickness unto Death makes more sense if you read about Heraclitus vs. Parmenides, preferably by reading some Platonic dialogues.

>> No.19350086

the judge was based

>> No.19350299

>the one background you need is the bible
based, gonna go get his stuff

>> No.19350317

Read a real philosopher like Zapffe.

He BTFO Kierkegaard.

>> No.19350391

Zapffe is low weight

>> No.19350405

Please elaborate on this, anon. Give me an alternative.

I am devastated by Zapffe's insight.

>> No.19350408

Nah, I started with Kierkegaard
But you will still miss out a bunch, since he has a lot of biblical references, and also on stuff like Goethe or Mozart

>> No.19350516

How does Zapffe compare?

>> No.19350561
File: 92 KB, 474x602, Crucifixion-dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low weight

Someone elaborate? I can't imagine anything more brutal than Zapffe.

>> No.19350669


>> No.19350680

Is Either/Or a good place to start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.19350682

Grow up

>> No.19350688

>tfw first one i got was The Concept of Irony

>> No.19350708

This doesn't tell me anything

I'm sure you haven't read Zapffe

>> No.19350747

Get past 25 and you'll grow out of it.

>> No.19350899

I'm 21

What should I be reading?

>> No.19350914
File: 152 KB, 636x1200, FCl7vjgWYAAwSpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bronze age mindset

>> No.19350931

I can't tell if this is serious

>> No.19351095


>> No.19351209


>> No.19351346


>> No.19351365

1. plumbing manuals
2. electrician's manuals
3. HVAC manuals
4. Manly Hall
5. literature from ancient rome or ancient grease

>> No.19351375


>> No.19352126
File: 66 KB, 1024x958, so based it hurts_ hurts so good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and pragmatic pilled

>> No.19352152

>ancient grease
You should flush that out with degreaser water and then mild solvent then replace with fresh grease.

>> No.19352238

Either or in a nutshell