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19347249 No.19347249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are they even real? Just think about it, it's something that really happened. They were real humans who were born, were kids who ran around and fell down, made themselves dirty. Had normal human bodies you could touch.

It's surreal how you can be THAT superior that you will be remembered for all eternity and are not distinguishable from mythological figures and Gods. Like where is even the difference between Zeus and Plato anyway. Could be both made up, you can't even tell.

And related to that: what makes a person special? Do you think someone is born for a higher purpose or is it more random?

>> No.19347257

The important Greeks were not hylics, their bodies were only vessels.

>> No.19347258

The following reply was generated automatically by an AI using OpenAI’s GPT-3

“I think a person is born for a higher purpose. It’s a very interesting idea. I think everyone has a purpose. Everyone has a role to play in society, but that doesn’t mean that that role is what they’re best suited for. It’s that the task will work out for them, but they could end up doing something better.

In other words, everyone has a purpose, but what that purpose is will vary from person to person. It’s a very interesting idea to think about. You’ve got a reason why you’re here. You may not have a reason why you’re here, though. The Greeks were, apparently, very rational still back then. They’re only different because that was the culture that they were living in, but they weren’t that different. It’s like today, like really older society, like the Romans, the Maya, etc. It’s like people born into that inherited religion their entire lives. That’s the only thing that’s different between them and contemporary people who live in the time of internet and mobile phones. It’s like today’s Internet generation is like the last generation.

Unless someone is born blind, if you’re born in Germany, you’re going to be a German citizen. It’s very hard to be an American citizen if you’re born in China. I think the same goes for religion. If you’re born into that, it’s going to be the only thing that you know, that you’ll ever know. You’ll never get a chance to see it for what it really is.”

>> No.19347293

Randomness could be part and parcel of a higher purpose for all we know.

But I agree. I also think back to the Greeks with awe. They were the exact same humans as us. They probably thought Greece would last forever and probably thought the fall of their nation was the end of the world. They lived under our same sun and stars. And that was fucking thousands of years ago. Kinda hard for me to wrap my head around, too

>> No.19347352

stop spamming this garbage nigger

>> No.19347388

I was thinking about Euclid yesterday and how bizarre it must have been for geometry to be mysterious and new. It's not anything about the Greeks themselves, they just lived in an amazing time because so little had been laid down. The real mindfuck for me is that the literary basis for civilization is only 40 lifetimes old. They were just like us, that's what doesn't compute about their apparent dignity and superiority.

>> No.19347632
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>It's surreal how you can be THAT superior that you will be remembered for all eternity and are not distinguishable from mythological figures and Gods. Like where is even the difference between Zeus and Plato anyway. Could be both made up, you can't even tell.
The human is unironically better. Zeus hasn't written shit. He makes no display of personality or intellect. He's a fairly one-dimensional fictional character. The better example would be Socrates or Jesus, very outspoken and unique people, but still sometimes thought to be created by their promoters.

It's wild that those guys were ordinary human beings, they seem both incomparably superior and worlds away from us. But are they so far? Historians and scientists are always exaggerating distances and time scales for effect. This is terrible for society because now, after the millennium, whole generations grow up believing they are insignificant and purposeless in an endless wilderness of spacetime. Carl Sagan's generation absolutely took for granted the belief that, barring nuclear war, humanity would persevere and progress in some direction, and continue colonizing with our growing numbers. That is the context of his life's work. Without belief in the forward progress of events, Sagan and the genre he inspired become prophets of a vast emptiness that looks imperiously down at us. Paleontology and geology are also culpable for people's exaggerated nihilism about time. The sciences want to be taken seriously, but to the layman's psychology it's just another dark myth. In reality, humans live a long time relative to recorded history. Jesus accomplished all his preaching in three years -- there's no reason for anyone to feel small.

>> No.19347639
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>I saw inside his cloak and caught fire, and could possess myself no longer; and I thought none was so wise in love-matters as Cydias, who in speaking of a beautiful boy recommends someone to "beware of coming as a fawn before the lion, and being seized as his portion of flesh"; for I too felt I had fallen a prey to some such creature.

>> No.19347695
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Greeks are overhyped and boring. I literally don't understand why people like them so much.

>> No.19347949

The geometry of antique times was vastly different than the contemporary conceptions of geometry, as with numbers. You would likely not know what you were seeing if you were exposed to real pythagorean mathematical tradition.

>> No.19348370


>> No.19348431


>> No.19348439

Literally the foundation of all Western civilization. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.19348442

absolutely filtered

>> No.19348477

This but exclusively for Plrato

>> No.19348517

holy filteroni

>> No.19348538

You must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.19348547

Why are the ancient Greeks so superior to modern Greeks?

>> No.19348556
File: 306 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_20210817_174023_036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts exactly... it's really insane sometimes. i get this eerie feeling when some greek work mentions a very routine little thing and i realise again that they breathed the same air and trode the same earth.

>> No.19348565
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You already know the answer

>> No.19348585

I wonder how happy the average ancient Greek was compared to the average American.

>> No.19348621

tits or gtfo

>> No.19348637

All modern "cultures" are ZOG'd beyond repair

>> No.19348649

take your meds

>> No.19348650

fucking based

>> No.19348660

The duality of /lit/

>> No.19348742

how did I know

>> No.19348761

>that you will be remembered for all eternity
been less than three thousand years, what eternity?

>> No.19348794

It's actually all fault of the the Turks

>> No.19348813

Once you notice, you can't un-notice.

>> No.19348815


You can tell that they were still sorta new at it because his proof for the Pythagorean Theorem (I.47) is clumsy and unintuitive. It's in The Elements, but it's not "from the book", as mathematicians say of a proof which is not merely correct, but furthermore intuitive and insightful to the point of being beautiful in-itself, as a manifestation of God's thought.

>> No.19348899

Technically he's right if you consider eternity "until the end if time". Humanity is almost over, and whatever will remain will be another species entirely, not homo sapiens but homo globalis or homo consumens

>> No.19348900

/lit/ sounds most serious and educated in replies that have nothing whatsoever to do with the post they're directed at.

>> No.19348913

its the tourist midwits trying to fit in

>> No.19348920

What race are you?

>> No.19348938

>t. seething commie

>> No.19348949

Anyone know a place where there's more discussion like the first post, and less like the other two, but I can still say trannies aren't women?

>> No.19348954

no anon this is literally the only place left

>> No.19348961

do you have any books to discuss or do you just want to dick ride dead people

>> No.19348973

Reactionary chuds don't want to hear this but a big factor in it was Athenian democracy. It became possible for more people to do things, and while Athenian society had its limits, it permitted more free thinking than far beyond the despotic norm of the times. It enabled the freer development of philosophy, drama, and more.

>> No.19348983

This situation is getting desperate. Trannies do nothing but sit at the computer. They are here despite every effort, probably in this thread right now, because they aren't horrified by gore, utter debasement, or sexual perversion. The last line of defense, a few anons with folders of memes, can only do so much. They could be defeated from the administrative side by trannies any day now.

We have to come up with a long-term solution.

>> No.19349011

>Look at all of Greek civilization and culture
>Yep, thank the Athenians
Fuck off, Epirus was way more influential and was basically responsible for the culmination of Greek culture throughout Europe.

>> No.19349046

The only solution is to either leave the internet or getting used to communicating 1 on 1, communities as we know them are no longer viable.

>> No.19349086

If you adopt that attitude, you become part of the killing blow to your precious community.
Stand strong and always remind trannoids that they're mentally ill freaks cosplaying as the opposite sex. If you allow yourself to be demoralized and beaten down by some fucking internet troons, can you really go on living with your head held high?

>> No.19349097

Why are you even so obsessed with it? It's a non-issue.

>> No.19349101

They're kind of overrated desu. They set a course for the west while the east already had the end-game truth.

>> No.19349155

Based Guenonfag

>> No.19349188

>muh eastern thinkers are LE BETTER
that's why they're doing so well now, innit? I'm sure the overarching history of Asia isn't a societal, cultural and scientific stagnation spanning three thousand years

>> No.19349266

>They were real humans who were born, were kids who ran around and fell down, made themselves dirty.
The average Greek was a screeching autist of improbable proportion. The vast majority of them had the psychological maturity of an adolescent throughout their adult life. They could be manipulated easier than the average child you'll encounter today. I am not exaggerating, read the arguments that swayed the juries in the legal cases that we still have.

>> No.19349273

Repression and testosterone do a number to a woman’s psyche

>> No.19349281

>that's why they're doing so well now, innit?
Yes, China is steadily overtaking the United States & Europe

>> No.19349294

The west ran itself to spiritual death. But it has better amenities, sure.

>> No.19349300

Yeah, not really anon; if anything, drama was launched by the Peisistratid tyranny,and philosophers were constantly getting into scrapes with Athenian democracy (a concept completely alien to "chuds" as you call them, and probably the average contemporary person like you); not to mention all the "developments" (your expression again) in oligarchic poleis
Basically, no need to be a chud to refuse and refute your account;it's enough to have a basic knowledge of history.

>> No.19349304

That guy was a retard, but that's a rather bold statement

>> No.19349495

cope hands typed this post

>> No.19349527

Not if I have anything to say about it.

>> No.19349677

The Roman Republic

>> No.19349803

holy based

>> No.19349859

I'm surprised these faggots had enough heterosexual sex to procreate. Anyone who worships these degenerate homosexual pedophiles is a bigger faggot than they were.

>> No.19350067


>> No.19350090

This gay shit is enormously exaggerated or taken out of context. Remember that the trannies have owned academia for decades.

>> No.19350094


>> No.19350117

>This gay shit is enormously exaggerated or taken out of context
t. didn't read the greeks

>> No.19350121

No seriously, they will warp everything you may latch on to. Every facet of your culture and identity will be pozzed. Every now and then they come out with some outrageous thing like censoring Mohammed out of the Divine Comedy, but I am absolutely certain that this is programmed as a decoy so that you do not see the more subtle changes that are pushed unofficially. One of these is that the Greeks were a bunch of foppy gaylords. They probably treated homosexuals like every other culture on Earth but ours treated them: punishing them. Because homosexuals are driven by vice and immorality and no sane society would want them.

>> No.19350138

Try reading the greeks for a change before spouting bullshit, chud retard

>> No.19350160

Don't lecture me you stupid burger tranny. This narrative came up in the last 10 years. Nobody had ever insisted so much on this until recently, because people were trying to rediscover classicism so your little mafia had to poz it. Fuck off.

>> No.19350185

>then proceeds to say nothing

>> No.19350356

The average Athens citizen had an IQ of 140+. Ancient Greeks were caucasians who somehow for several hundred years managed to avoid "resection to the means". Also living on islands helps a lot to a point where even the most powerful empire in the world is bottlenecked in its ability to invade and occupy your lands.

>> No.19350392

>The average Athens citizen had an IQ of 140+
imagine being this deluded

>> No.19350406

They were also totally jacked. Everyone /fitlit/ to the max

>> No.19350411

>jacked=IQ of 140+
the absolute state of this anon

>> No.19350416

I'm not him I was being sarcastic

>> No.19350430


>> No.19350434

what a time to live in

>> No.19350475

They ritualistically took psychedelics en masse, that's how

>> No.19350529
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For some reason I don't find it surprising that smart people existed or exist. People who form wise conclusions. If anything, that might be easier to achieve than in modern (technological, capitalist) society.

>> No.19350882
File: 1.74 MB, 1900x4400, greek homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This narrative came up in the last 10 years. Nobody had ever insisted so much on this until recently
How can one man be so wrong

>> No.19350974

Remember most of these people were aristocrats with slaves they could devote themselves wholly to their fields and not worry their heads with our daily troubles.

>> No.19350987

the past is vaster and stranger than we have been taught to imagine it, and it belongs only to those who lived it
-paraphrase of keith something or other (taylor?)

>> No.19351067

Here's your (you).

Have a nice day.

>> No.19351108

Clinical shit taste

>> No.19351109

>t.Rabbi Psychostein

>> No.19351142

This image also shows one of the most evil cultural permeations of the Greeks: their pedophilia.

>> No.19351171

The sub human brown retard nigger child races always flood into the lands of the high order Aryan (Caucasian) God races with the help of Satan’s chosen psychopaths (Jews).

>> No.19351208


>> No.19351510

You've obviously never read the Greeks. I actually had to read all that gay shit. It's definitely not the media or anything like that. The translations make the Greeks sound less gay.

>> No.19351924

Are you a zoomer or what? I've read them in school. They had a culture of pederasty which is true but on the gay shit I've never seen this obsessed emphasis.