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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.33 MB, 751x1024, Vtuber Booktuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19349930 No.19349930 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get boys to read at a young age, /lit/? Recent studies have shown that they direct less time than girls to process words, that they’re more prone to skipping passages or entire sections of books, and that they frequently pick books that are beneath their reading levels.


Have any of you guys thought of a plan to make reading more fun for boys or at the very least, try to reverse the trend?

I thought about using a Vtuber to appeal to them to read more.

>> No.19349942

Fuck off tranny I'm not helping you groom kids.

>> No.19349995
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>Have any of you guys thought of a plan to make reading more fun for boys or at the very least, try to reverse the trend?
Yeah, write fun stories for boys/children. Seriously, what the fuck books series are written for children today? In the past, there was a plethora of books for children like Animorphs, Redwall, goosebumps, etc. But now? The only one I can think of is Warrior Cats. Seriously, what the fuck happen? It's all politized now.

>> No.19350006

this, we had something in elementary school called DEAR time (drop everything and read) and i loved reading goosebumps and magic treehouse

>> No.19350023

I am literally just going to show my kids what I read while growing up anyway. It's not like they need to CONSOOM the newest bullshit anyway. Redwall is timeless.

>> No.19350061

they fear the well read male as he can move people to action with his words

>> No.19350120

Reading literature has always been a predominantly female past-time and there is no reason to think that will change.

>> No.19350122

Have time assigned for independent reading, actually let kids read a book they want. I moved to a shittier state a young age and I noticed how little reading was made mandatory aside from boring shit.

>> No.19350238

>Show my vtuber booktuber waifu once on /lit/.
>She goes from having 1.2k subscribers to having 1.4K

>> No.19350305

I am one of them.

>> No.19350322

Books given to boys to read should be of valorous deeds and stunning violence.
Why was I not given the Iliad to read during my education?

>> No.19350328

I remember when my school would have scholastic book fairs/sells. I wonder if that’s still a thing today. I genuinely feel like we’ve regressed on that front.

>> No.19350332
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this vtuber stuff is the most chunni shit ever

>> No.19350339

Leonard Sax wrote some about this in his book gender matters

I'd also recommend comics

>> No.19350343

laughably wrong

>> No.19350355
File: 128 KB, 960x720, scholastic book fairs 2 years ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scholastic book fairs are still a thing, but they're not what they used to be. Its all consumer bullshit now.

>> No.19350410

There is actually no need for a Jewish Interest section lmao.

>> No.19350474

Where did it all go wrong? I remember when i was a child I would look forward to those fairs.

>> No.19350584

Fuck off, Karen.
You're not going to make the world a better place by pandering to boys to "get them to read". You're just going to create a generation that thinks everything has to pander to them for them to actually do anything worth doing. I genuinely don't know why you or anyone else cares about something as superficial as demographics and statistics regarding reading. What's your goal and why do you think " getting boys to read" merely so that we can say "boys are reading", is a worthy goal?

Trying to get people to evaluate reading through the lens of " fun" is honestly extremely stupid. Books suck at being fun unless you're low t. You're gonna be completely out competed by things that actually are fun.

A better strategy is to show them that there other things in life worth prioritizing besides just "having fun" and doing what you're told for 40hrs a week so you can afford to "have fun". Most of them won't care, but those who do will really appreciate it.

>> No.19350586

>Have any of you guys thought of a plan to make reading more fun for boys or at the very least, try to reverse the trend?
Simple - write good books for men instead of cringe shit. I wish I could skip passages but I am too autistic for that.
It's spelt chuuni.

>> No.19350595


>> No.19350646

At least she’s trying to make people read classics by doing book reviews and read alongs.

>> No.19350732
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I do believe the book fairs in the 2000's were the last of their kind.

>> No.19350776

You know it isn't.

>> No.19350780

Get the lady who wrote the Deltora series to write again

>> No.19350856

Jennifer Rowe Is dead, anon.

>> No.19351320

why do you fear the male reader ?

>> No.19351323

Why is this board full of Australans

>> No.19351718

God, what the fuck happens to children’s literature?

>> No.19351856
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I guess they were hiding on /qa/ the whole time

>> No.19351972

I don't.

Boys and men who are inclined towards reading always will do so and they won't need busybodies trying to re-engineer the culture to make them do so.

If you try to re-engineer reading to make it more palatable to non-readers, then you're just turning it into something that it isn't so that you can try to make it more accessible to people who have no real interest in it.

Lots of boys and men want to be active and do things instead of thinking about things and putting their nose in a book. Instead of treating this - something which is completely natural - like it's a problem to be rectified by brainless women in administration jobs, how about we allow these boys and men pathways to participating in and contributing to society in a healthy prosocial manner.

Obediently sitting in a classroom with your nose in a book is a very passive activity that is contrary to the natures of lots of boys and men. There is nothing inherently virtuous about reading for leisure. Most people who read, read crap that isn't worth reading. If you magically manage to get the majority of boys to read for leisure, but all they're reading is junk, then honestly I don't see that as being any better than them just watching Spongebob.

My dad reads one John Grisham novel per year. That's fine, he likes it. But there is nothing about this activity that makes it any more virtuous than watching TBBT. If he starts reading twelve John Grisham novels per year, I don't see that as in any way being an improvement. If he learns Latin and reads the Aeneid, that's a different story, but it's never gonna happen.

(I know some fag with a weak chin is gonna pop chub when he points out the fact that I'm using the heckin CRINGE a BLUE PILLED Reddit spaces, but it honestly make it so much easier to read this way)

>> No.19352014

books are more fun than most other things

>> No.19352021

Reading is an inherently feminine activity. To even the score you'd need to suppress women again or feminize men to the point where gender differences cease to matter.

>> No.19352059

The way the school system introduces reading is terrible. Forcing 6th graders to read garbage books like a tale of two cities and then forcing them to write "their" opinions (must agree with the teacher to pass) isn't going to get kids into reading, in fact it does the opposite.

>> No.19352311

How would you improve it?

>> No.19352327

Smack the phones out of their hands and smack them if they try to pick them up. Same with vidya. To raise boys properly you have to have a firm hand be somewhat disciplinary. Withhold your love and affection as well so that it becomes an ideal which they seek to achieve and only show it a propitious moments when they have achieved landmarks in their personal development. But when you do show approval, show it in precisely the right way in just the right amount.

>> No.19352424

you do you go on insane paragraph long rants in response to a sentence fuck off femoid

>> No.19352620
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this is me

>> No.19353130

Best answer so far.

>> No.19354093
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>Recent studies

>> No.19354203


>> No.19355274

Sounds abusive.

>> No.19355301

>Jewish interest
Well, how else would the banks work?

>> No.19355327
File: 61 KB, 831x1024, 42A6A203-9E79-4DA0-86CD-E429687FA631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead of treating this - something which is completely natural - like it's a problem to be rectified by brainless women in administration jobs, how about we allow these boys and men pathways to participating in and contributing to society in a healthy prosocial manner.

In this essay, I aim to prove why brainless women in administration jobs are crucial for the overall function of society and that we should increase our efforts in generating more of them.

>> No.19355401

>kids need to read books because.... THEY JUST DO, OKAY?!

>> No.19355422

You sound like a feminine prissy boy.
>women should be wageslaves and make the family unit volatile due to the absence of a maternal figure in place of a babysitter
How can you post this and think you're not a feminist? Faggot.

>> No.19355433

Kids sure love their anime, so VNinify the canon. Kafka works are easy to transform into VNs.

>> No.19355977

Why is the romance genre is so popular amongst the Japanese boys but not in the West?

>> No.19356483

If you think I'm wrong, feel free to tell me how.

>> No.19356545

Don't you think that people need some kind of gateway in order to be interested in more substantial material? Regardless of the medium, I think this is true. I think the likelihood of somebody spontaneously deciding to read The Aeneid is slim-to-none. However, if one already has an interest in reading in general, then it seems more likely.

For instance, many people on this board have fond memories of childrens books which are junk. But it kept them into reading as an activity, and so as they grew older they sought out more challenging books. If one is never interested in reading to begin with, then there is no impetus to seek out more challenging material.

This won't work for most people, because most people will indeed consume junk. But this is just a universal truth, so in my opinion it is better to open people to the possibility of something 'better' by offering entry-level material than giving up on them entirely.

>> No.19357172
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>Don't you think that people need some kind of gateway
Sure, when I was a kids I loved stuff like Deltora Quest and The Seventh Tower.

Nothing against kids books.

It seems though that OP is advocating for something over and above just writing entertaining schlock to get kids interested in reading. It seems that he wants for the entire cultural experience of reading to be re-engineered to make it more competitive in the attention economy so as to maximize the statistical quantity of young male readers who read with no regard for quality. Not to be overly dramatic, but the idea of using something like "vtubers" to titillate weeaboos into reading repulses me.

Reading is a way to escape the downward trend that our culture is on.

Deploying strategies to reenginner reading into something more "fun" for young boys who just wanna play Minecraft and watch Twitch streamers turns it into something that is no better than those activities. If the kids wanted to read, they wouldn't need something as corny (and honestly inappropriate) as some cgi loli with big breasts to make them wanna read. They would just pick up some kid's fantasy book.

I'm not expecting people to spontaneously just pick up Roman poetry, but your gateways, instead of falsifying reading by pretending that it's an anime waifu, should be honest and upfront about what reading is, and why it's worth putting in the effort to learn about the history of your culture.

Reading should elevate the soul instead of titillate and stimulate the creature.

>> No.19357279

And as I said before, I don't think we need a world in which everyone reads for leisure. Generally, those who do, just read schlock that's no better than what they see one TV anyway. This really isn't a big deal.

My dad, for instance, has great handyman skills but he'll never read Faust. I don't particularly care. The fact is, as long as they're contributing to society, and they're decent human beings, most people don't need to read for leisure as adults. Why would they? To increase profits for publishers? Genuinely, what is the point in having more people read if they're just gonna read dreck? Mass literacy is a new thing, and honestly, it doesn't seem to have lead to an improvement in our culture's literature. I also don't think men need to be attending universities and getting BAs either. Hand wringers be damned. "Higher" ed can collapse for all I care. Even high school is largely useless. Education's really just about rule-following and regurgitating the dominant cultural ethos than it actually is about learning.

My grandfather was able to support a family of six as a welder and never got his grade ten. I would much rather live in a world where this was an option for men than a world in which everyone needs a masters degree to work at a call centre but at least they're reading the latest ant-racist, sex positive YA novel written by a transgender differently abled Muslim! :^)

>> No.19357405

>I would much rather live in a world where this was an option for men than a world in which everyone needs a masters degree to work at a call centre but at least they're reading the latest ant-racist, sex positive YA novel written by a transgender differently abled Muslim! :^

Sure, I'm absolutely not advocating for the latter. But I don't think it has to be A or B. I don't see the conflict in encouraging young men to read and providing viable alternatives to the traditional education system.

> Genuinely, what is the point in having more people read if they're just gonna read dreck?

Ideally they would not read only dreck. A majority would, but if you can draw more people towards something better, then I would view it as a worthy endeavour.

>"Higher" ed can collapse for all I care. Even high school is largely useless. Education's really just about rule-following and regurgitating the dominant cultural ethos than it actually is about learning.

I believe that academia has a purpose, but I believe that purpose has been severely perverted. I don't think everyone should need a BA. But I also don't believe that higher education as a concept is useless either.

To make one final point, I do want more male readers because the market is presently dominated by female editors, agents, authors and readers. I want a balanced counter to these types of thoughts. As long as readers of YA and Sally Rooney dominate the market, that is what the market will comprise of. By not making an effort to engage young men in reading, you are abandoning future literature to this one-sided view, at which point children will have no choice but to read the latest anti-racist, sex positive YA novels.

>> No.19357623


>if you can draw more people towards something better, then I would view it as a worthy endeavour.

Ideally, I would love a world in which everyone could not only recite a number of poems from heart, but also have something meaningful to say about them. Short of that, I would love a world in which more people could do that than we see today, but I just don't see that happening. What I do see, is literary standards continuing to decrease as culture continually becomes retooled into political propaganda, controlled dissent, and commodified entertainment for people with poor attention spans.

I honestly feel that all hand wringing attempts by misguided people like OP to "get kids reading" by making it more "fun" are just going to end up accelerate this process by turning reading into something that isn't just so that it can compete with anime and video games and we can all pat our selves on the back because we "got more boys reading". Why? Just to make the numbers go up.

On the other hand, I welcome all sincere attempts to expose children to the beauty and value of literature in a way that makes it interesting and accessible to them on it's own terms without falsifying it, cheapening it, or by just giving kids more tedious book reports on books they don't want to read that the teacher chose for them. Good children's literature is invaluable. Even mediocre children's literature is perfectly fine as a gateway. No objections there, but there comes a point where "at least it gets them reading" isn't enough. Reading just so you can say you read is trite, less so for children, but certainly so for adults.

I've met too many people who are alleged "readers" that have nothing to say about the books they read. They don't have a favourite author, they don't have a favourite book, and they don't even recall many of the details of the books they read. We can try to get more people reading, sure, but will it really enrich their lives in any way? Will they gain any wisdom from it? Will it help them develop an appreciation for beauty, truth, goodness? Maybe, maybe not.

I think we have to be realistic. Liberal equality, education, and universal literacy isn't going to create a society of Brahmins no matter how hard we try.

>> No.19357624


>I also don't believe that higher education as a concept is useless either.

I guess I should clarify. I think higher ed can be one of the most enriching things out there. My contempt for it comes from my own disillusionment with it. The purpose of university should be to teach you about the history of your culture so that you can then contribute to that culture, but now it's all about tearing that history down because it was sexist, homophobic, racist, etc. University has just become an ideological production mill for wokeism and I honestly just think it's going to get worse. I think it's beyond saving at this point and we should just wait for the whole system to collapse. Same with publishing. I can't imagine what it would take to actually change the current neurotic virtue signalling shitlib dominated publishing industry. Writers who actually have something to say worth hearing should pursue other avenues than traditional publishing.

>> No.19357642

you clearly don't read, get the fuck off this board.

>> No.19357654

I can't believe you wrote that hour-long fucking rant just to cope with being fucking stupid. If you don't want to read, fine, but stop asking other people to be as mediocre as you.

>> No.19357698

>hour-long fucking rant
If you consider a few hundred words to be "hour long" then I suggest you read more yourself.
I read tons. Nothing about what I wrote implies that I don't read. Work on your comprehension.

>> No.19358341

You can stop coping anon.

>> No.19358467

t. gregor

>> No.19358756

So? Generations past used to beat their children senseless, and they managed. With less mental health issues than in modern world, no less.

You don't, as long as video games which engage the spatial reasoning skills of the males are available as competition.

>> No.19359615

You first.

>> No.19359656

Instead of having Homer Simpson in front of them unplug the TV and put real Homer in front of them.

>> No.19360733

>Generations past used to beat their children senseless
they really didn't
stop drinking the lib koolaid

>> No.19360745


>> No.19360771

This is the correct answer.

>> No.19360814

Cringe, at least the other one is at times funny.

>> No.19360845

Please never reproduce.

>> No.19360883

they didn't even teach women how to read until relatively recently.

>> No.19360923

I remember reading every louis lamour, will hobbes, and gary paulson book in the library. I also read all of se hinton, the jurassic park books, once you found a good author it's fun. I loved westerns and adventure books.

>> No.19360929

Oh shit I forgot about those among the brave population control dystopia books

>> No.19360942

I read constantly but it was just escapism because school sucks. I would read through class a lot and eventually my teachers started taking my books away.

>> No.19360969

Male teachers for boys. I didn't learn how to interpret a book until freshman year of high school when I finally had a male english teacher. Instead of asking me how I felt about it he said make up something like a conspiracy and point to evidence to back it up. It was that simple. I went from Cs under my dumb bitch teachers in jr. high to As in all english lit after he did this. My 8th grade dumb bitch made us write a report on what we learned from our entire semester of holocaust indoctrination schooling. I was doing poorly as usual so my parents ruined my weekend and made me rewrite and cite shit outside the course she didn't even teach. Facts, figures, dates, argentina, the lampshades, trains. I turned it in and she said I had my parents write it and it was college level but that I got a C. I asked Ms. O'Horo why if it was college level did I get a C? She said I didn't answer the prompt. I asked how, I said what I learned from my forced readings of Night and Anne Frank and all the bullshit plus extra. She said I was supposed to write I learned not to discriminate. Fuck women teachers and fuck you Ms. O'Horo. Fucking say that explicitly, you idiot cunt, I'm a fucking male. Mr. LaMonica, thank you.

>> No.19361314

Reading is sure better than the rest of the time trapped at school. The answer is to imprison the children and restrict their access to digital media.

>> No.19362716

>but the idea of using something like "vtubers" to titillate weeaboos into reading repulses me.
Get with the times old man.

>> No.19362723
File: 489 KB, 1800x2354, 81QacNwWeYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think my 11 year old nephew would like this?

>> No.19362726
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for me its all about cocks

>> No.19362734

I wish I would have read more, I was so autistic that I would use context clues to figure out what a word meant and if that didn't work use a dictionary; then that word was permanently inserted into my vocabulary.

>> No.19362934

>lets make every book be about women's issues!
also feminists:
>nooo why aren't boys reading our books noooooo!!!!

correct the gender balance in the publishing industry. something like 95% of agents are female. make it 50/50 male/female and men will start reading again.

>> No.19362950

I feel this feel. My teachers were retarded cunts too, anon.
t. biological female. not even a gender thing--teaching has been degraded as a profession.

>> No.19362951

Not age appropriate. Try Æsop instead

>> No.19363051

>he said make up something like a conspiracy and point to evidence to back it up.
I can honestly see something like that working well.
I never did well in high school until I read Nietzsche after learning about him on encyclopedia metallum. I decided to use every essay in English class as an opportunity to try and imitate him and I guess it was good enough to impress my teachers.

>> No.19363624

Just read them good books. My daughters read Kharms and Adams

>> No.19363998

My mom read me and my brother Moby Dick when I was like 5. I understood the basic plot and the characters, even if some of the subjects like bigotry against Queequeg were lost on me. Kids are smarter than we think in some ways

>> No.19364048

Tumblr Bullshit

>> No.19364083

How many sons do you have, cunt?
How many daughers?
How many wives faithful?
Or do you still chase after adolescent snatch?

>> No.19364114

Kids don't still do these? Surely they do

>> No.19364132

Why the fuck do people like you even bother with this board? I hope this is some post ironic baiting, but even if it is there's an ugly sincerity in it. You actually believe this absolute shit you spewed

>> No.19364879

He's correct about the school system being garbage for boys though.

>> No.19365061

theyd probably be smarter if we didn't retard them with predominantly female teachers and predominantly female authored childrens books where they dumb everything down, and every single lesson has to be about being nice or sharing or making friends. no wonder kids check out and go watch negro rap concerts.

>> No.19365073

Good morning I hate women

>> No.19365249

Introducing violence in such a cavalier manner to an eleven year old isn’t advisable.
How many wars have you suffered?
How many mass shooters have you come in contact with?
How many children have you raised and acclimatized to blood and gore yet frowned on cursing and all things sexual?

Aim the nozzle up into your brain when you pull, ‘kay?

>> No.19365896

How do we fix it?

>> No.19365899

Get him some comic books. A shit ton of them. If you can't afford, don't get him a tablet.

>> No.19365906

Also, read for him and in front of him.

>> No.19366725

Men teachers for boys. No more public schools. Hunting, fishing, woodworking/carpentry, welding/blacksmithing, electronics/programming, is mandatory.

>> No.19366735

Dumb cunt tranny boys already are violent by age 3.

>> No.19367112
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For 99% of people, they aren't. I don't know why /lit/ has to cope against this so hard, as if there's some end goal to it. We're the statistical outliers, we don't represent the general populus and the average person is likely too dumb to be able to get any enjoyement from intellectual activities like reading.

You'd think /lit/ being elitist as fuck would be the last people on earth to oppose such statements but here we are.

Just chill, retards. It's clearly not meant to be a personal attack, nor an insult towards the male sex. So stop acting triggered and pay attention to the message.

You're acting like those SJWs who will purposefully try to find something stupid to get mad about, so they can have an excuse to be loudly offended and ignore everything that's said because the facts makes them slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.19367136

Nice joke. OP browses this shit and reads nothing.

>> No.19367140
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, 1635394239925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys will love The Shitkickers

>> No.19367253

Huh? No she's not. She's in her 70s, but she's not dead.

>> No.19367277

Nobody is going to want to read a story written by a schizo retard of the caliber of the worst tripfags.

>> No.19368614

a /lit/ vtuber? How would that work?

>> No.19368848

have promotions of interesting books instead of advertising paranormal romance #23804235892038

>> No.19369383

But first authors and writes need to create books for children. Ones that aren’t political.

>> No.19369568

Yooo I remember Storm Thief

>> No.19369578

hey jew

>> No.19370028


>> No.19370113

First we need to abolish public schools because they are nothing but propagandizing indoctrination camps.

>> No.19370130

Its adults not respecting kids. Look at stuffs made for kids, I don't remember being that stupid.when I was young.

>> No.19370149

That's what I liked about SE Hinton. She actually wrote about drugs and sex and violence and abuse, things kids actually are exposed to in real life. Tex was my favorite ya novel and I wrote a screen adaptation of it in a college class.

>> No.19370271

Stop shilling the "boys are le bad" meme everywhere and let them read stuff like Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island, Where The Red Fern Grows, and other classics. Yeah so what if they want to read Black Beauty or Anne of Green Gables as well, that's fine, but they shouldn't be told off for reading books meant for boys.

>> No.19370308

Black beauty sucked

>> No.19370315

DUNC is legitimately helping, i think. the movie is making people check out the book and while it's just genre crap it's a pretty good entry point into reading for kids.

>> No.19370374

My penis is the mind killer.

>> No.19370587

dune is a good book

>> No.19371875
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I think he would

>> No.19371881

Don't have children of my own but what got me into reading at a young age was mythology so maybe some Greek myths for kids would be a good start.

>> No.19372421

Western publishers cannot sell books to boys or men because anything that appeals to those groups would create a twitter controversy.

Demand exists, self-published/webnovel/translations of litrpg/progression fantasy and all that garbage has gone from zero to huge in like 4 years.

The nips honestly figured it out when they realized paying a porn artist to draw 6 black and white pictures for your genre fiction novel will quadruple its sales.

>> No.19373159

Based, fuck Ms. O'Horo

>> No.19373184

>Its adults not respecting kids
I think this is it too. Kids are dumb but they can learn things alot easier than adults can, you just have to get their attention

>> No.19374236

low t
no t

>> No.19374250

bunch of fucking le smartie pants responses seething about this guy but not even one fucking argument, looks like reading isnt doing you all that much good huh you bunch of fucking copers.

>> No.19374315
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I'm just glad we have so much existing literature and music to go through before it got tainted. We will likely die before we even consume 5% of it.

Convinced the only way to raise proper children now is by keeping them away from other children and the school system. Other children will greatly influence your own and let's be honest, kids are very easy to impress upon - imagine your kid getting ruined by some other kid showing yours degenerate Youtube channels and behaviors. I totally understand now why some parents did not let their children play with others.

Do NOT give your kids a phone, tablet, TV or any device that connects them to modern media. Keep them away from it all and stick with physical books, read to them every night, and instill in them the capacity to reason and build standards for themselves until they are at an age where they can mentally stand up for themselves if they come across something that would corrupt a lesser mind.

Vigilo confido.

>> No.19374334
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>the only way to raise proper children now is by keeping them away from other children

An opinion that is the sad result of the super individuation that is bringing western culture in general and US culture in particular to its knees at the moment. Depriving a social animal of any contact with its own kind to weaken it and make it a subject while convincing it that this is the preferred state. No possibility for solidarity among the populace, only serfdom.

You are a mental slave advocating for more chains.

>> No.19374346
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Dumb bitch, how about you read the entire thread before you post a "ha, I gotCHA BITCH" reply.

You need to audit the child your child interacts with and make a decision if it will be a positive influence. If not, remove them. Also, you should be having multiple children not just one, you fucking doofus. And if there are truly no good children, then it's like I said, until they are older and wise enough to hold up their STANDARDS.

Don't even bother replying to me, faggot.

>> No.19374354

Oh, so don't do anything and let your child get taken for everything they're worth? Let them become a complete degenerate and raise your hands up and say "he makes his own choices?". Idiot. When you yourself cannot change the system, you are free to make another.

>> No.19374367


And this is how one of those poor, socially retarded children react when confronted with the slightest headwind. You are specimens underpinning the argument.

>> No.19374434

>i have no argument and im just gonna pull some random shit from my ass cause im too stupid and lazy to think of ways to help my children develop
You must be really fucking naive to think that today's kids are "good" for your children. But, sure, keep thinking it's some fucking utopia where your child will magically come out right if you let go of all the reins.

>> No.19374448

Helicopter parenting closely guarding your child while playing with carefully screened playmates depriving the child of any freedom of association or movement has led to the anxiety ridden, socially inept state of today's young adults.

>> No.19374449

Get streamers/youtubers to make books cool

>> No.19374499
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>How do we get boys to read at a young age,
Remind them that reading is a masculine hobby. Somehow along the past few decades, reading has become a feminine hobby. Which is even more bizzare since for centuries women were prohibited from education and university systems. Every male I've ever talked to stops reading after high school. They have little desire to pick up a book on their own, of any background and topic and read. I'll I'll recommend it to people to see their reaction and they always blow it off without a hesitation as if it's not even a real suggestion as to what to do while bored and sitting at work for 12 hours.

>> No.19374504

My kid is reading the western cannon the moment he births. Have fun talking about Star Wars with your kid.

>> No.19374515

My mother read the Iliad to me around that age. I don't remember a lot of it at the time but it still gives an appreciation of the history of literature and what stories are out there.

>> No.19374636

Enjoy your western head canon while feeding your (let's be honest, most likely imaginary) kids anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs while wondering why he has no friends or sexual relations.

>> No.19376162


>> No.19376598

The amount of people saying that reply was too long is legitimately embarrassing and if I was willing to go without monetary compensation I would permanently ban them from /lit/.

>> No.19376679

i agree

>> No.19376719

>Recent studies
There's the reason. Boys don't like all the faggot shit they're being told to read.

>> No.19376729

Good man. If your relationship with your children is good they'll want to read what you read.

>> No.19376745

They had that when I was a kid in the 90's, but all the books were fucking gay. Can't imagine what trash they must be pushing now.

>> No.19376779

Based as fuck. Everyone who disagrees with any of that is a nigger.

>> No.19376787

Yeah as I grown up I realize it wasn't great.

>> No.19376808

>Mass literacy is a new thing, and honestly, it doesn't seem to have lead to an improvement in our culture's literature.
Haha, right you are.

>> No.19376843

sir tranny do the needful stop post forever mother benchod

>> No.19376897

Make Reading Cool Again

>> No.19377495

cope. Drugs are for losers. Sexual relations can wait until they come of age. Make an effort to find them husbands and wives instead of doing this bullshit modern way of fucking till you get tired and grow up. We need a return to arranged marriages.

>> No.19377528


>> No.19377575

t. retard

>> No.19378528

>masculine hobby
It's not a masculine hobby