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1934637 No.1934637 [Reply] [Original]


take the test and post your results

>> No.1934661


>> No.1934665


>> No.1934666
File: 14 KB, 319x203, Screen shot 2011-07-17 at 19.21.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Above average, it seems.

>> No.1934670

Only 17.4k ;_;
But I guess it's not all that bad because English is not my mother tongue.

>> No.1934676

some interesting, albeit faggoty, words included as part of the test.

>> No.1934679


I am familiar with every word except most of the right column, but I probably couldn't define a lot of them on a test, so I left a lot blank

>> No.1934682

only because i know latin and greek so many like oneiromancy and hypnopompic are obvious even if you haven't actually seen them before.

>> No.1934687
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I need to read more.

>> No.1934691


>> No.1934701

I got 11,100. English is not my native language.

>> No.1934702

Such is life in a library.

>> No.1934712

I never understood how this work. I mean, I understand the test is just an estimative, but who had the idea to measure vocabulary by "counting words"? Picture yourself writing down all the words you know without repeating. Can you see it reaching that number? Being far behind or far ahead of it? I don't know, I just have absolutely no idea how this is supposed to work.

They say "Shakespeare had X number of words in his vocabulary" and how do they know this? Counting all the different words right? Because if everything is an estimative, then it means absolutely nothing.

>> No.1934717

They know a little about Shakespeare because of all he wrote..I guess they could count all of those words..he also created hundreds of words which we use today so he was obviously able to see the future as well. Shakespeare thread? I like Titus Andronicus because it was Shakespeare's penny dreadful.

>> No.1934719


I have never used a fair few of the words i checked and most likely never will.

Well obviously it's an estimate. To get a perfectly accurate measure they would need to include every word in the English language in the test.

>> No.1934722

Forgot to mention that they explain their method too http://testyourvocab.com/details.php

>> No.1934727

30,300 words.

Fa/tg/uy here. You would be absolutely stunned the number of those I knew from roleplayan games.

>> No.1934731

16,600 ;_;

Well, I feel shit now.

>> No.1934732

I'm not saying Shakespeare didn't have a huge vocabulary. But I'm saying how can one estimate a number for it instead of just saying "yo this Shakespeare guy had a huge vocabulary".

I know the test is an estimative, but you need a base to do that and I don't see it. You need something to compare or else, me, you and motherfucking Shakespeare just have a random number attached to our vocabulary.

>> No.1934734


Hey Tao.

>> No.1934733
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>Mfw I don't even care.

>> No.1934736

that's all nice and fluffy and better than everyone

>> No.1934738


Do I win?

Also I fucking love the word "mammon". Evokes its meaning perfectly.

>> No.1934741

23 000

What a load of shit. What if you just happen to be unlucky and get words you don't know on the list?

>> No.1934744


Methinks the butthurt doth protest too much.

>> No.1934745

20,500, I'm not a native.

>> No.1934748

i got 29,800

but english is my second language, so i'm still rather proud of it.

>> No.1934750

Read how it works: >>1934722
and stop being so butthurt

>> No.1934757

28,800, meh

>> No.1934777

i got like 35k but only because i didn't know the stuff on the last row, which when you look them up are mostly just loan words from french with ridiculously specific meanings, or which refer to things so niche that they haven't existed for a few centuries

>> No.1934789 [DELETED] 
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as expected

>> No.1934796

I'm not surprised. Got 22k myself as a non-native speaker, but I'd swear I'd have 10-30% less if I didn't spend 3600 hours in WoW last year.
Good to know it wasn't a complete waste of time, although you can't call it efficient either.

>> No.1934802


And that's with the benefit of Latin and French.

>> No.1934841

We should make a thread to teach each other jargon, obscure words, latin, and explanations of isms.

>> No.1934846

english is my second language.

>> No.1934847

>The killing of one's wife
I wish i learned latin

>> No.1934851



>> No.1934852

That site sucks. It keeps dropping the connection and it's slow as fuck.
Good attempt OP, next time provide us with a decent site.

>> No.1934861
File: 21 KB, 727x434, vocam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being honest. I feel like doing the word a day Merriam-Webster thing.

There were a bunch of words I was familiar with, but couldn't define correctly, so I left them unchecked.

>> No.1934863


Yeah, it was slow as hell.

>> No.1934873

21,500 words and non-native.
Pretty good, I think.

>> No.1934878


Would you say that's ok for a non-native speaker? Also, I swear there were words I've never seen ANYWHERE.

>> No.1934879

22200 and i'm a native speaker

what am i doing with my life? ;_;

>> No.1934883


I know that feel.

The worst thing is I do actually read decent stuff and I make sure I look up unfamiliar words.

>> No.1935005

3,340 and i'm not native, not good

>> No.1935032

this one is mostly bullshit. take toefl or ielts

>> No.1935038


not native but I feel sad anyway, I thought I was much better

>> No.1935046

I got 12k words and I ain't even mad. English is my 6th language.

I got 8.5 out of 9 in IELTS (Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking). ^____^

>> No.1935049

German here,
Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

>> No.1935055

Made a TOEFL in Germany, 98%.

Needed 81 for university lol. Needed to take it cause I didn't choose English in high school.

>> No.1935060

Eh... There were a lot of words that were familiar to me, but which I've always just taken in context so I don't know their exact meanings. Oh well.

>> No.1935065

30,700, but I think it's a bit artificially high.

>> No.1935081

>Made a TOEFL in Germany
>Made a TOEFL

Go and buy a English textbook, you filthy German. The correct form is ''Took a TOEFL test in Germany''.

>> No.1935087


I'm 21 and I think I've got some way to go. I haven't read in quite a while.

Fucking vidya, rots the mind...

>> No.1935092

You speak another language yourself there, buddy?

>> No.1935094


26,800 words. I feel like I've been wasting my life and becoming dumber.

>> No.1935158

28 K

Decidely average! Though I'd argue alot of those words fall into an older English vernacular than is relevent, and many of the terms are borrowed from other languages - Leitmotive, for example.

>> No.1935167


But I'd like to know more, damn it!

>> No.1935179
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>> No.1935189

I would assume the test takes into account that a lot of the words ARE loan words and obscure words and that effects the calculation.

>> No.1935196


Don't think it does!

> mfw someone decides that by asking me if I could define sverte they can tell me my estimated English vocab!

>> No.1935220

ungood feel peoples

>> No.1935234


>> No.1935271

26,800, no bullshit.

>> No.1935276

Well, I legitimately got 43,700

But that's because I knew all the words on the first list, all but 2 on the second list, and then a small handful on the last (prob missed 4?)

But I don't think this test is all that accurate, although I don't want to engage in any further floccinaucinihilipipfication of it.

>> No.1935279


Spell it right.


>> No.1935307


Fuck, I'm below average for my age.

>> No.1935323


...I don't believe this as i don't read much.
I'm going to take this again.

>> No.1935337
File: 11 KB, 130x179, 1306540247287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half of the more 'advanced' words are simply french words and I was partly raised in Marseille

fuck this tryhard bourgeois shit

>> No.1935822


native speaker

>> No.1935865


>> No.1935901



Wish I would have taken Latin.

>> No.1935913


Confound it. It's the only language I know too. Such is the life of a mathfag.

>> No.1935918

about 25k
english is my only language i'm about to kill myself

>> No.1935925


Not native speaker.

>> No.1935928

fucking hell.. 20,500

>> No.1935954


Feels pretty bad. I should read more.

>> No.1935957

Knowing the definition of a word is surface-level. Once you can use the word gracefully in conversation, without strain, then it belongs to you. Until then it is useful only in understanding others, not communicating.

>> No.1935975

that's just a function of how the people around you talk and what you read

>> No.1935976

understanding is the most essential part of communicating

>> No.1935985

Knowing the definition of a word?

I doubt anyone would argue that.

>> No.1935989

20,900 words. English is my main language but not my first.

>> No.1935991

29 400. They say the median is about 27k.

>> No.1936003

36,500. I am content.

>> No.1936009
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>> No.1936014

This test should give you definitions of all the words you missed imo. Would get much more out of it.

>> No.1936018

Above the 95th percentile which is as far as the listed scale goes, although I wouldn't place too much faith in the accuracy of this test.

>> No.1936035

32,200. I was feeling smug 'till I got here and people are scoring much higher. Now I feel stupid as shit. Thanks, /lit/.

>> No.1936042

42.7k, but I know some Latin and French so I understood the meanings of the words I've never even seen before in English.

>> No.1936048
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>> No.1936053

You can't let me keep any pride at all, can you?

>> No.1936082


Meh, I don't give a shit.

>> No.1936185


>> No.1936232

This test makes me feel bad.

>> No.1936234

This doesn't seem very accurate. I'm extremely confident in my vocabulary and I can't believe I on'y got 22,750. Oh well, a score only means as much as you take it for, I guess.

>> No.1936528

13000, not bad considering english is not my mother tonge
anyway im pretty sure this kind of test is pretty innacurate,

>> No.1936532

33600 LOL. I felt small seeing words I don't know. Oh well..

>> No.1936543

10 800. French native, so I'm okay with this. Expected better though.

>> No.1936582
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Me native english speaker, me feel no good now

>> No.1936585

Three. Oh no.

>> No.1936589

20,200 - below average for my age group

This is double plus ungood. What the fuck.

>> No.1936591


Due to not being a native english speaker, I am quite okay with this.

>> No.1936594


>> No.1936609

28, 900

>> No.1936647


I feel awful and compelled to pick up a book.

>> No.1936655


Not bad. Not particularly good, but not bad either. Decent for my age, and I have plenty of time to work on it.

>> No.1936657


Only 20
Not a native of an english speaking country.

Eh I feel can still improve.
There were a lot of words I had to leave unchecked that I felt I might know the meaning of if I had spend a few minutes mulling them over.

>> No.1936661

I have a feeling people lie, and not because my own score is below average. It should test you on a few supposedly known words at the end. I doubt the majority would pass.

>> No.1936669

Yeah I don't get why they didn't do that?

>> No.1936670

How and who the fuck would anyone know words such as funambulist(tightrope walker) or caitiff(archaic synonym for coward)? A lot of the words are jargon or archaic. This needs to be more empirically rigorous(sample size, valid word selection etc.) to have any application.

>> No.1936692

Going to have to second this. If the average is as high as this site suggests, we would hear these words more often.

>> No.1936694

22,800 scoring guy here again. I did the test again, but clicked on anything I've remotely heard of or sounded familiar and got 35,500. I guess most people did something halfway between being honest and lenient.

>> No.1936700

I see your point. Also, I stand by what I said earlier. Knowing a definition for a word isn't the same as internalizing a word well enough to communicate with it effortlessly and evocatively. If a word like bibulous doesn't spring to mind once in a while when discussion alcoholics, then you probably haven't internalized the word, even if you don't use it in everyday conversation.

>> No.1936702
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>mfw I saw oneiromancy and was mildly ashamed that I know what it means

>> No.1936776

I'm 17, native speaker, also know Latin and German, read lots. Got 32.2k.

>> No.1936787

Do you go to a private school.

And yes, I am jelly.

>> No.1936809

Yes, yes I do. On a bursary, though - I'm not rich!

>> No.1936828

Thought so. Nobody knows Latin without going to a private school. I did some afterschool sessions in it, so I know a tiny bit. I found that even the silliest phrases sound very dramatic.

Ego barbam tondeo!

I did this test awhile ago and got about 25,000. I'm 18 and know A level standard German.

>> No.1936832

22k, not native.

>> No.1937025

26400, Native.

>> No.1937229

29k, and still in high school.
Not too bad, I guess

>> No.1937243

32,800. Disappointing. My vocabulary really hasn't improved since about the eighth grade, which just confirms what I thought then -- which is that I was a really smart eighth grader.

I'm kind of a dumb adult though, I guess.


>> No.1937247


Not bad I guess.

>> No.1937299

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:
31,100 words

Non-native speaker, 18


One of my majors being linguistics helps so much

>> No.1937334
File: 42 KB, 933x659, my vocabulary level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah. Although I will admit that I knew none of the words on the last line.

>> No.1937344

but i scored 800 on the gre
so i think you're all bullshitting slightly

>> No.1937371

>My vocabulary really hasn't improved since about the eighth grade, which just confirms what I thought then -- which is that I was a really smart eighth grader.

13 year olds in America know words like adumbrate, sobriquet, nostrum, svelte and tenebrous?
I thought the education system was supposed to be shit there.

>> No.1937407

27k, being honest and a non-native speaker. But I think it's bullshit anyway. I'm sure I don't actually know that much.