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/lit/ - Literature

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19347115 No.19347115 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19347119

I think that Guenon posters are somewhat obnoxious

>> No.19347122

That's not a sin, that's just having a brain lol.

>> No.19347124

i have no idea what his ideas are, but his long face is funny.

>> No.19347606

I think aligning your personality with an author/philosopher then shilling it on lit is very cringe, and I agree.

I can’t understand most Buddhists texts and use the fact that they’re an eastern philosophy and that westerns can’t possibly grasp it as an excuse.

>> No.19347738
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I'm going to drop Frankenstein. I used to love that high Victorian writing style, and epistilogical books. But I'm wavering so hard. I just cannot stand to continue to listen listen him go on and on.
So instead I'm going to read Dune.

>> No.19347799

>high Victorian writing style,
atrocious. it can be comfy for immersion, tge way Wilde or some others pull it off, but for actual storytelling it's trash

>> No.19347800
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I finished my book over a year ago but I'm too scared of the social repercussions to publish.

>> No.19347818

what's the book about?

>> No.19347824

severe sinner here, I liked reading the asoiaf series
now I am afraid that I was a tasteless pig the whole time

>> No.19347826

The corruption of the two party system in Australia and how the citizenry is to blame for it, if retribution against the citizenry is justified and what should be done to fix it

>> No.19347829

publish it so that I can read it plz

>> No.19347861

Shelley’s style is just meh.

>> No.19347881

I stopped reading War and Peace half way to take a break from it and read The Monk instead for Spooky Month. I extended that break to read Paradise Lost.

>> No.19347887

Read PL aloud for maximum erudition.

>> No.19347900

I'm not your jester, fuck off

>> No.19347955

I have listened to 72 warhammer 40,000 audiobooks

>> No.19348263


>> No.19348279

I read ready player one

>> No.19348315

I read books and then afterwards completely forget the bulk of the plot. And so I often wonder what the point in reading is at all.

I often have to reread sentences over and over again to try and make sense of them. I usually give up. I struggled with Dostoyevsky. I gave up on Kierkegaard, let alone more complex philosophy. I want nothing more than to understand Hegel but I accept that I have no chance. My IQ is apparently around the 110 mark. I feel deeply ashamed and angry about this.

>> No.19348361

Holy shit, are you me?
I apparently have an IQ of 120-130 (according to online tests..) but I feel like such a fucking retard. I cannot understand what I read without deep, conscious analysis and my retention of the knowledge gleaned is easily forgotten. I forget the plot points of even easily digestible normoid movies. It all feels so hopeless.

>> No.19348376

I have read an upwards of 40 Warhammer books. I own limited editions for some of them and plan to buy even more

>> No.19348401

Actively engage with the text. Take notes as you read; jot down important quotes; read the text aloud. Make connections to other texts.

These won’t help you remember every detail of every book— but it will help you integrate the information into daily life. Engaging with the text will change you according to what you read, and that’s the important part of reading.

>> No.19348404
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I don't read often. I'm slow. I take about 6 months to finish a novel. I started with the greeks a year ago and since then I haven't finished the first of Plato's dialogues books. I'm here because I like the philosophy threads and bc I like to read threads of anons who know a lot more abt literature than me. I'm a filmmaker thus I'm more of a film and cinema passionate, I watch a fuckton of movies, but /tv/ is a retearded board full of fans of industrial movies and porn addicts; so I prefer to browse here.

>> No.19348499

I didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.19348507

This. Go for a walk after you finish reading a book and think about it (or before you go to bed).

>> No.19348703

golden message ahahaha

>> No.19348778
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when I turned 24 I realized I was 6 years away from being 30 and I literally had nothing going on in my life, I also had no hobbies nor had i done anything interesting or knew anything about anything. It was as if I had never existed so I decided to become the biggest pseud I could.
I read old boring books that I fucking hate only so that I can be a walking "uuummm ackshually"
it's hard to cram all this useless shit into my head and sometimes I feel like it's going to drive me insane
I don't understand what I'm reading most of the time so I just memorize quotes or come here to steal other people's opinion on said texts
I hate my life but it works, people think I'm smart.
I am so tired...

>> No.19348785 [DELETED] 

>I'm here because I like the philosophy threads and bc I like to read threads of anons who know a lot more abt literature than me.
if you read even a little you recognize it all as worthless pseud babble

>> No.19348803

There’s no shame in reading a book twice or three times before you really get it. For a lot of nonfiction, like kierkegaard and hegel, this is actually necessary and anybody who says they can read their works once and be done is a pseud.

>> No.19348887


It's not always the concepts that I struggle with, it's literally the way the author writes. The convoluted sentences that require you to hold so much information at once in order to comprehend. I know this is an IQ issue.

>> No.19348921

I started Anna Karenina and after about five pages I took a break to get a sandwich and it's been over fifteen years and I haven't got back to it yet.

>> No.19348924

I have gained the ability to phase in and out of reality at will

>> No.19348978


>> No.19348987

They did it on purpose to filter midwits like us

>> No.19349013
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Are you the Eliot/Poe guy who kept asking higschool-tier questions? Is that what you were doing, fishing for things to parrot?
Come here, anon, you need a hug.

>> No.19349105

I don't like Hemingway.
But I can't elaborate why because I drop his stuff after only a few pages. There's just something there that my brain repels.

>> No.19349124

I've only ever read secondary sources on Western philosophy.

>> No.19349150
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Sometimes I spend too much time going to only Christian threads on 4channel instead of just reading the Holy Bible the whole time.

>> No.19349164

i only read about half of thpd02he books i start

>> No.19349169

what kind of movies do you like? and since you will probably say "everything" or give an answer insinuating eclectic taste, just tell me some of your favs and recc me some underrated foreign ones

>> No.19349180

I hated him too but I tried his short story collection. After reading a few of them, something clicked, and I went back and loved the Hemingway books I originally dropped

>> No.19349200

You are forgiven, my sons.

>> No.19349206

I have gotten 50-100ish pages into a book and then completely forgotten about it more times than I’ve actually finished a book in the last decade.

>> No.19349213

Hegel is fucking incomprehensible. No other philosopher has perplexed me like him, though I don't like Derrida either. Heidegger is bordering on meme tier but he is just barely intelligible.

I'm not calling these people hacks necessarily but they write like assholes

>> No.19349237

Teach us ghost boy.

>> No.19349348

My favourites include many classics and cliché titles. Rather, I'd like to recommend you Embrace of the Serpent by Ciro Guerra. It's a colombian film, a contemporary masterpiece, foreign, and to me is very underrated. The more I watch it the more things I discover from it, and it still leaves me thinking. This film will be crucial in the future as a cultural registry mmw.
Also, give a try to a mexican movie called A Cop Movie by Alonso Ruizpalacios. It's from this year and was released today on Netflix in most countries. It's a mind-blowing piece. You won't regret it.
Also watch these if you haven't yet:
-Come and See (1985)
-Y tu mamá también (2001)
-El Héroe (1994)
-Son of Saul (2015)
-Certified copy (2010) and Close Up (1990)
-Devil's Freedom (2017), it's a documentary, wear a diaper for this one.
-Julien Donkey-Boy (1999)
-An elephant sitting still (2018)

>> No.19349368

I didnt watch son of saul because of its subject but he made another movie called Sunlight or something similar which was pretty kino

>> No.19349388

Started reading Machado de Assis works, and man, I know he is regarded as one of the best literature writers in Brazil/Latin America but goddman I hated his writing style

>unnecessarily complex language, as in, he complicates unnecessary shit for the sake of looking smart, while saying nothing at all
>vague descriptions
>thinks simple sterotypes are a scientific way to analyse individuals

200 pages of works that could very well be reduced to the exactly same in about 80 pages.

>> No.19349440

I prefer Son of Saul, it's a lot more emotional and crushing than Sunlight, plus I think it has a stronger, more solid plot. But of course both movies are amazing in general. It's worth noting that Son of Saul is his first time directing but it feels like it was made by an old filmmaker with decades of experience. A true talented artist.

You seem to like movies anon, what are some of your favs? Or what would you recommend to someone asking for good films?

>> No.19349447

i havent heard of most of these. thanks man ill check them out

>> No.19349468

I don't know much about film tbqh. in terms of arthouse stuff I like Erice, Bresson, and Malick. But mostly I just watch hollywood stuff, my favorite movies are things like The Grey and Ex Machina.

>> No.19349512

I also really really like Bresson, he's a master, and I've liked all of Malick's movies I've watched. Haven't checked anything by Victor Erice yet, do you rec one in particular?
Ex Machina is kino and lmao my dad loves The Grey. Liam Nesson trope movies are really fun imo.

>> No.19349519

yeah it's honestly really overrated

>> No.19349529
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I don't read enough on a daily basis. I haven't read today either. I feel bad about it.

>> No.19349557

I sometimes put my dick between the pages of a book I really like in order to remember it better, just rest it there. And it works.

>> No.19349567

The grey was really not what I was expecting. I think people were actually disappointed by the movie because it was advertised as a Neeson action thriller but it's really not that. It is a (somewhat heavy handed) meditation on mortality basically. Perfect mix of Hollywood meme content and more serious thematic content for me anyway, I love the remote Alaskan setting they're in.

As for Erice he really only has two movies I think, El Sur(The south) and Spirit of the beehive. El Sur is about a family, specifically a young girl growing up and her father, the main attraction of the movie is really that it's absolutely beautifully shot. He does crazy things with colour and light. Spirit of the beehive is somewhat about film itself, there is a kid who gets obsessed with the movie Frankenstein. I think Spirit is the generally more acclaimed one, but I dont like it quite as much.

>> No.19349581

The Bible is filtering me

>> No.19349583
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The reason I am fixated on literature, philosophy and theology is to find a way to reach a girl I'm in love with.
She is an anime girl.

>> No.19349629

I don't consider this much of a sin but most of my development as a writer has come from doing long-form erotic roleplay sessions. I think I'm good enough to (self) publish now.

>> No.19349633

>I put on my robe and wizard hat

>> No.19349663


>> No.19349712

After several long breaks i gave up on Stranger in a Strange Land 10 chapters in. I just don't like the characters, they seem cliché and, I know this is a bit of a dirty word around here, but maybe somewhat misogynistic.
I moved on to fantasy because I had a setting with magic in it I wanted to develop for a game series (which I haven't made still), and I stuck with it out of interest.

>> No.19349732

i dont read books only italian comic books and metabarons

>> No.19349745

I read Paul Auster. God, please forgive me.

>> No.19349793

This may sound like an odd request, but if your dick is thick and comely, could you please post a picture of such an act so I may use it for shitposting purposes? Alas my own is too petite for the task.

>> No.19349932

Which one?

>> No.19350007

I submitted an abstract on Virginia Woolf and continental philosophy to a research symposium without having read what I talk about

>> No.19350058
File: 1.11 MB, 777x1177, bible way to heaven1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a reminder to /lit/ that you don't have to go to hell for your sins. watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven. it's easy to be saved because salvation is not of our works, God doesn't need your works to save you. roman catholicism teaches false gospel (work salvation) and lead people to hell. this is the real gospel.


>> No.19350072

Only thing that might count is I still read those popular semi trashy Jack Reacher books that are all pretty similar, I've read them all even the one that came out last month. They are pretty good for being consumerist pop shit but they are what they are. Everything else I read is pretty great though, I haven't "dropped" a book I was reading in over a decade.

>> No.19350246

I am so interested in read what you wrote, you can even have an idea

>> No.19350323

i only read poems

>> No.19350796

I try to when I'm alone (which is rare because I'm always either at work or with my parents in our one bed room apartment

>> No.19350822

I started a story about a female serial killer that targets degenerates and later falls in love with a cop investigating her crimes on the eve of a man made pandemic from a supposed cure for diabetes. This was about four years before corona and I just know if I put it out there now, a lot of motherfuckers are going to think i'm cashing in on the real pandemic. Shouldn't have put it off God damn it.

>> No.19350837

that's good
now i can kill people without worrying :D

>> No.19350860

I stopped reading fiction because I can't relate myself to a character pursuing romantic relationships.

>> No.19350878

By the time you’re done it won’t be topical anymore.
I don’t mean that as a dig; books take forever.

>> No.19351335

based and dadwenttothestoretobuycigarettespilled

>> No.19351378

MMost of my knowledge of philosophy is pieced together by intuition and /lit/ posts. Forgive me, /lit/izens.

>> No.19351387
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>> No.19351388


>> No.19351616
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I think American writers are better than British writers (I'm English)
I think the New Testament is better (in a literary sense) than the Old
I have never read the Odyssey, or Don Quixote
I find Mishima unbearable
I hated the Count of Monte Christo
I think JK Rowling is Britain's greatest living writer
I think Russian is a better language for literature than English
I think French philosophy is worse than Anglo philosophy
I think the works of Philip K Dick can tell us more about the human condition than Shakespeare

>> No.19352632

>I think American writers are better than British writers (I'm English)
Are — yeah. Were — naa.

>I think the New Testament is better (in a literary sense) than the Old
I don't think so. But emotionally it's a breath of fresh air after a thousand pages of semitic malice and vengefulness, and that disturbs your judgement.

>I have never read the Odyssey, or Don Quixote
"Few people have read Don Quixote, although many people think they have." — Nabokov, I think

>I find Mishima unbearable
He's pretty icky. Plus he skipped leg day.

>I hated the Count of Monte Christo
If you hated all half-a-million words of it, you have persistence, if nothing else.

>I think JK Rowling is Britain's greatest living writer
She's terrible. But if you want to use financial success as a measure of greatness, that's OK. Don't make the mistake of thinking she's a serious cultural force like e.g. Tolkien or Star Wars, though. She'll be utterly forgotten in her own lifetime.

>I think Russian is a better language for literature than English
My heart says no but my head says I'm not qualified to comment since I can't speak Russian.

>I think French philosophy is worse than Anglo philosophy
Anglo philosophy tends to be rooted in practicality, so it's a pitiful thing. Still, I'm sure it's better than whatever nonsense the French have come up with.

>I think the works of Philip K Dick can tell us more about the human condition than Shakespeare.
They really, really can't. (He is better than many people give him credit for, though.)

>> No.19352638

I watch vtubers.

>> No.19352653

Have you ever done that with a book you've borrowed, or is it only with books you own?

>> No.19352656
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What the fuck, anon?

>> No.19352661

It's hard not to love anime girls. But wouldn't it make more sense to learn to draw her? Then learn to draw yourself in anime form. Stage three is —

(There's a short story in here somewhere.)

>> No.19352665

I've often wondered how many people got into art because they wanted to draw their own porn. It's more than none, I think.

>> No.19352671

Me too, except it's not just "more times", it's "more times by a factor of about five". I think a good rule is "Never buy or download a new book without finishing at least two books you've already started." I try to stick to this but fail.

>> No.19352680

This might be a sin, but actually reading VW would be a worse one.

>> No.19352700

I think HP Lovecraft's writing style is annoying

>> No.19352855

/lit/ should compile a ROMANCE-FREE READING chart. I could easily suggest 100 good novels with either no or only very incidental romance.

>> No.19352900

I had to give up on Ada or Ardor because it was too difficult.

>> No.19352910

Also for every 1 book I have finished I have probably read 3 to the halfway point.

>> No.19353018

Now here's a man with potential. Perhaps the impossibility of the pursuit and its accompanying despair will allow him to reach ever greater heights.
If this is actually you, on the other hand, forget I said anything.

>> No.19353029

That was pretty much the whole point of the novel. Underneath its flowery prose it is a fairly mundane (if weird) novel.

>> No.19353032

I agree. His complete inability to write decent dialogue means his stories feel like a chore to read.

>> No.19353034

I only read female chinese authors

>> No.19353061

If you intended this as an indirect way of confessing the sin "I lie on /lit/", bravo. Very meta. Hofstadter would be proud of you.

>> No.19353073

I have nothing to gain by lying

>> No.19353116

I am on book 39 of Horus Heresy. I am loving every minute of it.

>> No.19353167

I reply to posts on /lit/ with multiple points and I reply to each one individually and space them out with empty lines between

>> No.19353351

I haven't read a book in months and I have been feeling like shit for months so I think there is a correlation.
I just feel so tired and bitter all the time for some reason.

>> No.19353461

I like Sally Rooney as a person and think that, despite her naive political views, she is genuinely a good author.

>> No.19353488

I really don't read and yet I post here a lot

>> No.19353673
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Impressive. I love the idea of dedicating a ton of time to a single series. No need to think about what you have to read next. Get pulled into a world for a very long time. Keep it up anon.