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File: 7 KB, 192x263, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19343266 No.19343266 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Guenon (pbuh) fans, making my way through Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta and came across this passage:
>The pseudo-metaphysicians of the West are in the habit of confusing with the Universal things which, in reality pertain to the individual order; or rather, as they have no conception at all of the Universal, that to which they fallaciously apply this name is usually the general, which is properly speaking but a mere extension of the individual. Some carry the confusion still further; the'empiricist'philosophers, who cannot even conceive the general, identifr it with the collective, which by right belongs to the particular order only; and by means of these successive degradations they end by reducing all things to the level of sensory knowledge, which many indeed regard as the only kind of knowledge possible, because their mental horizon does not extend beyond this domain and because they wish to impose on everybody else the limitations which are but the effect of their own incapacity, whether inborn or acquired through a particular form of education.
Sorry if this a total normie question, but what is the exact nature of these various things? Universal, individual, general, collective, particular. I understand the first 2 but the latter seem to all run together for me. Guenon is making distinctions between what is opposed to the Universal, and his argument seems to say that there is actually only the universal and the illusory individual which is principled by it. So how are these things defined?

>> No.19343412

Singular instantiation of a class
Pertaining to the class, regardless of there even being instantiated individuals
Pertaining to all instantiated individuals
A lot of individuals
Some individuals

>> No.19343439

universal in a metaphysical sense, the other terms are used like in the common usage

>> No.19343489

So it's a matter of class/caste? I was assuming it was more about the nature of things qua things.

>> No.19343492

If we want to be even more scrupulous, since Guenon approved of Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysics, we could say that by general he means that which pertains to the genus and by universal that which pertains to the species. We know that in that system genus and species are relative terms, so particular could mean a further subdivision of the genus. The highest species are forms and they are synonymous with universals. Individual means individual substance, a substantial form individuated by matter and subject to the accident of quantity. However Guenon uses some Scholastic concepts like substance and essence in his own particular way, and who knows maybe >>19343439 is right and he is just using the terms in the common sense.

>> No.19343500

Not caste, think class in the sense of Platonic Idea.

>> No.19343536

I see. This clears this up thanks
ah ok

>> No.19343550
File: 80 KB, 793x337, Screenshot 2021-11-04 121829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give even more context, he puts this table on the bottom of the page.

>> No.19343616
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 25tattvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, in that case he means something very definite and it's neither common sense nor Platonic or Scholastic, but I suspect a mix of Hindu Sankhya philosophy with Scholastics. I can't say I know for sure. Best eave it to guenonfag.

>> No.19344879

based humble explanation poster, very rare

>> No.19345897
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1582438097038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will reading Guenon help cure my crippling autism or only exacerbate it?

>> No.19345907

the /lit/ anon most associated with guenon is the biggest shitpants autist the board has ever seen

>> No.19345945


>> No.19346169

Another day, another guenon shill thread

>> No.19346904
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>Singular instantiation of a class
>Pertaining to the class, regardless of there even being instantiated individuals
>Pertaining to all instantiated individuals
>A lot of individuals
>Some individuals

>Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysics

We use: ousia, physis, hypostasis, prosopon, tropos.

>> No.19346944

Holy fucking cringe. Imagine writing something this pedantic about actual philosophers while you yourself are a nobody hack who disappeared from history almost instantly, only to be saved because you have the label of "based trad."

Dude is acting superior whole restating a millenia old problem and other people's arguments on it, while in fact the nominalism vs realism debate had largely been resolved by the this point by Hegel and later by semiotics coming on the scene with Sausser and Pierce (all of whom have enduring legacies outside 4chan).

>> No.19346946

>non-greek terminologies are wrong
thee absolute state of orthofags, reducing everything to some random culture which wasn't even native to Christianity

>> No.19346949

You can translate them into Latin with preserving the proper meaning. The terms themselves are understood in a different way than the false preachers like Guenon would understand it (with only illusory distinction between ousia and hypostasis).

>> No.19346951

>while you yourself are a nobody hack who disappeared from history almost instantly
According to Guenon, individualities don't matter, only doctrine does.

>> No.19346964

You just lack insight and vision. Evola and Guenon knew the essential truth. Most lack the intellect to grasp it through natural defect. Thankfully the right combination of genetic gifts and education that create an initiate have finally become more common in the early 21st century in young, middle class males with conservative leaning and fears of downward mobility. A new dawn of civilization is upon us. Thought will never be the same! The high priests and the magicians have returned! Lo', they are emerging from their cul de sacs even as we speak, watching YouTube videos on the sacred knowledge!

>> No.19346995
File: 29 KB, 280x302, FBcBv0YWEAY26Z_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola and Guenon knew the essential truth
Syncretism is not the "essential truth", lol.
It doesn't matter if you call it by a different name, appealing to an "esoteric core". Practicing different religions and mixing them is still cafeteria-style syncretism.

>> No.19346998
File: 125 KB, 940x936, 1634798993900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Remind me how many initiations has guenon collected? The guy was a mason too.

>> No.19347110

Pretty sure that post is laughing at modern tradies. Early 20th century fascination with esoterica produced some cool art, I will admit that. However, it was mostly richfags without anything to do biting off established philosophers, blending them and covering it with obscurantism and a patina of authority by citing Oriental mystical traditions. They'd be aghast that their impact a century on lies mostly with upper middle class young men who are stewing over economic grievances.

One can only read so much and I'm pissed at myself for being memed into it when I was young when there are other things from the period I could have read like Wittgenstein and gotten real, novel insights trying to be as clear as possible, rather than recycled content trying to be obscure to hide its lack of originality.

>> No.19347130

>gotten real, novel insights trying to be as clear as possible
Wittgenstein is ultimately still a distraction from Christ. All secular knowledge is when not framed correctly. It's pernicious in that it makes you think you have knowledge, when you really have none.

>> No.19348663

if this dismissal of his triggers you boy do I have some other passages of his to show you. He maintains that Greek philosophy lacks the depth found within the Vedas, and that any insight even found in the Greek invention is purely stolen from India. He's pretty virulent towards Westernism and I have no issue seeing why this is appealing to people. Christianity has brought us the most unauthentic representation of spiritualism and metaphysics with Protestantism. I think most people who read Guenon are just tired of what they've been told is real and authentic without ever feeling like they got a chance to participate in the discussing of so much. Usually what this amounts to is a atheistic hedonism so really his appeal is a good thing.

>> No.19348665

Please don't say "pbuh," it's deeply offensive to actual Muslims.

>> No.19349172


>> No.19350466

404 is your reward for being disrespectful to Islam