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File: 952 KB, 1450x778, Cyber Scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19346990 No.19346990 [Reply] [Original]

Cyber Scene edition

Previous Thread:>>19335225

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19347012

Lads how do we kill the LitRPG genre.

>> No.19347179
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Simple as.

>> No.19347202

Any good books set in 3000 AD where we're still trapped within our solar system but have somehow exploited other objects within our solar system and the eternal spectre of warp travel hangs over the scientific community?

>> No.19347259

Read Master Assassins.
>thoroughly redpilled fantasy novel about "totally not Islam, my dudes"
Decided to read the sequel afterwards.
>rancid wokeshit where everyone is a cuck or a homosexual
Why does this happen every time?

>> No.19347267

Not 3000 AD, but isn't this basically how The Expanse starts?

>> No.19347302

Oh damn, the one time I have an idea I want to read there's actually a series that's exactly what I want
Is it any good?

>> No.19347353

It's kind of pulpy. It has an entertaining TV series adaptation. I enjoyed it, but go in expecting cheap thrills.

>> No.19347369

I plan on reading that eventually. I may not like the sequel either, but if I don't it certainly wouldn't be for your overly sensitive reasons.

>> No.19347431

That's a shame.

>> No.19347436

Do you think the setting of my book is too weird?

I was going to have it set in an endless labyrinth of rooms. So, think of the rooms of your house, but every door just leads to another room. Windows just have rather simplistic paintings of an outside behind them. There are occasionally larger rooms the size of a cafeteria or gymnasium, but for the most part they are normal sized. They have modern furniture of various styles. They go on endlessly in endless permutations, but some features go on longer than others, thus it opens with a man ascending up a seemingly infinite stair, having overed 189 vertical miles himself.

People can survive here because the pantries and refrigerators of kitchens magically refill with food when not watched. There are no books, TV, media, etc. Books need to be made from ripping upolstry off of furniture to use as pages.

Humans appear in this place from our world, seemingly at random at first. So knowledge of philosophy and science sort of trickles in. Half the book is about new arrivals, half is about people who have lived in this world for centuries and only know the infinite labyrinth.

I figured the setting let's me play with ideas of the infinite, the built human enviornment, the how enviornment shapes culture, etc. The other themes will be Gnosticism, the nature of reality, and the essence of truth. How enviornment effects semiotics and how knowledge is shifted by the enviornment (so how is time kept with no sun and no days).

My fear is that the setting will be too weird for audiences. To be sure, Borges has settings as weird, but they don't have to be fully established since they are short stories. I already have 80 pages though, so it'll be at least a novella.

>> No.19347438

But what is it about?

>> No.19347457

Sounds similar to Piranesi.

>> No.19347469

More like a combo of Piranesi and To Your Scattered Bodies Go.

>> No.19347481

>I think Will Wight knows what he's doing making his books the length they are
He has to put out a book every six months for maximum profits. He's spoken about this before. If he bothered taking longer to write a book and actually putting effort into them, we wouldn't have gotten Uncrowned.
Will doesn't need support. He's the best-selling self-pub Fantasy author on Amazon and he has a pack of rabid Reddit fans who already believe everything he writes is immune to critique.
If Will reads a critique post, he hits you with his shitty Neil Gaiman quote about how people with specific critique ideas are always wrong.

There is better self-pub you can support instead of someone who doesn't need your money. Will is doing better than I am with his cross-country vacations and being a fat fuck.

>> No.19347486

>There is better self-pub you can support

>> No.19347514

>Support self-pubs!
>Self-pubbed author does well

>> No.19347523



>> No.19347526

I choose to support somebody who improves as an author, writes more than one book series instead of keeping to the same one for profits, and doesn't believe himself immune to scrutiny.
I've only ever bought one Cradle book and I plan to keep it that way since Uncrowned was a supreme letdown.

>> No.19347538

Enjoy your purity spiral.

>> No.19347546

I'll enjoy not paying somebody to shit in my mouth, yes.

>> No.19347560

It's okay, you enjoy the righteous indignation more than anything else. That's why you're here after all.

>> No.19347561

If you learn to position your head correctly the turd just slips directly down your throat and you don't even taste it.

>> No.19347572

What the FUCK where is the upvote button on this website?????

>> No.19347581

Thanks, kindly anon.

>> No.19347612

lammo newfag

>> No.19347615

why do the dunyain don't know about magic even though they are the smarty boyz?
seswhata suddenly disappeared from their history?

>> No.19347656
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Just finished reading Malice by John Gwynne, its an absolutely amazing debut and I highly recommend it. Thanks to the anon that mentioned it here, skip the Bakker gay sex cuckery and Malazan trash and read this instead.
Also - there is no SJW agenda in this and females are weak and depend on men to save them the whole time. There isnt a single strong woman in this and even the writer looks like a viking. It does feel like its a book written in the 1990s but with multiple viewpoints like GRRM and Jordan. Unlike the two fat men, the writer doesnt end each chapter with a cliffhanger and the flow feels better like that.
Its the first in a series of 4 books, so ill continue with the second book and hope he doesnt mess up an excellent debut series.

>> No.19347667

>Also - there is no SJW agenda in this
>John Gwynne


>> No.19347696

I fail to see the link.

>> No.19347697

What are some fantasy novels with little to no romance? There are few things worse than a good story ruined by a shitty romance. And in my experience _men usually can't it well.
The worst part of Prince of Nothing is Achamian and Esmenet drama, and it is an example of what I never want to read again.

>> No.19347710

John Gwynne shoves egregious SJW shit into basically everything he writes.

>> No.19347712

Which is good. No stronk wymyn and tranny representation, no read. Wouldn't buy either way, lmao.

>> No.19347734
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Weak bait Bakker cuck.

>> No.19347897

Thank you for the review I had this book way down in my reading list but I"ll bump it up.

>> No.19347921

Mother fucker. How do all these fucking people keep having my ideas before I do?

I think mine is fairly dissimilar in practice though.

>> No.19347977

There's nothing new under the sun. Originality is a matter of degree. Everything has been done in some way or another before.

>> No.19347993
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>If he bothered taking longer to write a book and actually putting effort into them, we wouldn't have gotten Uncrowned.
I don't get the Uncrowned hate. Why did people dislike it so much? I never really looked at reviews until recently and I just found out that apparently everyone hates it for some reason, but I would have personally ranked it in the upper half of the series at least.

>> No.19347995

maybe stop copying people.

>> No.19348009

Tried to read Gene Wolfe and currently about 2/3 in The Shadow of the Torturer. First few chapters were ok but then it quickly comes to cheesy power fantasy. Should I continue reading?

>> No.19348019

Why you lying though?

>> No.19348104

It’s already dead

>> No.19348109

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19348117

About what in particular? Not lying, chapters 12-26 are all about women throwing themselves at protagonist.

>> No.19348208
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I have some mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand it's a pretty awful story by normal standards. The plot is a dead simple wish fulfillment fantasy, and the characters are mostly one dimensional and never have any development. Your MC, Shaquanda Matthews, is a vampire loli who enslaves people to secure a steady blood supply, but there's no serious down side to being a vampire in this universe, and the vampires get so attached to their thralls that even the worst vampires can't be too abusive. So this is more urban fantasy or capeshit than a proper vampire setting.

On the other hand, Shineola's taste in thralls is pretty good, and her interactions with them are comfy. The antagonists have an interesting sort of Douglas McCarthy meets modern democrat vibe, and are almost certainly the good guys from a broader perspective even though the narrative stays firmly planted in Sanka's view. The meme value of this book is...substantial to say the least. Especially for something from 2005. Octavia was One Of Us before there was an Us, and for that she has my respect.

3/5 overall. Recommended as a palette cleanser.

>> No.19348242

It covered too much material too fast. Both the Akura training and the uncrowned tournament should have been separate books. Instead the training/clan drama feels shallow and the tournament feels rushed.

>> No.19348250

Male (masculine) penis in male (masculine) rectum is a sin. Male (feminine) penis in male (feminine) rectum isn't. Gays must hang, but you also must know the difference.

>> No.19348265

Very enjoyable. Big books, but very easy to read. The final book is coming out this month.

>> No.19348266

May as well copypaste this to your gr profile as well.
Nice thoughts. I don't really disagree, but I enjoyed it a lot anyway.

>> No.19348416

Do people read these Ender novels?
I read Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead years ago and enjoyed them. I read Xenocide and Children of the Mind just recently and was less enthused, but did complete them. I noticed there are a zillion Shadow and whatever else spinoffs. Is there any value to completing?

>> No.19348424
File: 23 KB, 290x474, F2F9D2C7-D86C-42D5-A862-CE3DD3FC50C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on this or Niven in general?

>> No.19348472

Probably not because you have some weird insecurities you need to deal with.

>> No.19348478

They almost certainly purposely obliterated the concept as an effort to speed up the production of a self moving soul.

>> No.19348502

I enjoyed Ringworld, and probably read the Ringworld Engineers - this was all about 20 years ago. I know I liked Ringworld.
I read Footfall more recently, I think I picked it up from a free library box, and it was fun. It was a self contained book, kind of a summer blockbuster vibe.

>> No.19348503

No, not really. Also reading anything by that mormon fuck after the age of 13 and you lose on most of the magic.

>> No.19348521

haha thanks. It was a complete chore reading those last two books.

>> No.19348530

Niven is great. Integral Trees is very good.

>> No.19348534

What’s that?

>> No.19348542
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Currently reading this. You know what? It’s good.

>> No.19348562

The Shadow books are also incredibly revisionist, they make Bean out to be infinitely superior to Ender and it’s pretty fucking annoying.
Ender and Speaker are both incredible books for bright young boys but just about everything else can be forgotten in my opinion.
T. Guy who read all the books and found them to be lacking.

>> No.19348601
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Book of the Long Sun, Y/N?

>> No.19348745

>avoid female authors for years due to bad experience
>shills finally convince me to read earthsea with their unending praise
>the wahmen author made a universe where the white people are the uncivilized backwards savages at the edge of the world who raid the civilized peaceful dark skinned people
kek, i should have expected something like this. i'm not even mad, the books have been pretty comfy and enjoyable so far, if not as great as they were hyped up to be (i'm up to tehanu).

>inb4 wow why does their race matter to you incel chud
it matters to me for the same reason it mattered to her enough to make her aggressive invader savages white and the innocent victims of unprovoked aggression dark. cope&seethe

>> No.19348755

same, but it’s only alright.

>> No.19348763

I know reading can be tough. Maybe you should stick to video games.

>> No.19348790


>> No.19348823
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I'm about halfway through this and it's pretty neat, but I'm not a huge fan of the author's tendency to opt for first-person narrative observations instead of engaging in dialogue with characters. His prose is also rather more repetitively flowery than it needs to be. Overall though I'm quite compelled by the story so far.

>> No.19348880

I don't read books by female authors.

>> No.19348888
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you're missing out on some based incest-kino senpai

>> No.19348898

Modern day female authors sure, but the older ones write some pretty degenerate stuff.

>> No.19348911
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I'm about to start Second Foundation.
I really enjoyed the second part(The Mule) of Foundation and Empire.

>> No.19348964

you're already in waste of time territory. i don't want to be a prophet of doom but you'll probably be dropping this series very soon.

>> No.19349014

>calling Asimov a waste of time
>wants it to be more like Mass Effect/Fallout/Dead Space/etc

>> No.19349018

anon: 1
i'm clapping as hard as i can right now

>> No.19349126

A book by Larry Niven.

>> No.19349197

What books are you fags looking forward to seeing published this month?

>> No.19349205

The pointe of the joke is that it doesn't even matter. The arabic desert dwelling culture is still the barbarous one, and the anglo based coast dwellers are civilised. It is literally just a skin colour swap, and I am not sure she realises that the joke is on her.

>> No.19349216
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Nothing, Reaper already released a few days ago and I finished reading it

>> No.19349217

>reading new science fiction

>> No.19349267

While that does sound a lot like Piranesi, it's also quite different and I would genuinely love to read it. Please let us know if you finish/publish it.

Don't begrudge its similarity to other books, embrace it. Read those other books and steal the ideas you like from them, see where they went wrong. Your story is already going to be compared to it, so why not use it as a resource?

>> No.19349324

The only problem is there is no seeming goal for going through the rooms. You should make some sort of prophecy that requires people to keep searching. Of course they'll never find anything.

>> No.19349351

>reading science fiction
I'm talking about fantasy books, you pleb.

>> No.19349352

Even worse

>> No.19349376

Oh, I forgot to that for a couple threads next. Eh, sometime I guess

>> No.19349406

Anyone got that excerpt where Blaise Corvin cries about how people were giving him low reviews and he was losing patreon readers because he tried to go woke and put in a tranny into his story just to get cookie points?

>> No.19349689

>you have some weird insecurities you need to deal with
Any books on that?

>> No.19349699

I don't read newly published books.

>> No.19349899
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This one?

>> No.19349953

Why is Robin Hobb so obsessed with cuck storylines?

>> No.19350014
File: 36 KB, 686x359, inshallah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like Malazan and hate to nitpick, but how does that make any sense in the setting?

>> No.19350021

I've run out of chink lit that has both an interesting story and a good translation. I am at a crossroads now.

>> No.19350025

The author is translating the context to be understandable to you. There are many similar instances if you look for them. The characters aren't speaking English of course.

>> No.19350029

The easiest solution is to never read again.

>> No.19350037

Define "newly"

>> No.19350048

I think I will have to. I have run out of Chinese fantasy to read, and I can't stand most of Western fantasy anymore.

>> No.19350079

That includes reading anything in general , including these threads. Goodbye.

>> No.19350110

Kek that's the one.
Authors should take note. Inserting shit that is clearly there to gain a pat on the back should be avoided. Your readers are reading self published books because they don't want the forced faggots and female protagonists that the publishing Houses are currently pushing.

I guess that is why Delvers LLC never got a 4th book?
This is a prime example of go woke go broke.

>> No.19350118

she's a woman

>> No.19350152

I stopped reading arcane ascension the page where the author went "lol the MC is gay" out of nowhere

>> No.19350159

Same. Dude had no sexual drive for the entire first book, then at the very end he becomes hyper focused on gargling cock. Completely out of left field.

>> No.19350168

Delivers did get a 4th book. He just got sides tracked on a side story for a while.

>> No.19350170

The premise sounds fun, sort of like a cozy paralle to BLAME's nightmare world

>> No.19350177

i dropped corvin after he forced that tranny on us. He can say w/e the fuck he wants, but we ended up knowing more of the tranny drag queen than main characters. Also how one of the main characters just stood up on his soap box and blew up about how faggots are treated (when they want to push their faggot down your throat) and ranted about a bunch of shit that doesn't pertain to the story in one bit, then yeah, he want pandering. It just back fired on him.

>> No.19350205
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>fag character
>named "Thirsty"
you cant make this shit up

>> No.19350213
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>> No.19350286

Didn't know that., but LOL according to readers, he shit the bed on the fourth book more than he did on the third.

>> No.19350342

Hahaha a classic example of go woke go broke. He got what he deserved.

>> No.19350362

>most readers want a little bit of meat with their escapism now
The fuck does this even mean?

>> No.19350372

Man penis, obviously. He means that people want faggots buggering and getting buggered.

>> No.19350442

m-maybe cradle #11 will have homos in it, #keep praying gaybros

>> No.19350497

>incest book
>forward by marion zimmer bradley
The most informative liner note I've seen since Neil Gaiman on BotNS.

>> No.19350520

Closet homosexual.

>> No.19350616

Any good books with great emphasisis on male friendship and power of brotherhood?

>> No.19350647

Lord of the Rings

>> No.19350650

Fagar and the Grey Mouser
The Riyria Revelations

>> No.19350753

>Benger said nothing for a moment, and then giggled. ‘You two crack me up. Sleep with either of you? Let’s find that blind five-year-old and he can start on me first.’ He waved again. ‘Stop pissing around. This is marine business we’re about here, not indulging the twisted sexual fantasies of a witch-haunted night-creeper and a can’t-walk-straight soldier who stinks of weasel spunk. Now, march!’

>> No.19350809

Children of titan series

>> No.19351605

Started reading A Master of Djinn, had a nice intro so I'm hoping it's a good read.

>> No.19351716

>p. djeli clark
This dude has some issues. Every single one of his books exist solely to vent his frustrations with white people. The big reveal in his KKK book is that every single white person on earth is just inherently evil and that they wuz kangz n shiet.

>> No.19351734

And that's why I never read anything written by blacks.

>> No.19351752

>post-2010 nebula winners
My only hope is that we start burning books before I'm too old for riots.

>> No.19351805

Octavia Butler is legitimately entertaining. Not high brow, but she knew her limits. (((Publishers))) these days only give voice to the most deranged race baiting garbage.

>> No.19351968
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I like Wheel of Time

pic unrelated

>> No.19351984
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Thanks to Elden Ring he will finally surpass Tolkien

>> No.19352084

tolkien created shit characters like aragorn and faenor, GRRM created amazing characters like patchface and potti boi

>> No.19352093

I don't pay attention to any of the awards, I just read books. I have plenty of backups if I don't like it and decide I don't want to read it, there's no reason to start sperging out. I'm always reading a few books at a time anyways.

>> No.19352113
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Just started this. What am I in for

>> No.19352134

Read it and find out.

>> No.19352135

being extremely engaged, followed by some weirdness, then a lot of weirdness. to this day i'm not sure if i liked the latter books or not.

>> No.19352164

How do a get a Will Wight-tier fanbase by writing average fantasy novels online?

>> No.19352229


>> No.19352235

He's written over 20 books. Start by working hard.

>> No.19352243

litbros i just broke 82k coherent word things today and i was wondering; Should i make one of the main characters homo before i kill him off ?

>> No.19352245


>> No.19352252

oh its a sci-fi/fantasy hybrid book btw

>> No.19352254
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considering how drawn out horus heresy is, I'm shocked things go to hell so fast as early as the third novel. was the original plan for the entire series to be much shorter or something?

>> No.19352281

what shitty dialogue

>> No.19352293

>10 books in one

>> No.19352637

Read the first 5 books and skip the rest

>> No.19352679

More to do with the fact HH has relatively few "core novels". It's not all linear sequence you must read in order to understand. Hell, entire thing is fragmented on purpose.

>> No.19352746

I really want to write a book but idk how

>> No.19352782

yeah the origonal series wasn't planned to be that long hence horus's rushed fall but it became super popular so they dragged it out, though part of the dragging out was just writing about stuff happening all over the galaxy at the same time, the actual horus heresy only lasted like 7 years with horus zergrushing towards terra

>> No.19352786

I like schlocky fantasy shit but I also wanna write more serious stuff, so I don't know how much energy I want to dedicate to my schlock author pseudonym

>> No.19352916

well you're certainly in the wrong place to learn how to write then

>> No.19352964

Books that I would be old enough to remember being published.

>> No.19353342

How do you feel about Malazan? For me it was kino up until book 5, basically stopped reading there, but I've heard that it picks up the kino element in book 6-7.

>> No.19353353

Sanderson tier, except edgy instead of preachy.

>> No.19353401

Watched Dune the movie last night and it was great
should i start reading the books?

Is The Malazan Book of the Fallen-series worth a read?

>> No.19353407

Yes you should read at least Dune and Messiah. It is worth continuing if you enjoy Herbert's style.

>> No.19353408

ok thanks
then i will buy the books

>> No.19353447

book 5 is kino, one of the best in the series, book 6 and 7 are good but once the lether plotline ends book 8 and onwards are kinda bad, way too bloated with a million characters and book 8 in particular is super slow and boring for 900 pages cos eriksons dad died when he wrote it or something

>> No.19353471

malazan is pretty good especially the first 5 books, most people think the 1st book is weaker I didn't really find it that way. The series doesn't spoonfeed you and throws a lot of names and details at you but if you pay attention you'll be fine

>> No.19353473

yes to Dune

Malazan is wildly inconsistent in its quality and also meanders like nothing else, but when it's good, it's really fucking good. if you really liked Dune you'll probably like it.

>> No.19353482

feel like midnight tides gets a bad rap because at this point you really want the story to progress and it sends you back in time AGAIN with a 99% new cast of characters

>> No.19353487

Thank you very much

>> No.19353498

you might be right but the midnight tides story is great, rhulad trull and i especially found tehol and bugg funny as fuck, never laughed that hard at a book

>> No.19353588

i feel like it deserves to be the main book series that gats shat on for being bloated and meandering, instead of wot.
say what you will about wot, but at least i always had an idea where the plot was supposed to go and i remember the charactes' names which remained more or less the same throughout the books. i can't remember the names of grumpy and stumpy and hohol and j'izz k'pow and kilimanjaris from malazan
but yes, i'll grant that there are about 3 very good books scattered throughout the series

>> No.19353623

Shadow of the Torturer

>> No.19353685

i-is that a dude..

>> No.19353717

I like the first one, but thought the second was quite mediocre. Made me sad since I really wanted to get invested in lord of the rings and quite enjoyed the first one.

>> No.19353720

thats a woman with a dick

>> No.19353741
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>> No.19353758


>> No.19353764

I’ve heard this a lot. They’re very short so I’ll probably read the first 5 and maybe dip my toe into the later ones and see

>> No.19353802

First 6 were generally good. 7 is where it takes a nosedive and never recovers. He has a hamfisted writing style that I really don't enjoy. And if you think all these books are building up to an awesome payoff in book 10, you'd be wrong.

>> No.19353879

Will is the Amazon Sanderson: Churning out lots of low-quality easily-accessible works.

>> No.19353892

>even the writer looks like a viking
This makes you sound like a raging homo.

>> No.19353906

>face hidden behind 7 layers of foundation
>disgusting fake tits forced into shape with kevlar bra
>man ass hidden by ruffled skirt
Winnie the Pooh is right about the tranny bother.

>> No.19353926

thank you, i'd missed the original post but your impotent tranny seethe convinced me to pirate the books and give them a try.

>> No.19353939

Jesus fucking christ above that is bad.

>> No.19353942

He's better than sandersnore

>> No.19353987
File: 511 KB, 1286x1600, death-illustration-Arthur-Mordred-NC-Wyeth-The-1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vikings are an aesthetic adopted by soiboys. The author looks like a fat dad who squeezed into a chainmail shirt for a photo. Wow, hecking bad*ss.

>> No.19354005

nooooooooooo a fatherly looking white man with a gut?
help me trannerman, i'm going insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.19354010

>not wearing shad's chainmail sweater

>> No.19354032

A gut and no muscles to speak of, yes. Like 99% of bearded sois with odin dressed up in odin merchandise.

>> No.19354052
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>> No.19354119

god fat people are ugly

>> No.19354121
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>Big biceps and triceps
I agree with you. Nothing wrong with carrying a bit of weight, but you have to have some muscle too, even if its hidden.

>> No.19354164

well we all have muscles that are hidden

>> No.19354169
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>> No.19354209

I... didn't imply otherwise?

>> No.19354331

This is pretty interesting, desu. Has the potential to be kino and comfy all at once. It brings up a lot of questions for me

Do the rooms stay the same forever? So if you make a trail of breadcrumbs or a map, can you walk back and everything's still the same, the same way it was a century ago? Or is it like Daedalus's maze in that it constantly changes?

Is there a way out?
Are there windows where you can look "outside"?
Could there be a moment that for some reason this maze stops providing food and the humans inside begin to starve?

What is the general plot, if you have any?

This also reminds me of liminal spaces. This is pretty cool. If you give me a place where I can follow you or something, I'll keep up to see if you ever finish the book

>> No.19354363
File: 63 KB, 609x898, The Apollo Murders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Apollo Murders
is it good?

>> No.19354364

This. Read Piranesi, see if it's YA tier or something and try to bring new life into the idea. Yours is already pretty distinct in that many people live in that maze

>> No.19354379

>This is pretty interesting, desu

>> No.19354402

The setting of the story and the general idea.

>> No.19354609

Mega is not oppening for me. Recommend some entertaining scifi thats written in past 30 years or so.

>> No.19354643

three body problem and blindsight are damn good reading
old man's war is kind of gay and dumb but it's an easy casual read
lost fleet is airport novel tier but it's again an easy fun read

>> No.19354665

haven't read blindsight, will check it out thanks.

>> No.19354721

Wait... did he just T pose before his opponent?

>> No.19354735
File: 208 KB, 1041x843, 3a57480097c471ea08a27f8a9675769e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a fantasy story where the MC becomes unreasonably strong and capable, and the whole story is basically him utterly and relentlessly dominating every facet of existence, up to the literal and unironical conquering of the universe and all existences.
It's not exactly a story with deep themes, I just want to explore this cool world that I created. How do I avoid my MC seeming like a blatant self-insert? He's not human, and at first I wanted to write a woman Mc but I realized women are so uninterested in the edge part of conquer, I couldn't write a convincing woman wanting to explore the universe and conquer is convincingly. It's the whole meme with girls with a time machine going all I'm your grand daughter.

>> No.19354804

Iron Prince sequel when

>> No.19354829

Oh? You mean you writing this? https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/35838450-enemy-of-the-world
Also it seem that the new site layout has gone live. I can't find anything.

Ps you pic looks like a flat chested girl or twink fagget.

>> No.19354853


>> No.19354855

he cute

>> No.19354865

Don't give in to the hype! Don't read this! If you've watched Game of Thrones and read any basic fantasy, you know every single thing that is ever going to occur in the novel.

Put GOT, LOTR and elements from the Farseer Trilogy in a blender, add some stinking water from a drain for flavour, and mix it to create Malice! Now serve this to your worst enemy.

>> No.19354986
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For a female MC you'd just have her under pressure from some other bitches who are already in charge of the universe.

>> No.19355049

Are Robin Hob's books worth reading past Assassin's Quest? I was completely unfamiliar tell reading some of the recommendation charts recently.

>> No.19355089

No, not really. I think I will read Bakker instead.

>> No.19355212

So what should I write first

>> No.19355219
File: 60 KB, 640x640, aeris gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking write

>> No.19355227

fuck writing a book, i am going to make an rpg instead

>> No.19355267

Terrible idea desu, I committed to working with an acquaintance on one and it's the worst part of my week.
Every idea I have lends itself to theme. I want to write schlock

>> No.19355296

Is this real? Where did you screen shot it from? I would love to see the people responding.

>> No.19355373 [DELETED] 

stardew valley looks like it was made on rpg maker maybe it was

>> No.19355385

I know nothing about prince of nothing books, only read very surface level worldbuilding on wiki. So can Bakkerfags without spoiling, tell me what's going on in Eanna and were the five tribes of man fleeing from someone when they crossed the mountains?

>> No.19355388
File: 32 KB, 640x480, happy old anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your theme is kickass dude and the girls who suck up to him

>> No.19355412

And what is that?

>> No.19355532

Inhibitor phase kind of sucked, lads.

>> No.19355649
File: 107 KB, 736x981, 02b3ead492a71766472cd70085f7720d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me superhero novels.

>> No.19355692

What did you think of the /sffg/ reviews of it?

>> No.19355697

continent right next to Earwa

>> No.19355706

There's little to no mention of it that I can recall desu. I believe that there are still humans there, but if there is an explanation on the migration tor Earwa, I sincerely do not remember.

>> No.19355826

>were the five tribes of man fleeing from someone
Can't recall anything like that being mentioned. Logically there should be other tribes of men behind mountains that separate the continents, moreover they should have been impacted by Apocalypse too since Mog's influence is supposed to have worldwide coverage, but it isn't elaborated. Although it is possible that they are in primitive state, because men of Earwa were uplifted and taught civilization by Nonmen after they crossed into it except scylvendi who likely were groomed by inchoroi in infancy, that's why they worship Mog

>> No.19355832

I am not part of the good reads group

>> No.19355840

anything by sanderson

>> No.19355891

Vampire Hunter D: Demon Deathchase

>> No.19355897

>Vampire Hunter D: Demon Deathchase
That’s still going on?

>> No.19355920
File: 71 KB, 810x450, bloodlust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this a few months ago. Genuinely terrible. Watch the movie and leave it at that.

>> No.19355929

Apparently, but /a/ told me that D in the later books is like a Chuck Norris joke. Demon Deathchase is the book Bloodlust was based on and the best of the earlier LNs IMO.

>> No.19356217

What about the ones posted in the thread?

>> No.19356242
File: 235 KB, 1200x1600, the-worm-ouroboros-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chapter 2: the wrasslin' for demonland
This is a trip.

>> No.19357171

just fucking write

>> No.19357239

I need to finish this. It seems like the only genreshit that isn't gay cahrinjuh.

>> No.19357366

Any Star Wars old EU books worth reading.

>> No.19357419

All of Zahn's stories about his waifu are good. Thrawn Trilogy, Thrawn Duology, Allegiance and Choices of One.There's a bunch of books between the Trilogy and Duology but hoenstly they're all pretty terrible. I never read the X-Wing books though, supposedly I, Jedi is a much better distillation of the Jedi Academy trilogy. Vector Prime is incredibly well written unfortunately the Vong books quickly turn to boring trash and I never got past like the 4th one

>> No.19357443

Not him, but are the new eu books worth getting?

>> No.19357455

I've not watched nor read a single piece of disney wars media

>> No.19357473

The new thrawn trilogy might be the only good book in the new eu. Other than that, it’s not worth it.

>> No.19357477

Shame, wanted to know how far Disney ruined star wars.

>> No.19357484

My understanding is Disney can't even decide how to ruin it. They basically retcon each previous book, comic and movie they release.

>> No.19357491 [DELETED] 

Do not read the Zahn/Thrawn trilogy.

>> No.19357498

Nah, it’s worse than that. They had a plan, a shitty plan, but a plan nonetheless. That involved snoke being his own person or some shit, until the second movie kills him off and the third movie said he was palpatine’s puppet. Makes me want to know if Star Wars will die in our generation.

>> No.19357499

They could've easily been edited down to a single book each. But the Corellia trilogy, now there's books where nothing happens.

>> No.19357501

Do not read the Zahn/Thrawn trilogy.

>> No.19357506

Why the fuck did you delete your old post? >>19357491

>> No.19357510

Whoop. Pardon the edit.
Never read it. But I believe it.

>> No.19357784

Why would you kill it? It’s fun.

>> No.19357543

>That involved snoke being his own person or some shit,
The novelization of The Force Awakens stated Snoke been around long enough to remember the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, has had some involvement in the Original Trilogy, and everything related to the conflict of the Sequel Trilogy can be traced back to him. He founded the First Order and remains its Supreme Leader with the goal of conquering the galaxy, he's the most powerful known dark side practitioner left in the galaxy, he is responsible for the destruction of the Hosnian System, turning Kylo Ren to the dark side and by extension the fall of the burgeoning new Jedi Order.

>> No.19357790

Quads of truth.

>> No.19357798

>t. never read LitRPG

>> No.19357809

Yeah, I've never sucked another man's dick either, and I don't need to in order to know that's it's fucking gay

>> No.19357810

You obviously havent read Malice, its nothing like the books you mentioned.

>> No.19357811

Yes I will get to those eventually
my bad, didn't read the OP

>> No.19357813

Dont waste your time reading books written by women.

>> No.19357816

Are you really that surprised people here don't read?

>> No.19357584

It’s absolutely criminal on how they handle the sequel trilogy.

>> No.19357824

Did mods autosage the thread?

>> No.19357832

Not really...i doubt even the Bakker trolls have read his books.

>> No.19357613

Agreed. Changing course every installment.
Truncated Rogue One
Miscast and misplaced Solo
Blah. I’d have been heartbroken if it happened sooner in my life. Now I just don’t care.


>> No.19357615

I'm surprised no books from the prequel trilogy made it? I hear the Clone Wars had some kino books.

>> No.19357843

Doesn’t help people here also look for any excuse not to read a book due to a author.

>> No.19357646

The revenge of the Sith novelization is unfiltered Kino with Darth Plagueis not getting enough love.

>> No.19357648

Didn't help that they scrap George Lucas planned trilogy which was halfway decent.

>> No.19357859

Weird that you went with a homoerotic analogy.

>> No.19357865

Pretty sure those people are here just to shit up the thread, considering they go to Reddit.

>> No.19357866

When in Rome...

>> No.19357868

What’s going on with the catalog?

>> No.19357875

4chan is probably undergoing maintenance.

>> No.19357695

Is anyone else terrified of other fantasy and science fiction novels getting a film/television adaptation?

>> No.19357697

Asia looks like a fun place.

>> No.19357889

I mean, what? He’s some kind of self-hating homosexual?

>> No.19357726

Unless they go like starship troopers and start animated it, no. But if its a live-adaptation, I'm most likely not going to see it.

>> No.19357897

That, or an armored closet gay guy

>> No.19357742

Stop being such a faggot.

>> No.19357750

I don't feel as though I have the right to post here given that I am just another Dunebabby that bought the books after seeing the movie, but do you lot have any recommendations for similar series?

>> No.19357753

Yeah, the sequels, which you could have search for.

>> No.19357914
File: 653 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else's catalogue acting weirdly?
This is fucking freaking me out man.
The catalogue isn't updating correctly, shit is just getting shuffled around. That DFW thread has been up there for a while too and every time I check there isn't even a new post.

>> No.19357931

Same thing is happening in to other boards.

>> No.19357777

Check the charts in the Op.

>> No.19357782

It was never alive to begin with. Only coomer bugbrains whose entire knowledge of human interaction is based on Chinese bootleg RPGs read that shit

>> No.19357959

It went back to normal.

>> No.19357963

Is snow crash the peak of cyberpunk? I feel like other cyberpunk stories are just rehash off 80’s and 90’s old stories.

>> No.19357977

>Is snow crash the peak of cyberpunk?
Why do people like it so much? It falls completely apart in the third act.

>> No.19358004

Because it’s a classic and classics, rarely, if ever, get critique.

>> No.19358012

The fuck are you on about? Tolkien here gets completely shat on by some people, not to mentioned other fantasy series as well.

>> No.19358026

>using /sffg/ and /lit/ as an example
Retard. George Martin shat on Tolkien about the tax policy and people called him a retard because of it.

>> No.19358033

Look up the Backrooms.

>> No.19358043

George's question was legit and one that was worth asking.

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

Is he wrong for asking this?

>> No.19358053

I'll read more Traveler's Gate. I think it's finally starting to get good.

>> No.19358064

Been meaning to read that, is it worth getting?

>> No.19358089

Yes, because that wasn’t the point of Tolkien’s story. Fucking hell, not even Martin managed to give a tax policy to the seven kingdoms.

>> No.19358095

>Fucking hell, not even Martin managed to give a tax policy to the seven kingdoms.
So you never read the books? Because various tax policies have been inferred and spoken about. There is a ton of information on taxes in both the main books and the accompanying books - it just usually has to be inferred from details of other conversations - like Jaime mentions the mill tax when he's talking about the settlement of the Brackens/Blackwood feud, and Tyrion names a bunch of private and public officials in King's Landing that he thinks Littlefinger has bribed that implies a lot about how taxes work in the city.

We hear quite a bit about a variety of different tax systems in the world and how they work differently from one another - we hear the most about taxes in Meereen; Daenerys spends more time in actual conversations about taxes than any other character.

>> No.19358115

Aren’t those questioned already answered though?

>> No.19358121
File: 322 KB, 1099x1000, randevu with fagrama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the shittiest book ive ever read. i got fucking memed into reading a B tier movie written in a book and theres two more books?? how the fuck do you faggots even read these shits? i did enjoy war of the worlds. recommend me more books written like that

>> No.19358128

Earth Unaware

>> No.19358133

What book were you reading?

>> No.19358150

Not him, but it's most likely Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.19358156

Try reading ring world by Larry Niven.

>> No.19358169

>i did enjoy war of the worlds. recommend me more books written like that
Do you mean you want a alien invasion novel?

>> No.19358185

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with.
Stopped reading here. Martin is a fucking idiot who can’t even finish his story.

>> No.19358197

He was asking the important questions. We need to stop sucking Tolkien's dick. His worldbuilding was mediocre and shallow.

>> No.19358211

Hope the charts help you in what you want to read.

>> No.19358224

Nah, it was just some fuck up

>> No.19358236

Read it and find out.

>> No.19358244

I know it’s unlikely, but does anyone here have any experience using kindle Vella? Either reading or publishing stories there? If so, is it worth it?

>> No.19358247

>kindle Vella
Just use royal road or any other hosting website.

>> No.19358254

I sorta want to try Vella though, want to see what’s the appeal.

>> No.19358267

>want to see what’s the appeal.
There's no appeal. It's just Amzon's attempt at getting into the web novel market. Radish Fiction or Wattpad, or any other sites had been doing it for years now.

>> No.19358275

They must be doing something right if people are joining them.

>> No.19358276

i want a science fiction novel thats not written by a teenager with as less characters as possible

>> No.19358280

Might as well as a for a fantasy novel that doesn't do worldbuilding.

>> No.19358283

What are some classics of sci-fi that I should read written before 2005 that would make me look cool because it's a little more obscure than most sci-fi classics?

>> No.19358286

the high frontier

>> No.19358287

Because its new and normies loves that shit. Besides, authors can only put three episodes up for free on Kindle Vella, which is already a red flag for any sane reader.

>> No.19358291

Nova by Samuel R. Delaney

>> No.19358293

Three-Body Problem series has been the best thing I've read in ages. Luo Ji is the hero we need but don't deserve.

>> No.19358294

>Three-Body Problem
Isn’t Netflix doing a show about that book?

>> No.19358300

Maybe? I don't care about shitflix

>> No.19358305

Yeah, but don't expect much from it. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are going to serve as writers and executive producers of the show.

>> No.19358309

>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
I thought they were black listed after GoT?

>> No.19358313

Just read it for yourself.

>> No.19358319

>It’s real
Well shit

>> No.19358321

new thread

>> No.19358346

were you expecting more pew pew shoot the bad aliens?

Clarke might be hard SF and not for everyone, but the novel made me wish I had something cool and completely alien to explore

>> No.19358438

why are you so ugly?

>> No.19358570

Yes. All litrpg fans are either gay or trans

>> No.19358689

Malice is shit, dude. I didn't pay a single dime for it, but at least now know I will never read another book from Gwynne in my life.

>> No.19358708

I wouldn't be surprised if those people are actual publishers or something. I haven't read the guy, but I will abstain from it.

>> No.19358850
File: 18 KB, 588x586, GigaChad-is-a-fitness-enthusiast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I'm writing an idealised elf waifu heroine for the depressed cynic protag.

>> No.19359269

>I'm writing a fantasy story where the MC becomes unreasonably strong and capable
Sounds goo-
>conquering of the universe and all existences.
Into the shit it goes.

>> No.19359278

Darth Bane books and Plagueis. Thats about it.

>> No.19359298

What is the best chink cultivation novel?

>> No.19359707
File: 185 KB, 620x769, CFF26063-8339-47F8-8DB9-045D5764B186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is modern equivalent of Wheel of Time in 2021? No Sanderson please