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/lit/ - Literature

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19343453 No.19343453 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19343463

This looks like the kind of place that has a dungeon with kids in it.

>> No.19343578

bet money they have a little table set up when you walk in with “spotlighted” volumes, commie/troon/jogger/fag authors only of course

>> No.19343595
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>> No.19345036

>"Soocha Renay....At 12, she narrowly escaped the gas chamber when she collapsed from hunger and was hospitalized."

>> No.19345042

That is some very shoddy hedgework

>> No.19345053

They're liberals man what do you expect

>> No.19345057
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>"Later, Mr. Hubert was sent to Buchenwald. 'In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,' he said. 'Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'
>'But that's unbelievable,' whispered a visitor.
>'It is unbelievable,' said Mr. Hubert, "but it happened."

>> No.19345079 [DELETED] 

American Southwestern low-budget architecture looks like cheap, public park, bathrooms in the rest of the country.
Give me one of those musty, nasty-ass, comic book shops with a dude who has to fumble with an inhaler because the stress effort of passing gas has winded him. Or maybe a Barnes and Noble in the "good part of town" where underweight aunts clutter the self help and religion sections only. Smells like sterile perfume.

>> No.19345089

I responded to this stupid thread before I realized it was a /pol/ circlejerk. Eat your own asses, degenerates. Talk about real bookstores you enjoy instead of whatever this shit is. More disappointing than edgy.

>> No.19345113 [DELETED] 

You're writing sucks and barely makes sense. Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.19345122
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>> No.19345133
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>> No.19345134
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my local bookstore, the owner got busted for stealing rare books from the public library and selling them. the store is still open but all the money goes to paying back the government. still cozy.

>> No.19345147

did he try to sell them or was he just hoarding them?

>> No.19345157
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How appropriate lol

>> No.19345167

he was going to like rare book conventions and selling them

>> No.19345175
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>> No.19345427


>> No.19345435

no store is comfy

>> No.19345440


>> No.19345449

That’s super fucked up

>> No.19345795
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my local bookstore
only bookstore within Albany NY's city limits

>> No.19345913
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Especially in winter

>> No.19346220

fellow pittsburgher