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19343495 No.19343495 [Reply] [Original]

Kerouac is the best poet

>> No.19343703

I look similar to him, but I have a slightly better haircut.

>> No.19343730
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Curly-headed mongoloid underhuman over here. Is it the nigger or the Jew heritage?

>> No.19343748

His poems are good. They are William Williams-esque but more of a place than the almost generic snippets of city life than Williams.

>> No.19343772

He was hot.

>> No.19343779

probably both

>> No.19343786

actually , yes

>> No.19343802
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>> No.19343912

>narrow clavicles

truly the great killer of male aesthetics

>> No.19343932

He’s better than Williams and Ginsberg yet I always feel guilty for liking them for some reason.

>> No.19343989

Uh no he isn't.

>> No.19344124

Semitic blood.

>> No.19344137

On the Road and The Dharma Bums will forever be two of my all-time favourite books and no one can ever convince me Kerouac was not absolutely fucking based.

>> No.19344327
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>> No.19344338

>the best poet
If you're like 15 and severely underread, sure.

>> No.19344676

Maybe Kerouac is disliked because a bunch of working class/suburban dolts with pretensions of grandeur see too much of themselves in him (ironically, because very few people have his talent for writing, a few new agey sentiments aside.) His poetry is as close to the skin as you can get about being in those shitty jazz clubs etc. It's all very intimate. Williams is like some detached ivory tower guy slumming it... From a hotel window, never even stepping on the street he describes or only briefly to duck into a black town car whisking him off to his lawyers office. There's no sweat, there's no characters well-defined by a few lines describing how they brushed past eachother, felt hot breath with stale beer on it, the band on stage shadows through the smoke etc. etc. Ginsberg is simply romanticising the hyperbolic emotion of his fellow bourgeois dropouts out of all proportion; he's one of the proponents of our current age of hysteria.

>> No.19344715

Post feet

>> No.19344728

Why is Ginsberg-bashing suddenly a fad in /lit/ now?

>> No.19344912

he's great

>> No.19344948
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Fr fr no cap?

>> No.19344959
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>twinks can't top joc-

>> No.19345185

Imagine the sex.

>> No.19345189

i never found his writing to be that great. can you suggest a poem or two?

>> No.19345231
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the beats were post leftists, it is said kerouac would smoke pot and watch the maccarthy hearings on tv.
He pissed off right wingers and left wingers

>> No.19345634

reminder that jack was a merchant marine, a football chad, grew up in a factory town and worked on the railroad as an adult, yet there are anons on this board right now who will call him a spoiled rich kid pseud

>> No.19345639

he grew up in a working class house during the depression, anon. it's not like you could get family packs of chicken breast at walmart for a few bucks

>> No.19345687

Maybe in poetry….for novels even Gore Vidal tops him.

>> No.19346023

I've always disliked him. I can't speak for others. I remember reading a book in middle school by another middle American writer whom many despise, Vonnegut, shitting on Ginsberg in favor of The Statler Brothers as true American poets of their era: seemed to me he's been dismissed most of his life let alone mine. A lot of pedo hysteria on here, too, so his being a notable pederast probably doesn't help his rep around here either, though I don't condone it I don't know anything about it so don't factor it in myself.

>> No.19346866

No there's better, although he is pretty good

>> No.19346914

The best at being group fucked by a bunch of sailors.

>> No.19347006

He left his only daughter so destitute that she had to resort to prostitution.

>> No.19347926

he will only age better as time goes on. my hs english teacher introduced his work. Hes not my favorite writer but hes one my most respected. the man lived what he wrote, had balls and walked away from a throne built by ignoramuses. very talented and original.

>> No.19347983

any lit on this? that's hot

>> No.19348000

too bad he was used by forces that he didn't recognize until years later, whereupon he drank himself to death in regret if what he helped create.

charlie parker, looked, like BUDDHA!

>> No.19348039

Querelle De Brest by Jean Genet

>> No.19348096

wanted lit on kerouac getting rammed not an aged trade twink, but genet is still pretty kino

>> No.19348293

It was posted on /lit/ a couple of times. It isn’t so easy to find through search engines, but some anon must have it.
You could also search for it on the archives.

>> No.19348417

Fuck, I'll search for it then.

>> No.19348450

He was daddy as fuck.

>> No.19348458

I recall someone using the term “bukkake whore” when talking about him on the thread. Maybe that’ll help your search.
If you do find it, please do post it on here.

>> No.19349377

>The best at being group fucked by a bunch of sailors.
Hey guys so I think I just found it. Kerouac admitting to being fucked and pissed and whatnot by his fellow seamen and other dudes. Look at the three prints in this thread:

>> No.19349816

>During the interview, he got drunk, blacked out, became confused, and started contradicting himself.

>> No.19350153

*laughs in Wordsworth*

>> No.19350191

it's lame to mention Wordsworth in such a bait thread but yeah Wordsworth is one of the greatest English speaking poets

>> No.19351286

>w-what? obviously i was d-drunk and didn't knew what i was s-saying heehe

>> No.19352544

Fuck, that’s it. I thought I had seen the thread about a year ago, not on fucking 2018. Time really flies.

>> No.19353721

>Time really flies.
It really do anon.

>> No.19354217
File: 69 KB, 960x720, drawingcollet-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'es a lyricist mate. got an ear for the words he does. 'ike a bard of ould 'e 's.

this seems like orbital gravity collison or some event horizon space thing. whatchamacallit ya keep cows for grazing in. a meadow4. you know, when the sobratnos daughter starts working civil service & shit.

thanks be to god i will never be interviewed blacked out... that i can remember.

but also ya'll be tripping over nonsense
yr negating the fact that ol' ginsy helped the 'OUAC & was present for adventures & his influence is palpable pulsating in the rectum of 'ouac like so much sailor semen.
saw ginsberg on an 80s letterman episode with paul schaffer kicking out jams for allen to rhyme over & that shit worked.

is this a senate cloakroom cock joke? nice

ginsberg is human & yeah the pedo stuff seems fairly well documented. 'ouac himself was talking about fucking & sucking plenty, & often with 15/16/17 year old sex workers. sorta societal primitivism dionysus 'rot, ya know.

nice a genet mention. i know his plays

I came here to respond to this. often life is wasted in heedless luxury. we all choose our own deaths more & more everyday, thinking we are embracing life, running to seize the daylight. as vonnegut said, who is the rodney dangerfield of smart authors, WE ARE WHO WE PRETEND TO BE
happy pretending
whatever you are