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19341956 No.19341956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am interested in antipornography and eternal nofap. Are there any good books on this topic?

>> No.19341963

The Easy Peasy Way

>> No.19341964
File: 166 KB, 1070x941, Dworkin_on_After_Dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can read Dworkin or just look at her and you won't fap.

>> No.19341973

Reminds me of that one grifter's girlfriend, lmao.

>> No.19341976

Debord, La societe du spectacle
Baudrillard, Simulacres et simulation
Byung Chul Han

>> No.19341988

>pornographers must die
this but unironically, I would have every "sex worker" including "artists" butchered alive.

>> No.19341993
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>> No.19342002


>> No.19342050


also as another anon said, Dworkin is great. specifically 'pornography - men possessing women'.

>> No.19342096

The coiled serpent - van vliet is the seminal (heh) work on the matter in regards to pre-modern nofap

>> No.19342112
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>> No.19342115

YBOP. Also, the website has every recommendations you need:books, articles, the author's real-time struggle with FEMALES opposed him... etc.
I like that community because they're not feminist in nature. As feminist swho complain about porn could go suck the juiciest and nastiest meat they could find.

>> No.19342128

Imagine getting filtered by porn..

>> No.19342236

I see nothing at all wrong with people posting porn of themselves if that’s what they want to do. What I do think is wrong is people and companies making money off of porn.

>> No.19342263

Day 4 of NNN, I’ve had urges but I’m still firmly in control.
Stay strong brothers, do not be tempted by the red boards.

>> No.19342270

Sex work is real work.

>> No.19342280

You have to be actually brain dead to think this is an appropriate response to that post

>> No.19342287

Porn companies are the biggest pimps in human history, and they’ve ruined more womens’ lives than anyone wants to admit. If there was a website where adults could upload porn of themselves if that’s what they wanted, and received no money in return, I’d be fine with that. The second money enters the equation, corruption, coercion and abuse enter as well.

>> No.19342291

Porn deserves to be paid. And EVERYONE uses some form of porn or eroticism.

>> No.19342297

I do not.

>> No.19342299

That enters the equation anyway. Might as well get paid for it. Plenty of happy sex workers out there who love their jobs, and rightly so.

>> No.19342306

Get off /lit/ spambot

>> No.19342310

Liar. lol

>> No.19342314

if I make it to day 30, it will be the longest I've ever gone without watching porn/masturbating since I was maybe 13 or 14 years old

>> No.19342318

You're on 4chan. Even blueboards have sexual pictures and posts. You've been influenced whether you like it or not. You can't turn off the wank bank.

>> No.19342332

Fuck that. It's not about whamen. It's about the degeneration and installing passiveness in men. But of course, "whamen are always the victims".

>> No.19342334

Wet work is real work.

>> No.19342335

Meds, now.

>> No.19342336

>And EVERYONE uses some form of porn or eroticism
Ok Satan

>> No.19342341

OK alien.

>> No.19342343

Rope. Now

>> No.19342363

Amateur porn is the best because it’s literally couples that want to show their love to the entire world without remuneration.
Professional porn is the problem.

>> No.19342374

>want to show
Indoctrination at it's best. lol

>> No.19342380

the nose could be a little bigger

>> No.19342386

cope. Im an amateur enjoyer myself but that doesnt make it better.

>> No.19342396

If I had a gf I would convince her to do porn with me.
We would set up a camera and then we would just do what feels natural.
Making out, foreplay, making love and then cuddling.
It would be a better sex education than porn with the impossible camera angles and uncomfortable positions to get the best shots. Also I would upload it for free unlike professional porn.

>> No.19342433

>Users (mostly men): can get addicted to porn, but once they quit go back to normal, no one cares
>Pornstars (mostly women): suffer physical trauma, shame and humiliation, difficulty in finding romantic partners, abuse from porn producers, online abuse, health issues
I’m a guy but you are truly delusional if you think porn’s biggest problem is that it weakens men.

>> No.19342452

Interesting. I would be fine with recording me and my (currently nonexistent) gf’s sex for our own pleasure or for a threesome partner or whatnot, but just putting it out on the internet is a recipe for disaster I think.

>> No.19342474

Yeah, and you came up with all of this on your own right? Juvenile exposure to porn had nothing to with it right?

>> No.19342521

>Users (mostly men): can get addicted to porn, but "once they quit go back to normal, no one cares"
That never happens and you end up with the soulless coomers-copiers who are in different to anything, aspire to nothing other than fantasies they'll never reach, manboobed fatso, mentally-disabled degenerates.
>Pornstars (mostly women): suffer physical trauma,
As they agreed.
>shame and humiliation, difficulty in finding romantic partners, abuse from porn producers, online abuse, health issues
As they should.
>I’m a guy but you are truly delusional if you think porn’s biggest problem is that it weakens men.
Yes, it is. What do you think these weak "men" do? They're the key element to this cycle.
t. A coomer degenerate.

>> No.19342522

Do you close your eyes every time you see a woman? How do you avoid looking at women?

>> No.19342526

Cool it with the anti-Semitism

>> No.19342528

perhaps the most dystopian neoliberalism possible

>> No.19342548

Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It's not going away no matter who's in power. There were even prositutes during Nazi Germany.

>> No.19342555

Irl, it's easy for me, many reasons to that...
But, online, it's near impossible.

>> No.19342560

Maybe you should leave 4chan then.

>> No.19342583

>As they agreed.
Often they are lied to by their employers. You can find many accounts of pornstars how they had been told that they would take part in gentler scenes only to end up having to do hardcore stuff. It happens a lot more than one might think.
>As they should.
No. Perhaps in that one aspect the slogan “sex work is work” has some value, in that abuse and disgust should not be the reaction when someone says “I am a sex worker”. When a woman is in porn, the goal of society should be to help them get out if that is what they desire. Debasing them does nothing except hurt them, and if anything only enables the actions of porn companies.

The difference to me is clear. Men who develop porn addictions can fix them. There are large communities out there to help them. Porn addiction itself is seen as legitimate societal issue these days. But there is not that level of support for the real victims here. (You will note that I don’t make much noise about OnlyFans or the like here. Frankly, that type of porn, where the bulk of the income goes to the pornstar, is… not ideal, but the best a monetary system for porn can take).

>> No.19342639
File: 215 KB, 1100x1700, 71j6UFwCk+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good list >>19341976
i'd add seduction by baudrillard, and baudrillard's works besides s&s

>> No.19342693

Sadly, we're not even in the same book rather than the page to smoothly discuss this. My point is: no porn should exist, soft or hard, voluntery or forced. Compared to porn producer now days (women mostly), consumers (men mostly) who got into it in early childhood have it worse.

>> No.19342695


>> No.19342701
File: 34 KB, 412x514, just some lines move along.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death penalty for pornographers

>> No.19342708

Sexual material, be it porn, erotica, etc, will always exist. Sexual desire is one of humanity’s oldest feelings, and as long as people have that urge they will seek to satisfy it. Porn is one way people have done so and will continue to do so. We cannot stop that. But we can remove the economic incentives which lead to sexual exploitation, making that sort of issue, the biggest issue with porn, moot.

>> No.19342721
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Fellow non-pornographers, I too am devoted to making our society healthier, but I must ask myself: are pornographers really the problem? Don't they simply satisfy a need present in all of us (un non-pornographers, I mean)? Is it fair to blame the knife maker if his product is used to harm instead of in a productive way? Shouldn't we instead blame ourselves, fellow, non-pornographers, and convince our non-pornographer daughters to mate with non-whites? Wouldn't that be wonderful?

>> No.19342841

Amateur porn isn't some moral good at all. It's still done for sexual perversion and has all the same effects.
However, I agree that it should be legally allowed just as much as prostitution should be legally allowed, because it's never going to go away, and as such it should be controlled for the best general outcome. Pornography studios and for-profit websites should be absolutely illegal.

>> No.19342847

>t. A coomer degenerate.
That explains a lot.
It's a feedback loop. The way its bad for one sex makes it worse for the other. There doesn't need to be conflict just because it's different. That's a Dworkin-tier misinterpretation.

>> No.19343045

>sexual perversion
Everyone has a kink. Everyone is a 'pervert'. It's called being human.

>> No.19343051


>> No.19343060

Great refutal.

>> No.19343065

Then you obviously must not know yourself very well. It's in there somewhere.

>> No.19343090


This thread is glowing.

>> No.19343149

Very antisemitic thread, please delete!

>> No.19343155

who pays for porn?
who plays in porn?

>> No.19343185

Gentiles are the main viewers of porn, they fund it.

>> No.19343186

Sure, but displaying it is bad for the public sexual psychology. To indulge in vice is not a good thing just because it's common to do so.

>> No.19343196

Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson

>> No.19343683

watching something is not funding something, porn has never been profitable

>> No.19343688

If the gentiles hate porn so much, why do they keep watching?

>> No.19343695

even her name is unattractive

>> No.19343739

>if addicts hate drugs so much, why do they keep consuming
you might be retarded

>> No.19343773

What happened to personal responsibility and free will? Is it the Jewish people's responsibility to baby sit the gentile?

>> No.19343853
File: 546 KB, 220x268, theking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you anon; godspeed.

>> No.19343881

the coiled serpent
You will understand why kant and newton didn't masturbate