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19340508 No.19340508 [Reply] [Original]

>Tons of fish have been marked and are being observed through satellites to study their migration patterns. And now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory and those taking it will be marked. Many people there are already marked with some sort of laser beam, on the forehead, on the arm. Later on, anyone who is not marked with the number 666 will not be able to either buy or sell, to get a loan, to get a job, and so forth.

>My thinking tells me that this is the system through which the Antichrist has chosen to take over the whole world, and people who are not part of this system won't be able to find work and so on, - whether black or white or red; in other words, everyone he will take over through an economic system that controls the global economy, and only those who have accepted the seal, the mark of the number 666, will be able to participate in business dealings.

>But what will become of the people who are sealed! An expert was telling me that laser beams are harmful to people. People who are marked will attract the rays of the sun and suffer such harm that they will gnaw their tongues in pain (Revelation 16:10). Those who are not sealed will have a better fate than the others, because Christ will help those who are not sealed. And this is no small matter.

Was he right in his writings? Any books or writers explaining what to await in the upcoming innoculation of the world.

>> No.19340520


>> No.19340522
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>> No.19341098

Also, I have taken two 'marks' but did not notice a spiritual detriment. What would be the explanation for this?

>> No.19341104

There is no "mark of the beast" yet.

>> No.19341146

Yes I don't think it is the mark, but if it was a precursor still it's not a good thing to take, is it?

>> No.19341153

I'm of the impression it's a precursor in a basic non spiritual sense, which is to say, testing the waters...
I got it too, sadly, and was not given much choice in the matter. I wouldn't've if I thought it had any spiritual repercussion or was of any kind of "mark".

>> No.19341158

I didn't actually answer your question, I'd avoid it if I were you.

>> No.19341163

A vaccine that combats a deadly virus isn't the mark of the Beast dude. There's no certainty that the Book of Revelation was prophetic anyways: "666" or "616" is clearly gematria meaning "Nero Caesar" and the reference to taking the mark on the right hand or forehead refers to action and thought characterized by the spirit of antichrist. There are a lot of layers to Revelation however. This is how my pastor at my church explained this to my congregation.

>> No.19341169
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>> No.19341186

I took it because it was either that or military jail for me, but I would not choose to take it just to preserve my health or if it had any overt spiritual implication.

>> No.19341189
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>There's no certainty that the Book of Revelation was prophetic anyways

>> No.19341192
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>There's no certainty that the Book of Revelation was prophetic anyways:
>my pastor at my church

>> No.19341236

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

>> No.19341247

You need to grow up and realize there's no meaning to it all, nobody is looking after you, and magic isn't real.

>> No.19341250

>there's no meaning to it all
Self-denying cringe.

>> No.19341254

Revelation was written before A.D. 70 and the destruction of the temple.
Ok yeah you are right it is prophetic. Like I said there are many layers. A life-saving vaccine is still not the mark of the Beast however, and is a rather modern way of interpreting Revelation, inappropriately modern actually.

>> No.19341273

your personal meaning doesn't count, retard

>> No.19341292

>A life-saving vaccine
"All vaccines are toxic poison. No exceptions. The name vaccine itself is extremely misleading. No vaccine provides immunity against anything at all, and many—if not all—vaccines are created for fake diseases that don't even exist.

"Germ theory has never been proven. It is a scam from the fraud Louis Pasteur, who was a demonic Freemason. Big Pharma built up its vaccine scam based upon Pasteur's sloppy and inconclusive experiments at the end of the 19th century.

"They claim that you must inject some Big Pharma concoction into your body to protect you from an invisible, microscopic pathogen floating around in the environment that you may never even encounter in your entire life. I cannot even begin to describe how insane and nonsensical this is.

"Vaccines are the biggest scam ever, the biggest medical scam ever, and the biggest crime against humanity of all time. All vaccine makers and collaborators deserve to be executed and hung in public."
-Anonymous Sage

>> No.19341378
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>life-saving vaccine
There is nothing inherently good in saving the body in and of itself. You can be "life-saving" by killing babies and pretending it's not murder, and then using it to make "medicine" but it still would be an evil act. Only Christ is truly life-giving, because the Life He gives does not pass away but is with us into eternity. If the devil decides to use a medicine as the method of spreading his mark, then there is nothing incoherent about this in our Christian belief.

That is a prot critical-bibleistic belief, as far as I know it was written in 96 A.D. But either way not all of Revelation has happened, namely Enoch and Elijah coming to preach, the antichrist killing them, God raising them up and the Jews converting, not to speak of Christ Himself returning in glory.

>> No.19341385

You're not wrong on your second point, but brother you have to be deluded to think germ theory is a fraud.

>> No.19341387

>All vaccine makers and collaborators deserve to be executed and hung in public
Hate and violence are strictly forbidden in Christianity anon.

>> No.19341514

Not him, but I do not put trust in germ theory apriori because it ignores the existence of demons. Not all disease is caused by germs in a deterministic fashion.

>> No.19341761


>> No.19341775

That kind of curiosity isn't good, but if you insist, you should just read the stars. On March 7th 2023, Saturn enters Pisces. There is a shift from aerial/technological control (Saturn in Aquarius) to religion. This indicates a coming crisis for Christianity. For example: Vatican II happened during Saturn in Pisces, the Church of England started to ordain women during Saturn in Pisces.

>> No.19341818
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>you should just read the stars

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me.

>> No.19341845

>and was not given much choice in the matter.
You were. Just because you got blackmailed doesn't mean you have to cave.

>> No.19341847

If it is the mark of the beast why are there exemptions for immune compromised people most of whom clearly at rich or powerful ?

>> No.19341872

A life-saving vaccine so undeniably necessary we are going to force you to take it. After all, we’re from the government and we’re here to help.

>> No.19341887

No, I wasn't. Emphasis on "much choice", I was given some, but not alot of room to manoeuvre. I weighed my options and acted accordingly.

>> No.19341945

If COVID was as dangerous as the government says and the vaccines were as a effective as they say what would the correct course of action for the government be?

>> No.19341961

Bless this immunity

>> No.19341977

I love shit like this. As a kid I’d watch those crazy “iPhone = mark of the beast 666 obama antichrist??” videos for hours. Never fails to cheer me up or make me smile.


>> No.19341987

Literally all you have to do is say religious exemption or move to a noncucked state.

>> No.19341992

Actually it's hanged. Hung is a miscongugation.

>> No.19342016

Fucking off

>> No.19342023
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St. Paisios was extremely well aware of the dangers of modernity though. It's serious, not the youtube tier stuff, most of which is Satan covertly disseminating his plans anyway.

>- Geronda, when will Christ help them? Later?
>- No, right then.
>- Geronda, if they are not able to buy and sell, how will they be better off?
>- You see, God has a way, and I know something about it. Well, this matter has preoccupied me a great deal and then He sent me the ... telegram. Oh how God provides for us indeed!

>- Geronda, why is the seal also called an inscription or an engraving?
>- Because the seal will not be superficial. What does "engraving" mean? Does it not mean deeply incised straight lines? The seal will be a slash, placed first on all the products and then in time, with laser beams, it will be enforced on people, too, on their hand or their forehead. Two years ago I spoke with a doctor from Toronto about this sealing and now he tells me that, according to a newspaper article he read, instead of an ID card, they will require some sort of impression on the hand. Things are progressing, but we cannot exactly say that this or that will be done.

>Again, certain television sets, which have recently been imported into Greece, have a component, which can observe those watching the television. Soon those who have a television will be watching their television, and, at the same time, they themselves will be watched! That is, those watching will be watched. Their whole life, what they say, what they do, everything, will be monitored through computers. DO you see what a dictatorship the devil has devised! In Brussels, there is an entire building with the 666, where they house the computer. That computer can monitor billions of people - the entire population of the world is approximately six billion. Confession for everyione at the push of a button!

>> No.19342080

>In Brussels, there is an entire building with the 666, where they house the computer.
Source on this?

>> No.19342090

Didn't he also believe that the orthodox russians or greeks will take over Turkey and the turks will either convert or move? How can you believe such a thing? He talks like we are still in the Middle Ages or something. Yes, wars are a thing which still happen but no european nation will make one based on religion.

>> No.19342146

>How can you believe such a thing?
Ι didn't receive a prophesy, so I don't know? It can easily happen if God wills it, many things were seen as unlikely in the history of God's people but it still happened. God's control over history is the same as it always was, it is He who installs and deposes rulers.

>> No.19342163

Funny how he doesn't mention smartphones when they literally do those things without schizo bullshit like muh space laser beams

>> No.19342223

The smartphone did not exist in his lifetime on this Earth, but he does mention what it functionally accomplishes pretty well.

>> No.19342408

Ao you think that all of these prophecies coming from orthodox christians are true? They are literally thousands.

>> No.19342515

Bumping with the reminder https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/28/covid-vaccinated-likely-unjabbed-infect-cohabiters-study-suggests

>> No.19342582


None. I affirm a total separation of Government and action.

>> No.19342698
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>the reference to taking the mark on the right hand or forehead refers to action and thought characterized by the spirit of antichrist.

Yes, exactly. The right hand represents action and the forehead represents thought, willing, and the like. This is a common allegorical reading of this famous section from the Book of Revelation, and it eerily represents what’s happening. A system is being set up to prevent people from buying or selling unless they do (with the right hand) or think (with the forehead, symbolically) as they are told. Here’s some fascinating passages from an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, retired investment banker and former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) for Housing under George H.W. Bush:


>As explained by Austin Fitts, the vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions.

>If government doesn’t want you to purchase anything more than �five miles from your home, they have the ability to prevent you from doing so. If they don't want you buying pizzas, they have the ability to prevent you from buying pizza.

>So, how can the average person resist this diabolical plan? One strategy would be to move to a state or country that has made vaccine passport requirements illegal.

>Another strategy is to simply refuse the passport, no matter what the rami�cations.*

>This goes for those who have gotten one or two COVID jabs as well. To maintain a valid passport, you’ll have to take boosters. How many are you willing to take? How many times are you willing to risk your health and life? At some point, you’ll have to make the same decision as everyone who is unvaccinated — freedom or slavery.


>Complete control is: You're on a smart grid that's under 24/7 surveillance and subjects you to all sorts of propaganda and mind control, and they have the power to literally turn off your money if you don't behave. That can be managed with software, AI and a smart grid [through the vaccine passport and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)] ...

>I would describe it as a slavery system ... They can literally collateralize a human being and connect it to the banking system, and they can stop all violent revolution once they have everybody basically digitized and on a �financial transaction control system ...

>I think it's a terrible mistake. But I think they ... don't know what else to do. If we're going to get out of this, one, we need to just say no and refuse to go into the box. The other is we need to bring transparency where we can all change. Because we do need a reset. If we keep going the way we're going, it's not going to work.

>> No.19342766
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This is the path of incrementalism or gradualism. In evolutionary terms, you could also call it punctuated equilibrium — a technical term for a theory of evolution which views most species are remaining mostly the same (in a state of equilibrium), with slow changes, except for some periods of punctuated drastic change (most salient example: asteroid strikes wiping out the dinosaurs and leading to a new phase in worldwide evolution of almost all animal species, paving the way for mammals to overtake the reptilian/saurian phase of evolution). This same principle is used by Western leaders and the back-room figures who pull the strings of Western leaders. Western society has incrementally transformed over the past few hundred years, for the better and for the worse, and also has been dramatically punctuated by events like WWI, WWII, the Cold War, the civil rights movement, 9/11, the growth of a NEW, even more omnipresently pervasive civil rights movement that eats both itself and its opponents under the guise of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (the LGBTQIA+ movement, the BLM movement, and so forth), and then, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. These are some of the main pieces of punctuation in the past few hundred years of Western civilization, and whether any of these, some of these, or none of these were deliberately engineered or not (in the vein of InfoWars style conspiracy-theories, or John-Birch-society-style tropes about a secret cabal of bankers running the world, owning the news and politicians and manufacturing certain crises and movements for their own ends), they’ve still been exploited and used to justify the drastic re-shaping of society. World War One justified the League of Nations, a proto-attempt at instituting global governance, or at least a mechanism for it to be set up, until it was disbanded due to its ineffectiveness. After World War II, this failed attempt found some more solid footing with the creation of the United Nations, which still exists to this day and is one of the most significant international NGOs normalizing the idea of global governance under the guise of benevolence, compassion, and cooperation between different countries.

The fact that people are even arguing about the vaccine mandate at all, and that more proof is slowly coming out that it doesn’t fully prevent transmission and has a “rare” amount of side effects (increasingly coming more into the public consciousness with several Nordic countries pausing the Moderna vaccine for heart inflammation risk, for instance), is already evidence that we’re witnessing a gradual, incrementalist system of slavery being instituted after the exclamation mark of the COVID-19 pandemic under the public health and safety, just as 9/11 was used as a pretext to create an unconstitutional surveillance state with the Patriot Act and to expropriate oil reserves from the Middle East.

>> No.19342800

I am sensing incredible Judaic influence just from the form of the post without even reading it.

>> No.19342832
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Also, global governance, now as a way to coordinate responses to pandemics and rebuild the economy and society after the destruction of traditional pre-pandemic ways of life we’ve witnessed, is finding yet another new expression through the World Economic Forum and the infamous Klaus-Schwab-backed “Great Reset”, which is apparently the new term for the corny old phrase, “the New World Order” (a phrase actually used occasionally by politicians in speeches, such as, most infamously in the conspiracy community, George HW Bush using it while talking about the Gulf War in the ‘90s as a prequel to the endless War on Terror and the idea that the United States is morally justified in doing whatever it wants on the globe under the pretext of “protecting our freedoms and extending this freedom to other countries” — he even brought it up in reference to the United Nations, as well). The Great Reset (as well as one of its affiliated phrases officially pushed by the World Economic Forum, “Build Back Better”) is genuinely something gaining traction in the policy-making and speeches of Western leaders. The White House has an official “Build Back Better” agenda in response to the pandemic, the phrase is used in Biden’s speeches and other Western leaders’ speeches, John Kerry confirmed as envoy to the World Economic Forum that Biden’s administration is fully devoted to supporting the Great Reset, and so forth.

Naomi Wolf, feminist author and journalist who worked as a political consultant to Gore and Clinton, and wrote some great works on the specter of totalitarianism arising in the West with the War on Terror, like “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot” (2007), drawing parallels between Bush and other Western leaders’ responses to 9/11 and what happened in Mussolini’s Italy, Nazi Germany, & co., then became deplatformed from Big Tech and disregarded as a conspiracy theorist when she started pointing out that what she was warning about was becoming even more out-in-the-open with the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and all the holes that can be picked in apparently simple, obvious things we all accept as normal and necessary now such as lockdowns, masking, mandatory vaccinations, and the censorship of dissenting doctors and researchers on Big Tech and from the news.


Entirely independently of Austin Fitts, Wolf here gives a great little speech about how the vaccine passport system could quickly and easily become a digital vaccine passport system, and this could quickly and easily become something like a neo-fascist social credit score system as per Communist China.

Of course, the whole point of gradualism is to get people so used to their slavery that they see everyone warning them about it as lunatics who are rocking the boat too much and threatening to drown everyone in the stormy sea of the next new big manufactured crisis.

>> No.19342863
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Just as she was lambasted for being “overly dramatic in comparing Bush’s USA to Hitler’s Germany,” she is now disregarded by the mainstream media as, “a former feminist icon who fell from great heights and is sympathizing with far-right conspiracy theorists and pushing harmful misinformation about the vaccines and the pandemic response.”

The new totalitarians are, in name and appearance, anti-totalitarian. They are metrosexual commissars, diversity officers, and bosses “just following orders” when it comes to masking, testing, and vaccinating. Some doctors and nurses see what’s going on and an even rarer few speak out — that the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission, that they’ve seen vaccinated patients die and/or be hospitalized from COVID-19, as well as vaccinated patients turning up with blood clots, heart attacks, and the like, but the vast majority are “just following orders.” They hate anyone who suggests to them that people also were “just following orders” from Bush, in Nazi Germany, in the USSR, in Communist China, and in North Korea.

Fitts actually also calls out the Rothschilds in that document.

>[In that book], I tell the story of how I was a partner and member of the board of Dillon Read. At one point, I was surprised at their choice of the next president of the �firm. [There was] a wonderful partner there whose father had run the �firm once upon a time, so I said to him, ‘I'm surprised at the choice. He's not a ‘Nick guy’ at all.’

>Nick Brady, the chairman of the �firm, had gone to the Senate for a while, which is why they were bringing another president. And my partner said, ‘Nick didn't choose him. The Rothschilds choose him.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute. We own the �firm. What does the Rothschilds have to do with us?’ And he just looked at me and he rolled his eyes ... and walked off like I was the dumbest person in America.

>> No.19343358
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