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19334252 No.19334252 [Reply] [Original]

Are his philosophical books fine?

>> No.19334818

>Racism is cured by traveling
I literally had to leave my homeland because it was overtaken by ethnic-minority criminals.

>> No.19334832

Name of country and said minority?

>> No.19334846

reading has made me more fascist though

>> No.19334856

From that brainlet quote he doesn't seem worth reading.

>> No.19334890

Fascism is for neurotic fags who want daddy government to control all of society so that someone in charge will stop the meanies from doing whatever makes your paranoias and cognitive biases flare up like an emotional child who never learned to self-soothe, but I fucking guarantee to you that travelling to certain places will MOST DEFINITELY make you more racist, specially Egypt, India, several places in Mexico and Brazil, and the UK and Eastern European countries will make you racist against whites too.

>> No.19334932

I'm not saying the country but the minority was Africans.

>> No.19334968

>racism is cured by traveling
>anon becomes racist by staying in the same place
You've ironically proven his point.
But also can you honestly say that you've found the grass greener on the other side? (not a trick question, I'm genuinely curious)

>> No.19334984

The racism was caused by others traveling to him.

>> No.19335030
File: 79 KB, 655x963, PronounTrouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How droll but that's kind of subject and object inversion is clearly not what's meant by the original quote, because by extension then Fascism would be cured by a person being 'read' with the implication they were some kind of book that when enjoyed will be cured of Fascism. Which is just silly!

>> No.19335032

So you’re euro trash and you think there’s a majority blacks there now? What do you mean by “homeland”? Your suburb?

>> No.19335056

looking forward to when blubbers smugs his way into America becoming an anarchist polycule and ten trillionbillion niggers paddle over from africa in canoes to take turns sodomizing him because there are no police to prevent it

>> No.19335256
File: 74 KB, 800x1200, Taylor 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared Taylor became racist when he travelled Africa.

>> No.19335459
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Dunno man

>> No.19335489

>euro trash
How nice and not racist at all
>inb4 racism against white people doesn't exist

>> No.19335500

Once i become dictator of Imperial america I'll make sure niggers will rape dissidents like this >>19334890

>> No.19335515

virulent racism is cured by traveling to other places and checking out other cultures
virulent racism is encouraged when you become a minority in your homeland in a zero sum game played with a bunch of foreigners you have to surrender your nation to at gun point and rub shoulders with for the rest of the short existence of your civilization
good job. youre nothing more than a liberal attack dog forcing wedge issues into the working class, love seeing you people preach about helping the working class after getting treats from your masters for helping undermine its unity. leftists are such trite and brainless LARPers.

>> No.19335522

>loves daddy state
>dreams of niggers gangbanging men
checks out, fascism IS for fags

>> No.19335528

I've traveled to third world countries and it's only made me more racist. If anything anti-racism is caused by living your entire life in a predominately white community and assuming all other humans are that decent.

>> No.19335554
File: 9 KB, 230x280, 3db334d785b06f81ff9660ea65c95a85--francisco-dsouza-spanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still seethes when facism gets mentioned
>Y-you are neurotic you are a f-fag!
Nah don't you want to culturally enriched by my moor divisions?

>> No.19335566

>my words burrow in his mind well enough to quote them
>butthurt that someone called his favorite security blankie internet politics faggy
so much for seething

>> No.19335577
File: 17 KB, 220x258, 220px-Benito_Mussolini_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wall of seethe
Kek so much for the neurotic kike

>> No.19335986

Unamuno's Tragic sense of life is probably the best philosophical essay ever writen in the spanish language, so yes, it is fine (having in mind he only wrote two essays, TTSoL and The agony of christianism which I haven't yet read)

>> No.19336172


>> No.19336180

>racism is cured by traveling
Go to Paris and tell me that

>> No.19336209

Funny thing is that a lot of the major fascist political and thought leaders were influential writers - Mussolini, D'Annunzio etc. But I guess acknowledging that is just too inconvenient.
>implying you need a majority of foreigners to see social effects
Takes no more than 1%-3%, maybe less depending on whether we're talking about young men exclusively or other demographics too.

>> No.19336298

Ah yes the very not racist colonialists

>> No.19336395

My brother became racist when he travelled to Africa. And my friend became quite fascist after we went to Singapore.

>> No.19336494

I don't think.

>> No.19336510

The most racist people I know are the ones who traveleld excessively.
In the sense of running away from home at 16 and then surviving living on the road all over the world till they are 35 and then settle somewhere.
Having passed through Africa, MENA, Asia, SA and occassionally through the western countries they would have the most hostile opinions and attitudes toward near every people, but didn't dissuade anyone from still travelling where ever.
Wealthy Queers like OP "travel" and of course dont have their fantasies shattered in their cushy hotels and tourist resorts.

>> No.19336919

This is true, except all of today's Fascists are left wing.

>> No.19336950

Biden/DNC are not leftwing.
There’s actually one party

>> No.19336959
File: 273 KB, 469x480, 0ar5h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Dems are the real fascists
>Biden is a fascist

>> No.19337010

Blue fascism. It censors dissent and opposition leaders, labels anti capitalists domestic terrorists, and mandates big pharma vaccinations.
The US has always aided and abetted fascism

>> No.19337014
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-i-disapprove-of-what-you-say-but-will-defend-to-the-death-your-right-to-say-it-voltaire-334856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really amazing what's become of America's left wing, they used to be liberals but are now the foremost force in the suppressing of liberty and forcing more and more control over the population. Whatever happened to sanity, I ask?

>> No.19337027

Liberals have always stood for the liberation of capitalists. Rooseveltian Democrats took a slight “progressive” detour is all.

>> No.19337064
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-every-anarchist-is-a-baffled-dictator-benito-mussolini-21-2-0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US has always aided and abetted fascism
Can you just call them what they are: neo-liberals? Please stop associating me with them. I am tired of having to educate you.

You call everyone you don't lile a liberal/fascist. You even call lenin a liberal. Just be quiet.

>> No.19337076

Didn't OP guy support the Nacionals in the civil war? Aren't they much more reactionary than the Fascists were? Wtf

>> No.19337077

He also wrote a series of commentaries on Don Quixote which are a true delight to read. I highly recommend them; they go into a lot of interesting philosophical, literary and even personal tangents related to Unamuno. In a way, it's the best encapsulation of all his ideas put together in one place.

>> No.19337082

He didn't, he showed sympathy for their cause initially because he didn't like the way the Republic was headed, but came to repudiate both sides once the Nationalist showed themselves just as brutal as the Republicans. In the end he called them out and died in domiciliary arrest in 1936.

>> No.19337099

>civil war
>civil war is brutal
yeah no shit

anyway the fascist faction in the war (distinct from the nacionals) didn't even want the war in the first place. think JONS before they merged with falange.

>> No.19337109

What I meant to say is that they offered no real alternative and pushed too far in the other direction. Unamuno opposed them, just as he had opposed Miguel Primo de Rivera a decade earlier, which had cost him being exiled. He was an opinionated man, after all.

>> No.19337112

Way to go! Adding nothing else to your original nationalist lie and pretending I’m forcing the wedge issue. You don’t know why I called you trash, but you’ll tell everyone it’s because you’re working class.
And the lie about my getting “treats” from the owner class. Ha! Americans get nothing compared to European countries.

The reason there’s an immigration problem in the EU is because of the US imperial expansionism. This was all done on purpose.

>1% is overtaking Nation X
Why does no one ever realize that you ensure zero migration by making sure your neighbors are comfy in their own lands?

I do interchangeably. AOC is progressive, liberal and neoliberal in turn before noon everyday

>> No.19337175
File: 143 KB, 672x1024, 5-672x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was taking a jab at him, not you. In the circumstances of the war obviously there would be a lot of brutality, so it makes no sense to support the 'less brutal one'. I personally lean towards supporting the trade union anyway. They really did have a reason to start a revolt and their needs were not being answered. There are even rumors that Hitler regretted supporting the Francoists.
>I do interchangeably.
Please use more concrete language. From an outsiders view there is only confusion. You should not bunch up people who have completely different views, even if you don't like them.
You will eventually have to accept that the only difference between you and I is that I'm your authoritarian cousin. You should read Mussolini's articles in 'Avanti' and 'Il Popolo d'Italia'. You'll understand why he 'betrayed the International' [it never existed]

>> No.19337234

take your meds

>> No.19337237

This is the kind of thing an american read randomly and then just used it for political gain. Unamuno is fucking trash. But since it was said by random book guy then it must be true. Americans are pathetic

>> No.19337255

Apparently ol' Ummagumma never traveled to China

>> No.19337282

If you dont promote nationalism, then you want to exterminate entire ethnic groups.

>> No.19337359

seethe, fascist retard

>> No.19337388

>Funny thing is that a lot of the major fascist political and thought leaders were influential writers - Mussolini, D'Annunzio etc.
"The Cardinal's lover" is influential now?

>> No.19337399

>the fascist faction in the war (distinct from the nacionals) didn't even want the war in the first place
>oppose legitimate gov
>i-i didnt want to start a civil war!

>> No.19337400

seethe Ungamungo

>> No.19337407

>read more Gentile
>become Fascist

>> No.19337442
File: 229 KB, 1058x1390, ramiro-ledesma-ramos-1905-1936-spanish-politician-P9JK40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Cardinal's lover is influential now?
Mussolini would translate Marxist texts and write theory you baboon. He was recognized by the PSI as a a theoretician of socialism. Yes he was a writer, his collected works span 25 volumes.
>wanting to remove the government because they're incompetent means they want a civil war
Stupid mongrel. Why don't you look at the activity of Spanish Fascists/Actualists

>> No.19337452

>>wanting to remove the government because they're incompetent
Never happened.
Read books

>> No.19337464
File: 18 KB, 271x360, 15143881b8ea6e1d751860355d96a656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never happened.
What the fuck are you even saying you retard. The Nacionals and the Fascists are two different factions.

How about you read a book, dumbfuck.

>> No.19337488 [DELETED] 

>The makers of the bourgeois liberal state could not suspect the economic routes that were to come in the future. The first clear vision of the character of our industrial and technical civilization corresponds to Marxism. We will fight against the limitation of Marxist materialism, and we must overcome it; but not without recognizing him the honors of a pioneer who died and exhausted in the first clashes. The industrial economy of the last hundred years has created powers and social injustices against which the liberal state is defenseless. Thus the new State will impose the union structuring of the economy, which saves industrial efficiency, but destroys the "morbid supremacies" of all kinds that exist today. The new State cannot abandon its economy to the simple pacts and contracts that the economic forces make among themselves. The unionization of the economic forces will be obligatory, and at all times attended to the high aims of the State. The State will discipline and guarantee production at all times. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and it is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, as this would be equivalent to the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. and at all times attended to the high aims of the State. The State will discipline and guarantee production at all times. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and it is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, since this would be the equivalent of the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. and at all times attended to the high aims of the State. The State will discipline and guarantee production at all times. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and it is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today.

>> No.19337494 [DELETED] 

>Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, since this would be the equivalent of the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and that is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, as this would be equivalent to the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and that is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, since this would be the equivalent of the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, as this would be equivalent to the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, as this would be equivalent to the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation.

>> No.19337522

>The makers of the bourgeois liberal state did not suspect the economic routes that were to emerge in the future. The first clear vision of the character of our industrial and technical civilization corresponds to Marxism. We will fight against the limitation of Marxist materialism, and we must overcome it; but not without recognizing him the honors of a pioneer dead and exhausted in the first clashes. The industrial economy of the last hundred years has created powers and social injustices against which the liberal state is defenseless. Thus the new State will impose the union structuring of the economy, which saves industrial efficiency, but destroys the "morbid supremacies" of all kinds that exist today. The new State cannot abandon its economy to the simple pacts and contracts that the economic forces make among themselves. The unionization of the economic forces will be obligatory, and at all times attended to the high aims of the State. The State will discipline and guarantee production at all times. Which is equivalent to a considerable empowerment of work. There is still more to be done in favor of an authentic and fruitful Spanish economy, and that is that the new State will twist its neck to the terrifying and tremendous agrarian problem that exists today. Through the expropriation of the landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, since this would be the equivalent of the old and dismal liberal solution, but transferred to the peasants themselves, to be cultivated by themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency to communal or cooperative exploitation.

>> No.19337566

>What the fuck are you even saying you retard.

>>>wanting to remove the government because they're incompetent

Never happened. Not the reason why they revolted. Learn words.

>> No.19337570

I'm not talking about the Nacionales holy fuck. How many times do I have to repeat myself.

>> No.19337585

>Fascism is caused by reading, and racism is caused by traveling

>> No.19337601

he was ironic .....right?

>> No.19337603

>fascism is when you are running a liberal government
>Why does no one ever realize that you ensure zero migration by making sure your neighbors are comfy in their own lands?
"Overtaking" is not the appropriate word here. "Destroying local communities" might be more apt. I appreciate your naive idealism, but not everyone on this earth can be rich - in fact, there are already plenty of really poor people in the West. A much cheaper option is to just close the damn borders, you know?
Are you not aware of Mussolini's role in pre-war Marxism and Italian interventionism, or are you just pretending to be retarded?
The military started the civil war anon, not FE de las JONS.

>> No.19338764

How does that cure racism though?
>Oh wow, the Chinese...eat different food than me. Yet they have the same feelings? My world is blown apart.
What exactly are people learning that they think racists don't know, is what I'm wondering.

>> No.19338776

Tumblr quote-tier midwittery

>> No.19339025

nothing you said refutes my point. your appeal to progressive values means you are put on the defensive regarding the most provocative and divisive liberal identity politics whether you want to defend liberalism or not. you can claim to be "against the system" all you want, but you being an anarchist has literally no impact on the real world, but you participating in the normalization of progressive policy does. you are driving wedges into the working class, youre being played. and yes, anarchists do get treats from daddy liberal, they get unleashed on the streets and on other working class people, then are given legal protection and all sorts of pandering for their roll in sustaining liberal democracy through violence and organized protests and counter protests to protect aspects of the liberal agenda they've been duped into fighting for.

>> No.19339041

i mostly mean it might make you less frothing at the mouth hateful, not necessarily that it will turn you into a completely progressive person on race

>> No.19339108

I had no bad opinions of Jews until I moved cities and found a neat apartment in the Hassidic quarter of town.
Literally the worst people to have as neighbours.

>> No.19339269

Leftists think we are fallen angels, but we are ascended monkeys.

>> No.19339700

thats literally the opposite of what leftists think

>> No.19339705

not an argument

>> No.19339714

leftists are almost all materialists who literally believe we are ascended monkeys

>> No.19340277

>You should not bunch up people who have completely different views
Says the guy who thinks of the Muss as a an anarchist. But my point about AOC even explains him, doesn’t it.

>fascism is … liberal govt
I did say blue fascism, and described what it is that is shaping up to be very fascist about it.
>Overtaking" is not the appropriate word here.
Well, tell that to the guy using the word to start with.
> I appreciate your naive idealism, but not everyone on this earth can be rich
What a naïve thing to even repeat. The system is about keeping that very inequality. The best option is to close the idiotic system. Before it cheapens us all any further.

>> No.19340934

>afraid to respond

>> No.19340941

It's literally the opposite.

>> No.19340997

Reading is for fags
Writing is based however
Armies are fascist nomadic war machines, of course they travel

>> No.19341091

>and described what it is that is shaping up to be very fascist about it.
you dont know what fascism is though, you literally think fascism is when the government protects private property at all costs

>> No.19341206

Is this a real quote?

>> No.19341208

>what is paleo-communism

>> No.19341224

How come, anon? Did they ostracize you for being goyim cattle or something?

>> No.19341243

nonexistent lmao, also apparently supposed to be "divorced from leftists"

>> No.19341270

>nonexistent lmao
Yes, that's the point. What the enlightenment is to most reactionaries the first agricultural revolution is to communists, the exile from the Garden of Eden.

>> No.19341277

so what? are you trying to brag about being some anprim tier retard? if youre trying to say youre an orthodox marxist then youre more retarded than literally everyone else

>> No.19341283

I replied to the guy who claimed that lefty people did not believe us to be fallen angels, highlighting how the metanarrative of communism is dependent on there being a "paleo-communism" where Utopia reigned and was lost with the advent of the agricultural revolution.

>> No.19341331

Let's see.
> 19 years old jewish men masturbating in the public library while watching vogues magazines.
> Hordes of children in the alleyway every afternoon. Hundreds. Their favorite game was either throwing rocks at the passing cars or just straight up stepping in front of your car at the last second.
> Re those fucking spawns of hell, the women watching over them were absolute harridans. I once got angry and stepped out when one kid jumped in front of my car, she fucking came screaming at me as if I had ran him over.
> Forced our gym to close and renovate for a year because they could look at women training and that's just not acceptable.
> Illegally destroyed the back of the brick building next to ours to set up tents for one of their feasts, forcing the city to have inspectors come and evaluate our building for structural damage following it. Of fucking course they never got charged with anything.
> Older Jewish men are constantly drunk at all hours of the day during certain months because of holidays I guess. The cunts are belligerent as hell too when their drunk.
> The whole money thing is not a meme, at all. They will do anything and everything to save a buck. Having them as customers was the absolute worst hell ever.
> They *all* look ugly as fuck. in 3 years living there, I have not seen a single girl that didn't look like she was about to die.

>> No.19341344

Sounds rough, anon.

> They *all* look ugly as fuck. in 3 years living there, I have not seen a single girl that didn't look like she was about to die.

I was just about to ask if there was at least some consolation to be found in wholesomely dressed qt3.14 women with big khazarim milkers, but I suppose God did not see it fit to grant you even that much relief in exchange for enduring his Chosen.

>> No.19341382
File: 170 KB, 500x757, 44buul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't dig into your personal problems. Better dig into Siberian mines."

Joseph Stalin

>> No.19341454

Well, that quote is talking about travelling, not moving out. But I have to remark the obvious thing, Unamuno's work is from a very different time and the quote is proof of that. Even in his prime, he was an old fashioned fella (but not a reactionary, quite the contrary) with points of view that became somewhat antiquated very fast. He was elevated as a symbol of the intellectual resistance to the emergent Spaniard fascist movement but there's a lot of controversy around his real political position at the time. I like the books from him that I've read, Niebla, San Manuel Bueno Martir and Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho

>> No.19341496

why do people think these psychopathologizing dunks are so ebin, they, too, could just say that you hate and resent anything that symbolizes strength, health, and joy in your mind because of your own malformed nature.

>> No.19341718

>Oh wow, the Chinese...eat different food than me. Yet they have the same feelings? My world is blown apart.
i dunno man it takes special kind of (non-human, IMHO) feelings to purposefully eat animals to extinction

>> No.19342504

Funny how the exact opposite is true. Didn’t this guy support Franco by the way?

>> No.19343114

>I did say blue fascism, and described what it is that is shaping up to be very fascist about it.
Your misconception is in thinking that any of the things you listed are "fascist" features, when they have been fundamental to liberal government from the start.
>What a naïve thing to even repeat. The system is about keeping that very inequality. The best option is to close the idiotic system. Before it cheapens us all any further.
I would like to, within the confines of my community.

>> No.19343147
File: 543 KB, 1436x1688, Capture+_2021-09-29-17-48-16-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but what does our great truth teller of our time think? Want to know what the alpha retard thinks. Not his simp retards.

>> No.19343188

You can't be racist against humans, only subhumans.

>> No.19343406

>wholesomely dressed qt3.14 women with big khazarim milkers
Not a single one. The girls all look like cancerous/anemic older women, regardless of their age. And their outfits do not really allow you to gauge anything about their shape.
To note, this is specifically about Hassidic Jews, which I've been told are the absolute worst kind.

>> No.19343573
File: 50 KB, 406x431, 1534949740672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

>> No.19344194

Jannies do your job. this shit belongs on the cancer board.