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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 184 KB, 1109x1079, 4bf25b090a47ac88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19333407 No.19333407 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write something transgressive and post-modern such as Fight Club, The Matrix, Twin Peaks, and American Psycho?

>> No.19333413

Conservatism is the new punk rock.

>> No.19333419

none of them are postmodernist, they're just mass literature

>> No.19333430
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>> No.19333438

god i wish that were me

>> No.19333461

Just write what you want, no holds barred.
If there's a good story in there to tell, it doesn't matter how fucked up the subject matter is.

>> No.19333478
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>666 in roman numerals
i don't know if she is bitchier or edgier

>> No.19333493

Write something anti-liberal in a clever way and everyone on the Right to the Left will lose their shit.

>> No.19333527

Fight club more like gay club........god I wish I was in a gay club

>> No.19333528

You’re a big fat whale?

>> No.19333547

I would love to pee on her while browsing /Lit. Seems like the best of two worlds coming together, like Lauda and Niki

>> No.19333607

If by that you mean "fake and gay", then yeah, sure.
So long as you are referring to PragerU conservatism, at any rate.

>> No.19333613

Need sauce mane

>> No.19333625

just 3 days into no nut november and you post charlotte sartre in metal bondage. its almost as if this post was targeted at me. but i must transgress. i will not coom.

>> No.19333630

i saw the conetits and that specific hip/butt fat configuration, i suspected a tranny, then i recognized the tattoo. why do they always end up doing such extreme things? i can't imagine any of them are very happy

>> No.19333633
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Beat you to it

>> No.19333641

>profanity in title
not reading your novel

>> No.19333645


>> No.19333651

Seek help.

>> No.19333652

Charlotte Sartre - god help me

>> No.19333701
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> *breathes in* I abstain

>> No.19333704
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Don't forget your booster

>> No.19333799

you have the power to write these things.

plan out your novel and then just stick to the plan. you'd be surprised at what you can create.

>> No.19333890

It isn't much these days to ruffle the status quo, you only have to say what your grandparents told you. Just tell to their faces that men are not women and how you daydream of going on a murderous rampage every day so you don't actually do it for real like Mike Ma.

>> No.19333938


>> No.19334290

What is this image about? Why that caption?

>> No.19334316


>> No.19334900

1. You have a pulse on the zeitgeist and write the novel yourself. If your skill in writing isn't developed enough, write more and follow advice in the writing thread copypasta. Just write as frequently as possible.
2. You have money and hire a ghostwriter to write it.
3. You are a jew or have connections and either write some trash or have it ghostwritten and then have your connections hype it up as the latest transgressive book.

>> No.19334924

Be a dudebro who read his first book in college and thinks he's deep now. That's what those writers did

>> No.19335863

I have literally 800 pics like this.
I have it because this was from a specific tumblr blog. It was automatically closed after that thing in tumblr happened.
If somebody gives me some nsfw pics then I am willing to share these.

>> No.19335878

Edgy losers always thought they were cool

>> No.19335885

>the name is "sartre"
How embarrassing

>> No.19336016
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Stop posting and get a job, lefty/pol/ retards

>> No.19336048

they're not particularly transgressive either

>> No.19336055

nice plinth

>> No.19336095
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Sartre is kino
Does anybody know if she filmed scenes with shorter hair other than Anal Acrobats 10? It's almost as if her hair had grown long right after filming that one.

>> No.19336099

It's such a shame that attractive girls end up this way. It only makes me depressed desu.

>> No.19336104
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>> No.19336113

There are many more attractives girls that don't end like this. The difference is that you can't see them

>> No.19336121

Chuck palanuik talked about his dad being murdered and his grandfather murdering his grandmother on the recent joe rogan

>> No.19336147

There should be none. Also most girls today are prostitute tier, especially the ones that are half attractive.
I've had my share but the state of things today is really sad. My only relief is that they all eventually disfigure themselves with plastic surgery and become as ugly as what they do.

>> No.19336175

>There should be none
>I've had my share
And I do believe you, anon

>> No.19336212

>nooooo you can't be against whores! that means you're a virgin incel! not the heckin' prostitino I need them to masturbate!

>> No.19336228

gib source at least

>> No.19336247

The man drove through the day and night in one straight shot to get to his destination.
When he arrived, he parked his car and took his keys with him inside
He did not know a single soul for miles and miles in each cardinal direction
The people he came across were like strangers to him, and as was he to them.
They stuck together tightly and barricaded him out from inclusion
He drove another day and night to get to a new destination, where it was warmer
That time of the year, and parked at a crowded beach on a beautiful sunny day.
She was sitting far away where he could not recognize her features, yet she saw him
She was on the rocks wearing sunglasses to block out the sun's reflection off the waves.
He walked right past and continued down the beach, never bothering to look back.
The water in front of him was clear and warm, tiny creatures swimming quickly in it.
The clouds rolled and morphed speedily above the mollified crowd enjoying this day.
With each passing moment he drifted further down the beach and deeper into peace
Of mind and body and soul, disconnecting from the material world at will.
The sails of his spirit had caught winds with gale force and swiftness
Yet no panic came over him as he floated onward, without physicality.
Pure imagintion and actualization of the mind, leading to the discovery of the spiritual plane
He never had to drive anywhere really, because this was the key to being everywhere at once
A sensation, more of a presence, washed over him with a blissful impact and he opened his eyes
Turned around and saw her. Round circular sunglasses, white plastic rims stared at him
They were magnetically pulling him towards her, and he could see and smell lavender in his head
Enveloping him gracefully, and her face was beautiful too. Soft and gentle dimples on her smiling face
Made him smile back automatically. There seemed to be no time or space between them, yet he
Marched towards her and came no closer in the end. She was there he could have sworn it.
The energy of her aura lingered powerfully but she was gone. Nowhere to be seen, vanished
Instantaneously without explanation.
He stopped in his tracks and shook his head in disbelief. Did anyone else see what just happened?
He thought to himself as he looked around at the other people at the beach. Everyone was still
Sprawled on the warm sand, smoothly cooing to each other over the breeze and crashing of the
Waves off in the distance.

>> No.19336299

"Most" girls today are prostitutes? Do you ever go out of your room?

>> No.19336435

lol they fucked dozens of people in their 20s at the very least. Is "tattered cumrag" a better term?

>> No.19336439

Make sure to include the word "nigger" at least five times on the first page.

>> No.19336442

Oh for crying out loud. Her name has already been given. It’s Charlotte Sartre

>> No.19336497

Damn butters, didn't expect you to be a bdsm connoisseur. As a fellow infp I can relate. What are your kinks?

>> No.19336503

Pornography is for degenerates. A real man doesn't watch people having sex. A real man doesn't masturbate.

>> No.19336523

She’s been brought up here since she started simply because of her name.

>> No.19336684

Do you fantasize about being her, or seeing her?

>> No.19336696

I’m not into dbsm

>> No.19336716

are you that guy with that really extensive big book shelf

>> No.19336752

>literary female not into bdsm
This would at least be plausible if you larped as trad.

>> No.19336869

So many betas and nerds

I've fucked 100's of women and not once did I complain that "wah wah women have too much sex"

I was busy screwing the hot ones while you nerds cry

>> No.19336893

>The next real literary "rebels" in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles. Who treat of plain old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and hip fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that'll be the point. Maybe that's why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today's risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the "Oh how banal". To risk accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Of overcredulity. Of softness. Of willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Who knows.

>> No.19336907
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>> No.19336916

I am from a Christian conservative background.
Violence doesn’t interest me. Much less in sex. There’s tops and there’s bottoms but most people are not into rape fantasy fulfillment. Maybe most fourchiners

>> No.19336923

Does anyone like this at all or is it dogshit

>> No.19336942

sorry, I don't actually read.

>> No.19336966

It is alright and has some nice bits, but goes no where and the structure seems pure whim. Give it a point and put more consideration into when you do a linebreak or use a period and the structure of lines and sentences. As it is the structure suggests there is something beyond whim, but it is not there as far as I can tell.

>> No.19336985

What faggots like you don't realize is that the new edgy is actually being sincere. The New Sincerity movement is way more transgressive than edgy (((postmodern))) garbage

>> No.19337006

retarded amerishit post, trump loves kikes by the way

>> No.19337244

>most people are not into rape fantasy fulfillment
This level of ignorance about women would generally earn one an "incel" accusation.

>> No.19337258

Have you ever had sex?

>> No.19337269

Conservatism was the new punk rock between 2014 and 2017. Now it's been taken over by christcucks, people in a constant state of freakout about muh vacseen and qanon schizos.
It's not punk rock anymore it's pathetic.
There is no new punk rock anymore. Everything sucks now.

>> No.19337278
File: 195 KB, 402x595, tsk-final1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shitkickers is the new punk rock

>> No.19337305

yawn, so go suck mohammed's cock you sniveling little cuck. fuck off

>> No.19338033

Pic related : I wish that was me...

I am a girl btw

>> No.19338088
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>> No.19338114

>been taken over by christcucks
The christcucks never left and have been running the show the whole time

>> No.19338214

What would you want to have done to you?

>> No.19338238

>charlotte sartre

I wonder if when she gets fucked hard she goes cross-eyed like him.

>> No.19338287

>The Matrix


lol, do me a favor and read this

>> No.19338354

>Conservatism was the new punk rock
It still is. Just because some radical retards are in it, it doesnt mean that trad living and family isnt going agaisnt the globohomo individuality and hedonism

>> No.19338748

All women do that when you fuck them right

>> No.19338760

She goes by "Charlotte Sartre", named after baby's first philosopher. So, definitely edgy.

>> No.19338761


>> No.19338797

Wasn't she literally from /lit/? I remember the name from some thread.

>> No.19338805

She attention whored here once, but only so she could take screenshots to attention whore harder on twitter with them.

>> No.19338941

>Just because some radical retards are in it,
Look into a mirror, basic retard

>> No.19339233

You guys all blew your shot to get laid.

>> No.19339242

Oh well. Time to have another crack at Butters.

>> No.19339267

Why would I want to have sex with a literal whore?
I will never have sex with anyone else but the girl I genuinely love.

>> No.19339276

Is it still possible after getting used to basically everything through imageboards?

>> No.19339468

Sometimes when pissy young men with obnoxious personalities such as yourself have trouble with normal women, they begin associating with whores.

>> No.19339527
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>someone doesn't want to have sex with a literal pornstar
>therefore they're pissy young men with obnoxious personalities who have trouble with women

>> No.19339699

Pornstars are the living Saints of liberal sexual theology. Once you get over your sophomoric rebellious phase you will come to worship them like all good men do.

>> No.19339719
File: 2.29 MB, 1992x3108, 7DD2AD83-B741-4824-BF06-B6AE4D06D559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19339726

Bro, half the autistic sperg authors we worship on this board probably lost their virginities to whores.

>> No.19340085

bdsm porn sluts post here? can't decide if that's demeaning or hot

>> No.19340094

just post them on mega man

>> No.19340118
File: 116 KB, 960x846, 1635911587276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she's reading this, bro

>> No.19340155

I'm glad it's over. Everyone involved was a grifter.

>> No.19340177

Oh incel, you poor brainwashed filth. Maybe it’s a definition problem.
>Buh, every woman wantsa be rapped!
Not really, no. Some might fantasize about it, but again and again I remind you. Rough sex isn’t rape.

>> No.19340431

>'de-segregation' busing of an Amish school + Rumspringa during the Chicago Riots

>> No.19341476

why are you sperging out so hard over the truth, you clueless legbeard?
rape fantasy =/= actually wanting to be raped, yes, because that'd be a contradiction in terms, rape by definition isn't wanted or it's not rape - however, the fact remains that very many, if not most, women are into rape fantasies.

>> No.19341832

wait you actually had sex

>> No.19341843


You have to get syphilis, rent a summer home in Italy, be visited by a demonic figure in the dead of the night, offer to renounce love in exchange for 24 years of inspired creative genius.

Either that, or just write a story about something a dude thought was real isn't actually real.

>> No.19341864

Sorry anon but conservatism can only based if they dunk on Jews.

>> No.19341905

I could kinda play this song using the keypad tones of my old brick nokia in middle school :)

>> No.19341918

>lol they fucked dozens of people in their 20s at the very least
So did most men, it's normal for an adult human being.

>> No.19341929

I have no idea what she is exactly doing but she is very pretty.

>> No.19342052

Not for him, he can't get laid because everyone finds him so repulsive.

>> No.19342058

And yet you're still here you fucking loser

>> No.19342071
File: 71 KB, 200x188, 1635136942015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up dyke?

>> No.19342089

based Ackerposter

>> No.19342121

Based "based Ackerposter" poster.
I was getting nervous that nobody knew where that came from.
What did you think of the book?

>> No.19342132

>Now it's been taken over by christcucks
We've always ran the show, get on board, the age of degens is about to end

>> No.19342235

I love Wailord, he's so cute. :)

>> No.19343132

A book of just the gamer word for 150 pages

>> No.19343241
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>no reply

>> No.19343288

You will never be a real woman

>> No.19343333
File: 177 KB, 1080x1350, ks_gato_90087503_1010886192646215_369004902455984824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love a literal whore though

>> No.19343405

You mean you fell in love with a prostitute?

>> No.19343432
File: 71 KB, 1080x1350, ks_gato_118512322_314050543015715_85047168822018848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less, yeah
Pic not her btw

>> No.19343504

Literally just write about what's bothering you, write from your heart, and do it in an engaging and entertaining way. If you're a /pol/ack white nationalist or something, just write a cool metaphorical story.

>> No.19343614

did this guy ever publish any more of this? honestly it reads like a bret easton ellison masterpiece

>> No.19343644

desu browsing here for years doesn't desensitize you to everything, it just cultivates a really detached way of perceiving things. Aside from the anons that are genuinely mentally ill you could probably rid even longtime users of that mindset and repair them into semi-normalfags with enough time away from this site and out in public.

>> No.19343904

why must demons have such a good way with words and why are they posting on /lit/?

>> No.19344031

demons always whisper sweet things to your ear
don't listem to them, pray, [-]

>> No.19344070

remember when she tried saying she was le cultured aesthete on Twitter and got chewed out?
You're a BPD-riddled prostitute with childhood abuse issues, you are nothing special dear.

>> No.19344096

>cultured aesthete
>BPD-riddled prostitute with childhood abuse issues
They're the same picture

>> No.19344138

Only in America can you have the same ideology as the most popular political commentator in the country and simultaneously believe you are transgressive

>> No.19344248

>same ideology as the most popular political commentator in the country and simultaneously believe you are transgressive

You can though, because the ideology isn't the ideology of the ruling class.
Simply doing the opposite of what a lot of people are doing is an incredibly vulgar notion of what a transgressive act is.

>> No.19344256

>she tried saying she was le cultured aesthete on Twitte

>> No.19344555

The F1 driver?

>> No.19344563
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>> No.19344626

Lost NNN

>> No.19344701

Are you joking? Why?

>> No.19344720

>day 5

>> No.19344722

I was reading Lolita

>> No.19344736

You gotta pay all women you're involved with in one manner or another.

>> No.19344749

I am on day 12 and it's getting hard. Any tips?

>> No.19344770

When you fap just make sure to not watch porn (and do it fast, don't edge for hours like a loser). And keep yourself busy.

>> No.19344955

Why is Fight Club not transgressive?

>> No.19345152

tell the story anon

>> No.19345162

How is it transgressive?

>> No.19345173


>> No.19345587
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>> No.19345599

Breathe in deep, you'll need it.

>> No.19345616

Bro it's called NNN not NPN.

>> No.19345629

slugbrained favela post

>> No.19345642

Then I must not be a good man.

>> No.19345652

I didn't say he should fap, but if he fails at least not to porn. NNN is short-term, but the long-term goal is to not ruin your brain with porn. If he starts now to never watch it again then NNN 2022 will be way easier, even if he faps after November.

>> No.19345680

more like shitlickers

>> No.19345686

kek, we'll sooner get a muslim west than a return to a true christian one

>> No.19346530

There's not much to tell
I fell in love with a girl who (at least one time, to my knowledge) sold her body to strangers
I wasn't a client btw

>> No.19346913

Any moment now, buddy...

>> No.19347373

I like the idea of it, but it has a very passive voice. Everything is just happening, they say "show, don't tell," but this is a lot of telling. I don't know the best way to fix it.