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19334758 No.19334758 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about the relatively new political climate (2016 - present) from the perspective of the younger generation? Things like dirtbag left, groyper fascist types, intellectual dark web types etc.

>> No.19334764

FBI briefings. Probably still classified.
It’s not that deep.

>> No.19334769

No there is absolutely nothing. You can read memes like Bronze age pervert or Mike Ma but they really don't cover the whole scope of it; they would be more appropriate as subjects in such a book. There is obviously no point in even skimming what any mainstream publication puts out about this.

>> No.19334781

Anything on schizophrenia. Maybe Baudrillard

>> No.19334782

>from the perspective of the younger generation?
My (22 y/o) political opinion varies wildly from day to day depending on which memes and music/hype videos I've watched. Not joking.

>> No.19334786

Yup, Baudrillard and Guy Debord. You should read it

>> No.19334792

Also 22. Still believe in exactly the same economic policies since I was 15

>> No.19334793
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>> No.19334795

zoomies are all at college getting brainwashed

>> No.19334799

Oh, I've voted neolib/centrist the whole time. But what I think I am from day to day varies a lot.

>> No.19334807

^ (save the schizophrenia part)

>> No.19334809

> paleocon -> nazi -> ancap
many such cases

>> No.19334811

I'm sorry

>> No.19334819

Kill All Normies
The Chapo Guide To Revolution
The New Right by Michael Malice

This whole era isn’t over, so you shouldn’t want a book about it yet. It’s only just begun. 2024 is going to be insane

>> No.19334834

>2024 is going to be insane
This is what will happen
>Contentious race
>BLM riots pop up again
>Media scares everyone about the imminent white supremacist takeover
>Dems win
>Republicans seethe

>> No.19334843

Hyperreality is worth exploring to understand our modern political climate.

>> No.19334850

how long until we get a cumtown book? Nick is surprisingly well-read

>> No.19334880

> dems win
I think by 2024 the american media will probably pull a europe and decide maybe they’ve been too accepting for too long and all the muslims and hispanics need to get the fuck out and start backing up the republicans for their anti immigration values. it’s hard to believe to me that having a country this culturally cucked and dysfunctional is profitable. the elites don’t just want cheap labor, they want people to grow the economy (arms race) too

>> No.19334889

>american media will probably pull a europe
uhm... anon...

>> No.19334892

>muh muslims invading usa
Stupid fucking golem trash faggot

>> No.19334893

>pull a europe
So, bend over completely to the globalists and import as many refugees as possible

>> No.19334904

there is a very real chance of the deep state just jumping parties, they care about the stability and profitability of their endeavor.
yearly riots and mass redistribution of wealth from the already declining middle class is not stable.
Hispanics will continue to be brought into the fold and in 50 years will be on par with Italian , Irish, and other such groups that were subsumed into the American identity.

>> No.19334905

The elites don't need the West to exist.

>> No.19334916

muslim immigration from south asia and north africa is the last thing that gives me hope for the united states. they have great values and work hard.

>> No.19334929

Their kids won't have great values from going to American schools.

>> No.19334934

There are arabs in the usa and the majority came before the 60s. All have high incomes, education levels, and business owning rates much higher than the white mean. They are Christians though

>> No.19334955

there are more arabs coming in all the time.

>> No.19335031

You're fucking dreaming. Why would they play into that dysfunction by "switching sides" and aligning their coverage with their enemy?

>> No.19335041

The elites covet productivity and creativity, and if productive and creative migrants want in on our economy, why would they turn them down for the sake of some theoretical homogeneity that can no longer be achieved?

>> No.19335059

This, you will go the way of Rome and you'll like it.

>> No.19336451
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The republican party really wants to win over minorities from the democrats. Trump (ironically) increased the GOP's Hispanic vote. I think you can kind of see it in how the republican party went from a public image of respectable WASPy types scared of public profanity to tatted up gonzo machismo freaks triggering da libs, gotta embrace a more street level culture to broaden the base

>> No.19336533

Same. Last year I went from being a fascist to ANCAP to Nazbol to monarchist and one time I considered myself a tankie because communism unironically worked in my country(until a certain band of flourescent negroes staged a coup)and we made the USSR seethe endlessly because we were so rich and organised compared to most of the rest of the eastern block.

>> No.19336578

You are very based, I imagine.

>> No.19336580

> Are there any books about the relatively new political climate (2016 - present) from the perspective of the younger generation?

No, but those absurd politics fall squarely in deleuzianism. read deleuze, maybe read land, you’ll understand what the fuck is rotting brains and how ideas flow on the webs

>> No.19336588

There are some interesting articles on countercurrents by a guy named Travis LeBlanc about the "dirtbag left" and its relation to 4chan discourse. I am abstractly interested in how zoomers are developing their gay subcultures but not concretely interested enough to listen to podcasting moneyed Jews and their internet drama, so I appreciate other people wading into the muck for me and summarizing things.


>> No.19336626

>The elites covet productivity and creativity
They really don't.
>productive and creative migrants
They're really not.
>theoretical homogeneity that can no longer be achieved
My country has been at my desired level of homogenity in my lifetime.

>> No.19336640

Yeah I have a feeling these articles are fucking retarded since immediately in I'm reading "cucked on race" and "redpilled on jews"
This just reads like a 4chan shitpost not actual discourse

>> No.19336694
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Counter-Currents is kinda trashy.

>> No.19336700

midwit is too charitable for the reader of CC

>> No.19336746

>The White

gotta be a pen name, right lmao

>> No.19336830
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I am 20 years old and I've always been a 'nationalist-socialist' (note: not National Socialist) with only the degree of 'nationalist' and 'socialist' changing over time. I've been 'politically-aware' since middle school. The only thing that's really ever changed for me is not the core of my values but my understanding of history and philosophy.

I think the most important thing right now is that Europeans unite and see themselves as 'one people' and work to get rid of the subversive elements— (bourgeoisie, and bankers) while establishing a meritocratic system. I will do all that is in my power to keep Europe from being destroyed demographically.

Lately I've started getting into Marx—people among 'right-wing' circles are too quick to dismiss him, and point at regimes that were only nominally Marxist as example of 'Marxist Failure'. I'm sure everyone in their right mind wants to prevent economic crisis from happening—and Marx (at least according to Marxists) holds the key to that.

Wish me luck!

>> No.19336856
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Do some lateral thinking. To assume the future will be a perfect repeat of the past is very narrow-minded. For instance, some people are already a little wary, if not outright angry, about the massive double standard the media and Democratic politicians showed towards the BLM and Antifa riots. Also, the vaccine mandate has further heightened tensions in the country. As much as 5-10% are serious resisters against it in some places. It’s already leading to a significant amount of resignations or firings amongst some fire stations, police stations (NYC significantly), amongst nurses, in the military, and with some government contractors. Supply chain and shipping crises are already happening. American Airlines canceled hundreds of flights amidst “bad weather” and staffing issues (the weather likely played some part in it, but it’s more likely the staffing issues — which they want to downplay — could have come from pilots quitting over the draconian vaccine mandates — which they officially denied and covered up, although whistleblowers speaking to Fox News and other sources claim this is actually true for some pilots, they quit over the vaccine mandate). There’s what’s being called a “Great Resignation” going on, a lot more job positions opened, but, again, the liberal mainstream media and Democratic politicians are ignoring it, covering it up, none making the obvious connection that it could be from the vaccine mandate.

A minority of the admitted side effects (by the CDC, FDA, European health regulators, and studies in several Nordic countries where they paused the vaccine for heart inflammation, and the like) are actually rather brutal, such as strokes, heart inflammation that’s not “mild” at all but rather is leading to permanent heart damage and heart attacks in some, fatal blood clots, and so forth. All while Democratic politicians and liberal pundits belittle those refusing the vaccine, push policies destroying their livelihoods and radically up-ending their lives, and so forth, as well as outright demonize outspoken parents at school-boards as domestic terror threats. Sorry to go on a semi-/pol/-style rant for a little while, but bear with me.

Statistically, at some point, it’s not unlikely that Ted-Kacyznski-style anti-vaxxer terrorism might arise, some new Columbine(s), or whatever. Ironically, this is probably what Democrats want, as it will play right into their hands of demonizing their opposition as terrorists and as giving sympathy and support to the far-right, just like the Neocon Republicans and Israeli Zionists (this isn’t antisemitic, Israel, as a country, genuinely has an animus against the Arab countries and an incentive for US troops to be there, to implicitly support the agenda of “Greater Israel,” probably, and ward off and weaken Israel’s possible enemies) loved Islamic terrorism since it played into their ends.

>> No.19336871

Cant tell who is more retarded

>> No.19336884

A hard Democrat majority mexican district in texas elected a republican representative over a sitting democrat yesterday.

>> No.19336891

Alright I'm hooked. What should I start with regarding Deluez? Is Schizophrenia and Capitalism a good one?

>> No.19336902
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Also, the “demonize everything we dislike as White supremacy” gambit is legitimately getting old and more people than you’d suspect are looking at it warily. They don’t necessarily support the (minority of violent) 1/6 protesters, Proud Boys, and the like, but they’re not there worshiping the violent radicalized factions of BLM and Antifa, either, and wanting it in their neighborhood. This poster >>19334819 is more right than you think when he suggests 2024 might be really crazy, and the United States might descend into semi-civil-war conditions. We’re already in a Cold Civil War, if you want to call it that, with both sides having factions that support or overlook political violence when it supports their ends, and viciously calling out the other side for doing the same thing that they do.

BLM and Antifa, in the meanwhile, are becoming like that friend who always asks for money because he fell on hard times. In the beginning, you sympathize with him, you sacrifice yourself, you look over his faults, he really fell on hard times. But if it keeps happening (every time some Black dude with a criminal history gets tragically killed by a cop and the footage of it is selectively altered and blared on CNN constantly), people get sick of it. The modern American left, while thinking they have the upper hand and made a brilliant play in demonizing everyone and everything they dislike as White supremacists, examples of White rage, White backlash, or what you like, is getting more people to be sick of them than you’d think. They’re being just as hated and people are getting just as sick of them, as people eventually got sick of Bush, the Neocons, and the endless Middle East wars and sadism they supported. I have normie friends and even had lunch with a QT normie Jewish high-school teacher I used to have recently, who are saying they’re outright sick of the anti-White crap being pushed, talking about how they see it all the time in the news and magazines they loved reading, comments about how it all seemed to start under Obama with that Ferguson crap...

“Reactionaries” are often belittled as just that, simply chauvinists and one-track thinkers REACTING to trends they dislike instead of bringing forward anything new to the table, but in the foreseeable future, a huge reactionary backlash might actually happen and be justified.

>> No.19336929

>There’s what’s being called a “Great Resignation” going on,
Heh sounds like my life

>> No.19336954

You should hear what the BoomerCons are saying about election fraud.

>> No.19337024

You know, far be it from me to wish suffering upon my fellow man, but after the freaky shit the left has gotten up to over the past decade it's going to be really hard for me to have sympathy in the case that they get absolutely buttblasted by the right within the next decade or two. It's not like they didn't have it coming with their smug attitudes.

>> No.19337065
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You don’t know what’s seething under the surface of some Westernized Muslims. In my experience (including friendships), they can have a sort of worst-of-both-worlds mentality. They dislike the “degeneracy” of Western countries. They view Islam and the cohesive culture it supports as stronger than the weak wishy-washiness of the White Westerners, and can have a secret joy over the idea of demographic replacement of Whites leading to Islamic supremacy in the long-run. The conservative fear-mongering about demographic replacement and the Islamization of the West is something they view with a detached joy, as the fulfillment of a prophecy that Islam is destined to reign supreme.

On the other hand, they also (unexpectedly, as has been brought up in this thread) can have a rather surprising sympathy to the liberal faction, even as liberals push stuff about feminism and LGBTQ+ rights that, privately, Muslims mainly disagree with and disparage. For them, the right are the ones who demonized Islam and glassed their countries (they DO have a point), the ones who push restrictive legislation about hijabs and banning homeschooling in France since they don’t want Muslims to be able to instill traditional Islamic values in their children and set up breakaway societies, and then the ones who support banning immigration of Arabic Muslims to the West precisely after it was their side who supported causing these refugee crises by, again, glassing their countries. Also, the sympathy that the left has for minorities is extended to the Arabic population, and the Westernized Muslims — just by the principles of realpolitik and basic human psychology — prefer the side that has sympathy for the Black- and Brown-skinned and discrimination they face and suspicion they’re viewed with by elements of the White-skinned majority who view them as “possible threats to the country,” “invaders,” and the like.

Meanwhile, of course, the liberal MSM will never look at any of this with nuance, at the ironic fact that the Muslim voting base they’re making an alliance with are:

>often staunchly traditional and don’t have much sympathy for the cult of the victim when it’s applied to the LGBTQ+ community and the more dramatic manifestations of feminism
>can sometimes be so staunchly anti-Zionist as to seem antisemitic (since they know the games Israel plays with the Arabic Palestinians and just call it as they see it)
>sometimes even have a mentality of, “Well, I don’t support it, but I see why it happens...” when it comes to some instances of Islamic terrorism or violence in the West

In the end, this is just another obvious manifestation of the globalist agenda which includes bringing in swathes of immigrants to the West then targeting them with propaganda about how the same countries they’re now in, are inherently evil, privileged against them and their kind, and have to be reshaped so it’s more sympathetic to them and their kind.

>> No.19337129

imagine unironicly using the word fascists as if it has ant meaning

>> No.19337149

>banning homeschooling in France
'Fun' fact : such a ban will affect the right-wingers more than than any other groups. Including Varg's family, for instance.

>> No.19337836

Some book about how Russia is trying to wreak havoc in the US would be nice too. RT and Redfish are funded by Russia and spout anti-US propaganda 24/7. Leftoids pretend that's okay.
inb4 b-but ruskies dindu nuffin

>> No.19337843

Sometimes I really wish I were a brainlet.

>> No.19337875

Care to explain that?

>> No.19337924

Hello, I'm willingly joining the dirtbag left because anti-vaxxers have demonstrated to me people cannot be trusted with their own basic care.
Ask me anything, sheep.

>> No.19337935

Old news by now, leftists already went over that in detail when the russians got their president in.

>> No.19337939


>> No.19337940
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Exactly. The globalist agenda can use any pretext to achieve their ends. When it’s “right-wing reactionaries” using the “threat of Islam” to justify banning homeschooling, that just ends up further homogenizing society and playing into their hands. Neocon Bush, Macron viewing the Woke and Islamization as a threat to the West, and illiberal “liberal” Biden are three sides of the same Masonic triangle on the back of the dollar bill.

Ironically, RT is also one of the best sources about how the US Democratic Party is utterly hypocritical, veering towards totalitarianism, and has so many holes that can be poked in its worldview.

An even better book could be called, “How the Democratic Party and intelligence agencies manufacture the idea that ‘Russian misinformation’ is much more of a prevalent threat in the West than it really is.” Also, if you’re going to talk about politicians and intelligence agencies waging psychological warfare against the populace of the US, you should also, at minimum, include China, Israel, and Western leaders themselves (both the DNC and RNC in America) being involved in this.

For instance, the idea that the Wuhan lab leak theory is either an outright lie, Republican xenophobia and warmongering, and/or just unsupported by the evidence, is obviously a very good theory for China and what China (who did not cooperate with the WHO much when it came to being forthright about COVID-19’s origins) wants people to believe. Information warfare is a thing, it happens, and it’s not just Russia doing it, although they definitely do it, too.

>> No.19337944

You misunderstand- I am enforcing these things upon you because you have proven that you cannot care for yourself.
Doubly demonstrating by bringing up capitalism which, as always, is simply a method to produce merchant princes.

>> No.19337947

The dirtbag left are pro-Fauci now? Don't they watch Jimmy Dore? Am I getting different groups confused?

>> No.19337948

Feels like almost everything we think we know about the "political climate" is a media illusion/self deception. There are a few communities on the internet that have racist memes and we get blamed for everything. Then 98% of people in the real world are moderate/very slightly conservative. The people in the media know they are deceiving everyone so they're not even honest leftists. And the people claiming to be nazis are actually libertarians who got tired of anti white rhetoric. Basically the only thing you can trust is your skin color, and even that is shaky since most white people will stab you in the back for an internet like. There is nothing to do but cut oneself off from society and wait. No progress can be made at this point in time.

>> No.19337949

I don't give nearly enough of a shit about the names of politics to know any of those people.
But damn if we don't need somebody forcing
to behave like a human.

>> No.19337952

Every time you claim this, you then lose the popular vote.
The "silent majority" thing has never worked.

>> No.19337958

So you're just a shitlib.

>> No.19337961

How would your mentally limited people say it?
Oh yes, cope.

>> No.19337962

Claim what? I didn't say anything about voting, democracy is a game and the winners already won.

>> No.19337970

That the majority of people are slightly conservative.
Every time we measure this, it turns out to be untrue. The majority of people give no shits, and always have, and of those that care enough to be conservative or liberal, the liberals have the consistent population advantage.

>> No.19337972

Follow-up: by this (really simplified) summary I gave, you could imagine almost everything you hear in the news, the political affiliations and stances you and those around you take, the arguments on social media and 4chan, etc., as a hodgepodge of DNC, RNC, Russian, Chinese, Israeli, and globalist psy-ops. You and I and they all think that we have original thoughts, but we could be voicing something thought out at the World Economic Forum, in a Mossad or CIA office, or by a DNC/RNC/Chinese think-tank.

This probably also explains the heightening tensions in America — psychological warfare from all angles to drive the country into pieces.

>> No.19337973

I don't need any coping mechanism to deal with you being ignorant.

>> No.19337974

They are conservative in the sense that they don't really care about progressing leftwards. They are of course liberals, that's why I said MODERATES and slightly conservative.

>> No.19337975

Great work coping.

>> No.19337978


>> No.19337979

Ah, so you meant MODERATES... and slightly conservative... and slightly liberal

And just said the one because of your disingenuous nature.

>> No.19337980

I don't know how people have so much trouble separating fact from opinion. You could give me any fuckin partisan news piece and I can cut the fact from where the author is attempting to get me to make an assumption. This is only a problem for people who crave an authority figure to tell them what to value.

>> No.19337983

Liberalism is conservative in America. Learn some history nigger

>> No.19337984

No, u.

>> No.19337987

>(bourgeoisie, and bankers)
>while establishing a meritocratic system.
"Meritocracy" (as is usually understood) is a bourgeois concept

"Just be the best, and you can achieve anything!" is the kind of self-help advice sold by con-artists who do not challenge the status quo. Do you know when they say you need to develop soft skills to be marketable? All they're saying is just "Be a good cog in the machine".

>> No.19337988

>oh yes I am so pompous look at me pretend to be a leftist hahaha
Hilarious posts

>> No.19337989

He said, while trying to forget the continuous cursing of those degenerate liberals and their gay marriages, social tax networks, and the like.

>> No.19337990

How do you manage to so consistently post such unhelpful posts?

>> No.19337991

I'm not transsexual though.

>> No.19337998

I don't believe you.

>> No.19338005

Hey, it's my best shot at getting a chance at rounding up the anti-vaxxers into camps.

>> No.19338006

You want to see my dick? I might let you taste it too.

>> No.19338008

Just call yourself a tankie and be done with it

>> No.19338009

I mean, I'm sure you kept it in a jar or something. I have a tooth I kept that way.

>> No.19338018

Actually tax safety nets are not liberal, as in liberty liberal. People use these terms wrong because, as I've said, the political climate is completely misunderstood in this country because of the lugenpresse. Gay marriages don't even make sense because they can't raise kids and usually gays are irreligious so they don't have any cultural foundation for even wanting to be married. The liberal policy would be to get rid of marriage tax benefits because the state encouraging marriage and child birth is fascist to be honest

>> No.19338019

Nah, fuck that. The resources shouldn't be going to the people.
they should be going to ever grander superprojects and infinite military growth.

>> No.19338027

Ah, so you simply want me to ignore the common parlance that has been in existence for decades, its historical context, or really any kind of higher thought on the subject.
Why did you suggest learning history if you wanted me to do the opposite?

>> No.19338028

So a tankie?

>> No.19338031
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Obviously I don't mean it in the bourgeoisie sense.

>> No.19338036

I don't think "sex reassignment" surgery works like that. You might need the penis to invert it.

>> No.19338037

>Ah, so you simply want me to ignore the common parlance that has been in existence for decades
Just that one. Do that and you will be on the path to learning the truth

>> No.19338039

Tankies are communist bro, their stated goal is resources to the people and implied goal is resources to the great leader. Neither of these are superprojects.
Even the shitbag that is capitalism does better superprojects. Though neither of them hold a candle to monarchy's track record.

>> No.19338046

Still what a tankie was in practice
Maybe modern day China is more your speed

>> No.19338050

That's bullshit, they should let you keep it in a jar.
Like, full of alcohol or some shit.
Well too bad, I'm not going to use your newspeak.
This would be like me insisting conservatives aren't TRUE conservatives because they consistently push for change in the form of less taxes.

>> No.19338056

China aint making ANY good superprojects, the fuck are you talking about.
They've still mid industrial revolution, even.
Though we should probably be shooting them sometime soon, if for nothing else than to help crush up their infrastructure some.

>> No.19338058
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Life on the west became too stale, comfy and easy for them, so now they want to see it collapse and see what comes afterwards. Peace, security, prosperity and Utopia make for neat goals to strive for, but they get boring after a while. Deep down, what we really want is WWIII.

>> No.19338069 [SPOILER] 
File: 299 KB, 1317x1684, 1635972188601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever is left for the jar won't be recognizable.

>> No.19338074

it's a conversation starter.

>> No.19338086

Not even gonna read this thread just lolling over the shitfest that it must be to get 30 bumps in 5 minutes on this dead board

>> No.19338089

We live in a society

>> No.19338098

What in the fuck is your definition of a superproject

>> No.19338108

Sky hooks, cloud catchers, water re-assignment, all the major terraforming really.
I suppose they ARE doing some of the basic road network and sewage systems, which are grand enough to count I'll give you that. I assume they are at least, I've not heard anything about chinese sewer eruptions so it's a safe bet. Though these are very basic and have already been done everywhere else worth living, so I tend to not care about them much.

>> No.19338122

>actual discourse
This is a meme, a product.

>> No.19338157

But we never reached Utopia. Right at the point where we were supposed to reach it we introduced all these bullshit problems like debt, trannies and immigrants that LITERALLY shouldn’t exist. Debt is an abstract concept, there are only two genders and there was absolutely no need to swamp our countries with immigrants.
The reason people are clamoring for WWIII is because everyone wants this decadent, rotten society to collapse because we don’t see any way to return to the right path towards Utopia from our position.
Better to start from scratch after the end than try to solve the problems.

>> No.19338296

both are anomalies
bottom text

>> No.19338489

I hope you don't consider that pic as an example of "not the bourgeoisie sense"

>> No.19338499

>>NSA glownigger here
They're really bad at understanding non-official ideas. I used to sit and laugh at reports at work until I got bored of it.

>> No.19338521
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>immigrants that LITERALLY shouldn’t exist.

>> No.19338561

Birds aren't people.

>> No.19338633

>L’effacement de la personnalité accompagne fatalement les conditions de l’existence concrètement soumise aux normes spectaculaires, et ainsi toujours plus séparée des possibilités de connaître des expériences qui soient authentiques, et par là de découvrir ses préférences individuelles. L’individu, paradoxalement, devra se renier en permanence, s’il tient à être un peu considéré dans une telle société. Cette existence postule en effet une fidélité toujours changeante, une suite d’adhésions constamment décevantes à des produits fallacieux. Il s’agit de courir vite derrière l’inflation des signes dépréciés de la vie.

>> No.19338728
File: 761 KB, 2500x1249, Ancient_colonies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't devise a better argument?


Seneca, 41 C.E.

>> No.19338740


>> No.19338755

What's your argument? Birds don't acknowledge human borders so humans must abolish borders?

>> No.19338802

Gib examples

>> No.19338832

Well I mean while avoid saying anything classified, they're basically just shitty modern jounalists that have to abide by a more strict and sanitized reporting standard. It's focused on "terrorism," but 99% of the time it's just like rumors of violent ideations based on affiliation with white identarian groups. Largely what I read is CIA stuff, which is focused on foreign-based stuff. Mostly Swedish and German "terrorist organizations" that have never actually committed any acts of terrorism, but they're SURE they will at some point. They have their own language for everything, but it's pretty easy to spot gayops being set up. In as far as it's classified it's just because it's communications between the intelligence agencies of different governments and allows me to see things being set up a while before they hit the news.

>> No.19338836

Sorry for the grammar, btw; that was pretty rough

>> No.19338840

I'm badass so I go to 4chan to talk about politics anonymously on the internet

>> No.19338856

I only talk about politics on 4chan outside of /pol/.

>> No.19339008

>Mostly Swedish and German "terrorist organizations" that have never actually committed any acts of terrorism, but they're SURE they will at some point. They have their own language for everything, but it's pretty easy to spot gayops being set up. In as far as it's classified it's just because it's communications between the intelligence agencies of different governments and allows me to see things being set up a while before they hit the news.
Reminds me of a joke:
"What did the online far-right group do after their catastrophic opsec breach?"
"They Kept Using Discord"

>> No.19340224

Look at all those replies. Can't believe someone would actually fall for this bait.

>> No.19340238

Malice has a good book on the new right

>> No.19340364

The patrician's choice.

>> No.19340791

>ladies and gentelman, the smartest liberal.

>> No.19340803

Lol why are you so vitriolic against people that dont wanna take the vaccine.

>> No.19340822

I'm not saying they're high literature, I'm saying it's an interesting gonzo journalism report on some of the biggest faggots on the internet. Can't always have it served up by Studs Terkel with a reacharound.

Aside from that faggot being a "brony," which is bad enough, his narcissism and insensitivity to how unwelcome his faggoty behavior is is what really sets me off. Something deeply wrong with him beyond just being a member of that community. I'm sure there are sane furfags who can tone it down when they aren't around their kind.

>> No.19340832

>non-official ideas
What do you mean by this? Like they can't understand anything that isn't in the pre-prepared scripts of what to look for?

>> No.19341059

>Birds don't acknowledge human borders so humans must abolish borders?
>>immigrants that LITERALLY shouldn’t exist.
Migration is an instinctive process for the simple fact that if you don't have enough resources, you'll look for them somewhere else. This is basic survival. This is how living beings work (even plants move, to a degree). There is NOTHING you can do about it.

Still no argument btw

>> No.19341079

>There is NOTHING you can do about it.
Heh, deportation it is.

>> No.19341094

I'd rather move resources to the foreigners than have the foreigners move to me. Right now Europe is doing both. Now migrants can live in Europe on welfare and go on holiday in the countries they sought "refuge" from. I would stop giving them welfare and pay them to leave.

>> No.19341136

I can't even understand what's going on because I don't know the context. What's woke left? Left that doesn't use the mainstream lefts narrative?
Also it's funny to see both side of the coin use critical theory. "They are aware we live in a matrix", ok.

>> No.19341139

I really regret making this thread. jannies please do the honours and nuke this thread, I won’t be coming back

>> No.19341145

>appeal to nature

>> No.19341151

The woke left are the mainstream left.

>> No.19341155

So who are the unwoke left? As the article uses the terms, not irl. He put in Chapo house as the woke and I think they're pretty fringe

>> No.19341159

I don't know. Internet political terminology is buzzword soup.

>> No.19341160

>When you get down to it, the primary difference between the Dirtbag Left and the Dissident Right is that the Dirtbag Left thinks the best chance for defeating neoliberalism is a multi-racial coalition of the working class, and the Dissident Right thinks it would be a multi-class coalition of whites.
It is very entertaining, that's for sure.

>> No.19341174

>who are the unwoke left
It doesn't exist in any real sense. Non-intersectional marxism/leftism is either thought of as simply "class reductionist" and tolerated, but never endorsed, as some sort of vestigial relic of the past, or thought of as outright despicable (and therefore marked for eradication) in its non-wokeness.

>> No.19341241

You can actually win an argument by explaining how non-intersectional class war is superior because only the proletariat can transcend the divisions of the working class and the proletariat is inherently international interracial intergender etc.

Maybe you need to read more autonomia?

>> No.19341293

>t. Plato

>> No.19341313

Not him but I hate 'em both; now how's that? :)

>> No.19341321

idk why people pretend leftism has anythinf to do with economics when it always leads to just brown people worship

>> No.19341326

I hate neet scum as much as the next reasonable person, but holy shit.
>I will suck my bosses cock and ask for more as his cum dribbles down my chin

>> No.19341332


>> No.19341335


>> No.19341338

We are animals but we don't have to act like animals.

>> No.19341453

Fucking cringe
I really need to get off the zoomer idiot infested shithole once and for all

>> No.19341617


>> No.19341722


>> No.19341867

Imagine reaching the peak of your political thought at 15.

Alternative take: imagine being a 22 year old with the opinions of a 15 year old.

>> No.19341868

Did a lolbertarian draw that one?

>> No.19341886

He's a egoist now if he hasn't changed again.

>> No.19342097

He should change his glasses

>> No.19342101

The duality of tard

>> No.19342308

What did I say that was so 'cringe' anon?

>> No.19342345

Most the places they come from have plenty of recources though many times much more than europe has. Theyre just not great at harnessing them due to corruption, pre and post colonization (not all the places they come from were actually colonized either)

>> No.19342362

Plus you can literally just tell them to fuck off like many of the richer arab states do, so yes you can do something about it

>> No.19342783
File: 227 KB, 2000x2177, polchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me (according to political compass)

>> No.19342864
File: 98 KB, 400x400, crowdchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to get on the right side of the original Political Compass if you take the questions at face value unless you are a Captain Planet villain. They also put Trump and Reagan as more authoritarian than fucking Mao.

>> No.19342898

Political tests in general are flawed. You cannot plot a philosophy on an axis.

>> No.19342910

The OG PC is exceptionally flawed though since it's so intentionally biased.

>> No.19343219

I'm not an american, but i find your argument flawed for the following reason: If Americans actually cared about vaccine side effects (which may or may not be severe, idk), wouldn't they have already taken the effort of ridding their bodies of all the lifestyle induced rampant obesity, which has demonstrable side effects, with or without COVID? No they don't, for whatever reason they do not care about it. What makes you think they are willing to go as far as you describe, organizing extremist political force, if they can't even be bothered to exercise and diet? Not trying to be insulting, in Europe it's the same, much talk about how 'the state is going too far', but in the end, most just get the vax to get it over with, including me. Not saying it's right, but if you think any political organization will spring from the current state of affairs, you're delusional

>> No.19343298

>Now migrants can live in Europe on welfare
Post source
>go on holiday in the countries they sought "refuge" from.
Still unable to distinguish migrants from refugees? Sigh
>An appeal to nature is an argument or rhetorical tactic in which it is proposed that "a thing is good because it is 'natural', or bad because it is 'unnatural'"
>Most the places they come from have plenty of recources though many times much more than europe has.
Doesn't matter, if (You) are not getting enough resources, you move, whether you are a mosquito or a fish.
>j-just tell them to fuck off like many of the richer arab states do!
>In 2013, the UAE's population was 9.2 million, of which 1.4 million were Emirati citizens and 7.8 million were expatriates;[14][15][16] the estimated population in 2020 was 9.89 million.[6]
>In early 2017, Qatar's total population was 2.6 million: 313,000 Qatari citizens and 2.3 million expatriates
>Kuwait's 2018 population was 4.6 million people, of which 1.4 million were Kuwaitis, 1.2 million are other Arabs, 1.8 million Asian expatriates,[2] and 47,227 Africans.
>Bahrain Population 2020
>Bahraini 712,362 47.4%
>non-Bahraini 789,273 52.6%
>Total 1,501,635
Where THE FUCK you get your info from?

>> No.19343304

>Gandhi is left wing

>> No.19343330

>Doesn't matter, if (You) are not getting enough resources, you move, whether you are a mosquito or a fish.
What a retarded example, we are not dumb animals, we have the capacity to filter out the people who wish to live in our countries.
And why should i care if a bunch of brown people are starving because they are too dumb to know how to farm? Its not my responsibility to bring them into my country and feed them, while also in the process lowering the quality of life for my fellow country men.

>> No.19343344

>>Now migrants can live in Europe on welfare
>Post source
Here is a good source, the danish goverment.

Now fuck off faggot

>> No.19343350

None of this is even barely relevant to my point.

>> No.19343357


>> No.19343368


>> No.19343418

Did you read and understand the article?

1)Net cost is decreasing, because "Tax contributions from persons who fall into the category ‘non-Western immigrant or descendant’ are deducted from the total.", i.e. It's an investment - Do you think a Danish 15 year old boy has a net contribution to the state? Or a 93 disabled woman?

>Calculated as a net cost or nettobidrag, the figure is based on state spending on public services related to immigration and welfare benefits received by immigrants.
>This means that, along with spending on benefits, the costs of public services to which everyone in Denmark has access are included in the calculation.
>As such, the costs per person of things like health care, child care, education and culture are factored into the calculation of what the state spends on specified groups and individuals.
I tried to check in the original report (https://fm.dk/media/25228/indvandreres-nettobidrag-til-de-offentlige-finanser-i-2018.pdf)) but I haven't found any proof that the benefits significantly outweigh the "costs of public services", but I don't speak Danish so I had to do some guesswork.

In conclusion it doesn't seem your initial claim
>Now migrants can live in Europe on welfare
Is backed by facts.

Feel free to add more data

>> No.19343465

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