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/lit/ - Literature

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19334257 No.19334257 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19334261

>The great artists of the world are never Puritans, and seldom even ordinarily respectable. No virtuous man — that is, virtuous in the Y.M.C.A. sense — has ever painted a picture worth looking at, or written a symphony worth hearing, or a book worth reading.
H.L. Mencken

>> No.19334281

what a cope

>> No.19334358

>The silliest way to defend the Western Canon is to insist that it incarnates all of the seven deadly moral virtues that make up our supposed range of normative values and democratic principles. This is palpably untrue. The Iliad teaches the surpassing glory of armed victory, while Dante rejoices in the eternal torments he visits upon his very personal enemies. Tolstoy’s private version of Christianity throws aside nearly everything that anyone among us retains, and Dostoevsky preaches anti-Semitism, obscurantism, and the necessity of human bondage. Shakespeare’s politics, insofar as we can pin them down, do not appear to be very different from those of Coriolanus, and Milton’s ideas of free speech and free press do not preclude the imposition of all manner of societal restraints. Spenser rejoices in the massacre of Irish rebels, while the egomania of Wordsworth exalts his own poetic mind over any other source of splendour.
Harold Bloom

>> No.19334393

>distilling author's entire ouvre to base perversion
He was definitely a jew.

>> No.19334404

any books that go more in depth about this phenomenon? It's easy to see the patterns, most writers I've read 'object' reality in some way.

>> No.19334439

I haven't read it but Bataille wrote a book called 'Literature and Evil'

>> No.19334476

>Ulysses readers be like.

>> No.19334489

Is it so mind blowing to these boomers that people before them had different opinions? Oh no someone was antisemetic. Yeah that was normal back then dummy.

>> No.19334513

I think you're misreading Bloom if you think his mind is "blown". And Dostoevsky's anti-Semitism wasn't just enculturation, he very consciously split from his previous liberalism.

>> No.19334519

Not lit related

>> No.19334564

>triggered trip faggot

>> No.19335729
File: 375 KB, 480x545, Bach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes saweety, try again!

>> No.19336006

Surely "coprophiles."

>> No.19336015


>> No.19336035

That applies to the internet and media as well. The reason I keep coming here is that the megalomaniac schizophrenia that's overflowing here is both refreshing and more interesting than the normalfag common sense that reigns outside.