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19329378 No.19329378 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Dune and fuck everyone who started reading Dune after watching the new globohomo capeshit movie.
I liked Dune before all of you filthy normies, so go back to /co/ or /Tv or whatever other shithole you came from. If I see one more Dune thread made by a normy I swear to Deus Pather that I will fuck you up on the astral plane. You most probably didn't even read the Iliad and Oresteia before reading Dune.

>> No.19329385
File: 152 KB, 1200x1500, CDAF6A15-7C84-4826-B6E1-5E19A9FA247F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s beautiful

>> No.19329387

Which incest subplot is your favorite?

>> No.19329393

>I liked Dune before all of you filthy normies
And how about you go back to /sffg/?

>> No.19329403

>Reading Dune without watching Lawrence of Arabia or King of the Sands first
That said, the use of a complex and meaningful work as a normie's "entry level" text in any field is a sign that that work is part of a canon, so technically, this is an accolade for Dune.

>> No.19329469

I hated Dune before you were born. Except for the Lynch film, the Lynch film is sexy as hell. It isn't a good adaption of Dune, but it is a great bondage film. Shame about the lack of mpreg.

>> No.19329556


>> No.19329647

Reading Dune without having first read Foundation is a shameful crime

>> No.19329649

Dune has been fucking normie since it came out

>> No.19329655

Based. The new movie fucking sucks; fuck the Canadian, fuck capeshit, fuck Hans Zimmer.

>> No.19329669

>Reading Lawrence and Dune before reading the Qu ran and Jungs essays on contemporary events

>> No.19329724

Lmao that nose, that long-ass jaw and protruding mouth nad lips, with them thick-ass eyebrows and neanderthal brow with curly hair.
>t.English, Indian, Chinese and Maori and I look like a male version of her with darker eyes than her natural colour :(

>> No.19329749

People giving blowjobs to Hans Zimmer these days is extremely boring. He is good, but he isn't the only good film musician out there, and John Williams is still better.

>> No.19329782

what kind of generations of strict eugenic breeding lead to this mystery meat's turnip head?

>> No.19329812

>Reading Lawrence

>> No.19329820

You guys are a bunch of pseuds.
I know Dune since before you all even imagined this book being written, I knew it before Frank Herbert.

As a matter of a fact, Dune is based on my experiences during the WW2, when Berbers (the Fremen) assisted is, the Americans (aka Atreides) to win against the Nazis lead by Rommel (aka Harkonnen).

Dune is my autobiography, all rights reserved. In reality I started writing the script in 1949

My only mistake was that once I was in a student's bar in Washington and have met this young boy, his name was Frankie and we talked through the night. When the bar was about to close, I took Frankie to my hotel room where we had an intense night of buttsex. When I woke up in the morning, I realized Frankie was gone and my manuscripts were no longer there.

Betrayed by Herbert.

>> No.19329855

you need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.19329988
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>> No.19329993

Ogre niggers. Literally goblina.

>> No.19330113
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>> No.19330126

I read the book 13 years ago

movie as OK

>> No.19330127

this was the first good Zimmer soundtrack I've heard in years

>> No.19330142

Guess what you absolute faggot op dune is gay
I tried reading the book before the movie came out because I thought
>huh so many like it, must be decent
In reality it's just faggy space witches and magic daggers
I've read the Iliad. I've read the Orestia. Trying to compare dune to them is retarded. Dune is literally a Harry Potter book compared to them. Enjoy being a hipster with all the new queer fans. Dune is gay so that's what it attracts. I'm happy I dropped the trash after 100 pages.

>> No.19330191

No one cares about your shitty Lawrence of Arabia in space, I love Sci-fi and fantasy but Dune was, is, and always will be overrated.

>> No.19330214
File: 296 KB, 1516x720, THE VIRGIN DUNE POSTER VS THE CHAD DUNE READER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19330241

Ngl, there are some shots in which she looks nice, I liked here more in those few minutes of the movie, than in every other film/interview/picture she appeared before or after that

>> No.19330274

She's entirely mediocre, a 5/10 at best. They try really hard with makeup and angles to make her look great but she still only looks barely cute at the very best. Often she looks less than mediocre. If she was a random girl on the streets, you'd consider her a 4/10.

>> No.19330457

Dune is not a good novel.
Dune is not even a good scifi novel.


>> No.19330470

Honestly the movie was boring as fuck, quit it around 1 hour mark. It made ask myself whether the books are good. Are they?

>> No.19330512

>whether the books are good. Are they?
Cool ideas, poor execution. Especially in Children of Dune and in God Emperor.

>> No.19330576

That's quite the ancestral mixture. You're basically only missing African

>> No.19331182

wife a black chick and you'll create the ultimate human

>> No.19331221

Dune was okay.

>> No.19331222

Agent Cooper Paul is best Paul.

>> No.19331241

This. You need to fuck a negress to complete the pokedex.
Also, keep your diseased genes away from white eggs. Jesus Christ.

>> No.19331267

Dune was never good, the book sucks just as much as the movie.

>> No.19331386

Got to agree here. Havent read the books but after watching the movie I certainly never will.

There is nothing original or extraordinary about it.