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19320733 No.19320733 [Reply] [Original]

Do I need to read the Homo Sacer in order or can I just pick up any book to begin with?
I'm asking because my library only has Remanents of Auschwitz and I don't know if it's linked to the rest of the tomes.

>> No.19320769

What do you mean "in order"? It's one book. Yes, read the chapters in order.

>> No.19320895

The Homo Sacer series is composed by seven books, if I'm not mistaken, that have a particular order. Auschwitz is in Homo Sacer III.
I was wondering if reading them without a particular regard for the original order would damage my reading experience.

>> No.19321378

Agamben completely filtered all of academia on the covid pandemic. The future will show that he was right and 95% of academia lacked all morality and intelligence.

>> No.19321421

Btfo by anon.

>> No.19321428

lots of people benefited

>> No.19321517

What did he said about covid?

>> No.19321629

I'd say you should read the first one first, which ends with the idea of a new nomos of the camp.

In general, you could read it in order but some might be skipped. State of Exception is really an elaboration of the first. If you want more theology you could start with The Kingdom and the Glory.

Multiple books as anon said, the first of which is also called Homo Sacer. Then, more recently, all books have been collected in one Omnibus Homo Sacer book of over a 1000 pages.

>> No.19321741

Thanks, anon. Would you say that The Remanents of Auschwitz has any value on its own?

>> No.19321765

I don't think it's that important in the series, and if I remember correctly there's a misreading of Blanchot in it, but it's still good on its own, yeah.

>> No.19321807
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>> No.19321816

he was able to do so with such clarity because he himself is a nazi, part of the programme. check out some of the numerology with his section numbering in Use of Bodies, particularly in the hagiography to Heidegger ("Intermezzo II")

>> No.19321850

your meds, take 'em

>> No.19321912

Ok, I'm intrigued. Care to expand a little on this?

>> No.19321929

It’s the start of the totalitarian medical regime

>> No.19322024

I remember reading this in English when it came out but can’t find a translation. anyone?

>> No.19322049

Here. CTRL+F “Agamben”.

>> No.19322066

Thanks, lad

>> No.19322078

Here's an archive: https://aphelis.net/agamben-coronavirus-pandemic-interventions/

>> No.19322185

Lockdowns are bad and vaccine mandates even worse. Bio-security state forming which risks becoming worse than any totalitarianism. He builds off his work on Homo Sacer and the State of Exception. Literally the only academic in the humanities not selling out today. You would expect every single Foucault scholar to be against the lockdowns and vaccine mandates but nope, they're all happily in favour.

>> No.19322301

>You would expect every single Foucault scholar to be against the lockdowns
No surprise. Agamben is the exception and one should remain suspicious of exceptions.

>> No.19322934

literally what's so bad about the vaccine mandates lmao just take one for the team faggot

>> No.19323614

What "team"? I'm not on your team faggot

>> No.19323819

The human team faggot

>> No.19324519

>A permanent state of exception, on a more or less global scale, and a control system based on arbitrary differentiation is good actually.

>> No.19324657


Family, Society, Humanity, etc. are pure fabrication.

>> No.19324691
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>> No.19325156

I don't want to join

>> No.19325167
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>homo sucker

>> No.19325562

>noooo i don't want to spend a single second of my life thinking about others noooooooo

>> No.19325610

Others /=/ the ideological construct of humanity

>> No.19325629

>has to appeal to emotion


>> No.19326050

nooooo if you don't want to take a med that didn't went through usual testing procedures to make big pharma rich and help idiotic politicians of all camps look capable to avoid a disease with a <1% mortality rate you literally hate every single human nooooo the science(tm) is settled

>> No.19326079

>the total organization of the body of citizens in a way that strengthens maximum adherence to institutions of government, producing a sort of superlative good citizenship in which imposed obligations are presented as evidence of altruism and the citizen no longer has a right to health (health safety) but becomes juridically obliged to health (biosecurity).

>> No.19326086

Cucks like you are spiritually defective .You aren't human.

>> No.19326191

I think he illustrates human mob mentality (the "political animal" if you will) perfectly.

>> No.19326268
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>> No.19327042

it's 100% of academia, and they are all fake and gay faggots