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/lit/ - Literature

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19311759 No.19311759 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you become a self-published author? People would love you.

>> No.19311836

>Why haven't you become a self-published author?
Because, much like the rest of /lit/, I don't write.

>> No.19311842
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>> No.19311849

I have

>> No.19311860

Nah, I'm not good enough. I also have barely 10 pages


A treasure for you, if you want to get a treasure from me

I hate gold
'cause it shines
those who dwell in horrible tunnels get old
Au Au Auuu fat and hungry beasts, wolves

For you, for you, I'd make a castle out of jewels

I hate precious stones
underneath painful wounds
For Naomi they are boons

For you, for you, I'd dig endless mines

I hate river caviar and colored corals
For you, for you, I'd fish in valley and swim in swamps

I hate silk
For you, for you, I would hunt that litlle bug

I hate furs
small game with striped hairs
died in snow, but it doesn't hurts

For you, for you I'd be a hunter
not unarmed

I hate dungeons
for you for you
i'd jail good men
i'd shut in even thunders

I hate nobles
sting me
for you for you
bee queen

I hate that guy with his carpets
for you for you
plazas and arabesqued capitals

I love peace
for you for you
with embers I'd blow up every gas.

>> No.19311862

which people would love me? How do I reach them (what's my funnel)?
My not having the answer to those questions is the answer to your question.

>> No.19311863

> "The end times are here."

A chance encounter with a skinhead carjacker leads U.N. spies Mai Fisher and Alexei Bukharin to research America's extreme right wing, a bleak world of militias, paramilitary compounds, and racist religion.

Then, the U.S. government requests The Directorate's assistance for a standoff with a religious cult in Killeen, Texas. There, Mai and Alexei not only make an enemy of the FBI's special agent in charge, but Mai also spots a young man among the protestors at the site, a man whose vacant expression reminds her too much of herself.

After the FBI reject their plan for a peaceful resolution, Mai and Alexei hunt the young man at gun shows around the country. To encounter him, Mai revives a persona from a mission that almost killed her, and Alexei searches for a paramilitary compound to infiltrate. They soon realize these homegrown extremists are serious--and dangerous. They want to dismantle the U.S. government and replace it with an autocracy straight out of their favorite dystopian novel.

Meanwhile, John Thomas Carroll, the man Mai spotted at Killeen, is at the end of his proverbial rope. No job, no prospects for the future, helpless to save the life of a child he loved, he wants to end his life--until he remembers a woman he met at a gun show.

Has Mai Fisher unknowingly given a terrorist a reason to live?

>> No.19311892

It makes me happy seeing these people put their writing out there and being proud of it. I'd buy a copy.

>> No.19311960
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>> No.19311965

Because I want respect, OP.

>> No.19311969

Everyone on this board is a pretentious little weasel to concerned with novelty than with quality.

>> No.19311996
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I’d be cancelled if I was ever shilling myself as self-pubbers must.

>> No.19312003

im glad these middle class people found a fulfilling hobby

>> No.19312203
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>> No.19312228

Where was this, some local writer's convention? Is like to know more and I'm incapable of using a search engine.

>> No.19312236

>People would love you.

>> No.19312250

I am a self published author. I made 13 cents today.

>> No.19312266

This dude looks based
I self published on amazon but never went to a convention or anything. Much respect for the folks out there hustling. I suck at self promotion.

>> No.19312275 [DELETED] 

Seethe and dilate you angry child.

>> No.19312282

post you're book

>> No.19312292
File: 41 KB, 700x700, E0312F04-43A8-4335-94C3-658D08054ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pop open a Kerns

>> No.19312308

Cool! Thank you! I love mango.

I expect to have made five digits within a month. Five digits of cents.

>> No.19312319

Did you send your book to an agent or publisher? Genuinely curious because I'm working on a novel.

>> No.19312336

I've self published. Posted on /lit/ about it twice. One person gave the book two stars on goodreads.

Lots of respect for people who have the balls to go to these conventions.

>> No.19312388

That's a kino choice of beverage Butterfly

>> No.19312407

Link? Same question:

>> No.19312421

Whichever demographics likes the trending genre you picked to write in based on its performance in Amazon dot com
Your funnel is a) writing books that touch the tropes that particular community enjoys at a fast clip b) amazon ads targeting that demographic.

>> No.19312865

This guy looks like a nice guy

>> No.19313009

Butterfly...THIS is your future.

>> No.19313024

You a chubby chaser or something?
I am lighter than I was when I took those pictures

>> No.19313048


>> No.19313068

What pictures?

>> No.19313073

>The Diamond League by Brandon Jones

>The city of Minerosa was a peaceful city until a petty gang known as Blackstone suddenly grew in power. Citizens looked to the police and their mayor for protection, but in the end no one appears to be safe. Hope arises as a group of vigilantes surface to combat the gang. But after a tragic event, it is hard for the people to see them as heroes. With the odds heavily stacked against them, will they be able to bring peace back to the city, or is Minerosa forever trapped in Blackstone's shadow of tyranny?

I want to read this. I think I really might buy the paperback just to support the man.


>> No.19313082 [SPOILER] 
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Old pic. Not important.

>> No.19313102

Post nudes

>> No.19313138

Post the ones with your face and tits, coward!

>> No.19313389

Man it's kinda depressing desu. Most of them are probably in a mid-life crisis trying to turn their life around, thinking they could be the next Rowling if only they work hard enough. I hope this supposed climate change thing kills me before I become this person.

>> No.19313491

They would I just need to actually write

>> No.19313553

Brandon Jones looks like a man who really enjoys his life. Like a kid who got his hip-hop from skateboard videos. Good for him. Keep doing you, Brandon

>> No.19313605

I am this person at 27. I'll kill myself eventually but I'll at least try first.

>> No.19314246
File: 218 KB, 800x1280, corporatopia-cover-ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my self-published book.
Find it on Amazon (where else).

>> No.19314254

Never give up

>> No.19314282

Give up.

>> No.19314351

For me it's K.D. Walter.

>> No.19314382

I hope the grammatical/typographical/formatting issues mentioned in that one review have been fixed.
It blows my mind that someone can self-publish a book without so much as running their work through an electronic grammar checker (e.g. the one in Microsoft Word).

>> No.19314457
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K.D. didn't you make a thread two days ago about how you were afraid to shill yourself? I'm glad you grew a pair maybe now I'll read your shit

>> No.19314971

No and I have no interest in doing so either. It wasn't good enough to be worth publishing, more of a historical curiosity. A translated epistolary novel about a Japanese man fighting on the front lines of WW1. I was contacted by a popular youtuber (who I can only assume browses /lit/ because I haven't made any effort to advertise this book) about doing a video on it, but I guess he lost interest or forgot and seems to have moved on to other things.

Eventually I want to get a catalogue together with a bunch of different books, then contact as many book-sellers as possible to sell them. I'm working on translating a much longer, much more difficult book now. When that's done I'll go back and revise the one I've already published, there's a few small errors to correct and I'd like to combine it with a travelogue I've found documenting the first flight from Rome to Tokyo, which was organized in large part by the same author.

My dream is to someday, somehow make a living off my writing.

>> No.19315043
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Just for fun, here's a picture from the Tokyo-Rome flight book, and a short video about the pilot: https://youtu.be/yYperFY2MQs

>> No.19315237

If I could write, I'd just submit my shit to real publishers until I die penniless. I'd never join this disgusting hustle. I hate selfpubs with a passion. And I hate how it's been accepted into the mainstream. With all the talk about muh gatekeeping I'd bet my ass it is now more difficult to break through than it was with big publishing.

>> No.19315368

better sell it harder than that you little pussy. you're a writer. SELL ME RN

>> No.19315391

OP, where were these pictures taken?

>> No.19315421

I am that person at 33.

>> No.19315423

I mostly write the stuff I want to read myself and it's feel-good slice of life erotica, nothing I would publish as an actual book.

I proofread and edited a novel for someone once, though. No idea how much she had sold or how it was received.

>> No.19315436

I believe my historical novel in my small Euro country will definitely become a bestseller and with my enormous profits I would be able to buy a new mid-range car.

>> No.19315494

If you published something decent, how would you get people to read it? Do you have to shill online or in person like this?

>> No.19315495

So posting an early draft of 40% of the novel, i.e. free to read, isn't enough?

>> No.19315502

They all look almost completely dead inside. Writing a book must be a tremendous strain for these people. I can't even imagine the disappointment they must be experiencing. Anyone who has ever written a book can tell you how it goes:
>the excitement when an idea you've been toying with crystallizes into a plot
>the frustration of trying to actually type it out and make it true to your vision
>the anxiety that maybe someone else had a similar idea six months before you did and they may beat you to the punch with an inferior novel which makes yours seem like an imitation of an idiot
And then the sad realization that just writing the damn thing is less than half the battle. Getting people to read it, even for free, is almost impossible. But while you're writing it, it seems impossible to believe that anybody wouldn't want to read it. Your idea is so fresh and vivid and your prose is so original. Wizard school? Children fighting to the death? Pfft... Your shit's going to hit the literary world like a brick, rocket you to fame and fortune. Publishers will be beating down your door, film agents will be hounding you day and night.

And then you send it out into the world. These people tend to think they can go directly to a publisher, and when they find out they must go through a year-long vetting process of applying to agents and getting rejected, etc. etc. They say fuck it. "I've already spent a year writing it, I'm not going to wait another year to see it in print." And believing that the raw brilliance of their work will carry it forward, they self-publish. And knowing, of course, that success will not be immediate (it takes a couple weeks to get going, gotta let people digest your work), they try to distract themselves. But they can't help but keep checking the sales, the views, the reviews. Watching each of these stats hover somewhere around 0. Everything else seems hollow, like you're living in a world which has already vanished. The plans you had laid for the next three months must be put on hold, you might very well be on your first book tour at that point. In a sense, it is a lot like purchasing a lottery ticket. You know the odds are low, but in the meantime you can dream.

You're still operating on a wageslave's mentality: I worked hard on this, and therefore I should be compensated. Took me a goddamned year, the masses can spare five minutes to read the free sample! But they don't, and rather than abandon the effort you've wasted, you resolve to work harder.

Maybe you end up like F Gardner, thinking effort is meaningless to the literary world so you might as well pump out garbage.

Maybe you end up like John David Card, thinking there was nothing wrong with your novel and you just need to find the right trick to get the momentum rolling.

Maybe you end up at one of these tables, hoping that you sell enough copies to convince yourself that tomorrow might be different.

>> No.19315511

>Maybe you end up like F Gardner, thinking effort is meaningless to the literary world so you might as well pump out garbage.
Still seething that an animefag wrote his book, pseud?

>> No.19315539
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>> No.19315578


>> No.19315609


I'm not an unemployable narcissist

>> No.19315653

I've got almost everything ready to print. All that's left is one final edit, then I need to get an index made, and then it's done. What's the best shelf-publishing route for releasing hardcover and e-book? And are there any self-publishing houses that don't print in China?

>> No.19315668
File: 73 KB, 521x674, far-side-caveman-autobiography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon seems to print in the country where the book is being sold.
The printing location/date is on the back page of every self-published book I've bought.
And Amazon does hardcovers now.

>> No.19315905

You should consider changing the title font

>> No.19316196
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I guess.
I had to crank out the cover after every artist I contacted didn't work out.
They either didn't respond, would take too long, or wanted too much money.

>> No.19316239

I think it looks good anon, font included. Is your book worth reading?

>> No.19316287

I hope so...but you can find out for yourself easily.
On top of the usual Amazon "Look Inside", I posted an early version of 40% of it publicly.
The link is in the book's description on Amazon.

>> No.19316308
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I'm sellin' copies, yo!!!!!!!

>> No.19316325

Are you really Butterfly? Why would you purposely try to bait /lit/ into bullying you?

>> No.19316329

The only people on /lit/ bullying others are the people who don't write

>> No.19316473

My rage at how shit a lot of erotica is is still stuck on simmering and hasn't boiled over yet. Maybe one day anon.

>> No.19316619
File: 138 KB, 750x931, academia-waltz-tranny-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"shit" -> "gives me a confused boner"

>> No.19316660

I immediately go down the rabbit hole of SEO and cheesing the Amazon algorithm whenever I consider it.

I guess the genre of alien time travel romance is pretty unsaturated. But the sweet embrace of the grave is unsaturated, too.

>> No.19316675

This is why you are not an artist

>> No.19316735

The writing itself is shit. The subject is whatever. And last I checked if I get hit in the groin there's nothing on the outside to get injured

>> No.19316746

I can't think of a reason to say anything to anyone, or why it would be better to say something than nothing.

>> No.19316816

Then go live and experience more of life.

>> No.19317101

Presumably, so that I can learn the moral lesson of why I should want to communicate with people?

I know what I am, and I am a repugnant creep who doesn't feel even slightly inclined to change his ways or accommodate himself to any standard. It seems like the reward for fitting in is fitting in; the reward for being your most normal self is just that.

>> No.19317117

Seek help, Jason.

>> No.19317120

No, so that you can write.

>> No.19317130

why would a passing tranny not change their name

>> No.19317137

How many?

>> No.19317141

Apparently you could make a steady paycheck selling erotica until recently. Now amazon takes it all.

>> No.19317142

Why don't you want your work published in China?

>> No.19317194

Way to challenge yourself bro

>> No.19317199

Dude I've sold over 14 books now and even got a big bag of weed left for me by a nice customer when I delivered their book

>> No.19317243

I'm 33 as well. I have a mostly completed manuscript for a book that I'm writing. I realize that it will probably never go anywhere even if I finish it. At the same time, I know that even if it's never published, I don't think my passion for literature will ever go away, and I will at least have that for myself. I also have a job with a literary organization, and have had modest experience with non-fiction publishing. Naturally, I can't speak for any of the self-published authors posted here in photos in this thread, but one sort of gets the feeling that they're mainly engaged in writing gimicky genre fiction. And who knows how many of them are truly passionate about literature and the English language.

For someone who is truly passionate about literature, is it really a waste for them to write and ultimately end up unsuccessful? I am not so certain that it is. If a person loves music, but fails to become a famous musician, do we proclaim that they are a failure in their passion? At the end of the day they still have their love of music, and even in their failure are left with a gift worth more than many other people's successes.

>> No.19317259


>> No.19317260

I've seen the writing industry, I'd rather just write for myself and my loved ones.

>> No.19317265
File: 565 KB, 1033x727, heat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kudos to the people who have pushed their lives to the limits and tested themselves, you can only strike gold by continuously guessing on where to push forward in life, which direction to head in, sometimes you pursue the wrong thing, and sometimes all that glitters is not gold, but along the way you do have some amazing moments and periods of creation, living and adventuring.

If you listen to the pseuds, you'll self-doubt yourself and never finish that 1st novel.

>> No.19317292
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I didn't make the comic, I just extracted it from an e-book, cleaned it up a little, and posted it.

>> No.19317299
File: 1.87 MB, 1331x1005, paperz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this one photo and posted it in a buy / sell forum on Facebook
>$80 in sales and tipped with a big bag of weed yesterday
>bought a whetstone to sharpen my chopper blade to get straighter edges
>tweaking printer settings to reduce smudging to little specks

If people listen to this guy, they're not going to create. You have to finish a product and shill it, to do that, you need to first learn to live as an artist and survive in the creative state

>> No.19317320

I admire your drive but how do you pay rent?

>> No.19317335
File: 3.36 MB, 1357x1841, picz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 14 under 20, sold one to a skater a block away from the liquor store last night. I tried to sell it in the liquor store and the clerk said she doesn't have cash on her, one drunk guy heckled me about the bible or something?

There are a lot of people who are tired of the status quo and the rough look of the book is part of the punk-rock appeal. There is no true rebellion anymore so even a relative facsimile of an author guerrilla marketing is somewhat charming.

I need to get little paper cards / rings made to slip onto locked up bike handlebars, since the book is about a guy taking revenge for his bike getting stolen, maybe bike riders would find the blurb novel enough to order it.

Hope none of you wannabe writers take what the pseuds say to heart. You have to just keep pushing and keep bleeding your little soul out, never sell out your core values and you'll always be fine.

>> No.19317356

Don't remind me. But you'd be surprised the amount of people who will pay you to ghost write the shit for them

>> No.19317377

Moving jobs and robax
I did pallet repair before as well
A lot of companies lack an IT department to do things like going paperless, I snagged a good year-long job where I was well-paid to switch the business to paperless and re-write the health and safety manual.

There are a couple freelance pieces of writing I've done out there, was paid nice for that, did some ghost writing previously through Fiverr. I've sold a number of Ken Foster paintings to pay the bills as well.

If times get really tough, there's always writing for the adult industry...

Every artist will find ways to support themselves

>> No.19317383

Do you really feel like you're "honing your craft" when you're writing some schlock porn lit?

>> No.19317385

you should make a goodreads page for your book anon

>> No.19317393

I don't use an ISBN

>> No.19317409

Oh man my original account was banned from Goodreads in 2013 and they STILL won't unban me.


Should I just make another account?

>> No.19317422

Considering I've had repeat customers, maybe. But hey, if they're paying me to write them stuff I must be doing something right.

>> No.19317426

Hey, if you're surviving and writing.. keep going!

>> No.19317432

Why not? This seems like an unnecessary obstacle
I would, it's useful to have a digital presence

>> No.19317437

Doing my best. Ran headlong into a writers block recently,so I'm trying to work my way out of it

>> No.19317445

Does it matter? If you want to challenge yourself thats your deal, but just being able to make money writing is desirable in itself.

>> No.19317503

You can get a free ISBN if you self-publish through Amazon.
If you pay for it yourself, it's like $125.

>> No.19317565
File: 416 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20211030-210143_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you make a new account, nobody can find your gay erotica

>> No.19317578

That's not true. You can make a government account and they'll give you ISBN numbers for free, plus you'll own all the IP rights instead of Amazon.


All you need is a business number, but you can get those for free too. Having an ISBN number means that book stores and libraries will be able to store the book in their catalogue.

>> No.19317591

are you jason bryan or just another anon larping as him?

>> No.19317621

I'm neither.
Jason Bryan is living rent-free in your head.

>> No.19317626

Somehow I doubt ISBN Canada is going to help someone that lives in the U.S.

>> No.19317649
File: 619 KB, 1080x1691, SEETHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah you reported my post.

>> No.19317662

>Dilate is a forbidden word
Holy fuck mods really are trannies

>> No.19317687

I've noticed greater print nonuniformity.

>> No.19317698

Idk if you can make an account or not, but if you apply for ISBN in another country that at least establishes a paper trail and prior ownership. If someone tries to steal your book and re-sell it, you can easily point to the ISBN number. Also lots of stores which sell internationally don't always mind what country the ISBN number comes from, you can sell books in the US with a Canadian (or Mexican, Australian, British, etc. ISBN number

If nothing else, you can publish through lulu and they'll provide free ISBN numbers to you. IDK what the fine print on that is though.

>> No.19317710

That ain't me

>> No.19317726


I believe you, those books half over three amd a half stars

>> No.19317750


Do you ever wonder if some guy who writes adventures about buttholes is pissed off your 2 star book is dragging down his aggregate

>> No.19317769

Do Amazon-published hardbacks include dust jackets?

>> No.19317821

>walk in to an "independent" book shop
>realise the shelves are full of the work of crazy people
>buy a nice looking children's book and excuse myself

>> No.19317842

comfy cottage industry vibes, I like it

>> No.19317848

If you're not writing romance or fantasy it's a complete waste of time. If you are writing those things the publishing schedule you need to follow sucks all the fun out of writing.

>> No.19317876

Do not listen to this guy.

>> No.19317900

Amazon takes 80-90% of the profits for everything you do through them. You can do better anon.

>> No.19317901
File: 356 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20211030-221244_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think people might be turned off by the incomplete website with filler text?

>> No.19317903

Is this true?
If an author self-publishes on Amazon an sells copies for $10, how much does the author make per sale?

>> No.19317917

For ebook? 3$, but as soon as you set the price over $12 (I think, been a while since I checked) it drops considerably.

I just read a medium article about a guy who passively sold 25 books on amazon over 6 months and he made $5 in profit. That's for all of his sales combined, not per.

>> No.19318150

If I fix it tonight, you gonna buy a copy? :)

I'll even videotape the process

>> No.19318160

I'll buy one. How much are they and where can I buy from

>> No.19318192

Can't post the link but can find it on that based schizo antivaxx twitter @ShitKickca

>> No.19318215

tranniess used to have the decency to not lie to your face or demand the entire world revise their fundamental understanding of humanity to accommodate them

>> No.19318263

how can I know you won't doxx me if I enter my shipping and payment info into shitkick (dot) ca (slash) store (slash) payment

>> No.19318289

Why would I want to harm a customer and fellow human being, a book is a gift from one mind to many

>> No.19318293


>> No.19319711


>> No.19319869

How many pages?

>> No.19319991

I would fuck this dude

>> No.19320037

All these people out there pushing their self publsihed books, and even ones with small time publishers who dont have a very good ad budget... youre lucky to sell 100 copies and walk away with 40-50 dollars when all is said and done

>> No.19320096

I write.

I think there's probably a few people in /lit who write, but self-promotion is viewed as cringe while others probably feel reluctant to not be anon on 4chan

>> No.19320115
File: 230 KB, 1080x1816, Screenshot_20211030-223138_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are asking if I will pay you to proof re ad your own website?

>> No.19320121 [DELETED] 

what site is that from? looks useful. that said i used one of those for app store listing optimization and it made basically no difference

>> No.19320202


It's been broken since you brought the site up and I know you are too lazy to just follow your own links and fix it, so I just want to see how long you'll leave it half finished.

>> No.19320245

I've already made ~$40 selling my self published stuff, and all I did was make two threads on 4chan about it. Self publishing isn't a problem, it's selling on Amazon and getting ripped off.

>> No.19320257

well feel free to sell on your own website and handle the payment processing and pii data yourself then

>> No.19320283

this has been a solved problem without relying on Amazon for a decade at this point

>> No.19320288

ya i know so whining about amazon taking a cut for doing all the shit you could have done on your own is weak cope

>> No.19320315

I'm making sales dawg, isn't that what the website is supposed to do?

>> No.19320332

I do do this, you snarky faggot.

>A cut
80% minimum, on ebooks of all things, is hardly a cut. It doesn't help that Amazon's business model is aggressive market monopolization. What are you, some kind of boomer simp for Jeff Bezos?

>> No.19320344

You made 14 sales, dawg. That's the equivalent of spending a single afternoon hawking merchandize on a street corner.

Get an ISBN you silly nigger, then you can slip your book into libraries and book sales

>> No.19320350

>Get an ISBN you silly nigger

>> No.19320366

Not sure how an ISBN will help me at this point, I just need to establish a steady 2-3 sales a day and I'm fucking golden. Facebook so far has been great for sales, will make an instagram account, too, and a TikTok to read pages on? Not sure, we'll see!

>> No.19320397

People will be more interested in buying your book if they can find reviews or other evidence of its existence online

>> No.19320433

If you want to make any of those sales through any bookstore that isn't the back of your racecar you'll need an ISBN.

>> No.19320438

>Get an ISBN you silly nigger, then you can slip your book into libraries and book sales
How do I get them into libraries and book sales?

>> No.19320443

Hmm, okay, I guess I'll add an ISBN once I'm done this next batch of 20 or so books I sell and put out an early 2nd edition.

I also noticed the formatting got messed up on one of my chapters and a couple of spaces were eliminated. Will fix that.

>> No.19320451

You contact them individually and try to maintain a good relationship with them. Literally just pick up a phone and start calling them (maybe wait until tomorrow, since I doubt anybody cares on Halloween Sunday). Make sure you get a barcode too.

But don't take my word for it, you can just reach out to most bookstores and ask them directly. Barns and Nobles has a whole page on its website about selling wholesale.

>> No.19320461
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Bro my turbo LeBaron is pretty fun to drive, if I get an ISBN I gotta get a limited slip installed, one wheel peel is no fun!

>> No.19320469

>Barns and Nobles has a whole page on its website about selling wholesale.
Does this ever work for self-publishers? I would start with smaller bookstores in your area that would probably be fine buying a dozen to stock on their shelves provided your book isn't utter shit

>> No.19320474

Here's what I don't get... why do you need a local bookstore when people aren't really going out to shop for books anymore?

>> No.19320489

>why do you need a local bookstore
To make finding and buying books an experience, the same reason most other IRL consumerism options still exist

>> No.19320535

Bookstores near me are dead, I've tried going twice now but they weren't open despite the sign on the door saying they should be. I'll try again next week.

>> No.19320579

That is impressively bad. I dont think i've ever seen a book rated below 3.5.
i dont get why people read that shit at all. there have to be 10,000 fantasy novels all almost identical by this point. if you've read one you've read them all. even a lunatic who only reads fantasy novels, at most they can read 20 books a year if theyre a normalfaggot. where is the market for all this schlock?

>> No.19320591

Local bookstores also need an ISBN number, barcode, etc. Just knowing what the standards are in the industry makes it a lot easier for bookstores to process and sell your books.

Something I've noticed recently is that while bookstores don't generally make a lot of book sales, lots of other local stores do. I walked into a local marine supplies store over the summer and they were selling books of maps, local interest stuff, tide guides, etc. in decent quantities. Since your book is local interest, you can try selling through local skate shops, tattoo parlours, etc. They might let you set up a couple of books in their window if you let them keep most of the profit from the sale.

>> No.19320665
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His ratings would be lower if his friends weren't leaving positive reviews. It's a shame, really, he could have set a Goodreads record.

>> No.19320679
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>Since your book is local interest

The author does not live in Vancouver

>> No.19320725
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>That is impressively bad. I dont think i've ever seen a book rated below 3.5.

I don't think you can comprehend just how bad this book is. The main character Dylen Durret is just an anagram for Tyler Durden (the main character from Fight Club). I am not joking.

The author even made a (hastily abandoned) fake twitter account for him.

>> No.19320783

What is the best alternative that isn't CreateSpace, Lulu, or Amazon?

>> No.19320810

Go on /gd/ it's a slow board but they are always looking for projects to do in their free time

>> No.19320848

CreateSpace is owned by Amazon now.

>> No.19320894


You’re a nice human being. I’m happy to see healthy people around here, not only the usual bitter types.

>> No.19320936

KEK I haven't had a laugh this hard in weeks hahah

>> No.19321055

Because I live in a country where there's support for the arts. By publishing with a publishing house, you can get grant money, which is what I did. Now I'm basically on artist welfare as long as I produce one commercial project a year.

>> No.19321103

What a sweet life.

>> No.19321109


This is a pseud hating on someone who actually creates.

>> No.19321113

Very nice anon. Are you in some small yuro country that put together a program like that to defend its native language?

>> No.19321137

Just checked if my small Euro country has such a program and I only get results for a proposition from last year, I don't know if they implemented it yet. Apparently they have a contest and then they give you money (unknown amount) for one year to produce a book or a play. The condition is you need to have published at least one book or a play that was performed. And also in the case of the book you need to have a publisher who is ok with publishing that book you'd be writing.
I hope they implement that program soon.

>> No.19321138

>tfw can't make the government force publishing houses to publish me
Feels bad. I've been rejected from every house I've pitched to, and all of them say the same thing: Your writing (i.e. chapter sample) is solid and absolutely publishable, but the subject is really niche so we're going to have to pass because we don't believe you'll sell it.

Being commended for your writing ability but still being rejected cuts extra deep desu.

>> No.19321145

When are you going to nut up and self-publish?

>> No.19321157

Ok, I found the amount. It's 3000 Euros for one year (250 for a month) which is extremely pathetic even for my poor country.

>> No.19321164


>write an unrelatable, poorly structured love letter to yourself
>call it "creating"
>surprised when nobody buys it

How can such talent go unnoticed? Society must be to blame

>> No.19321174

Now. I tried to put off this reality for years, but I've now accepted it simply because I want to move on and get this book behind me. Working with a colleague to get one final editor and an indexer, and to determine the best of the self-publishers for my purpose, and then it'll be published early next year.

>> No.19321177

In 2013 I was right about the evolution of dating, I got myself out of the vicious cycle of hooking up with hot chicks and ended up with a family of my own.

In 2021 I will be proven right about the nose-dive of society into violence and low-trust, it is already happening as we speak:


Easy for talent to go unnoticed when masculine, anti-establishment men are purposefully silenced while blue hair feminist fat chicks are put on a pedestal.

I am still not taking the vaccine and I don't wear the mask :)

>> No.19321202

>I write.
You don't and you should stop larping.

>> No.19321212

Seek help Jason.

>> No.19321221

Take your meds, chud.

>> No.19321234


>I sleep with anything that lets me
>in my book about me I'm secretly looking for love so I appear deep but must stress how cool and sexy I am
>I brag nonstop about my body count on 4chan

You did this in the last thread. Your insecurity has made you so delusional that you lack the empathy to see how pathetic this makes you appear to others.

>vicious cycle

Banging single moms from PoF isn't a cycle, it's a house of cards propping up a fragile and over compensating ego.

>> No.19321236


I'm selling more books than you :)

>> No.19321242

not that bad, I could probably live on that if I owned my residence

>> No.19321246

I was banging primo pussy and could spend half the day posting photos of a fraction of them

Must kill you inside to know you have you troll POF for a hope at a date while I was partying in my Gastown loft and banging new hotties with zero effort :)

>> No.19321258

That reminds me, I have to go get more rolling papers for the free weed a reader left for me :)

>> No.19321260

This doesn't make me want to buy your book.

>> No.19321270

And to think, the pseuds picked you over the animefags, no wonder /wg/ doesn’t write.

>> No.19321288


>I was banging primo pussy and could spend half the day posting photos of a fraction of them

>Must kill you inside to know you have you troll POF for a hope at a date while I was partying in my Gastown loft and banging new hotties with zero effort

I am almost surprised how easily you took the bait. You are so insecure it only takes a gentle nudge for you to drop the facade of a sensitive, introspective artist and expose yourself as a self absorbed, childish douchebag who only calls himself an artist for his own vanity.

>> No.19321294

Yeah, you could cover bills and basic food and that's it.
But I dug deeper and it turned out they implemented it this year and there were 434 candidates and the winners were 115 writers who got to share 150k Euros, so they got sums between 2000 and 700 Euros, which is nothing, it's poverty tier. I don't even know why they're bothering.
The ministry even published the failed writers and their scores. At least with publishers only you and them know you sucked, now you're in the public archives for eternity.

>> No.19321295

Just contact a local print shop. I used to work at one (https://bondrepro.com/, if you live in BC it's probably your best bet) and they'd do shitty perfect bind paperbacks occasionally. The only issue is that you'll need to order in high quantities to get a good RoT, as opposed to print on demand services. Personally I doubt you're going to find a better deal than Lulu, unless you buy a printing machine like Jason did.

Actually, I'm kind of curious what kind of machine Jason got. It seems like it does stitched bindings, which is better quality than what you get with Lulu and Amazon. Being able to control the production process opens up a lot of possibilities you can't get elsewhere.

>> No.19321302

What niche?
I've got a hunch that niche publishing markets are probably the most profitable and exploitable market, if you can advertise correctly and sell it to the right people.

>> No.19321312
File: 457 KB, 2048x1365, 245968790_1525046111187428_1393797775398688732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be afraid to own who I am?

You act like you can't be both introspective and wise while also acknowledging that you've been hedonistic and taken advantage of all of the blessings and strengths afforded by a gregarious personality buffeted by a high income from selling porn online. Women would come over to my apartment at parties and see my aloof ass flirting up a storm and being the center of attention. Why WOULDN'T that be attractive to women?

Meanwhile guys like you cower in mom's basement and hate on men actually living their lives, regardless of whether or not it offends your pseud sensibilities. How else do you think you become introspective other than through life's experiences? Do you think if I just worked a 9-5 job like most of you normies that I would have ever had the time or mentality required to even bother with introspection?

If I had just had a 9-5 job, watched hockey, had a normie girlfriend, normie relationship, normie friend circle, took the vaccine and wore the mask, think I'd have the mental headspace required to write "City of Singles" or "The Shitkickers"?

None of you guys live as artists, so you cannot understand the creative process behind it. Make fun of me all you want, I'm just going to keep writing and showing you guys how it's done.

>> No.19321322

>115 writers who got to share 150k Euros
pathetic, you're right they shouldn't even have bothered

>> No.19321329


>> No.19321339

What machine do you use for printing and how much does it cost, you megalomaniacal doofus?

>> No.19321347


It isn't perfect, but it works!

>> No.19321350


See, people who have empathy and introspection, grounded people, are often forthcoming of their flaws. It makes them authentic, interesting people with interesting perspectives. You are not interesting or authentic.

>> No.19321352

My printer:


>> No.19321356

If you think I'm even capable of holding back my natural thoughts and feelings long enough to be inauthentic you wouldn't know authenticity unless it fucked your mom

>> No.19321363

Thanks. Does it cut the pages to size too? I thought that your books were stitched, not perfect bound. How do you do the covers?

>> No.19321364

My chopper:


>> No.19321376


>you wouldn't know authenticity unless it fucked your mom

Is this the kind of nuanced, inventive writing we can expect from "the shitkickers"

>> No.19321382

I print thick cardstock as covers

Once I have some time to concentrate, I'll upload the video I made of the process. I don't own a tripod so the quality of the video blows. Need a tripod so I can property do my YouTube channel.

>> No.19321389

Read the book and give it your honest review. If it sucks, I'm more than willing to eat humble pie and try to do better for book #3

>> No.19321397


Only if main character lives in a gastown loft because you can't write about anything other than yourself, which I find hysterical

>> No.19321401

Main character does not live in a Gastown loft

Main character is much different than I am

Read it and you'll see

>> No.19321407


does he have a hot girlfriend so we are convinced he is cool

>> No.19321412
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>> No.19321414

No, he's actually really normal

>> No.19321417

Did you read?

That's her condo, he's just dogsitting for his girlfriend.

Read the book, you'll like it :)

>> No.19321419


Haha you describe his view as the picture you just uploaded ahahaha. its yours!

>> No.19321426


I read that whole sample. Is the whole hook like that? A bunch of descriptions of what's happening around our main character with no explanation on how it impacts him or why?

>> No.19321436

I'm not sure what the problem is?

During the time I lived there, I watched at least 2-3 people die from overdoses under my window, I walked out to find someone had jumped from the building across the street and their brains were splattered on the road. I watched as someone carved up 3-4 people with a box cutter back in like 2014 and at least 5-6 other random attacks.

I think I even have it on video where a fat black crackhead chick sprints away after stealing $5 out of the hands of an artist I paid for a cardboard box drawing of my friend.

Clearly my time spent living above the gutter influenced me to write about it, the view outwards was beautiful for sure, but the view below was a gallery of human misery like I had never seen before. Even worse than the slums of Costa Rica!

>> No.19321441

It goes into great depth, the first chapter is just ankle-deep

>> No.19321446

>Once I have some time to concentrate, I'll upload the video I made of the process
Okay thanks. Let us know when you do, I'm interested in the process.
What does it cost in total to produce one book?

>> No.19321460

About $1 per book

I buy paper for 500 sheets / $15 (highest price I've paid)

500 sheets = 9 books

InkOwl toner replacement = 2 jugs for $40 = supposedly 8000+ sheets, haven't ran out yet and I've printed massive amounts of books while improving the process

Glue for the book binder is cheap:


10 lbs for $130 and I've used a couple palmfuls so far

>> No.19321469


ok can you send me a screenshot from a page in the book that goes more in depth about Ken's "nemesis," the firework bangs that keep him awake?

A page about who sets them off, how long theyve been a problem, what he's done abut it, how it's impacted him beyond sleep etc?

We can expect that a "nemesis" would have more story behind it than half a paragraph in the he opening chapter.

>> No.19321477

Seek help

>> No.19321516

Dude just buy the fucking book, it explains it in there, and the origins of his precious bike

>> No.19321523

Don't need to, I'm helping others

>> No.19321529


Gotcha, so the "in depth" exploration of the earlier defined primary antoganist in the book is never mentioned again.

You should write for George Lucas

>> No.19321537

The book explains the use of bear bangers and they're featured as key parts of the book in 3 places

But yeah, keep bumping the self-publishing thread, we need more people to self-publish.

>> No.19321559


Ah I see so our protag Ken goes out to find the people lighting off bear bangers and keeping them awake, right? Does he find them and explain how his sleepless nights have drivem him to seek them out?

can you upload that page? because I don't believe you

>> No.19321570

Just read the book, it answers all of this for you

>> No.19321589


I'm sorry but I don't believe you. I am giving you an opportunity to showcase the consistency of your work and you are forfeiting.

>> No.19321596

You're wasting your time trolling me when you could be writing

>> No.19321603

Not him but, NOPE. If you're passionate enough about your work you would at least say something, anything. Dropped.

>> No.19321646


I am writing. I am contributing to an epic thread. Why did you sell your loft in gastown?

>> No.19321761

i am crippled with something. anxiety. doing new things paralize me. how did u do it. publish on amazon or somethign. i bet it could do me good to put something out there.

>> No.19321786


I never owned

>> No.19321792

You need support. If you need support, hit me up on my website. I want to create a group of like-minded authors. You can do it, just need a little guidance.

A lucky schizo like me has the voices in my head!

>> No.19321986

>I want to create a group of like-minded authors.
Hmm... your garage printing press and car trunk distribution system intrigues me greatly. I would like to order a run of 500 copies of my latest novel, The Dunce of Gastown. Here's a blurb:
>Some people might say that having noisy neighbors is the logical consequence of choosing to live in almost any major city ever, since the dawn of the industrial revolution. But to alcoholic townie Jason Bryan it's the perfect topic for a pathetic attempt to distill some meaning from a life spent chasing adolescent fantasies of popularity. Ordinarily Jason is super chill and totally doesn't mind when people have a little bit of fun, but lately things have gone too far. Now he intends to fight back. But how? He could certainly beat any of them in a one-on-one, but they don't fight fair. Of course, through the mighty power of literature! But he knows he'll never sneak his brilliant, groundbreaking, fearless novel past the beta virgin cucks who are in charge of writing. The world lavishes Jason Bryan with endless hot sex and fast cars, but for whatever reason his writing career just isn't taking off. It must be because the idiot masses have confused his writing with professional writing, which uniformly supports society's long march to opiate addiction and the complete obliteration of gender. Every thinking person hates liberalism, but by some bizarre twist of logic, they don't like it when Jason hates it with them, so it makes him a rebel to hate it, too. Forced to go off-grid to preserve his artistic integrity, he sets up his own underground printing press, distributing copies of his Earth-shattering manifesto from the trunk of his car, sort of like a low-rent Rudius Media. But now the globohomo UN regime has caught wind of courageous efforts, and has sworn to vaccinate him by any means necessary. Even the people who owe him their unconditional support 1000%, the posters on 4chan, seem to have suddenly been replaced with brainwashed servants of the pedophile elites. Forget about publishing novels, Jason Bryan is suddenly the target of literal attempts to murder him. Will he be able to save his own life, and by logical extension, the entire world? Why don't you read his book and find out!!'/???

>> No.19322031

I would read this.

>> No.19322047

I inspire /lit/ to write, one way or another

>> No.19322054
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>> No.19322060
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I can't think of anything more cringe than a writer completing projects

>> No.19322080
File: 26 KB, 388x371, tired pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ordinarily Jason is super chill and totally doesn't mind when people have a little bit of fun

>> No.19322112

>About $1 per book
>500 sheets / $15
>500 sheets = 9 books
doesn't add up

>> No.19322131

How so?

Each book is 420 or so pages long which is 53 or 55 sheets long, I forget, so you can print 9 books for 50 sheets

>> No.19322137

9 books per 500 sheets typo

>> No.19322141

Not that poster, but divide fifteen by nine then add in the rest of the costs you listed.

>> No.19322153

If you legitimately want to inspire others and create a new movement you might consider offering your publishing services to other anons. Right now the message you send out is "If you follow in my footsteps, spending the time and effort to create your own printing press on top of the actual effort required to write a book, you too can have $25, a bag of weed, the praise of a handful of liquor store customers, and the unyielding mockery of everyone on 4chan"

It's not an enticing offer. The message you could be sending is "Send me your manuscript and I'll put it in print and get it into people's hands, for a reasonable rate." That also isn't very appealing, but it's better than just "me me me me me lol you guys are just jealous"

>> No.19322182

Based. What's the Dunce of Gastown's ISBN? I'd like to learn more about it by looking it up in the reference resource of my choosing.

>> No.19322193


Yeah if you buy 500 sheets from London Drugs like I did, you're paying $15 per 500

Got to buy in bulk, 5000 here for $85, so nearly 1/2 the price ($15 per 500 x 10 = $150 per 5000 if you buy in 500 at a time )

>> No.19322199

I'll be happy to help anons print their work, have me mail it for them, and get them some $$$ in their pockets.

I don't mind being mocked as long as it inches closer to the goal of helping all of us atomized writers.

>> No.19322391

Ignore these fags, you are based
You are definitely a poser in a sense but you made it where these seething incels never will lmao

>> No.19322402

Anyone who tries anything is a poseur at the start

>> No.19322404

That’s very interesting, and it sounds like you are extremely knowledgeable in translation. I hope you do well, and have your works published.

>> No.19322544


>Based. What's the Dunce of Gastown's ISBN

Check the gay erotica section of goodreads

>> No.19322554

Of course, optimism is cowardice

>> No.19322577


He is the Axe Body Spray of /lit/

>> No.19322611

Thanks anon. I'm an amateur but its a fun hobby.

You can buy a copy here:

There's a ton of inter-war Italian lit that's never gotten published in English, and it's my hope to translate a lot of it in the coming years. Marinetti, for example, wrote a novella called Mafarka the Futurist which is apparently based as hell but has never been released for English audiences. It's never been easier to translate and publish this stuff, and I think its a great time to get into the publishing industry.

>Right now the message you send out is "If you follow in my footsteps, spending the time and effort to create your own printing press on top of the actual effort required to write a book, you too can have $25, a bag of weed, the praise of a handful of liquor store customers, and the unyielding mockery of everyone on 4chan"
I mean, that's not exactly wrong.

>> No.19322661

Fuck off Gardner.

>> No.19322743

Not Gardner.

F Gardner is a gentleman and a blessing to this board. He has inspired so many and you should show the man some respect.

>> No.19322889

>Obviously Gardner
So fuck off.

>> No.19322900
File: 648 KB, 3126x2048, 245989687_347121283880521_9010449887424284259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your favourite schizo, not Gentleman F Gardner

>> No.19322996

I expected him to be the infamous author of 11986.

>> No.19323118

If you search for the title on Amazon, you can read the "Look Inside" portion, and get a link to an early draft of ~40% of the novel.
If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read all of it for free.

I'm not sure what else I can do for you.
But then again, you don't really seem like a supporter of self-published authors anyway.

>> No.19324158

Nah tripfags are bullied everywhere and with good cause, fuck off back to l eddit

>> No.19324339

Been on 4chan since 2004 you absolute faggot

>> No.19324362
File: 127 KB, 400x400, i'm not autistic but i'll meet you half way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am

>> No.19324364
File: 99 KB, 400x400, ygmi peter griffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol do that 10 more times and you have 100 pages,
do that 4 more times and you have 400 pages
congratulations, you have made a book
>it's that easy

>> No.19324438

What a crapy cringe to open your eyes upon in this morning.

>> No.19324672

He literally wrote what you responded to.

>> No.19324711


>> No.19325226


>> No.19325245
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 20211102_005911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face of the average self publisher

>> No.19325366

>using a scissor jack
Literally ngmi

>> No.19325405

She's a female. Females can't survive without attention.

>> No.19325826

serious question bros, a friend of mine published a book through amazon some months ago and it's doing bad, it's stagnated at the 2 reviews that me and a family member made. i've already talked about it with some people but i can't get anyone else to read it, much less buy ir or leave a review. should i put ads or something?

it's not a masterpiece or anything but it's not bad either, it's actually great considering it's his first big work, and it does have an actual audience because of the setting and theme. i think if more pople knew about it, some would buy it and review it and it would appear on recommendations lists and so on, and maybe it could get a stable number of buys per month. anyone have any advice?

>> No.19325995

Can you go into more detail on this? What grants are you applying for specifically? How long have you done this?
I'm a Canadian and it's my dream to be the same. I'm already on welfare, but if I could get even more NEETbux to call myself a publisher that would be amazing.

>> No.19326115

What's the book? I'll get it a look.

>> No.19326351

Canadian Council of Arts. Look into the grant program, and you can get funding and bursaries for individual projects if you qualify. "Supporting Arts Practice" has what you're looking for, but there are also individual artist grants. To qualify you need to make a portfolio, and you will need some competitions or publications under your belt.

>> No.19326401

Also have a floor jack under the cross-member you can't see

>> No.19326411

it's not in english, it's a minority language only spoken in an area smaller than california. that's why i said it's niche, but the setting and theme and some references it has makes it so that i think it would be well received by a sizeable part of the people who can read it. but so few people buy books, and nobody knows it even exists so i don't know if it will ever get off the ground unless we push it somehow

or do people publish their book and that's it, then maybe 10 people buy it in the next 2 years by chance, and that's normal? how does it work

>> No.19326420

You have to be an artist to get attention for your work

>> No.19326565

Thanks anon. What kind of portfolio did you have when you applied, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.19326577

Pay someone on craigslist to make up a bunch of memes about the book, then print them out as stickers with a QR code linking to a sample of the book/amazon/your website. Afterwards just plaster every public washroom and lamppost you can find with your stickers

>> No.19326595

Fucking translate it. Goddamn. How the hell can you people scratch your head at it stagnating when the majority of the people in the country can't read it?

>> No.19328050
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>it's not in english, it's a minority language only spoken in an area smaller than california

>> No.19329404

he likes writing and he likes his home language so he writes in his language, fuck off. it doesn't matter towards the sales because the language fits the setting of the story

you can aim for a general audience of 100k with low chance of getting buys, or choose a population of 10k but with higher chance. both are equally good strategies

>> No.19330159

I don't think you're appreciating how little people read and how further little people dare to buy self-published works. I'm really recommending the consideration for an English translation.

>> No.19330370
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>you can aim for a general audience of 100k with low chance of getting buys, or choose a population of 10k but with higher chance. both are equally good strategies
Except not in this case. Considering you're bitching about the book not getting sales.

>> No.19330408


>> No.19330533

OOH! Me, me! I'll help you. Just give me a description and some guidelines. I love making book covers, I can make you one for free in 30 min.

>> No.19330571

If you can't get published, your book just sucks. Only exception is perhaps very niche nonfiction.

>> No.19330583

You're going to need a lot of practice anon.

>> No.19330630

Thank you, anon. Took the words right out of my mouth.

>> No.19330631
File: 27 KB, 645x809, salez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking idiot. I'm in Canada and the publishing industry is completely and totally pozzed. Diaper faced, vaxx-loving mother fuckers alllllll over the fucking place.

Life is on 10/10 difficulty and yet, I still persist!

In Octorber I sold probably 10 books in-person, 3-4 via etransfers, 1 paypal, and 6 purchases through Square:

>> No.19330678

This anon gets it! I write short little funny "essays" about my partner, my friends, and family members. They're all about describing their very specific character trades. The whole fun and flattery stems from the feeling that someone really knows you. But, the main goal remains, to make them laugh. I read them, oud lout, at dinner parties and gatherings. I put the ones about my partner in the mailbox to surprise her. She always waits for me to read them out loud. It's meant to be shared. I read them to my friends in bars and I always let everyone keep them. Of course, I got copies. It started out small, but I've got 12 essays now in total, all roughly 1-2 pages. 2 pages being the absolute maximum dinner party attention span. Doing so has made me more aware of how lucky I am to have such good people around me. Proving that not all writing needs to have some commercial purpose.

>> No.19331013

are you the guy who binds his own books? I'm interested in learning more about the process. What kind of machinery do you use?

>> No.19331018
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No, that's me, and I would love to show you the entire process to help other bros out

>> No.19331292
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The barrier to becoming a self-published author is so low that literally any asshole with a keyboard can publish anything, regardless of quality.

So becoming a self-published author is knowingly tossing yourself among the great garbage heap of other self-published authors and having to claw your way towards recognition, being forced to prove that you are better than the rest of the trash, but hardly anyone even cares to give you a chance, because after all you're among the common filth to begin with.

>> No.19331384

Oh no, you don't start at the finish line when someone in a position of power decides to APPROVE your creative effort on the basis that they can own your IP and make demands of you... all so that you can turn to someone else who wrote and held onto their work and say:
>you're not a real writer.

I have no money, a few day's worth of food, a half tank of gas in my car and 9 books worth of raw materials sitting around, and you know what? I'm going to build those 9 books, sell them to people even when I've been banned from Facebook, and I'm going to survive and continue printing books, writing, and creating.

You can sit on the sidelines and cry like a bitch, or you can learn from me and make a little extra $$$ in your pocket and have something you own, that you created and that you're proud of.

>> No.19331469

>even when I've been banned from Facebook

I'm sure you'll find plenty of places to peddle your hate speech anon.

>> No.19331781

I am never, ever taking the vaccine = hate speech

>> No.19331808

Imagine thinking "hate speech" is a thing lmao. Your mind is so dabbed on

>> No.19331829

So many vaxxed up, diaper faced anons. You'd think anyone rebellious enough to come here would at least have a free mind.

>> No.19331879

>or you can learn from me
>I have no money, a few day's worth of food, a half tank of gas in my car and 9 books worth of raw materials sitting around, and you know what?
Maybe you should try learning from yourself. Really stop and ask yourself, what your original goal was when you hatched this "printing my own books" scheme? Are you any closer to achieving that goal?

>> No.19331926

I had two competition wins and long listed in CBC national short fic competition.

>> No.19332036

I've made 20 or so sales in the last 3 weeks?

Does the phrase
>you have to start somewhere
mean anything to you?

I've had a high income before from the porn industry, all it took was consistent work over time and I built it up to make nearly 10,000 a month USD while working an hour a day. This time, I want to use my endless creativity and big brain to write and produce work for people to enjoy.

If I stopped to "seek help" like the pseuds recommend, I would put out about as many book releases as they do... zero!

>> No.19332044

Competitions are all identity-based and the CBC will choose Nigerians over Canadians for Canadian book prizes

If you think the media industry is somehow "fair" then you have a lot to learn about life. Nothing is organic.

>> No.19332101

They leave the names of entrants off CBC competitions for explicitly that reason, but whatever excuse helps you reconcile your shortcomings. I don't know what to tell you, but I long-listed as a caucasian.

>> No.19332150

Use your eyes, competitionlet

>> No.19332169



If you think for a second your identity and politics are NOT taken into account... you're insane.

Dude... nobody anti-establishment is going to be chosen for any prize. None.

>> No.19332227

Don't enter than, lmfao. Why do you care?

>> No.19332300

Because all of our culture is fake and inorganic?

>> No.19332341

With the proliferation of the internet, all culture is fake. Nothing is stopping you from selling gangbusters if you write a good book, and the CBC can't stop you.

>> No.19332398

What does "real culture" look like to you? Drinking and fast cars and making porn? What I'm about to say is going to sound an awful lot like "no u" but please try to give me a fair hearing. I think you might be projecting a little bit. The issues you have with Canadian society might in fact be issues which you recognize within yourself, but you've attributed them to a neutral third party so you can grapple with them without damaging your ego.
>you claim to hate drug addicts but also boast about your substance abuse
>you claim to hate noise but you continuously come to /lit/ to make a nuisance of yourself
>you claim that the "establishment" doesn't tolerate sincere criticism but you yourself refuse to even acknowledge that people disagree with you, or when you do you always claim their criticism is just jealousy

Grow up dude.

>> No.19333264
File: 127 KB, 439x363, pepe trucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any asshole with a keyboard can publish anything, regardless of quality.

this needs to be on the /lit/ banner ad

>> No.19333484

How and where does one publish, sell and advertise a book filled with badthink? Say your novel has frequent racial slurs, counter-semitism, and arguably praises violence?

>> No.19333502

Just buy a domain and sell a pdf file of the book. It worked for the Models guy

>> No.19333514

Can't believe I didn't think of this. Will probably have to go this way if I ever shape my draft up into a final product. Cheers, anon.

>> No.19333517

Based and congratulations. You're living the dream anon.

>> No.19333522

>If you can't get published
>your book just sucks
Learn some reading comprehension Jason

>> No.19333541

Just post a section on /lit/ and if its good one of the many, many, agents who browse this website will contact you

>> No.19333839

this is true, very very true. But real publishers will take notice of you if you can make a lot of money self publishing, like 50 Shades and The Martian. The problem is that's saying "hey you can be a successful self published author if you just win the lottery!"