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19320444 No.19320444 [Reply] [Original]

Read the whole post before deleting Jannies, you fucking dimwits

>offer a bum a lighter, he doesn't say thank you
>get cut off in traffic
>never get let into a line of traffic despite using a blinker
>see people throwing trash onto the ground
>see people being lazy, performing their jobs incompetently
>see people constantly leaving messes, inconveniencing others

Despite being exposed to this shit 24/7, I constantly try to be polite, work my hardest in a professional capacity, inconvenience others as little as possible, and just try to generally be a good and moral person. However, this is hard given how many examples to the contrary I experience on a day-to-day basis. To what end does this benefit me? Anyone else feel like this? Are there books in which the protagonist is faced with a similar problem? Entry-level please, I'm not a well-versed pseud.
>inb4 the Bible
>inb4 Dosto
already read em

Some arguments I've heard validating moral behavior are as follows:
>You make the world a better place.
I guess, but it feels like purifying an ocean of piss one cup at a time
>You serve as an example to others.
Eh, my life isn't a movie and I do these things for myself and not the for the validation of others. I'm not sure I would recommend this lifestyle as it has made me very pessimistic and critical of other people.

I don't know why I feel this way, but I figured there is a plethora of literature exploring related topics, but I read mostly non-fiction -- any help?

>> No.19320468

Being polite doesn't have any benefits anon. You should be polite because you think it's the correct thing to do, not because you expect something in return.

>> No.19320484

It benefits you through the conservation of energy that would otherwise be expounded on interpersonal aggression and the resolution of unproductive conflict.

>> No.19320487

>not because you expect something in return
I do not expect anything in return. I do it because it feels right. Let me rephrase the central question: Why does someone feel this way? What are the benefits, if any, of being like this?

I feel someone can be taken advantage of if they're nice and, as someone who has this outlook on life, it makes me hate people who are rude/impolite as virtually subhuman scum.

>> No.19320496

>interpersonal aggression
see >>19320484
I am constantly questioning my beliefs because I'm faced with the opposite daily. This accomplishes the opposite and makes me loath people for simple things like not holding the door open for another person. I hold much more resent in my heart, and I can't help but think I'm not the only one. I feel like it's having the opposite effect of turning me into a sociopath, racist, etc etc

>> No.19320515

>What are the benefits, if any, of being like this
Knowing that you're doing the right thing.
People will try to take advantage of you if they notice you're nice but there's a difference between being nice and being a weak pussy who can't stand for himself. If you think people are taking advantage of you, and you don't want to help them, you should be able to stop them. If you can't do that you're not actually nice, you're just weak.
Also it's considered a meme here but try stoicism.

>> No.19320528

>Knowing that you're doing the right thing.
What makes it the right thing? What if it disadvantages you? Like altruism
>there's a difference between being nice and being a weak pussy
I like this and will keep it in mind

>> No.19320530

Any book on nihilism.

>> No.19320548

>Why does someone feel this way?
The laws of God are inscribed in all our hearts; if you want a secular approach then just call it natural morals or common decency. A philosopher might call it the logos or tao.
A good amount of people violate these laws, turning from righteousness of their own volition for various reasons but a simple answer would be to consider the seven capital vices.
>What are the benefits, if any, of being like this?
Unashamed confidence (not to be confused with pridefulness) in your behavior, as what >>19320515 said is true.
Uprightness is never bad, only those wallowing in sin and want to drag down others with them would criticize right behavior.
If you are a Christian, or just appreciate Christian morals, then you can take comfort in following closely the teachings of Jesus who says to be like a servant to all. Thomas à Kempis wrote well on this in Imitation of Christ.

>> No.19320567

>I do not expect anything in return
>What are the benefits, if any, of being like this?
You might be autistic.

>I feel someone can be taken advantage of if they're nice and, as someone who has this outlook on life, it makes me hate people who are rude/impolite as virtually subhuman scum.
You are autistic.

>> No.19320603

Gotta say, your post is riddled with contradictions and cope. But I think you may see it with time.

Allow me to do my best to illuminate this problem.

As I understand it, and it would be better than 99 percent of people on here (always do your own research), morality originated out of a game theory model of altruistic behaviour that leads to the spreading of your genes (be it by impregnation, or aiding relatives in reproduction). Your personal morality is deeply unconcious, and to be frank, completely unjustified (theres no point in doing a moral action simply for its own sake from an objective point of view). However, that doesn't mean you can personally alter your view of morality. Theres a precoded level of morality in everyone that differs in degree. Some are highly empathic and helpful. Some aren't (clinical psychopaths cant be treated with therapy and their psychopathy is purely from genetics, unlike anti social personality disorder).

Now here's the next part.

You see that you are committing this altruistic behaviour, at your own detriment at times. And you commit those behaviours because of biological reasons. Then your thinking brain sees that your committing these acts without compensation, and being slapped in the face for it at times.

Thats the issue. You're stuck between a biological drive, and an abstract understanding of the injustice occurring (that is, helping others and receiving nothing yourself. You've been ripped off and disrespected, and of course that hurts).

>> No.19320615

Let me illustrate with an example. Let's say you love the color green. You always wear a green shirt, because you love it so much! People tell you that green shirts are the right thing to wear, for some reason that doesn't matter. There's no discernible benefit to wearing green shirts, except that it's "the right thing to do," as everyone is told.

Now, everyone around you wears red shirts. They know about green shirts, but prefer to wear red anyway. This goes on for years, and you never quite understand why someone would wear a red over a green shirt, considering the latter is "the right thing to do." After a while, you begin to hate the red shirts and the people who wear them.

This isn't autism, it's me failing to communicate my feelings adequately. Does this example help illustrate?

>Thomas à Kempis wrote well on this in Imitation of Christ.
the first book suggestion ITT. I will look into it. Thanks babe

>> No.19320626

"Knowing" its the right thing is a cope lol. You can't know its the right thing, ever. It's called moral anti realism, but its besides the point. And even if you did know it was the right thing, why ought you do it? (David Hume: is ought gap). We only value moral ideals because its cope because of the reasons I outlined in my other reply about game theory.

>> No.19320629

I study this stuff for a living and have considered the biological aspect before. I think you're putting in words my struggle better than I can, so thank you for that. Are there books reconciling biological nature and conscious observations? This probably goes deeper than my quibbles, but is a fascinating topic nonetheless

>> No.19320633

Just stop expecting anything from anyone

>> No.19320707

>see people throwing trash onto the ground
what a retarded thing to sperg over, I had a redditor school me on recycling, newsflash retard, I couldnt care less and the more moralfags like you sperg over this irrelevant shit, the more people do it, im the end they do it just to spite moralfag pseuds like yourself

>> No.19320708

The way I see it is we have our personal selves, and then a part of us that belongs to a collective. Its like "we'll give you some control, but we've evolved for millions of years and there are just some behaviours we gotta do". So, as a human being, you will always be torn apart by your belonging to a collective and simultaneously being an individual.

Contemporary psychological interventions for affective disorders have largely consisted of cognitive behavioural therapy, and an integral part of that is value alteration. It's proven that we can change how actions or situations that previously would of made us feel an un desirable way, can be altered by taking a shovel and digging deep into your unconscious to find, what is called, core beliefs. So perhaps reading some clinical material on CBT could suffice, because I don't know of any books that tackles this idea straight on.

>> No.19320718

On the contrary, politeness is designed to make others think better of you.

>> No.19320735

>Some arguments I've heard validating moral behavior are as follows:

Mine is that I simply could not live any other way, it's what I am and it is in me. I don't need to draw any benefit or advantage from it.

>> No.19320773


either/or. old goriot.

>> No.19320778

Also, let me explain something to you that is absolutely imperative. If you understand this, you will be a far wiser person than you are now.

I will give you a personal psychological explanation for the current predicament you're in, and I will also explain how you're coping.

You are acting in a way that is altruistic, and in fact, subordinate. But not because you're a moral person. You're acting that way because you're too scared to be aggressive and disagreeable. You disguise your cowardice as "compassion" and "virtue". Do you understand? It's easier to say that the way you are acting is good and virtuous than to say youre too scared to confront. I swear and promise to you that this is true

>> No.19320808

I mean, I can see the point you're trying to make, as >>19320515 gets at, but I fail to see how cleaning up someone else's discarded trash, holding the door open for someone, letting someone into a busy lane in traffic, etc., are indicators of cowardice?

>> No.19320813
File: 218 KB, 800x1280, corporatopia-cover-ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue to be honest, decent, and hardworking!
Because you want to be different.
Seems like everyone these days is an amoral scumbag.
What a bunch of sheeple and joiners!
Declare your uniqueness by being a good person!

I enjoy being honest and decent, if only just for the shock value.

My novel (picrel) has that as one of its central themes.

>> No.19320851

Most morality is cowardice, some doesn't have to be.

Let's say, for an experiment, you want to litter. You go out at night, and no ones around, and you litter. Now imagine you go out during a crowded place and litter. What scenario is most likely to generate anxiety and fear?

What I'm saying is, most morality is generated out of fear of NOT doing the moral act because of judgement of others. I would say someone would let someone into a busy lane in traffic because they're scared of negative judgement from people around them.

Morality is 99 percent of the time generated out of fear and anxiety.

>> No.19320864

Hmmm you make an interesting point

>> No.19320893

I'd say morality is generated out of wanting to live a life of satisfaction.

>> No.19320902

You have to say that. You have to attach virtue and positive qualities to morality, so you don't have to admit (or even acknowledge) that you're cowardice. It's really just so obvious, but difficult to come to terms with.

>> No.19320909

The Idiot
Read it again if you#ve already read it once

>> No.19320916

agree to disagree

>> No.19320923

It seems like morality for you is a social decision. I don't care about other people in themselves. I only want to please God--if it means being good to other people, so be it.

>> No.19320935

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 your own post, especially as op.

>> No.19320946

the benefits depend on the people you're around, which is why people learn when to be polite, when to be an asshole, and how to be an asshole while seeming polite. obviously your behavior in a catholic monastery would be different in a busy chinese market.

the reason why you're nice to a fault is probably your upbringing. just like how people learn to talk, polite is how you've learned to behave. despite it seemingly doing you little to no favors, its already ingrained into your personality and moral code. it would take adapting your behaviors to the environment you're in and letting go of some old beliefs to change that. your best bet is to respect yourself enough to not put up with people's nonsense.

>> No.19320953


>> No.19320964

>To what end does this benefit me?
You're doing what is right.

>> No.19320968

whats so good about that

>> No.19321057

Plato's Republic. Also nice trips.

>> No.19321220

You'll find out after a bunch of anonymous people do wrong to something/someone you care about.

The Golden Rule is the oldest, and most universal, rule in human ethics for a reason.

>> No.19321247

I think you may be somewhat misguided here. The second part of the greatest commandment is to love your neighbor; not to just act towards him in a certain way, in compliance with a certain set of God-pleasing rules. Of course, you shouldn't do things just to make him feel positive towards you, and if that's what you meant by “I don't care about other people in themselves", then by all means I agree. Yes, you shouldn’t care about pleasing others to make them acknowledge you. But you should absolutely care about them, and, indeed, care about them in themselves. You should act towards them in love. Now, being a nice guy and acting out of love might sometimes overlap in results but is by far not the same thing.

Of course, acting out of love might mean that you will come across as a nice guy, and you often you will; but it might also mean that you will come across as a terrible, judgemental person that is telling people how abortion is evil, and sodomy sinfull, and pornography wicked, and whatnot, and etc, etc. Informing about such things is way more important than warning about any physical danger, but is much less welcomed. Yet, at the same time, it’s the only natural thing to do, if you believe that someone you love as a fellow human being risks spending eternity in hell. Not a pleasing thing to say at all. That’s why the only being you should unconditionally strive to please is God, as God is the only one that is pleased exclusively by the good.

Then again, mind you, I’m only sharing my own understanding - or rather my hot take on it that is frankly more theoretical than lived-up-to. Honestly, I’m not yet a very good person myself, so don’t feel like I’m preaching anything to you. Sorry, if it looks like that, and sorry if I’m being obvious. Hope it all makes sense, I tried as I could.

>> No.19321264

are you me haha.. my cope is
> i contemplate my own feelings towards the rude, the dishonest, the gypocritical, the unpleasant and the vapid and realise i never want to be perceived this way by most people i interact with
> i want to be able to say my misfortunes are just that and not karmic payback for being a dick
> i want to be above all of this.

>> No.19321268

Unironically the Holy Bible, starting with the Gospels.

>> No.19321770

I think that DFW was interested in this.

Read The Pale King, if you haven't. It's his best book, in my opinion.

You sound like a very conscientious person, with maybe a streak of the old 'tism (like myself). Understand that most people aren't like this. They don't think of consequences to their actions and they don't care how it impacts others.

>> No.19321780

He inb4'd the Holy Bible, lad.

>> No.19321799

You see these impolite, lazy people every day and they disgust you. You're polite and proper so that you have a special place to separate yourself from them. But your soul is rude and lazy, and a pathological liar

>> No.19321800

>Despite being exposed to this shit 24/7, I constantly try to be polite, work my hardest in a professional capacity, inconvenience others as little as possible, and just try to generally be a good and moral person.
Don't try to be. You'll only suffer from trying to appease others being the one you think they want to see. Be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Morality is by necessity a self-construct and must be its own reward. Read some Nietzsche.

>> No.19321817

You should read game theory, evo psych, and history. Then just accept that this is a culture in total decline and your resistance to atomisation will only harm you

>> No.19321823

you don't get absorbed by the bugman maelstrom

>> No.19321836

Have you considered the possibility that there are inherent racial differences between Western Europeans and the rest of the world? Have you considered that you and your genetic predisposition to outgroup altruism is a relic - a vestigial behavior - headed towards extinction?
Notice how many people cannot even fathom your experience, and debt the possibility of authentically feeling as you do? Ask yourself these things

>> No.19321918

I was like this before being around these people. I moved to a big city and am dumbfounded while at the same time disgusted these terrible qualities are so rampant in people. There's absolute 0 pride involved

>> No.19321947
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According to 4chan I am not white (thanks) and I behave like OP. I also have to underline that I absolutely hate people and when they are rude to me I wish the most horrible things upon them. But I am still altruistic and polite at all times. I'm impeccable, they never suspect a thing. I'm not cowardly either because when I occasionally lose my patience I get myself into dangerous arguments with random strangers which is a good way to get stabbed. Other than that, I am polite outside while I hold this rolling resentment inside. All I long for is to have proof that there might be good people somewhere, like me, but when I see someone behaving morally and I almost feel pleased with them, I immediately notice something that makes me hate them: they say a word that irks me, or I see something aggravating in their shopping cart, or they walk disgracefully, and if I notice none of this I just imagine them browsing 4chan and posting a Twitter screencap in the OP. They surely love to do that, because if they're so trained to show no trace of their awful self in the open, it's because they must have discovered the joys of anonymity. How wouldn't they love to do that, surely they do. And so, inexorably, I declare everyone around me a cunt. Everyone except me is such a massive cunt. It's such a burden to live with!

>> No.19321960

Your post is incoherent but your spirit is true, my castizo brother

>> No.19322120

I mean, I'm also a polite, morally upstanding faggot more often than not. But it's just because I feel shame very easily. If I act outside of what I consider polite, I'll be thinking about it for literally days.

>> No.19322172

Don't waste your energy trying to figure out why the unwashed masses do what they do. Realize most people are dumb as bricks and don't think about morality the way you do

>> No.19322214

Recommend some books to begin with?

>> No.19322356


I assume you moved to or live in some gigantic dump of a City. I just left Houston after living in there for 4 1/2 years. I always told myself that I would never stop doing things I consider important, or good, in response to the people I was surrounded by. That is, I wouldn't let them turn me into a copy of them.

>> No.19322602

>>offer a bum a lighter, he doesn't say thank you
he's confused, he didn't actually want a lighter and finds you weird instinctively because you're trying to build rapport with him. the bum wants the respect of people who look on him as the piece of trash that he is, not weirdos and misfits who are nice to him when he doesn't deserve it
>>get cut off in traffic
don't drive slow in the fast lane big guy
>>never get let into a line of traffic despite using a blinker
"nobody lets me cut into the front of a traffic backup"
>>see people throwing trash onto the ground
littering is revolutionary activity, theres stuff on twitter about this. please try to keep up
>>see people being lazy, performing their jobs incompetently
working hard is for loser slaves, save your energy for your own interests
>>see people constantly leaving messes, inconveniencing others
neat freak

>> No.19322612

>littering is revolutionary activity
...and you lost me.

>> No.19322633

A Confession by Tolstoy
Also watch Princess Mononoke

>> No.19323077

Politeness is a social requirement and will always be no matter how apparently reduced. It's how we safely and effectively interact with people we don't know. Often politeness is about making obligations in other people as well. Reinforcing a harmonious and functional social environment that imposes on others but also makes things better for everyone.

Accept reality but don't give up your values. Or move to another country.

>> No.19323093

Kindness is its own reward.

PFFFTTTT just kidding bro stop being a cuck.

>> No.19323198

Actions that are considered "moral" are in service of the society you live in. Not littering, for example, keeps the streets the society needs clean and functional. People who litter regardless are hypocritical: They rely on society, yet make it worse.
Being moral literally makes you better than everyone else. Wanting a return or saying it's a useless relic of biology is cope.

>> No.19323201

Incredible how unlikable a person can seem from one post

>> No.19323593

politeness is nice, but the world and humans are still complex and you can't approach everything the exact same way. can't think of a fiction book that portrays this fact though

>> No.19323784

it's just something that you have to realize

>> No.19323793

It seems you notice when people are rude, but do you pay much notice to when people are polite? bet the broad majority of people you run into on a daily basis are fairly polite, but you probably don't take notice because it's what you expect. You, and every other polite person, are definitely making the world a better place. Besides, you don't know the circumstances behind the impolte people's actions. I'd be willing to bet most of them are usually polite as the next guy and you just encountered them on an off-day.

>> No.19324047

You’re a selfish person LARPing as a nice person. Just embrace who you are or stop being such an entitled bitch Bateman.

>> No.19324205
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This is a good thread, i'd love to see more book suggestions regarding this subject, particularly nonfiction.

Thanks for recs!

>> No.19324980

Thanks for taking the time to explain your views anon, but you see, I follow the Qur'an. Though the Qur'an repeats the commandments, it says be good and virtuous towards people; it does not include the word "love". For your reference, this is how the old commandments are mentioned in the Noble Qur'an:

"And [remember] when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, 'Worship none but God; be virtuous toward parents, kinsfolk, orphans, and the indigent; speak to people in a goodly way; and perform the prayer and give the alms.' Then you turned away, save a few of you, swerving aside.
And when We made a covenant with you, 'Do not shed the blood of your own, and do not expel your own from your homes.' Then you ratified it, bearing witness.
And yet it is you, the very same, who kill your own and expel a party of you from their homes, conspiring against them in sin and enmity. And if they come to you as captives you ransom them, though their expulsion was forbidden to you. Do you, then, believe in part of the Book and disbelieve in part? And what is the recompense of those who do so but disgrace in the life of this world? And on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most severe punishment. And God is not heedless of what you do.
It is they who have purchased the world at the price of the Hereafter; for them the punishment shall not be lightened, nor will they be helped.
And indeed We gave unto Moses the Book and caused a succession of messengers to follow him. And We gave Jesus son of Mary clear proofs, and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not so that whenever a messenger brought you something your souls did not desire, you waxed arrogant, and some you denied and some you slew?" (2:83-87)

>> No.19325012

(Continuing from my above post)
All the same, I agree with you about warning people of such spiritual dangers, since that is the command of God. I do so regardless of what people perceive me to be. They are mere phantoms for all I care. The only thing real is God.

>> No.19325614

Bump (fuck jannies)

>> No.19325635

Kant's Second Critique

>> No.19325773
File: 119 KB, 780x439, chad-stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you living your life according to your own moral standards then you don't need to care about other people's behavior. Are you living though your life to what you believe ideal moral standards in our society are then you're following a spectre and are nothing else than a weak effeminate man who deserves to be run over by all the npcs

>> No.19325994

>offer a bum a lighter, he doesn't say thank you
Wow, woe is you. Truly a fucking misdemeanor on his part. Do you think he'd appreciate your blogpost about it on a Vietnamese Catacomb Appreciation forum? At the end of the day, being polite is the absolute bare minimum first step in becoming a good person, and everyone stumbles, fucks up, and let's emotion get in the way. Just as I am doing now, angry at you.

>Feels like purifying an ocean of piss one cup at a time
A poor excuse to swim or drink in piss, no matter how futile.

Anyway, The Stranger somewhat meets your criteria, but it will just give you more questions than answers. Maybe you'd like that Kipling poem about becoming a man, I think it's just called "If", or Auguries of Innocence by Blake, a bit less entry level but still really excellent writing, and good words to live by.

>> No.19326077

Mate it seems like you expect others to be good because you are good to them.
Unironically I'm recommending you No More Mr Nice Guy. It really isn't just one of those self-help mindjerking books that you just read to feel better for a moment but never do anything it actually says, it will help you to see why you feel like you do.
I backspaced a lot of things that I wrote because I want to actually help you and keep it short and simple. Read this book and start going to the gym

>> No.19326132

This projection is telling. Morality isn't cowardice. It's the opposite. You're confounding morality and conformity/subservience in a very disingenuous manner. To slip a $100 bill into a poor old persons pocket unnoticeablfy is a moral but brave act. To stand up for truth or to type "nigger" is moral and the opposite of subservience/cowardice.

>> No.19326367

How are those ideas mutually exclusive? What if my standards are what I wish others would think and feel as well?
Thanks for cherry picking and not addressing the overall point of my laundry list. Also thanks for the recs, I'll check them out homie
Thanks for the recs and digits babe

>> No.19326388

>everyone is a sordid narcissistic rat on the inside, just trust me bro
american corn golem claptrap. I hope you die horrifically in a car accident

>> No.19326403

americans are a diseased people who interpret any kind of good will as penetrative and invasive. i really wonder sometimes just how many of you have had daddy's whiskey-soaked shadow darken your door on sunday nights to grow up into such paranoid cunts

>> No.19326416

what, he expects his kindness and decency to be reciprocated? how dreadful! what is honestly wrong with you fucking subhumans?

>> No.19326447

No he just isn't a battered cunt like you, why do you faggots get so mad at people getting mad at the things they have every right to get mad about? miserable shit eating nigger.

>> No.19326477

Read the Taoists and the Stoics.

Your object of concern I still with the external, a little twinge at the idea of somebody doing the right thing and still getting fucked over, instead of acceptance that external rewards / punishments and morality are not always linked. You will deny having this feeling but if you're fully honest and introspective you'll realize it's true, and it's the only reason you feel disgust towards others.
Being assblasted over the behavior of others will always limit you and at bottom make you give up your moral standards because you didn't do them as they were a part of you, you did them as yet another vanity of the soul, to be better than them or change your external circumstances. Remove this vanity and enjoy the ride and the company of others while cultivating habits you find beautiful, and only then will you be free. I really can't blame you for struggling with it though, as it's something I've had to deal with for a while, always catching myself make that connection of internal morality and external rewards, but that is just an illusion and an unconscious excuse for resentment. It also puts you in the mindset that you can give up these morals and indulge like everyone else without a cost, which is equally untrue.

Best of luck my friend, you're not alone in this struggle.

>> No.19326489

It has nothing to do with the expectation of reward, but a justified frustration with evil, the ignoble.

>> No.19326513

you want a medal or something faggot? have some humility. acting with decency in the 21st century is a thankless act. you can either continue or join the filth.

>> No.19326514

What control do you have over others choices? Or the outcomes of those choices?
You will find you have none, and that the obsession with others choices will consume you just as the outcome of their external circumstances will if you do not recognize what is not yours or your concern.

>> No.19326522

>morality originated out of a game theory model of altruistic behaviour that leads to the spreading of your genes
cringe and bugman pilled

>> No.19326531

"not my problem/oh well, what can you do" iterated 7 billion times is what got us into this mess in the first place. stoicism/taoism is complete demiurge compliance at this point. keep the emotional control, jettison the rest.

>> No.19326541

can't believe I missed this post. what an insect.

>> No.19326553

OP's primary concern is emotional indignation with those around him. That lack of emotional control is exactly what he is struggling with and what the Taoists and Stoics are best at helping with. There is no reason a stoic can't or shouldn't use *what is in his power* to further the widespread adoption of better morality. It is the rectal inflammation that seems to the the problem here.

>> No.19326558

Morality is dead, reach the bottoms of depravity then create new morality.

>> No.19326567

there is no 'rectal inflammation' or 'unjustified emotional response' when it comes to 7+ billion polluters mindlessly swallowing billions of animal bodies as they consume this planet's resources to the dregs, and treat each other like trash to boot. instead of pacifying him with more mammon compliant breathing exercises, maybe he SHOULD get mad, maybe he SHOULD crack some skulls, maybe he SHOULD cultivate that rage and deepen his alienation to the pith

>> No.19326573

francoid tripe, succumbing to the gravity of the age is not revolutionary. fucking children to BTFO ahriman, what a laugh.

>> No.19326581

If I've learned anything from video games anon, if you are facing challenges, you're heading in the right direction.

Values are only important when stuck to. Do not falter brother.

>> No.19326583

One day you will hopefully learn to look beyond this moment of seethe and where it will undoubtedly take you if made one's life philosophy. School shooter #38474725 surely had a lot of moral indignation at the world, and look at all the good his mammon obsession has done

>> No.19326586


>> No.19326613
File: 117 KB, 800x1052, R.9da47a7657f4702ad8bc09715e73783a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your problem is you're suffering from ego, you think you are any different from those people.

You do not recognize the times you have been selfish in the past, how you are in your weakest moments etc. And when you harshly judge these others you are implicitly judging your own shadow side, understand and nurture don't judge anon.

>> No.19326620

>pathologize and belittle the outlier! shame! shame!

>> No.19326631

You are not an outlier, you are a sinner like the rest of us, you are just too high off your own farts to smell it, well we can.

>> No.19326667

Thanks for that scintillating expose on why I'm the nail that sticks out, trip nigger.

>> No.19326726

God I hate scientism so much. This post is pathetic

>> No.19326756

I pray for your deliverance from ressentiment, but that is not my decision to make.

>> No.19326778

Ressentiment! Keep squawking, parrot.

>> No.19326819
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>Eh, my life isn't a movie and I do these things for myself and not the for the validation of others.
how very humble of you, but thats not the point my dude, you do it as an example for others not to validate yourself and pat yourself on the back, but so your one cup at a time piss purifying might become 2 cups, and 3 cups and 4 cups. etc. as
long as one person stands up for what is right, as a beacon of light in the darkness, there's hope for a better future

>> No.19326874

Monks don't pray for themselves. They pray for everyone in the world.

>> No.19326896

The basis of morality is the oneness of reality, of experience at large. The presence that a moment must have in order to be a moment implies you must experience it, which means helping living things immediately becomes a justified, valuable action (and objectively valuable, since it remains equivalently justified even when perspectives are shifted). You help others and avoid harming others because of the belief that you are, on some level, them.

The compresence, or co-consciousness of different moments of existence, is composed itself of elements in those moments and nothing else, since such co-consciousness is ultimately an experience, and so requires no other extra-mental structure to found it, and because of this, on this extra-mental level, the same structure is observed between any two moments: none. Even if there was such an extra-mental structure, it would not be relevant to the mental experience of such a structure, and so such a mentally-focused philosophy would be true regardless of any sort of Berkeleyian idealism which concludes an ontology based on epistemic limitedness. This ultimately means the idea of a set of moments which when composed is supposed to form your life and are supposed to limit what is experienced is really a mirage. Co-consciousness does not limit what is a moment. It does not exclude other things from being moments which are not one of the moments connected by some co-consciousness relation. Since it does not do this, it means moments are still presented which are not part of this co-consciousness relation.

I believe a similar conclusion is contained in the idea that "atman is brahman", the idea that the subjective self/perciever/moment which contains objects/perceptions is also the comprehensive and necessary reality underlying everything.

You do it for others, but others "as you". There is very little difference between doing something for you in the future and doing something for someone else.

>> No.19326905

>buys into le epic gnostic /lit/ meme, and the most life denying flavor
>accuses others of parroting
Should I be upset about this mismatch of value systems and sperg at you? Or should I recognize that you are not under my control and not my concern beyond this conversation? The choice is mine, just as the choice is yours.

>> No.19326922

It's a story as old as time, you read Meditations conspicuously on the train for a week and now you can already feel the endorphins ebbing, so you ordered Epictetus while you wait, and boy have I ever heard about this guy Musonius Rufus? He was so heckin epic, bet you never heard of him :^) Gnosticism? Life-denying dreck, read the Stoics instead bro, see Seneca says not to cry when your child is murdered because it wasn't up to you

>> No.19327013

>basically outs the fact he's only a gnostic for optics to be seen as quirky bookish guy, not boring 20 year old stoic self help strawman like the normies right
Its strange to see someone identify with their own seethe so strongly

>> No.19327025

Rather, if you're not a gnostic, I still don't see why you think buttblast rage and resentment is a constructive way to go about any constructive improvement to the moral state of things

>> No.19327032

>just pick up trash at your local park bro, one step at a time :^)
kek, the ONLY way to improve the state of things now is rage

>> No.19327096

>t. an actual child who can't feign gratefulness even for the privilege to live in screen world for a bit (again entirely his choice)

Your perpetual anguish would actually be a great warning to OP about what happens when you go down the resentment path too far, but of course this is just a larp to blow off some steam though, right anon? Or do you just live your entire life as the recipient of a troll yet somehow never wisening up to what's happening?
>muh tragedy
And yet you'd instead like to multiply them a hundred fold with your rageful violence and incessant bitching / ruminating

>> No.19327103

you're a child and will always be one

>> No.19327118

Because if absolutely no one was like you, we'd be in much more shit

>> No.19327139

It benefits you in that those people are seething assholes, and if you act like a good and moral person, you won't be a seething asshole. That's it's own reward, and if you can't be satisfied with that, you should look into some retarded modern philosophy like deontology or utilitarianism.

>> No.19327142
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I like to think so, just a less petulant child than some

>> No.19327205

Be polite for yourself. What does evil invite? Make it seethe.

>> No.19327496
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