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19318510 No.19318510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books sbout dating in the age of Tinder?

>> No.19318529

Dodged a bullet as far as I'm concerned.
Wonder how her pic made her look because she's fugly as fuck not "beautiful" lmao.

>> No.19318640
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She used one of those cartoon dog filters, as you may be able to discern if you enhance the image with the lastest bit combining and clarifying technology to zoom in on her tinder avatar

>> No.19318662
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>> No.19318674

The wasteland by Ts eliot

>> No.19318696

The Sun Also Rises was about the equivalent for the 1920s generation

>> No.19318705

Is tinder really that bad or it's just incels creating fake news for their "agenda"

>> No.19318721

The latter.

>> No.19318726

god womemes are retarded

>> No.19318750

If you are not above average good looking or don't look rich, the first option.

And if you are a 6/10, expect to talk only with 3/10 girls. It's the "minus three rule".

>> No.19318775

The Tinder age has really made 5's and 6's into monsters. There is nothing more uppity nowadays than a 5.5/10 bitch who has been on and off dating apps for the last 5 years.

The weirdest part is how the simp economy just adjusted. There are so many simps, and simping has gotten so much worse as it has been normalized, that the average man now thinks it's normal for some 5.5 used up 24 year old frump with no interests no future and no personality to act like a rich Persian girl with a huge rack. It's fun to date a rich Persian girl with a huge rack once in a while and experience meme levels of haughtiness but goddamn, not from every last go-nowhere chunky bitch who can't even hold conversation that isn't about weed or the crazy things she does while high on weed with her roommates.

I feel bad for any guy who still takes shit from women at all. They are fucking deranged now. They were already really bad 10 years ago, but at least it was just the usual woman entitlement and lack of self-awareness, only deranged by man standards. Now women are deranged even by the standards of what other women would have thought 1 or 2 decades ago.

I think when future historians will look back at today's women they will unironically talk about things like mass psychosis.

>> No.19318817

Hoes on there with their raunchy bikini pics are accepted but if my profile shows my boner through my joggin my account gets deleted.

>> No.19318840
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Sometimes I get sad about being gay because I hate other gay men, but then I remind myself of the hell women put straight men through and consider myself grateful to be gay.

>> No.19318868

>I hate other gay men
You just hate yourself because you're gay, stop hating others.

>> No.19318871

We could make straight boys so happy...

>> No.19318874

Don’t tell people what they can and can’t hate and why. Straight men hate women, why can’t gay men hate each other? Besides, there are lots of good reasons to hate faggots.

>> No.19318920

I don’t hate myself at all. In fact, I think I’m pretty great. I’m not homophobic either; I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with homosexuality and I don’t feel any shame or guilt about being gay. But so many other gay men act like women. What makes it even worse is that while they share all of the negative traits of women, they embody none of the feminine virtues. The only upside is that, unlike women, gay men do not have extremely high and unrealistic standards.

>> No.19318938

I never thought I'd meet another gay gent that that the same way as me. the LGBT "community" is horrid.

>> No.19318942

>I never thought I'd meet another gay gent that that the same way as me
4chan is full of fags with these sort of faggy sentiments

>> No.19318970

/lit/ - literally fucking anything as long as you mention books in the op

>> No.19318973

das rite

>> No.19318987

Actually, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: you don’t even need to mention books. As long as it’s not ostensibly better placed in another board, no thread is off-topic here.

>> No.19318996

it's incels sperging over nonsense
I'm not handsome and I still get matches with women out of my league. it's all about looking interesting within a couple seconds. incels just can't do it.

>> No.19319007

teach me your ways. how do I make myself look interesting?

>> No.19319013

Don't bother, he's full of shit. If it's even a he at all.

>> No.19319014
File: 75 KB, 612x440, 1_2kLD3EnaJ-6INo0O-MvjzQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

display your athleticism

>> No.19319018

but I'm not athletic :/

>> No.19319021

there are no girls on the internet stupid

>> No.19319024

But there are trannies

>> No.19319066

shut up you insufferable faggot

>> No.19319078
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It's all about being interesting, having fun hobbies and good plans for the future bros

>> No.19319090

>never used dating apps
>never had proper gf
>had lots of sex with sex workers (legal and regulated in my country)
>have no desire to be in a relationship
>don't care if I never have sex ever again
>feels good

If I did have a woman come into my life, if I found out she used dating apps in the past, I would cut her off.

>> No.19319118

It's incels reeeing at something that is actually worse than they think. Incels think that the worst thing about Tinder is that they can't get sex through. People who can sex through it know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.19319133

Just say 30% of men or below average

>> No.19319134

Well, isn't that a happy ending? Joseph needs to learn he can do better. idk what constitutes a 10/10 in Singapore, but hes pretty good looking for an Asian and hes a minor celebrity to boot. Wish him well, hope he doesn't settle for less than hes worth.

>> No.19319154

> some transitory fashion no serious person cares about defines some kind of “age”
Stop being so easily manipulated by public whims.

>> No.19319175

>Just say 30% of men or below average
I don't think that 30% of dudes have such poor social skills. 20% tops - the rest just legit don't care.

>> No.19319188

>People who can sex through it know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


>> No.19319204

>It's fun to date a rich Persian girl with a huge rack once in a while and experience meme levels of haughtiness
Ask me how I know your from L.A.

>> No.19319211


Word up, brother.

>> No.19319236


>Transitory fashion
>Used massively, whoring a whole generation of women

Do you really think it will just disappear? Dating apps and their equivalents are here to stay for a long time, no matter the name.

>> No.19319244

>Just say 30% of men or below average
Functional literacy is not your strong point, is it?
In your defence I could mention that women think that about 80% of men are below average. This is based on huge (millions of data points) data sample from once extremely popular dating site.
Interestingly men's score of women follows an almost perfect Gaussian distribution - which is exactly what one would expect from a large data set.

>> No.19319258

If you are socially competent enough to get sex on Tinder - you are still getting sex on Tinder. Women who you match with don't really care about you, you don't really care about them, and you both know it - you're both just trying to get sex, but don't want to pay for it. This means that the pleasant emotional side of dating and budding relationship is just not present - you're both faking as motherfuckers in an effort to essentially haggle, and you both know you are getting duped, justifying it with sex being eventually worth it. But since you end up having sex with people who neither care about you (like a girlfriend) nor are serious or skilled about what they are doing (like a prostitute would be), it's very rarely actually worth it - your date almost never has any actual personal interest in applying herself and satisfying you, and you don't have much reason to satisfy her. And that's before touching on all the classic catfishing, the attention whoring, the legit crazy women, etc.

The only thing that either side can eventually consistently get out of such dating apps is ego-stroking by the way of "I'm desirable enough to get the attention of the opposite sex" in a more convenient (and blatantly defective) form.

>> No.19319267

I think his point is exactly that whoring has been a thing since forever, and dating apps don't bring about anything really new - it just makes it somewhat more blatant and convenient.

>> No.19319272

damn she is literally ugly. Would not even consider talking to a chick like this at a bar but she would 100% swipe left on me

I hate modern dating AND modern women

>> No.19319275

Sounds like an anecdote. I can think of two long term serious couples I know irl that met on tinder, one of the couples are engaged. be that as it may, both of the couple's use a fake story of how they met to avoid having to tell people they met on tinder.

>> No.19319282

That's why I added "almost" several times.

>> No.19319284

2 of my friends who are both quite attractive and used to smash regularly with good looking women in college have now been dating a girl from tinder for over 1+ year.
both friends are dating a landwhale that are AT LEAST 3 points below themselves on an attractiveness scale.

>> No.19319304

Your brain has been raped by media. You worry about absolute junk for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.19319360

I sort of appreciate the sentiment, but the way that romance begins, or is supposed to begin, for a large percentage of the population is not something that can be ignored. Flirting and even the apparently superficial whims of young women have been a staple of literature from Richardson to James. And of course love is an eternal theme. The changing way that people think about love and romance in a digital era and even the current period of dating apps should be given attention, because it reveals a great deal morally and socially about us, and for many people it is what gives life a semblance of meaning.

>> No.19319407

>Richardson to James
>the current period of should be given attention
oh my

>> No.19319412

he's right pseud

>> No.19319421

jesus what a dumb bitch...that guy is clearly way out of her league, she doesn't even respond back?

>> No.19319428

better to be a pseud than a novel reading modernityfag

>> No.19319469

based and zeffirellipilled

>> No.19319478


And yet all girlfriends or acquaintances I know in this app are total whores. Sure, they might as well be without the aid of a dating app but the easiness and the normalization of whoredom, the go-girl-it's-your-body attitude that comes whit it is what makes the situation much, much worse in my opinion.

>> No.19319488

not even a 3/10 in Scandinavia, I don't understand how anyone could find 12 000 people not attractive

>> No.19319497

as someone in my mid thirties that met my wife before the widespread adoption of smartphones/social media, I can assure you that is cause. the women you are describing were always bitches, but in the past they had a limited range of people that would put up with their bullshit, which tempered them a bit. and the decent bitches weren't constantly being exposed to this type of behavior if they didn't see it among their peer group. and no, they were smart enough to know that reality tv wasn't real, and didn't take cues from there. now unfortunately, they can find anyone to put up with their bullshit at anytime, and the decent bitches are constantly being exposed to this type of behavior online, normalizing it. things have actually gotten worse. for men as well, but in different ways, mostly in the form of the manchild phenomenon.

>> No.19319528

Objectively a little over 25% of men under 30 are virgins.

>> No.19319538

It's so much easier to face loneliness than to date women nowadays.
I just wish I could have someone to go on hikes other than my friend though

>> No.19319551

>that utter, devastating and tipically asian LACK of bulge
It doesn't matter how fast you are, you can't swim away from that holy kek.

>> No.19319554

>looks like a 4/10 english peasant from the 1600s
>demands the top 0.9% of men
Women and dating apps were truly a combination concocted by Satan.

>> No.19319560

Shut up moron, hating faggots is redpilled. That guy is hating other fags AND himself. That's efficiency.

>> No.19319563

Yeah, women are the superior gender, they're so spiritual and intellectual, they're all about that personality and that internal beauty.

>> No.19319576
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If you don't look good, you're going to have a very rough time on dating apps. Even then, most women are fat and ugly as shit nowadays, so even if you do get matches, you'll be left wondering why you should try at all.

You're honestly better off trying to get dates IRL like ye olde days.

>> No.19319577

Objectively a little over 25% of people 18-29 are under 22.

>> No.19319604

I quit dating around 14 years ago because I thought women had become too slutty and I didn't want casual sex. I will never be on this Tinder shit. I used to be attractive but now my shit life has left its mark on me. Forever alone.

>> No.19319633

In two years I will be a wizard :/

>> No.19319636

/sci/ is worse in that regard. There the trope is
>Scientifically speaking,..
and whatever question

>> No.19319657

its amazing how easy it is to make young attractive men irrationally angry on grindr

>> No.19319660

youll never know the pleasure of raw dogging

>> No.19319670

>Objectively a little over 25% of men under 30 are virgins.

>about 2-5% of the entire sample (10-20% of all the virgins) are literally Oblivion-tier ugly
>about 3-15% (20-50% of all virgins) are volcels who don't care about sex and women in general
That leaves us with about 5-20% (20-80% of all virgins) being incels. Like I said:
>20% tops

>> No.19319714


How old are you, anon?

>> No.19319747


>> No.19319756

on twitter, not necessarily on the tinders, wiz kid

>> No.19319758

lol. /pol/ is "what are the political implications of..."

>> No.19319807

> digital era
Another fashionable shallow publicist cliche.

You people blame the symptom, not the cause. Moreover, you also share the same world view based on a mechanistic, Modern market metaphor, and see people more or less like products made from/for human coupling.

>> No.19319809

Is that a proven fact, scientifically speaking?

>> No.19319827

>space after arrow

>> No.19319846

/pol/ is a shitposting board like /b/, though.
This is closer to the ‘mental health is related to /fit/ – health & fitness, right?’ or the ‘what are some games about’ threads on /v/.
The /lit/ offtopic posts are worse, though, because they are not just imagedumps, but serve as a refuse for retards who don't actually read and actively corrupt the board.
Worst of all, since /lit/ is a small board there are no mods, so this shit sticks around for days.

>> No.19319965
File: 7 KB, 181x279, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only book on dating you will ever need. corny title and subtitle but great read nonetheless. Helped me to get laid consistently and am in a long term relationship right now. wouldnt have been possible without this book desu

>> No.19320016

Where'd you actually meet girls? Including your current gf

>> No.19320026


Cut the unsolicited patronizing bullshit, you snotty imbecile and start exposing some counterarguments for a change.

>> No.19320050

Fuck off, 9/11 kids.

>> No.19320060

If you don't have sex by 22 you probably won't.

>> No.19320070

fuck off geriatric

>> No.19320076

getting laid at that age is so easy why don't you just buy some damn weed and smoke out a bunch of chicks eventually one will turn out to be horny/slutty and give you some. it won't be good and it won't be a relationship but at least you dudes can stop whining about not getting ass.

>> No.19320085

finding a whore is not hard man, the difficulty is in finding a respectable woman to marry

>> No.19320092

current girlfriend? through a college friend
meeting girls? college, tinder, instagram, sometimes in a coffee shop

>> No.19320108

>check out this awesome book on dating!
>it taught me how to have mediocre experiences on dating apps and eventually meet someone through a friend

>> No.19320118
File: 93 KB, 360x450, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that is some hard coping.

>> No.19320149


>> No.19320156


>> No.19320173

I have literally always found my gfs at my jobs.

>> No.19320181

If you're attractive they make themselves known to you.

Otherwise the answer is through friends and family or at social events. I think a ridiculous number of married couples in the United States met at college.

>> No.19320186
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what advice did you glean from it?

>> No.19320264

Well, Tinder was founded by members of the synagogue of satan

>> No.19320272

Based Manasvi

>> No.19320312
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What a meme. Girls there are all taken or have sex with the jockeys.

>> No.19320342

>whores just want you to fuck them

no way

>> No.19320348


>> No.19320353

Sorry chad but in real life the mentally ill loner gets the girl.

>> No.19320355

I don't think that's true.

>> No.19320357

>Sorry chad but in real life the mentally ill loner gets the girl
t. Mentally ill loner

>> No.19320367

If a girl is attracted to you for whatever reason all good sense she may have once had goes out the window. All you have to do is approach her and take control.

>> No.19320374

Hello newfags

>> No.19320418

And what agenda would that be? To get rid of the dating apps? How schemey and backhanded.

>> No.19320450

People who engage in casual sex have worse relationship outcomes. Number of previous sexual partners directly correlates with high rates of infidelity and relationship failure. Higher numbers of sexual partners directly correlate with worse outcomes for overall happiness, marital satisfaction and lifetime success for their children.

My question has always been, are the people that do this kind of shit(have degrading sex with people they don't know) fucked from the start or do they become damaged through their actions?

>> No.19320471

I'll force myself to be gay for anyone who wishes to make me happy like this.

>> No.19320492

>She acted slightly standoff-ish despite giving in
Trip over your own heels.

>> No.19320501

people can be fucked up by emotional disorders or by being so attractive that they inevitably get raped, but it's mainly cultural.

>> No.19320513
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Anything about casuality in the sexual marketplace?

>> No.19320519

>long winded post designed to create an argument
just looks like a post from a hired shill tasked with driving engagement metrics

>> No.19320523

I just gave up. I don't want a girlfriend, I don't want to get married. I don't put in any effort to talk to women or have sex or any of that. If I need to cum I just fap to some porn and go about my business. The last time I asked a woman out was around a decade ago.

>> No.19320529
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Shut the fuck up fag, you are not smart.

>> No.19320536

last time i got laid idk what it was but i just lost interesting in fucking after that.

>> No.19320543

I grew up in an abusive family and had to spend a decade in a commie hellhole at their behest so we're gonna play this on my terms now thanks.

>> No.19320546

the chick was hot and smart and i came hard so i don't her to feel bad like she turned me asexual or something, i just don't care anymore.

>> No.19320547

I've never had actual sex. I had a girlfriend in high school and did a few things with her but that was 15 years ago. I don't really feel like I'm missing out at this point. The entire idea of it feels kind of alien to me now, like I can't even conceive of it occurring.

>> No.19320572

I'm 31khv, was abused as a child so that's the tldr as to why.

I gave up ages ago, nobody wants to deal with any inexperience, they just want to treat people like a vending machine, press the buttons and get a product. They all want people who are finished products, even though it's not a thing.

>> No.19320588

Pretty bad. Men care about quantity, women care about quality. Why would a 6/10 woman go for a 6/10 man when a 7/10 or 8/10 man is happy to go for a roll in the hay with her? I'm an above average looking guy who is fairly reserved. My photos don't scream "hey this guy is FUN and likes to have a GOOD TIME!!" so it's hard for me to convey what makes me interesting or enjoyable to be around in a few photos. I've only gotten dates on Tinder with chicks who turn out to be much fatter in person and have a son that they declined to mention until halfway through the date.

I fare much better when it comes to traditional dating. It's much better to be able in interact with someone face to face and get a feel for them.

>> No.19320609

Male body = threatening, eww, gross!!!
Female body = desirable, wow, so sexy!!!

News at 11

>> No.19320610

I said that you are retards who use laughable model of relationship market and human-services as if it was actual reality. It's easy to understand why, as economical explanations are something in which most people today are trained to believe.

>> No.19320630

What's the cause then?

>> No.19320651

>both of the couple's use a fake story of how they met to avoid having to tell people they met on tinder.
Sounds like your friends are fags.

>> No.19320697

It is the cause, reasoning in terms of inhuman mechanical “relationships”. “We need more fair distribution of mutual unpaid sexual stimulation” is a laughable goal.

>> No.19320698

Cultural environment encouraging people to fall prey to themselves. Yeah I guess.

>> No.19320705

I haven't had sex in years and I feel ashamed every time I jerk off even though I keep doing it.

But then I read threads like this and I'm like, wow I'm a fucking alpha male. Life's good.

>> No.19320710

I would try and hookup with random girls a few years ago but I'm not into it anymore. It just feels like a waste of time and like I have to play a bunch of exhausting bullshit games. I had some success but it felt empty.

>> No.19320750

Mid 30s
But I have had bad luck or I have a broken radar for women I should have avoided. Been cheated on or had shitty breakups a few times in a row. By the time I went dating again this new mindset was kicking in (there was the first buzz about "speed dating" and all the crap that would eventually evolve into Tinder) and I decided I was just too burned out to continue. It's such an expenditure of health time and effort to get romance when the vast majority of cases either want to have noncommittal sex or are desperate to "settle down" because they're hitting the wall.
I tried dating older women a few times and at a certain age range they're all single moms going all in on the absolute best impression they can and on their way to drop all standards. You can't have a honest conversation with them. They think they can conquer you by saying yes to everything you say and throwing themselves at you as soon as they can because sex is all they have offered their whole life but a woman that age isn't the same as one who's 20 so you dump them in disgust and they immediately say they have other people lined up. Good for them I guess. It's really pathetic, up to 25-26 the mindset is "have fun, no commitment" after then or after they have a baby with a random retard they switch to "settle down at all costs" and they probably end up with someone near the end of the playlist.

>> No.19320770

Because you have to have at least some measure of friends/connections/social skills to buy weed, and then you need to have some measure of friends/connections/social skills to get people to smoke weed with you.

>> No.19320779

Books for this feel?

>> No.19320822

Good post.

>> No.19320844

That only applies to women. Men dont find inexperience bad thing

>> No.19320874

Of course, I probably could have worded it to specify that but the point still stands.

>> No.19320884

Women want men to be their superior in nearly every way but live their lives in such a way that it makes it nearly impossible. They're caught between their biology and the retarded female-oriented structures dominating western society.

>> No.19320918

Never used tinder but everyone says its full of crazy people. There are plenty of other dating apps and sites. Anyone whose worth dating long term is not going to go to tinder, it’s almost like a filter for mentally ill sex addicts.

>> No.19320924

dating apps don't work very well unless you are someone who has put in the time and effort to be able to make 'desireable' internet profiles (since we are on an anonymous website right now there aren't many such people on here). i find it much easier to pull at parties these days than on tinder, part of that is because women are experiencing me rather than my ability to create a profile.

>> No.19320941

this is the same reason networking tends to be better than spamming resumes for job seekers as well

>> No.19320949

>Women and dating apps were truly a combination concocted by Satan.
Absolutely false, Satan wants everyone to have lots of sex, he would NEVER make this to us.

>> No.19320952

I cant function in large groups. If I talked 1v1 most people find me witty and interesting but if the group is larger than 5 (or maybe 10, if I know them well beforehand) people I freeze completely and act autistic.
Also parties are way to loud, never could hear a shit what anybody was saying

>> No.19320982

what sites ARE they on then? shit like OKCupid is exclusively fat or old people

>> No.19321002

Sorry anon(s) but you seemed to have missed the angle of the post. While making a statement, the original posters intention was by no means to be taken serously. In fact if you notice closley the use of inversion this may hint at this intent. Usually one would understand that the "chad gets the girl" by stating the opposate one may get an angle into relaising the statement is more humerous then diagnostic. Furthermore the statement is begun with "sorry" while some might miss thiss clue it is a hint at the comedic nature. Saying "sorry" would be unnecessary and superfluous or even taunting if the statement was to be taken at face value. Keeping this in mind there has to be a balance between prodding a joke and mimicking real statements. If the poster where to go so far as be overbearing in thier remarks own volatility then it would immediatly reveal itself as a poor attempt at humor. Yes the liminal grey area between fact and facetious may be its only redeeming factor. Here we have to momentarily recognise a false demarcation or perish to the iditiotic stumble of missed datums.

>> No.19321039
File: 364 KB, 710x842, 1623552007177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long until it becomes COMMON for sub-perfect men to permanently relocate to poorer countries with the intention of finding a desirable wife among the locals? This is clearly already happening, but it's kind of frowned upon to say the least. While there are men who don't have much going and are happy to work minimally, live simply, and/or be NEETs, there are also plenty of men who do work and do have things going on but still have zero dating traction. I think we're going to see the formation of a new class of people in the coming years: moderately decent men who simply up and leave because the women in their home countries are too far gone.

>> No.19321116
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>> No.19321126
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>> No.19321142
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>> No.19321146
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Okay, so we're having this demoralization thread again. We've already analyzed and understood the problem. What's the solution. How do we reclaim our masculinity in the modern age?

>> No.19321189
File: 106 KB, 323x300, 1603388709210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we reclaim our masculinity in the modern age?
/sig/ and stop caring. Go to the gym. Eat well. Read more. Be desirable. Move to Thailand. Make friends. Be interesting. Find out what your goals are and start making reasonable steps towards achieving them. Self-pity and anger will get you NOWHERE.

>> No.19321196

>So how long until it becomes COMMON for sub-perfect men to permanently relocate to poorer countries with the intention of finding a desirable wife among the locals?

What countrices are you thinking of?

>> No.19321203


>> No.19321206


>> No.19321213

Not sure. Countries where Western men could find high-paying work relative to local salaries. Eastern Europe? Asia? This "just leave" option is only really open to professional or educated men.

>> No.19321230

if you are on the upper end of attractive it's like looking through a garbage pile of women the same way you shuffle through those bargain bin dvd dumps in a walmart.
if you aren't its an absolute exercise in futility and really good way to make yourself feel hopeless.

>> No.19321272
File: 23 KB, 250x357, Ral_walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop caring
All those steps to self improvement are because we care. And there won't always be a SEA to run to, this new paradigm is just getting started.
There was a time when men were feared. The only reason the Spartans trained and developed their martial culture was so that they could quell any uprising by their helots, implying the masters still had some fear of their slaves. Todays man doesn't inspire this same worry. The men people are "afraid" of today are not intimidating in the same sense; the hopped-up druggie or school-shooter incel doesn't represent the same internal threat as a Spartacus. And there's no external thread like Attila or Chinggis Khan. Men's individual power has been erased as they've been incorporated as drones into post-industrial civilization. What I'm wondering is if there's some synthesis between the men of old and the modern age.

>> No.19321293

Fellow faggots there are more of us than you might think even IRL, although I still don't think its a majority
Still I am thankful everyday that I'm not attracted to women, for all the shit on grindr you can still always find that one diamond in the rough that hates it all just as you do and end up bonding over it

>> No.19321313
File: 148 KB, 1098x732, 875e9fb4-9bcb-11e9-baa5-dd214ed0de8f_image_hires_164014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is clearly already happening

>> No.19321324
File: 94 KB, 1024x1007, 90D6CC88-D3C1-4F8F-A9BF-A282A74F7460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t have a fat latina gf with massive milkers who insists on cooking every meal and paying whenever they go out