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19312631 No.19312631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

best books on the effects of systemic racism?

>> No.19312633

no such thing.

>> No.19312648
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Racism bred the poverty that leads to such thuggery and violence and a prison system that just adds fuel to the fire.
Gotta go all the way back though

>> No.19312690

sick of violent niggers, simple as. no excuses.

>> No.19312696

this seems like an excuse. guy said no excuses

>> No.19312697

Just reward violent crime with money and everything is solved then.

>> No.19312702

based. this should be done to more tourists

>> No.19312720

Why do the wealthiest demographic of blacks commit more crimes than the poorest of whites then? Dafuq?

>> No.19312738

based warrior aristocrats deserve their spoils won by conquest. vae victis

>> No.19312754

Like an essay or like a how to book?

>> No.19312763

whiteboys got caught lacking, shows em right.

>> No.19312801

nigger lover

>> No.19312814

never relax

>> No.19312827

Imagine thinking niggers have the mental facilities to process shit like this and then internalize it

>> No.19312834

People think like this until they have a nigger encounter. Then they never think the same again.

>> No.19312837


>> No.19312843

show videos of whites doing this

>> No.19312846

Two men who were attacked and robbed while in New Orleans for a convention last year sent letters to the judge overseeing their case, and asked her to be lenient when the time came to sentence their attackers.

Tim Byrne and James Curran were in town from Boston last June for the Unitarian Universalist Association convention when they were attacked and robbed by a group of four men on Bienville Street. Byrne suffered a brain injury in the attack, and still is going through physical therapy to address neurological issues, Assistant District Attorney Carolyn Livanos said.

Dejuan Paul, 22; Rashaad D. Piper, 21; Joshua Simmons and Nicholas A. Pogozelski, both 19, pleaded guilty as charged to two counts each of second-degree robbery Tuesday (May 22).

In a letter to Criminal District Judge Camille Buras, Curran asked her not to punish anyone harshly on his account.

"Personally, I won't feel any better if the folks who mugged me receive a long sentence," he wrote.

Byrne also asked the judge to be lenient, advocating for a "restorative justice" approach, which he said has been used in other places in "crimes far worse" than what happened to Curran and him.

>> No.19312855

The Color of Crime by Kathryn Russell-Brown

>> No.19312857

i can't believe these people

>> No.19312860

violent theft should be instant execution
one of the main reasons for a welfare system is that people dont have to resort to crime when they can't make money

>> No.19312861


>> No.19312863

>letting someone with brain damage determine how the legal system should work

>> No.19312886

why are white people like this

>> No.19312900

>ITT: 2edgy4u nazi wannabes

To be fair, this was bound to devolve into a white supremacist circlejerk.

>> No.19312931

Watching the video I thought these people were victims but actually now I'm thinking they deserved it. It's hard to feel sympathy for people that are preyed upon who enjoy it. If they like it, then maybe that is what should actually be happening.

>> No.19312934

I’m sick of violent males.

You talking about Obama? State fucking capitalism

You don’t seem capable of even reading.

>There’s no such thing as white on white crime

>> No.19312944

>enter thread
>butterfly being fucking retarded

>> No.19312952

Absolutely demoralized and retarded retards

>> No.19312967

>best books on *generic /pol/ bait*?
Butter, can you stop being a whore?

>> No.19312984

why is it always the cringe leftists that refuse to even talk about this kind of thing? liberals will at least take a stance and try to blame white people but you people always deflect
do you people know how to talk about anything besides the distribution of wealth and goods?
are you not outraged by the sight of injustice and evil?
this is why normal people revile you

>> No.19312990

Give the book OP needs. Not even excusing muggings, and you call me names?

>> No.19313000

I’m sick of white women

>> No.19313002

>Unitarian Universalist Association convention
That explains it.

>> No.19313005

There isn't a worst poster on this entire fucking board. Thanks god you only showed up once in all the threads I made so far.

>> No.19313006

Poverty is one thing, but American blacks are a special kind of degenerate, there’s really nothing quite like it. I guess Gypsies could be another contender

>> No.19313008

You speak of deflecting after I post this? >>19312648
How about the distribution of unjust violence, unjust housing ordinances, unjust discrimination, unjust poverty causes an unjust society. The handlers of the state did this on purpose to keep the monkeys screaming at each other instead of them
>This is why nomies revile you
Because they’re idiots. When you going to wake up?

>> No.19313010


>> No.19313015

*lights you on fire*

Read the fucking book or gtfo off my board.

>> No.19313016
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>> No.19313021

kill yourself idiot

>> No.19313026

You excuse muggings with poverty.

>> No.19313028

I call this bait because it's not and never is a discussion about books.
This thread is made to enrage you and demoralize you.
No wonder the whore decided to reply. She's a cancer to this board just like these /pol/ cucks

>> No.19313033

>my board.
nobody wants you here you stupid tranny

>> No.19313035

Whew, lad.

>> No.19313036

I do not. I explain it.
Your solution is to bitch and moan? Or to call for a race war? You’re so sure the problem is skin tone. The problem IS socioeconomic and you’re doing exactly what the feds expect of you.

Wrong board

>> No.19313042

This is why I will vote Republican until I die despite believing in some left wing ideas

>> No.19313043

>skin tone
how childish
engage with racial science, things that have been proven, and you will find that the difference is not skin tone.

>> No.19313045

Why are americans this fucking retarded?
>MY evil jew is better than YOUR evil jew

>> No.19313050

That doesn’t make any sense.

How childish. Go back already

>> No.19313052

If the problem was socioeconomic then the richest people in the world would be angels.

>> No.19313056

Give me papers or anything on how those differences make one race more prone to violence.
/pol/ charts don't count as proof btw

>> No.19313059

Why doesn't it make sense? Republicans are the party trying to keep these "people" in jail where they belong.

>> No.19313061

What the fuck are you on about?
Do you see the richest people in the world nogging and thugging around?
It's not and never will be about good and evil

>> No.19313064

You're so naive you make butter look smart

>> No.19313065

There’s a sweet spot where people live non-violent lives and do no huge harm save for cooperating with a sociopathic/psychotic system. Hence I would like a whole systems change, not some progressives fix here and there

>> No.19313067

Sorry, how's that? Democrat AGs are letting criminals onto the street in droves, Republicans are the only opposition for these policies.

>> No.19313070

Supporting a two party system is choosing to let your country rot

>> No.19313071

Ok I'm on board. How do we change the system?

>> No.19313072

The Clinton administration signed a bill (that Biden wrote) that tripled the prison population and allowed for private prisons, that’s for profit prisons anon. We have a rightwing government no matter what party is in office.
Oh, and again, the feds orchestrated the cop riots of 2020. A show just for you.

>> No.19313075

I would love a third party choice, but one doesn't exist. Until it does, might as well vote for the only party that keeps criminals in jail and supports the police.

>> No.19313076 [SPOILER] 
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Direct Democracy

>> No.19313080


>> No.19313084

Proofs that the feds were involved in 2020 riots?

>> No.19313087

>i would love for change
>but until somebody does something (not me)
>and i can take part in it without risking anything (risk is scary)
>until then i won't do shit
Unironically worse than the Whore

>> No.19313090

I'll look into it. But I'm not sure how you plan on mobilizing a working class that is sedated by weed, porn, video games, sports, gambling, and casual sex to participate in direct democracy.

>> No.19313093

biology is not childish. it is childish to pretend it isn't real.
it's very easy. lower iqs and higher testosterone levels make for greater impulsivity and lesser regard for consequences

>> No.19313095

I'm moving to a autonomous neighborhood where everyone votes to not allow black people in.

>> No.19313096

What do you suggest I do? Make postings on social media? Participate in door knocking campaigns? Carry out terrorist attacks?

>> No.19313103

I suggest you stop posting in bait/shill threads made solely do demoralize you and enrage you and decide by yourself what you believe to be right for you and the world

>> No.19313107

Numerous videos showing cops vandalizing and allowing the looting while cracking protesters heads. Agent provocateurs were used ass well. The motives were simply to halt the labor movement starting up that spring. The conclusion was just as orchestrated. With “woke capitalism” and Central Casting dressing up as the new Black Panthers. Clearly this was a set up show

>> No.19313109

Oh, so just bee entirely yourself. Thanks for the contribution.

>> No.19313112

Not everyone is as asleep and scared. A working replacement has to be made to attract the less enthusiastic.

It is childish and racist to pretend that’s why there’s crime. Your diaper stinks.

Votes for a representative? That’s not autonomous.
Try harder

>> No.19313115
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>> No.19313117

Do you need me to tell you this is a waste of time? I'm not american how should I know what YOU can do to change things?
Any political action is better than doing nothing, even helping the neighbourhood or the homeless, educating them and maybe even forming a group.
What are you doing right now other than "voting republican"?

>> No.19313123

No representatives, just racist direct democracy.

>> No.19313127

n-no!! w-we should all be good and wholesome in a direct democracy!!! e-evil is like....EVIL man!

>> No.19313128

Interesting, there seems to be a suggestion of "educating the homeless" here. How do you go about educating people who are tired, desperate, and often addicted or mentally ill? And what would be the outcome of educating them? They have a fuller understanding of the investor class that is keeping them in the dirt?

I have in fact attended meetings of the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. The major topic of discussion was knocking on doors to promote left wing candidates.

>> No.19313134

deny scientific facts about race and its implications for crime & society at large because it's "racist," like a grown up, yes?

>> No.19313135

that anon meant burning the nigger homeless to wake up the population

>> No.19313136

>Niggers be overwhelmingly violent, statistically speaking
>Worship, praise, extol niggers nonstop while they burn down cities
>"Racism led to this"
Just fucking kys desu

>> No.19313137

post said scientific facts

>> No.19313145

This genuinely makes me fucking seethe. I just read the article; all of the criminals got several years off of their sentences and they were able to serve their sentences concurrently because of letters from the victims and the victims' community. They're now going to be able to get out of jail much earlier and go victimize other people, people who aren't retarded slave moralists who deserve to be victimized.

>> No.19313161

Niggers invented Jazz. That's the end of the racist dilemma