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19311728 No.19311728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you read this? It's one of the most popular papers of this century among certain progressive circles. Surprisingly it, it turns out to be an argument for ethnic-fascism.
>Human rights and morality as concepts are rejected as a trick by colonizers to keep the colonized people colonized
>Colonized vs colonizer is the most fundamental conflict on stolen land, communism is a tool of colonizers to suppress the colonized under false solidarity
>Race mixing is considered bad because it makes it more difficult to figure out who is colonizer and who is not, concealing the power dynamics - this is called settler nativism, where settlers try to hide their settler privilege under skin color and appropriated history
>White people are not the only colonizers. Asians (including one of the authors), middle easterners, and black people without chattel slave ancestors are also considered to be colonialists that do not belong on Turtle Island
>The laws of a colonialist state are invalid, the real owners of the land only need to follow a sort of natural law that existed pre-colonization
>Colonized land belongs to natives and slave descendants exclusively, and they can do whatever they want to the people who stole their land
>Genocide is ultimately considered to be a valid solution to the colonizer problem and colonizers are in no position to complain if the colonized choose to kill all of them, as their opinions have no validity on stolen land; colonizers can hope the colonized will be merciful, but they don't need to be
So, essentially, they want a native/slave descendant apartheid state that can genocide 85% of the population if they so choose. Anything less than this is turning the decolonial struggle into a feel good colonizer friendly metaphor.
Do you think the people advertising this text actually know what it argues or do they just share it because the name sounds radical?

>> No.19311734

>It's one of the most popular papers of this century among certain progressive circles.

>> No.19311738

Define "stolen".

Define "native land".

Define "must".

Define "decolonization".

>> No.19311740

It is, it's a key paper in the modern landback movement.

>> No.19311753

It's not "native land", we just conquered the previous conquerors.
Learn your history.

Besides, look what they were doing with all that land!
Just a bunch of "unga bunga cucamonga tijuana tujunga" crap.

>> No.19311756

This guy is right, this paper is too based for the progshits.
The reason you’ve never heard of it till now is because the left wants to keep it obscure because it’s “problematic”.

>> No.19311758

>/lit/ - Just Spillover From /pol/

>> No.19311771
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Modern libtards are essentially crypto-christcucks. They tout the same platitudes of lifting up the weak, the poor, the marginalized etc because weak people need to be recompensed from being dominated by the superior. Natives and niggers got rekt by the Euros and deserve everything that has happened to them. No one faults the hawk for devouring the sparrow.

>> No.19311780

The paper isn't only about politics, although that's the most obvious part of it. It's also about culture, law, religion, and history.

>> No.19311812

>No one faults the hawk for devouring the sparrow.
I do. Why couldn’t the hawk just go vegan and eat nuts like the sparrow? He only preys on smaller birds because he’s a piece of shit.

>> No.19311819

As far as i can tell from your greentext it is a manifesto? Is that what passes now for literature? Just an explicit political program? I guess it happened to poetry

>> No.19311833

It starts out as a critique of "symbolic decolonization" (like more black/native characters in popular culture and reverting place names to pre-colonial ones) and gets increasingly extreme from there.

>> No.19311857

Well that's not very radical. It's been the immigration policy since the 1960s to return the country to BIPOC majority. Another case of bored children of successful parents larping as have-nots.

>> No.19311903

It doesn't even make sense because the natives never claimed ownership of the land or really even had such a concept. It's projecting white values onto natives.

>> No.19311913

Based. Cleansing America of whites is literally unironically how you own the libs. It would be a great victory for traditional values and conservatism.

>> No.19311917
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Jesus Christ you Burgers and your delusions.
This shit is mine ain't giving it back, tabarnak.

>> No.19311946

False equivalence.
The hawk has to eat the sparrow to survive.
You are ignoring that there were friendly tribes in America too. In fact, the colonists would not have survived the first harsh winters if it wasn’t for their help.
They could have come to an agreement that was mutually beneficial, teaming up to wipe out the asshole tribes.
But unfortunately the colonists has the same edgy mentality as you.

>> No.19311948

The #LandBack movement seems about as reasonable as trying to get the genetic heirs of a couple who divorced centuries ago "back" together.

It's an insane movement and way too many people casually support it.

>> No.19311952

lol nice flag. I used to live in Montreal next to a church that had been turned into an apartment building and I forced all the lower-class French workers to speak to me in English.

>> No.19311962
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blocks your path

>> No.19311964

That sounds all completely correct and fine with me, so long as they actually rise up, attempt to forcibly take back the land, and succeed. Anything else would just be begging the colonizers to give them their land back, which is an obvious contradiction to the idea.

>> No.19311979

>"decolonization is not a metaphor"
Yeah but "colonisation" IS a euphemism.

>> No.19311999

I'd love to see amerindians blowing shit up in America Sendero Luminoso-style.
Good luck in achieving those goals.

>> No.19312010

>too many people casually support it.
that, along with the fact that native americans are an almost irrelevant minority, is why it won't go anywhere
they need direct action.

>> No.19312016

>I forced all the lower-class French workers to speak to me in English.
Called the One Anglo effect here. As in, "you have 10 French-Canadians talking in French in a room, a lone Anglo comes in, everyone switches to English."
Doesn't bother me, any time I can practice mine is a good occasion.

>> No.19312025

>Besides, look what they were doing with all that land!
Kind of defeated your own point there. Just imagine taking that trek across virgin America on horseback, whole thing lookin like a Bierstadt painting. 'MERICA

>> No.19312116
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Pretty much this franchement. It's cringe because the people who subscribe to this ideology are all weak cowardly. The white leftists are emaciated, neurotic losers who don't own firearms and the native americans are impoverished, wracked by addiction and totally lack any time of potential for mass movements. Who is going to kick me out of North America? With what guns? More importantly, with what conviction?
You can talk about liquidating all colonizers you want, it's just a juvenile cope.

>> No.19312143

Sounds like reverse psychology agitprop made by /pol/sters in hopes radical lefties would take up ethnofascism

>> No.19312242

It does list Tibet as a colonized nation colonized by China, so it does support destroying China kinda.

>> No.19312256

Decolonization = decivilization

>> No.19312369

>white leftists are emaciated, neurotic losers who don't own firearms
See, the thing is, I say >>19311917 as a white leftist myself. My dad, a huge hippie leftist, was friend with Chef Gros Louis, and supported him until the day he said he wanted a third of the territory of Quebec.
Sure, we'll give a chunk of the world the size of France to a population of 80k that hates every other family it is composed of even more than they hate us.

>> No.19312381

>europeans "stole" land that our tribe won through conquest

>> No.19312589

Convince me that the CIA didn't write this

>> No.19312616

incredible insight mr obvious

>> No.19312619

>No one faults the hawk for devouring the sparrow.
You do, when the hawk is black and the sparrow white.

>> No.19312788
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Anyone with half a brain can see the mechanics of dehumanization moving as far as people of European descent are concerned. That paper just takes it to the logical conclusion if the greentext is what's being set out. (Is the paper pic?)

HA! Captcha is 88WAR

>> No.19312795

At the end of the day, anyone assessing the morality of history thinking that it is at all applicable to the present is an asshole. That being said I'm pro giving America back to the Casino niggers if it meant destroying the us government

>> No.19312842
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Don’t less than 1 percent of the original natives still survive, and they’re heavily mutted? Seems like kind of a stupid LARP. The existence of America is probably of more benefit to humanity than the continued existence of primitive native states would ever have been.
And you would legitimately have to be fucking retarded to think black ppo are ever going to be a legitimate revolutionary force, when a quarter of their genetics is European anyway.

>> No.19312866

What do they plan to do with the Mestizos ? According to such ideology, they're the product of Spaniards raping Native women. Do they want to kill them as well in order to 'decolonize'?

>> No.19312867

Kek, this is a really cute LARP. 4chinz users panic about white genocide, but in a sense, Europeans have already won, when you consider the ancestry of population groups in the new world. There just isn’t enough Indo DNA that can survive being mutted and taken over by the Euromutt New World amalgam.

>> No.19312933

Yes. Yang self-identifies as a colonizer btw

>> No.19312980


>> No.19313022

How many years till they actively exterminate white people? Obviously this will happen because nonwhites have absolutely no problem doing this.

>> No.19313025

Nobody cares about native americans, this is just a way to say "kill all white people"

>> No.19313487
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Kek, I just started reading it. I'll play Coyote's advocate later if the thread is still up.

>> No.19314248
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> University of Toronto
Does not surprise me. Between this and the Ontario school board supported book-burning last month, I am seriously wondering if the Squareheads aren't trying to gaslight us into a new Patriot's War.

>> No.19314284

Just checked her Twitter
> Calls for decolonization
> Offers grants to migrant student workers
> Shills black self-victimization culture authors
I mean, how much more proof do you need that this is anti-white racism?

>> No.19314320

Sounds hot, but what if you're only like second generation?

>> No.19314364
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I got to page 8 and started doing other shit--much better ways to spend Saturday morning. I'm going to read the rest of it though...here's the link for anyone who wants to subject themselves: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/view/18630/15554

She teaches at fucking OISE (i.e. the only graduate-level teachers' college in Canada). The absolute state of the education system.

I'm getting some interestingly coincidental captchas.

>> No.19314384

It’s literally a straight up call to genocide, and they get to keep their jobs and enjoy positions of influence while anyone with even a hint of non-leftist views is ostracized? We need a purge of academia.

>> No.19314387

> "Within settler colonialism, the most important concern is land/water/air/subterranean earth (land, for shorthand, in this article.) Land is what is most valuable, contested, required. This is both because the settlers make Indigenous land their new home and source of capital, and also because the disruption of Indigenous relationships to land represents a profound epistemic, ontological, cosmological violence.This violence is not temporally contained in the arrival of the settler but is reasserted each day of occupation.


I swear I'm mostly a lefty, I mean, my parents had me watch Schindler's List when I was 6, I never had any chance, but this shit is straight up making me shop for firearms.

>> No.19314410

>Philip Deloria (1998) explores how and why the settler wants to be made indigenous, even if only through disguise, or other forms of playing Indian.Playing Indian is a powerful U.S. pastime, from the Boston Tea Party, to fraternal organizations, to new age trends, to even those aforementioned Native print underwear.
Why is there always cope with these people that whites want to be them? I get that, in this context, these retards are trying to build the idea that everyone is an outsider and that's why they're getting at--but it's a common theme with all this leftish identitarian shit (e.g. see Get Out).

>> No.19314427

I have to read until the end to confirm that. It's pretty weak that so much of this paper seems to be based around Franz Fanon--are they professors or second-year undergrads for fuck sake.

>> No.19314430

>that can genocide 85% of the population if they so choose

Well the problem is even if you could work all this out they would never choose to do that obviously. I think almost no group would regardless of the circumstances.
They would just turn around and do the same thing the colonizers have done: subjugate the people and exploit them for their resources. Same situation just someone different at the top. The temptation of this power is simply too great given the choice.
Leftoids don't want to hear it but the only practical way forward is to undiversify i.e. strict homogenous states, isolationist preferred but if that's not possible trade allowed but absolutely no immigration of course. Not that this is more feasible but it has the same desired reset effect except this way it would well actually work rather than what these nutjobs are proposing. Maybe they don't realize that this is about people. There's no reason to be fixated on the land in fact it only works against their own argument as that land was, ya know, there for billions of years before any humans even existed although technically land is in a constant state of change but you get what I mean. The first humans really just stole some other poor creatures habitat probably after killing and eating them.

>> No.19314435

> "Settlers are not immigrants. Immigrants are beholden to the Indigenous laws and epistemologies of the lands they migrate to. Settlers become the law, supplanting Indigenous laws and epistemologies. Therefore, settler nations are not immigrant nations"


> he settler is making anew "home"andthat home is rooted in a homesteading worldview where the wild land and wild people were made for his benefit.He can only make his identity as a settler by making the land produce, and produce excessively, because "civilization" is definedas production in excess of the "natural" world (i.e. in excess of the sustainable production already present in the Indigenous world).

This is especially disgusting to me. I did my college major in Anthropology, at some point I went to a reserve on the Cote-Nord, hunted with Natives for a few days, was mostly cool. Came out of it thinking they were pretty chill.
Except that over one weekend we had trapped over 200 rabbits, a wildcat and about 30 birds. They did it as a competition to see who could get the most to impress us.
The day I came back to Quebec City, as a protest over some new hunting restrictions the province wanted to pass, they killed an entire herd of Caribous and left them there to rot.
The idea that Natives are in communion with nature because they aren't exploitative is completely ahistorical.

>> No.19314436

>It’s literally a straight up call to genocide
Yeah that sounds about right. Here's the thing though. They're not going to be able to do it because whites are still the vast majority even of leftists, that's not what the point of it is. The left isn't about racial persecution, it's about political persecution. Like everything else it's just another piece of propaganda to make people feel bad and keep them in line. It's about skin color when it suits them and about whiteness when it doesn't.

The way I see it, the best way out of this is to concede that there's such a thing as whiteness and also affirm that it's a good thing. Whiteness stands for purity and Godliness, as opposed to black nihilism and degeneracy. Skin color ultimately hasn't mattered for decades now, and with a mobile population (i.e. aircraft) there was inevitably going to be mass migration on some level. Hold them to what they meant when they started talking about Whiteness, otherwise they're just going to keep trying to have it both ways.

>> No.19314474

> "what will decolonization look like? What will happen after abolition? What will be the consequences of decolonization for the settler?Incommensurability acknowledges that these questions need not, and perhaps cannot,be answered in order for decolonization to exist as a framework. We want to say, first, that decolonization is not obliged to answer those questions-decolonization is not accountable to settlers, or settler futurity. Decolonization is accountable to Indigenous sovereignty and futurity. "

Ah, so she doesn't have any real answers, doesn't care, and obviously the only way it *could* happen is through some form of genocide. So, let me ask this. As a white leftist, how the fuck am I supposed to reconcile myself to this? Just fucking kys?
How can I read this as anything else than an actual declaration of war (or it's intent anyways, as in "you are my enemy").

>> No.19314480

Incredibly based. I'd be on board.

>> No.19314483

We did that for you ungrateful francophones and look at how well your kind behaves as members of a nation, Lóuis

>> No.19314489

cringe lol

>> No.19314503

>I'm owed this land because someone in the past used to own it


>> No.19314512

You know, Walt Whitman used to samefag.

>> No.19314519

>Just fucking kys?
As a white leftist, yes

>> No.19314526
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Remember when they smeared this guy out of a media presence by making his whole identity boil down to an offhand remark he made when asked a question about a politician who equated a defence lawyer defending someone over child pornography as being the same thing as advocating it? To be fair, instead of just saying "that's retarded and not how the legal system works" he said something along the lines of "there could be a debate or seminar regarding why the possession of pictures constitutes a crime."

>> No.19314544
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>you ungrateful francophones
At one point in the 1890s, over 98% of the private wealth of the Province was in the name of people residing in Westmount. You set up a system to jew us out, allowed us in, and then are surprised when we feel no obligation not to jew you out in return.
Now you Anglo funds the very organizations that ask for our deaths. UoT and UoO are the epicenters of this bullshit, not Université Laval.

>> No.19314568

Stop sliding. Quebec is the only province in Canada that has any framework in place to restrict immigration based upon it being a detriment to cultural identity (i.e. they have a better sense of a Canadian identity than pretty much all of the other provinces...even if that identity involves being a frog). They're literally the only ones that can openly criticize that sacred cow so shut the fuck up and focus on the thread.

>> No.19314592
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stop being a leftist and become a communist

>> No.19314625

And that framework came from the fact that we francophones faced this very issue the moment you cunts took over. You'll never have to convince a quebecer that cultural replacement is a potentiality that elites might force on us, *because that's how you started our relationship*. It isn't otiose to mention it, especially when we are being accused of being ungrateful, and *especially* when you already admit we are the only ones geared to potentially not become New Bombay in the next decade.
At this point, I starting to just want anything to get done. I'm nearing the point we're I'll side with whichever side promise the most violence the quickest.

>> No.19314636

The paper goes on for 3.5 pages about people who claim to have an Indian ancestor and boils the whole thing down to the stereotype of "my great-grandmother was an Indian princess" move some retarded white women come up with (literally that...the entire section is based around that claim alone, I think they bring up Nancy Reagan twice and Elizabeth Warren 3 or 4 times). The next section segues into Dances With Wolves (noting that it stars WHITE ACTOR Kevin Costner).

This paper is a fucking joke.

>> No.19314642

>I'm nearing the point we're I'll side with whichever side promise the most violence the quickest.
what for?

>> No.19314643

Why are you bitching at me--I was defending you from this asshole: >>19314544. Frogs are based. Anyway, just ignore that guy...it's likely just a slide to throw us off topic and get the thread wiped (i.e. discussing politics instead of the paper that way posted).

>> No.19314658

P.S. Advocating violence when we're discussing this paper isn't a good look...are you really just Eve Tuck trying to get something she can use to brag about on twitter? "Calls for violence by white supremacist settlers! Look how victimized I am!" kek

>> No.19314663
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does anybody besides the CCP even think pragmatically anymore?

>> No.19314708

>this paper
is a call to violence. She is literally telling me my entire cultural identity is wrong and should not exist. She adds she has no answer as to how it should be erased, only that it should, and that its not her responsibility to answer that anyways.
I'm simply being honest in my response. I have traveled across the entire country, lived in Alberta for most of my 20s. I've learned a few things during that time.
> Every Anglo hates us Franco
> Nearly every Franco outside of Quebec is actually a trashbag and Anglos are mostly right for hating them.
> Every Anglo turns around incredibly quickly and becomes super friendly once they realize you aren't a cunt.
> None of this applies to Natives. They just fucking hate us Francos and will try to pick up fights out of nowhere.
Anglo Canucks are, for the vast majority, very chill folks who are victims of the system in which they have been raised. Canada as an entity needs to be defeated, and I truly believes this would benefit Prairie and Maritimes Anglo folks. It *could* benefit Natives, if they hadn't spend the last ~40 years positioning themselves as our political and cultural enemies. Now, even if their arguments were less spurious and more aligned with mine, I'd still be forced to admit they cannot be anything else than that.
You must have misread >>19314544, because that was me defending my fellow frogs from >>19314483

>> No.19314749

Do the colonized really not realize that without the colonizers they wouldn't enjoy all the comforts afforded to them by a civil society?

When all these Mexicans and Hispanics say stuff like "Make America Mexico again" and flood into the country by the millions and cheer as the white population shrinks, do they really not see that it is they themselves that create the horrible societies that they flee from? Do the new colonizers really think they will be better off without the colonizers?

>> No.19314777

I was born an Indian, can't understand why y'all are so evil to not let me have my god-given right to a casino and to an oil rig.

>> No.19314783
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You're entirely correct that I misread your comment. Sorry, I was bogged down reading the paper and going back and forth (usually Equalization Payouts are brought up as a knock against francophones).

You do need to chill a bit though...getting angry is exactly what the authors of the paper expect and capitalize on. Aside, I'm only about halfway through but they're more or less just trying to set up a framework outside of that which currently exists--you can lump that in with anti-white racism easily because the paper is an ideological screed that is a close cousin to the type of extremism that would advocate genocide. The paper doesn't expressly go there but that's only because we're still seeing the ideology build itself up via normalizing its jargon so that it becomes the standard.

Here, read some Whitman--it will help you relax a bit.

>> No.19314823

"Decolonization" is an inherently White Supremacist ideology. Most of North America was completely uninhabited, and indeed had never been inhabited, until Whites arrived. To imply that these empty spaces belonged to this tribe or that tribe, and to imply that the land that was inhabited by this tribe or that tribe can be moved around and have its ownership changed to abstract concepts like "Ojibwe" or "Navajo" rather than individuals, is simply to setup the framework by which all land belongs to the only tribe that matters: Whites.

Oh, they get it. They're just leveraging the short-term asymmetry for their own benefit. See, if a bunch of Mexcritos move to the US, the US will eventually become shit. But, the US will be better for the first wave of Mexcritos than Mexico was. Each wave will make the US progressively shittier, until eventually there's no difference. They'll then go back to Mexico.

This is more explicit with Indians (dot, not feather) who are often open about the fact that they're only here because Jews are letting them loot the US. They'll pack up and go home, hopefully richer, when things start to go souht.

>> No.19314853

>Unresolved are the questions: Would a conversation follow after that between Native and the last settler? Would the settler leave or just vanish? Would he ask to stay, and if he did, who would say yes? These are questions that will be addressed at decolonization, and not a priori in order to appease anxieties for a settler future.


"A priori." Fucking kek.

>> No.19314898

Look. I know this is the front seat of the shortbus.
But please.
Obviously jerking off to uncle Ted is going to lead to even more retarded backwardness. It's just the white power LARP for indigenous people, and you are all retards.
Now fuck off /lit/

>> No.19314909

>Surprisingly it, it turns out to be an argument for ethnic-fascism.

Why do you say "Surprisingly"?

>> No.19314914

>>europeans "stole" land that our tribe won through conquest
lol yeah, but it wrong when whitey does it kek

>> No.19314922


Why did the natives let their land be taken? Relinquished? LOL they lost it. Do they want to fight for it now? too late!

>> No.19314926


>> No.19314932

Maybe if natives stopped drinking hairspray they could make something of themselves

>> No.19314947

>At the end of the day, anyone assessing the morality of history ... is an asshole.

>> No.19314948

>They could have come to an agreement that was mutually beneficial, teaming up to wipe out the asshole tribes.

Survived the first harsh winters? KEK that sounds like some Indian propaganda. They sailed across the ocean but wouldn't know how to stay warm? Yeah ok LOL

Nothing could be mutually beneficial an an agreement with a bunch of basically feral savages.

>> No.19314956

holy based

>> No.19314979

Did you ever play sports? One of the things I learned from doing so was what happens when you're overly gracious as a winner. The loser will see it as a weakness and it can actually enhance their spite towards you. They're not going to thank you for beating them--if you're overly gracious to the point that you don't respect your own accomplishments a certain segment of the population (I'd say a large one) will try to minimize you in order to make themselves feel bigger.

Can anyone honestly expect that a conquered people will respect our civilizational accomplishments when we're busy affording them every possible handicap we can think of and all the while equating our status to an unfair advantage?

>> No.19314987

>> University of Toronto

Excuse me, it's "TKARONTO"
Toronto is colonizer perversion

>> No.19315016

Nigger, see >>19314436.

>> No.19315045

>Can anyone honestly expect that a conquered people will respect our civilizational accomplishments

We're not even supposed to respect them, let alone natives.

>> No.19315089
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>> No.19315091

Exactly my point. It's pretty much a cliche to tell someone that no one will respect them if they don't respect themselves. Being overly gracious about a victory can be just as bad as gratuitously gloating.

(Put your kids in sports and teach them the right lessons).

>> No.19315099

at least it seems like this paper is not deluding itself into trying to fit decolonization into the humanist morality framework. it does try to bizarrely moralize the dynamic of colonization itself (implying some eternal right to land of certain ethnicities) but whatever.

at the end of the day, every culture has a self-determination (not a right) to exist and to self-preservate, and it is absolutely a matter of competition and not of coexistence. a lot of modern countries have found this out: france and italy extinguished pretty much all remnants of old feudal microcultures in the 18th and 19th century, and china is trying its hardest to homogenize the country, more notably by getting rid of muslims.

if native american culture wants to preserve itself, it does make sense to be throughly antagonistic to white american culture. conversely, the smartest path for "colonizer" cultures would be to try to extinguish all remnants of native american identity, probably by abolishing preserves and spreading the existing population out until they're mutted to death, and then the problem will go away. the spanish in this case made a better choice by racemixing so much with the natives, even if there are still racial tensions with the existing native populations, but it doesnt seem to be as fucked as america for the most part

>> No.19315109

*19th and 20th century

>> No.19315123

I'm very glad that I'm not white to be quite honest. This stuff is like watching Hitler in 1929, it makes one thankful that he's not Jewish.

>> No.19315185
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>abolishing preserves
The whole point of the article is toward developing a framework that exists outside of that which is (supposedly) being imposed by the "settlers." That's what they mean when they use jargon like "ontologies" and "incommensurable." Basically, it's a passive-aggressive sleight of hand seeking to establish a narrative that supplants any positive claim to an identity that people living in North America (aside from Indians and Blacks descended from slaves) have. The battle is happening but it's happening in terms of language; hence the continuous use of key terms (e.g. "appropriation"), reliance on the same verbs over and over (e.g."enacting"), and pluralizing meta-concepts (e.g. "ontologies" or even "intersections"). We're bearing witness to the birth of an ideology and it's just as potentially sinister as any other.

It's not necessarily a survival of the fittest in terms of race. The West is undergoing an identity crisis (boil it down to the rapidity of modernity) which is being aggravated by unprecedented waves of immigrants that can't break out of prior concepts relating to racial and ethnic identity. Basically, the West is trying to become post-tribal while unwashed masses of foreigners import their own tribalism into it.

>> No.19315475

yeah i mean i dont think the preserves benefit the natives either. it's sort of a limp dicked compromise that perpetuates the cultural struggle and is not beneficial for either side. it's a pretty big tell of the lack of ideological rigor in western governments. they don't even know who they're supposed to be representing or dont understand the implications of it.

>> No.19315536

Not being a dick, they're called reserves (as in reservations). Indians sometimes refer to them as a "rez."

They're actually pretty fun if you go to one near an urban area (not one out in the middle of nowhere). You can buy shit like weed (edibles or otherwise) and smokes for almost nothing--you just have to make sure the person working the register doesn't recognize you as someone who has never been there or else they'll charge you $5-$10 or so more and pocket it. Gas is also cheaper there and you can smoke inside restaurants/drag race/fire off guns--they're pretty lawless because the cops don't bother. Oh, sometimes if the Indians are causing shit cops will wait on the outskirts and try to confiscate anything you bought on the reservation (technically you can't bring what you buy out of their area)--you just have to put it under your seat and/or drive out a different way than you drove in.

>> No.19315594

>yeah i mean i dont think the preserves benefit the natives either
They're not supposed to. They're supposed to wipe the Injuns out as a meaningful demographic while also keeping them around to use as a cudgel against White people. The ludicrousness of this can be seen in the physiognomy of the actual Tribal leaders. Outside of the Navajo and the PNW they're all White people. Half of the "Cherokee" in the Cherokee Nation are Niggers without a drop of Cherokee ancestry in them.

This isn't even getting into what Beaners are doing to them in the South, of course.

>> No.19315665

>the spanish in this case made a better choice by racemixing so much with the natives, even if there are still racial tensions with the existing native populations, but it doesnt seem to be as fucked as america for the most part
The Spanish are extremely racist to indios and lots of them will straight up murder native communities for fun and profit. The only difference is that they have a sense of racial pride and chauvinism, and aren't apologetic about it.
The Anglos aren't any more racist than any other group of people, they just make more noise about it and let minority groups play these stupid games.

>> No.19315712

>Colonized land belongs to natives and slave descendants exclusively, and they can do whatever they want to the people who stole their land
Their argument would have merit if they weren't lumping themselves with niggers who are even more recent arrivals than whites.
It's just more intersectionalist babble.

>> No.19315716
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I like natives. I like black people too. Even the massive waves of immigrants I don't really have a problem with, they bring in a lot of cute young girls and if it wasn't for them this society would be nothing but boomers.

But if I ever had the chance to lead a death squad against "POC activists", "white allies" and the rest of the diversity crowd I would pursue it with such a passion that Joseph Kony would blush. Every time I see some fat amisexual blob shrieking about privilege I fantasize about ripping her fingernails out and gang-raping her till she feels like a woman. Whenever I see some nigger journalist defending dindoo child murders because 'cops raciz' my first instinct is to watch some ISIS journo bbq videos. Some nights I dream about filling massive holes with warm bodies and dumping bags of lye over them. If I spend the majority of my life in prison or get executed after a summary trail at the Hague it would be well worth it. There are no words to express how much I hate modern lefties and I long for the day that all the races of earth put aside their differences to burn every last university to the ground and hack every last sociology professor to death with machetes.

>> No.19315841
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>> No.19316111

hear, hear, all non-natives out of the Americas... and while we're at it, all non-natives out of Europe too!

>> No.19316246

Ah yes the first of the Neetzchoid hordes has shown their ugly incel faces in the thread
go catch syphilis from a whore and have a mental breakdown faggot. This is who claims to identify with the "hawk" lmao

>> No.19316273

>No one faults the hawk for devouring the sparrow.
this is exactly why weak yt deserves to be wiped out and replaced by the long-suffering stronger cultures they subjugated by dishonest means

>> No.19316290

>slave descendants
What claim do they have to any of this land?

>> No.19316321

>Basically, the West is trying to become post-tribal while unwashed masses of foreigners import their own tribalism into it.

This, but it's being foisted upon the west against our will.

>> No.19316326

exactly. It's a total failure. The irony is all these western countries ridiculed South Africa for having a kind of reserve system yet are fine with having it here. You cannot have a country within a country. People are dying to come to Canada every year, yet Indians that are born here, given every advantage still just want a handout. So sick of natives.

>> No.19316376
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>> No.19316674

yeah i never said the spanish were less racist. the anglos just tended towards a more "segregation" focused racism that eventually backfired more imo.

oh yeah my bad. im ESL

>> No.19316679
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Lots of citations...it must be because they timed the publication of the paper to coincide with the 30th Anniversary Blueray of Dances With Wolves.

>Discussing the film Dances with Wolves (a cinematic fiction of a Union soldier in the post-bellum Civil War era who befriends and protects the Lakota Sioux, who are represented as a noble, dying race), Ahmed critically engages the narrative, in which a white man (played by Kevin Costner) comes to respect the Sioux,

>"to the point of being able to dance their dances...the white man in this example is able to ‘to become without becoming’ (Ahmed, 2000, p. 32)...He alone is transformed through his encounter with the Sioux, while they remain the mechanism for his transformation. He becomes the authentic knower while they remain what is to be known and consumed, and spit out again, as good Indians who confirm the white man’s position as hero of the story...the Sioux remain objects, while Kevin Costner is able to go anywhere and be anything. (Ahmed’s analysis, as discussed by Razack, 2007, p. 379)."

>For the purposes of this article, we locate the desire to become without becoming [Indian] within settler adoption fantasies. These fantasies can mean the adoption of Indigenous practices and knowledge, but more, refer to those narratives in the settler colonial imagination in which the Native (understanding that he is becoming extinct) hands over his land, his claim to the land, his very Indian-ness to the settler for safe-keeping. This is a fantasy that is invested in a settler futurity and dependent on the foreclosure of an Indigenous futurity.

Deep stuff.

>> No.19316719

If whites claim that they too belong here, then natives can't claim that the occupation is still ongoing.

>> No.19316734

Ytz will say this but when Evropa is threatened they will immediately turn into ethnic nationalists.

>> No.19316740

epic strawman you inbred faggot

>> No.19316772

Narcissism. Blackness, Nativeness, Latinxicity, these "identities" are based purely on consumption of products. In order to make the products appealing, the people who consume the products have to be told that they gain social status by consuming the products.

>> No.19316796

Literally what happened to Neet-she bro

>> No.19316824
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But if we leave...how will they get their Listerine?

>> No.19316834

OK everyone, how fucking hilarious is the doctor that wrote her that prescription? https://youtu.be/IXr-Cfj3EPM?t=19 (timestamped).

>> No.19316889

The idea that whites are biased in their favour is genuinely challenging to them, same with the idea that they are powerful in control, you would think these truths would be easily assimilated by them or just taken as an opportunity to gloat but they genuinely get upset when you point these things out.

>> No.19316901
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>> No.19316903

Stuff like this just confirms the idea that we should have wiped them out down to the last woman and child instead of cucking ourselves by letting them live on reservations and run casinos, drink whiskey and plan revenge.

>> No.19316921

Nietzsche was essentially a crypto-christcuck. He touts the same platitudes of lifting up the weak, the poor, the marginalized etc because as a weak man he needs to be recompensed from being dominated by the superior. Euros and polacks got rekt by the Germans and deserve everything that has happened to them. No one faults the eagle for ignoring the mosquito.

>> No.19316931

>we can only justify why something is bad by labelling it as white

>> No.19316983
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>Most of North America was completely uninhabited, and indeed had never been inhabited, until Whites arrived. To imply that these empty spaces belonged to this tribe or that tribe, and to imply that the land that was inhabited by this tribe or that tribe can be moved around and have its ownership changed to abstract concepts like "Ojibwe" or "Navajo" rather than individuals

> because the natives never claimed ownership of the land or really even had such a concept.

Nah, there were way more agricultural and sedentary Native American societies then people realize, even in North America.

Some of pic related is showing migratory agroforestry for North America rather then sedentary societies, but even so the Southwest US and Eastern US had a long history of sedentary chiefdoms and proto-civilizations, arguably some full cities/civilizations too.

>> No.19317048

>Give Commancharia back to the Commanches (and the blacks!)
What the hell is wrong with american leftists that they have to include niggers in everything?

>> No.19317061

No other left-associated demographic is capable of unquestioning physical violence against whitey so the white leftists grovel to them for security and the nonwhite nonblack leftists play it up in order to recruit them
This is especially necessary for the natives who are the most powerless and marginalized of all nonwhites

>> No.19317297

Columbus was a wétiko. He was mentally ill or insane, the carrier of a terribly contagious psychological disease, the wétiko psychosis. The Native people he described were sane people with a healthy state of mind. Sanity or healthy normality among humans and other living creatures involves a respect for other forms of life and other individuals. I believe that is the way people have lived (and should live). The wétiko psychosis, and the problems it creates, have inspired many resistance movements and efforts at reform or revolution. Unfortunately, most of these efforts have failed because they have never diagnosed the wétiko as an insane person whose disease is extremely contagious and hereditary in the blood of every whitoid colonizer.

>> No.19317309

wétiko psychosis, the disease of cannibalism, and is as awful as it is actual. The term wétiko comes from the Cree (for the Ojibway it is windigo, for the Powhatan wintiko) and is defined by Professor Forbes as "the consuming of another's life for one's own private purpose or profit" (24). He further contends that this psychosis is the result of the failure to follow a proper path, which for Native peoples is set forth by stories, original teachings, and tradition. The failure to follow a proper path, one that stresses the interrelatedness of all and the willingness to put more into the world than you take out, is at the core of the problem as seen by Professor Forbes. It emphasizes conducting oneself in accordance with a set of ideals and not with conforming to Western habits of self-involvement and self-enhancement. And he furthers his analysis with teachings from Native America, from Black Elk and Luther Standing Bear of the Lakota, Kate Luckie of the Wintu, to Xumu of the Amahuaca of Amazonia and Juan Matus of the Yaqui of Mexico. To live a life in accordance with Native principles of life, with the Pollen Path of the Navajo or the Good Red Road of the Lakota, often requires sacrifice of the self. It may require denial of those things emphasized by the Western world as measures of success. It often requires dedication to a lifestyle and a philosophy of service that may not be valued by Western society.

>> No.19317319

And I'm from Michigan and most of the state was completely uninhabited. I've looked into this, there is zero evidence of humans ever being in most of this state before Whites showed up. Not a single bone or arrowhead. I said "North America" and not "South America" for a reason.

>> No.19317339

Thats pretty funny.
In other news: idk if youve noticed, but leftism as a brand has gone toxic. It only happened recently so I wont begrudge you if youve missed it. We are about a year or two out from the time where 90% of the people who were down with this shit will deny ever having been anywhere near it, and the remaining die-hards literally become the dregs of society.

>> No.19317341

>a bunch of basically feral savages
these were the europeans

>> No.19317363

Europeans are barbarians who destroyed the Earth in the name of greed and racism

>> No.19317367

Idk, the local emerging artists book fair in my city managed to fill not just a couple of slots, but every single slot, with identity politics brown people bitching about colonialism. Half the presentations didn't even have anything to do with books, and I didn't see a single straight white man present.

Seems like a monolith more than ever. Maybe normies hate this shit, but everyone in a position of power is all in on it.

>> No.19317379

>more normies hate this shit, but everyone in a position of power is in on it.
Yes, exactly. This is what is like when a cultural regime begins to die. Take note, anon.

>> No.19317792

The exact opposite is true, their ideas are only getting more powerful with normalfags.

>> No.19317813
File: 2.73 MB, 1022x1552, Cahokia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a great deal of what I was talking about is North America too, did you just not read the

>Some of pic related is showing migratory agroforestry for North America rather then sedentary societies, but even so the Southwest US and Eastern US had a long history of sedentary chiefdoms and proto-civilizations, arguably some full cities/civilizations too.


Cahokia for example, see pic, was a Native American city, part of the Mississippian civilization, which was one of the latest cultures moundbuilder cultures from the Eastern US. At it's peak it had 20,000 to 40,000 denizens, putting it on par with the largest cities from the eurasian Bronze age and larger then London at the time.

Also, you're an extra idiot if you think Michigan had nothing going on there. The Great Lakes area was where the Old Copper Complex was located, which is one of the oldest sites of copperwork GLOBALLY, from 6000-4000BC. There's traces of the mining that took place there in Michigan in Lake superior that leeched into the water to this day: https://eos.org/articles/miners-left-pollution-trail-great-lakes-6000-years-ago

>> No.19317840

>implying asians weren't doing the same thing
>implying africans weren't doing the same thing
>implying natives weren't doing the same thing
The Europeans were the best at it for a while but the century of Chinese domination has commenced.

>> No.19317845

>t. living under a rock

>> No.19317859

If you want proof just visit any front-page reddit thread, there is no reversal of anything.

>> No.19317868

>if you want proof, just go read a front page thread on one of the most heavily censored and editorialized/curated websites on Earth
What the fuck?

>> No.19317870

Uhh yeah that situation is more like 5 sparrows at once devouring a baby hawk while a fucking Jew holds it down and masturbates. Little bit different.

>> No.19317980

So where is your information coming from then, because I’m only seeing more people add preferred pronouns to their email signatures, not less.

>> No.19317983

Have you noticed yet, that all of your reference points for where peoples heads are at, come from social media websites?

>> No.19317992

Not him, but why is that a bad barometer. The "Tumblr/Twitter -> real life law" pipeline is well established at this point.

>> No.19318001

Because things become uncool
Talk to people in real life about social media generally, but especially Twitter and Reddit.
Most normals think of these things as corny.
Make a joke about leftist faggots to most normals.
They will laugh.

>> No.19318036

The people you are talking to in real life are insignificant peasants. They are not going to begin any kind of countermovement. Thinking something is “uncool” isn’t enough to provoke people to action when there are such serious personal and professional consequences to going against the dogma.

>> No.19318051

>whites win for the last 500 years
>decide to exterminate themselves

??? You fuckers are bored out of your damn minds. Nothing left to kill but yourselves

>> No.19318066

The peasants have provoked every revolution throughout history. Youre trying to talk down to me, but the implication of your response is that you see zombie clowns on Twitter as a sincere "revolutionary force." All I can offer in return is laughter.

>> No.19318080

>but the implication of your response is that you see zombie clowns on Twitter as a sincere "revolutionary force." All I can offer in return is laughter.
A sizeable group of journalists, academics, and political staffers make up that zombie clown twitter mob, anon. These are the people who shape your media, make your laws, and educate your children.

>> No.19318085

>The peasants have provoked every revolution throughout history.
Not at all. All revolutions have been civil wars among the ruling class. Often peasants are used as fodder to oust one clique so they can establish their own, that's about it.

>> No.19318096

Peasants rebel when they can’t afford bread and their crops are lying unharvested because they are being drummed into the corvée, not when they have to put an extra silly line on a nametag lmao. Are you telling me you’re going to pick up a gun and start shooting at police because you’re being forced to state your pronouns?

>> No.19318121

Also this, just look at the ethnicity of the Bolsheviks for example, the Russian Revolution was nothing but the rich Jewish merchant segment of the ruling class wiping out the rich Russian land-owning segment of the ruling class.

>> No.19318151

Untrue. New ruling classes are formed out of revolutions, often. But all these hopeful power seekers ever do is fight for control of the Narrative, aka, the Spirit, the collective consciousness of the peasants. The second that a regime loses control of that, they lose legitimacy, and devolve into tyranny. No tyranny lasts because by the time it comes about, revolution is already inevitable. The loss of legitimacy that ensured the tyranny also ensured revolution.
Youre thinking too superficially and too short term. I get that Twitter is staffed with influencers. In fact, I get a lot of shit, anon. More than youre giving me credit for by imagining I dont understand the scope of the regime's propaganda outfit. I have been NWOpilled for more than 2 decades. Ive watched them for years.

The way we got here, more than anything else, was because at one point, the regime's version of "liberalism/leftism," gained the higher ground from the perspective of satire. Conservatism was basically still the incumbent, the left satirized the incumbent. Conservatives were establishment and corny, the left was alternative and cool.
The left has been the cultural incumbent for years now, and as time has gone on, theyve lost that satirical high ground. Theyre not cool, theyre not alternative. We make the types of jokes about them now, that liberals once made about George Bush. These things dont happen overnight, but again, if you talk to people in real life and not on literally censored/curated websites run by the establishment; the tide has already turned. The only leftists out there still, are women, retards and die hards. Women are entirely driven by social cues and if they sense that this shit is no longer cool, theyll jump ship, already are doing it. Retards dont have strong opinions either way and go with the flow. If the flow changes, they go with it. And the die hards....refuse to let go, and thus, they die, hard.

Youre not thinking calmly and broadly enough. Its not as bad as it seems, but you may not have been swimming in it as long as I have.

>> No.19318165

>Youre not thinking calmly and broadly enough
bro you are basing your entire political prediction off of 2016 memes about the conservatives being the counterculture. That may be true, but this counterculture is being suppressed while the liberal one was allowed to grow.

>> No.19318167

No, but Ill refuse to do it, and mock it, and generally become a disruptive nuisance until it causes major issues for the regime. And in turn, the regime will retaliate. And this will escalate, and escalate, until the regime is so preoccupied with me that it loses the plot that gave it legitimacy in the first place, and begins making big mistakes in front of everyone. Then things will get really bad, and to retaliate, the regime will go as far as imploding the entire global economy, disrupting supply lines and halting production, all to deal with little ole me.
But in so doing, it ensures that the peasants fields go unharvested, and that they will thus be hungry for answers -- or blood. All to get little ole me.

Good thing things like that dont happen in real life ;)

>> No.19318175

No im not. Im basing it off of literal decades of observing this situation. How old are you?

2016 was a blip in my timeline of these events, and a blip in my history on 4chan. Tell me how I know Im older than you.

>> No.19318182

Not him, but you know people had their lives ruined for protesting the Iraq War?
People were getting canceled three decades ago by church moms

>> No.19318197

Hes not more than than 22 years old. Id bet cash.

Not trying to be that guy, but gets real tiresome having nuchan young'ns tell ME how it is.

>> No.19318219

Yes, I am a 20-something zoomer. Sue me.

The difference is that the liberals have far more power than conservatives ever did. Sure you could have gotten in social trouble for being against a war, but nowadays even minor things are strictly enforced.

>> No.19318239

Its not a crime to be young. But, your experience here is limited. I cant force you to believe or trust me, but the reason that other anon piped up about leftists getting canceled only three decades ago, is because hes likely closer in age to me and knows what I know. The weirdness we are living through only really kicked into high gear about ten years ago. Ten years ago, you were literally a child. None of this is to mock you or condescend to you. I am simply saying, theres more to this story than just the past ten years, and more to how things develop/change than the immediately observable phenomena -- such as an accumulation of retards saying retard shit on Twitter.

>> No.19318240

kys boomer

>> No.19318244

Im a millennial

>> No.19318257

More so that the members of the last counterculture actually bothered to go into administrative positions and make a difference, and they were willing to raise shit in order to promote their opinion. The culture gives women more leeway so they can do shit that would make a man unemployable, and they nagged their way into HR-department managerial ascendancy.
The new counterculture thinks that's fag shit and that they don't really have to do anything about that, or that there will be some massive civil war where they will get to reorganize society to their benefit after winning over the urban limpwrists.
I tend to agree that they would win, but they are also generally fat retards with no balls who will make endless excuses instead of committing to any action, so civil war would only happen if some unrelated crisis delegitimizes the federal government. There are signs this might be waning, but nothing conclusive has happened yet.
Meanwhile the left has demographic, elite, and technological synergy on their side. It all promotes and enables faggot bugmen and women to aspire to the best of their meagre abilities. Of course they don't breed and they can only march off into a grave, but that will still epically own the right.

>> No.19318281


>> No.19318284

Progression of the anti-Left movement:
>no rights for women, ever, I mean it!
>yes fine, we can give women rights, but I absolutely won’t stand for those niggers getting rights!
>well of course black people should have rights, but the faggots are beyond the pale and I won’t stand for it!
>well of course discrimination against gay people was bad, but this tranny thing is completely different, it’s crazy, we can’t let them in our bathroom!
They’re already starting to fold on the tranny issue, I wonder what the new frontier they can pretend to defend will be.

>> No.19318285

What are they going to do, make you unemployable? In this job market where everybody's fucking off to wallow in seething unemployment you have more protection against that than ever before.
I tend to partially disagree with the other anon you're talking to, but he is right in the sense that you are placing too much value on superficial appearances. Nothing is absolute and especially not the consensus of retards, which is all that popular opinion really is at its core.

>> No.19318286

This is incredibly based and true.

>> No.19318304

Well, it gets a little more nuanced than even that, although, much of that is true from a certain perspective.
The "left" and "right" dont exist though. The counterculture didnt do any work to get people into any sort of super special secret positions. Thats a meme sold on /pol/ that, among other things, first tipped me off to the fact that /pol/ is a fedjob and a lot of what goes on in the "alternative right" is fedwork.
The same corporate regime that controlled America and thus most of the world in the last century, still controls it. The left and the right are imaginary spooks that dont exist. Its not like brazen leftists did all sorts of crazy groundwork and cleverly infiltrated a system that used to be for us. The system was never for us, and the same system that used to kiss our ass while fucking it hard, has just changed its approach. It kisses other peoples asses while fucking them hard, and we are the niggers now. But none of its real and you need to remember that.
Leftist crazies got put into positions of power BY the establishment AFTER the establishment decided to alter course toward faux leftist faux social justice. They would still kill any brown person anywhere on Earth for corporate access.
The right gaining a cool factor and satirical ammo is useful for those of us who are true, not because we are right wing, but because the normies who call themselves leftists rn, are just populists experiencing a momentary lapse of sanity. Theyve been lied to and thought they were doing the right thing for people, but now most are sensing the lies. Thats very good, and very monumental. It has already had an observable effect.
The goal here is not to "get the right into power." As I said, the left and the right are literally lies. The goal is a populist front made up of the people. Every time these narratives run their course, the regime loses legitimacy and people are reminded about the true nature of power. Eventually, there are no more lies left to tell. "The Emperor has no clothes" saying was literally invented to describe this phenomenon.

The goal is to create something new, truer and better for humanity in terms of how we organize ourselves. Nobody can predict what that will look like. But, to get there requires worldwide awareness of the NWO, who they are, and what the real agenda is. And we get closer everyday, which is why you see insane faggots on twitter trying their hardest everyday. They are all paid by ExxonMobil, and ExxonMobil is incredibly nervous.

>> No.19318316

Pretty simple isn't it?
Judging by OP it'll be a few more perversions and then they will hit the final wall "NOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST GENOCIDE US!! B-BUT WHAT IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED???"
Then they will be replaced by either some sort of meszito fascist state, or the leftist ideology will ruin the browns as well, and they will wither away due to unsustainable birthrates to be replaced by who knows what

>> No.19318359

Yeah uh haha I'm um not going to give anything to an Indian lmao maybe just some fire water

>> No.19318446

this sort of sjw tier leftism is losing steam compared to 2018ish and peak anti trump hysteria. dont get me wrong liberalism is still more en vogue than conservatism but the sort of people obsessed with "intersectionality" and ancom rioter types have less defenders than they used to

>> No.19318448

then what one ought to do is look toward the imposition of proletarian dictatorship. scary connotation withstanding. the nearest this regime, the primacy of the factory-proprietors' class, came to falling apart was 1918-1921.

the conquest of political power of by an underclass, and its then refusing to abdicate the functions of government to a leader, party, or bureaucracy, assuming the functions of government itself like something resembling the council republic, this would be something new and better for humanity. one can't know what form the future will take, but where people have drawn toward making a better one they've generally erred toward the direction described.

>> No.19318753

Silly guys. They can't unrape their great-great-great-great-great-grandmother no matter who they kill today

>> No.19319006

Everyone i know in real life is internalizing this shit from the internet or their workplace.

>> No.19319450

>um, telling us to stop being alcoholics is discrimination sweetie

>> No.19320361
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>"It's discrimination against natives...I'm pretty sure."
That doctor deserves a prize.

>> No.19320376

That's the excuse all leftists use. Someone bitches about capitalists and all of a sudden they're a philosopher. Doesn't make it true or okay, just keep it in mind.

>> No.19320409

Nigga if you haven't noticed yet, the whole internet is a spillover from /pol/ now

>> No.19320520

>t. seething leftoid who can't accept that their ideology is retarded

>> No.19320538

>Degree in education
Is every other branch of the humanities supposed to be impressed that these fuckers read Pedagogy of the Oppressed once?

>> No.19320554

That accusation is always so one-sided. Leftists come to the board to shill communist "literature" and then screech /pol/ when anyone tells them to fuck off. I want to tell them, you can't have it both ways, guys. You're just shooting yourselves in the foot.

>> No.19320689

It's like giving a monkey some turds to fling.

>> No.19320728

Why should the descendants of slavery be allowed to stay?

>> No.19320926

not everything is about you, you narcissistic retard

>> No.19320971

Except for the fact that it is, actually.

>> No.19320992
File: 22 KB, 474x298, OIP.oi1qeTgPF_ytrb9BXojvNAHaEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the end of the day, anyone assessing the morality of history thinking that it is at all applicable to the present is an asshole.
The arc of herp is long, but it bends toward herp derp.

>> No.19321151

Oh sweet
a schizo thread

>> No.19321154

Thanks for failing to answer the question, as predicted

>> No.19321162
File: 807 KB, 1080x1080, orang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.19321163

lol underrated

>> No.19321305

>Lefty meme
>text text text text
No one's going to read all that.

>> No.19321386

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.19321479

The hawk doesn't eat the sparrow because it "has to". It does it because its hungry and doesn't give a shit about what's good for the sparrow. Why would the settlers in America give a shit about the natives? Also, you have to be fucking delusional to think that settlers from northern Europe wouldn't be able to handle American winters.

>> No.19321636
File: 197 KB, 1080x1167, ec08ac18f9f0fbacc381f0d0df838f4e6c78e3b144d80f3991426373d733afa1_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they had some concept of a people/nation as a whole having a territory even if not of individuals owning land as property.
It doesn't seem that absurd when a lot of the tribal governments still exist, though I doubt it'll actually happen.
You don't think people in a 'homogenous' state would just invent new things to divide themselves over? Pic related, apologies for watermark.

>> No.19321702

Knowing how to live in Europe with the already built-up civilization there is not the same thing as knowing how to survive in America without either prior built-up European civilization or knowledge of the local terrain and species.

>> No.19321827

I think the logic is they were brought here by force rather than choosing to come here, so they can't be faulted. Of course, no one chooses who they're descended from anyway, so...
So Spaniards off of Basque land? Swedes off of Sami land? Brits off Irish land? 'Europeans' are by no means one people.

>> No.19321854

>I thought they had some concept of a people/nation
They had tribes as all primitive humans did. As far as "nation" goes see the intro of >>19314526.
>a lot of the tribal governments still exist
You mean to say small groups of elites have come together to capitalize on collective grievances so they can enrich themselves. Remeber Attawapiskat? It set off the Idle No More movment. When it came out that the reservation, a community only 2100, had been given millions of dollars by the government (as well as payments from mining companies) that had somehow disappeared instead of being invested in the 3rd world conditions of their housing, the story kind of disappeared. That's what usually happens...Indians will freak if the government calls for oversight over the funds distributed to them and when they get stolen by the tribal elders they simply appeal to the same contrived grievances and deflect from themselves. If anyone in the community speaks out they get shut down from within and ostracized. Give me a break.
>You don't think people in a 'homogenous' state would just invent new things to divide themselves over?
That's a midwit take. If you don't think mass immigration causes problems (e.g. the import of tribalism that has given rise to identitarianism on the left and right) you're a retard. Aside, you probably know we have a housing shortage but did you know that recent immigrants get reduced mortgages subsidized by the government (meaning they can better afford homes than people who have actually lived in a given community for generations)? Fuck off with the idea that there will always be things to fight about midwit--no shit. It isn't an argument against seeing things as they actually stand.

>> No.19321877

Can we please admit that philosophy, history, the sciences, social sciences, and the rest of the humanities are just exercises in solipsism?

>> No.19322135

>Spaniards off of Basque land? Swedes off of Sami land? Brits off Irish land?

>> No.19322150

Well the issue is that you have obviously fallen for the leftist trap in believing that there even is such a thing as a "white" race that simply includes everybody with light colored skin
In reality yes all of these "white" ethnic groups are distinctly different and would ideally be split up into their own homogenous civilizations as well
Really this has historically not been such a huge problem anywhere but America where they thought it was a good idea to just start lumping the Irish, Italian, Germans, etc... together for some reason which I suppose is where leftists got these stupid ideas from in the first place

>> No.19322434
File: 44 KB, 500x500, F653D352-9335-4355-AF97-0D5D956AA38F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blah blah blah stupid argument for two reasons
>it belongs to natives AND enslaved peoples
Already establishing their claim is bullshit. If it belongs to enslaved people just because they worked the land, having no ancestral claim, then any white indentured servant would have a claim. It could be argued as well that any colonist that settled uninhabited land (which did exist) would have a claim. The entire argument is now out the window basically.
If we ignore this and pretend that we're only talking about natives, it's still a stupid argument because those native tribes conquered and colonized other tribes.
The Iroquois of the North East? They conducted literal "mourning raids" where they would boost their populations by abducting other natives and forcibly reeducating them to live according to Iroquois beliefs.
The Anasazi of the Southwest? It's an exonym, the word literally means "Ancient Enemy" in Navajo, it wasn't until fairly we started calling them "Ancestral Pueblans".
Countless cultures rose and fell in the history of the Americas, many violently.
>t. Studied North American Archaeology

>> No.19322518

Das right we taking over now mmh-hhm.

>> No.19322526

On the bright side, Constantinople would be returned to Christendom.

>> No.19322683

Vae Victis.

>> No.19322688

All moslem lands except for sub-Saharan Africa would be returned to Christendom.

>> No.19322698

What if the people living there are descended from the Christians who lived there in the past but have since converted to Islam?

>> No.19322729

They would also be returned to Christendom.

>> No.19322748

We need to go further. Ethnic groups pre-roman empire.

>> No.19322768

Retvrn to the status quo of the last global ice maxima. P.I.E.s btfo.

>> No.19322826

So you're saying that control of territory should be returned to the descendants of the former inhabitants, unless they've converted to the wrong religion?

>> No.19322861
File: 698 KB, 742x1052, Real Injun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“It’s not an issue of blood quantum. It’s about belonging. No one wants to know how much blood you have, but do you have any? That’s what it comes down to.”
Injuns are sternly against blood quantum and like to harp on and on about it to no end. That is until they think someone is honing in on their gibs--then, magically, it's an entirely different concept that proves you "belong."

Article: https://archive.md/WKpoR (quick read but not nearly as entertaining as that Rachel Dolezal broad).

>> No.19322868

Honestly, I find the black Cherokee bullshit gay as fuck. You are not a part of the Cherokee tribe just because they fucking owned you as property. I know it sounds brash. But it's true.

>> No.19322918

It's always funny to remember that when the Europeans first landed in Newfoundland and the like, some native tribes unironically went "See those people, see them? They're called *their word for enemy*" or the equal one "See them? They're fucking demons, they'll fuck you up" but no joke the horse tribes of the great plains and the south west were fucking brutal. And the ones at the pacific northwest and the far north weren't that far behind either, still amazing to learn about though. Who would have thought sallish wool dogs would exist?
It's pretty fucking sad that we can only turn narratives to the complete diametric opposite.

>> No.19322956

No, the same people get it, they just get converted back to christianity, like the mutted natives would get converted back to their identities

>> No.19322975

And what if they don't want to convert back to Christianity?

>> No.19322986
File: 173 KB, 840x1312, 116516165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Indians in the south (and southeast were Cannibalistic.


>> No.19322993

What if native descendants don't want to live tribally?
Same question. Decolonization is not a metaphor :)

>> No.19322999

Wouldn't decolonization mean giving them the self-determination to live how they want to live without interference from settlers?

>> No.19323032

europeans are demons sent to feed on the spirit of humanity

>> No.19323034

Well you see, certain ways of life, among other things, come from the settler, so certain schools of thought would define such things, like the modern and even some more ludic ways of living, as being inherently settler interference. I hope you can see where the train of thought goes to from here.

>> No.19323035

No, decolonization is returning to an earlier state. If that requires using the exact same methods as colonization then so be it.

>> No.19323037

2 more weeks before the great spirit comes Squanto, 2 more weeks.

>> No.19323039

>muh white indentured servants
shut the fuck up faggot. your people were never systematically oppressed or enslaved. i hate this whataboutism and deflection white supremacists do to distract from the real point.

>> No.19323049

And those radical faggots are usually the champions of this shit.

>> No.19323050

>eastern europe spends 600 years under Ottoman domination
That's nothing compared to my 200 years of living in the south!

>> No.19323079

we're not talking about turkey. we're talking about north america

>> No.19323081

>colonization is only colonization when it happens to me

>> No.19323084

If my balkan ass moves to the US I'll be labeled a white-passing settler profiteer, faggot

>> No.19323090

What if they would have adopted some aspects of them even if never colonized?

>> No.19323102

>Doesn't know slave trade was dominated by the Arabs
>Doesn't know about white slavery
>Doesn't know Anglos were responsible for abolishing slavery
>Doesn't know African tribes still practice slavery
Muh...muh...MUH OPRESHIN'

>> No.19323109

doesn't change the fact that white colonizers systematically oppressed and wiped out the indigenous peoples of the americas in order to institute a system of white supremacy on the american continent

>> No.19323114

It could very much be seen as "Settler interference" which they probably would given that they believe "settlers" have no right to be there in the first place. Even if they adopted those practices of their free will, like the civilized tribes of the east coast. Hell, they could even argue that they didn't even modernize of their own "free will" because of blah blah XYZ.
And yes, this means taking horses away from the Lakotas, if taken to an idealistic extreme, which they won't because of human moment.

>> No.19323124

Doesn't change the fact that's just how the world is.
Of course, the above doesn't change the fact that you're working for your own self-interest and that's ok.
Nor does the above point change the fact your movement is hiding behind notions of justice that ignore some of the very complex realities of our world, mainly because no one can fully comprehend them.

>> No.19323134

Yeah, it does though. The ideology you're subscribing to can't explain the historical reasoning behind those aforementioned events. That's a good indicator that it is in fact ideological--it's prescriptive instead of descriptive. The best you can do is isolate and attempt to quarantine those facts from your narrative.

Sorry you're a retard.

>> No.19323160

To put the reasoning in its barest.
Settlers are foreign and don't belong here, anything that settlers bring is inherently of settlers. And hence, things settlers bring are inherently settler interference with native peoples and their environment.

>> No.19323164

exceptions will be generously disseminated.
Because of course, they will.

>> No.19323171

there is no such thing as native

besides that, irredentism is not new and the popularity of this paper is based on the invitation to join a new movement and not the arguments it raises (which are very few)

>> No.19323185

Let's just put the goalposts over here so I can ignore the fact that I'm completely wrong and I can throw out a bunch of other bs for you to focus on instead!

>> No.19323192

deport all natives to the land bridge whence they came

>> No.19323193
File: 12 KB, 198x254, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few important points to keep in mind, the biggest being that the only reason white people have privileges in the United States is because of their inherited position of power as a result of colonial subjugation of indigenous peoples. The fact that a white person has privileges that a black or indigenous person does not is not a result of white superiority, but rather the direct result of centuries of racist policy and control. This is one of the reasons for the divide between white and non-white races is so fundamental - the divide between white privilege and white lack of privilege is a reflection of race being used as a system of control rather than as a fact of history or biology. The whites used rape, genocide, murder, and disease to take control and a position of power. Race is a constructed system that has been used to control a people and create a hierarchy - a fact, but a fact that the United States has been very good at hiding. The reality is that race is a very useful tool for those who wish to control, and to pretend that the division between non-whites and whites is natural and biologically based is the result of intentional efforts to hide the true nature of race and race relations in the United States. The people in charge of white supremacy are very concerned that the truth about their control, the nature of the hierarchy they've constructed, and the way in which this control is maintained be revealed to the masses.

If you are going to address white privilege, you need to be honest about the fact that privilege, in this country, does not exist in a vacuum, but rather is the result of a violent, genocidal and horrific history. So if you want to end the white privilege and racism, then don't be a white person. Whiteness perpetuates this system. We are allowed to end white privilege if we so choose to, but it will take a collective effort and willingness to abandon the construct of the white race. A white person with privilege is someone who receives a lot of resources as a result of their race. White people with privilege are able to move through the world without racism being a threat. The entire culture is built around white power. This means that things like Black Lives Matter are not just a cause of protest or awareness - they are cries for help. They are fights for survival. They are the Resistance against a brutal fascist regime. We have a society that does not see people of color as equal human beings, that does not provide the resources needed to improve conditions for the most vulnerable, and that has been using slavery and genocide as a way to sustain this society.

>> No.19323202
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1494653504001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always wonder what these decolonization fruits want from this world, do they really think they are going to send all the white people back to europe? kek

the end goal seems to be hey lets make the brown people capitalist land owners instead,

its over, whitey won, its called the right of conquest

>> No.19323207

>its over, whitey won, its called the right of conquest

your time is running out

>> No.19323224
File: 199 KB, 941x887, big dumb apu night out with the lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sell me your house, i got these shiny beads you will like lol

>> No.19323228

As a European, I think it's important to be honest about the nature of privilege, but also to recognize that the fact that this idea of "white power", "white privilege" and so on exists at all is a testament to what European society has accomplished. At its core, white privilege is a product of European/Western society being the most advanced and accomplished civilization in world history, and yet the truth of that is often disregarded. However, the way we talk about it in America - which is often in a way to blame European colonialism and imperialism - doesn't reflect the complex nature of European and American history or its accomplishments.

>> No.19323235


>> No.19323242

you are not superior. your civilization was the most barbaric, bloodthirsty, and savage one to exist which is the only reason it spread around the world. you were morally bankrupt and used violence, which is the only reason you were able to spread your disease around the world. your arrogance is offputting and i cannot wait for the day we wipe the smug smirks off your faces as you ghosts hang from the gallows

>> No.19323245

Nuance no longer exists. I remember a video from the South African Parliament where one lawmmaker (black) called another lawmaker (also black) racist (against blacks). So to the people wondering what the world would look like if white people suddenly stopped existing. It would look the same with people still accusing each other of being racist.

>> No.19323247

How many moon landings does your civilization have?

>> No.19323250

You fail to acknowledge that every other human civilization also engaged in violence and imperialist conquest throughout history. It is not something unique to white Europeans at all.

>> No.19323258

Every civilization used violence to spread. How do you think the China became China? There were people with different cultures in those lands they spread to. Entire African tribes were wiped out well before Europeans ever set foot on the continent. Heck look at what happened to Sumeria after the Babylonians got to it. Persian empire was made up of subjugated nations and peoples.

>> No.19323260

This >>19323134

Cope retard.

>> No.19323287

Would the world be a better place if the UN or whoever forced all peoples to return to wherever they have the strongest blood ties?

>> No.19323296

Probably not. For one thing, that's hard to even define- strongest blood ties how far back?

>> No.19323443

I don't know. Just do a basic ancestry test?

>> No.19323471

Ok nonwhites can get out of Europe and the indians can have america. Deal.

>> No.19323560

Good luck with that Chief Wahoo. Take it back from our cold dead hands.

>> No.19323791

>They conducted literal "mourning raids" where they would boost their populations by abducting other natives and forcibly reeducating them to live according to Iroquois beliefs.
Can you give me something to read about this topic? If not I'll just ask in /his/ and hope for the best before the thread gets shit flinged to death.

>> No.19323795

The things I'm reading mention that after treating the captives with affection, the Iroquois would torture them and kill them. Which is honestly pretty fucked up.

>> No.19323801

Native American warfare, before European contact, is characterized as primitive warfare due to their lack of territorial gain or economic advancement. The Iroquois, specifically, based their warfare on social continuity and spiritual growth. Death in Iroquois society is a direct correlation to the level of tribal spirituality and strength. Sustainability of this strength is maintained through adoption and Mourning War. Mourning War (as these were called due to their emphasis on the deceased) assured the spiritual power of the clan would be preserved. the Iroquois practice of warfare was not driven by territorial expansion or economic gain; but the
need for social continuity.

The Iroquois (as they were called by the French denoted their infamous reputation as “snake-like” savages) declared and conducted war as any European country
would, but their organized violence served functions in their culture that were unfamiliar to the colonizers. The Five Nations however, oftentimes engaged in raids which were “oftentimes large-scale efforts organized on village, nation, or confederacy levels…” or battles of revenge that were deeply inlaid with cultural significance. according to the IIroquois prominence was gained through maintenance and growth of tribal spiritual power. War captives were used to replace the dead, literally and symbolically. According to the Iroquois, no bad deed could go unpunished. Death that spawned from war was considered traumatic and caused profound grief to loved ones. The deceased’s family and village suffered a loss of power as a result of this loss of life. The only way to appease the mourning families was to wage vengeance on their killers. “Mourning wars” (wars that were fought to obtain captive from war) assured that the spiritual power would not leave the community, but remain in the captive of war.

The traditional wars of the Five Nations centered on the premise of population stability, which in turn provided individual and collective spiritual power. When a person died, according to the Iroquois, “the power of his or her lineage, clan, and nation diminished in proportion to his or her individual strength.” Requickening is a ritual in which the deceased’s name, along with the social role and duties it represented, transfers to a successor. the Iroquois gave the potential adoptee presents and in acceptance of such presents would solidify his acceptance into the tribe. He would then assume all social functions of that tribal member as well as organizing a war party to kill his enemies, in place of the deceased who lives again through him. Through requickening, any vacancy in Iroquois families and villages are thus filled symbolically and physically

>> No.19323813

But can you recommend an article or a book that goes in-depth into the mourning wars and the processes around them?

>> No.19323820

that sounds interesting

>> No.19323846

So you are suggesting a large scale genocide towards the god chosen people on 21th century to abolish the most privileged people/power group in the US? Sounds like a wild ride.

>> No.19323857

Now hold your horses adolf sitting bull, you need to center on the real settlers.
T.The college professor of undisclosed ethnicity that teaches this shite.

>> No.19323865

People of color, especially women of color, have to continually fight to be seen, to fight to have their humanity recognized, to fight to not be killed by a racist system designed to dehumanize and subjugate them.

The fact that white people can live in relative safety and comfort means they can sit back, relax, and say "It's ok. Things are ok now." even when they are not. And they aren't. Whites are responsible for maintaining the systems that oppress people of color that continue to this very day. To get to the root of the issue, you have to remove whites from the equation. White people are not the enemy, but their power and privilege is the enemy. White people don't deserve to die just because they have white skin. This is an oversimplification and deflection from the crux of the issue. It is time for us to recognize that what whites do and say has a direct impact on what happens to people of color. It is time to be brave, and to be honest about wanting to change that.

>> No.19323875

I ask the European nationalist why they support white imperialism and colonialism, yet decry non white immigration to Europe.

>> No.19323879

because might makes right and we support our side like you do yours you hypocrite

>> No.19323883

You better not actually believe this and just be trolling.

>> No.19323887

Nietzsche hated anti semites like you, retard. He said your kind were among the people most filled with ressentiment in Europe. I thought whites were superior conquerers, now they're little and helpless? You deserve everything thats happening to you.

>> No.19323897

Yes we must deal with Jews in Palestine and Bantu in SA first and foremost. And don't forget Chinese in Tibet as well.

>> No.19323902

How much is Soros paying you to post this drivel?

>> No.19323916

they do it for free.

>> No.19324393

Why do you hate white people but pretend like you have motives other than that.

>> No.19324747

lmao and do you think systemic racism doesn't exist?

>> No.19324800

He's quoting from https://www.lagrange.edu/resources/pdf/citations08/CULTURALASPECTSOFWARFARE.pdf

>> No.19324811

>"decolonization is not a metaphor"
based, blacks are going back to africa

>> No.19324881

you will get an AI god ruling over all humanity as described in Mitchell Heisman's suicide note. thanks for playing

>> No.19324927

Crisse de câlice de tabarnak d'esti de sacrament

>> No.19326340

Has anyone commented on how exactly they expect to do this while being a minority in sid lands?

>> No.19326442

>They could have come to an agreement that was mutually beneficial
this is literally what happened, retard. The "friendly" Indians negotiated and signed treaties quite willingly. Now they are assmad they gave up way too much for too little and wasted what payment they received.

>> No.19327243

Let's get real, even the chugs wouldn't want to live in the chugstate. If everyone is drunk and huffing gas, who will provide the cigarette and hooch industry?

>> No.19327487

Those are necessarily based on a specific sample, though.
They probably don't, these people are incapable of thinking systemically. They can only understand racism, or any other problem, as a fault on the part of individuals.

>> No.19327821

It doesn't exist. It's a prescriptive catchall narrative that allows ideological adherents to categorize everything in their own terms. They even have little subroutines like "intersectionality" they can go into so as to protect the central narrative from facts that don't readily adhere to it.

>> No.19327829

How is 'intersectionality' to protect the central narrative from facts that don't adhere to it? I swear nobody knows what 'intersectionality' means.

>> No.19327854
File: 439 KB, 431x562, 1521697732769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have any of you read this? It's one of the most popular papers of this century among certain progressive circles. Surprisingly it, it turns out to be an argument for ethnic-fascism.
>>Human rights and morality as concepts are rejected as a trick by colonizers to keep the colonized people colonized
>>Colonized vs colonizer is the most fundamental conflict on stolen land, communism is a tool of colonizers to suppress the colonized under false solidarity
>>Race mixing is considered bad because it makes it more difficult to figure out who is colonizer and who is not, concealing the power dynamics - this is called settler nativism, where settlers try to hide their settler privilege under skin color and appropriated history
>>White people are not the only colonizers. Asians (including one of the authors), middle easterners, and black people without chattel slave ancestors are also considered to be colonialists that do not belong on Turtle Island
>>The laws of a colonialist state are invalid, the real owners of the land only need to follow a sort of natural law that existed pre-colonization
>>Colonized land belongs to natives and slave descendants exclusively, and they can do whatever they want to the people who stole their land
>>Genocide is ultimately considered to be a valid solution to the colonizer problem and colonizers are in no position to complain if the colonized choose to kill all of them, as their opinions have no validity on stolen land; colonizers can hope the colonized will be merciful, but they don't need to be
>So, essentially, they want a native/slave descendant apartheid state that can genocide 85% of the population if they so choose. Anything less than this is turning the decolonial struggle into a feel good colonizer friendly metaphor.
>Do you think the people advertising this text actually know what it argues or do they just share it because the name sounds radical?

>> No.19327975

Not in the ridiculously overblown fashion you describe, it doesn't.

>> No.19328569

I'm sure you know exactly how certain people work based entirely on confrontations you have on the internet.
Now let me tell you how your thought and works are based entirely on your ever-increasing need to suck cock.
I don't know what that is, I don't care.

>> No.19328857

"Intersectionality" is a move to allow the ideology to be finetuned as necessary. It allows the ideology to claim that it is descriptive rather than allowing its actual backward working prescriptive nature to come to the fore. For example, if you point toward a discrepancy between minority groups in terms of success--intersectionality shield the central doctrine of a pervasive "systemic racism" and forces the definition of said success in terms of the ideology.

By the way, the article you shared doesn't prove anything contrary to this--it merely tries to establish a claim that 'intersectionality' is fundamental to understanding that a variety of experiences exist. However, the value of its metric is measured internally by the concept itself and not via an outside criticism coming from alternative narratives--hence what makes it ideological. Honestly, you're the definition of a midwit/NPC if you read that article and don't realize you're being indoctrinated by ideological propaganda.

>> No.19329260

Mostly based and willing to see through obvious ressentiment fueled bullshit