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File: 13 KB, 260x383, t100_novels_bloodmeridian_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19310744 No.19310744 [Reply] [Original]

It's a tedious slog

>> No.19310794

Edgy violence I think.

>> No.19310823

pew pew

>> No.19310846

that's what people say "o wow its so violent so gritty" but I think pretending it actually is dates it. There is way more shocking violence on American tv than in this book.

>> No.19310907


>> No.19310910

I never pretended

>> No.19310994

>it was great because the Jew York Times told me it was great

>> No.19311016

>I didn't like it but others did, that must mean they are pretending to like it
I don't understand your logic, OP.

>> No.19311036

Have you read the book? I don't think you will see a tree of dead babies on tv lol

>> No.19311045
File: 27 KB, 490x210, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the fact that people like it, it's the fact that it's hailed as "the greatest American novel" and often listed as one of the greats like it's The fucking Count of Monte Cristo


>> No.19311054

I mean, it IS one of the greatest novels ever written in the US.

>> No.19311090

Those aren't babies and anyway they're obscured, McCarthy goes into gruesome detail.

>> No.19311123

Roasties and trannies need to get the fuck off my board. You're too fucking stupid to understand books anyway.

>> No.19311138

Roasties and trannies literally praise this book though, it's mainstream and always has been. Every faggot screenwriter producing their blatantly anti-white and degenerate screenplays loves this book. I guarantee it.

>> No.19311159

Glanton was based

>> No.19311574

Never again will I get memed into reading another book by this hack who thinks he's above writing a fucking readable book with punctuation.

>> No.19311577

It gets grandfathered in.

>> No.19311596

Punctuation is for brainlets

>> No.19311597
File: 170 KB, 1080x985, 1614651115585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it. It really wasn't that tedious. The prose isn't particularly confusing or dense, it just has a certain cadence that it needs to be read at.

not saying its the best ever but its pretty brainlet to not be able to read through it.

>> No.19311878

Don't be mad at a good book because it filtered you.

Also based on a true story, so, based.

>> No.19312137

Do tards have any other criticism for good books other then that they're boring.

>> No.19312170

That is a genuinely good gripe to have with a book. Criticism? Not really much of a criticism.
Blood meridian has no momentum in its first leg and the way mccarthy describes the indian chase / pissing on volcanic soil created too much distance between the narrative present and the past for me to be truly moved or invested in the scene. Other than those, i have no real criticism of the book. It was pretty boring until the latter half, and even then i didn't much care for it but that's mostly a personal thing.
Suttree seems to be more my vibe.

>> No.19312173
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>filtered by blood meridian
I can only assume you dont read very much if you call a short action filled novel a "tedious slog"

>> No.19312185

I really liked it.

>> No.19312196

Roasties and trannies don't like it. All lefties I know were filtered by it. There is literally a transphobic scene within it.

>> No.19312214

A vagina or someone impersonating a vagina is bound by narcissistic weakness and female energy (weak child like gay faggot fee fee energy).

Here is a graph of human history:
All the "." = absurd violence, all the "|" = peaceful times. Only a vagina or a soft disgusting leftcuck man-boy modern söylord bitchboi would not appreciate this, also brown sub humans wouldn't appreciate this either.

>> No.19312229

>also brown sub humans wouldn't appreciate this either
due to retarded jewish level IQ

>> No.19312251
File: 33 KB, 515x441, F73EDF9D-3974-4C59-9424-AF5BCE3BF8A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that’s art

>> No.19312265

I am not sure you even the real butters and you are probably trying to rile people up for (you)s, but you don't know what edgy means. McCarthy goes over the top with a couple disturbing scenes, but the on paper violence as it is happening is anything but edgy.

>> No.19312312
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1AE3AD8D-4785-436C-902A-D191A39ED1B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, not even bookworm edgy?

>> No.19312342

Bookworms will be the first to be filtered by all the gruesome detail.

>> No.19312365

Well that’s what I’m saying

>> No.19312810

Retrospectively speaking, Dumbass and his hackjob is just a step above YA garbage. You must see the irony of your example. Why not Hugo for example?

>> No.19313340

It's a better successor to The Iliad than The Odyssey

>> No.19313353

>being filtered over mechanics
Prose finds its rhythm too anon

>> No.19313501

Do people actually get filtered by the violence?
When I read the book, I ultimately got too bored to actually finish it. But never during my whole read I actually though "woah that's violent".
It kinda feels as if I might've gotten much more out of the book, had I gotten more invested into the violence.

>> No.19313516
File: 38 KB, 450x347, 846-09161420en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these posts are inspiring me to read the book again as if I didn't already enjoy it the first time. Ahhhh, time to sit back, prop my feet up, sip my tea, and read!

>> No.19313554

You guys are gay. It was a cool book. Cowboys are cool.

I didn't like the part where the black guy chopped the white guys head off with the knife. It was unrealistic and I
don't think McCarthy witnessed enough beheadings during the course of his research.

I liked the part where the mules exploded.

Women don't like westerns because they can't identify with cool things and mostly went to frontier to be prostitutes or die of cholera in the back of a wagon.

>> No.19313557

let me guess, you haven't read it?

>> No.19313564

Literally the worst, most ignorant poster on this board. /pol/tart tourists are a blessing by comparison.

>> No.19313626

The violence is meant to be tedious. It kinda desensitizes you towards the end which i guess what he was going for.

>> No.19313657

I was desensitized before I even started

>> No.19313709
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1623244173479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your behaviour psychopathic?

>> No.19313750

I don't think so

>> No.19313798

this, i dropped it. i like edgy violence but fuck that muh wild west shit

>> No.19313801


>> No.19313856

my blackpilled schizo uncle adores this book and has reread it multiple times. He loves it for its realism and violence, but most of all for the Judge's philosophical passages which he can quote by heart.

He hasn't convinced me to read it yet

>> No.19313885

Can we do something so this insufferable POS is banned?

>> No.19313906

I do like the judges philosophy, but I disagree with it. Play is not more noble than work. People have gambled their lives for work just the same.

>> No.19313916

Read it two times without much difficulty when I was 15 and I was a huge vidya brainlet at 15. For me, It was because of how unique his writing style was. I relished how macabre his descriptions of the massacres were in contrast to his poetic representations of nature, i.e., 'the sun that rose was the color of steel'. My favourite chapter was of the lone burning tree in the desert. One of my favorite description was 'glanton's eyes were burning centroids of murder'. Would read again.

>> No.19314148

Beautiful prose