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/lit/ - Literature

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19309587 No.19309587 [Reply] [Original]

Why are book covers getting worse?

>> No.19309590

why are books getting worse

>> No.19309691

Three great works.

>> No.19310331

Why is everything getting worse

>> No.19310362

marketing most likely has a greater control over book covers resulting from the continued conglomeration of the printing industry

>> No.19310386

To discourage reading - not that docile retards need discouraging

>> No.19310507
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Getting desperate to stay competitive in the market of commercial entertainment like television, film, music and other mediums that are easier to consume in a fast-food kind of way, they need to rub their tits on a window right in front of you to grab your attention.

Everything is more corporate owned and controlled these days. Literature tries to stay commercial by focusing on marketable genre fiction like fantasy, YA, sci-fi, romances for moms, maybe mystery, maybe true crime. Films have become an endless stream of drumfuck action comedies with little one-liners and a CGI smorgasbord after another in the wave of capeshit films we've been getting, and on top of that a million remakes and reboots and souless animated films because corporates are incapable of creativity and actual genuine spontaneous desire to create. Music is generic, derivative, formulaic industry plants and industry plant wannabes. Generic hot girl popstars and rappers that become increasingly interchangeable, sound the same, look the same, act the same. Videogames have become too bloated in production costs, hundreds of millions of dollars, more than a thousand people working, more than 5 years of production, they gotta play it cool and safe by delivering more of the same bullshit.

All in all, commercial entertainment kills itself in its own ouroboros. It wants to make money desperately by playing it to safe and lowest common denominator formulaic trends, but in doing so it kills creativity and actual passion for creation, which kills quality, which kills sales. It's a Catch-22 like that,

>> No.19310530

Media is produced for mass consumption due to the profit motive, which incentivizes everything to be bland, homogenized, and palatable to the widest swathe of people possible. This in turn shapes consumer preferences towards warm garbage, creating a positive feedback loop of ever increasing soullessness as time marches on.
t. adorno