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19309104 No.19309104 [Reply] [Original]

All my favorite writers are gay

>> No.19309117

Are you gay?

>> No.19309148

Pessoa and Melville weren’t gay.

>> No.19309167
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>Pessoa and Melville

>> No.19309172


>> No.19309183

Don't tell him

>> No.19309257
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All my favorite writers are, uh...

>> No.19309264


>> No.19309274


>> No.19309288

Massive pedos.

>> No.19309291

All my favorite writers have autism.

>> No.19309337

Kill yourself

>> No.19309353

Then yeah french

>> No.19309355

Pessoa was gay? Or is that from the biography written by some faggot?

>> No.19309379

Who are they
Wish people wouldnt post just pictures of people who worked in a written medium, theres really no reason to know how they looked

>> No.19309417

Lurk more

>> No.19309470

Pessoa wasn't gay.
Where the hell has this myth come from?

>> No.19309535

They were not.
I mean, don't know about Melville, but I am a Portuguese speaker and have read the love letters between Pessoa and Ophelia, including all the sexual undertones. The sexual and erotic imagery in his poems is heterosexual, from Caeiro's and Reis's love poems to the more charged sexual descriptions of Álvaro de Campos (something something little girls in staircases).
Don't know why Anglos invent this myth.
Another one is the myth that Dante was an incel virgin. Dante was married and had three kids, one of whom wrote a treatise on the Commedia. There's no concrete evidence that Beatrice was real, it's just some story people tell because it looks cool, derived, I think, from Boccaccio, a man who was known for inventing stories, to say the least. In my old (1920's) edition of the Commedia, a very learned Italian professor goes through great pangs to prove that Beatrice was a mere allegory for theology (the beatific science).
What's the problem with Anglos?

>> No.19309552

Pessoa writes about homoeroticism a lot particularly in his poem Antinous. Heterosexual and homosexual feelings are not mutually exclusive

>> No.19309564

I think it's because many of his friends were indeed gay. In fact, Pessoa himself translated Antonio Botto's homoerotic poems into English.

>> No.19309566

>Don't know why Anglos invent this myth.
In order to emasculate one of Portugal's greats. Anglos are very Jewish and they always try to destroy the competition.

>> No.19309576

No such thing as gay writers, gay literature or even gay people. The only true gay thing on this earth that is real is gay sex.

>> No.19309581

Yes. Since everybody knows immensely relevant Portugal is Britain's mightest rival.

>> No.19309582

Yeah, but those are exceptions. Meanwhile, you have all the poems of Ricardo Reis to Lídia, that whole section in Alberto Caeiro's poems...
Maybe he was bisexual, but definitely not gay. I really don't think writing about Antinous in that way, in a poem, means that a person is gay.
Pessoa's only lover, as far as I know, was Ophelia.

>> No.19309584

But James feeded and sneeded his sister

>> No.19309599

They want to undermine others, regardless of how 'powerful' they are. Pay attention to what they do.

>> No.19309601

All my favorite writers are women.

>> No.19309602

That was William

>> No.19309613

Judeo-Americans aren't Anglo.

>> No.19309620


>> No.19309634

B-but he's gay because... he just is, okay? The Anglo biographer (((Richard Zenith))) said so!

>> No.19309649

People from shithole countries are so insecure lmao

>> No.19309653

You're asking OP?

>> No.19309656
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>People from shithole countries are so insecure lmao

>> No.19309669


>> No.19309672

I'm Australian

>> No.19309681

So? Australia is a shithole.

>> No.19309775

Budget America

>> No.19310043


>> No.19310324

England has produced dozens of great poets. No one ever thinks about Pessoa here.

>> No.19311232
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My favorite writer will ass fuck you with a strap on if you tell me to shut up one more time, bitch.

>> No.19311237

Dozens of good and decent poets, sure. Great poets? Can be counted on one hand.

>> No.19311455

>having bishop as a top poet
stop reading gay shit bro

>> No.19311553

She is good

>> No.19312686

Duude, they are not just gay, they are bisexual.