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File: 81 KB, 667x900, Alexis_de_Tocqueville_(Théodore_Chassériau_-_Versailles).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19308910 No.19308910 [Reply] [Original]

>'Someone observed to me one day, in Philadelphia, that almost all crimes in America are caused by the abuse of intoxicating liquors, which the lower classes can procure in great abundance because of their cheapness. “How comes it,” said I, “that you do not put a duty upon brandy?” “Our legislators,” rejoined my informant, “have frequently thought of this expedient; but the task of putting it in operation is a difficult one; a revolt might be apprehended, and the members who should vote for a law of this kind would be sure of losing their seats.” “Whence I am to infer,” replied I, “that the drinking population constitutes the majority in your country, and that temperance is somewhat unpopular."'

>> No.19308922
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>How comes it that you do not put a duty upon brandy?
>a revolt might be apprehended
the absolute state of Americans

>> No.19308924

I think if you were to observe in Philadelphia today, you’d find that almost all crimes are tied to another, more visible factor.

>> No.19308936
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>'In America there is no law against fraudulent bankruptcies; not because they are few, but because there are a great number of bankruptcies. The dread of being prosecuted as a bankrupt acts with more intensity upon the mind of the majority of the people than the fear of being involved in losses or ruin by the failure of other parties, and a sort of guilty tolerance is extended by the public conscience to an offence which everyone condemns in his individual capacity. In the new States of the Southwest the citizens generally take justice into their own hands, and murders are of very frequent occurrence. This arises from the rude manners and the ignorance of the inhabitants of those deserts, who do not perceive the utility of investing the law with adequate force, and who prefer duels to prosecutions.'

>> No.19308938

Literally "how curious" type logic. People smash booze everywhere around the globe not just Philadelphia. Every attempt at prohibition failed cause people need booze to cope with their daily drudgery.
Also who the fuck names their son Alexis?

>> No.19308948

what a banal and uninteresting quote.

>> No.19308949

>Also who the fuck names their son Alexis?
Hervé-Louis-François-Bonaventure Clérel, comte de Tocqueville. Show some respect, peasant.

>> No.19308951

>Every attempt at prohibition failed cause people need booze to cope with their daily drudgery.
Prohibition ≠ taxation

>> No.19308954

this thread is awful

>> No.19308957

>people need booze to cope with their daily drudgery.
How do Muslims get by, then?

>> No.19308983
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>'The incessant revolutions which have convulsed the South American provinces for the last quarter of a century have frequently been adverted to with astonishment, and expectations have been expressed that those nations would speedily return to their natural state. But can it be affirmed that the turmoil of revolution is not actually the most natural state of the South American Spaniards at the present time? In that country society is plunged into difficulties from which all its efforts are insufficient to rescue it. The inhabitants of that fair portion of the Western Hemisphere seem obstinately bent on pursuing the work of inward havoc. If they fall into a momentary repose from the effects of exhaustion, that repose prepares them for a fresh state of frenzy. When I consider their condition, which alternates between misery and crime, I should be inclined to believe that despotism itself would be a benefit to them, if it were possible that the words despotism and benefit could ever be united in my mind.'

>> No.19309005
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Did Chesterton predict that American elites would wage war on online social media?

>> No.19309010

Haschisch (and booze also behind the curtain).

>> No.19309015

>How do Muslims get by, then?
The wealthy ones dress like Westerners (AC/DC t-shirt and jeans) and go drink at the hotel bar. It's a known and tolerated practice.

>> No.19309067

Ah, a fellow Philadelphian. Good day to you, my brother

>> No.19309074

That's incredibly lame. The Koran doesn't say anything about mushrooms or weed, according to my Muslim drug dealer

>> No.19309086

>How do Muslims get by, then?
Waterpipe, weed, qat, the rape of minors.

>> No.19309375
File: 27 KB, 250x351, 250px-Alexis_de_Tocqueville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Nothing is more embarrassing in the ordinary intercourse of life than this irritable patriotism of the Americans. A stranger may be very well inclined to praise many of the institutions of their country, but he begs permission to blame some of the peculiarities which he observes – a permission which is, however, inexorably refused. America is therefore a free country, in which, lest anybody should be hurt by your remarks, you are not allowed to speak freely of private individuals, or of the State, of the citizens or of the authorities, of public or of private undertakings, or, in short, of anything at all, except it be of the climate and the soil; and even then Americans will be found ready to defend either the one or the other, as if they had been contrived by the inhabitants of the country.'

>> No.19309568

Look i posted it again

>> No.19309671

couldnt the same be said of the french?

>> No.19309689

What a rousing and interesting quotation.

>> No.19309696

By beating their wives.

>> No.19310504

Cancelled classic American wisdom:
A woman, a dog, and a walnut tree
The more they're beaten the better they be

>> No.19310844

Who are the midwits still seething over based de Tocqueville?

>> No.19310864

I don't get alcoholics. I enjoy the flavor of whiskey very much. I drink it neat on a weekly basis, but more than ~100 mL of this stuff and I feel kind of icky.

>> No.19311261

I like this one at least

>> No.19312435


>> No.19313749

You're a lightweight.

>> No.19314315

And? Why consume more of something that is unpleasant in larger doses?

>> No.19314357

If you drink hard liquor you are an alcoholic.

>> No.19314379

Hashish and young boys.
Here have the (you), retard

>> No.19315124


God what an ugly drawing of a person. Imagine posting a pic like that and not sensing how insulting it would feel to have your own mug drawn up like that

>> No.19315136

> Muslims
The majority don't get attached to worldly/materialistic belongings or experiences. They're usually poor and they volunteerly donate most of what they have to the poor. Their men usually spend time in three places home, work and mosques. And their women spend their time between home and work. So, these don't have time to waste. Now, the rest who never got the big picture, which is very simple, they roam aimlessly for 20 years until the get to be "enlightened". Se portion are hopeless, they are only muslims by name, and these are the loudest.

>> No.19316560

Post yours.

>> No.19316615

I visited Philadelphia last week and there was trash everywhere beer cans on bushes and in front of churches. Dreadful place.

>> No.19316696

this is perfect

>> No.19316700

French people you mong
>dude everyone needs to be named John or Mike or Joe lol

>> No.19316726

Democracy of the consoomer.

>> No.19317740

>The majority don't get attached to worldly/materialistic belongings or experiences. They're usually poor and they volunteerly donate most of what they have to the poor
I have never seen any evidence of this. Muslims aren't necessarily any worse than, say, Christians, but they do love tacky materialistic shit as much as anyone.

>> No.19317753
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reading this thread does not put me at ease at the thought of returning to live with my alcoholic father in 1 month

fuck you /lit/

>> No.19317812
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I hope some anon makes de Tocqueville pasta in the same vein as Wittgenstein posts.

>> No.19318385

Seething that they respect resolving disputes by their own word and power than by the state's. Characterising it as random violence is malicious and self-serving.

>> No.19318428

>Literally "how curious" type logic. People smash booze everywhere around the globe not just Philadelphia. Every attempt at prohibition failed cause people need booze to cope with their daily drudgery.
>Also who the fuck names their son Alexis?
>How do Muslims get by, then?
Alcohol was consumed in large quantities as a common beverage in Europe for thousands of years.
The reason being that the water in towns and cities were people lived was not safe to drink.
Because the water was not safe to drink, the water was brewed into beer or ale, which necessarily killed of parasites and created alcohol in the production process.
Others would make wine, the process of which created an alcoholic beverage that also was safe to drink.
In most cases the beer and wine commonly drunk was watered down to the point the alcohol content might have only been 2-3%, however, this would have been drunk as the only type of beverage.
The basics of the above though, is that after consuming alcoholic beverages in certain areas, for thousands of years all day, the biology of those ethnic groups that did so likely adjusted to ethanol consumption, and removing ethanol from the diet may have adverse health effects, as is shown by studies that have found those who don’t drink any alcohol, live shorter lives than those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, and these live shorter lives than those how drink “moderate” amounts of alcohol.

Az for keeping water safe, muslims tend to drink a crapload of coffee and tea, which requires boiling water for the steeping process, thereby sterilizing the water and making it safe.

>> No.19318440

>How do Muslims get by, then?
Muslims use tea and coffee and other drugs as their stimulants.

>> No.19318451

>If you drink hard liquor you are an alcoholic.
If you take medications, whether prescribed by a doctor, or over the counter, and made by a pharmaceutical company, you are a narcotics addict and drug user.

>> No.19318469

>take Advil one time after an injury
>immediately a narcotics addict
Yeah no you’re being a bit dramatic

>> No.19318564

>I visited Philadelphia last week and there was trash everywhere beer cans on bushes and in front of churches. Dreadful place.
Thank the politicians and the environmentalists, unironically.

Decades ago at this point, the trash pickup system in Philadelphia was somewhat well organized.
-All cars had to be moved from the streets of certain areas, between hours, weekly, for the designated trash pickup.
-Any cars not moved would get towed somewhere nearby out of the zone with a small but annoying $ amount ticket.
-The trash crews would then come thru and take trash bags, or empty trash cans into the trash trucks, which went unimpeded, since all the cars had been moved.
-This crew would be followed shortly behind by a street sweeper machine, and a crew of a few guys how would broom up any missed trash, or trash that was spilled by the trash truck crew.
During some later years there were also street washing machines that washed the street afterwards, since the compacting trucks tended to squeeze out “juices”.

Then environmentalists fucked things.

When recycling started on a weekly basis, it was mixed recycling, however, it required a secondary crew to follow the trash truck to pick up recycling, so instead of needing two crews, you needed three.
Around the same time, a certain mayor, who later became the PA governor, who I will call G’rendell, for a proper /lit/ reference, decided to “improve” the city by spending lots of money the city didn’t really have, on bullshit projects to improve the public perception of the city.
Later mayors then needed to cut the city budget to pay back the pension fund G’rendell had raided, etc., so the street sweeping got dropped to bring back the number of Street Trash employees back to reasonable numbers.
So basically, street sweeping got replaced by recycling, which worked as long as the recycling could be sold by the city.
The city also stopped the pickup by the Streets department of “large” trash, like appliances, and sofas, etc, instead requiring those to be taken to a Sanitation convenience center, which can easily be 5 miles or more away, so pointless for people without cars.
The same politicians seem to have decided that sending out trash crews to empty all the public trash cans was too expensive.
One of the solutions was solar powered “compacting” trash cans, to lower the frequency with which the trash cans needed to be emptied.
These had a smart system that texted or emailed the city when the can was full, but it took the city several years to actually hook up a monitoring system, so crews had to regularly go out on a set system to empty the cans, which was usually after they had bern full for several days.
Along with this, public trash cans were eliminated, creating the problem of areas that don’t have public trash cans for a fucking mile.
Supposedly this was done to eliminate people dumping trash next to the cans on non-trash days.

>> No.19319001
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Why do Americans love censorship so much?

>'A striking instance of the excesses which may be occasioned by the despotism of the majority occurred at Baltimore in the year 1812. At that time the war was very popular in Baltimore. A journal which had taken the other side of the question excited the indignation of the inhabitants by its opposition. The populace assembled, broke the printing-presses, and attacked the houses of the newspaper editors. The militia was called out, but no one obeyed the call; and the only means of saving the poor wretches who were threatened by the frenzy of the mob was to throw them into prison as common malefactors. But even this precaution was ineffectual; the mob collected again during the night, the magistrates again made a vain attempt to call out the militia, the prison was forced, one of the newspaper editors was killed upon the spot, and the others were left for dead; the guilty parties were acquitted by the jury when they were brought to trial.'

>> No.19319023
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boozing quote for the book i'm reading (1930s)

>> No.19319072

>get killed by a jogger in the street as a "retribution" to your raycis tweets about crime statistics
>jogger gets applauded for taking justice in his hands
>dude freeeedoooooooooom lmao

>> No.19319363

>drink whisky once a year

>> No.19320557


>> No.19321282

Welsh > Scots > Irish > English

>> No.19321524

Alcohol is a system of control.

>> No.19321571

Fucking kids (and human children, too), opium, and pot.

>you arent free to talk if you get challenge for speaking
What an ignorant, childish way of thinking. If you aren't willing to defend yourself and your speech, then shut the fuck up you guileless little bitch.

>> No.19321575
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>I know no country in which there is so little true independence of mind and freedom of discussion as in America. In any constitutional state in Europe every sort of religious and political theory may be freely preached and disseminated; for there is no country in Europe so subdued by any single authority as not to contain citizens who are ready to protect the man who raises his voice in the cause of truth from the consequences of his hardihood. If he is unfortunate enough to live under an absolute government, the people is upon his side; if he inhabits a free country, he may find a shelter behind the authority of the throne, if he requires one. The aristocratic part of society supports him in some countries, and the democracy in others. But in a nation where democratic institutions exist, organized like those of the United States, there is but one sole authority, one single element of strength and of success, with nothing beyond it.
>'In America the majority raises very formidable barriers to the liberty of opinion: within these barriers an author may write whatever he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them. Not that he is exposed to the terrors of an auto-da-fe, but he is tormented by the slights and persecutions of daily obloquy. His political career is closed forever, since he has offended the only authority which is able to promote his success. Every sort of compensation, even that of celebrity, is refused to him. Before making public his opinions he imagined that he held them in common with many others; but no sooner has he declared them openly than he is loudly censured by his overbearing opponents, whilst those who think like him but without having the courage to speak, abandon him in silence. He yields at length, oppressed by the daily efforts he has to make, and he subsides into silence, as if he was tormented by remorse for having spoken the truth. Fetters and headsmen were the coarse instruments which tyranny formerly employed; but the civilization of our age has refined the arts of despotism which seemed, however, to have been sufficiently perfected before.'

>> No.19321586

>What an ignorant, childish way of thinking. If you aren't willing to defend yourself and your speech, then shut the fuck up you guileless little bitch.
>*gets publicly lynched for posting All Lives Matter on Facebook*

>> No.19321595

Which has never happened, but let's play your game
>own a gun
>the mob gets got when they get uppity
>the police back me up
>the judge wont let the prosecution call the mob victims
Fuck around and find out, like that pedo in Kenosha. Defend yourself and your speech, or shut the fuck up.

>> No.19321619

But in America you don't even have the right to defend yourself or your family if you're white. If you think the charges against Rittenhouse will be dismissed, or that he'd get a couple of years jailtime at worst, then you might want to have a reality check as to the country you live in (not that it's any better in Europe, but still)

>> No.19321655

>noooo wtf you can’t disagree with me!

>> No.19323278

not how it works. that's random killing. in the past people resolved their own disputes and had their own conventions that worked. the reason it doesn't work today is because the state has stolen the power, destroyed the culture for it, and worse does not give an adequate replacement but instead focuses more on ensuring it has the monopoly than solving problems to everyone's satisfaction. it's propaganda for the state and apology for the state's failures.

>> No.19323308

That case will go to appellate court no matter what the outcome is, as both sides are ideologically entrenched and financially equipped for it. Anyway, that’s not the best case as it was a non-resident, armed illegally, who drove up to a location where a known riot was occurring with the intention of involving himself. Not that anon and not interested in getting into an argument here but wherever you stand that is very unusual for a self-defense case, which is why it’s grabbed public attention and controversy.

>> No.19323925
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>non-resident, armed illegally
Debunked, the gun he used was already in Kenosha. Also, as much as I'd like him to get away with it, he'll be given at least 10 years of jailtime even if all the circumstantial evidence points otherwise.

>> No.19323964

There are currently 400 million officially registered firearms in America, yet you guys continue to allow your shabbos goy politicians and their kike masters to fuck you in the ass without daring to even lift a finger. The primary and most important advantage of the right to bear a weapon is not to protect yourself from other fellow residents on petty day-to-day matters, but to protect yourself against the regime of a tyrannical government. Take example from the talibans--literal goatfuckers got back their country over the course of a couple of days lmao. You should've started doing this before it got too late, but I guess having it too good for so long would eventually domesticate you and turn you into docile obedient cattle

>> No.19324602

It depends on whether you're a narrow-minded extremist retard who admires pee of animals or the modernist type that hails the West and some do worship it !