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File: 1.81 MB, 1555x1986, Stalin_1920-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19308645 No.19308645 [Reply] [Original]

just got done reading this: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1913/03a.htm
>The Bund does not possess a definite integral territory; it operates on "foreign" territories, whereas the neighbouring Polish, Lettish and Russian Social-Democracies are international territorial collective bodies. But the result is that every extension of these collective bodies means a "loss" to the Bund and a restriction of its field of action. There are two alternatives: either Russian Social-Democracy as a whole must be reconstructed on the basis of national federalism – which will enable the Bund to "secure" the Jewish proletariat for itself; or the territorial-international principle of these collective bodies remains in force – in which case the Bund must be reconstructed on the basis of internationalism, as is the case with the Polish and Lettish Social-Democracies.
>This explains why the Bund from the very beginning demanded "the reorganization of Russian Social-Democracy on a federal basis."
>But let us grant the impossible and assume that our N.'s national-cultural autonomy has been put into effect. Where would it lead to, what would be its results? Take, for instance, the Transcaucasian Tatars, with their minimum percentage of literates, their schools controlled by the omnipotent mullahs and their culture permeated by the religious spirit.... It is not difficult to understand that to "organize" them into a cultural national union would mean to place them under the control of the mullahs, to deliver them over to the tender mercies of the reactionary mullahs, to create a new stronghold of spiritual enslavement of the Tatar masses to their worst enemy.
>The programme of the Social-Democrats contains a clause on freedom of religion. According to this clause any group of persons have the right to profess any religion they please: Catholicism, the religion of the Orthodox Church, etc. Social-Democrats will combat all forms of religious persecution, be it of members of the Orthodox Church, Catholics or Protestants. Does this mean that Catholicism, Protestantism, etc., "do not contradict the precise meaning" of the programme? No, it does not. Social-Democrats will always protest against persecution of Catholicism or Protestantism; they will always defend the right of nations to profess any religion they please; but at the same time, on the basis of a correct understanding of the interests of the proletariat, they will carry on agitation against Catholicism, Protestantism and the religion of the Orthodox Church in order to achieve the triumph of the socialist world outlook.
>There are no Bundist deputies yet in the Duma, but in the Bund area there is a clerical-reactionary Jewish community, in the "controlling institutions" of which the Bund is arranging, for a beginning, a "get-together" of the Jewish workers and bourgeois. Such is the logic of cultural-national autonomy.
all this sounds based and anti-Abrahamism pilled to me

>> No.19308816
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>The developed and conscious proletariat is shouting "Long live Lenin!", thinking that they are shouting "Long live socialism!". They do not realize that they are actually crying "Down with socialism!". The false shepherds are deceiving the masses, who are ready to swear by and die for the new and distant ideals, believing that what has been established in Russia is socialism. This is a colossal lie! The government which has been established in Russia is only a fraction of the socialist party. The proletariat in Russia is labouring just as before, and they are being exploited just as before... We understand perfectly well that some writers coming from bourgeois circles have sympathy for Communism. In Russia there is a State, a Government, an order, a bureaucracy, a police force, militarism and hierarchies. But socialism is not to be found. There is not even the beginnings of socialism; there is nothing resembling a socialist regime. Leninism is the perfect negation of socialism. It is the government of a new caste of politicians. That is why it is very difficult to find apologists of Leninism among the talking heads of Russian and Western socialism. The most violent reactions against Leninism did not come from the bourgeois, but from the very men who fought and suffered for the redemption of the working masses. These men are Plekhanov, the master of the Russian Marxists, and Kropotkin, the apostle of anarchy.
>We reaffirm that Leninism has nothing to do with socialism, yet the official Italian socialists, with threatening shouts, are calling for aid to save Russia. But Russia does not need to be saved, because it is in no danger whatsoever.

>> No.19308820
File: 47 KB, 640x326, milano-23-marzo-1919piazzaxsan-sepolcro-mussolini-fonda-fascio-combattimento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. In Budapest 17 out of the 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Jewry against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever possesses the nations banks controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A paralyzed Russia, disorganized and hungry, will tomorrow be the place where the bourgeoisie—yes the bourgeoisie, my dear proletarians—will celebrate its spectacular abundance. The kings of gold believe that Bolshevism must live now, to better prepare the ground for the new business of capitalism. American capitalism has already obtained a great "concession" in Russia. But there are still mines, springs, lands, workshops, which are waiting to be exploited by international capitalism.
>The fate of Leninism does not depend on the proletariat of Russia or of France, much less that of Italy. Leninism will live for as long as the kings of finance so desire; it will die when the same kings of finance decide to kill it. The anti-Bolshevik armies, which from time to time are affected by a mysterious paralysis, will become simply overwhelming at a given time which will be chosen by the kings of finance. The Jews of the Soviets precede the Jews of the banks. The fate of St. Petersburg is not determined on the icy steppes of Finland, but in the banks of London, New York and Tokyo.

>To state that the international bourgeoisie now wants to destroy the Soviet Regime is to state a gross lie. If, tomorrow, the plutocratic bourgeoisie decides to destroy it, they will have no difficulty whatsoever because their "accomplices", the Leninists, already sit and work for them in the Kremlin.

Excerpts from 'The Accomplices'
Published in Il Popolo d'ltalia, June 4, 1919
Benito Mussolini

>> No.19308828

>reading stalin
Are you retarded? The guy was a child rapist. Fuck him. He never did anything of value that made the world a better place.

>> No.19308845
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>14 y.o

>> No.19308850

She was 13 - but its amazing how Stalinists go out of their way to defend a child rapist and a failed idealogy that killed millions. You are a fucking retard bro.

>> No.19308854
File: 213 KB, 877x518, 20200912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Mussolini used to be so based. What happened?

>> No.19308859
File: 74 KB, 557x773, 46208f73e654eb32db334661b0ee90cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was 14, even if she was 13 it still doesn't matter. Fucking faggot. 13 year olds are attractive. Fucking young puss is the least horrible thing he did.

>> No.19308866

WW1 happened, and Mussolini realized that national and religious consciousness will always triumph over class consciousness, which is frail, and wont advance beyond labour unions at best.

>> No.19308874

That's heakin problematic sweety.

>> No.19308877
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>Calling people fucking faggots
>Is a commie defending a murderous child rapist

>> No.19308885

Makhno was a Ukrainan Nationalist, and the Boleshiviks accused him of doing pogroms. The real redpill is knowing the anarchists hated kikes, and many of them became fascists like Mussolini after what they did in Ukraine and Russia

>> No.19308956
File: 702 KB, 2562x1517, 1579664058990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I defend Stalin you fucking cuck? I said that you're a faggot moralizer that swallowed 150 year old feminist propaganda.
>wwwaaaaah he fucked hot teen girllll
Faggot. Shame that you are a 'man'.

>> No.19308958
File: 130 KB, 898x1124, weak fear strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bankers are all Jews!
>the socialists are also all Jews!
>the socialists liquidating bankers is totally in line with the interests of the Jewish """race"""
>this makes sense trust me bro
Mussolini is doing precisely what Stalin is criticizing, placing nationalism above class struggle
I wonder what he would have thought of the US and Western Europe being in league with former Nazis, founding NATO as the successor of the anti COMINTERN pact. also upside down Italian man lol

>nooo don't read things
>He never did anything of value that made the world a better place
seeing to the end of the holocaust and cucking the Nazis counts toward a better world in my book

>> No.19309012
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>> No.19309029

>ww1 happened
That article is from after Mussolini held the Piazza San Sepolcro rally and formed the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento. Fascism was still 'left wing' and tried appealing to the proletariat while still opposing the PSI. After they got rekt in the elections they changed rhetoric and aligned themselves with the liberals.
>Former communist Nicola Bombacci also took part in its development, contributing to this work by taking up, among other things, the theories of the Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Ivanovich Machno , from Fabianism and from Gesellian distributism . A longtime friend of Benito Mussolini , as well as a sharer of the socialist ideals of fascism, Bombacci collaborated in this economic policy of the Italian Social Republic without however renouncing his own communist ideals, but striving to bring them into line with the fascist social policy.
—Verona Manifesto, Wikipedia Italiank
Mussolini himself is on record saying he doesn't believe in 'anti-semetic conspiracy theories'. He was most likely only writing sensationalisms, he was a journalist after all.

Anyway papa steel intentionally murdered far more people during the holodomor than Adolf in the holocaust.
>inb4 the holodomor didn't happen
Neither did the holocaust

>> No.19309053
File: 31 KB, 480x640, 636619876032629072-Matthew-Heimbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race
I thought all this cringe came from Hitler wtf

>> No.19309057

>seeing to the end of the holocaust and cucking the Nazis counts toward a better world in my book
He caused the war that allowed that happen in the first place by working with Nazi Germany to invade Poland so he doesn't get credit for that

>> No.19309062

>Communist defending child rape
Don't be surprised that you're going to get shot when your time comes nigger

>> No.19309072

the only thing i like about comrade Stalin was how he clapped for himself during rallies and speeches

>> No.19309076

>Mussolini himself is on record saying he doesn't believe in 'anti-semetic conspiracy theories'. He was most likely only writing sensationalisms, he was a journalist after all.
oh I see. he was just trolling! it can't possibly be that the man was a massive opportunist
>Anyway papa steel intentionally murdered far more people during the holodomor than Adolf in the holocaust.
liberal historians keep saying this, but provide no evidence of mens rea. no one denies it happened, anon. remember that uncle Joe was part of the moderate wing when it came to the kulak question. this cuckery lead to the needless deaths of millions of Ukranian workers and peasants since kulaks decided to burn grain and cattle, in the middle of a famine(!), rather than let the Soviets have it. on this pre-famine Trotsky was right. the CPSU should have liquidated the kulaks sooner, more quickly, and more forcefully. but true to form, Trotsky changed his position to the opposite come 1932

>what is the Polish-Soviet war

>> No.19309085
File: 654 KB, 248x200, I+agree+with+this+post+_543eaccffe43fa99ec5138daad6593e4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I a communist you stupid fucking nigger. Men have been fucking teen girls since the dawn of fucking time. You have the morality closer to ressentiment fueld communist trannies. You're literally spouting century old feminist propaganda.

Fucking faggot. Shut the fuck up and stop replying to me.

>> No.19309091

>the fashoid is a pedo
yep, this one goes in my gulag collection

>> No.19309121

>oh I see. he was just trolling! it can't possibly be that the man was a massive opportunist
So were both Lenin and Stalin. Einstein once said that by the standards of epistemology, any scientist worth his salt will appear to be an unprincipled opportunist. The same applies to revolutionaries.

Yeah the guy who who was saying fascist italy and USSR were the same thing
>despite a deep difference in social foundations, are symmetrical phenomena. In many of their features they show a deadly similarity. A victorious revolutionary movement in Europe would immediately shake not only fascism, but Soviet Bonapartism.

There is ample evidence that it was orchestrated by stalin but I don't care about it because my criticism of stalin does not come through moralisms

>> No.19309175
File: 51 KB, 630x402, Silberstein-HR-Raphael-Tuck-Sons-1905-e1478979378928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the commie is a pedo
>the fashoid is a pedo
>the liberal is a pedo
>the anarchist is a pedo
Woaaah it's almost like everyone is a pedo!

>> No.19309243

>So were both Lenin and Stalin. Einstein once said that by the standards of epistemology, any scientist worth his salt will appear to be an unprincipled opportunist. The same applies to revolutionaries.
of course. but antisemites don't contribute to human knowledge, but the opposite. it is one of many tools used by the bourgeoisie to disguise the nature of exploitation. it's funny that you gesture toward Einstein, given that he was an outspoken socialist
>Yeah the guy who who was saying fascist italy and USSR were the same thing
I didn't say I like trotsky, just that he was right in that specific case
>There is ample evidence that it was orchestrated by stalin
how? did Stalin perform a reverse rain dance and stop it raining? did Stalin burn grain and cattle? was Stalin so stupid as to think it a good idea to kill sympathetic Ukranian workers and peasants on purpose, despite them not being against industrialization and collectivization, and despite them being the ones who knew the land? if you have evidence then present it

>> No.19309318
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>but antisemites
Irrelevant. Mussolini was no anti-semite.
You knew what all the common arguments are. Again I have no desire to prove that it happened. I don't care. I don't waste my time arguing about past events. We can do that for 100 years and still not arrive at a conclusion. I care about now. What is to be done today? What is the program to work towards? Those are the important questions.

>> No.19309338
File: 3.61 MB, 700x3828, 1630886853180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stanlin made the world better
Lmao just kill yourself tranny

>> No.19309347
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>implying tranny would support stalin
Average socialist in those days would be considered a right wing extremist today.

>> No.19309387

fake but still funny

>> No.19309413

>antisemites don't contribute to human knowledge, but the opposite. it is one of many tools used by the bourgeoisie to disguise the nature of exploitation.
21 first century deboonks this nonsense, seriously, how the fuck can one make such liberals arguments and then cry that they are not liberals? Are commies this braindead?

>> No.19309474
File: 133 KB, 1259x506, Liberalism Venn Diagramm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irrelevant. Mussolini was no anti-semite.
it's impossible to know what someone "is" in their heart of hearts anon. we can only go by a person's actions. you are right in that Mussolini didn't rely on antisemitism, but he clearly didn't have much issue with it
>Again I have no desire to prove that it happened
literally no one is claiming it didn't happen
>I care about now. What is to be done today? What is the program to work towards? Those are the important questions
for sure. but many of these questions, for example collectivization, will become very relevant when the time comes to actually deal with the climate situation. what do you think will be the reaction of bourgeois farmers to the demand for carbon sequestration via agriculture? it's something that we'll have to do, and that is completely unprofitable. they will resist it of course, and history shows what happens if socialists dither on this issue.

rent free

don't call me a fucking lib, lib

>> No.19309553 [DELETED] 
File: 456 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20211029-185858_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Mussolini
>mentor is jew
>lover is jew
>party members is jew
>make loophole to save jew
>anons on internet argue if you had 'anti-semetism in your heart'

>> No.19309569 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 240x277, 20211029_190346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Mussolini
>mentor is jew
>lover is jew
>party members is jew
>make law loophole to save jew
>anon on internet argue if you had 'anti-semetism in your heart'

>> No.19309577
File: 24 KB, 240x277, 1058490346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Mussolini
>mentor is jew
>lover is jew
>party members is jew
>make law loophole to save jew
>anon on internet argue if you had 'anti-semetism in your heart'

>carbon sequestration via agriculture
This is totally unnecessary

>> No.19309609

>This is totally unnecessary
what other methods do you propose then? agriculture combined with something like syngas production and burying the leftover charcoal is proven technology

>> No.19309632
File: 229 KB, 880x480, 1635443187870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to be called a lib, yet you claim that Mussolini was one because he didn't mind antisemitism, this is literally lib logic aka "if you don't support BLM or if you don't post trans right every 2 seconds you are a -ism".

>> No.19309636

>he believes in man made climate change
Not even the chinese do

>> No.19309648

burger brain rot

>> No.19309667
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Epic own dude, now go back to Twitter

>> No.19309690
File: 34 KB, 500x500, problematic eurocentrist zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARP shit
>radlib shit
no anon
žižek is pretty based THOUGH

>> No.19309924

>burger brain rot
t. Burger

>> No.19310257
File: 1.01 MB, 2604x1976, helsingfors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks I'm a burger

>> No.19310477
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Your women get raped by migrants lol

>> No.19310516

The projection here is astounding lmao

>> No.19310597
File: 359 KB, 1852x1850, 1635537193487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no u
Go back

>> No.19311111

404 Argument Not Found

>> No.19311561

>Bakunin has become a monster, a huge mass of flesh and fat, and is barely capable of walking any more. To crown it all, he is sexually perverse and jealous of the seventeen year-old Polish girl who married him in Siberia because of his martyrdom. He is presently in Sweden, where he is hatching ‘revolution’ with the Finns.

>> No.19311617
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>> No.19311760

>what is the Polish-Soviet war
A war caused by the Soviets attempting to overthrow the government of Poland that they lost

>> No.19311782

>the socialists liquidating bankers


>> No.19311790

The holodomor is brought up to show how incompotent Stalin was, and how idiotic socialists are for defending him. It shows they lack critical thinking, and ultimately makes them ineffective leaders beacuse they don't understand how their actions cause problems that are detrimental to the interests of workers - you don't help your cause by killing the people you are suppose to serve. Its not even a moral argument - its an assessment of their performance

>> No.19311809

Fat commie calling another fat commie fat, funny.

>> No.19313345

I guess I have to spell things out to thickheaded people like you anon: most people in the bourgeois strata would have supported the Whites. their fate is not hard to guess. that there were people helpful to the cause in these strata is not surprising. the Whites were fond of pogroms. guess why most Jews supported the Reds over the Whites

>> No.19313358

>The holodomor is brought up to show how incompotent Stalin was
>you don't help your cause by killing the people you are suppose to serve
>Stalin was incompetent
>Stalin was imnopotent
anon this is retarded. what Stalin and the moderate wing of the CPSU didn't foresee is just how petty the kulaks would be. this combined with Gosplan's high inertia is at the heart of the issue

>> No.19313480

I mean, he's not wrong in his political context. It's not anything-pilled - it's pragmatic about the specific party and society he was working with.

>> No.19313883

>I wonder what he would have thought of the US and Western Europe being in league with former Nazis,
Hitler and the western superclass were always in league. Right from the beginning. Any retard who shouts "muh jewish bolsheviks", after watching a couple Bitchute videos, should also shout "muh jewish Hitlerism", if he was honest. See, commodity rightoids thinks they are objective, and don't obey social pressure, and group thinking. Truth is, they do. It's just their social pressure, their group thinking, instead of the mainstream media.

>> No.19314159

yep, pretty much. like how your average hitleroid will go on about muh bankers, ignoring the way German bankers bankrolled the NSDAP. and also the way well-off and well-connected Jews avoided the wrath of the NSDAP

>> No.19315037

Hitler nationalized the bank.

>> No.19315061

>Hitler and the western superclass were always in league
>That's why they destroyed his regime
What a fucking joke.

>> No.19315534
File: 123 KB, 500x522, hey-you-drop-this-37679031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German bankers bankrolled the NSDAP.
Almost like the NSDAP controlled the bank...
Almost like the state controlling the bank is the first step towards socialism...

>> No.19315907

Anon, you are retarded because it wasn't the kulaks Stalin angered, you dumbass, it was the middle peasants. The term "kulak" was applied to everyone who had grain, even the poor farmers, and tht ended up causing the Red Army to kill most people. Lenin, Bukharin warned against angering the middle peasants, but Stalin's stupidity ruined everything and killed millions. You are a complete illiterate more.

>> No.19316631

no they did not
the NSDAP couldn't do jack shit without the cooperation of the private arms industry

>> No.19316635

>it wasn't the kulaks Stalin angered, you dumbass, it was the middle peasants
aka kulaks

>> No.19316916

Middle peasants aren't kulaks, retard. Lenin didn't consider them kulaks either. Was he wrong? Are you saying middle class people are bourgeise now?

>> No.19316967

>no they did not
>cooperation of the private arms industry
I said the BANK. The national arms industry which relies on loans from the REICHBANK which Hitler had absolute control over.
>Middle peasants aren't kulaks
There are USSR apologists who unironically believe that.