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/lit/ - Literature

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19305076 No.19305076 [Reply] [Original]

explain this, what makes these books onions? me in bottom left.

>> No.19305098

i did not mean to type onion, i meant onions. i dont know what happened there.

>> No.19305104

oh i see now.

>> No.19305105

What do you even mean by onions? I've only read gr (twice) blood meridian once and moby dick twice.
Gr and moby dick were phenomenal. Blood meridian was good.
What do you want to know beyond that?

>> No.19305113 [DELETED] 

go back, newfaggot

>> No.19305120

i got filtered. it's supposed to be s o y. i suppose im just wondering what the creator of this meant, considering it seems to be nothing more than a contrarian piece. it made me wonder what some genuine criticisms of the books listed are though, considering all you usually hear is praise.

>> No.19305254

Is this because they’re popular, they’re not all that soi you newfag, Ulysses is the least. And moby dick, the other three are pretty soi

>> No.19305298

Everything is onions when you apply reddit lenses to it. It's pretty fun actually, check this out
>gravity rainbow
Heck yes the superpowered people are going to defeat the chud nazis just like in my marvel movie! And the hecking enslaved black peoplerino are going to destroy the world and get rid of evil whites! Holy science the femdom scat scene was so friggin hot!
Also go back newfag

>> No.19305430
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>> No.19305439

Replace Joyce with The Stranger and it would be perfect

>> No.19305459


>> No.19306104

That's what you get for shitting on Joyce, newfag

>> No.19306126
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based (you) farmer

>> No.19306154

>wojak faggots are newfags too
what a fucking surprise.

>> No.19306203

probably r*ddit's miserable attempt to ~epic troll~ 4channel's /lit/erature board members

>> No.19306705

Incredibly based. Sticky this thread.

>> No.19306857


>> No.19306866

>the femdom scat scene was so friggin hot
i am aware these communitys have a presence on reddit but this still sounds like an extremely 4chan thing to say lol

>> No.19307011

Blood meridian is like the least soi book in existence.
Gets me every tiem

>> No.19307019

Blood Meridian is the most Reddit "literary fiction" novel in existence, and if you count genre fiction as well then it would still be top 5.

>> No.19307033

K bud. You surely know ribbit better than me

>> No.19307043

>Holy trinity
>Five books

>> No.19307048

Why were you silent for last two days, chud?

>> No.19307093
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>> No.19307135

You are the most reddit poster in existence. Like we can get actual gold winning, 10 year membership holding redditors and you would still be in the top 3.

>> No.19307143
File: 329 KB, 1632x634, 42F98FE1-853D-4DE5-A27D-28F21A1B73EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it made me wonder what some genuine criticisms of the books listed are though
There are very few, I haven’t read Gravity’s Rainbow or Infinite Jest so I can’t comment. Most criticisms I see of Moby-Dick and Ulysses are very obviously from people who either skim read or can’t understand thematic depth (presumably because they only want a cool narrative rather than art), usually people who claim the books are “boring” because they lack the cultural framework and background to appreciate the symbolism. I’ve not seen Blood Meridian criticised much, but at the same time, while I don’t know if it’s popular on Reddit, the irl people I know who say blood meridian is their favourite work of literature are mostly greasy losers who I imagine wouldn’t be out of place on Reddit, I think it’s a good book though. Moby-Dick is essentially an anti-Reddit book because it’s ostensibly an epic narrative about revenge but most of the book is dense and beautiful poetic musing on God, gods, mankind and the nature of reality through the lense of a fascination with whales, the aforementioned great losers I know all hate moby-dick because they thought it was boring.
It’s a good book but sois like it.
>the femdom scat scene was so friggin hot!
Brap-posting makes Pynchon /ourguy/

>> No.19307153

Moby dick is very famous among redditors and sois, particularly the marxists. The most soi guy I have seen on the internet (blogposter 'unrepentant marxist') was a huge spergy fan. Ironically he was filtered to hell and back by Blood meridian, kek.

>> No.19307188

I don’t see how someone as materialistic as most Marxists can enjoy moby-dick, do you think they just meme themselves in pretending to get it?

>> No.19307296

It's not the deeper symbolism that appeals to them. Melville's ideas on ecomnomy appeal to Marxists. Moby dick has historically always been a left appealing work. As for the anti-reddit claims, they are untrue because the book (not Melville btw, only this book) has a subreddit of one thousand members active since whenever. The amount of sois that like it against all the other 4 works is definitely bigger.

>> No.19307389

>There are very few
What? There is loads of it. Where exactly are you looking?

>> No.19307406

Nevermind, i realized I gave you too much credit and that you actually do not know what criticism is.

>> No.19307415

Give me some genuine criticisms of Ulysses or Moby-Dick that don’t come down to a dislike of books that aren’t solely about an exciting plot
>Melville’s ideas on economy
Am I retarded? I don’t recall this being a significant part of any of his books that I’ve read, there’s some class juxtaposition in paradise of bachelors and he certainly considers western society and colonialism to have a corrupting effect on native populations but that was culturally rather than economically focused. Is it in confidence man? I haven’t read that one.
>Moby-Dick is popular on Reddit
I was wrong then, I was just assuming based on the sois I have met irl who don’t like it, I don’t even know if those people use Reddit, and I’m not familiar with actually using reddit so I probably shouldn’t make assumptions on what they like.

>> No.19307424

Yes I know that “criticism” more properly refers to analysis of a work rather than just pointing out its flaws, but the former is clearly not what the OP and this>>19305120 post meant by “criticism”, they clearly meant “what do people say is wrong with these books”. But you’re such a pedantic faggot that you can’t read context into anything.

>> No.19307426

This guy>>19307389 meant scholarly criticism which is the technical term for literary analysis.

>> No.19307428

Read the response I made to myself >>19307406 and stop reading just the (You)s.

>> No.19307431

If you are going to dumb everything down than just call him a soiboi or what ever and tell him to go back.

>> No.19307434

See>>19307424 I know what criticism means, but that is not what the post i was initially replying to meant by “criticism”

>> No.19307445

Being that much of a pedant as to be upset about a colloquialism as common as “criticism: negative commentary on something”, which is also the primary definition of “criticism” as a word in nearly every dictionary and is the manner in which “criticism” was used in the post I was initially responding to

>> No.19307479

Joyce's books are terrible. While every other modernist writer of note was grappling with the horror that modern life, Joyce decided to show his support by splashing a coat of Homer and Shakespeare on it, spitting in their faces in the process. The institutions which rule the modern world correctly identified him as a cheerleader, and that's why they shill his books so hard.

>> No.19307482

Kek yeah sure buddy.

>> No.19307504

It is not pedantry, i was making a point, but I overestimated you once again. Also, if you actually read some criticism you would find a great deal negative said on Ulysses and Moby Dick, even by those who have dedicated a sizeable portion of their careers to them. But this is probably just my anger talking.

>> No.19307514

>Heck yes the superpowered people are going to defeat the chud nazis just like in my marvel movie! And the hecking enslaved black peoplerino are going to destroy the world and get rid of evil whites! Holy science the femdom scat scene was so friggin hot!
Oh god is that actually how the book is? I guess I shouldn't buy books /lit/ recommends

>> No.19307515

>It is not pedantry, i was making a point
A point of taking words out of the context in which they were being used?

>> No.19307557

I'm just sick of low effort shitposts, it'd be funny if you mocked the stories or writing styles of some of the authors, but instead it's just like, oh let's call it reddit, let's call it soi. Let's equate 5 books with very little in common. Joyce isn't even a seppo, Ulysses doesn't share anything in common with each of the other 4. Just fuck off you insufferable cunts. Fuck off with your meemay pictures and your fucking feels guy bastardization. It's not funny, it's not fun, it's annoying, it's boring, it's tiring, it's too much. It's just an overdone joke, there's nothing funny, it's cynicism without a mote of originality or creativity or intelligent argument. It's just vanity.

>> No.19307630

I admitted and corrected my error before you even responded but you missed it because you only read for the (You)s. And now you conveniently ignore this fact and autistically view everything from the context of that self admitted error, what you accuse me of is exactly what you are engaging in. Grow up.

>> No.19307639

Seething but redpilled

>> No.19307670

Hi, chud.

>> No.19307697

Blood Meridan and Moby Dick are the only top redeemable. DFW and Pynchon are part of the “tradition” that replaced genuine artistry with clever games. The difference between them is that Pynchon was genuinely clever and DFW was nowhere near as clever as he believed himself to be.
I covered why Joyce was despicable here:>>19307479

>> No.19307839

Blood Meridian is a Stephen King pewpew fartcloud novel. Don't mention it in the same sentence as Moby-Dick.

>> No.19307863

I enjoyed IJ enough to read it twice, but I was also a heroin addict at the time.

>> No.19307869
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Use this. It will calm your 6 month long irritation.

>> No.19307871

He clearly values novels on the basis of how based they are, and blood meridian is the book edgy teens graduate to when the joker start to sound just a bit too silly to them

>> No.19307876

I was clearly being facetious but the scat chapter is bound to filter you with that attitude so yeah don't bother

>> No.19307917

Post your wrist

>> No.19307925

not an argument. mccarthy writes verbose comic books, NOT literature

>> No.19307931
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>when reddit newfags out themselves
you have to go back

>> No.19309054

You're a contrarian, a schizo, and you got filtered.

>> No.19309078

Infinite Jest and Blood Meridian don’t belong here.

>> No.19309084

Wouldn't Brief Interviews With Hideous Men be better fitted than Infinite Jest for the soijak wheel? It's mostly about very spiritually weak soi men.

>> No.19309089

Do you ever sleep?

>> No.19309093

Sleep is for the weak

>> No.19309099

Implying whoever made the pic has read any of them

>> No.19309178
File: 133 KB, 800x800, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you actually read any of them?

Top kek, OP is a massive faggot

>> No.19309185
File: 31 KB, 490x736, gug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, have you read GR?

>> No.19309289

The defining characteristic of reddit users is that they are cocksuckers. That sounds like vituperation, but it's accurate.

A cocksucker (yes I hit enter more than once, what are you going to do about it?) is a man who seeks the approval of other men. In the case of these books, they're not inherently bad books, but they're very popular in certain circles. This is different from being canonical works, though some of them are canonical; the goal isn't to work through a reading list because you know they're worth reading, but to be able to say to your gay friends that you read the same books as them, and that they were really super.

Why are those works popular? The autism of their creators, I would say. Moby Dick was written by a literal autist, and Blood Meridian is a view of masculine conflict that is completely alienated from real masculine conflict. These books were written by alienated spectators on life. You could say that's just how authors are, but the degree of irony is definitely ratcheted up well above average in this particular selection. I doubt the creator of this image consciously thought it this far through, but that's the pattern I discern here.

>> No.19309468
File: 170 KB, 1200x800, R (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I write comic books for adults hyuk

>> No.19309721

Basedbooks, My Ranking. By Anon:
GR > Ulysses > BM >>> IJ
I have not read Moby Dick. Thank you for subscribing to my blog.

>> No.19309733

A cocksucker is a person who likes to insert penises inside his mouth and apply his tongue to it (such as me). What you are referring to is being attention seeking.

>> No.19310391

Well, if it were that simple you'd be sucking cucumbers. Submissiveness and deference are a part of what you get out of it. It's definitely relevant whether or not you're doing a good job, right?

I think you're more offended by being compared to a redditor than by any homophobia on my end. That's understandable.