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19304135 No.19304135 [Reply] [Original]

- no marxist/socialist/communist etc stuff
- no globohomo/ancap stuff

Can be about large-scale economics, like how governments/kingdoms are/were run financially, or small-scale, as in how smaller businesses are run.

I was gonna study economics in college but decided to pursue another career so I should know the basics

>> No.19304143

Spann History of Economic Thought
Sombart History of Capitalism (German only)

>> No.19304313

Ludwig von Mises

>> No.19304334


>> No.19304368

Georg Simmel: Philosophy of Money, The

>> No.19304369

The worldly philosophers

>> No.19305079

Literally what
He said no ancap shit though Mises is interesting if not outdated and obtuse. My rec is maybe read his ABCT for the luls and skip. All of his good writing was adopted into Neo-keynesianism
Good intro
Keep in mind /lit/ sucks at econ so most of their recs are gonna be trash. Start with something fun like ha joon chang (optional) then read mankiw's macroeconomics along with mankiws microeconomics while watching marginal university on youtube. at this point you know more about economics than 98 percent of people. then you can take off into more mathematical, international and financial economics by following /sci/ wiki's economics category. After this it gets fuzzy. You can study historical economics, MMT (probably the most enlightening), post Keynesian economics , neo marxian economics, marxian institutional economics, econophysics, as well as some older economists like pareto, early Austrian school schumpeter, neo ricardians, wicksell, Anwar Shaikh etc You'll figure it out.

>> No.19305176

faggot, i hope you are as much of a tourist as you sound

>> No.19305429

Anon is salty I haven't heard of his schizo economist nobody in serious econ circles talks about and starts name calling. When you're done with your tantrum we can discuss economics.

>> No.19305442

You are pretty uppity for a failed mathematician. You want someone to pat you on the head for making it partway through Calc 1 and getting a woman's informatics degree as a consolation prize?

>> No.19305498

sure bro take out all your schizo disillusionment with society on a thread where an anon was trying to learn about economics. You must be a very pleasant and well adjusted person.

>> No.19305517

Keep taking pride in not knowing things, not even the history of the models and ideas you yourself are studying, in your second rate business program which is apparently your sole source of validation and identity.

Gatekeeping and pride in being part of the "guild" as an anonymous second year with a B+ average are signs of great character.

>> No.19305576

where the hell do I say I'm in a business program lmao. If you want to talk about economics I will oblige but if you want a name calling contest you can go to twitter.

>> No.19305961

I can only get Principles of Economics from mankiw at a reasonable price here, that good enough?

>> No.19305990

Also what book would you recommend on MMT and historical economics?

>> No.19306034

>Give me books that confirm my preconceived notions and dont make my tummy hurt by challenging them

>> No.19307044

Mankiw for intro to economics
Varian for intermediate economics
Sowell for pop economics

Also look up commonly used books for financial economics, make sure you know basic statistics as well. Stick to mainstream stuff.

Worldly Philosophers is good for history, but only goes up till 1950s.

>> No.19307236

Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher

>> No.19308276

Don't buy a college textbook for fun you dingus. Just use libgen. As far as historical economics go see pseudoerasmus.com He basically devoted his life to historical economics and has many book and article lists up there.

>> No.19308335

For mmt I haven't found a really concise exposition yet so my advice is to check goodreads for recs

>> No.19308341

>Mises is interesting if not outdated and obtuse
You're one hell of a retard.

>> No.19308345
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>> No.19308346

Mises, Rothbard, Hoppe etc

>> No.19308347
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>- no marxist/socialist/communist etc stuff
but how are you going to have a scientific understanding of economics OP? by reading garbage written by neolibs who don't even understand the mode of production they defend?

>> No.19308348

>- no marxist/socialist/communist etc stuff
>- no globohomo/ancap stuff

>> No.19308551

Telling someone to read Mises is like telling someone to read Adam Smith. He might have been right in a lot of ways that matter but nobody needs to read pre keynesian jargon to get a good grip of economics. His good contributions you can get from an economics textbook while you can get his ABCT from de Soto (the one on Mises.org) plus ABCT hasn't been proven empirically demonstrable. But you wouldn't know that because ancaps never read (t. former ancap).